Golf Babe

We Took A 4 Day Adults Only Cruise On Virgin Voyages

Would I recommend taking this cruise? See what we thought about our Virgin Cruise experience

✅ My channel normally focuses on helping to empower women in their own fashion journey!



❤️Follow me on INSTAGRAM @ angelaspassion4fashion

Hey friends it’s Angela I have a very different type of video for you today right now my husband and I hello are in the process of driving from The Villages down to Miami to take a brand new Cruise well brand new to us in the past we’ve been on Royal Caribbean and Norwegian

And Disney way back when the kids were younger but I’ve been hearing a lot of chatter about Virgin Cruise Line and how it’s supposed to be really different in a good way from other cruises we’ve taken in the past so I can’t wait to share this with you take you along show

You some things tell you what we think and in the end tell you if this is something that we would go do again well we made it in only 4 and 1 half short hours so not bad at all we’re in the terminal we’re getting ready to get on board A lot has happened in the past 4 days since we talked with you last we just got off the boat and we are on our way home obviously and we thought we would fill you in on all the great details while it’s still fresh in our mind we

Decided to take a 4-day cruise to kind of dip our toe in the water with this Cruise Line and see how we liked it we ended up going to Key West we went to bimin Bahamas and they have their own little private area there and we had one

Day at Sea now when you book The Cruise they have you uh put the app on your phone because you’re going to do a lot of things on that app checking your dinner reservations uh looking for different classes that they offer and shows during the day everything’s really going to be

Done on the app the one thing that was really cool about this Cruise Line is a lot more things are included in the price that you pay up front your tips are already included you get free Wi-Fi they include all your pop all your juices are pretty much included in the

Price and you know how there’s a lot of themed restaurants on Royal Caribbean that you can try out smaller restaurants but you have to pay to go to all of them they work it differently on Virgin so it’s all themed restaurants that are smaller there is no one main dining room

And it’s all included now there were some differences some cool differences in the rooms that we have not had on Royal before instead of an ID card they give you a bracelet an electronic Lac bracelet and you can open your room with it you can charge things with it when

You get on and off the shift use the bracelet so it was nice not have to carry anything water so once you’re in the room there’s a small iPad and that can control the uh lighting that controls the television as well as the uh Heating and Cooling so

That was nice and then lastly if you wanted uh any room services or more towels or have your room cleaned you can uh let them know from the uh iPad as well oh and if you go on Virgin this was a little bit different we did not expect

This we weren’t used to it so we’re in our cabin on I think it was a first day and all of a sudden we hear the do and we’re like oh there’s going to be an announcement right we’re waiting for an announcement we didn’t realize we have a doorbell and the the cabin

Steward was outside pressing the doorbell well it took us a little bit to kind of get used to that so anyways if you take that cruise you hear that it’s probably your doorbell the other thing we thought was really cool so you know how when you get on a cruise and you got

To go through the whole safety drill and the muster station and all that stuff on Virgin they have you watch a video uh first a safety video in your room I’ve never seen a safety video like this in my life it was very entertaining it was

Like a you’re watching like a concert or something but it was your your safety drill and then basically after that you have to go and check in at your mustard station and that’s it you’re done okay so now let’s get into the food and some of the different things that we did so

Tonight is our first night on the cruise we are in The Test Kitchen where they cook everything in front of you they have a regular menu and I’m told they have a vegan menu so I am really excited to see what they’ve got in store for it

It’s kind of like Wonderland if you’ve been on Royal Caribbean um it’s just this kind of it’s a really cool atmosphere on the inside and it’s a little bit foooo a little unique um and just the presentation of the food is topnotch and the menu is such that it just says like

Mushrooms uh scallop beef beef chocolate I mean that’s it one word basically for all the different things that you’re going to get now if you’re vegan they do have a vegan option there so they do have something for you now our thoughts on it what did you think of the first

Meal there you know it was unique that’s all I can say there was this one dish that was had a bunch of peas and um the yolk of a Sunnyside egg in the middle of it and some kind of uh cab are on the outside of it you know you had to be

