Golf Players

COURSE RECORD at The Bryan Bros Golf Course with Luke Peavy!

#golf #wedgiesgolfco #lukepeavy #lukepeavygolf #wedgiesgolf #bryanbros #solinagolfclub

Sub to Luke!




Puttview Books:

Welcome back to the show folks! It was an honor to play the Bryan Bros Golf Course and an even greater honor to so with Luke Peavy! We appreciate you tuning in, if you like what you see please subscribe and smash the notification bell so you don’t miss out on new videos!

00:00 Intro
01:05 Hole 1
05:00 Hole 2
07:30 Hole 3
23:30 Peavy Magic

That’s it are you fast pretty quick okay hold on I don’t want to say this car is carrying but I’m definitely not riding on anything oh dude waa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s oh oh what a b no that looks good looks good travel what’s up ladies and gentlemen welcome

Back to wedgie golf Co today we got something super special for you we are here at the Brian Bros golf course that’s right Selena Golf Club Columbia South Carolina but that wasn’t enough we want to break Wesley’s course record from the fronts and we needed help so we

Enlisted none other than the Luke PE sandbagger himself the sandbagger you got anything to say before we get started we’re going to break the course record listen if you don’t know the course record apparently is Wesley said apparently I don’t know he’s not a true

Teller all the time but he says he shot at 29 if that’s true today we break that that’s deep that’s deep what’s the order okay put that thing start dude all right welcome to the channel Jak okay okay me TB up the man and TB finish we got a

Anchor here we go four iron to start off the day oh yeah get left come on baby oh she’s a be we’re right up there what a guy come on let’s go let’s go bab got to dab them up that’s the move it’s not every day

You kind of get to play a new golf course and then a newer golf course it’s like I like playing new golf course I haven’t played but then this is literally brand new hey come on turn come on boy that’s on oh yeah go right at the hole baby

Let’s go great only because we did the flip and made it a big deal I’m going to swing normally I wouldn’t swing we know this right but I’m gonna do it he’s not lying oh oh hey you caught it one fresh ball purchased ball lost at Selena Golf Club write me down

George oh go a little bit go right at the hole the toe get up just short that might be the ball all right baby here we are we got Mr Luke peave thank you thank you sir thank you sir our designated driver for today uh some have said I’m not mentally

Qualified to drive a golf cart others have said that my driving record in a golf cart is not uh it’s sub bar it’s sub we’ve turned a couple over we’ve had a couple we’ve had a couple accidents this reminds me of like a little Pinehurst in a way just how open it is

It’s going to be a tough Golf Course though have to pull out the bump and run man is that a PE wedge eight iron little eight iron bump run about to be joining you p oh I like this a lot I really like this go up go all right that ain’t bad dude

Really well done oh wow uh I redact my statement ooh I like this a lot don’t hit it sit sit sit sit sit sit sit I’m coming to get the camera TV oh watch out oh great ball T that had some crazy stopping power there

TV Air Max spin right there it’s got to go left right yeah just a little bit that’s it yes let’s go B good read clear Hearts full Minds Full Hearts Clear Eyes we’re getting burn birdies that’s it you heard it here first we’re getting birdies tack them in

Tack in the bird I know we’re on the same team but did you see who made that play I did I did and congratulations because when TV doesn’t have me in his ear when I’m not there getting him rattled when I’m not there shaking him

Up just like a little bully he can’t put when I’m not doing that he can put you know what actually stay tuned in a couple weeks we’re about to have a putting Contest out here me and mton Y and we’re going to settle this debate please do that please here’s what I will

Say for this course not being anywhere near dawn it’s absolutely incredible it is so nice out here how close you think I hit this I’m going say inside 10t 10 feet I hope so I have a lot of faith in you I hope it’s inside 10 that’s got to

Go all right right that sucked now listen I got to hit a good shot here’s the deal it’s a little intimidating playing with LP because let’s be honest he might be the first person we had on the channel that has has better hair than me and uh that’s intimidating oh baby that’s the

Number yeah there’s that big H real nice dude nice big fan of that good shot who’s dancing we’re dancing we’re dancing I’m going to try to give us like a 10 15 footer I got 54 in hand we’re going hit a little 3/4 shot I’m expecting it to hop and stop maybe we’ll

