Golf Players

Building the Pride – Ep 26 – First Round Victory!

The Lions pulled out a tight game against the LA Rams Sunday night and, with Dallas getting pounded by Green Bay, we booked another home game for Round 2 against Tampa Bay. Playoff Victory Bliss!

Let’s take a look at the playoffs so far, talk about the first playoff victory in 32 years, and sneak a peek at the Tampa Bay game.

Finally, now that a few more draft spots are finalized, let’s do a quick 1st round mock because.. why not?!

Come join the fun!
#OnePride #BuildingThePride #NFCNorthChamps #NFLPlayoffs

Welcome in to another episode of building the pride I am your host Drew and as always I’m joined by my co-host Mike Mike how are you I’m doing Fant it’s you you can’t be doing any better than this right we have had a first playoff win in 32 years I’m I’m living

Love I’m I’m living life it’s been fantastic how about you well I was thinking along very similar lines like this might be the best moment for Michigan the state of Michigan football since I’ve been alive Wolverine’s won a national title lions got their first playoff win in 32

Years feels it feels nice to be on top I’m not I mean I enjoy it yeah yeah for sure do want to give a shout out um we have a 91st subscriber I believe um right I know him as Brandon from Chili’s he was a really cool dude we uh

We were watching The Green Bay Dallas game together and um you’re not even spelling his name right well this is a different person uh we have 92 subscribers we got Jonathan leer uh uh subbed today so welcome to both uh Jonathan and uh who from Chile Brandon Brandon from Chile Brandon from

Chili’s cool guy I really like talking to him mentioned we had a podcast and he was instantaneously um he was like tell me what it is I’ll sub right now I want to talk about lions so so I’m hoping that he Tunes in tonight but he might be

Working who knows um if he does check in jump in the chat we’d love to check we’d love to talk to you so right on so Mike tell us what tell us what we’re doing today well first we gotta start with the Jared Goff chant just like they did in

The stadium so A6 is starting us out right uh who by the way I asked him if he wanted to come on uh as a guest tonight for a little bit but his voice is still gone uh cuz he was at the game and he said it was absurd so um yeah I’m

Little jealous of uh A6 over there going to the game um but yeah so yeah let’s so for tonight let’s talk about well obviously we’re going to talk about the game because this was the biggest sporting event in Detroit liance history in my lifetime um it was enormous so let’s

Talk about that but let’s let’s do like a little news and notes around the NFL for right now what do you think yeah I we weren’t the only game out there yeah let’s just recap what’s going on in the playoffs right let’s do it you have any

Non-playoff news so gotta start with the Texans humiliating the Browns I mean that was a it was close through into the third quarter and then floodgates opened but the big deal was this Browns defense is approaching like historic defensive numbers as far as like EPA per Play points allowed stuff

Like that that’s going to carry them in in the playoffs and the brown or the Texans came out and just move the ball at will up and down the field didn’t seem like there was many problems CJ strad looks as good if you could possibly have hoped for a quarterback in their rookie

Year the guy is already the guy is already playing at a very high level next year of course will be like okay is there a soft more slump what or if he’s if he is gonna play at this level next year you you’re gonna have to start talking about him as

A top 10 quarterback in the NFL yeah so very surprising beat the [ __ ] out of the Browns so yeah 4514 and it was uh I mean so this is I I think do we both picked the Texans right or was this one of those that I picked the Texans and you

Picked Cleveland I don’t remember I might have picked the Browns I do think it was at the Browns yeah um because I don’t yeah I mean like I think this was one of the we were kind of on the on the fence for because you’re like which Joe flacko is going to

Be is it going to be the flacko of the last six weeks where he played really really well or was it going to be the flo of the last eight years and I think we found out which which uh flacko showed up yeah two pick sixes on back-to-back throws is never going

To you know yeah pump up your case for I’m the new version of whatever so they weren’t even the only blowout of the of the uh Wild Card Weekend this game the Packers and cowboys was never as close as the score indicated and they still lost by two scores I mean

Like I mean when I turn this game on went to Chile where I met Brandon and this was the game that was on and it was in the second quarter and the Packers had just scored to go up 27 nothing so I mean like the Cowboys

Fought back and put up 32 in a little over two and a half quarters that’s pretty good but not when you’re spotting your opponent 27 points the pack still stopping them no I mean the Packers feel like an extremely confident team that is playing at the highest level right when

It’s when it matters the most which is the playoffs and I if I was the ners I’d be concerned them coming into Candlestick it’s probably not Candlestick anymore but like I’m always gonna call these places I’m not gonna call the Forum Forum or whatever yeah I don’t remember

What they’re where they’re playing so ridiculous so yeah so there’s some big questions to answer in Dallas they’re over the cap pretty significantly Dax I think I think Dax deal is up um there could be some major changes like do you fire McCarthy I think there’s some major changes coming for

The Cowboys does uh is that where Bill bellich ends up he interviewed in Atlanta I don’t know oh did he he did I mean geee I I think he and Arthur Blank have some kind of relationship but um I haven’t heard about him in I mean Dallas lost on

Monday sure so I mean it’s or I’m sure decisions have not yet been made right so everybody still has to you know interview their their two diversity hires and we’re still doing the playoffs and so not everybody’s available to be interviewed and so things are going to be delayed but yeah inter intermediary

Stuff is certainly happening um the Bills beat the Steelers I mean this one was never really close yeah there there were only there was only one close game the entire weekend yeah um if you go back and look like the bills had I believe two turnovers which I thought were pretty clearly

Turnovers um overturned on calls oh really I didn’t get to watch the game yeah and um the if you ever watch the Josh Allen touchdown run 50-yard touchdown run watch 39 from Pittsburgh Minka Fitzpatrick one of the best safies in the NFL just straight up not

Care like he was sort of getting blocked and could have made an effort to like go and Tackle Alan but Allen’s like two he’s like 65 240 I mean like he’s not going to No One Speed yeah and so you can see Fitzpatrick just being like NH whatever I think there’s some real

Problems in in Pittsburgh that maybe are not being known this is the third or fourth player this year on camera that like visibly just quit on plays like it’s rough and like it just doesn’t feel like a Pittsburgh team of old Mike Tomlin uh was asked uh in the after in the uh

Press conference after the game like you’ve got a year left on your contract and then like in the middle of the dude’s sentence he just leaves and walks away doesn’t say anything I mean like he’s a good coach and he’s I wish him the best he never had a below 500 season

In 17 years but that was that was Bush League I mean you can sit there and answer the question even if it’s just the poite like well we’re going to look at you know we’ll deal with that you know after exit interviews and I’ll sit down with the GM or whatever and we’ll

We’ll you know we’ll work it out see if there’s an extension to be had you don’t have to just silently walk away I thought that was kind of [ __ ] well there might have been other like previous interactions uh with that particular um reporter as well I mean if it’s like a

Carlos monz from the free Free Press I would have done the same thing um so like I don’t know you know who who asked from the the question but there might be history there sure uh dolphins Chiefs uh a little bit closer than a couple of those others but

Still never really in doubt they just kind of did their thing and the Dolphins went wow this is way colder than Florida and they just didn’t even show up um C I thought the Dolphins running game would be the thing that helped them the most in this game and it didn’t and

Uh I’ve never seen a helmet crack before but uh Patrick Mahomes helmet cracked and like pieces shattered like and I’ve just I’ve never I mean I’ve been watching football 30 plus years now and I’ve never seen a helmet crack like that that’s pretty crazy yeah they said it

Was the fourth coldest uh NFL football game of all time it just it felt like it was miserable for everybody and you still had those people out there that are like shirtless and I’m just like I it’s cool maybe for like one time on camera get your 15 seconds of

Shirtless but you saw those same people all game long and I’m like how are you not dead now so I mean like if I’m like let’s say like I own the facility right like if I own Arrowhead or if I’m the owners of Kansas City and like we have people coming to

The game and like it’s negative whatever and like it’s a health risk yeah I would be like here’s some sweatshirts go give them the sweatshirts or kick them out until they can come back clothed or something like that because the last thing I would want is someone to show up

To a Chief’s playoff game be the the C in Chiefs yeah on some dude’s chest and then have that guy get frostbite and lose a finger or something yeah after the game because you were so enthusiastic that you decided to paint your chest and go out there nipples for

Everybody to see he’s gonna lose a nipple is what he’s gonna lose yeah and then be like I’m going to sue the stadium because you guys have you know hundreds of millions of dollars you know like I think that the fandom and expressing your fandom there’s plenty of

Good ways to do it make a sign and then bundle up you know or whatever but like when it comes to like Health there’s there’s no doctor or person in the world that’s like hey netive -20 below shirtless go do it yeah three hours three three and a half hours

Even you should be good it’s m crazy well we’ll get to the Rams Lions game that was the one close one but first let’s talk about our uh the game that decided who we’re going to play next yeah uh because the Packers Cowboys game um kind of I mean if Cowboys win we

Play them right uh but they didn’t so we get to we got the The Pick of whoever is going to beat uh each other in the Eagles bucks um and Buccaneers just murdered them it wasn’t even close so uh remember and this is the thing

That I can’t get away from there was a point in this season where um the Eagles were 10 and one they were 11 and one at some at uh after week 12 you can go ahead and confirm that because I think they lost five out of

Their six out of their last seven so maybe they were 11 and one but like their their fall from where they stood two-thirds of the way through the season to where they ended up now losing on the road in Tampa Bay holy [ __ ] is an unbelievable

Drop and like it’s got to be one of the largest like drop offs in football in recent memory it’s just what happened to their team was just I don’t even know what it was maybe it was changing Patricia from desde to Patricia and then that was all of a sudden like

Terrible but yeah I mean was I saw him destroy the Lions so uh why not it’s it’s pretty easy because it’s right about the time he started play making the defensive calls sup Dr D P we gotta stop with this man the trolling is just too

Much hey Dr Detroit I got a question for you I’ve been seeing I’m on Twitter or I’m sorry X I’ll never call it x uh and I’ve been seeing a Dr Detroit show up in my like in my feed I was wondering have you if you have recently

Joined Twitter because if it’s you I’m gonna follow you and if it’s not you I’m not gonna it make sense so let me know if you’ve recently joined and under the is it like Mr MC football or Mr Mac football or something like that tag let me

Knowbody oh people copy your name okay no follow then good glad we got that congrats on the we want the one and only yeah I’m not gonna follow some copycat [ __ ] oh your so okay I got you um he’s going to get it best we can hope for is 45 years

God I hope not so maybe with a couple void years or I don’t know we’ll come to that here in a bit hey rumble’s in the chat Rumble yeah uh yeah so Baker Mayfield um was good Baker uh much like flacko could be good flacko or bad flacko uh the good

Baker came out he played really well and the Eagles uh decided uh to not play at all uh it was I mean I know I know some Eagles fans so hopefully they they aren’t watching when I say this they were horrendous it was embarrassing I felt bad for Eagles

