Compress The Golf Ball Like NEVER Before – Ams vs Pros Golf Swing Tips

I always struggled to compress the golf ball like the pros until I found this golf swing drill. This simple golf tip will help you strike both your irons and driver pure.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 Compress The Golf Ball Like NEVER Before – Ams vs Pros Golf Swing Tips
00:58 Pros v Ams Golf Swings
02:37 Simple Golf Drill

Right golfers let’s talk to you about a reason why lots of you down that lens lots of amateur golfers struggle with compressing the golf ball you struggle with sort of Flippy impacts but the pros make it look so simple to compress that golf ball let’s explain why and then give you a

Really super simple golf drill to help you start compressing that golf ball loads more just quickly before we get stuck into to the video I just want to say hello to any new viewers out there and hello again to anyone returning if you are enjoying the channel and the

Content make sure you hit that big red subscribe button not enough of you are hitting it it says in my analytics make sure you also turn that Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos let’s get you compressing that golf ball better so what is the

Difference between amors and pros and why do they make it look so easy well the main reason is is the pros are able to control the loft of the golf club loads better than amateur they take Loft off of the club so the dynamic Loft at impact is lower than what the static

Loft would be of this iron whereas lots of amators add Loft and don’t get that compression which makes amators also hit lower on the face which makes you see loads of these sort of Flippy impact positions in golfers at local clubs which then make the golf ball go really

High also it probably opens the face depending on how you’re releasing it which means you’re going to slice that golf ball too so how you deliver this loft is going to completely transform the way you can press that golf ball so have a little thing are you a golfer

That hits a golf ball too high hits low on the face a lot of the time sometimes might fat the golf ball too because of how you’re releasing ing it and the way that you’ll have to move this club will create those sort of fat horrible shots

As well so fats and thins high ball flights slices to the right generally for right-handed golfers these are all signs that you’re delivering too much lofter impact which is making you struggle to compress that golf ball hit pure iron strikes and also maybe hitting those longer straighter golf drives that

You’re after so I’ve got a great drill here it’s going to help you transform that delivery of that golf club and make you crisp up that strike so this golf drill only requires two golf balls and it is super simple put the golf ball down where you’re going to be hitting it

From the second golf ball I want you to put about a foot behind the other one the one you’re going to hit and slightly inside your target line how much we’ll talk about as the drill goes on but generally speaking around a club width an iron width inside your golf ball

Inside your target line so a foot behind and a club width inside so towards you really simple I want you to set up to this goldl ball like you normally would and the whole point of this exercise is to feel like you’re going to drill that golf ball behind the one you’re actually

Going to hit into the ground so if I was to add Loft get these Flippy impacts okay you will not be drilling that golf ball into the ground with the club face I want you to think once you’re at the top of your swing here is that you’re

Going to hit that golf ball into the ground with that club face and look how my face is now turning it’s twisting inwards I’m taking that Loft off of the golf club it’s going to help me compress the one that I’m actually going to hit

If you don’t do it you add Loft it’s going to be very hard again to start striking your usual golf ball that you want to hit twist that Loft off feel like you’re going to nail that goldl ball into the ground it will completely change your Dynamic Loft it will

Completely change your path generally speaking and swing Direction because you want to hit this one your path’s going to start coming more from the inside because your loft is being taken off you’re now closing that club face which is going to make want to move your path

And swing Direction out to the right I’ve seen such amazing results with this drill and it’s added 203 yards to some people’s irons that do deliver stupidly High loss with their clubs so set yourself up and visualize yourself hammering that ball into the ground with that club face and then once you’ve got

That feeling take a swing half swing if you want nail and hit you can see I’ve really OV exaggerated that one there and look how much turn I’ve got to the left there’s no way that that is slicy because I’m normally a drawer of the golf ball anyway and me exaggerating this drill

I’m going to get those exaggerated ball flights but if you do get that great it means you’re overdoing it and you can calm it down a little bit it’s what I love to see in golf lessons people not being afraid to over exaggerate a feeling and then just calm it down a bit

So many amateurs that strugg with their golf are scared to change things to the extremes so again now I’m going to build it up a little bit and hit a fuller shot I’m going to feel like I’m twisting that face down to that ball nailing it into the