See we’ll see maybe oh sit just a little come back a little bit sit spin man if you haven’t liked or commented yet what are you doing probably pretty normal at this point to be honest so let’s get one in there huh true that’s fair but if you haven’t

Subscribed to Luke yet make sure you go subscribe to Luke peave you probably already are oh my I kned it I kned it all right well not necessarily what we were going for but we do have a putt we taking we Tak wedgie Woods yeah you know it baby that’s

Right come on baby turn just left right but I pushed it to the moon that’s dead straight dude this could be your hole this could be your birdie this would be my maybe my fifth birdie all time right here how many birdies do you have I think four or five hey so this

Could be huge oh that looks good oh good Trav let’s go give let’s go no pressure but everything that’s where I shine I’m a diamond I’m not I’m not a piece of coal I’m a diamond and we’re shining bright like a diamond wait shine bright

Like a diamond a diamond is coal bro it is a diamond is coal it is you just got to wipe away all well here’s the deal that’s I’m not a scientist okay I don’t know about the the coal industry and the diamond industry what I do know is I’m

Shining bright like one and that’s all I can do well well well how ironic TB talking all the Yip yappy I say of course I’m the best putter on the on the team of course I am when they need it I feed it baby you know what it

Is let’s go I think that I don’t know where the green is but that feels like it’s going to be kind of at the cart path yeah which is going to be fine not a bad let’s go baby no a great pop it not a bad swing for the first driver of

The day sounded good that’s all I know we don’t really know where we’re going oh that’s y um if that’s where the green is that’s going to be good I think I’m probably a little ride of it if I had to guess all right down the tree line hopefully it is

Over there down the tree line I just got a birdie I shouldn’t even swing again for the rest of the day but I’m going to because hey that’s what we’re here for let’s swing away oh baby I mean we’ll find it I want to react if

It’s good or bad I have no idea George and then might have to pick that one up for me on that other green but uh we’ll be all right oh no so Luke for the people who may not have seen your stuff yet how long you been in the YouTube

Game since when was that 2020 late 2020 like right before Christmas little Co jump and was this while you were playing college golf y played where TR McConnell right herey McConnell baby down love that love that you have some good years there yeah I won two College tournaments

Go All Conference come on so dude just an absolute unit out here all right that’s what I told myself this kind of my story I was like if I get 1 th000 subscribers by the end of this year I will continue to do it the next year

Yeah and so I had like a th000 come on in like March and I was like what the heck so what was that what 6 months of doing it or three four months three four months wow pretty quick because people like well you hit it at the perfect time

I mean that was the time when it really started drumming up for like entertaining content more so than instructional yeah people wanted to see like a lot of Junior golfers kind of wanted to see behind the scenes of the college golf which I I want to see so

It’s like I’m just going to show it anyways uh they didn’t drive out there they just they weren’t out out there that didn’t happen same song in dance Jake loses his ball goes up 150 yards of what it should be acting like he’s up there what’s new what’s new I think

That’s every golfer Pro gu’s driving 350 now I’m right here don’t Birdie the first two you can’t birdie them all you know that’s what they say that’s what they say oh baby right yeah is that a slope dude that thing’s on some wonky putt type I think

Almost it it looks like you almost have to be right to the flag 990 comment comment what you think our score is going to be at the end of this I want to know I want to know what the people think oh that’s yummy yeah oh dude okay stay right here

Stop stop that all right we got a button so you’re saying there’s a chance oh no get over oo I was going the bunk what he just he just rained grass all over went oh sorry they do call me the bunker Daddy I hate

That name cuz I don’t want to be in the bunker we got get something close honestly I mean it really doesn’t matter if Melton’s making 30 foot putts that’s right so I think that’s fair that’s a fair opinion as long as you acknowledge TB go wow that’s there

It’s woo stay stay there oh yeah and it’s a good listener Bo was I zoomed in the wrong spot but you could still see it yes do you see that you see that you know what we’re hunting birds we’re hunting birds baby I don’t want to say this car is

