Golf Players

Kevin Koe vs. Reid Carruthers – FINAL – Astec Safety Challenge presented by Wild Rows

Kevin Koe (#9) of Calgary, Alberta playing Reid Carruthers (#13) of Winnipeg, Manitoba in the Championship FINAL of the 2024 Astec Safety Challenge presented by Wild Rows: Pump & Compression, held January 11 to 14, 2024 and hosted by Lloydminster Curling Club in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, Canada. [Sheet 5]


# WCF World Team Rankings:

Aztec safety this must be the place Boys H it’s about right looks like this is where the uh Engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool under pressure Great tour but where’s our man Brett I don’t know all right normally he’s bailing Me Out roll reversal baby there he is resting Mode putting out fires for these guys already 50 in a half hi there I’m Joseph Rosenberg the contact center manager for utility safety partners and we’re very proud to be a sponsor of the Aztec safety challenge now when you’re competing in a bonch beel you got to dig deep uncover what’s buried and plan each shot and in

Life when you’ve got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried well you have to plan and that plan needs to involve utility safety partners yeah pretty close when bumping that object in front of you is not an Option I oh I want something just like this good afternoon everybody and welcome to the final at the Aztec safety challenge here at the Lloydminster golfing curling Center in Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan we are getting geared up as team kui is finishing up their practice right now as we get ready for a big

Match between team Reed kurs and team Kevin Koy my name is k Mulligan I am joined in the booth with Ryan Dice and Scott manners guys thanks for joining me here this afternoon it’s going to be a huge match what do we expect from these two teams

As we get ready to go for the matchup this afternoon well well the these two like these two skips are very familiar with each other I believe they’ve played over 30 times in their history so uh I expect that there’ll be a lot of rocks in play this game

Ex right down to the Wi ABS more yeah it close fantastic guys we are looking forward to a huge huge game this afternoon again as Ryan mentioned these teams have played each other 32 times Scott’s Mike’s now working fantastic we’ve got 32 times these guys have played against each other the record is

17 and 15 in the edge of team team kui these guys have also played one game so far this year that was on October 17th with team kui winning 54 now as Kevin Koy gets ready for his draw to the button we will find out who’s going to get the hammer looks as

Though Ki is going to play the yellow rocks here today on sheet number five so how did these two teams get here they’ve both gone six and one they both won their first match then they both lost their second game kui lost to Aden KS lost to mauet then both teams decided it

Was time to get hot they have won in the last 48 hours they’ve all won both won five games each to get to this point earlier today Kevin Koy played against Bruce Mau in a back and forth battle with Kevin Koy coming out on top 64 and

Team KS going up against team rores team rores literally played five games in a row as they played in the semi-final we’re trying to play six in a row and get to the final but we’re not able to do so as they lost 54 to team TRS Brad

Jacobs with some massive shots in that game as we look at the shot to the button as these guys determine who is going to have the hammer Scott your mic’s working I’m back on here we go we’re live that’s fantastic two big Powerhouse teams getting ready to play for

$26,000 for the winner here today great prize money for these guys today Kyle fantastic draw to the button there we’re just waiting to see first introductions here from Jeff up start as we get ready to introduce the teams we are going to send it down to ice level as we get

Ready for this final at the Aztec safety challenge proudly brought to you by Wild Rose pump and compression welcome everyone challenge Championship all Canadian final I think we’ve had uh four really great days of curling and uh we’re going to cap this off in an amazing game today

Uh I’m pleased on behalf of Aztec safety to be able to uh be part of this and our presenting sponsor Wild Rose pump and compression we are here to introduce the players for the final game and from team kurs with we’ve got lead Connor neaman Derek smagalski

May not need a lot of introductions Brad Jacobs is the scap and the Headmaster of Team kurs Reed kurs they play out of the Winnipeg Curling Club and you’ll see a lot of them on television next week as well so welcome guys welcome and on on the other

Side is again some team that doesn’t need a lot of introductions someone who’s been here a lot team Koy lead is Carrick Martin second jacqu go third is Tyler tarty and they are skipped by Kevin kuy cheer hard let’s go in this all Canadian final look forward to a great game great curling

Man all right guys it’s time as we get to the curling action here at the Aztec safety challenge as they get the final stretches in not 100% sure who has Hammer yet but we’re going to find out real quick guys for both of these teams

Do you want the hammer in one is it is it kind of the standard for you guys when you’re in competition you’re playing in the big matches do you want to get the hammer early and set the tone absolutely yeah like uh even just scoring first even the first end that uh

Statistically you win win more games than not that way and especially at this level just sends an early message Kyle too to your you know these teams that played against each other before they they’re going to do everything they can to get that hammer we saw the draws to

The pin it looks like Koy with hammer here in the first end as we see Conor Negan setting up with red stones here in the first so for team KS don’t have the hammer to start the game how do you create offense here early in the firstand what is the

Strategy what’s the mindset that’s going through Brad Jacob’s head as he starts to call this game probably going to throw a tight tight Center guard and then uh they’re probably going to rely on a few freezes this first end as they’re they’re going to do their best

To uh you know get a nice Force here or or you know opportunity presents itself maybe even a little steal so I’m not 100% up on my real changes I’m not a big curler like you guys but I I do enjoy the game I’ve been around it a lot

Throughout my life with the change in the five Rock Rule and the no tick Zone when it’s on the center line how has that evolved the game here in the last couple years well um the five Rock Rule has has really evolved where um it makes the makes especially the the ending a

Lot more exciting like for example the semi-final there where between rores and uh and uh and CRS there um typically in the four Rock Rule game if you’re down to pretty hard to uh get more than two points whereas uh the five Rock Rule creates that opportunity to get three

Yeah and you know what throughout the event we uh even last night in the in the quarterfinal game as team botcher was trying to get their way through they were able to Ste get three in the Final End to push it to an extra end but weren’t able to get through team mauet

Who were Buzz SAU throughout the whole week as we uh Watch Team Ki here Carrick Martin with his first little bit of an over curl there Kyle want team kui wanting to take their Rock and hit and stick on the on the rock that was ring right tight to the Rings and control

That zone in front of the house just a little bit of a miscue now in the eight eight end game not 10 right how important is it for these teams to manage the game properly so that one you’ve got Hammer coming home in eight how is that managed now it’s a little

Bit different shorter game shorter game uh yeah Hammer means even more important off the start with with an eight end game versus a 10 end game that’s um you know less opportunities to have Hammer if you don’t have it off the start right so they’re going to take chances early

And that’s why we see the center guard go up and it’s it’s great action for us you guys right now they can’t just up and tick guards anymore once they’re touching the center line they’ve really got to go for it right out of the gates car Martin here with his second for team

Kuie as we get this Championship final underway fans are starting to Pile in it’s been a a chilly week here in Lloydminster but the fans have been coming in and grows people are starting to show up here for the final the upstairs has been busy the whole time

The food and beverage has been fantastic Fant can’t than the Lloydminster exhibition Association enough Jackie tomm and Jim Armstrong their teams have done a great job here this week and it just goes to show what world class facilities we have in Lloydminster and what they’re able to do when they’re

Open consistently it makes for a fantastic experience for all of the fans and for everybody that’s been joining us throughout the week now I was I was looking it back on some memories I was looking on my Facebook page hard to believe 10 years ago guys hockey de

Canada was here in Lloydminster now we’re standing here in another worldclass event at the lyminster golfing Center witnessing a great game between two Great Canadian teams all good boy Derek great run back there fantastic venue here Kyle I’ll make sure on this yeah little fresh ja go getting ready to throw his first

Shot here in the second first stand of this Championship final quiet clean J clean clean yep great control weight hit there by Kyle go jacqu go I like normal Kyle Mulligan no I’m not throwing seconds today Scott they don’t let me out there see how many

More slips I can have there you go but no great shot there by Jo go as Derek sameli steps in looks like we’re going to play a little bit of cat M here with this one rock in the Rings yeah a little bit very critical to make the hit and

Stick at least on this okay queen queen now with these guys having played seven games so far getting ready to play their eighth they’ve played all over the rank in this event is there any trying to get comfortable on the ice for this or they’re already comfortable It’s the

Final it’s ready to go they’ve played enough uh yeah like they you know they it wasn’t like they had to go through the a where you play less games going through the B you have to play a couple extra so they’re both teams are pretty warm and I think they’re they’re

Comfortable out there they’ll like those extra games Kyle a little more time on the ice little more feel for the ice yeah and as as we saw last night team guu and team Adine who played the fewest games in the event both eliminated last night so G to your points maybe it is

Better playing a little more games getting a little more sense of what’s going on on the ice even though guu came out and had a practice session yesterday morning still not enough to make their way and I know everyone out in New Finland Labrador was super excited for

The game last night the comments on the stream was outstanding and uh but again unfortunately for team guu they couldn’t get past Brad Jacobs and Reed KS last night which was an outstanding and more to your point Kyle you know there’s no substitution for games re Brothers with his first going

For the hit and roll almost half roll over to the center line here as Kevin Koy is calling on Tyler tardy to peel this one out frh just a little yeah yeah I do I think it’s I agree 6et probably here the kui team discuss this fresh path for

The first take out here by Tyler makes sense it’s usually in pregame practice you don’t throw Too Many Stones on in this area so just in between it hey Ryan you got it come on there with a good sweep as we get the nose hit from Reed CRS good throw that wasn’t

Readed I’ll get on it there’s the mess up Scott we waiting for come we’ve got 675 people tuning in on the YouTube live feed we’re getting some uh comments back and forth we’ve been treated to some of the best curling this week totally agree with you it’s been outstanding greetings

From Branford Ontario and then another one of the guys been doing some play bypl throughout the week one of the coaches at Lakeland College Chris mid good luck to teams cing TR others great curling action all week long if anybody has any comments we’d love to know where

You’re tuning in from to watch this final at the Aztec safety challenge please log into the chat and leave your comments leave your questions if there’s any analytical analysis type stuff you want make sure those questions go to Scott and Ryan cuz they’re the ones are

Going to answer it I’m just the guy here that gets to enjoy hanging out with these guys today as we watch some outstanding cing reek Brothers just with his second shot there was able to get the hit and stick is now Tyler settles in for his second here in the first end

Yeah now as this end’s progressing here like uh Team Ki might want to play this end where they will try to go for the blank here don’t say that dreaded word Ryan we don’t want blanks in this game do we these two have had some of the highest scoring games throughout that is

A swear word to to some people these days holy blank blank when you look at the statistics team Koy points for 6.79 throughout the week team TR 7.45 throughout the week so there’s been lots of scoring from these guys but you’re going to go with that dreaded work that

Blank work yeah that would be good I mean they’ll want to carry that hammer into the second end Kyle and stay there on even ends and do whatever they can to get the even end score game management as we talked about so important at this level with the Precision that these guys

Play Kevin Koy winter jacket and all as he comes down the ice or Sorry Brad Jacobs sorry um bald heads both of them so yeah but jacket both of them so yeah Kevin’s got the ton though so that way I know exactly who’s who Brad Jacobs settling

In what do you think Ryan you think there too many any nerves from these guys or they’ve been in this situation before no I I these guys have been they’ve played like especially the two skips anyways they’ve they’ve been in in a lot of Slam finals and a lot of big

Bons Spiel finals in the past big Brier games too Ryan you’re telling me the Brier and the World Championships are more important than this game at the Aztec safety challenge come on guys this is pressure this is what it’s all about you’re in Lloyd Minster the only border city in

Canada I’d love to ask these guys if they have any nerves or how many nerves they have Kyle yeah I I got a hunch that these guys like you said have played in so many big games thrown so many of these rocks in their life but um but at

The end of the day they’re still human and but again the game has evolved so much over the last 15 years with the work with mental coaching physical and mental coaching off and on the ice it’s no longer a game where you show up do a couple quick stretches and head out on

The ice anymore at this level these guys are totally smoking darts but uh these guys are 100% ready to go and the mental preparation and the coaching that goes into this for these guys to perform at the highest level as they are preparing for a big week next week in Red Deer as

They have a grand slamp both of these teams will be in that event but I’m pretty sure one of them like to go with $26,000 in their pocket absolutely this is going to be a great game today I know from the from the finals that we’ve played maybe even some of the

Finals that Ryan and I have played there is no other game like the final we should be able to get hard to describe that but things are always a little bit different and often the ice changes you know you might see subtle changes to the ice as well as

