Golf Players

This Is EXACTLY How To Get Open In The Downswing




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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Use the code jchowngolf at checkout




Now what if I told you that getting as rotating and as open at impact as the top players in the world is not only possible but it’s extremely achievable for every golfer out there so if you don’t believe me look at this play here this is one of my online students 76

Years young we’ve got the correct pieces in his golf swing to be able to get that open that’s why he’s got there it’s not because of any crazy flexibility or Mobility he is absolutely doing what you need to be at against those positions so I’m going to talk about the five main

Things and pieces you need in your golf swing to be able to get that level of open and rotated at impact so first one fled feet especially your lead foot so bring your attention to my very muddy shoes so it’s been raining nonstop here in the UK you wouldn’t be able to know

From the blue sky but it has been raining non-stop for the last month and a half no way to avoid these muddy shoes so as you can see here this nice lovely little flare there of the lead foot so that is so crucial to getting open if

You don’t do that you’re not going to get open unless you’re extremely athletically gifted so from here when we flare out that front foot there that is opening up the range of motion that you can perform into your hip capsule your hip socket so if I’ve got this fled I’m

Going to have a much greater range of motion because if I have it straight which is vast majority of golfers and sadly most golfers keep it straight just for Aesthetics just because of the look of it they don’t want to look funny they’d rather perform worse but look

Better I don’t even think it looks better to be honest but that is now closing off that hip capsule that hip socket is now done with the amount of range of movement of motion it can perform I can’t now rotate as much so with that front foot dead straight and I

Let’s say get as rotated as I can those hips that’s about as much as I can do not bad but that’s at the end of my range of motion unlikely that I’m going to get there so now I’m going to flare it look at the range of motion I can now

Get into into that left hip that is is a ridiculous difference in range of motion and you feel less stress on your body doing that so you feel more stress keeping it flat which is why so many golfers think they don’t have the mobility to rotate because their front

Foot is in a silly position it is dead straight and when you ask them it’s because they want to keep it looking aesthetic don’t care about that get that front foot nicely fled and that’s going to help you a ton so flare that front foot and let’s see ourselves getting a

Little bit more open so number two this is where we get into what I call creating the environment to be able to get open so this is called having an adequate amount of hand and arm depth at the top of your swing so this is getting

To ourselves into a position to where we can get open and hit the shot how we want to so if I’m getting up to top here I want to see my left arm across my shoulder plane and my hands at the minimum if I had a line dead straight

Down here over my ankles even better over my heels there because then as I turn and I rotate cuz to get more open we need to rotate more rotation brings the hands a little bit outwards so we need to account for that now of course because that Ball’s on the ground you’re

Going to have a little dropping effect of the hands they go down and out but then as I’m doing that when I’m rotating with good depth now that club’s on good path and I can just continue to turn cuz I see so many golfers up here bringing the hands and

Arms dead straight up maybe they’re trying to drop it down hit bump and then still managing to try and turn amongst all that when a golfer is up here and they try to get open that club’s going to fly out in front of them when to have

A lack of that lead arm and hand depth so I want to see golfers get these lead arm and those hand a little bit more around there a great little drill to do for it is getting something like a swing plate so a swing plate here with the

Extension pole we’re going to see this long pole which I can extend right on out here to where all I have to do then if I I place this just around my shoulder plane range so blocking my right shoulder it’s going to force me if I rotate my body nicely to swing

Underneath the stick so if I have something like a practice tool like this swing underneath it I’m going to be in a much better place with my depth so then I can turn get open and I’ll be able to produce good club path if you want one

Of these there is a link in the description for 10% off the swing plate absolutely brilliant to do but really make sure to get good adequate hand and arm depth you’re getting good rotation in the back swing rotation is what brings the hands and arms around just

Like I said in the down swing rotation brings the hands more out in the back swing rotation brings the hands more around if you’re restricting your tur in the back swing it’s going to be really hard to get open having something like here like the swing plate swinging

Underneath it good turn in the back swing is going to get you way more open number three is huge and that is having the shaft shallowing in the downswing so shallowing the shaft that’s the center of mass of the golf club pitching behind in the downswing so from the point that