Carrying but I’m definitely not riding on anything definitely not riding that’s for sure this golf cart also love it gas golf cart the fumes giving me a nice buz picking up my energy getting me right getting me settled nothing like a little gas fum in hey

Should this cart make the putt again I think we should I think we should it’s only right you stuck at the Clos now one of us has to put it in that’s it simple enough feels like it wants to go that way yeah I think anything just Tad

Left just a smidge let’s go TB Right Center yeah come bingo bango Bingo b no you didn’t just do that God you are the worst kind of person I can’t use anything everything’s coming up tray today it is we’re filling Immaculate honestly I don’t want to show all our

Cards yet because we want to take LP out when we 3 one them but it might be nervous after just watching us he hasn’t got he hasn’t got the putt one time I mean he rolled a putt right there at the end just to see what it looked like and

Everything this is great for us this is we’re setting ourselves up really good because I need him to have zero reach cuz let’s be honest he’s a stud and uh I want to beat him is this drivable 280 oh oh no 298 sorry differ sir 290 I had 280 but 290 was

A oh yeah what a go what a guy yeah that’s beautiful Luke down right there right by the cart path and you know what Luke I love that because I hate walking nice young man I hate when there’s only cart path so that’s an incredible shot for the boy Luke has

Absolutely opened up the floodgates for the boys so we’re just going to get after this thing oh dude whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa call the doctor go Stinger up there roll keep going roll for days oh that’s great come on somebody call a doctor come on cuz that was sick

Am I right boys I’ll be taking that glove off I’ll be putting this tea back in my pocket this is not for stimulation this is to clean you off this is just to make me feel good oh my rocket ship and it’s going to work left off that hill and be right by

The flag maybe oh it took a right bounce and then a left bounce wanted to catch me yeah yours was like a stinger was good one day when I grow up big and strong and tall I hope to hit the ball like these boys hit it straight hey I

Tell you what man fortunately that’s not going be tough guys on Scramble probably get three more inches on that mullet you could probably get up there I’m thinking you got to send it somewhere in here with your bump and run I think it’s going to fall right every round you’ve

Seen of him on his channel is like every round of golf he’s played oh yeah so our first Vlog was one of the very first times he had ever played golf before that’s funny still so far to go oh this would be the one check dude a

Little a little tap and birdie that’s not bad tap and bird it didn’t really do it did it uhuh that’s good I thought it was going to break God that took a massive hop that was kind of nutty huh like a real shallow skip where is it it’s right here

There I’m not even going to look at the hole I’m just going to aim with my heart please don’t SC dude that’s good oh my gosh hit the pin hit the pin oh god with a little less Pace I think that would have been absolute

Cashed oh go Walmart w the check on this guy two back boards in one day I’ve never seen anything like this never seen one thing like this this is incredible shout out to Well Fargo by the way could see us working I don’t know I don’t know there’s a championship in Charlotte we

Might be there it’s bad get in there oh get in there this kind of squeaks out to the right just T it’s been me and TV every other hole this is my hole but I’m supposed to make it oh wow thing right off the start that thing it takes about three

In I didn’t push that did I no you hit it good it feel like I did it just that one just took it I mean you’re right on it is kind of slow it’s kind of outside left Jake oh here we go ladies and gentlemen the

First putt from LP on the channel is here all the way the whole five I thought that was going to be in the heart all the way the whole four let’s go baby you got it all right finally getting the first part brush it on in there Luke with the

Broomstick sweeper in got broom in let’s see this broomstick in action come on L come on bab listen unpopular opinion we might have brought them all the way out here just for that one putt I don’t think it’s true somebody said it it wasn’t me

But I don’t think it’s true what a putt dude the young man call LP for all your cleaning needs he doesn’t have much but he does have aom get it baby yeah there’s a TX oh let’s go Hey listen unpopular opinion Cat Williams said it

So I feel like I can stand behind it we get to play up here for free that’s another bird four under count them up 1 2 3 4 I tell people all the time Hey listen you don’t know how athletic you have to be to play golf somebody tried

To tell me only old people play golf I said hey they’re athletic old people if they are they are there are some pretty athletic bridge players out there I will say man Par Four 25 1 251 yep I got that one yeah all right got it I mean I used to