Fans only the ones I know cuz they’re cool but most of the Eagles fans such but um yeah it was it was not even close brutal well I mean no one is gonna show the Eagles any sympathy I mean they’re fan bases a lot like the Cowboys toxic yeah

Very toxic Bas like they would they would describe themselves as passionate I think don’t don’t don’t all toxic people do that yeah they um pretty bad so shall we shall we speak of shall we speak of the game Michael we might as well let’s talk round one Detroit 24 Rams

23 um I’ll stop sharing this for right now so you can see our lovely faces um yeah so un announced to Drew so yester this weekend I did like 14 I’m taking a couple college classes I did like 14 hours of homework uh Saturday and Sunday and on Sunday I just I couldn’t

Concentrate and I’m like I need to do something Lions related so I put out a video like a preview video um and I talked about the reasons why we could win the reasons why the Rams could win and then kind of the keys to the game um and the key the the keys

Of the game that I said it it really comes down to both teams at the same ones number one get an early lead we are not made to to come from behind we’re we’re made to play with the lead so we need to get the early lead if the Rams

Want to win they need to get the early lead to kind of shake up and um mess up what we’re trying to do number two execute is going to execution is going to be critical uh mistakes are going to what’s going to cost a team a game so we

Need to uh both teams need to execute basically Ally perfectly and then both teams need to get pressure on the quarterback uh Goff historically has not done particularly well under pressure uh so that’s what the Rams needed to do Stafford he’s not immune either right

He’ll uh if you get some pressure on him he doesn’t crack uh in the same ways as gof does but sometimes if you can get him to throw the ball early uh throw the ball before um you know maybe he he can see if someone is going to eventually be

Open that extra half a second or a second early he can um you know potentially throw a pick or whatever and and honestly like Hutch did that the cup was opened on the left for like a it would have been like a 50 60 yard gain

But Hutch got there pressured him and he ended up sailing it over Cup’s head because he just didn’t have the time like those are the things that we need to do and we got the the early lead and we never relinquished it we didn’t make

Mistakes that cost us I mean gof had his little chess pass thing that scared the [ __ ] out of me we recovered the fumble thing whatever that was supposed to be but like we executed really well we got pressure on Stafford uh I thought we did basically all three things that I said

We needed to do to win the game and it was it was really tight uh and I think to me it mostly came down to Red Zone defense we scored touchdowns they scored field goals um it was super exciting and I loved every second of it I I picked

The Rams to win 3130 because I thought it was going to be a little bit more of a shoot out I thought we would have one more turnover than them uh and I have never been so happy to be wrong yeah I’m happy you were wrong too

Um we’re gonna talk about the Matthew Stafford nonsense after we talk about the game yeah um when we discussed the Rams Lions matchup last week and I’m saying this not to toot my own horn okay but having watched the game the things that you brought up that

You were concerned about I was actively looking for when I watched it yeah and the only one that I thought was present that mattered over the course of the entire game was Stafford to Nua which is just an absolutely Elite level connection oh God yes and like to be

Honest if I this is this is the only game of the Rams I watched all year he’s the number one option in stop it Rumble I was he’s um no oh stop it come Ona is going to be the next Cooper cup like he uh the Alan Ross St

Brown like he is I’ve watched every single game this year he is the real deal he is the real deal Kenny galade never had a season like what pukaa had well so few people actually have I mean like and it feels literally nobody has right it feels like ncua is the guy that

Stafford just looks for every play you know like the cup got targets but like every time that like it just felt like it was Stafford T AA Stafford T AA galade was had a really good run in Detroit story over had two and a half good years yeah but like and then got

Paid by the Giants good job New York um Kiren Williams I I all I thought was that like he has had a great year he ran for something like 1,200 or 1400 yards this season yeah um when no one knew who he was I mean good job I mean that’s an

Excellent season he was a second round pick last year it was hurt a bit of last year that’s what it was um but like and he had a couple of plays were like 10 or 15 yards but like on average he had one or two yards on his attempts so yeah not effective

Running um I was concerned that we would see what nkua accomplished cup do as well that did not materialize and then largely he he made some plays because he’s always going to make some plays but Aaron Donald was not the kind of like wrecking ball presence

That you always fear he will be right well we doubled and tripled him and he got no help from the other side you absolutely tough he one of those players that can turn turn a game all by himself so you have to dedicate multi multiple players to make making up for the impact

That he can have and you’re right and so like Kobe Turner whomever they have one apparent I learned this watching the game they have one of their dn’s who like is primarily there to drop into coverage and I think that’s who Byron York maybe yeah something like that yeah

And like that’s who lorta be on his fourth down touchdown catch so I mean like yeah now and our defense did get some pressure now I’m not going to count the sacks because those two sacks were as as gimme sacks as I’ve ever seen anyone in the NFL get

So they ended up on Hutch’s stat sheet but like the field literally reached up and tripped Matt on one play and then it was just like something happened it was like a low snap and they just covered it and then Hutch like went in and just touched him or whatever they’re not like

Hutch beat his dude dip the shoulder and crushed them but like they they had pressure the play that you mentioned earlier like you move the quarterback off of his you know place where he change his timing change his launch Point all these little things matter and I think that that was the

Difference yeah you know to your point here I’ll I’ll zoom in here um this is uh this is from one of the Rams Pages because they’re uh but they were talking about how uh kyen Williams was massively underutilized so he had 13 carries which was his second lowest All Season 61

Yards is fourth lowest All Season no touchdowns 4.7 yards a carry was third best not bad but like only 13 carries um his touchdown percentage was top five in the NFL but he only cut the ball two time like they just stopped running when they got in the red zone

And they barely ran him at all and I think that um you know when he he ran for 80 plus yards they were seven- one and the only loss was the the overtime loss to the uh Ravens so like you’re right like they they just stopped like

Kiren wasn’t um he wasn’t the big problem that I thought we might face they just decided not to use him and I don’t understand why I I mean I guess my opinion on that is that they figured that this game would be a shootout and what better way to win a

Shootout than Stafford slinging the ball around you know and like he was good at it he wasn’t bad at it I mean they I mean Stafford outplayed Goff but it didn’t help him I mean they didn’t win right so I mean Goff was I think almost perfect

Through the first half yeah first 11 uh passes were all all receptions so yeah I mean so like when golf is playing like that or that’s the game plan and that’s the call that they made and they weren’t like two yard screens or something you know they were the crossing routes the

Hooks the you know the Slants that kind of stuff that he likes to throw um and they made good yard I mean they made good yardage Josh Reynolds played really well uh made up for the absence of like khif Raymond uh leaport played which you know

I didn’t think was possible and like I didn’t think was going to either looked like leaport you know like uh maybe not as many snaps as you might normally see him play but like out there when it mattered mattering you know good job Sam and uh you know they ran the ball

Effectively when they needed to and converted when they needed to and won on the margins and when this team can win on the margins they are incredibly difficult to defeat yeah and one of the things I’ve talked about several times is when your quarterback is at the bottom of your

Grades you just can’t win consistently and you really need highlevel quarterback play and that’s what we got from Jared GF yeah uh St Brown I mean I’m not shocked that he was a 90 right because he played lights out but G played really really well yeah go I mean

He played extremely well Let’s uh pressure and depth so um under pressure wasn’t particularly good but the thing is there were only 11 dropbacks out of his 30 that he was actually under pressure um when he was not blitzed he played really well kept clean 94 you know6 that is absurdly high that

Is so good um like I thought he did really well and the passing Concepts um the no play action we we kept him clean we didn’t have to run the play action as much he stayed in the pocket a little bit more uh and played really really well there um passing

Depth the medium ones was the bread and butter we got behind drives y yeah he got behind the the the line in front of the deep excuse me the Deep secondary and played I just lights out uh if he plays like this every game I like I

Think we’re going to beat the next uh I think we’re going to beat Tampa Bay I think we would have beat Philly if if they had won uh the ners are going to be really tough uh I think Green Bay would be really tough as well I think we can

Be both of them if if he keeps playing with with these kind of numbers well let’s be real for a second like if you’re gonna beat a team as well put together as San Francisco or you’re gonna beat a team as hot as the Packers

Seem to be right now or getting out of the round that you’re currently going to have to play in order to go play either of those two guys Goff needs to play like this like I don’t know how much I don’t know how much we could see

As like a taking a step back I mean he played like this and it was a one-point win now well I mean the Rams are really good too let’s I mean I I was really only afraid of the Rams and the ners I wasn’t afraid of anybody else but now

I’m a little afraid of Green Bay after they did to Dallas so I think the disparity in rosters is the greatest between Detroit and Tampa Bay as it will be in any of the teams that Detroit could possibly play in the playoffs yeah so this is the game where

There’s a little bit of leeway for Goff but like if you’re gonna beat Elite teams you have to play at an elite level and there’s no other way about it like you can play perfectly as not making mistakes not getting penalties not getting turnovers doing the right things

But like you still have to match your opponent’s level of play and if you get someone who comes out and plays Elite you got to match that Elite play so Jared needs to be here yes and was we won we get a chance to do it again next next

Week I did not realize Jack Campbell had a 28.7 grade um on coverage oh no yeah oh no overall defensive grade was horrendous coverage was really bad so I don’t know if he just played more coverage snaps uh yeah 11 coverage snaps four pass rush three run defense

Um I mean I’m not sure I ever saw or heard his name called almost the entire game which is probably why he’s down here he tackled somebody really well but like they had gained 15 yards already and I was like neat at least it’s not 16

I guess but like uh I just want to give a shout out to Jaylen Reeves maen like his contract is up at the end of the year and like he is an absolute stud on special teams like he’s an he’s an all pro for special teams yeah First Team

All proo for special teams and as much as I don’t give a [ __ ] about the Pro Bowl I do give a [ __ ] about being an all pro yeah so that’s night and day as far as I’m concerned and this dude I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a 97.5 grade up

There it is up there now it’s only 11 snaps right but like let’s talk about this you’re going to play a team like the Rams who what are the Rams good at primarily throwing the ball yep so you have your first round pick who plays 22 snaps he’s horrific in coverage now

Maybe that’s because he’s a rookie and he just needs to learn go through this uphill battle in order to get the experience necessary to learn from his mist stakes and get better at it but like Jaylen Reeves mayin played 11 snaps eight of them were coverage snaps and he

Scores one of the highest grades that you could possibly receive like I’m assuming that they will resign him to a one or two-year deal but like the question that I’m gonna have when we do like our wrap up the season going into next season show is do you

Need to play Reeves mabin 10 to 15 snaps on defense every game yes maybe more if you can hit if you can hit these numbers and this isn’t a fluke yeah I mean it hasn’t been this high but I mean he’s had 10 10ish snaps on several games this

Year where he’s been on in on defense and he’s absolutely lit it up and like you might have to consider him if you’re gonna play this well you just can’t not be on the field right yeah and uh I mean like as mentions he’s the only guy in defense that want to

Make a wrap tackle everybody else the lower the shoulder and you run into him and he’s just going to like I’m going to take you that’s what special teamers do though right you don’t get special teamers that just lower the shoulder and just try to knock someone over you wrap