Willing to experiment a little bit hence the name Test Kitchen I did get a filet and it had uh this ZIP sauce on it which was good but it also had pickled blueberries on it which I never had had fruit with a steak before what did you

Think of that mushroom dish that first one that came out they had like this puree mushroom that was put in the shape of a mushroom but it taste as good yeah very interesting uh there was good flavor but honestly I did not leave that place thinking like oh I’m just so

Satisfied with that comfort you know meal it was like so good I’m going to think about it forever you know but it was worth going and checking it out all right and then day number two we ended up going up to the galley for breakfast now this is different from Royal as well

And picture it like a food court so they have different stalls of different little restaurants they had this panini place where you could get avocado toast in the morning um toast with like salmon on top they had Bento boxes that you could just go up and take one as you

Know as you wanted they had they had a Mexican place they had a diner they had a burger place uh they had a salad place and then they had a sweets place so lots of different options up in the galley and that was always open for breakfast lunch and dinner and the diner

Is open 24 hours so then after breakfast we ended up getting off the boat we were in Key West that day so we got off maybe 8:30 in the morning which was really nice because the streets weren’t crowded at all stores were still open not all

But a lot of them were so we just strolled all the way up and down deall street the the cool thing and a lot of you probably know this there’s roosters and hens running around everywh where and apparently that started out as a good thing there because they would eat

The grubs and different you know bugs but I guess now the place is getting overrun but overall Key West is a great place you could go rent a moped there they had golf carts to rent if you really wanted to just tour around we just walked and we ended up seeing

Plenty just walking around then we ended up going to lunch at this place called Brazzle Dazzle now that is my kind of restaurant because part of the menu was vegan items or vegetarian and part of the menu is called the naughty side of the menu and that’s all your regular

Stuff so if you are a couple who eat differently you’ve got plenty of choices for both of you I ended up having the impossible burger and that was good I actually really liked it um the french fries were really good I love the seasoning on them they were crispy on

The outside but really soft in in the middle but then the desserts so you had some kind of chocolate cake thing it was called the Razzle cake it looked really good and if you’re a chocolate lover that would be for you so I ended up trying this rainbow churro dish for

Dessert I loved it I was like in heaven that was my favorite dessert on the whole Cruise okay and then that night we went to Italian it’s called extra virgin is the restaurant name on the ship that I had was really good one of the

Best pasta bologan I’ve ever had I had a really good steak there that was seasoned perfectly they had these uh meatballs that were really good I had some of those it was all good I would highly recommend that the only problem with with Virgin cruises is um you can

Only make one reservation per restaurant per night so if you wanted to go to Italian for example up multiple nights M you wouldn’t be able to get a reservation you’d have to show up either before 6:00 or after 9:00 and uh if they have room they’ll see you yeah I think

It’s because they want you to try out their different restaurants for dinner we’re just talking about dinner here breakfast um you can make your reservation in the wake or razzled Dazzle and same with lunch um and there are lots of different little eateries all over the boat but for dinner the

Main dining rooms let you book it one time on that app and like he said then you can kind of see if you can sneak in if you want to eat there more than one night I had the soup I think it’s called brini or something like that it was

Really good loved it and then the the artichoke which is another appetizer off the chain I was dead on the floor it was really good this artichoke I’m dead on the floor as my daughter would say it’s really really good if you come on Virgin cruises you

Have got to come to this extra virgin wow that’s amazing uh then I think I had a pasta that had like an olive oil and garlic and a little red pepper so it just had a little spice not really hot that was very good and I tried their marinara as

Well I mean it tasted to me almost as good as a pasta that I remember having in Italy oh also the pasta in this restaurant is made daily homemade so and you can taste the difference so day three was at Sea we did a whole lot of eating we went to

Razzled Dazzle again for breakfast just have your standard um you know eggs and they have they do have vegan sausages or regular sausages for you to pick from I did have another cherro that was the day I had my second churro then for lunch we

Ate up in the galley and I ended up having a ramen noodle which I was super excited that they even had those offered there it it was okay as far as the broth goes um I don’t know I would give it probably a five or a six out of

10 I just feel like I was missing some more flavor for me we spent a lot of time by the pool that day just kind of enjoying the atmosphere it’s so weird because the first day we were on the on the boat we went out on the deck at