Ground you can hear at strike ball then Turf contact still slightly overdrawn which again I like as the exaggeration a really simple way to visualize taking that Loft off of your golf club because so many golfers out there need to do this 80% of you are slicing the golf

Ball in this world which generally means that you’re going to be adding Loft to your shots and your golf club so plenty of you out there and hopefully a lot of you watching this need to take Loft off of your Club to get a more compressed ball this golf ball here should also

Where we’ve placed it help with path if you’re someone that adds Loft cuts across it loads then tries this drill but you still see yourself pulling it to the left or overdrawing it to the left it might be because you’re trying to take that Loft off but still moving your

Path to the left and this is where this ball also plays a big part if you feel like that is you move that ball a little further in towards you really exaggerate it and try and nail it into the ground here that will really start to make you

Feel like you’re not going to come over the top swinging to the left which causes that pull now you’ve sorted your face out and the Loft so it’s a double whammy this drill it’s going to hopefully help you with the dynamic Loft that you deliver and where you place

That ball depending on the results that you get was going to help your path which is then going to help your start direction to start that ball to the right and draw it back to Target so have a play around with where you position this ball about a foot behind and how

Far inside or towards you you do it is depending on the ball flights and the results you get from the initial shots you hit set yourself up start with a few sort of Chip shots really feeling like you’re going to nail that ball into the ground that’s going to take your Dynamic

Loft off that’s going to completely change your face the path which means you’re going to have to change that path let’s H another one honestly this has transformed so many of my lessons that come into the studio delivering High Loft High wafty shots some Thin some fats it’s added sometimes 20 30 yards

Like I’ve said already it is a great drill hammer that ball into the ground and if you do start hitting it into the ground taking that Loft off but hitting it left really feel like you’re going to hit that ball into the ground over to the right hand side of that Golf Course

Or your target path on that one four from the inside 175 carry with a 7 IR come on people let’s start increasing that distance hitting more penetrating ball flights compressing that golf ball better you can do this with driver too it works with iron and Driver how much

You need to do it with both might be different but it’s exactly the same concept set yourself up that ball is there behind me I’m going to feel like I’m taking this Loft off the driver going to come press that ball into the ground and it’s the

Same ideas let me know in the comments down below if this drill helps you transform the way you strike that golf ball and hopefully get a bit more compression that you’re after and hopefully a few more yards let me know in the comments down below and if you

Are enjoying the channel and the content make sure you hit that big red subscribe button turn the Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos I’ll see you in the next one


  1. Cheers! Immediately started the drill, but I noticed I started to fat some, so I'm over compensating something. I'll keep at it, as I did see success, too.

  2. I have mid compression. About 1.2 last time i was on a trackman. Plus im a low to heel striker. This sounds like the perfect thing to try. I usually pick the ball off the ground with no divot.

  3. But Coach, you are making it seem easy for ordinary golfers to be able to vary the compression of the ball.

    For iron shots, getting the strength and technique to compress the ball is useful. But learning this takes a lot of time.

    Even more difficult is then to learn to reduce the compression with say a three or four wood to hit it functionally off the deck more than 190 yards.

  4. So you’re telling me to use “twist face”? Don’t tell Mark. LOL… Seriously though, I’m definitely going to give this a crack with my wedges. For some reason all my other irons are flighting like I intend to, but my wedges are weak and flighted high. It frustrates me to no end to the point when I’m just taking shorter swings with less lofted clubs to hit into greens… Thanks Coach! Needed this one… I’m gonna give it a go soon!

  5. I’ve struggled to use this drill in the past as it just makes me to steep and increases fats! There is so much more too it weight shift etc. I am sure it works for some but to much on the inside can realy effect the shallow point of your swing.

  6. Love it!
    Looks like you’re also getting more “lag” in the downswing, should add clubhead speed as well.

  7. Will def be watching this again ahead of the weekend as is an area I could do with working on – looking like another range weekend

  8. Just the drill I needed, I’ve been trying to find a drill to get the right feel for extra shaft lean and I think this is finally the one.

  9. Man I wish we could eradicate the word "compress" from Golf. Great content as usual Coach I just hate that word.

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