Those dudes up and that doesn’t surprise me that his tackling grade is so good and he’s the guy that’s out there that’s going to wrap people up love it a couple weeks ago we looked at where the Lions ranked as a team t and it wasn’t very high

And I have no idea maybe it’s to to avoid being fined maybe it’s avoid maybe it’s because they want to avoid being penalized but the the when I watch and I watch Mostly Lions games but when I watch Defenders tackle they throw their shoulder at a dude as if somehow their

Momentum is going to force their opponent to the ground so if there’s one thing that I am looking for the Lions defense to improve upon she very she might very well be paying them Rumble um when next year when we look at ways to improve this defense I’m going

To be looking at what are the shest tacklers that we can add to this defense in certain spots because as much as I love chony Gardner Johnson on Twitter because he’s hilarious I am [ __ ] dying for this dude to be like look at these look at

These things I got arms I could wrap people up I’m just like hug that dude to the ground hug him straight to the turf chy you’re already there you’re so fast you just get there now don’t play as if someone cut off your arms actually tackle the dude

So so Rumble I have a question for you dude every every other every word that you that you type type out is capitalized it’s not all caps which to me says that you’re you’re going to the effort of individually capitalizing every one of these words so like I’m I’m

Wondering is this a keyboard setting or you actually going to the time doing title case to uppercase every word oh my God he’s doing it individually no oh man that Pinky’s got to get tired by the end right that is crazy I will say uh

Let me see uh asex had a a comment here let’s not pre pretend the Rams didn’t play an elite game and that and honestly that’s the key to this right they played in a league game nkua had a 92 grade Tut two Atwell had a 90 I mean granty only

Had eight snaps yeah 91 grade Stafford had an 885 their backup tight end had an almost 80 grade Ronnie Rivers their other uh running back had a 76 like they played outstanding and our defense came up big this is the [ __ ] that I was afraid of right big grades by big people doing

Crazy good stuff and I’m like is our secondary going to be able to do enough are we going to be able to stop them and we did we we especially in the Red Zone like they marched right down the field every effing time but they kick three

Field goals and we stepped up when we had to I was really impressed I mean like these are great numbers um and then when we look at the defense they had some pretty solid defense too nobody like 80s 90s but like a lot of those guys that are in the

60s uh Byron young was in the 60s Aaron Donald was in the mid-60s this is the lowest I’ve seen Donald in a while yeah but I mean when you got three guys you know knock him around Kobe Turner should have stepped up he’s the rookie uh that

Tied his uh sack record um as a rookie good CH I mean I’d say it’s going to be between him and jayen Carter as a Defensive Rookie of the Year um but like he just did not uh did not step up I think will Anderson’s probably gonna win it to be

Honest from you think so yeah okay interesting here’s the here’s the thing that I think that the Rams did that was Elite and that was Matt TOA that’s it so like did they play a good game yeah did they turn the ball over I don’t think so I don’t remember them turn

Nobody did the closest thing to a t turnover was uh G’s chess pass all right but it wasn’t a turnover so it’s all good so like that is okay so like when we were discussing how we thought the game went my that was my thought was that the

Lions have demonstrated even with this level of defense that if an opposing team does one thing that’s Elite it’s not enough it’s not enough to it’s not enough to beat the Detroit Lions you have to do one thing that’s Elite Plus yeah and so my con my the way that I

Evaluated the game was I where is the other plus thing going to come from and I couldn’t figure out where it could possibly come from because I just didn’t believe that the Rams at this level were going to be able to put on another Elite grade not when you lose Jaylen Ramsey Bobby

Wagner uh what is this Odell Beckham Jr was on this team last year right you you lost guys you know and so like when that happens you’re putting undue stress on other people to replace that level of production and if it was that team if it was the 2023 team that we had

Played with those other guys on it it’s probably a different story because that’s enough of a difference to make up for one point in a game but this this roster wasn’t as terrifying um I thought even though they were playing very well so and the lions

Got the win at home uh you know and you could you could give it to the fans for the one-point win like there was twice when McVey used uh timeouts I believe in the second half yeah due to crowd noise to avoid a delay of game penalty yeah

That was actually something as6 and I were talking about before the game I’m like so you know on the pressure side of things you know is golf can be able to handle the pressure um of the expectations right the Rams had no they have no pressure they were expected to

Win four games they won 10 or 11 six seed they’re playing on house money right yeah on the other hand we’ve got 12 wins we won our division we’re hosting a home playoff game for the first time in 30 years we hav one a playoff game in 32 years that’s a lot of

Pressure right so like are we going to be be able to handle that um and as6 came back and said well don’t forget we’re also going to have the crowd on our side I’m like true but is that going to be a good thing or is that g to be a

Bad thing is that going to add to that pressure for golf um or is that going to be a thing for the um like exactly what happened where they have to waste the time out and asex actually like they’re going to have to waste time out because

They can’t hear our plays their plays because we’re going to be so damn loud and I’m like I hope so and I mean that crowd did its job cuz if they had those couple um timeouts you never know what’s going to happen at the end they they couldn’t stop the clock after that

Two-minute warning um timeout and then that P that first down um if they have two more timeouts they potentially get another shot at it and even if they have 50 seconds left I’m not betting against Matt Stafford getting down into field goal range like that the crowd did its

Job yeah I’m going to need you to repeat everything you just said I was trolling Vikings fans on Twitter oh so no I’m just kidding um I mean to kind of wrap this up I thought Detroit did what Detroit needs to do to win you played mistake-free

Football at home you went out and executed your game plan St Brown was Elite leaport I mean I leora’s hurt like and he can I’ll bet that you don’t see him on the practice report until Friday but like he’s gonna get some rest but um I mean the lions are healthy they’re healthy

Roster and playing pretty well and they’re super confident and got the win and it’s great it’s great for the the city the front front office the ownership the fans everybody who’s a fan it’s great that that this monkey is is can get off your back and the medical staff according to rumble is

Awesome so I’m super happy that this narrative is dead and that the lions got this win because now it’s well we know that this team can win the playoffs yeah so like you were confident and now there’s proof of your confidence so we played Tampa Bay already in Tampa Bay

We won that game by two scores uh now they have to come to our place I’m ready I think it’s yeah I’m I’m not worried about them I’m super thrilled that we’re playing Tampa Bay so yeah yeah it was it was a great game I

Did my part um I did I mean my part didn’t affect the game near as much as the players but I had my um Lions dress on I had my lion pj bottoms on I had my Lion’s t-shirt underneath my NFC North champ sweatshirt uh I had my Hutch Jersey on

And my locker room NFC champ like I did my part I was underneath that blanket I showed you guys uh last time and my brother got me so just chilling watching the game uh decked out then all lions everything but my underwear I don’t have any Lions underwear so um maybe I have

To rectify that for the Super Bowl but uh yeah I did my part and I’m like I just asked them to do theirs and they they came up big um you want to talk about that Tampa Bay game you did you did your part by I

Did I did my part uh I mean I mean I’m not GNA be like the MVP and I’m like I didn’t do as much as say like St brown but you know it was a nonzero amount of effort on my part I hate that say yeah let’s talk TOA Bay talk here

Let’s talk about Tampa Bay the way that Tampa Bay I think wins this game is that baker has to be like like the irrational confidence super Baker that’s just like doesn’t matter I’m just gonna rip this into that window and it happens um I think they have to throw

The ball because I don’t think they’re going to be able to run it um and to be honest I don’t think this team is as good as the Los Angeles Rams are and any respect and I think that well I know that when we played them this last time and during the

Season we didn’t have Montgomery or Gibbs in the game we have them both now and so I think the Lions can come out do what they do leaport and St Brown move the ball down the field score churn up some time with Gibbs and Montgomery and just I would go almost

All in on doubling Mike Evans and just being like yeah you’re 65 but I’m gonna have Sutton’s gonna follow you around all day and I’m gonna have Kirby over the top so let’s go yeah force him to win with like Chris Godwin or David Moore or somebody yeah

Like yeah show me that Baker is going to be the quarterback that’s gonna go to Godwin the you know the tight the running back out of the back field all game continue to move the ball down the field cuz I just don’t think that’s who

He is and I think that you can be more patient as a defense than he is and he’s gonna give you a turnover and like whether it’s iffy whether it’s Kirby like I just think that there’s somebody out there on the back end that’s gonna

Be like we’re gonna bait B I mean you’re not gonna sit here and make and convince me that like a DB any almost any DB in the NFL can’t bait Baker Mayfield into a throw so if we get into that position I think that it’s real so it’s gonna be Rush four

Right Rush four try to get as much pressure as you can with those four guys and just make Baker Mayfield beat you with his arm while seven guys are sitting back waiting for it right yeah I mean like I just don’t think I mean the one the Lions have one excellent

Blitz that seems to get home all the oh God Rumble don’t tell him that it’s going to go to his head Mike it’s no there’s never been a doubt that I’ve had great takes before and will so but thank you Rumble I really appreciate that you know but like the

One thing that seem is that like consistently worked for Detroit rushing the passer is you put hutch on one side and then you have an a safety and a linebacker and usually it’s anzalone and iffy running the other gap on the other side and it’s just an overload

Blitz because you’re going to if you’re going to pay attention to Hutch someone else has got to beat you and that’s how they figured out how they are going to get three or four plays on defense a game where you’re going to get a free rusher at the quarterback

And if you if one of those free rushes turns a play from a a a touchdown into a field goal attempt you have you have what you had last week right here right because the Lions of field goal position Al together or like even an incomplete pass

That’s like now it’s Fourth and six we might as well take the points kind of a scenario and like the lions are going to put the ball in the end zone Asic says every time they sub uh CJ out for iy it’s a safety Blitz I have a

I mean ify played really well so if that’s the case keep subbing him out I have a take on on Chanty Gardner Johnson that I’m going to say for our what are we going to do next season all right it interesting yeah so tune in for that one

Everybody because it’s going to be crazy so um on on the defensive side of the ball who do you think the Tampa Bay uh Buccaneers highest graded defensive player was Antoine Winfield um no he was actually their 20th he had a 41 grade that’s crazy I

Have no idea I can’t name any of their defensive players kijah KY really what grade did yep he had an 82 37 total snaps uh 28 pass rush eight run defense and one coverage yeah he he killed it good job I still don’t want to take a 280 pound defensive

Tackle in the draft I just I just happened to look at that like oh no [ __ ] like I would have expected like sha Barrett or Antoine Winfield or like V and Barrett was 13 Winfield was 20 and V was nine yeah I mean the Lions even did a good job on

Micah parsons’s like when they played him like I at this point like I just think the o line I don’t think there is one position that you can attack yeah I don’t think there’s one position that you could attack would you rather have an inside linebacker I don’t understand the

Question I don’t particularly enjoy side linebackers plus they’re we’ve got plenty of linebackers we don’t need any more linebackers Su brick Parson yes correct yeah so um yeah so I mean I’m not GNA line up my best pass rushers over pen Su you know I might line him up over