There’s you know less people around and could get a little colder and that often results in slightly faster ice and and a little bit on the straighter side Kevin Koy here with his first in the first end at the is Tech safety challenge this

One’s got to go a little oh I think we got I think we burned it burned Rock there’s something we don’t see very often no in the first end at the a tech safety challenge think got to go a little oh I think I think we burned it

As the guys throw the rock down there’s something we don’t Brad Jacobs now I think I just got behind it a little too much trying to force team KY what’s the play here guys after a a burn like that you’ve got settle everybody down again and back at her

That’s uh that’s tough I you know always feel bad when you when you burn a teammate’s rock um I know Ryan’s done it to me so it all happens it’s probably for the best most of the time anyways but now as far as the CRS team

Like this is a great opportunity here to get that force or maybe even steel like if they could bury one top four top four top button force is a really tough uh run back here Brad Jacobs settling in for his final Rock here in one looking

To bring this I would assume very close to the buttoner top 4 foot in behind cover yeah wrap this right around and try and protect the pin guys are just starting to clean it now as we get to the hog line looking for it to curl trying to get as much now

They’re starting to hammer on a little bit harder trying to draw this undercover Prett it R pretty straight there it did run quite straight but again did get it somewhat undercover looks like it’s right close to the center line probably see about half the rock now the real question is does that

Top rock at the top of 12 is it a biter is it a counter or will this be a straight peel no it’s not no it’s not in straight peel for the blank so team kui after a burned rock on Kevin’s first shot is going to get an

Opportunity to get out of this end with the blank if he’s able to hit and roll it’s this white line it’s on the white line what’s that well that’s what it usually is seem pretty confident that other rock is out I never even looked at yeah from the overhead camera it did

Looked like it was out you think it’s out need to remove this one at the back of the four it’s grabbing part of that outer white Tyler T take another quick look on that Reed cars has already gone over and grabbed the stick he’s ready for a measurement pay 10

Bucks we got a $10 bet do we hear 20 do we hear 20 right yeah great friendly banter between these two competitive teams Kevin koi settling in Tyler is confident that that rock is out at the top the 12 Kevin looking for the hit roll and

The blank here and one to retain Hammer into the second with the clean looks pretty pretty good the hit and roll and Reed others jumping in on this one quick to get a measurement to see if that one’s in the Rings it’s going to be very tight

Just see how good Brian’s ice or Brian’s rock or Wing what did he say I’m not sure what he said that’s a quick measure is this en we are waiting for them to tell us what’s going on very quick measurement as the score goes up score goes up we

Have got a z00 game so that rock was out everybody Brian’s rings are true hey Brian mcclaskey and John Wall have done a great job but again these events don’t happen without outstanding sponsors and we’d like to take a moment to thank them Bandit energy beex and construction Synergy Credit Union

Tar1 Cooperators Jason Arden and Associates quter in and sweet it’s The Host Hotel here this week for all of our teams L&L oil field velocity Truck Centers boundary forward Lloyd Minster agriculture exhibition Association Canadian Angus click Before You Dig RL electric Fountain Tire Exel Insurance the tent guys industrial scientific

Musgrave agencies and Wild Rose pumping compression the presenting sponsor of the aste safety classic here in Lloydminster so a blank guys team Ki holds on to the Hammer as we move into two now he has the hammer in the even ends Which Scott you said super important really he’ll want that so we

Have to expect now that he’s going to try and get his two if not three here in the second good in the middle expect a lot of rocks and play this end I do too see Brad Jacobs throw a center and I’m almost positive we’ll see Kevin K’s team

Throw a nice Corner guard about halfway looks good Conor Negan with boys oh you were right live chat guys Ian Ison just said there is another simoc cast on Cur Zone that has 4,000 viewers right now would like to thank everybody for tuning in on curing Zone we’ve got

People tuning in from Sydney Nova Scotia gear thank you very much Janice answorth there’s going to be a lot of people in Lloydminster not happy about this at the Nimo Curling Club on Vancouver Island bombing Z degrees I think we would all love to be down there right now but I

Know for you guys in Theo that’s definitely chilly watching from San Francisco not the teams I expected in the final awesome curling by all some real circus shots in the event well done we agree hello from Tisdale we know you guys are definitely as cold as we are

Right now so appreciative to watch the games online little later than but should be close thanks so much for a great job fantastic job this week well done thank you everybody for tuning in online today we’ve got 767 people on the YouTube feed and over 4000 on curling

Zone right now and I expect that to continue to grow if you’re watching it share it on your social media channels like it share it get it out there let’s get as many people out there in Canada North America and all over the world watching these two world teams here at

The Lloydminster Golf and curling Center at the Aztec safety challenge Kevin Koy wasting no time at all he saw the center guard and they want to wrap around it right away all get as much as many stones as they can around that one guard perfect placement to top eight

Now no bounce on this line Line’s okay Line’s good A little bit of room little bit of room little bit of room go ahead Line’s okay go hard here as they’re trying to get it frozen to The Rock in the top they’re going to have to hit

This hard really starting to push Jak selski going hard good good not able to get the freeze little bit of Separation there but lined up really well lined up well half good plan B yep absolutely better than bouncing that that’s for sure so you guys being two very experienced players playing at the

Competitive level skipping playing in briers how many plans do you have in your head with every single shot you have a b and c do you have all the way up to D and E how many different things are in your head how many shots ahead are you looking for probably probably

Two or three shots ahead for sure um now as game plans yeah there’s there probably you probably need to have at least two or three two or three in your head at all times just in case if things don’t go your way right off the bat which which can happen so it’s been

Great to watch Kevin Koy strategize this this weekend I’ve been lucky enough to watch a bunch of his games just a hair l i just they just want to they wanted to get shot rock around the middle and then draw open side it’s been a steady theme

For the team y you know and they’ve had outstanding execution in their last five they’ve played great they’ve been red hot the hot hands have really been Kevin Tyler tardy and Jo go are digging in hard on this one really got a goal trying to get trying to split I got

14 in with the sweep as these guys drag it great sweep it’s not second but still a pretty good spot even with the yellow Rock not second shot but he used rock down the road as you guys said lots of rocks are going to be in play and as the lead

Rocks put in all four still in play right now as Jer in for his first here in the second now Scott you guys strategize different game plans all the time as you prepare for a G how much preparation goes in when you’ve got an hour in between games are

You are if you you have a schedule for the day that you’re or game plan for the day that you’re going to follow you look back into different games you play against teams or do you just go with what you know has been working and who’s got the and go from we always

Try manage the ice the best we could and and just you know be prepared for CH subtle changes in the ice and little things that were going to happen it’s interesting to see the strategy decisions out here from each team they keep changing you know Brad Brad Jacobs

Calling the game for team cars he uh he he’s a fantastic Skip and he’s calling many different shots and then asking the team what they want absolutely and the confidence that that teams has in Brad coming in um to be a part of it has to

Be you’re bringing in a guy like Brad who’s predecorated and and he’s done a great job with the team as they’ve had a great week they have had some struggles throughout the course of the year as Brad’s joined them but now in the final here at the a safy challenge

Interesting trying to freeze this yellow right on the back pumping a rock yeah no no looks like it’s going to tap it a little but right down on the top of that with the top to lay two koi laying two yellow Stones repl sitting to it probably would

Have liked that to be about lighter but uh nothing wrong with that play at all doesn’t it huh so being guys that play a lot Center John Wall from Ice is coming in this with our local Brian ML and what have you guys noticed on the ice conditions here from what I’ve heard

From some of the other players they’ve said that this is as close to Arena Ice as they’ve played all year Ryan what are your thoughts what are you seeing differently from the day-to-day curling here in Lloydminster to what you experienced this week while you were playing well the the biggest the biggest

Difference was the surface itself it is like like you mentioned is very close to Arena like like surface very crisp very smooth on the slider don’t have to kick out very hard to to throw a nice draw weight shot and uh really go hard obviously they sounded the Rocks before the event

O Miss Q there that good dere okay we’ll wait and here what oh was that freeze little bit of a miscue there but as you said they did sand the Rocks down so by sanding the Rocks down and making sure the edges are really tight what does

That do for you as a as a competitive player what change does that bring to your game well make sure you get out definitely get out to the broom and you throw a positive release with with lot of handle uh because throw like typical Club Ice where you only throw two

Rotations your rock’s going to go absolute sideways especially towards uh you know as your draw draw shots getting near the end of the to its nearest destination right so uh it’s very important to have good handle on U on with rocks freshly sharpened y line okay throwing here for team KY we

To it h it for line and Carrick Martin on the sweep curl wanting this to curl not wanting a bounce off or a Miss just tracked a little bit on him look here straighter come on ran a little straighter did he get third though no no

Just team koi sitting two a little bit of a break team brothers sitting Third Rock on the outside of the 12T going to be the skipper getting in there with a good sweep from CRS don’t see that often from get in there but that’s how much this

Game means to these guys and the purse that they’re playing for here this week for all the teams playing for $100,000 winner in this game is going to take home 26,000 this is the biggest event on the world curling tour from a first standpoint hence why I think we’re

Seeing the best teams in the world here this week yeah it’s just going to listen in here to I think they’re just I think they’re just playing the freeze Brad Jacobs asking Reed KS to freeze to the top of that yellow Rock on the top of the 4 foot I almost Fells

Throws first rock here into this Frozen right to the face Line’s good y hard line hard linei now going hard line Derek hard to get by hard Derek hard you got it come on more as they lean and barely get by really got a goal he get second oh pretty close

Pretty good sweep from Derek selski as Brad Jacobs was yelling for him to get by and they did very very close great replay there great job by the production team in behind us these guys have been great all week long with the replays and

The work done and uh now three of us on for this broadcast so now Kevin there’s some concern two Kev two c on two c off winter jacket on as he strategizes K the call for his third Tyler speed’s good yeah nice yeah same I’d say so yeah yeah out on

The live feed hello from I think it’s quick that much that’s team great to be able to watch curling and hear your commentary great job by all thank you very much and hello from ston wall Manitoba home of the vitera Championships so big curling action coming up later this year in

Manitoba I like I like it I like it stay stay CL close I expect this one to curl pretty hard as I noticed sheet five on the left side of the she just curls a little little more than the other side yeah it does Ryan he watched the sheet a lot this week

Yeah we’ve had the pleasure of doing lots of commentary on she and they do D Martin now trying to drag this right to the top trying to align some angles here C too much that’s fine Bud c rock and a half too much there listen into the team you or we’re

Just second thir but I don’t think that does anything really you threw it hard enough y you threw it harder I thought you threw it hard enough I did by that back button it just like looked like to speed came off right away get shot in

Here did you get it out or straight through Brad Jacobs calling for back four to get shot Rock here with Reed K second shot here in two how difficult is this shot coming around four other rocks ahead of them how difficult is this shot for Reed K

Such a Precision shot well you know in a typical Curling Club Ice uh yeah this would be a very very difficult shot but uh at this at this facility with this much curl you could be by that rock by you know six six Ines and you’re going to be uh you could be

Half buried sweepers are staying off it looks like it is heavy as Kevin Koy steps in to drive this thing into the 12T gets a touch of the eight perfect line there just just a little heavy Just a Touch heavy there as we watch the replay pretty close just yeah not able

To get shot one or shot much more I justy second chance to try and wrap under these staggered rocks Kyle right in the top 4 foot area even half tuck under here would be pretty good A right absolutely yeah don’t need to be fully buried just showing half is uh is a

Great shot here carler hard settling in for his second shot here in the second end looking to get to the back of the 4 foot to be shot just St good t on its own right now T back four Carrick Martin it’s close starting to this one

Just weight’s good we don’t want to weight is good just a matter of now they need terrific shot a shot shot there by Tyler tardy Jud as you said Ryan doesn’t need to be fully buried showing half the rock out there right now now for Brad Jacobs what’s the play

Here is he trying to just follow him down it sounds like freeze it he can even Corner freeze it e Ryan just well the problem is with only being half bared if you only if you only freeze the corner then you know that would leave uh the Ki team with another opportunity

Maybe chop and roll off that so now it’s Mak this freeze even harder be because it’s only half buried you have to get right to the nose of this obviously for team TRS wanting to get a force here get the hammer back in their hands and limit the damage to