It was in the top of the back swing pitching behind from that point so shallowing doesn’t necessarily mean dropping the club underneath you doesn’t necessarily mean swinging into out it just means having that Center of mass drop more behind than where it was at the top of the back swing so that’s

Where if we can get that Center of mass dropping behind so dropping falling down a little bit in this direction flattening out that’s going to increase the amount of chance we are to be able to turn the more we shallow it the more open we need to get at impact the more

Steep we are so shaft standing up the least or less rotation we need going into the golf ball to be a to function so that’s where of course more rotation is going to help for club based control path control loads of good things even it has a good relation to strike

Location so that’s where if we’re steep we are then going to be at the mercy of having having to do something to reorganize shaft movement usually we’ll see players early extend normally see we’ll see players backing up on the shot tilting back which lies down the Sha later they’ll stall that rotation

They’ll flip the hands they’ll come to the conclusion they can’t get open because their body isn’t able to do it when it’s in reality the shaft getting steep so like we said we want that shaft to be lying down and then turning every little bit of shallowing helps so

Important so there are many different reasons to get let’s say fixing your steep shaft to make it shallow or getting the club to shallow loads of different variables I’ve got a whole course on that called The Ultimate Guide to shallowing or the complete guide to shallowing the down swing there’s a link

To that in the description so loads of different ways from left wrist flexing having the right elbow getting front nice light and loose arms forearm pronation loads of different things but there’s a simple way to do it and that is have an alignment stick gripping the alignment stick up the left hand side

Inside of the golf club getting up to the top of your swing and then having the stick point in front of you as we move down so lighten that grip pressure get that stick to point in front of you as you move down the club shaft is lying

Down then you can get more open and rotate through so so much of getting rotated and open that impact is to do with what you’re doing earlier in your golf swing rather than your Mobility so having that stick point in front we can get out to top and paes then in front

And then swing through really hard to make good strike we’re doing that drill but it’s more to get you to where you are getting that stick in front giving you the Reps and then replicating that with a golf ball in the way so if we can

Shallow that shaft we’re going to have a tremendously better chance to be able to get open and rotate so number four hip tilt maintaining your hip tilt and hip depth so I’m pairing these two together CU they both go hand in hand so what I see

So many players do is they’ll bump their hips that lifts up the left side of the pelvis which then slides the pelvis so a lot of players will be trying to bump and then turn cuz that was what an instruction used to be like so when you

Like we said you bump that hip the left side raises up now you can see as reaction what’s happened to my upper body it’s tilted backwards so now it’s incredibly hard for me to be able to turn one thing we’ve got to remember with golf as we know the Simplicity that

The ball is on the ground we’re trying to hit that ball so with the ball being on the ground we have got to be tilted to the golf ball we’ve got to have this inclination here if that inclination gets lost with either the hips the left side lower than the right or the

Shoulders that’s going to be extremely difficult to be able to rotate it’s going to be almost impossible we could do it it will really hurt the lower back so what we need to do we need to make sure that that left hip left side of the pelvis stays down as we’re turning

Through the shot so this is where if we’ got a great shallowing piece in here that help the club stay on path as we keep that left hip staying down but all you’ll need to do is do that movement and you’re going to be in a much better

Spot for being able to get open so really making sure that we are keeping that left side down with this little drill here so just grab an alignment stick put it through the belt loops and when the left hip comes up we’ll talk about that in the next point

So keeping the stick through your belt loop point it down and turning around that gets you nicely open CU it maintains your tilt really well I’ve done this drill a ton with my own golf swing and this was really instrumental for me getting more open now hip depth so while we’ve paired

This with a tilt cuz if we get good tilt we get good hip depth and if we have good hip depth we have good hip tilt what is hip depth so depth like we talked about before better depth we’ve got hands and arms more behind it in

Relationship to the hands and arms so when it comes to the hips that means the deeper the hips are the more they’re moving back so so many golfers will have their hips slightly move forward in the back swing continue to move forward in the down swing that will level out your

Tilt and that’ll move you full close to the ball that’ll make you unable to be able to get open and rotate so we want to see players have their right hip move back in that back swing so right hip move back like someone’s grabbing the right trouser pocket putting it back and