Jonah Jackson but like Jonah Jackson plays in between Eric Decker and Frank ragn now so I mean like I mean like he’s got some uh he’s got some uh you know backup as it were so I mean like I’m also I think that the key thing the

Thing that I would do if I was Aaron Glenn is I would try and pressure Baker early because Baker seems like the kind of guy that’s like oh this isn’t going well like that sticks in his head you know so I would try like first quarter first possession third and seven

I would send iffy and anzalone on that uh overload Blitz or whatever that they they want to run and just be like can we get him off his spot maybe we get a sack if he as long as he maybe he just throws the ball away but like if we can

Just get him to be like hang his head and shake his head back and forth once or twice like I think that that’s the mentality that if you get Baker May field into it like okay the the hill that they have to climb up just got that

Much bigger yeah and I would do anything that I could to make the hill bigger for that Buccaneers team I do think we will win by more more than one point oh yeah I think so I think we will win by more than one score yeah so

That’s as close to a score projection that I’m going to try and predict so I will I’ll probably think about uh keys to the game reasons why we can win reasons why they can win and probably do another one of those maybe this next weekend um uh I’m when it comes to

Sports I can be a little uh um my brain I got nothing blind fold blinders on no no more uh um [ __ ] never mind I just oh my gosh watch Mike words tonight it’s yep it’s that’s rough but I’m I I’ll probably do it I’ll I’ll write it

Out so I don’t sound like a uh biased yeah I can be a little biased sometimes Ecentric yeah keep the adjectives going guys how many different things none of them are the word that I’m trying to get to so uh you guys all suck just kidding just true um I do just my

Memory superstitious I can be a little superstitious do the same thing over and over you know next next game I’m gonna have the same stuff on wear my lion socks my pj bottoms and the all that kind of stuff so uh cuz damn it I’m

Going to do my part and if it works last time it’ll work the next time and if I have to go to the Super Bowl in that same [ __ ] get up I’m going to do it okay so I don’t believe in curses and I don’t believe in stuff

Like that so but if you do that’s fine I don’t really but it’s fun sure there you go as long as you’re having fun with it so let’s talk about having fun with it Mike that’s a nice segment Matthew Stafford I heard was once the quarterback for the Detroit

Lions is that correct Mike uh yeah about a dozen years about a dozen years that’s what I thought it was um Mike I I seem to recall having watched those years him being one of the few Rays of Hope that the Detroit Lions had in that Dozen Years of him being on

The roster is that fair to say he W uh yes he was very much our Ray of H I know that Matthew Stafford won me over as a fan in the Browns game in his in his rookie year where he takes an absolute shot and dislocates his

Shoulder they call timeout he has the wherewithal to understand that means that he can return to the game lies to the coaches and says that he can throw the ball he did he did he was very clearly injured yeah they call a play he throws the a pass I believe to Kelvin I

Don’t know no they didn’t have I don’t remember um they throw a pass they score a touchdown they beat the Browns he immediately cradles his shoulder yes and just and walks off the field and that’s when I knew that this dude was a legitimate pick and the quarterback for

The Detroit Lions special for the long term and those team most of the teams that he were he was on were bad teams for various reasons and the lions in my opinion one of the reasons why I had to put down my fandom for the Lions for a

Couple years and just go and get a breath of fresh air was because the organization never never supported Matt the way that I thought that need he needed to be supported well I’m gonna pause right there they tried but they failed right they their their GMS were

So bad well no so I think there’s a distinction there like they didn’t they were not successfully supporting him right it was all right let’s let’s get some offensive weapons let’s draft Eric Ebron like they they tried what they they tried to support and they just failed

Miserably at it so they failed to support him yes they they failed in their efforts to support him some teams don’t even try though yeah that’s how English works so um as far as I am concerned they failed to support Matthew Stafford in any meaningful way for a very long

Time and I never heard the dude [ __ ] once I never heard him cash shade or throw blame or or he took it all on himself if anything like and Mike’s computer froze okay so and it was him not complaining and not asking to leave for over a decade that really cement

I respect Matthew Stafford as a football player okay so then ownership changes front office changes coaching staff changes Matt requests a trade trade him to the Rams Rams win a Super Bowl the next year worked out for the Rams you know what team it also worked out for the Detroit

Detroit because this team is not where it stands today if we didn’t use the resource we reive in the Matthew Stafford trade including Jared Goff to go out and build this team for the team that won and beat the Rams um Monday Sunday night Sunday night in

Detroit for the first time in 30 years so both teams won the trade as far as I am concerned now I would love to get a Super Bowl under our Bel I think that would be just great and that’s kind of the standard by which I hold all success in the NFL

But I think it’s it’s worked out yeah it’s as even a trade as you could possibly hope for in modern sports so I don’t understand where the disrespect for this guy comes from I understand that he’s your opponent and you want to beat your opponent I don’t understand where the

Disrespect comes from I don’t when someone wants to take revenge and it’s a Revenge game someone has to have been wronged in order for vengeance to be on the table so who got wronged here I mean golf got a little bit wronged just the way it happened even

Even McVey is like I should have handled that totally different okay so here’s the things that I think would be like the soothing bomm to that super terrible burn he he incurred he got paid a nine figure salary and is in a city that loves him that he’s winning in and has complet

Completely revived his career from where it was so there’s as far as I’m concerned there’s no wronged party here yeah Jared Goff is not wronged he’s he’s riding High how can Jared Goff not be riding high he walks out the tunnel to a stadium of what how

Many people are in go to Detroit stadium 20,000 30,000 six no it’s like 60 something thousand so 60,000 people are chanting his name including people in our chat 65 65,000 I don’t think there was standing room only or whatever at the at the I mean I imagine all the seats got sold but

Like he’s in a place that loves him yeah I might not but like all of everyone that bought tickets and went to the game sh [ __ ] seems to so like there’s a difference between not loving him and not supporting him and wanting him to do good yeah right it’s not like it’s not

Like I you can respect Matthew Stafford and still for Jared G yes I just did it I’m telling you it’s possible yeah so like I don’t get it and like here’s the thing like when I just a couple minutes ago I was like I’m trolling I’m trolling

Vikings fans on on Twitter I was trolling Vikings fans because these other fan bases like we’ve talked about Philly’s fan base and Dallas’s fan base they think the same thing about us and like we have an opportunity and this was one of them and we we got we didn’t take

Take us up on it where you can just be better than yeah other fan bases and we didn’t take advantage of it it is not disrespectful for Matthew Stafford to be like I don’t want to go through another rebuild and ask for a trade out of Detroit right it’s not

Disrespectful to Jared gof when everything seems to be working out for him he may very well get extended you know like I think it would be very difficult for Brad and Dan to be like yeah we decided to we’re gonna go with henden hooker this year or we made

We decided to trade Goff during the draft for picks or whatever it is like I think that that would be very difficult to sell to a fan base that has been bre of winning for so long yeah you know like do I want to see it happen no do I think

It’s probably going to happen yeah so um Jersey ban are you what were you what was your take on it I thought it was dumb that was the stupidest [ __ ] thing I’ve ever yeah I mean obviously it wasn’t from the Lions it was from some stupid um fan group or whatever on

Facebook or podcast or some some nonsense a car dealership guy there was a car dealership guy too I thought so oh so there was a an insurance agent that was going to do a a jersey swap like hey we’ll take your Stafford jerseys and we

Will so I have I will say I have no problems with that like I I will give you a current um Lions uh Jersey for you to root current people in his uh he was going to take the Stafford jerseys and take them to LA and donate them to

Homeless shelters I had no problems with that uh it’s quirky it’s interesting it gets people you know with current Jers and a donation to homeless child cool like I was cool with that it was the the bar and I don’t I’m not even going to

Say the name of the bar because I don’t want to give it any press it’s like if you come in here with a Stafford Jersey you don’t get served and I’m just like that’s douchy right like I it’s I I don’t understand that uh RAM Jersey sure

Go for it they’re they’re the bad you but like if it’s a lions Jersey it’s all about the name on the the logo on the front not the name on the back so I don’t care if you go to the stadium with a staffer Jersey on as long as it’s a

Lions one right I just want you repping the Lions and that’s what people didn’t get so that drove me NS I thought that it was and honestly um in a lot of the Rams um Facebook groups and stuff like that and they they were like we used I

Used to really you know respect the Lions fan base but this is garbage like the way that they’re treating him with his Jersey ban is garbage and they’re as bad as and they they list the ners cuz they hate them more than anybody but they’re like oh they’re they’re as bad

As the wiers fan base and I’m just like I swear to God it’s not all of us there’s a couple loud a-holes out there that are doing doing this kind of stuff but it as a general fan base we respect him for what he did we respect him for

The way he left like he could have just up and quit like I don’t understand why it’s okay for Barry and Calvin to just up and quit and do nothing and they’re still beloved but like he’s like I’d like to go someplace else will you trade

Me you can get assets win-win and now we’re pissed at him but like Barry and Calvin are cool I’m like I don’t understand that so they were uh not not too happy with the way that we treated Stafford and to be honest I think it’s

Just a very loud minority and it was uh unfortun bo him they booed him at the stadium like you know what I I will say like I I mean I probably wouldn’t have I probably would have just clapped but I wouldn’t have like yelled or whatever you’re the opposing player in our

Stadium at playoff time boo I don’t care if they boo him like that that doesn’t bother me it’s it’s all the other stuff like ignoring the 12 years of what he did ignoring what he did for the city trashing him outside of the game in the

Stadium dude we’re all fans right U I don’t know as6 did you boo um yeah so the Stafford booing is the most over exaggerated thing ever like I I don’t think I would have booed just because he’s my favorite football player of all time uh but like I don’t mind it

Like you’re in the stadium we’re being fans that’s the thing it’s the outside of the stadium thing that really kind of pissed me off I thought we I thought we were not a particularly classy fan base for those loud minority of people that were doing stupid things so pregame warmups and anytime a

Rams player ran out of the tunnel there were booze and he was one of those guys yeah as a Michigan fan I absolutely cannot stand Notre Dame or Ohio State I just absolutely hate their guts I don’t boo them either like you wouldn’t boo them at uh

If you were at the stadium no oh well I just don’t do it they’re it’s one thing so here’s what’s always gotten under my skin the most as a competitor like it’s not when someone Beats Me by a narrow margin and then like lets me know about

It that is just like that provokes anger and that pretty quickly goes away but like when someone beats me handedly and like doesn’t even go to the effort to do that that I’m like I don’t warrant that for you you know you don’t you don’t affect me

Enough to go and do this and that’s what I would love our fan base to be I would love our fan base to be like we don’t need I mean you can yell so they have to call a timeout or whatever during the game that’s just actively I think

Helping the team but like to just be disrespectful for for being disrespectful sake that I don’t agree with because there’s too much of that in sports and there’s too much of the narrative that um they don’t respect me so therefore I’m going to Hype myself up in order to