One re Brothers trying to work with Brad Jacobs here as the four stones are going to be thrown trying to find a way to get two or more Brad Jacobs settling in here for his first shot in the second End Stone Cold and Laser focused as he hands it off to his front

End mine’s good mine’s good I think mine’s good this is the fourth Stone on on this exact path I expect this to slide pretty nicely guys are starting to clean it hard now really critical shot here really need to get this to the top of that rock

In the for foot Dereck digging in what a shot right on top of that by Brad Jacobs here in the second end incredibly managed by the sweepers and and uh and Reed calling the line there that not easy one to call not great shot by I’m just looking team corrup now take a

Second to listen in to Kevin Koy and Tyler tardy as they strategize this next shot I don’t think he could have made that freeze any better it’s as good as he could do Ry buried a COR buried a third under I think they’re looking at that uh

What that rock that’s biting the top four whether they can maybe slash that into the red all right that’ be right like that that would be a special shot it’s there it’s there for potential potential three Ryan well could lead to that yes I love this you got back line you guys are

Saying it’s there I have no idea how you think it’s there cuz I know I don’t have that shot in my bag you can just see an edge of this yellow right there where you see KY puts his broom all all he all you need for these guys all they need is

Just all they need is an inch pieces an inch in the words of Ryan dice all they need is an inch here as you can see an inch of that yellow Rock what kind of weight is Kevin going to be throwing here guys I love this I love this shot I

Heard I heard about back uh did you hear hack back line little heavy here I would say with that ice it’s probably backline to hack not yeah I would say the same Ryan just a nice soft weight hit to catch that curl get a proper read direction of his Yellow Rock that’s

Biting his top four I think that I think should be good it’s Kevin Koy settling in for his first rock here and two looking for an angle raise he can see an inch of that yellow Rock just about the 4 foot Josh board handing it over to Jo go

And carck Martin Josh Bo Tyler tardy calling the line c c c digging in the touch Kev what a shot from Kevin Koy great shot for two currently sitting two with two shots to come it’s a beauty these guys trading blows here in the second end now Brad Jacobs and Reed

Cars what’s Brad got trying to strategize the next play Oh I what a shot there that was great touch great Touch by Kevin KU L 2 that’s a busy lot of rocks in those Rings it’s a real busy house there’s nothing really to freeze to here almost nothing to freeze to you

Almost have to play an in off on that red wouldn’t you say let’s have a listen in and see what see what Brad and Reed are talking about as they get ready to throw their final Rock here and two trying to force Kevin Koy to one as

He can see I’d say a quarter of that rock sitting in the four foot guys try that yellow yellow double I think Ryan and yeah slash he’s trying to I think he’s trying to slash that over to the other yellow that’s biting the eight foot off to the side there it’s it’s a

Really thin shot if uh to ConEd a deuce yeah now being a thin shot coming in off that yellow is he hoping to jam on his own red to keep that shooter Rock in play yes I think so but it might be so thin he he might hit the bottom of that red

He might scoot out but I think the goal at the end is hopefully the top top eight Red Rock will be the the second shot Brad Jacobs settles in for his final shot here in the second end it’s on its way as he hands it off to his front end the

Hit and he doesn’t get the second one down in the 8ot but the Red Rock is second sitting second shot right now is there an open hit for three here guys really close and uh Tyler tardy seems to think it’s uh their third so um looks appears to be an open hit for

Three Tyler tardy and Kevin K have made their decision quick so obviously they do feel they’re sitting one and three right now a big opportunity for team kuy to get on the board here the second end and looking for three three opportunity available great patience there by these

Teams with hammer wait for their opportunity to this would be a well earned three-point for team kui as uh that previous shot that kui made was really set this up Kevin kuy now settling in for his second at the Aztec safety challenge here in the second end wa

Perfect H stick for fre yep yep got to go keep it off that line keep it off that line you got to go go bringing into the house really got to go hard this he gets the hit and roll and Kevin Koy gets his three here

In the second in Big Shot for these guys as we get to the end of the second at the Aztec safety challenge it’s team Koy 3 versus Team KS no score we will pause for a moment for some commercials and thanks to our sponsors like people businesses have their Journey their path sometimes

Straight but more often evolving growing and adapting to a changing world creating the need for knowledge in areas like accounting Consulting Tax Technology areas critical to your continued growth and success all part of the journey all part of what we do together with you because your success is the destination mnp wherever business

Takes You And we’re back for the third end here at the Aztec safety challenge proudly brought to you by Wild Rose pump and compression here at the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center and Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan we just saw an outstanding shot from Kevin Koy to get three guys a game starter here in the

Second end with a big big three swing for koi how does team TRS bounce back here in the third what do they need to do to get themselves back in this game just establish the corner guard and you know you don’t have to go crazy hard you

Know don’t have to get three right back necessarily just make sure you get your two get multiple points and then uh just keep grinding hard throughout this game patience in process absolutely a two here for team KS puts them right back into the game it’ll be interesting to

See if they want to set up one two corners on the same side or or split the Rings let’s see what they decide I think the key part when you guys when you get to this level and you’re playing in these events and and like you do you

Strategize you prepare you do all all these things to be mentally and physically ready to play at this level doesn’t matter what it is doesn’t matter what sport processes everything and you he great coaches in the world talk it takes to be ready to go to perform and

And again trust in your which is again obviously Paramount two teams right now fighting how does uh Kevin Koy now up three does his strategy change does he go to a little bit more of a defensive game or does he keep the hammer down definitely definitely will be a little

Bit more defensive but at the same time you know with the five Rock Rule uh you can’t only rely on the hit game the rest of the way they’re going to still have to play you know they’re going to still have to play some offense just because

The game forces it forces it to Great setups like that will help two terrific shots here by lead car Martin consistent with his setup consistent with his draw weight and try and good choke off that forefoot if he has to he has to he can and a a big part a big

Part of Team defense is actually your lead your lead has to place a couple of really good Stones off to start each end to make an effective defensive play for the rest of the team for the remaining of the end if your rocks are not good

Spots off the start then you have to start being aggressive Kevin Koy going to throw a tight Center guard here on Jo Go’s first rock and the third end easy early easy early yeah it’s been great guys you know we can two hear the teams and how they delate these

Shots A’s the best place we can put these rocks absolutely really got to go C so I got a question really got to go car I’m a big cing fan not a great player but a big fan keep going the guys from Manitoba all have these corn brooms

And their delivery always seems to be very much over their toe what’s the background behind this what’s the story you guys got it know what’s going on here that’s a that’s that’s a that’s a long history deep history within Manitoba the Manitoba tuck delivery it’s gone back Generations in that

In carrying so all of these guys predecessors to the guys are Ro here now that way he was they’ll teach these young curlers to slow on their tide on on their to slide on their toe they won’t teach him a flat foot slide Kyle Matt dunstone yeah perfect example M

Derek s DK seel Jo go all these guys with these Ked up corn brooms can’t buy them anymore so where the heck are they finding them they they’re taping them up too you can see by maybe specially made great run back attempt here by Derek can see him with his just missing

On theer maybe yeah yeah you don’t see the tuck delivery talk too much in Alberta or Saskatchewan you you you do see the odd one but uh it it’s it’s pretty rare bony Armstrong still does that that’s but he’s more of a modified T modified tuck the modified tuck similar

To to have some local flavor in the event this week Monty Armstrong having to play with his two in a bit guys easy ryall good there good there fisten a little bit on what your experience was like playing oh it was it was fantastic to play

Against a lot of these top teams here like right off the bat we had you know had to go up against the reigning defending Olympic Champions and nichas and happen to have a pretty you know we came down last yeah came down last Rock

We had to force him to make a make a good one right so um no we’re glad to be part of this first first ever aste safety challenge hope we see a lot more of this going forward tremendous sh take out of two cleans up the house Derrick has thrown a lot of

Big weight shots this week had the opportunity to watch KS and call teames throughout the week another big shot there back speed good in here buddy it say bread and butter that’s for sure I’d say so yeah real good yeah now Tyler tardy with your first shot here in the

Third end looking for the draw in around covers we’ve got four Red Rocks way outside guarding this the time to come inside the wall of red to draw around I got a little light yeah if you’re Coy you got to be a little bit nervous you know you got nothing up front

And lot of Reds to run back really digging in here carck Martin J go getting it around now trying to drag it into the top of the house what a sweep to get it there on the center line in the top 12 the four Reds for team KS is that a

Bit of a problem for them even though they’re their own rocks right now or just more options for angle raises and everything else well these teams like the they’re they’re very like the CRS teams they’re very good at the run back gam so I don’t think they’re they’re too

Concerned that um you know they have these longer guards in play uh now with this one only being top 12 it’s uh I just think that like presents more options now for the brothers team that’s for sure that one’s C see that extra chicken in a

Toini I’m looking at these on like can you get one in I don’t anymore I owe you five maybe after that you’re thinking of playing a tap you like tap and read listen in here to the ks team such a rat I’m going to pass had that draw shot

Got to the 4ot it would have been an automatic uh run back attempt but being it’s just barely in the 12 but it it creates other options here for the brothers team like that’s that’s pretty good it let’s see which one they want to play see what rock they’ll commit to to

Play the to up hard if they can what’s that it’s honestly sneaky good e there’s a hole there right that intern draw doesn’t look easy if they can tap a red stone in behind the the yellow counter right now into the 4 foot great opportunity to score multiple

If you could get that into here move the guard I think that’s our best result isn’t it I do too so they want to push the center guard I think you’re throwing like like back eight they’re going to want to tap that Center guard sure I like this call

You’re trying to hit with the out like two3 what’s he playing great call here let’s watch Reed kurs first stone in the third end Brothers team with hammer this accomplishes two things to get the rock off the center line cuz they have the hammer the other to get rock

Buried the angle ra just trying to get this to settle that’s got that’s got to stop touch heavy and it roll out though Play Just does open up the center though it yeah like that’s still you know that’s not the worst Miss in the world you got you you you’ve established two

Sets of Corners now Ki will draw around the staggered pair K’s going to have to rely on getting one buried here to get the force otherwise it’s pretty Good’s team is going to I’d say it’s pretty much smell blood possibly get a couple here K’s going to want to draw around these staggered

Corner guards just to there’s no uh no no run back on the staggers he can just draw around and as long as he’s in the Rings and in good great position no threat of a run back over there guys excellent point yeah like no run backs are even available if you syn

This Tyler tardy here still got I know I like it second I like it I like in the third end wait’s close good wait’s good the draw around guards top just a just could to speak to just a hair straighter for this final already right then it was in the

Semi trying to get this around that yellow Rock touching just missing rub there no Scott I wasn’t all that surprised that that rubbed like that that’s the I’d say that’s the straightest spot of the whole sheet right there is that the edge of four going to the scoreboard great replay

Here little nice little Wick waight was perfect we noticed that last night in the quarterfinals did well I think we’re going to notice it as our final game wears on here only one game on the ice which means just a little bit colder just a little bit straighter see how

That plays out Brad Jacobs calling on Reed cars to hit that yellow and roll in Undercover on the other side of his two guards for you guys this is an everyday shot for a guy like me this is I’m just trying to hit rock I hope we can go out

There and throw some rocks after this is all done Kyle yeah well I haven’t stretched yet Scott so we’ll uh we’ll see you never know what might happen as Reed CS gets ready to throw his second here in the third end looking for a hit and roll undercover

Curl curl still curl Derek Derek with the s very close stay with the red stay with the red need the R Great sweep gets it under cover in the bottom of the 8 foot great shot there from Reed CRS as team CRS is sitting one right now he’s lost in the forest over there yeah nice hit and roll nice to get behind pretty

Yeah I think so too get as far out as he can behind those two fully buried leaving K the freeze opportunity here draw this will be Kevin K first rock first rock in the third end it’s wanting to freeze right on top of the red haven’t seen a lot of shots here

Guys no this will be a fairly new path right over the face of that yellow rock at the top of the 12 Kevin Koy with his first trying to get the freeze on the K’s Rock sitting in the 8 foot ja gooshi and Carrick Martin getting the sweep on

Here trying to sneak it by the Red Guard they’ve done that now pass the yellow as they try and get it right on the face of that rock what a shot what a shot by Kevin K little bit of a bounce there but has the backing quickly Brad Jacobs is calling