Night time and took a picture of kind of what it looked like and there was really no one out there it was really quiet and then the day that we were at Sea of course you know the pool gets loaded with people so we just enjoyed people

Watching listening to the music it was a whole another vibe having everyone out there by the pool so then day three we finally went to our first show uh it was called dual reality and that was pretty darn cool there was a lot of different acrobatic stuff going

On people hanging from the ceiling doing stuff uh hula hoop things with like lots of hula hoops you’re like going how ises this person doing this different kind of show than we would normally see on Royal then that night was our late night going to dinner we went and tried this restaurant called

Gumb and I thought it was like a Habachi okay which it kind of was when you go to Habachi typically you have a Grill and you you are sitting with people that you don’t know you know how it’s always a little you’re like I don’t know how is

This going to go we don’t know these people it might feel a little uncomfortable at first but what they did is they had to play a drinking game together and that really and it end up to be fine in the end now the food there it wasn’t our cup of tea so to

Speak if you like Korean barbecue you might like this place we don’t really uh care for those flavors I had some shrimp that was very Bland it was basically just fried in uh peanut oil and that was it they had these dipping sauces one was soy sauce one was sesame seed peanut oil

Who’s dipping anything in sesame oil I feel like that wouldn’t really taste that great at all yeah and the last one was this uh uh Korean barbecue sauce but you know I’m more of a Kansas City barbecue sauce type of person if we were to go on the cruise again I would

Definitely not go to that restaurant us personally so then our last day of the cruise which was yesterday we that was the day that we were going to bimy and the beach area for bimy was phenomenal beautiful they had a couple of really large pools they had those Sun louers

That are right in the shallow part of the water so you can kind of dip your feet in the water um just really clean really well taken care of we kind of found a cozy spot to sit there were hammocks that you could lay in lots of

Sandy beach lots of sandy beach loads of chairs um either on the beach by the pool uh in private Cabanas that you could rent for $500 which we did not just it was really beautiful and honestly I would say compared to Royals Private Island Coco K you know I’m going

To say I like this better yeah this was nicer Coco K has a lot for kids too so if you’re taking a cruise with kids which this cruise is adults only that was another difference and we we actually like that then yesterday we tried the pizza now I’ve heard on videos

Of other people that the pizza was phenomenal and I’m going to have to say it was pretty darn good they do have vegan cheese so I was really happy about that the sauce was a good good taste the crust had a good taste to it it was

Thinner in the middle and a little thicker around the side you could create your own or pick from an already pre-selected you know Pizza that had uh different items on there and then last night we tried the last restaurant on our list which was pink kave that was

Our Mexican restaurant and we started out both with the um guacamole dish which was really cool looking and the guacamole had pomegranates in it pomegranate seeds which was cool it was all right you know for us we like our guacamole to have a little bit more

Seasoning to it not spicy but just more taste to it and then we had the street corn I thought really good I thought it was very good yeah really good flavor to that uh but they didn’t give you a lot so if you like the street corn get two

Of those at least that you know if you order that and I had this uh ribeye steak that had uh a bunch of uh different seasonings and um I’m not exactly sure what was on it I know there was some kind of cheese on it uh it was

Very good you know I’m a I’m a steak lover I’m a kind of a steak snob so a lot of times I don’t want anything on the steak except maybe salt and pepper uh and you know cook it with salt and pepper um and this was definitely coated

With a lot of different things but it was very good I would recommend it I would say that uh that was one of the best things I had had also on the trip one other thing I did have was this uh uh shrimp was almost like a Cajun shrimp

But we were in a Mexican restaurant so I don’t know what was on it some kind of cayenne pepper but it was it was it had some heat but uh it was good okay so since we’re on the food topic what would you say is your overall impression of

The food on Virgin versus Royal I think the dinner were slightly better than what you see on uh Royal but uh I kind of like the breakfast and lunches a little more uh more selection on the on Royal Caribbean but overall I would give a slight Edge to Virgin okay