When we want to see them do that they’re left tipping the down swing someone pulling that left trouser pocket and pulling it back which is getting them nice and open that’s such a key thing here we want to be pushing that left hip back you can see as soon as I push that

Left hip back you can see I get rotated I get open pushing the left pit back is really the movement pattern that gets you open but to be able to make that work in your goon you need these other little pieces in there so absolutely this drill requires no introduction on

My channel as I can’t go a few videos without having it in there because it’s such an important drill to do you will know if your regular viewers here what the drill is here pushing the chair back in the back swing your right hip then pushing it back with the left hip and

The down swing keeps that hip depth and that will keep your tilt as well The Best of Both Worlds with it let’s give it a go gets you nice and open there absolutely brilliant hip depths is so important it’s the one that I am talking about with my students online on

Skillist all the time so just like you saw with my senior golfer student at the start he’s all done via online lessons as absolutely he’s from Tennessee I’m from the UK of course so they’re not in person actually all my lessons are done online so if you want lessons absolutely

There is a link in the description to give you and get you to the page that I do all my online lessons on all my lesson options are on there all my plans all my reviews so absolutely if you want one you know where I am so the last one

Here left side extension for number five so this is where as we’re coming from Sha parallel into the golf ball if we’re pushing that left hip back continually you’re going to see how the left leg is going to gradually straightened coming into the shot so with that left leg

Gradually straightening you’re going to see that’s pushing that left ITP back even more that’s getting me open that’s turning me around the corner so many players they’ll have great things go up to impact and then they’ll just really slow down their rotation but you’ll see

Their left leg stay bent for a long time we want that left leg to snap that’s what we want so if we can get that left leg to snap pushing the hips back that opens you up more and gets you very very rotated so what the movement we want

Good drill to for it to get yourself rotated and open with that left side extension and teach it and as you can imagine what does that do to the left side of the pelvis that lifts it up on its own you don’t need to try to lift that hip up

Getting a good left out side extension going through the golf ball will do it for you so just grab an alignment stick as a drill put it on the toe line about a foot or so behind your feet and then just drag this up into the air all via

Your left side extension if you’re just extending that left side you’re going to see how they stick it’s going to raise up cuz the left side extension not only gets the left hip going back it gets left shoulder going up and around rotates the chest gets you in some right

Side Bend also that propels the club into the air or the stick absolutely brilliant so that’s all being done just via my left leg extension I wasn’t trying to drag that club up not even slightly it was all via that move and we put that all together we are going to be nicely

Getting open at impact now absolutely maybe to a Dustin Johnson level of rotation we might not all be able to achieve but we can all get open share that similarity to what the top tour players have might not all be to that crazy amount but we can all get open

Especially to where we’re seeing all of your hips back of your hips at impact so abolutely there’ll be more in depth on this topic on one of my courses as well The Ultimate Guide to rotation in the downswing so absolutely there’s a link to that in the description so that

Really encapsulates everything in here but even more with tailored practice plans to each issue cuz not everyone will need to do all of these be surprised if there is someone who needs to do all of these but need to know what one applies to your go swing to then get

It into your swing and there good practice plans that are perfectly made for each issue so of course if you’re early extender as well there’s a course for that as well fixing your o extension masterclass so much down there in the description have a good look at it have

A good look on that skillist page see what catches your fancy on there so absolutely if you like this video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button and hit that Bell button too to be notified anytime I put out a video


  1. How long has your hitting cage and net lasted? Just curious because i had a different brand , and in 1 year the sun had already worn down the nylon net . The rain had rusted the cage. Thanks

  2. I have found that “bursting” a bit up on the legs helps on all my clubs. I plan to try your suggestion to straighten the lead leg for more power and accuracy during the turn as well. Thanks.

  3. One swing thought that really helped me get my hands in the right place (#2 and #3) at the top and at impact was “hit the inside of the golf ball.” For decades I’ve teed the ball with the logo straight back so I hit the logo with the face of my club; this year I rotated like 15-20 degrees toward me and up just a little so I see it out the corner of my eye and now I tend to try and “hit the inside.”

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