For himself to throw another one right in on top of that yellow great brush there by uh go to hold that from over curling that was that was in danger of the Guard great to hear teammates encourage each other on the sweep Ryan love to hear

That so just Brad Jacobs will want this rock Frozen right to this yellow maybe even a little high side Ryan just to make sure he’s Shot Rock try and generate a Skippers Deuce here Brad Jacobs extra second in the hack here want to be 100% sure your shot 100%

Focused these guys playing for the championship here at the Aztec safety challenge Brad Jacobs looking to sit on top of that KY Rock sitting in the 8ot hands it off to his lead and second Derek selski definitely a little more room on this one than uh what Ki had Reed cars

Calling line now calling them on hard to get it past this Red Rock really needing to go here got to go for pushing this hard Derek digging in and it will come up short as team kui is still sitting Shot Rock that’s a costly mistake for team for others I don’t know what

Happened there like just play this sweepers seem to think off the bat that the weight was fine or I didn’t hear any concern either and all of a sudden it just pulls up light okay so for team koi what’s the play here guys what’s he

Trying to set up I think he just wants to make sure he establishes in lies too here yeah that’s that’s right Ryan just uh again we’re we’re back to this part of the ice Kevin Ko’s going to want to draw down to the 4 foot and

Bu here a little chat looks like Kevin’s taking a real outside line here really wide Kyle we haven’t seen this path yet when you haven’t played a path like this the whole game and it’s extremely outside does you need to have a touch more weight is this going to float on

Them what goes through your mind is your plan on this shot uh I don’t it definitely won’t float out here it’s actually going to it’s going to curl pretty hard out here um but it’s going to it’s going to be it should be a little slower here watching Kevin kui

Come down into the hack we can hear him discuss this weight call with his front end the consensus was an extra three feet I got Kevin KY with his final Rock here in three line trying to get on the four foot only ever line only ever line

Weit’s really good expect this to snap pretty good at the end waight is good Ryan calling for it to snap here we’re just back waiting for this to curl now it’s starting to go big shot by Kevin KY great touch as he gets that in on the four foot think

It poked out the other side but uh excellent play going to going to create the force here anyways reach others and Brad Jacobs trying to strategize what they need so they do not give up a steal of two to Kevin Koy having just come up short on his last

Draw what goes through your mind if your Brad Jacobs going through the hack right now left AER I think you just got to trust the process trust what you got you know pretty straight here like you know obviously the speakers are going to give him some

Feedback um this is going to be the straightest spot in the sheet so I expect like the speed’s going to hold up pretty well in this spot World Canadian Champion played in the Olympics won the Olympics won the Olympics y now he’s trying to win the Aztec safety

Challenge Big Shot here in three for Brad Jacobs with Team KS final Rock here in three really important shot here for K’s team as we hand it off to the sweepers got lots of rotation just for wait Line’s good line is good as these guys are now getting on it hard wanting

To get it right to the top of that yellow Rock Line’s good what a shot by Brad Jacobs facing two as he gets his one point here in the third Big Shot confidence shot for Brad Jacobs great rebound make that shot all the way into the Rings just to make sure solidify the

One he knew he could be just half a pound heavier on that shot great execution well played now as we head into the third end break here and we can’t do these great things without terrific sponsors and we have them here in Lloydminster Bandit energy beckon construction Synergy Credit Union tar

One Cooperators Jason ardin and Associates L&L oilfield velocity trucks Center the goat 1061 boundary forward Canadian Angus Lloydminster Agri agriculture exhibition Association The Players Tour quick before you dig and many more as our presenting sponsor is Wild Rose pump and compression here at the Aztec safety challenge in Lloydminster Alberta

Sukatan also a longtime sponsor of te they have been Rod wild and re here all week down in the mnp VIP section as many people and have been here the entire week taking in this opportunity and again the crew’s done such a great job out here creating an atmosphere

We’ve got bleachers over here on the edge of sheet 2 the MMP um VIP area over beside sheet 7 creating an atmosphere last night I had the opportunity to talk to some curlers they’re wondering if we could set up like the uh Waste Management whole 16 if

We could set that up as one of the the sheets next year and uh maybe maybe maybe especially for the uh the quarterfinals and the semi-finals um you know if they don’t hit the shot that the crowd wants well you’re going to get booed they hit a great shot lots of

Applause if they uh well you can’t get a hold in one so I guess if it’s a draw to the button everyone will throw their beer on the ice I’m not 100% sure but uh some awesome opportunities to for the fans to interact with these players here

Which isn’t normal in a classic curling rank like this to be able to be able to interact with the players and and hear what they’re saying and be involved in the game so definitely a great atmosphere this week and thank you to everyone who’s joined us here in

Lloydminster for this awesome event and to those of you online you’re in for a treat is where three ends in it’s 3-1 for team koi Ki does have the hammer here and four opportunity for Koy to score big end here in four guys what do you look

For you looking to find two or three here and really stretch this game out you know even even just scoring here for team K is is a huge Advantage for them uh giving up a steel one even would uh definitely give the CRS team uh some momentum back so uh just very important

To score I think for the the kui team this end in the middle yeah they’re going to throw the extra guard just to make sure that they’re going to go all out this all out for hard steel as you guys mentioned you want to have hammer

And eight right now has the hammer in the even end so anticipation is he’s going to try and push this one to where he can get some points and extend his lead here in the fourth end for sure Kyle he’s going to want to score a multiple

Here we’re going to see uh Team cars do everything they can to to score try and create an opportunity that allows them one point and they’re right back into this game so we’re going to see what they’ll well if you can what opportun very important for for

Lead Stones here to be in good spots make the you know DK seel’s Taps as difficult as possible just the this one should over bury a little more than his first Nice Shot there okay that’s okay shot there from Carrick Martin yeah good spot as he gets that to the center line

Just in the 8 foot that look like he grabbed a little at end just visually watching that come down I thought for sure that was going to be at least in the middle of the Aztec logo and uh came up just a little short yeah he thre perfect he just kind

Of GRA up now an opportunity here to make a little tap back here and get the Rocks behind the T line Derek not getting the chance to throw the big weight here with his first throwing a controlled weight Line’s good only the top L Conor nean and Reeds on

The speed here Brad Jacobs calling line Line’s good Line’s good Line’s good you can go if you want you can go yep freeze it you got a good one you got to go line you got to go line come on need to get this right there digging in great

Sweep Jacob calling a great sweep I’ll call a great sweep too great job there as both Derek sameli gets that one just in the 8 foot for second Shot Rock guys playing in their eighth game of the weekend how tired is those front end

Arms do you feel it in game in the final or you’re so jacked up to play in the final you’re not feeling it at all you slap a little deep cold and 85 and Away you go that’s right yeah you’re playing for a lot of extra money I believe

Second is what 18,000 18,000 for second 26,000 for first yeah so eight playing for an extra eight ground you know you know he could rest rest tomorrow pain is good a lot of motivation is good now you say yes rest tomorrow I agree with you Ryan but both

Of these teams are getting geared up for the Grand Slam in Red Deer this upcoming week on Tuesday morning team KS is going to go up against team white at 8:00 a.m. and team kui will play at 3:00 against you don’t to K the L the reigning defending world champion Nicholas Dean

Uh at 3:00 as these guys are heading off to that big event but again we have got some unfinished business here at the Aztec safety challenge yeah I don’t think either of those teams are thinking about that at the moment this is a this

Is worth a lot to the for both teams I think to to win this Spiel there’s a lot of pride in the line too in winning a Spiel like finishing seconds never a good feeling so they’re really going to try and finish this one out guys it’s

Been uh some great action here you see KU keep running off the top here and keep it as simple as he can for his team right now good right a little bit in the driver seat right now two up with hammer playing the fourth in so here’s an interesting question for you

Guys do you love to win or hate to lose scottt love to win love to win Ryan I’m the opposite hate to lose hate to lose yeah there you go to one very competitive curlers Scott manners and Ryan dice former teammates when they went to the Brier and represented

Saskatchewan in Saskatoon very different opinions love love to win hate to lose love the game loving this game’s led me all over Canada to play it I’m very grateful this opportunity it’s grateful to have the headset on my head funny ask that question good yeah that that’s been

Brought up to us a couple of times over year so I already knew what Scott’s answer was oh you beat him to it you knew where he was going yeah come on and he knew my answer too so there you go come on this has really got to go to go

Over the hog line really needing to dig in here there’s something you don’t see very often at this level Reed CRS Hogs that rock his first here in the fourth end see what happened boys this is another it happens it happens I hate to

Speak to it I know I’ve done it and I know how I feel when I do it so we’ll just uh continue on with the play here and still in the driver seat here right that’s a hard shot though having to throw a a high guard on top of a a short

Guard uh it’s it’s an underrated shot that you have to make because if you throw it real short like that you know you’re you’re kind of a goat um but at the same time if you’re a little bit heavy makes double peel really easy and you’re also the goat on that too right

Absolutely Tyler tardy clearing out that guard at the top now for Brad Jacobs going to what is he going to call from Reeds here after that miscue on his first shot let’s listen roll up the top see what conversation is but that’s the best play I think at this moment

They’re going to they’re just going to hope hope and pray for just not not giving up two here I think they’re even going to be content if it’s going to be a blank end here honestly they would be content with that Ryan just to carry this action over into into the fifth CU

Giving up two is is no good here reach Brothers settling in for his second shot here in the fourth looking to run his own red back in on that yellow dck samski hard on the sweep here trying to keep this on line as it drifts over oh nice shot takes out the yellow

Good shot it’s good shot good shot as TRS gets it back here with his second shot it’s good to keep that all in a line sweeping it real hard just to hold that line hammer it on the nose just over over over rolled by like not even

Half a stone yeah that’s what I like to Let’s watch listen into the koi team I think they both I think they all Splash out here don’t they I think the call was Ryan just they they want to hit at least a third shot you got Tyler tardy here who’s

Going to throw probably a sixc throw here just effortless for these guys to throw peel Ryan it’s been a great weekend of that to watch him play peels Tyler is going to come down here this is good we’ll listen in is Tyler and Kevin discuss what to do with

Tyler’s second shot here in the fourth end conc is whether that middle red is going to stay around or not could pull and it could stay jam on the yellow like control yeah something over his outturn off the line here should be pretty pretty friendly

Do we know what we’re going to see here guys I uh I think I heard like some quieter weight to hit the top TW hit the top 12 rock and roll to the side think they feel like the Double’s not there they think the they feel like

The middle red one’s going to squish into the yellow and jam so there’s no point in attempting the double Tyler tardy selling in for his second shot here in the fourth end at the Aztec safety challenge curl this has got to Cur needing this to curl carck Martin’s hard on the sweep here

Big okay not bad Bud gets the single are we trying this just a little bit hot I think is what they indicated on the yeah just here like yeah thick C’s great e so we’ll listen in for others team good opportunity to get the force here

Now if you can split the Rings split L to Brad Jacobs throwing the jacket away and getting ready to throw his first rock here in the fourth end this is a big shot here L gets the yellow out pops it now Kevin Koy what’s going through his mind is he still trying to score here guys or is he looking to get the blank move on I think this is a a great opportunity to get that blank here yeah he’s going to want

The blank and move on we’re going to see Koy fashion here just throw the high hard one and eliminate both Reds you guys are boring playing blanks it’s about scoring here boys we want on some points tell out to Kevin if he could hear me right now

Maybe he can through his mic I don’t know but uh no totally understand what Kevin’s looking for as he’s looking to hold on to the Hammer going into the fifth end trying to get some movement on these two Red Rocks obviously wants his shooter to leave too yeah yeah he’ll

Yeah it’s the only way to make it yep really threw this hard hard there’s some big weight from Kevin Jo go with the sweep the angle there the movement’s there he’s never going I don’t think doesn’t get the Reds to go and holds the shooter in the top of the 8

Foot could be forced here to a single I was not expecting that uh usually those are always automatic for Kevin unfortunate shot there as Kevin K doesn’t get the roll out of his shooter and the double I see now Brad Jacobs heading back for his final Rock here in four looking for the

Hit and stick trying not to set up a double and forcing Kevin koie to have to make a draw here in four for his single as you said earlier Ryan Not a Bad Thing to score no no it’s still it’s still not bad situation for koi but I think the

You know there was an opportunity there to get that blank and that will uh you know now now uh like at the end of the day this is going to be a good good break for for the kows team Brad Jacobs throwing his final Rock here in four looking for the hit and