Play baseball but swapped over to golf definitely got that Baseball look to you though are you fast pretty quick oh okay hold on the agility is there at least outfi outfi that first step oh yes yes holy cow oh yes yes yes LP is that over that’s a big old long

Boy like that was straight holy cow that was smoke I’ll take it I got five wood it’s good play that was mes though yeah came out byebye okay s tell you what though they call me wedy Woods for a reason that’s cuz I always find them

Baby oh yeah oh with the draw in there baby come on baby kick left come on baby go oh yeah that’s all let’s go Eagle putt inbound boys hold on a second Eagle putt inbound boys [Applause] BL keeper slapped us up there LP’s a little long we got a eagle

P come on go turn yeah go yeah that was real nice it’s just it’s a little grabby coming out of this friend that was close push it Paul did you push that or TV lied about the line everybody knows he can’t but he messed me up come

Here Zimmer it’s good Zimmer man this doesn’t really break that much that was that was pure push and it stayed straight on that line the whole time Luke let’s go hit it come on baby come on baby oh gosh goodness what a putt from the guy so close that thing just

Doesn’t break no didn’t turn that’s a bird that’s a bird come on bir that’s 500 that’s 5 under listen here’s the deal who’s going to be our record who’s going to come here with the fourman Scramble Play The the front te’s and beat a record I want to see who it’s

Going to be cuz after this we’re going to be the ones holding it that’s it no doubt about it part five first one and only one so we got to Eagle this one to get above where we are birdie never ho we got to get above that yeah we’re

Going to be what what is this whole five four under this is no we’re five under yeah we’re five under so we get to Seven after six on the water tower hole water tower oh my yes sir that is beautiful crushed wow Luke great ball there we go

Go ahead and turn on one young man I can’t even come on we should just go out of respect for how good that shot was but we have something else being filmed after this that I need to be prepared for so I’m going to hit again practice

Boy yes sir your driver’s been on today though shout out to mzy little butter Cuts shout out to mauno oh my gosh I love that that’s nice so this this is the guy that’ll hit five on trackman all day I’m not going to lie don’t lie I didn’t feel

That one off face I that was pretty good really yeah I didn’t didn’t feel I just heard all right I’m going to go first no we can’t we can’t switch all right we’re not switching the order you’re right all right we need daggers man we’ll tell Vice you send us there

Yep yes sir oh yeah my the ho for oh yeah oh my delectable treat sit sit easy let’s go real nice baby what a ball real nice baby that’s another that’s another look at Eagle Run big hop big hop man what on made it in the sprinkler head

Yes oh baby get up get up get up don’t get closer to me okay cool nope oh baby kick left little left kick oh oh my goodness hey guys we all three just missed the Green from from from 80 yards he didn’t hey I didn’t well to be

Honest not today not H I’m SE in my head my wedge right now I’ve scolded like two out of the four I hit so here we go easy putt let go Baby light work TV break little pull or shoot leftys on come on that’s a eagle right there 700

Through six that’s how you do it right by the beautiful tower look at that now that you looked at it look Tower that’s why we brought him the puton form is at an alltime high in the TR cart that’s it hey that’s that’s two more in a row right there for for

The trade part downhill bar three coming up 07 let’s keep the birdie train a lot part 3es are hard to get the birds but we’re going to do it all right we got 130 yards here on the premier hole at Selena I don’t know if it is but it’s Lake Michigan right

There here we go get left get left get left that’s in the water oh oh what a bounce no way no way what a bounce you got to be kidding me that was nice St about the Rocks let go that’s just how you drew it up wasn’t

It not really oh my Heavens it worked out so that rock is the play huh yeah that’s okay okay dude that was top 10 what if have got top 10 greatest shot that have happened on this channel I think potentially oh that’s too much yeah it’s a little

Long go ball get a big big hop short yep get away what they need to win win SP sit oh all right Luke again that thing appr look at that that’s swap balls TB oh dude come on come on oh that’s the line wow that was real nice

Dude than your well we got par in the bag I’m giving that to us come on boy all right you got a milk Boom turn turn I need it that was a good putt that’s it Go Go turns back goly the broom’s done it once today here

