The Two Ingredients for GREAT GOLF | Swing Plane and Golf Club Release

The Swing Plane and The Golf Club Release has been talked about for generations, today I help you start to understand their relationship and how you can make a difference on both of them.

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This video gives you great detail on how to hit more greens, hit more fairways and lower your golf scores and ultimately your handicap.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to fix your swing plane in the golf swing
2. How to fix your golf club release
3. Improving your ball striking

and I hope to do all this with simple understanding to create a simple golf easy golf swing.

The swing plane and releasing the golf club how do they work together let’s get into it release pattern and swing plane go hand in hand they will affect each other today I’ve got my usual boxes up attack angle club path face angle face the path and I’ve got a new one up I’ve

Got swing plane now for those of you that have used trackman and those coaches out there hopefully you all appreciate and you will be aware that the swing plane is set on track Man by the center of the club face not the club shaft the center of

The club face and how it tracks before after an strike but heavily set more so by before strike therefore I could have a golf club head arcing from in inside straight to inside that could have a club shaft very very low and I could have a club shaft very very

High so you can’t use for trackman you can’t use the swing plane ingredient to set how your handle and head absolutely work because the swing plane let’s say at 45° for a 79 tour average for a driver is about 48 let’s say we have the handle super low and I

Hit a golf shot with the handle super low and you can see that on the screen yet the swing plane value is 75° that’s suggesting that my handle is really very vertical if I now have a handle that’s high and a club head swinging into in might not get

That let me do that again so the shaft was more vertical value of 48° so you can’t set the swing plane to give you a readout on the shaft I just wanted to throw that out there just to start you off with now the pitch of the shaft is crucial

It’s something that we all relate to when it comes to early extension the more we tend to see a shaft pitch more parallel to the floor let’s say the more we would want to see and would end up seeing is more side Bend and we’ll tend to see more posture through

Strike when we think about what the handle has to do to facilitate more bend over to create a plane of Swing that’s more laid down the handle track and the head in how they react with each other at strike and Beyond strike will feel very very different so when we’ve had

Golfers unloading the toe of the golf club over the heel of the golf club or whether we’ve had a golfer unloading the club head past the handle with loft or no Loft the no Loft version is the flip as it’s known as where we unload the golf club and we create

Loft that’s more than what we class under release so those are the two most popular release pans and how they go hand inand with the swing plane is crucial for you to understand so when we are fighting a bend in the sky if the ball is bending to the right

Fundamentally your Club face is open to your path line and at that point it creates a reaction and the reaction it creates is either a wide of the Ark on the way down or a flipping over of the toe and when we’re trying to flip the toe over what’s happening is that

Because this right arm and this right shoulder are trying to make the Club close the face down it’s trying to make the head head weight go to the left and that’s where the golfer then tries to swing from the inside to offset that now what that does to The Balancing Act of the

Shaft in its plane is that it makes it more vertical because the Gap that we started with from the handle and the head was set by our posture now what you’re trying to do is make the face look left and you’re doing that by using the right shoulder and the right

Arm over the top as we know it and what that’s doing is it’s making the club head try to push itself to the left and in pushing the head to the left it’s catapulting the handle out to the right which is why we then foreshorten the distance from where we

Started to impact which is why swing planes get stood up and when the swing plane gets stood up you must understand that if the handle is going to the ball the club head has to be going to the left but you’ve inspired that by trying to close the club face widening The

Arc getting the club head more over here of the ball line to get the face pointing left and of course in doing so you’ve dragged the handle Out to the Ball line and then you’re trying to unload the golf club so now you’ve got an orientation obviously in an extreme

That the shaft is stood up and the loft is trying to look back at me so that the club is getting unloaded and trying to point left you can see that the head has gone left and the handle has gone right now if you’re a golfer that’s tried to encourage inside

Out even though you’ve got the handle traveling inside out and you’ve got the face a bit open if you have managed to get the face back straight look at the orientation of where the handle has arrived and the head has arrived relative to the start point so you are always when you push

The handle out to the right going to end up with a swing plane that stands up more which pulls you out of posture which creates more hip extension but you’ve created that by trying to push the handle to the right so by then changing this awareness of where the

Handle must be the handle being more down which immediately starts to point The Loft more left of course that’s number one but that’s really it does matter but it’s such a small ingredient big ingredient when it comes to Bunker shots and lob shots and all that kind of