Stick on that kuy rock the top the guys are cleaning it right up to the rock as we get the hit and stick as team FR lies to just going to check and see if they no good Tyler tardy looked over and automatically said yeah no

Good as in doesn’t like the angles to get the double so fairly natural I don’t know going to try it I’m okay with it you want to throw it I’m okay with it now they’re going to look at it again is Kevin K wanting to get the blank yeah

Yeah he’s they’re contemplating it decision time going to play for you know it’s uh he can get make the double and the roll out to Cal to get the blank really hard shot but uh you know the way these Reds are kind of situated it’s uh it’s kind

Of somewhat natural to make that the double and roll out on a Big W shot like this what is going through your mind what’s the most last thought going through your mind what are you trying to accomplish here get rid of the Reds but make sure worst case scenario if Kevin

Koi was to take a single point in the fourth end I think he’d be okay with it Kyle you know he wants the double Kevin Koy with his final Rock looking for the double and the BL will they get it the hit the roll now we’ve got to dig in

Tyler digs in and Kevin Koy with a massive I can’t believe I’m going to say it blank in the fourth end at the Aztec safety challenge we have got an unbelievable game going on right now some great shot making Precision play as Kevin Koy has the lead 3-1 versus Team

TRS at the Aztec safety challenge brought to you by Wild Rose pump and compression we’ll take a moment to thank our sponsors the official soundrack Canada’s only Border City 1061 the goat stay connected with my Lloydminster by rock and roll cuz I’m a and don’t blame a Lloydminster Legend I listen all

Day everything that rocks time to rock 1061 the goat for 90 years princess aoto has seen your big picture and for 90 years we’ve had the ideas and the tools to help you discover New Perspectives Because for 90 years we’ve known that nothing’s better than finding ways to make stuff work Princess Auto ideas tools gives himself the hardest possible shot you could have teenth ranked in the world versus Team Ki the ninth ranked team in the world vying for the title of first winner at

The inaugural as Tech safety challenge here in Lloyd Min for those of you just tuning in to the broadcast thank you for taking the time out of your day to join us as it’s now almost 3:30 local time we’d love to know where you’re tuning in

From we’ve got over 940 people on the YouTube channel we had an update earlier of over 4,000 people joining us on the curling Zone Network thank you very much from wherever you’re tuning in from we’d love to know where as the action is heating up in the back half of this game

Scott and Ryan what have you taken out of the first four ends as we move into the second half well feels like bri Kevin K team definitely has control at this point and uh the kows team is really going to have to step up and and uh they’re going to

Have to put a lot of put a lot of pressure on KU to to uh battle back here it’s going to be an exciting finish I know kuy has two up with hammer which is huge right now for that team probably just fresh in the first and really

Unfortunate that rock went in the Rings there uh not the not the best start for the CRS team going into the fifth end just looking at the live chat hey from Lex and Sweden wow Lex and Sweden thank you H nyman for tuning in and uh watching this great battle I’m sure you

Anti ipating a Nicholas Aden in this match up but unfortunately he was not able to get himself into the semis or the final as uh he was eliminated last night in the quarters but thank you for tuning in we truly appreciate it Conor nean now with his second shot

Here wanting to keep this outside the Rings very close to that Center Line I assume guys absolutely get this right to the center line they can’t possibly take it great sweep sweep there from Reed KS great adjustment there by Conor you want to go up inside we’ve

Seen this a lot this weekend with the kui forsome yeah I don’t mind it that even even no matter way I’m good no matter what the scoreboard Center guard they have Hammer they’re going around I don’t see anything wrong with either Fearless I see nothing wrong with either you like

Both whatever you like it’s kind of nice in five to go the wings I agree now again for those of you wondering why is Kevin wearing a winter jacket out on the ice we have had some extreme weather conditions here in Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan here the last few days um

It is been extremely chilly lots of vehicles not starting uh guys D and ver and ver fall from Aztec safety have been the taxi service they’ve been getting teams to and from The Ring safely over the last couple days but uh hopefully that cool weather is going to break and

Uh we’ll get back to a little bit normal winter here in Lloydminster so everyone get back to normal as Carrick Martin with the draw in behind cover top of the for foot Brad Jacobs quickly wanting the freeze on top of that per I believe the Jacobs team was pretty

Happy that they decid to go around top four on that now it’s an opportunity to make a freeze here keep that play to the center a comment on the chat tuning in from Mesa Arizona Mary jeene if you’ve got an extra room I wouldn’t mind coming down

And playing some golf right now it’s a little chilly up here but uh I hope you’re enjoying your afternoon down in Arizona taking in this awesome cing Believe AR’s got a B SPI there in a couple of weeks time where I think there’s a couple slam teams going that way too Tempe Arizona you guys aren’t playing and you’re not taking me come on guys I can coach you you guys play I’ll go play golf you play

Some curling life it” be great it’s a very popular event there Jack go throwing here for team kui looking to peel that top guard Easy Does It Rock is gone good shot there from Jo go opening things up in the house yeah quickly Brad Jacobs has made

Up his mind is he going to put up another guard here guys yeah they’re going to probably do this for the next couple of stones I would think and uh they don’t want to get into the house too early otherwise they’re at risk of a blank end or giving up two off center

Just riding like here the whole time dere sameli being asked to lay a center guard out here drick loves to throw the big weight but he’s been very precise when he’s had to throw the soft weights der’s had a great weekend Kyle you know I’ve been lucky enough to be up

In the booth here quite a bit this weekend and this is about the many games that I’ve got to watch him play he’s had a terrific Bond Spiel yes it’s a big week for Derek selski the second for team KS has had a fun week great week Heard lots of tremendous feedback from

The players so far about how much they’ve enjoyed the town just want us to turn the heat up a little bit next year when they come oh Mary Jane how can you say that great day today 17° celsi sun shining I’ll trade you but uh once again thank

You hope you’re watching this on the deck and getting ready to prepare a nice meal this evening Brad Jacobs here looking for another guard on that Center Line wanting to cover up what’s going on inside that house Reed K’s first guard here in the fifth end easy line for the thirds and the

Skips guys you don’t throw a lot of guards is it an uncomfortable shot goad it shouldn’t be no uh cuz at the end of the day it’s down to the process just what weight do I need to throw here and uh line good that’s all you got to think

And you got to trust your sweepers now this might have went a little higher than they want to so but uh K is not going to uh even worry about playing in the house just yet Ryan you bring up a key Point trusting your sweepers trusting the

Process um and and again at this level the sweeping is so important such an art form and uh amazing what these guys can do as they’re now into their eighth game of the weekend still going as hard as they possibly can as they’re trying for a first place win and

$26,000 the biggest purse of anything outside of the grand slams this year Kevin kuy and Reed KS looking for that payday it’s got to be that adrenaline that keeps these guys going they just love it right I know that’s what worked for me as a competing athlete back in

The day Kyle yeah it’s it’s contagious when you’re playing at this level it’s it’s a contagious thing and it’s it’s something that you know once you get a taste to the top you just want more more and more too smart for his so Reed kurs here stepping in for his second shot

Like Will Hunting you got Brad Jakob still hasn’t laid the broom out there for what he wants as he’s now gearing in are we looking like we’re finally going to get a peel out of these guys is that what we’re going to see guys well third’s last Rock here in the fifth end

For team KS couple different shot calls here I think they’re just going to want to hit this yellow and roll to their own red I think even nose is nose is not even a bad not not a bad spot too not bad something to avoid the double slightly roll towards Center Ryan think

So Reed KS here with his last Rock in five handing it over to Derek Sam [Applause] melski looking for it to curl right there the hit and stick as team TR sits two and three team Ki sitting shot Rock right now with hammer looking to score in this all important fifth end right

Now as Tyler slipping in for his second shot here in five good look good spot to hit hit that stone like very critical not to over over curl there and roll to the other side where would lead to a double with his second here in five at the Aztec safety challenge

Yep hit and roll trying to nice control weight hit there well done good shot there good controlled shot from Tyler tardy as he gets the hit and roll Carrick Martin there with a good sweep to move that one over into the top the 12 not setting up any kind of double

Situation for team KS I like the I’m with you there draw around everything and get shot behind the staggered two rocks in the top of the 4 foot question out there uh have we mentioned why Jacobs is skipping for team for others well no I’m I’m not a

Reporter I am and I haven’t been sitting in the players rooms with these guys but yes a recent changes Brad Jacobs is now starting to throw the skip rocks and Co game calling with Reed kurs um in these second half of the Season as these guys gear up for the

Opportunity at the Brier later on so no it is not team Jacobs it is still team KS this team is still Reeds team his makeup and it is still going by team KS right now similar thing happened last year with the uh the homman team uh Rachel homman I believe was the uh

Wasn’t wasn’t actually calling the game last year but there was still KN as team Hing and and and uh some of that could be for for marketing standpoint too absolutely these guys well sponsored well DEC ated in different uh contracts with different supporters back home and

Again at the end of at the start of the Season uh they all agreed that they were going to run under the team of Team KS and that is definitely staying in place right now as Brad Jacobs is trying to draw into the full four but a touch

Heavy Kevin Koy still Shot Rock with three stones to come but they weren’t too concerned about that they just needed to get this rock buried uh being third shot was also important both both were accomplished there Nice Shot here you’ll see great replay action here and that’s

Why we have Brian and Scott in the booth they know when it’s actually a good thing I don’t have a clue when it comes to that thing so guys thank you so much for taking the time out of your days to be a part of this final here at the

Lloyd mrst golf in curling Center the antec safety classic the inaugural event here it’s been 10 years since the old Wayside maybe a little bit longer I think a little longer 16 I want to say 2008 was the last time I had the pleasure of playing

In that Spiel Kyle I had the pleasure of playing in the final that year against the legend Kevin Martin Kevin Martin versus Warren hassle it was back then a former Powerhouse in Lloydminster and uh again when you look up at all of the banners Lloyd minst has been an outstanding Kling Community for

A long long time lots of supporters of the community and for me personally when I had the opportunity to work at this club a long time ago I always think back to the days of hoe Kord and Matt brast and uh Ted Collins and Doc naturis and

Some of these guys that were a big part of the club when we were putting the ice in in the start of the year and uh I know all of those gentlemen be extremely proud of what’s going on here this week at the Lloydminster curling Center it’s great to have the competition back

Here in a late it’s been a fantastic event hope for many years for thef challenge absolutely as Kevin Koy is looking to draw around and sit on top of that Brothers rock at the back of the four Jo go and Carrick Martin digging in on this sweep trying to get it in there

Right on the button a huge shot from Kevin Koy as he’s looking at an opportunity to score two maybe three as this end takes shape now Brad Jacobs Reed KS how do you respond let’s listen in to the commentary that they have between each other no straight back yeah he might freeze

Though I mean I guess we make just got that turn BB he I think scoring is out of the question with with how the rocks are situated but uh just got to find a way to get the force here play the red blocker shot it’s almost like

A yeah that would work I think okay yellow yellow go it’s very tough Brad Jacobs Reed kurs strategizing on how they can force team kui to a single Rock obviously now in the fifth end going into the sixth here shortly in an eight end game the last

Thing they can do is give up a big endend right now yep that’s probably the show but I’m I’m kind of feeling this outturn little cross with a solid hack you like that great explanation there but looking for the outturn slash is that what I heard guys outturn hack outt

Hack okay so they’re going to go across the face and just splash their Two Reds in front make the draw very tough uh they if this is executed perfectly I don’t know if there’s going to be a shop for two for KY or not pretty tough so

Just caution on the after the hit he Ryan just not to roll too far that’s right roll far but not too far Brad Jacobs with his final Rock for team KS here in the fifth end handing it off to his front end Conor neov and Derek selski as they’re Brushing in hard here

Precision is so important they get the one they move that rock across might have splashed that Red Rock a little too far kicked it out a bit too much so now is that hit and roll there for Kevin Koy or does he look at a possible no he can’t get three here

There’s definitely no way of getting three but obviously the possibility of two two would be huge here Kyle I kind of like just to Heir more weight hair less I means a little undercover here get his guys whatever he sees yeah yeah got this too whatever you

Like yeah his his draw there didn’t go crazy can you hit and roll off ours yeah yeah yeah I I kind of like just I can see the caution on playing the hit on the on the The Rock that’s in the for foot just because if it ever