So how about the common areas because the common areas on Virgin were quite different than what we’re used to on Royal what did you think of that yeah I just felt like there were these huge Wide Open Spaces on Royal Caribbean and you don’t get that as much uh on Virgin

There’s it’s much more compartmentalized yeah uh so if you like a Cozier feel uh virgin is better really they don’t have any big Open Spaces on Virgin everything is you know kind of small cozy nooks and a lot of them so I guess in a way it

Makes you feel like there’s not as many people on the ship because they’re all dispersed you know around all these very areas so I guess for me personally I kind of like that and as far as ages on the ship I mean there were there were

Plenty uh I felt like it was a good variation of different ages it was not just all young people at all we went in January and it wasn’t spring break time or you know anything like that so maybe that made a difference as well okay is

There any tips that you would give them of things that you would do differently if we win again knowing what we know now well the moment you get in the terminal before you get on the ship you need to start booking some of the uh nighttime

Shows you can’t book them ahead of time yeah and uh things like the comedy show fill up immediately you can book the meals ahead of time before you ever come to the uh ship but uh that’s probably the only big tip I would say yeah that was that was actually huge um

Yeah because when you when you go to get on the ship you have to go at your certain time slot so our time slot was 3:00 they start boarding at 2:00 so what what happened was we got on the cruise we went to our room and then I started

Looking on my phone at the different classes and shows and things like that and trying to coordinate it with the times I already coordinated to have dinner and things were already getting booked up so as soon as you get in that terminal before you even go through the

Lines to check in get on the app and book all your shows and things like that because literally they book up fast and also another thing I would suggest I would do differently next time is I would make our dinner reservations later most of the nights we ate at around 5:45

6:00 and that’s normal for us at home but by doing that a lot of the shows were at 7 7:30 8:00 and we were already in dinner during that time so there’s no way we would have been able to go to the show so would you go on virgin again yes

Absolutely I’m going to say the same thing I enjoyed it really nothing bad to say about Virgin at all if you’ve been considering it wondering about it thinking about it I would say try it out so I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any comments something that we

Maybe we miss covering leave a comment in the comment section till next time we’ll see you later byebye bye


  1. angela,Im a prude when it comes to beaches and wonder if the pools on virgin are different. are there alot of thongs and bare butts there? or is it less. Adults only, makes me wonder this. thanks

  2. Hey Angela, loved the video on learning about the cruise. I'm 55 and never been on one. Have you thought about doing a video on all the clothes you wore for each occasion casual and dinner. I thought that might be fun. I would like to see what you took with you. Glad you had a great time. The beach looked beautiful…

  3. We went on our first VV back in October out of Barcelona for 7 nights and we had a blast, we were upgraded to Rockstars what a treat that was! but I do agree about the Galley it was ok and the dinners were really good. Oh did you guys have fun at scarlet night? We booked Bahamas for May while we were on the ship for the discount lol

  4. The poor sound quality far outweighed the value of the video. People I know took 7 day Adult Virgin cruise and thought it was wonderful.

  5. Othere than the road noise, great video! It's great that you did a "road trip" video while everything was still fresh!

  6. I enjoyed this style of video. I’m always interested in new adventures in addition to your opinion! 😎 I also stopped drinking alcohol and i need entertainment without wine. 😄🤗❤️

  7. That was really helpful. Have been thinking about doing it. So different than regular cruising. Just got off Cunard where my husband had to wear a jacket or tux every night. lol. Sounds much more casual.

  8. Most cruise lines don't have the open spaces like RC. On Princess I felt like the ceilings are only 8ft tall a bit confining. For me I don't like the fuss of having to use an App for every single thing you do, book your Breakfast lunch & dinner. book your activities, even book to go to a show? Maybe they all are like this now, I haven't been on a cruise in quiet awhile.

  9. I enjoy your videos so much. Thank you for your content which is always so interesting and different. From clothes, to lifestyle and even food! Love it when you show what you eat as I am vegetarian and always looking for how to make my meals better. Love this one about the cruise! Good information and tips. I will have to try it!

  10. Went on Virgin and the food was amazing. Really didn’t care for the entertainment. Pool is small. Question is will I go back on it. Probably not. Thank you for sharing your video.

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