Play this game don’t give it to them don’t I don’t think booing is disrespectful in in I don’t I don’t feel in feel in stadium booing is disrespectful um absolutely think it is I I mean I don’t think so I think it’s gamesmanship you know it’s uh it’s like

It’s like talking trash on the field is it is it being disrespectful when you know Kirby knocks a pass down and he and he you know looks back at that guy you will never get a cat pass catcher caught on me like that’s not disrespectful it’s

Just gamesmanship it’s it’s fun I like I said I don’t mind the in Infield in stadium stuff like that um happens all the time you have to expect it and it’s it’s just a fun thing right like I booed so many play so I booed the Blackhawks I

Bed the the ranger like I go to a lot of Red Wings games where I used to back when uh we had our Dynasty but like I booed many many a team um I’ve never B booed an individual person um but like outside of that it’s I I

Don’t I don’t have a problem with it yeah they’re all inherently disrespectful acts I mean like trash talking booing that’s disrespect and here here’s the reason why I think it’s weak is that you do it to try and get into the head of your opponent because you need an advantage that isn’t a

Physical one or that is in actively playing the game like if you just knew you were better and you were better you wouldn’t need to trash talk because you would just go out there and prove it with your play and like when I played basketball which is

What I played in high school and everyone trash talked me I just went at them super hard and they almost always fold because that’s who they are because if you don’t let them get in your head all the effort that they’re going through to trash talk is of no good

Whatsoever what’s better is if they actually go out and play really well and that’s the point like go when you can actually do that it’s it it also helps if you do get in their head at anybody on the on a football field and been like oh the trash talking is really getting

To this guy yeah I mean never something that you see so and it’s I you’re actively insulting your opponent by like flexing on them and like indicating that they’re either bad or can’t do or can’t be successful against you just like don’t just like don’t do that like Barry

Sanders a former Detroit is a Class Act and is considered one of the greatest class acts to ever play football because he didn’t do any of that [ __ ] like as a player yeah he didn’t talk trash or anything he score he’d score a touchdown

To hand the ball the ref ref did and you know what he’s one of the greatest running backs in the history of the sport yeah is it because he did those things maybe not but he also didn’t Flex on everybody or like the thing that I

Can’t stand is listen I saw like Dallas Players like when they got a first down get up and Signal first down shut the [ __ ] up dude like not everybody I saw Lions players do that too it’s ridiculous like you don’t need to highlight every time that you catch a

First down or any pass just get up and go back and play it’s so I mean you gotta you got it’s an emotional game uh I have no problems with doing that kind the the the problems that I have with that kind of stuff is you’re down by three

Touchdowns and you catch a you know an 11 yard pass when it was you know third and 10 and you use signal I’m like all right scoreboard right but like in in a in a game like this you you’re pumping yourself up you’re pumping your team up

I I have no problems um I don’t I have no problems with that I don’t mind like I don’t mind the booing I don’t think it’s disrespectful I think it’s just a thing um you should go to a western Michigan hockey game uh have you ever

Been to a western game yeah okay so like the the students and and maybe it’s different because it’s college but like the student section gets loud it gets it’s crazy if someone scores on the opposition there is a series of chance that they do at the goalie that gave up

The goal it’s all your fault Civ Civ Civ you know that kind of stuff like it’s just it’s kind of it’s fun like it’s it’s a sporting event It’s Entertainment so like does that bother the goalie probably not the first time but maybe after the third time and you know maybe

That does get in their head and if that gives your team an opportunity to take advantage of that I have no it’s just like a loud crowd it’s a it’s a thing that the crowd is doing to help um help either pump up your team or provide some

Sort of Advantage however little it might be to do it I just take a uh offense to the outside of the field stuff uh trashing them off the field trash and Kelly I mean she’s not allowed to speak she’s not allowed to have a podcast and talk about I don’t know just

All that stuff is nonsense in in the stadium knock yourself out boo yell holler uh be respectful to each other you the other fans don’t like getting other fans faces and like start fights and we’re not the we’re not Eagles fans here right so you get close every time

You Flex on somebody so I mean like I will always view trash talk and booing as disrespectful and basically just weak so that’s I mean that’s fair um so we also talked about is there anything else that we want to talk about we talked about the game it was awesome

We talked about this coming weekend against Tampa Bay uh I expect that to be awesome as well um all pros and do we want to do we want to talk about anything else before we pop into a quick first round mock now that we’ve got a few more uh draft slots uh

Solidified all Pros all Pros yeah let’s do that so we have three first first ballot I’ll call it I don’t know all pro players right we have pan Su no surprise we have Aman ra St Brown which kind of was I think he should be there second round but

Like I don’t know that any I don’t know that if you were a uh Carolina Panthers fan if you would be like I’m sure Aman Ross St Brown is going to be All Pro right like that’s the that’s the problem so like our first teamers were pen Su

Aman rain Brown and Jaylen Reeves mabin on special teams so yeah so like who was on okay so Brandon iuk can you make that at all bigger Mike uh no wrong way so let’s so BR Aman R st Brown beat out AJ Brown puka neua Brandon auk and Mike

Evans to be a first team all proo Tyreek Hill who was on Pace to break Calvin’s record right well with one more game let’s be let’s be real about that and still didn’t right and then cidi lamb who has played great this season he was

He’s a first team All Pro he’s on a rookie deal you know like that’s amazing to me like I’m so thrilled I don’t give a [ __ ] about the Pro Bowl like however many [ __ ] Pro bowls you get great or whatever but like First Team all proo is

You’re the best of the best so I think that like I think that right now you can say definitively 2023 2024 am St Brown is the best slot receiver in the NFL I would say so yeah now I know guys like puka and CD lamb they play

Primarily out of the slot but Aman ra lives there so I mean like yeah be real and then of course you got your second teamers you yeah Sam lorta highlighted Frank ragnow is right there so I mean and I think that was it right um yes so we had that pan leaport

St Brown ragn now uh ragnow did I just completely look right through him oh yep on the second team second team right there um we had and then that’s wrong that’s not that is not the right Guyver he’s from Denver but we did have Jaylen Reeves Maybin also uh shout out

To kerw in Pittsburgh he’s a former lion he’s been in Pittsburgh now I think this is his second year in Pittsburgh um absolutely killing it for the for the Steelers great job but yeah so I mean you had five guys make the all pro teams I mean that’s

Great that’s just absolutely great and like tip of the Hat tip of the hat to all of them because they’ve all played great all season you know and like I you know not that fantasy football matters at all but like I hear that Sam lorta is going to be tight end number

One you know next year in fantasy I mean like it’s just an indication of like how often he gets used like in the in our offense so yeah yeah uh tip of the hat to every all proo uh that really means a lot to me I think that it’s

Fantastic that those guys made it and like if you want to talk about respect talk about that talk about those Lions earning their way to the very top of their respected positions that’s where the respect is going to come from so and winning of course winning will always Garner respect because

People I would imagine I mean that’s that’s the ultimate goal right you know and then having these guys helps that just so much so so anyways that’s that’s all I wanted to bring up was congrats there’s five of them I think that there I mean I don’t

Think that there was anybody on the lions that I would have said could have been an allpro over some of these other guys so I think they got it right I can see maybe Hutch I don’t think so I’m a little surprised Hutch didn’t um but I’m

Not I mean he’s not going to displace either of these guys and defin and probably not Michael parsons’s I could see maybe him there instead of Crosby he’s about the only I think the other three are just you know they’re just there but uh that would be the I would

Be super surprised if he’s ever Garrett or wat but like I think that he can be Crosby yeah I don’t think that’s that’s going to take a couple years is okay so this is an excellent question I don’t know how to answer it to be honest so like the question that immediately comes

To mind when we post that question if I’m if I am am manra St Brown’s agent this is the same question I’m going to put to the Detroit Lions how valuable as a slot receiver in the modern NFL because it is obvious to me having watched his entire

Career thus far that he is the outside side of Jared gof he is the single most important thing on offense that the Lions have yeah end of sentence so I’m like if I was his agent I would say does your off can you do on offense what

You want to do without my client because I don’t think it’s a yes Sam lorta e some of those concerns yeah but he’s still just a tight end right and like so my question is like so but that’s exactly it Mike like I think you hit the nail on the

Head is like he’s just a tight end is am man ra St Brown just a slot receiver because if he if he is if he’s just whatever then I don’t think that you could put him as a top five wide receiver in the NFL so like I think it’s an excellent

Question yeah when I say just a tight end I mean in comparison to a being a wide receiver right yeah right yeah I knew where you were going yeah so if I really think if I’m really evaluating as6 question the way that I think it should be

Evaluated and I see a guy like this who I don’t think that he is necessarily a big play guy even though he has some big plays but like he’s not the kind of guy that I just throw the ball up to and press right but like if I need an engine for

Like sustained success I can’t imagine too many guys going but like would I take Tyreek hill before on ra St Brown yeah would I take puka AA before mon ra St brown maybe maybe well we get a couple extra year I mean they’re they’re similar um when it comes to their role

And uh I I will say one of the big differences having watched both guys every game this year puka has had some drops Alan R st Brown is a black hole that dude doesn’t he’s dropped like two balls the entire season um but uh they they they are

Similarly gifted overall um amanra got the experience puka aa’s got the extra years on the rookie contract so that would be the only thing that I’ll would be like I which one would I rather have but uh Aman RZ proved it right this is is this a fluke year for PUK and Nia

Because cup was hurt the first six games and recovering or is he the real deal I think he’s the real deal but you really don’t know until you know another year or two years right so as6 has asked another question would I take St Brown before AJ

Brown okay so if we are doing a Madden draft where I’m creating a fictitious team on paper I’m probably going to take AJ Brown first because I think that he can do more things than what St Brown can do I think St Brown can do what he

Does better than AJ Brown this isn’t Madden okay so if I am taking a wide receiver that I think fits with what Detroit wants to do then I then I think St Brown is the pick if I am if I am if I am starting a franchise an expansion

Team I would take AJ Brown I think it comes down to what is the offense you’re running and what is the quarterback good at if your quarterback is good at a West Coast style offense you take puka nkua Aman ran brown or coer cup over those other

Guys as your first pick because that’s the key to that offense if your offense is going to be greatest show on Turf you’re going to take AJ Brown CD lamb over puka niua Aman R st brown or Cooper Cup right what what is your quarterback

Good at if it’s going to be the long bomb I I would probably take other people right but if it’s going to be those short quick passes that you need sure hands for I think you absolutely which is exactly what we need right that’s that’s what our offense is Right

Shorter shorter uh developing plays quick passes we need really tight routes run I’m going to take Cooper cup and amanas Brown over anybody in the league so he also says like uh this is real life where Character Matters I don’t know what that means I mean like it’s that locker room

Cancer stuff like do you want has AJ Brown been locker room cancer I have no idea I I don’t know much about Brown I was more I’m assuming that’s what he’s referring to so I mean was Antonio Brown that kind of went a little um Antonio Brown is completely actually insane yeah