Hangs out it could be disastrous K’s got one in the bank right now last thing he would want to do is ever jeopardize any movement of that shot Rock Stone but they’re going to come out it with the uh with the outturn it looks like which little safer safer place our Kevin

Koy has had many big moments in his career but I know none bigger than what he’s trying to achieve here at the Aztec safety challenge get right as he settles in for his final Rock here in five looking for a hit and a little bit of a

Turn in wait’s good Kevin K with the famous out turn hit just for it a little quiet sh little Qui in really need this to curl really digging in on this sweep here he gets the hit and roll needs it to stick around nice shot by Kevin KO and he does

Is Kevin Ki is going to get two here in the fifth and as we see on the replay great sweep there great save by go really had to go on that Ryan just to get that extra curl get extra finish great two points by team standing shot

By Kevin Koy again we can’t do these great events without tremendous sponsors we have them here Bandit bexon construction Synergy Credit Union tar one Cooperators Jason ardin and Associates Border in and Suits The Host Hotel lnl oil field velocity Truck Centers the goat 1061 the media sponsor Strath Corner resources and Wild Rose

Pump and compression as well boundary forward Lloydminster agriculture exhibition Association The Players Tour Canadian Angus click Before You Dig RL electric Fountain Tire EXL Insurance Lloydminster the tent guys industrial scientific Musgrave agencies our Host Club the Lloydminster Curling Club and our host City Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan thank you to all of you

Sponsors for your donation and the time that you spent here this week creating this atmosphere for these players to enjoy and play and experience what Lloyd Wister hospitality is all about guys as we move into six team kui leading 51 what does team KS need to do to Mountain attack here in

The you got to set up the goal posts or get or to get two Corner guards on on one side uh they’re going to have to go real hard on this thing down three is going to be the goal here for sure for for can

Team team TRS needs a big end as Kevin Mar or Kevin Koy throws the first one in from Carrick Martin right in on top of the button Brad Jacobs now calling for those guards trying to set something up we have seen some outstanding shot making so far guys trading blows back

And forth Kevin C with a comfortable lead scoring three in the second two in the fifth going to be fine Reed KS and his team with the single back in three as these guys try and leave this right on the it time promotions logo just a little bit shy of

That as we head to Carrick Martin for his second one just under curled a little bit I think they would have want that a little bit farther over right in the middle of the it time l same speed yep interesting call here but little different call from Kevin koi for car

Martin just to take away this corner guard and have have him draw this rock right into the right right to where Kevin’s broom is on the Aztec safety sign to I just want to take this corner guard away okay close R perfect little change yep hard hard eight come on full

Eight come on go talking about the change in the team of teams and team Jacobs even though team Brad Jacobs is throwing now fourth Rock Co calling the game with Reed KS doesn’t mean they can’t switch this back up before they get to the provincial championships in the Brier right now

Just seemed like it was the right thing to do to the team to have a little bit of a shake up nothing saying that Reed kurs wouldn’t be throwing or skip stones later on in the year right guys it’s possible um keep going I’d be a little

Bit surprised uh just cuz they’ve had they’ve they’ve had some pretty good success with this with the change up recently so um yeah it’s it’s possible they could go back they could be common place to do that K you know last year Ryan and I did

That I started out the year skipping and then halfway through the season I turned the Reigns over to Ryan and I said I can do a better job of playing third so and at the end of the day it’s what’s best for all four guys and the coaches and

The and the alternates that are on board with the team at the end of the day it’s about winning and and sometimes guys are feeling different things or things aren’t going the way they wanted to and just like in any sport you’re calling a timeout in hockey or basketball

Sometimes it’s just a change of strategies change of pace different mind different set eyes looking at different things and uh clearly it has worked this week as team TRS has gotten themselves here into the final which has been will as they’re looking for best finish of the year right

Now there’s that straight spot kind of appearing showing up that little off the line oh yeah great we control there yeah right now team koi with three in the house thir Brothers looking to set up a big scoring end for one two’s bonus no want to draw around everything here Kyle and

Get this rock back 8 foot around their Corner guard Line’s good I think the C’s teams must be content with how the rocks are situated right now there’s no real powerful shot down the middle for uh for koi so uh now they got to get that’s okay go ahead keep going keep

Going Jacobs calling on Reed Brothers and Conor nean to get this one into the Rings don’t think that was the call they were looking for flipped the plan B not not awful where it went like uh really good sweeping here by the guys get that Frozen get it on top of that

Yellow Jo go here throwing some big weight looking to peel out the high Red Guard and he gets two red guards but holds the shooter there good shot by Jo go here in the six end little pocket that to a pocket I think so that was a great play there

By both red stones now you know if the CRS team ever gets buried behind that corner guard they got something to run back and it’s the right color he Ryan that’s the right color little skinny hard stick that one yeah so much spin dck sameli great call here by Brad Jacobs

Just to push the second shot yellow a little bit deeper and create a pocket with their red shooter makes it really hard to remove looking to get that yellow tap back a little bit here to sit second Shot Rock and he does nice Precision weight shot there by Derek samski Saucy

But I like it as these guys are guard the top one to find love that two or three here in end number six okay yeah y they’re eyeing the double there I think it came back a at the end really precise double take out here guys

Quter eyeing up the thin double hit this really thin obviously with a 5-1 lead you can take these kind of risks right now in the game Tyler tardy settling in coming with some big weight looking for the thin double to eliminate these two Red Rocks

Jo go starting to clean now gets the hit knocks out both Reds and clears out one of the yellows as well as the shooter but we’ll have two rocks stick around in the Rings for team Koy good shot there from Tyler tardy yeah probably didn’t hurt to to

Eliminate one of your own yellows too uh creates less of a chance of of a wall being built now Brad Jacobs are they wanting to freeze on that yellow Rock just on the other side of the four foot guys trying to create a little bit of backing if they can I

Think they want to freeze the nose of this or just the on the high side little bit of R curl not KN good Cen needs to curl curl distance curl this has got to go for I think one to go guys are digging in on The Sweep shot getting it there as

Close as they can great sweeping great sweeping is right well managed Stone there yeah yeah play the run now no 7 eight I think even if you plant it on the nose that red gets out of there oh yeah for sure let’s go now team koi calling for the run back from Tyler

Tardy as he digs in for his second shot here in the sixth endep on it early knock KN up on the Martin Come on trying to keep this online hits it right on the nose as it jams the Red Rock stays with two yellow rocks sitting second and third shot

Just overcooked that ever ever so slightly backed up a bit L little bit of a break there for the CRS team as uh no other shot e they would have let off that just a tiny bit that was made opportunity this doesn’t really do Us opening up a little bit

Here for teams but absolutely need to nail these next three shots try as they look to get themselves back into this game with with only two ends left fans upstairs here at the Lloyd Minster Golf and curling Center on the edge of their seats right now as this

All important sixth end is going to decide a lot of what happens here I kind of like what think even is just know it and punch it by that’s fine what probably only I know I’m I’m think can you throw like a just through and try to tap nose and if

You nose it what that’s good nose is the shot with just through good explanation there just trying to create a little wall back there better Brad Jacobs explaining it to me might as well let the Olympian Canadian Champion talk about what the plan is as he’s asking for Reed

KS to throw backline back weight right d as brothers looks on Derek selski digging in on the sweep as they get the tap and the roll creating a little bit of that wall that Ryan talked about good shot there from Reed KS good execution two

Thir just over curled a tiny bit so yeah K’s got this double opportunity now the question is whether he’ll Jam on to the back one or not uh there’s a way to hit uh to to avoid the jam that’s for sure delicate Double Take Out Here for Kevin

Koie his first rock in the sixth end Kevin Koy settling in looking for the double takeout wanting to make life extremely difficult difficult on team KS here in the sixth Kevin Koy with the inter yep yep sweeping hard holding line and they only get the one okay opportunity opening up here a

Little bit for team KS not b not at all not at all a small mistake that we don’t see from Kevin kui very often he loves those double take outs we’ve seen him at the Brier we’ve seen him at Grand Slams the pressure of the Aztec safety

Challenge may be getting to him I’m going to guess not but I think they’re I think they’re okay this end even giving up to uh yeah that’s for sure Ryan you know for Kevin Koy to be to maintain the two up width into the seventh end he he’d be

Quite satisfied with that let’s see what Brad Jacobs can do here you probably just want to hit and sit right there a Ryan I think so make the double really tough nose hit if he hits this hard enough guys is there any way to Splash

Out the two in the back and the one they’re trying to hit or is that a really highrisk shot right now um you could do that but uh it’s not really necessary like you just need to you just need to lie to here if he knows this one

Uh pretty hard to play a double take out of any kind on the Reds that’s why you’re the pro rer and I’m the Joe R good shot there from Brad Jacobs was able to hit the one at the back of the 12 lying two is the angle for the double there

Guys rolling ours good shot really good shot there l two now koi is looking at uh making hitting this red one onto the yellow and and then he’s going to be stuck very underneath that red which will make it a you know it’ll make Jacob’s last shot just a little bit

Harder really tough Ryan if he hits and rolls and gets shot Rock nestled up to his own roll into their own it just makes the makes makes Jacob’s last shot just that much harder doesn’t it sh not not a not a gim me not a gimme Deuce

Anymore great call here by Kevin Koy now you’re talking my game Ryan talking gimmies gim Kevin Koy here with his final Rock in six close yep yep yep yep got to go really got to go really got to go really diging in on this sweep trying to find

The line they get the hit and Roll On Top wow what a shot there by Kevin KY great Brush by Carrick Martin there too holding that line that’s hard to do with that type of speed and that much pressure car Martin just a power sweeper for the Ki front

End one of the best sweepers in in Canada for sure we’ve seen it all weekend Ryan just absolute dig on the sweep now guys team KS looking to find two what is the angle of attack here for Brad Jacobs that know hit got to be careful dad knows and you get two here

But you know if you’re a little bit off it it might only be one so very precise shot here great strategy there that we’ve seen this end it’s not really a shot you can over or under curl at all here like there’s not a lot of forgiveness on this

One this one has to be perfect Brad Jacobs settling in it is laser focused eyes on the prize here he goes with his final Rock here in the sixth end just cleaning it right now Reed kurs making the call needing this to curl get the no gets the nose gets the

Tap back and just enough for two what a shot there from Brad Jacobs nice shot at the end of the six end Brad Jacobs makes a big shot for two it’s team kuy five team KS three at the end of six at the Aztec safety challenge in

Lloydminster I thought that was going to be a steal that that really came hard at the end Aztec safety this must be the place Boys H it’s about right looks like this is where the uh Engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool Under Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett I don’t know all right normally he’s bailing Me Out roll reversal baby there he is rescue Mode putting out fires for these guys Already welcome back to the seventh end at the Aztec safety challenge proudly brought to you by presenting sponsor Wild Rose pump and compression here in Lloyd Minster Alberta Catan at the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center Ryan dice Scott manners joining me in the booth as we get ready for the first

Shots of this end guys team kui now with the hammer in seven what is he looking for here well you could go u a force force of one is pretty good for the ks team and hope to get their three the next end uh or they can go with the route of

Trying to steal one here and then uh steal again in the next end and maybe steal in the extra a lot of work ahead for K to come back and win this game doing nothing it’s going to be a obiously uh Team Koy we to miss my assumption you guys would know better

But I would assume if he’s got an opportunity to score he wants to end this now K’s going to do everything he can to score multiple you’re going to see uh who have we seen all weekend car Martin draw around the center he’ll want to just bite the forefoot at least

Be full eight control the top of that whole control Zone in the Rings it’s kind of a comforting situation here uh like even if Ki gives up a steal one like still the feel just fine going in the last 10 being went up with the hammer too right so um that’s

Right Ryan you know well they’re not going to be too upset if they have to but if they have a chance to keep that control and take it into the last Nice Shot here by k Mark draw in there right in the top of the four foot pinch my a

Little grinding the lead there for team koi going to be good Conor neagan now his second for team CRS mine’s fine asking for this to sit right on top of that yellow in the four foot line is good Derek selski and re Brothers on the sweep trying to get this as close as

They can to the Top Shot and they do great shot there some teams would play a tight guard on that scenario but I think uh right I think the brothers team found the importance of uh drawing right right up on there now otherwise uh if uh they