We go it’s got to do it twice did it oh how man oh man first part of the day first par we’re still 700 through 7even 700 through 7 good news is we gave ourselves a par Max so we couldn’t did work no I mean look if

We would have made birdie off the Rocks kicking us on that would have just been the Lord’s favor right there so we deserve the par on that next Force two one par feels like a defeat after an incredible round like this but no blood loss well honestly I mean I feel like we

Got semi lucky with that that kick off the rocks with Luke um because us or US three we’re not on the green whatsoever so yeah I mean we we got lucky um the golf Gods gave us a gift and we just kind of pushed it back to them cuz

We didn’t make birdie there yeah true honestly we just let’s uh let’s all let’s all meet up again let’s all sink up be on the same page go guys let’s get another birdie right here let’s do it this is so weird cuz this is usually

Like a part three for me this is a part three it is a part three actually and we’re going to make birdie we’re going to make a two on this part three that’s actually a four you do the math cut cut cut we car the there you go it’s rolling

Off the back that’s a subsid subsidiary the what subid subsidiary subsidiary oh I followed you that is identical little bit left oh okay go around the bunker all right whoops no that is KN in the course oh come on boy come on get up there go go go a little heavy little

Heavy kick right all right folks well listen we’re seven under already and we still got to finish this hole and play the next one like we already broke it technically as long as we don’t bogey yeah this would be a delightful eagle go back left go back left big left big

Left okay that’s too much I mean that’s not bad dude just put it up in here yeah I’m probably going to fly it over it a little bit cuz I got 60 I would hit it like right in here still land it there yeah do it son yeah that’s it

Turn that’s it that’s it come on come on baby go in oh what a shot told you man good ball wow coach peie sandbagger coach I told you man that’s a bird now we got TB and Melton free run at eag slow down brakes brace brace brace head down stay down

Hey oh that’s a good line that’s it pi that’s it come on baby get some wheels go ball good shot that’s easy work make a harder course George from the Reds hole in one finish hole inone finish folks we’re eight under through eight on to whole

Nine shout out to George and Wesley for letting us come play their Golf Course shout out to Luke for being here go pick up some swags sandbagger golf killer hats qips Q Zips that’s even better than a hoodie go pick some up up right now I don’t know if you’re getting tired

Of hearing this but I’m sure not that’s a bird woo B I have you made a ho in one Luke yeah I made three oh my gosh on channel off Channel I made three this guy right here good godob it’s been I’ve had a two-year

Drought I went three years in a row he’s had a two-year drought I’ve had a 27e trought yeah tb’s been playing golf as long as I’ve been alive that’s crazy a Dusty old man over there oh yeah oh my gosh ah get left work toward the hole it should feed

Work toward the hole oh Mr P a shot got sagger himself we got to finish this off par three wizard we do that’s too much spin down R down rip rip it’s all right oh that’s really nice at that dski in there look at that spin left spin left hey and the

Wow wow what a shot that was tasty did you get that that was nice nice finish look at that let me p a little bit all right TB here we go hey thereare I dare I do the George Bryan walk you through the perfect shot here do it at his

Course do it imagine all first ho one at Selena we’re going to line it up here fix the Hat fix the glasses get the belt ready Justin Johnson yeah just a nice little tight draw in there land it behind the hole let it spin

Back oh dude no way get down no way no way what a ball though good shot what a ball I almost I don’t it’s called that what a guy with a chance I mean a very very very high chance to go nine under through n right here that’s TV

Absolutely smoked a beautiful ball you saw that intro I am not George Bryan but I was close what’s this for nine under through nine nine under through nine this is to finish it off Pocket Change here boy come on Bango that’s easy word right there hey the dab is back gentlemen That’s All

She Wrote 9 under through n courtesy of our good man Mr Luke peave the sandbagger himself that’s a brand new channel record come on if you want to see more of this make sure you subscribe to the channel go check out Luke subscribe to his channel and uh we got a

Big beefy match coming so make sure you are subscribed so you see it when Luke puts it out let’s go to the next one now the pressers on it’s on baby consider the pressure applied


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