Bad little bat [ __ ] right okay not a little no not a little bad like I think that the dude is actually insane well he just called out Herz like I understand I understand that so what you’re saying is well okay I guess the way that I

Would say it is the Eagles just through went through what I would call an epic collapse I mean real bad you know um yeah he didn’t quit so um the Lions have not experienced that yet right the Eagles have had success and are now coming down off like success

Right it’s a rumor yeah so the lions are ascending and are having are starting to taste success so I I am not did did anybody call out Jared Goff when he had that month where he had like nine turnovers and we dropped a couple games no they

Didn’t does that mean that am man R st Brown and or is any different than AJ Brown when it comes to what you can do on the field this has been my point of contention with how the Lions have wanted to add players to their roster the entire time of this new

Regime which is that as6 brings up a good point and like obviously there is a in place led by Dan Campbell in Detroit that is very beneficial and yet you still have to go out and be on the football field and be better than the people that are out there against

You and like AJ Brown can do that whether or not he’s a [ __ ] so like I think that they my leeway with that kind of character concern is greater than I think a lot of other Detroit Lions fans that’s my only point so I didn’t care about Jaylen Carter’s

Driving fast on the highway nonsense I don’t care about AJ Brown calling out your quarterback his quarterback I just don’t care like what I care about is he’s 65 and can run a 44 he has hands like dinner plates and he’s an excellent Target like that is what I give a [ __ ]

About when it comes down to it I’m not paying him tens of millions of dollars I’m not paying anybody tens of millions of dollars but like I’m not paying AJ Brown tens of millions of dollars to be a super nice dude I’m paying him to be an absolute [ __ ] monster in the red

Zone right like that’s what I care about primarily some of this other stuff would be lovely bonus toppings dressing up excellent I want to have a good locker room it’s not like I don’t want those things I want to win football games more so like and I do

Think AJ Brown gives any any team that he played for any team that he played for that opportunity and I don’t know if am man R st Brown can say the same for any team that he would have played for I think that he’s in the I think he’s in

The best spot for what he can do with the right quarterback for what he can do and it’s elevating both of their games and I think because of that that’s why he made an all proo team and I’m super happy for him that he did but and I do

Think that he is somewhere in that five to 10 range of all wide receivers in the NFL but there is a vast difference between what he and AJ Brown can do for any football team and I think you have to at least acknowledge that so yeah

That’s I guess that’s the best way to sum up how I feel about it all right before we’re gonna yeah it’s a good question I I had a a similar discussion with uh my brother um how was your brother uh uh he’s doing well he’s

Doing well uh all right so before we go to a first round mock um I wanted to quickly give a quick shout out to Aiden Hutchinson this is uh this is Aiden Hutchinson versus Trayvon Walker versus Kavon thibo um he tied thib with 11 and a half

Sacks they were they’re all about the same as sax wise look at the pressures well that’s true uh well the others don’t get the luxury of the extra games that correct all right uh but look at those pressures and look at the win rate yeah and that is

Absurd so his win rate win rate oh I cannot say that so his win rate last year was like half of this it’s basically where the other two guys were or at least W is now and like the thing that is super promising about Hutch to me is that

Uh his win weight his oh man just say rate of win his uh I gotta I’m gonna get it down man we’re in broadcasting now I gotta get be able to do this his win rate doubled this year and like as you might expect the amount of his pressures

Doubled this year you know he had I think nine and a half sacks his rookie campaign and he’s got two more this year and if he is a 100 pressures in 10 sacks a game or 10 sacks a year I don’t know how you could possibly complain about it

You know like that’s just great now well it’s doubling every year well I mean next year he’s gonna have a 42% win rate and 200 pressures it’s G to be absurd I mean if he ends up with 23 sacks next year I think that’s an all-time record

For the NFL 23 sacks 202 pressures and a 42% win rate it’s just put a put a put him in Canton right now I don’t think I’ve ever seen I I mean maybe we should go back and look at some of like Reggie White’s numbers or Aaron Donald but I

Don’t know that I’ve ever seen a win rate above 30 yeah I uh I don’t know if they had that during the r White Years go back Donald probably can yeah so like however long they’ve been tracking it I would be really curious who has the highest win rate amongst pass rushers

Ever and I would love to know what that was because if it’s 30 I’d be shocked I’d be completely shocked you know so but if Aiden can get that to like 25% next year and like 13 sacks and like 110 pressures like he I think you have

To talk about him as a all proo but like yeah the allpro stuff isn’t going to come unless you’re amongst the lead leaders in Sachs and the lead leaders in Sachs are somewhere between 17 and 20 sacks a year like TJ watt miles Garrett those guys are I love Hutch those guys

Are on just a different level and maybe he gets there that’s my hope so but let’s do this Mike we’re already at all let’s do this all right so um the uh the Bears are on the clock sure so um I mean Caleb Williams came out and said said I am going

To um I’m I’m declaring for the draft I think I think that uh I think they’re sticking with Justin fields and I think they’re going to go with Marvin Harrison Jr can we at least force a trade uh yes um who do we think would uh would trade up let’s drop let’s drop

This let’s drop the drop down box here just real quick where it says say Atlanta pick eight H hit that drop down box that’s where I was at yeah drop oh is it not showing up correct can you see it yeah let’s try again for a trade between Washington and uh

Chicago Washington all right okay so this is what I mean I don’t think that the trade will look like this because uh washing you can’t trade far enough out but I think this trade will be number two for number one you’re going to get a one next year and then you’re going to

Get something like two or three mid- round picks so let’s do this give them no no no not those kind of mid- round picks give them two and 40 and then give them uh round two in 2025 as well and then just force the trade I do you think that’s what what

They’re going to do I think they’ll get more I feel like I feel like New England is more likely to trade up do that then I mean the reason I have Washington doing it is is it should be the cheapest and he’s from DC but like you’re correct like I think

That yeah New England is sitting at third with two quarterbacks so like yeah yeah but I feel like it’ll be something like this um that’s not even what they got for the one last year yeah well they dropped further though didn’t they yeah so they okay so

This is a great question so they went from one to seven not one to three right so what is the difference between that compared to Bryce young and Caleb Williams because I think it’s like this like I don’t know Caleb Williams as a prospect is so far beyond what Bryce

Young was as a prospect that I think that like you absolutely are going to have to pay I think that there’s another one in there which we can’t put in remember they also got DJ Moore who is effectively a one yeah you know so remember last year’s trade was one to

Seven first round pick DJ Moore I think a two and a three that was what it was to go from 1 to seven when Bryce young was the target so I’ll give you some I’ll give you some rebate on the like one to three thing but like and just you got to force

It because the trade the trade simulator won’t accept it all right okay so New England’s on the clock Mike do you think they go Caleb Williams oh yeah I think for sure that’s the only reason why you do that right I agree I agree this is Drake May to the Ben Johnson Leed

Commanders uh and then I I would have Marvin Harrison here I think this is yep I think that’s a um so a buddy of mine is a Cardinals fan yeah and he’s like I would love if uh Marvin Harrison Jr would fall to us I

Don’t think he will but we need to give um Kyler Murray protection and it sounded like he would much uh rather go with a tackle um so I would I would draft Malik neighbors here who the comp that I’m hearing is bigger faster am monra St

Brown um but if you wna if your buddy says Joe all that’s fine we can go Joe all is he the best tackle or fashow well so I think that alt can go pass block and run block and right now I think fash now is more of a path blocker than he is

A run blocker so if I think if you want the more well-rounded tackle you should go with alt all right we’re gonna do that this is neighbor the Chargers the Ben Johnson LED Chargers I’m sorry the Jim Harbaugh LED Chargers very easily could be so if it’s

Harbaugh I think he he’ll fall back on what he wanted to do every stop that he’s ever been at which is have good quarterback play check you know play good defense run the ball basically do like the this the High tenants of how how to win football games right but like

Bin Beckler brand basically um I think the Chargers have four Dudes making over 25 million or close to $25 million next year and uh it’s Bosa Mack Keenan Allen Mike Williams they’ve lost Austin Eckler to free agency so I would cut just to get under the cap

I would cut Mike Williams and khil Mack and free up near $50 million in cap room but he needs someone to throw to right so I would draft if I was them and I was Jim Harbaugh I would take Malik neighbors yeah and these poor sons of [ __ ] are

Just tears they’ve already committed to Danny dimes I don’t see them taking a quarterback here no I think you give um you give them some to throw to I like a lot I think that that would be a fine pick yeah this is fashion now I don’t you think so their line is

Horrific yeah it’s true so like they have Peter scasi and then that guy okay so we don’t know who the head coach of Atlanta’s gon to be right that’s going to be one of the big determining factors in what this pick is Right I’d be sh shocked if they don’t go

Get a different quarterback Jaden Daniels so if if they make it to the draft and I mean it’s either Jade so like let’s say so the Bears the Bears trade would indicate that they’re gonna keep Justin Fields right right so they didn’t get they didn’t win the field

Sweep Stak so I mean like I think Jaden Daniels is probably worth the eight overall pick I he’s a Heisman Trophy winner I think he does a lot of things that they that team is built to do right now I I would say yes so what do you think all right what

Would you do if you were the Bears Mike you’ve got J they already took Marvin Harrison right Marvin Harrison Jr they looks like uh we we’re ignoring the QB we drafted the wide receiver Center not going to take one at nine defensive lineman they got Montes sweat who played

Extremely well for them in the second half of the year and a a corner I mean I I would guess they go corner I like I think Cooper deine is a really good football player yeah a really good football player he can do he can return kicks he can play all over

The secondary like he’s a matchup piece so like I think that you would be completely worth the ninth overall pick and now the Jets J ETS the Aaron roders LED Jets assuming he comes back next year which I think he will he is he’ll come back he’s too big

Of a narcissist to not come back so I you you try to take a tackle to help protect him um I mean he’s got a couple good young receivers to throw to but maybe Brock Bowers is like the other piece that they need on that I don’t know

I think if you ask Aaron he would want someone to throw the ball too I think if you’re building he always does he [ __ ] every time you don’t ever give me anybody to throw to that’s right I think if you’re building the Jets the right way or the way that you’re

Supposed to you got to draft an O lineman but like if I’ve learned anything it’s that this [ __ ] gets whatever whatever he wants yeah so like I think it’s I think of Aaron roders as making the pick it’s Brock Bowers yeah that’s my guess as

Well cuz then you get a little bit of a lineman in that tight end uh but also a pass catcher and you get to keep your primadana happy uh the Vikings I don’t think they need a quarterback I think they’re going to resign Kirk Cousins okay that

So uh I would not take any running back in this class at number 11 overall I until round three in this class I could see that um so and you’re also probably not going to take a guard or a center this early so you’re really looking and

If you’re taking a linebacker this early you’re either Brad Holmes or you’re wrong right so um it’s going to be either a defensive back or a lineman okay so I don’t know that there is an elite level Corner in this class Wiggins might be the closest one but he is a Zone