Ignored that it went short and Carrick puts one there that it makes it real hard for the CR team to splash some rocks little so Carrick has now thrown two inter draws and Conor engan throws the out turn draw obviously preference there by both of those guys Poss it just

Could be a the game situation yep yep yep I’m not sure I I don’t know off hand if uh one prefers one turn over the other I think it it could very well just be the uh the angles they’re trying to get yeah the angles yeah or just you

Know just that particular game you know just happen to know one side a little better than the other so could be that too that’s fa great shooting here great shot there from Carrick Martin now now Derek selski going with the outt draw to sit on top of that yellow rock that was just

Laid in there by team Koy where you where you going I’d like to see you go here it’s too late for that it’s okay that’s okay Conor trying to steer that one over a little bit and sit right on the corner fine pretty good shot that worked out pretty good

I just straight R right ready der’s hand he didn’t want his team to touch it at all he knew just a hair full great communication wow wild right great minds think alike Scott as uh sh go being asked to peel this guard are they trying to run this back at all or

Just looking for a straight peel guys straight peel clear it off the top at this point KY team they’re they’re pretty content everything just being in the house right now no real threat at the moment on h a steel three they’ll want to bring the play into the Rings every opportunity they

Can this will be a tight guard by the kurs team dereck’s last Rock here seven now saying that the C team we got that one Red Rock that’s squished in there fighting the for foot that’s a that’s a key that might be a key Stone this end just clean good insight there from

Two world class curlers sitting up here in the box with me Ryan Dice and Scott manners as we have the opportunity to watch this final match at the Aztec safety challenge by Wild Rose pump and compression getting down to the nitty-gritty here in the back half of

The seventh then jock go looking for another peel of that high guard little full on this one nice shot gets the hit and roll out to keep the front of that house clean that didn’t look very athletic didn’t feel like it didn’t like the throw one more guard H mission

Accomplished Center guards field off don’t worry jock uh I’m not overly athletic when I throw either so every once in a while even the pros make a mistake and again for those of you out there watching maybe you haven’t been to your local Curling Club you’re not going

To find a better sport that you can enjoy the social part of the game play in some competitive nature and get out game you can play Forever and uh curling is such an awesome game lots of things happening in curling Canada lately you guys new CEO Nolan announced late last

Week and Dave Murdoch who’s come over as the head of development and training for high performance Canada um again curling is in a very interesting state right now as they’re looking to make some changes with the Canadian program to take us back up to be sitting as champions of

The women and the men’s game in the 2026 Olympics in Italy but that’s not going to be an easy road to Ho as you’re going to have to go up against some teams like rores the world number one he will be the host team at the Olympics in

2026 good toss Bud oh uh yeah definitely some a few changes here in the last little bit uh um want to say some of that some of those changes might not necessarily have all been Olympic related there’s prob definitely like I think the David Murdoch thing was definitely uh olyp

Motivated can see take on theend how far thises looking forward to seeing what he can do there as we all are and uh I think so we definitely look forward to more growth and more opportunities and on Wednesday night the junior curling development that we had here at the at the club we

Had team gokin team parent team rores and team botcher out on the ice with some of the youth as you pictures up on the screen there right now as you can see the happy faces even some local flavor out there as well it was a great night great opportunity to share the ice

With those Olympians world class Olympians and those kids there was a lot of smiles a lot of pictures those kids will never forget that moment Kyle great we can do that right in our home City and nice to see uh Team botcher head that all up it’s going to have a lasting

Impact it will for sure mine’s good are you sure mine’s good Reed KS here yep yep yep Line’s good Line’s good go ahead con Line’s good come on looks a little short of what they want but slid right along yeah I got you okay nice shot good shot there from Reed KS okay

Straight peel one I think Kevin K is indicating just to get rid of that really tight Center better I can pick it and it’s fine straight pick on the center yeah if you just pick it yeah the stones are still lined up real well for

The Ki team I think the ks team is going to have to make some they’re going to have to move some of those rocks around here right away if they uh they want to get that force or or or or that steel here reminder team kui with the hammer here in seven Tyler

Tardy stepping in looking for the peel of that high guard drives it into the ones in the ring okay not all bad bud it’s all right interesting Readjustment of those stones on top terrible worked out pretty good not terrible hitting it a lot thicker than they wanted but just a

Little nudge on the yellow where do we want ourter to end up here this interesting now little bit of an open door as we listen in to re brothers and hard to not touch one of them I’m just wondering if I like that shot I’m just

Wondering do we need to kill the yellow cuz isn’t that holding the red if we just moved it 3 in you’re you’re saying like pocket again type thing you couldn’t you could be right yeah right I I just think that we got to be so precise with this and it’s probably

Clipping these that’s so it’s easier to throw it lighter so that we give yourself like when he smash no probably two Reds in ring it’s a i a question of do we want to lay 3 to one here and we’re locked or try to get it in a really good

Spot and then I don’t know what we do on my last were y I think the shot like you said I think the shot just move this here we can sit there like that’s not bad this is here that’s double there here yeah he might some of aggot I know what you’re saying

Huh does he does he do that I don’t know do you like that read are you seeing that stay kind of heish just cellow hang but if he misses he might be looking at okay right let’s so then so then we could consider playing this then like of options here

Guys what uh if you were in this situation right now what would be your play well I can’t wait to hear what they want to do because this is a this is a really tough situation for the yeah I’m not sure kurs team they’re in tough

They’re down to this is an allout steel effect they’re trying to create it is tempting to remove sure but third shot he’s going to want to throw a hit though and just hit the top yellow and roll leave everything lined up leave that for KY I do like the one comment that they

Said that they want want to throw this might be a scenario where best thing they can do is live I like that too right yeah I think that’s uh that might be the best approach here the Ken find a way to lie three at the end of all this um not not

After this shot but they’re just planning ahead for their future shot as well um because if they can ever lie three at the end of all this uh you know small little mistake by Ki could lead us lead to a steel to possibly do you think

They’re trying to make a play on that yellow ran or they just trying to get to nose their own red stone I think they just I think they just want to nudge that yellow one over ever so slightly and stay loaded on Center Lo yeah really delicate shot here yeah basically think

Of a freeze shot and then just tap it an inch okay Brad Jacob sticking to his process settling in here for his first shot in the seventh end looking for a delicate tap on the yellow at the top of the four keeping his shot Stone on the center

Line drik sameli now settling in with the Clean Sweep here a little more finish looking this to finish they get the tap and a slight roll over roll interesting interesting setup there Just a Touch Too Much weight Ry I think so probably a little bit more than they wanted there but uh

We’ll listen into the commentary of Kevin Koy and Tyler tardy here I don’t think there’s any doubles of it well could there could be a double but it’s it’s not not that easy and then how much space is between the yeah no I definitely see what you guys

Are talking trying to get in angle do you ever hit this through the hole like don’t try the double obviously don’t love it cuz we’re not cing our he it just opens that double up yeah best you can do biting four yeah thr smoke at this just to open it

Up see if you can get it out I don’t know if I like that I don’t know if you need to like I just think this Rock’s kind of in the way I let to skip figure it out too much I’m just another voice yeah no you’re right yeah I’m I like great

Spiel I can’t I like I was saying especially for the first time like there’s lots of things here I didn’t even think of that they had the wide one this Sue and like at least we have those in trouble for a while it was hard to find events to find really really

Good and then like the ice is great too so you’re going to get people to come back because the ice is so good that that’s Jo go and Derek SEL ripping that or what how great the ice is here at the Lloyd Minster golfing Center talking how great the first time

Event is the an safy challenge how teams are going to want to come back and I know there’s going to be announcement very soon with when the tournament will be back in 2024 2025 as uh k k I like this just rip it thank you to the entire organizing

Committee they’ve done a tremendous job here this week and the inaugural aztech safety Challenge and uh a huge okay amount of work been taken by so many people K I like this keev as Kevin kuy steps in for his first shot in the seventh end what’s he looking for here Ry I

Think he’s just hitting rolling out on this one he’s this is the uh shot we used to call how do you do are Ryan H just a safe safe play pick this out it’s going to be hard for uh Brothers now to live three here good shot there from Kevin KY

Good as he eliminates that Red Rock on the outside of the 8 foot rolling the shooter out there well thought out there um after looking at it all I I agree with Kevin Kevin on that call you know guys looking around the the building right now so many people glued to the

Action that’s happening on sheet number five and see in the camera there councelor Whiting has arrived and taken some pictures and uh I hope entire city council of administer takes notice of what’s happened here this week the facility has definitely put itself back on the world stage with these athletes

Great attendance fantastic ice as you just heard from a worldclass athlete jock o and look at the fans look at the people look at the facility that’s what this Center is all about and it’s so nice to see the energy and the vibrancy back in this building as we host the

Inaugural Aztec safety Challenge and as you said Ryan it’s been 16 years since we’ve had this massive competitive curling here professionally on the ice and I believe everyone here has done an outstanding job Megan the president of the curling club has stepped up done a fantastic job with the organizing Ryan I

Know you were on that committee as well yeah Special thanks also to Nicole rediger she’s also on the board for the ly Mr fing Club she was the one that I like this her along with Megan they they found over 50 volunteers for this event that’s just super impressive great bunch of volunteers

Going far though curling is alive and well for all of you one over a thousand people on the YouTube channel right now over 6,000 people on the curling Zone Channel we are so excited to have you as we watch this shot from Brad Jacobs his final shot here in

Seven trying to find a way way back into this game before they head to the eighth either looking to force Kevin Koy to one or steal here Brad Jacobs B believe they’re trying to get this right to the nose big shot here yep wanting to get it right to the

Nose it’s starting to curl we get the tap and the roll and the red rolls over second is it second shot definitely is definitely second shot there what a touch by Brad Jacobs here in the seventh end just spinning in that spun back just in time I think just enough that’s

Close just enough Scott’s eyes are better than mine he’s calling it just enough KY and tardy are looking at this one close Scott definitely has better eyes than I do I I’ve went through two laser eye surgeries and uh that’s still not enough it was the ongoing joke

Between us that’s for sure so let’s see uh what Kevin Cy decides to do here you know initially I did think it was red but it’s it’s measurable probably a measurable situation he Ryan your thoughts us but it’s what I want to think too but I think that’s our shot anyway then

Meure for the yellow second Rock Scott manners calling kther his second Rock Ryan and I are too blind to call it so we will leave it up to the leave it up to these guys on the ice to make that decision that’s why they’re in the final key shot here in the seventh

End for Kevin Koy really wanting to eliminate both these stones and we’ll let uh the measuring stick to side who shot Rock Kevin Koy settling in for his final Rock here in seven wa at the Aztec safety challenge presented by Wild Rose hump pression Carri with the

Sweep tardy calling it for a hard sweep the hit and roll the reds are gone I don’t know who now we don’t know who manners says red tardy and go said yellow I think yellow as we call for a measurement Reed Brothers over grabbing the measuring

Sticks this is a big point this is a massive point at this point in the game me will Kevin Koy score one and have a three up lead heading home or will team TR steal one trying to find two in the eighth end on a steal sure Scott what do you think

Uh who he would prefer actually in this scenario be three up or three up or down or one up with I think he’s comfortable with both Ryan but you know boy three up playing the last end is pretty fantastic let’s get a look from our overhead camera here past the 30 yeah

Just yeah eyes are pretty good oh yeah one yellow there you have it good eye Ryan Jo go call that one he said it was yellow all day long and he was right as the stick shows at the end of seven it is Kevin Koy 6 Reed TRS three as we are

Now in the home end okay boys let’s go again our last opportunity to thank our sponsors Bandit energy Synergy Credit Union beex and construction Border in and Suites tar one Cooperators Jason Arden and Associates lnl oilfield velocity Truck Center 1061 the goat boundary Ford Lloydminster agriculture exhibition Association Canadian Angus

The Players Tour Lloydminster Curling Club and obviously Wild Rose pump and compression the presenting sponsor here at the Aztec safety challenge a quick comment on the channel here this event is proof you don’t need TSN spet or any other major Network to broadcast excellent job lyd Minster thank you very

Much roxan that means more to all of us than you know as it’s been a pleasure to watch this event and watch these world class curlers as they are now into the final end of this championship game at the Aztec safety challenge in Lloyd minst albertus sukatan guys Reed KS down

Three needing to find three it’s was done last night by team botcher he did it last game got three for the win Reed KS got three for the win in his last game what does he need to do Ryan to set this up for opportunity at the end just got to get a

Couple guards up and and you got to find ways to get get your rocks buried that’s okay it’s probably going to result in um you’re going to have to get at least a half Miss from from Team koi at the end to to get your three three Ender here

For sure but uh so that there’s going to be they’re going to have to rely a little little bit of help but hopefully they you know for them they’ll need to make shots as hard as possible um another little Point too with the CR team I believe they played

The slinsky team I think it was the B final uh they were down three with two ends to go they took three and they stole one for the win so there you go they’ve done it this weekend they’ve already done it this weekend never never now more important

Than ever team TRS looking to find three here in the e Brad Jacobs re Brothers working together trying to strategize what these next seven shots are going to look like for their team Conor Nan stepping in for his second shot here in eight so little different setup here

From the next one we might need to put right in the middle of them throwing a wrenching things hey little yeah just a little just a little different setup good that’s the beauty the five uh there’s a lot of different ways to defend um defend against a three-point

Lead where the four Rock Rule it was pretty standardized is what you had to do first please this is got want this to be a guard y need that to stop and it does just short of the Rings there great shot from the lead Conor nean from top team

Brothers bite the here Jo go now looks like the ice is tightening up a little bit not curling as much as it did earlier in the game uh which noticed that happened a few you know a few times uh and that’s not uncommon to see that

Lot clubs well we have an opportunity I we do want to thank John Wall Ryan mclaskey Lis three guys that have worked extremely hard Matthew reeger Lindsey Burch have been helping out on the ice this week as well a lot of work goes into this guys to get

The rink ready and I know these guys were working over Christmas and and through the break huge thank you to them for all of your hard work this weekend it doesn’t go unnoticed and we hope uh to break tomorrow maybe sleep in maybe sleep in but thank you very much to the

Entire ice crew here Mr C huh as you heard in the last end Jo go and Dereck Samuel talking how great how great the events been promise you will see the saf challeng here your first one I may have some inside information but uh good to hear we will uh definitely be looking

Forward to an announcement possibly later tonight or early this week as to when the next azte safety challenge will be and again a big thank you to the host team team botcher put in a lot of work behind the scenes as well getting the teams to commit to this event

As this was uh a thought last year at a coffee table on a napkin and in a whole year this came to fruition big thank you to Ben Hebert Mark Kennedy maybe even and Brandon botcher for all of your help making the aztech safety challenge everything that has been this week Derek

Selski here now yep trying to bring this one in behind cover trying to get some rocks in the ring need this one to settle down and it does good shot there very good shot he got himself buried which is which was the goal here and you’ll notice that they used

The you know lot lot of people would have used the intern on that play but they want the wide out turn because they realized that they get a little bit more curl going from the outside Kevin KY calling for the peel from his second Jo go needing this to curl to get

Keep it clean get one and he doesn’t get it papers well he did Chip the he chipped the tight guard a lot of oo and a up here as pressure is starting to mount an opportunity here guys for team KS just poed it a little is this what

We’ve been waiting for that opportunity the patience does it pay off like for team kurs now right there yeah that’s where you got to play sir yeah you’d think e huh it was uh even it was good that Jo GOI I mean he didn’t make the shot

Called still good that he chipped that he chipped that one sideway and he went through the hole he didn’t rearrange the yellows which is helpful that could have been really bad for luy to be be lucky boys it could have been worse it could have been worse you could have chipped

Out you could have like everything and and uh hit the yellow so it was a good save I think was it Carrick that made that curl I wasn’t sure who hard sweep to make the curl just a paperz that would rock over to the corner would have been

Disastrous to kill the uh Button Rock prad Jacobs calling timeout wants everybody down here let’s listen in this is a big decision from the team what if you made a let these guys talk this one out comes ah hard because like that’s a guard like that yeah I was a little wide but

That yeah I don’t yeah that’s you have time to go to was you yeah yeah yeah I know but I’m saying if you’re in we can yes it is I I think that’s the play no con are you you like that thinking like easy you like the

Out I don’t care what turn you want isra you know what I love guys all four guys coming together to make this decision in the eighth end it’s not all on Brad Jacobs or Reed KS all four guys getting together lots of information going back and forth as the important

The situation right now but how awesome is it to see that team together right here on the ice in front of us everybody’s got a buy into whatever they discuss whatever they decide to play here um it’s a special type of teamwork in curling Ryan hey guys we we see it in

Other sports when we get four guys that clicking along and nothing seems to bother him it’s just the greatest feeling in the world to be a part of a a team like that Derek selski here stepping in yep for his second shot shot in the eighth and Final End at the Aztec

Safety challenge C clean girl girl girl roll roll gets the bump gets the roll on top of that other Yellow Rock great shot there again we’ve said it multiple times today Derek Sam magowski is hot what a shot get it over well done there as team Brothers is trying to find

A way to extend this to an extra end and the opportunity to take home $ 26,000 the biggest purse on the world tour World Tour this year at the Aztec safety challenge in Lloyd Minster Alberta Saskatchewan what’s the most important part here guys is we’re getting very

Close to the final four rocks of the game for each team Scott as an experienced skip having been in this situation before what’s going through your mind right now if you’re Kevin Koy well you just want your guys to to be everybody buying in Clarity on the shot it’s great we can

See Kevin Koy take his time with with this third man Tyler tardy here just making sure that the line is great and they’re able to no I’m thinking normal make quality shots here there’s a very thin double here for Tyler tardy it’s very straight yeah it’s got

To be less than half yeah let’s go buddy got a lot of ice yeah Tyler tardy with a hot hand today he’s played great let’s go agreed Scott Tyler tardy settling in his first shot here in the eighth end as he pushes off hard normal puts

The spin and away we go carve carve Jo GOI car Martin on The Sweep come on K go go go go by the now trying to get it to the gets them both what a shot what a shot by Tyler tardy here in the eighth end making things very very difficult

Now on team KS really good shot what a shot by Tyler tardy at a very important time in the game there isn’t a lot of place to hide anymore as Jac GOI just said lot of places to hide now for team TRS wow what a shot we peel they’re

Going to have to freeze to something that’s a big time play at a pressure pack time guys that’s why Tyler is on the ice right now at the Aztec safety challenge now that now CRS is going to have to go around here get himself buried it’s flat it’s very flat yeah the

Unfortunate thing now is uh even if they make this real good k Ste that long guard keep his keep the red exposed and eventually they’re going to probably have a a fairly routine double at the end or yep not sure what happened to this one tap that red something definitely

Happened to that rock not sure what what a horrible time for that to happen not what KS or Brad Jacobs was looking for on that shot not sure exactly what happened but Conor Negan not happy yeah now yeah no rocks in the Rings for team CS look draww okay do I ever heard

Anything into that okay get rid of both High guards here and tidy up yeah even just get rid of the single one here is is probably sufficient honestly here there’s only three there’s only uh three red berries left yeah you got to get them all to count see

What the hot hand of Tyler can do get rid of both guards yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep both Reds gone terrific shot Ty really good shot from really Terri shot now it’s even more open than when they started great hit and roll see car

To pick up the extra roll sweep it as far as they can reads jumping in for a second shot well we have a quick moment just want to take one more opportunity to thank all of the people that have come throughout the week and brave the cold to come down

Here and watch this world class curling event at the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center it has been an awesome week we’ve enjoyed bringing it to you on the live stream thank you to everybody that’s been tuning in throughout the week it’s been so much fun to be in the

Curling rink watch in this action as Reed CRS throws his last Rock here in eight the hit and roll trying to get it under a little bit of cover trying to find a way to sit three in this house Kevin Koy now out turn peel his favorite we’ve seen this a lot

Yeah so we’ll see how this ends up just want to make a a clean peel on this and then we a lot of teams this week gearing up for next week’s action in Red Deer a number of the teams were on their way there today and uh these two guys

Teams are getting ready to go as well a little bit of work left is Kevin KY thr the outter peel his famous out peel get this one at the back of the house and he does good shot there from Kevin and the handshakes are out the champions of the

2024 Aztec safety challenge is team Koy really really fantastic game well played by what a week fantastic game we’re going to have a Trophy presentation for our champions of the azc safety challenge team team kuy as they bring out this trophy at the Aztec safety challenge which was designed by local artist Michelle

A as things gets set up guys what are your final thoughts on the game Budd it was you know like koi just got off to really they got their team just got off to really hot start and uh and uh that’s that second end a Ryan that

Really propelled him yes yes and then and then that fif then they got they got um you know that two was huge for them as well so um just just a lot of steady pressure by that Team all game a Ryan well executed from start to finish

There’s always that one team that gets really hot Kyle great weekend for Kevin koie fantastic weekend for both of these teams I’m sure they’ll be happy with all of their performance when they look back and truthfully like even just getting the hammer in the first then you know

They they absolutely they got the they got the power bat if I can get the the team if I get team KY our first ever Champions down to the ice right now on the ice you’ve got Grant klippenstein Megan prestle from the Lloyd Minster King Club Caitlyn Mulligan from Aztec

Safety Dan Len from Aztec safety Rod wild from Wild Rose pump and compression safety wild all of our sponsors we want to thank uh the rest of the sponsors that you see represented here today without them this simply does not happen these are local companies that gave generously

Because they wanted to see the best in the world play the best in the world so thank you to our sponsors and uh this game doesn’t happen unless you have the very best ice and uh I know that uh Kevin and and his team are thankful that we had John Wall Brian

MOSI right there Brian p h he’s our ice maker and uh Gren lass is also here but uh Brian right there worked hours and hours and hours on on this facility and the Ice uh held up for the entire event under very difficult situation so thank the volunteers it

Takes over hundreds of volunteers and Nicole and her team of the volunteers to do all the work here amazing I want to thank Caitlyn the event chair she worked hard with the players and with her organizing committee and uh our live stream was a gigantic hit so groov V Productions and

Mass entertainment together with all our volunteer commentators thank you very much guys they’re right up there and so I want to ask uh rod from Wild Rose pump and compression and and d d Dylan D Dyan our vice president of Business Development at Aztec to uh present the trophy and the individual

Trophies to team kuy you’re not going to want to pick pick that up you you’ll want to get behind it and we’ll get some pictures done with you if you you guys want to stand on either end and get a picture there R you guys get right behind there Kevin if you

Can yeah right in behind here and you guys get in there perfect nice lot of smile down there guys a lot of work goes into this to our fans thank you so much we had a difficult weather and you guys were here fantastic job we thank every one of

You now our organizing committee members get in with our team kui champions come on guys get on in there again some big shouts out to the people that are coming on to the ice right now R standing there with the team this the organizing committee these guys have

Work countless hours of here we go the guys here now getting out there oh nice they picked it up great job by the guys lots of smiles lot of hard work’s gone into this guys hopefully we’ll be able to do this for a number of years there we

Go okay now Kate if you hold this Rod wild Now Grant klippenstein Dan loen D faler Jeff Mulligan jumping in for a quick picture with the winning team team Koy has a big week here at the Lloydminster golfing curling Center in the Aztec safety challenge again a lot of people a lot of

Smiles a lot of volunteers and an inaugural event that went off without a hitch a lot of people doing a lot of work I think there’s a couple interviews they want to do but thank you drive safe appreciate the support Aztec and to all of our sponsors thank you thank you thank

You thanks guys for every there’s Irene up there where’ she go where’s Irene for everybody that has been a part of the event for everyone that tuned in online Irene come over here thank you very very much that is going to be the end of our broadcast thank you to the production

Crew you guys did an outstanding job we look forward to bringing this back to you next year the Aztec safety challenge your Champions team kuy thank you everybody it’s been a blast Aztec safety this must be the place boys H it’s about right looks like this is where the uh Engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool under Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett I don’t know all right normally he’s bailing Me Out roll reversal baby there he is resue Mode putting out fires for these guys Already Hi there I’m Joseph Rosenberg the contact Center manager for utility safety partners and we’re very proud to be a sponsor of the Aztec safety challenge now when you’re competing in a bon Beal you got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried and plan each shot and in

Life when you’ve got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried well you have to plan and that plan needs to involve utility safety Partners when bumping that object in front of you is not an option


  1. The fact that TPTB have decided to no longer air the Curling games on Cable is very frustrating. Totally taken the interest out of following the Canadian teams

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