Corner so other than like Cooper does he yeah I think Cooper dee can just fit in anybody’s hit pocket like he is he can guard tight ends I think Deen will end up being a nickel Corner he’s the V Kyle Hamilton I think is like a good way like a Brian Branch

Or somebody basically yes yeah so um I think the right move here is the lineman but I could be talked out of it depending on like say combine numbers which we don’t have yeah I’m I’m leaning toward that as well um I mean because look at look at who we’ve got in

The NFC North right we’re going to have Jared gof against a top offensive line or with a top top offensive line you’re gonna have Justin Fields not with a top offensive line but you’re going to be playing them twice and you’ve got um Jordan love decent offensive line like I

Think you need to put pressure on the young guys um in your Division and I think that’s where I think a guy like Newton would come in and be a bigger bigger bonus than any of the quarterbacks that are out there yeah I don’t have a problem Johnny

Newton had an absolutely crazy two years ago and he was really good this year I’m I’m excited to see how he tests uh I could I could also see them drafting somebody like Michael penck here but if they decided to go away from Kirk Cousins so yeah I think I think you can

Get Kirk on a one or twoyear deal and um you’ve got Justin Jefferson I think you’ve got a fairly tight window um of opportunity with that so I think they go all in on that uh this to me feels like Wiggins are Turner uh I would probably try and go Wiggins

And pair him across from Patrick ctin and just be like okay Justin Herbert Patrick Mahomes whoever is the quarterback from the Raiders like we have two young good Rook you know good Corners what are you gonna do like let’s if this doesn’t work nothing will so we

Lost all of our followers yeah it’s almost two hours in yeah um I think the Raiders just go quarterback here right it’s it’s that time yeah I think it’s going to be fascinating to see who qb4 in this class is because it could be one of like three

Or four guys uh I think it’s fine to say Michael penick’s here I don’t have an argument against it it’s just going to depend on what they want um I do they do the same thing if it is I think you sit him behind car for a

Year who’s the best guy to learn behind a guy like that um I think think JJ if you want a quarterback that can throw on the run I think you want JJ McCarthy he needs to add like 15 pounds he’s just so skinny I think if you want a guy that’s

Gonna be that’s played a lot of games and has done multiple different types of offenses it’s B Knicks so like I don’t have a problem with them going B Knicks here um which one will benefit more by sitting behind car for a year I I think McCarthy has the higher

Ceiling but we’ll go with McCarthy the Colts have their um their quarterback with Anthony Richardson uh but they need defensive help they also need offensive line so I don’t think I when they say offensive line I don’t think they mean tackle I think they mean interior

Offensive yeah God bless it so in The Struggle Bus today I understand um I don’t I don’t think tyon Arnold would be a bad pick here the other guy that I had in mind is Brian he’s the wide receiver for LSU uh Brian Thomas Thomas would be the

Guy that he’s big uh you give you give like if you want to build a basketball team that plays football with Anthony Richardson as your quarterback like giving him a 64220 plus pound wide receiver is something they might lose Michael Pitman to free agency so I mean like there

Could very well be a need for turnover there plus you get a wide receiver and a and there’s this draft has flush with wide receivers um I would probably take if I was in charge of the Colts I would draft Brian Thomas all right let’s do

It I think when we do our we’re going to do one where we uh uh trade and all that kind of stuff like we did last year with Brian and Justin oh it’s goingon to be fun yeah yeah we’ll have to wait until agency’s largely done to me this is um Dallas Turner

Yeah I really think Jared verse is the guy here I think he started to run on edges there’s not a ton they’ve lasted this late Josh Allen their Edge rusher is a free free agent although I don’t think he’ll hit free agency um this fuaga I

Mean just too good you can do this one I they they need they need a cornerback really really badly so um unfortunately um I’m not a big Alabama fan but they’ve got they got the best corner available um I would they need that bad really really bad I mean they

Need offensive line help as well but uh I think their Corner their secondary is just terrible um yeah God there’s a lot of Alabama guys they’re they’re really good they’re really good team that produces a lot of great talent so um I’ve thought that the problem in Pittsburgh has been that the

Fact that their offensive line is not played up to the level that it had in years past when they were an elite AFC team um I honestly think they could take a quarterback but like um like they’re a sneaky Russell Wilson team for what I from what I’ve

Heard and uh I certainly Russ’s getting cut so which is we haven’t talked about much but it’s an absolute [ __ ] nightmare so I’ll say mckin the dead money the dead money it’s 85 million over two years so that’s so funny I think it’s mckinstry um give him a corner leam no

Idea what is the problem in Philly um outside of Patricia calling plays right their defense was just made a just just drop off and it’s not their defensive line it’s their secondary well that’s a real problem linebackers and S you know secondary so well there’s no linebacker in the first round worth taking

And I mean he is the next best corner maybe I don’t know who they’ve got a saf they do need a safety I think that I like nuben more than I like kitchens kinchin um but I mean it’s 29th and 30th I mean take your pick I mean if you want to

Draft a guy from The U that’s fine real U ofm will go with the real U ofm stop it not when we’re champions of the NCAA you’re not that’s fair that’s fair you get to say that this year I do for a whole year for

A whole year um if I if this was Me I don’t like any of those positions for where where the the way this board fell I would take brillan tce uh who I really want to draft as the as the Lions he’s he’s my pick he’s the guy I want on the Lions uh this is bonck wouldn’t that be

Hilarious we’d have a Aaron Rogers situation with Dak except I think Dak is less of a primed on so they trade I mean if we’re gonna do like a they’re gonna get their backup remember they traded for Trey Lance it’s true um um DL linebacker see I want to give them

Another corner but like we we’ve only drafted like four corners like give him RI Shaw I mean RI straw I mean that’s fine running back tackle DL safy give him the kid from Minnesota oh yeah no no no no that’s way better you’re right Mims yeah Tampa Bay I latu I mean pass

Rusher I would love it if he fell to us so the cards we picked up um a tackle early they’re going to be kind of fun to play with because like they might be one of those teams that’s like we’re gonna we’re g to be movers and shakers in the draft I like

Troy Franklin I think he’s a nice wide receiver skinny but uh nice I think I go with him give Kyler a um another Target to throw to sure I mean they’re losing people as well yeah so um Kansas city wide receiver defensive lineman well there’s no D lineman I think worth taking

Um yeah he’s about another one from the U I think that the guy that they that I would like to see on Kansas City is lad makoni uh pair him with uh Rashid rice and just see what you have because I think those two guys would be a lot of fun with Patrick

Mahomes so uh Buffalo now we’re getting into the four that are actually um the uh Kansas City’s still in it yeah Kansas City’s still in it and then Houston but they uh I guess all four of these here yeah so so Buffalo they don’t need a quarterback um tackle defensive lineman defensive back

Linebacker I mean do you just go Morgan I like I think that I like giving them a chance at a tackle more than I do the other positions that have been more heavily picked over so far like they’re in kind of a good position where they can draft and

Stash okay so this is really terrible because first of all I don’t know why they have Center well because rag now in uh he misses games he’s got the um degenerative you know condition in his toe I could guess I could see that but I don’t think that’s going to be a

Thing that we would have to pick as a starter I could see a depth guy sure so there’s no guard we’re thicking here there’s no Center we’re taking here Um running buddy I just I don’t or another cornerback well so if if it’s a cornerback I don’t want it to be that cornerback can you click on corners and we can see who’s available like the position group yeah so like TJ Tampa is the guy that I

Think I like the best for what the Lions want to do but he’s he’s gonna be a top of the second round guy like what what I would love to do here is trade out for somebody who might want like a Michael pennx or a bow Knicks or somebody if

They made it that far um the way that this board fell though I do think that brasswell is probably the right guy um Charles Harris is up Romeo quar is up Julian oara is up like they have a that even if he doesn’t start I think that you need depth at

Edge yeah you know like I would like to resign James Houston you know and like let’s figure out who’s the like maybe one of these two guys is the the other the tag team partner for Aiden so ol line or cornerback you can give him Lasser that’s fine Ravens uh he’s the Deep

Threat um I mean their deep threat right now is Diggs right no that’s the bills or yeah oh my God uh they have uh Z flowers as a uh slot uh baitman who hasn’t lived up to his potential and Beckman who’s on a one-year deal so I mean just might be a

Guy that they’d be went going for then scroll scroll down just one more time for me real quick will you yeah it’s not getting any better oh oh oh give him Keon Coleman give him can’t give give me 65 215 jumps out of the building yes please

So I don’t know I think that’s pretty good like why why I wanted to do this exercise is that like right now we know the order through pick 24 the Lions cannot pick any lower than 25 and their record even if they fell into that group the next group like the divisional round

Losses like their record is going to put them down at the bottom of that respective group because they won 12 games you know Green Bay w nine Tampa Bay w nine you know so like there are teams still left in the playoffs who didn’t win as many games and they’re

Going to get to pick first so I think that and I think you’ve seen it here the where this draft is strong are tackles wide receivers and Corners yeah and like there’s a couple of edges but you gotta be in the top 15 or right around there

Or trade up and then like I don’t think there is an elite wide rece Elite Corner in this class Nate Wiggins is about as close to it but he’s a Zone corner and I don’t think the Lions want that on their roster you know and then there’s like

Tackles and like you’re set at tackle you know so the what is available in droves in this class are not aligning with what the Lions need you know like I don’t think maybe trade Trade Up Guys trade up certainly a possibility so like then okay so like

Mike starting at pick like let’s say 24 and above what is one guy that you would Target the Lions to trade up for any anybody because I have um I have one I have one target that I would really like to see I could see a guy like Jared verse

Or Dallas Turner yep I think those are excellent targets um I mean I I wouldn’t mind trading up to like get Nate wigin that’s I think you’re GNA have to give up too much so I would try to trade up the least amount to get the best value so I

Would say like Dallas Turner Jared verse or potentially like tyon Arnold mine’s a little bit out of left field I mean like I I would trade up five to 10 picks maybe somewhere in that range if if Jon Newton was still on the board so there are two guys in this

Class Newton is one tandre sweat or maybe it’s sweet I think it’s sweat though from Texas are the penetrating defensive tackles in the mold of like what Jaylen Carter was at Georgia he was just a lot better at it right think if you put a lot of pressure has to come from

The center from the middle of the field now not at the edges and we drafted brri Martin and we spent all year developing him he has not played meaningful snaps that dude’s preseason next year is going to need to be really strong but like I also don’t think that

Like just because you draft a dude like that and they’re relatively deep at defensive tackle if you go Det tackle in the first round like say you trade up for Newton or like tandre SWAT is there at 30 for you in this Mock and you go

That guy you have Martin be a be a backup for mcneel but and then I think what you do is you push Pascal and Kaminsky out to Edge and it’s just like we’re huge deal with it are they gonna be effective at Edge you think GNA be fast enough so

Like here’s the thing right so like I think that you I think that you do bring back James Houston on some kind of deal and and give him his 500 snaps a year right but like I think that the the that mentality that roster that dline construction that I just pitched

Is Hutch is gonna create from one side and we are gonna collapse the pocket from the other three positions and so like people and I think that like as6 in his very last post here like an hour and a half ago was like like he’s got to

Finish okay well if you can’t find an Elite pass rusher to meet hutch in the middle then create a wall that is so big that there’s nowhere else for the quarterback to go and Hutch will get there or he runs into 600 pounds of human whoever the quarterback is and

It’s like okay throw out of that throw out a 68 360 in your face or whatever you know or whatever it is you know do something like that like I don’t think that you’re going to generate a ton of pass rush with Pascal and Kaminsky but I do think what you would

Do is force their offensive line to basically be like we are exhausted at five minutes too in the second quarter right and so like and I would just try to do that in physically overwhelm them basically physically overwhelm yeah well it’ll be interesting to see how the

Next round shakes out who ends up in which draft positions I’m actually really looking forward to the one where we get a couple guys each taken like the north the South that kind of stuff because uh I I like the ring you the trade tra trade time those were fun um I

Think that this draft class is the tier are so plateaued that you’re going to have people fall in love with certain guys that they’re going to be like we actually think this guy on our board is this other tier yeah and I think that we are gonna see a bunch of

Trades I can see that yeah so and like I think that you’re probably I mean you’re probably gonna get the first round I think the I really do think that the Bears are going to trade the first overall pick I don’t I wouldn’t if I was the bears but like

I do think they will yeah so so yeah that’s true so next week Mike I think that we’re sitting here talking about what’s the NFC championship game gonna look like for the for the Lions correct and the question even at home yeah well I mean so that’s the question

Is if you’re gonna play for the NFC championship game do you want to go to Candlestick Park or whatever the [ __ ] they call that Stadium now or do you and play the ners on the road or would you rather play it at home and have the Packers come to

Fordfield uh you know we got we got five folks still sticking around with us so you guys are awesome four now well that one person’s less awesome now but uh I am curious to see what everybody else is wondering about that same thing I think uh Hatter says play Green Bay at home

They’re going to they’re going to have momentum they’re going to have they’re going to be just dripping with confidence um but we’ll be at home right or are we looking at uh San Francisco in San Francisco I think the answer to that will come down to what does that game

Look like was San Franc was it a really close win in San Francisco um by by the ners or was it a blowout because if it’s a blowout I’d rather play Green Bay at home than a than a ners team that just blew out somebody that just blew out the the Cowboys uh

Even though the Cowboys always get uh beaten playoffs um but I I would lean toward Green Bay at home because I just think we’ve got a better roster and the home uh field advantage is uh and I can guarantee you that the Rams will say this too A Difference

Maker so I’m gonna I mean just for science I guess I’ll go the other route for science for science I will say I would rather play San Francisco on the road than the way that green BL Green Bay is playing right now at home and like I think that the Lions have

Shown basically all year that like going on the road doesn’t really affect them I mean they got absolutely handed it to them in Baltimore okay but like went and beat Kansas City in Arrowhead played Dallas to a stand still and the refs [ __ ] us in D

You know and like the rest of the time you know they’re beating division winners in their buildings so I don’t know why San Francisco can’t be any different than that like I have no faith in Brock pie so like um I think that I would

Rather I don’t want to play the hot team and like right now that’s Green Bay and coming into the playoffs it was the Rams and we played them you know uh I wish we could play San Francisco at home too hey guess what you know what would have made

That happen if they gotten the one seed hey you know what would have happened if we’ beaten Dallas we would have had it it would have been [ __ ] cool and we would have just been able to skip this week Sam Lor could have healed all the

Way up and we would have played every game from then on out at home that would have been awesome I’m not upset of that I will say I think I think this week needed to happen no I don’t um if anybody’s watching is also a Red Wings

Fan uh and they were around in the 9s we were uh a juggernaut right we uh we made the playoffs 25 straight years uh which is which is a lot of years uh and we were for like 22 of them we were a top four seed um so it was we

Were we were really strong what ended up happening was in 1995 we uh went to Stanley Cup finals we got beat by um the New Jersey Devils 1996 we has set the record for the most point um but we got beat by Colorado and in 1997 there was that was The Big Brawl

March 26 1997 um against Colorado that was when mccardy and Claud uh went at it um that game turned our team around me we just couldn’t get by them we couldn’t get by them and that was the we can beat them and they were the only thing

Stopping us and I and I do wonder if not that we could never get by you know the Rams or whatever but I I wonder if for Goff this was his version of what that was for the Red Wings and that very much propelled us to the Stanley Cup Championship in

97 uh because we also had to play them in in the the uh in the playoffs and we you we took that uh regular season win and like you guys aren’t our Boogeyman anymore and I and I do wonder if in a similar way the with golf’s confidence issues

Coming out of La coming here struggling his first year struggling half of his second year and really turning things around if this was not one of those things that just needed to happen for him to just flip a switch and just keep going and kicking out like just getting

Better not just staying where he was but like really getting beyond that so I do wonder if this was just a perfect thing that happened yes I’d love to have the number one seat at home but I do wonder I mean we’ll know in a month right

Whether whether it mattered or not but um a month from now I may be like I said it that was the thing that did it his his confidence skyrocketed and and we just blew people out I’d love to say that in the month but that’s that’s kind

Of where my my head is with that uh that whole thing yeah I don’t know that go can any better whether or not he’s more confident like I um than he what he did this last week so I mean yeah he played outstanding yeah I

Mean I I just I mean when you were saying that like it makes sense like and that stuff happens I just don’t know that it’s applicable to this version of the Lions team I mean I think that goth is currently confident I don’t think the lions are afraid of anybody in the NFL

And like whether it was beating Kansas City in week one or winning 12 games this year or like doing as well on the road as they have like I don’t think that there’s much that this team fears especially when they know they I think this is more about the person like

For the Red Wings it was about the team like the just the team couldn’t get by them right it wasn’t just one person and I think if if um gf’s chess pass ended up being a fumble six and we lose that game are you telling me you don’t think that

Just completely devastates him and he doesn’t he loses the confidence just like he did in La I mean you don’t never you don’t actually know but like I I very much think that if that would have happened and we lose this game especially on a turnover caused by him I think his play

Drops dramatically just like it did after losing the Super Bowl well I mean his dropped dramatically for apparently no reason like six weeks ago for a whole month so I mean like and he came back right he came back from that think it sh

I mean like yeah so I mean like what can he come back from well I mean the Super Bowl it it took him three four years to come back from that we don’t have that kind of window with an with an admittedly terrible situation in Los Angeles which

He doesn’t have here so I I think he had a great situation there he had a perennial Super Bowl Contender but his play his performance they treated him I understand that’s that’s my point like I think this is one of those things where like it proves to himself that he can do

This if he loses because of if we lost because of him I don’t think he would be able to recover I just don’t like the the same thing that he didn’t recover from his poor play in the Super Bowl they got across the 50 yard line one time good

Enough for a field goal sure his play was horrendous and that crushed his confidence and everything just went downhill and I think this the opposite just happened I think it could have happened again had we lost that game but the opposite happened and I think his confidence is going to go

Up that’s that’s all I’m saying I don’t see it that I don’t see it that way um first of all it’s a what if so it doesn’t matter sure and the second thing is like he’s already proven that like from a bad situation he certainly can

Recover and like he’s played as well if not better this year than he did in a Super Bowl year so like would it take time I don’t know like you’re also I mean like if he lost this last game in the way that you’re describing he

Has when did OTA start I mean seven months from no not yeah six it’s more than that uh it’s July isn’t it he has the better part of he has a year half a year to like be in the building go over what happened have his team rally around

Him or whatever like I just don’t think he’s the same guy that he was when he was in LA and like from what I’ve SE like heard him talk how I’ve heard him speak and the way that I’ve seen him like conduct himself like I just don’t

Think that’s who Jared GF is do I want him I agree yeah so like I mean I agree he’s not the same guy because if he was I don’t think we win that game yeah so like I don’t think that Jared gof is the kind of

Guy that like his at this point in his career like something’s gonna happen it’s GNA shatter his confidence like when Carson y Carson Wentz Got The Yips a couple years ago in Philadelphia and like completely forgot how play quarterback like I don’t think that that

Happens to Jared G which is I think the difference in their careers to be honest but like um I think what’s important to take away from this is that they don’t have to concern themselves with that situation so um confidence is overflowing I love it yeah but like at what point wasn’t

The confidence overflowing this year I mean that’s the thing is that like I think that this is the kind of standard that Campbell sets like he’s this is what makes him a good coach it’s not necessarily the aggression or the play calling or like the game management

Necessarily like he’s F he’s fine at all that but it’s about connecting with and getting the players to think and believe that like they are being put in the best position to be successful and to be the best versions of themselves and that that instills confidence in them and I think

That’s what he does and so like I just think that no matter what you’re GNA see people come through Detroit and it’s going to be like I think that I’m GNA be the best version of myself here and I think that Jared goof Falls in that same bucket so yeah

You know the problem is is that like I don’t think leadership and culture yeah I don’t think Jared gol’s best is going to be sufficient to arrive at a Super Bowl vict Victory I I would bet against it but they’re still playing you know and

So I still have a chance to be wrong and like I hope you’re wrong if I’m wrong you hope you’re wrong if I’m if I’m wrong I’ll be the happiest about that than I’ve ever been being wrong about anything y so I that was what I said on

Uh on Sunday like I I picked us to lose by one and I’m like I can’t tell you how excited or H happy I will be if I’m wrong like I want to be wrong so bad um and I’m not going to be upset about it

Like I’m not going to be upset like oh man I was wrong no I’ll be like woohoo I was wrong yeah exactly like you know yeah like hang it over my head forever like I’ll I’ll live with it by looking up at the banner you know like so Hatter

Picked the opposite he picked 3130 Us close off by a touchdown both both ways yep solid solid take man I mean like y to be honest like going into the game you would have expected both of these offenses I think to put up more

Points I mean yeah a game in the 20s I was kind of surprised so but anyways I think that’s good enough where we’re close to two and a half yeah yeah yeah it’s about 215 is yeah well Mike hopefully we’re back here next Tuesday with another Victory

Tuesday uh those are the best Tuesdays Drew but in the meantime where can they go uh well we’ve got our Discord so the Link’s there they’ll be uh I’ll try to put the remember put the Discord in the show notes um uh but other than that uh

Hit us up on uh on YouTube like comment subscribe all that stuff tell your friends we’re getting close to that triple digits uh number so look looking forward to hitting uh triple digits and the subs yeah I’m I’m hoping by the draft we’ve got we’ve got a 100 100 sub be pretty sweet

So you know and then at some point that’s going to snowball and we’re just going to be the most popular show on YouTube I I mean with that beard and this beautiful face how could we not it’s pretty beautiful so all right man all right buddy we’ll

We’ll talk to you later we’ll catch you uh next Tuesday for another Victory Tuesday sounds good all right later righte

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