Thing but it’s such a small ingredient in this topic shall we say the more that we now start to understand that when we create pressure and force on the handle which I RAM on about all of the time the more I have the opportunity of making this golf club do the opp

Opposite to what it’s used to doing so when the club has the opportunity to leave back up this way which is only a wrist set up and not a wrist set down on a radial but I’m not going to use those R those words

But a wrist set up or a wrist set down when you have a wrist set that’s coming back up because the pressure in the the handle is working down you now have the opportunity to start to feel like the handle can move down and the club can

Start to unload back up which is a very very odd feeling when you’ve been a guy or girl that’s unloaded the golf club down and in So This is Swing plane and this is Club release and how the two go together so as we start to Now understand and I’m going to show

You in a moment how to apply all of this and change this but if I don’t give you the overview and the detail and a lot of people have said on my channel get to the point Stuart well if you want quick fire messages head over to Tik Tok and

Instagram where all the junk is but here explanation learning to give you a real value in this content and uh a lifelong worth of good golf and if you enjoying this do feel free to subscribe while you’re here so understanding that this pressure down this side now actually

Feels like the golf club can actually prop itself back up now look at how far away from the Bolter Target line that handle is look at how far away from the Bolter Target line that handle is at that point but look how close that head is in

Relation to the ball line so I’ve actually applied force down here and the club heads actually started to work back up isn’t it now if I do the opposite if you are an inside out Merchant with the handle and now that club head is to the left and now turned down

Look at the gap between the ball line and the handle line how could you not possibly come back with some form of vertical swing plane so when you think about Ben Hogan’s P pane of glass he was talking about that angle pitch but the pain of glass the handle

Needed to run back up that pane of Glass on the other side of the Swing not and to do that that’s very very strange so that when you now start to think about what this club head will feel like with a good plane and the implications of what that will make you

Feel so when I set up to the golf ball the more I start to feel like the handle has got pressure on it that club head from down the ball line you can see that club head is inside but compared to a golfer that’s felt like he’s trying to push the handle

Inside out that club head feels like it’s miles outside the ball line but obviously the handle now underneath us has now pulled us more in posture and then when I move the handle back inside can you see that club head is come back inside that ball to Target

Tget line but only a small amount very different to the golfer that’s tried to swing the handle out to the right and close the face down so as we start to understand that this pressure in the handle that makes the club head wider here straighter wider here now actually creates a much more

Vertical descent angle as a feeling because of where the handle is and the swing plane that it’s creating which is why when trackman says that my swing plane is 65° it would immediately make you think that my handle is stood up but it’s not at all because actually the more my handle

Stands up the more it pulls the club head in then when I unload the golf club the club head then swings back in what trackman would then say is that you’ve got a very lowlevel swing plane and it’s not the truth because the handle has not been

Red it’s simply red that the head has moved into in so what we’re looking for is a few ideas of how to feel this if you’re tired of paying too much for premium leather golf gloves do head over to gxg goolg these gloves are trusted by

Tour players and Elite amateurs use my code good coaching for 10% off your next order go check them out so first up I want you to get yourself a box and if you watched my video on uh on having these wall of boxes in front of you

You’ll still have those left over but what this allows us to start to do and if you if you get yourself a couple of golf balls that are running parallel now immediately you might think okay well I don’t want to swing the club in a straight line well of course this box

The the edge of this box is giving me the Arc in which the club can swing on so can you see that that club’s aring inside to inside the reason why it’s arcing inside to inside is because that club is hinging on the angle the shafts

At if the shaft was vertical and it was swinging on that line can you see how all of a sudden the club is much much straighter the more horizontal that shaft is and it’s pitching on that the more it’s arked so when I set myself up

What I’m now looking for is a feeling that as I move the handle to the left what I’m going to try to do is close off this Gap here can you see as I close that Gap off look how that club head stays more on

That Bolter Target line if I now lift my club head up look how the the handle up rather look how the club head comes back in and if you’re pushing the handle out to the right the club head’s going to come back back in which is why you will

Then start to stand the shaft up and pull yourself out of posture so what I would like you to do is to try to close the gap off on the way back because as you close the gap off on the way back you can see the handle still works in which gets the

Club head propped up not low and inside we put the pressure down on the on the on the box which allows us to get the Club head out then we go up to the top and then what you’re going to do is you’re going to try and get the handle back

Underneath you look how the club head is back out on the ball to Target line now we going to run it down the Box move the handle back inside and all of a sudden you’ve got depending on whether your handle lifts up or whether your handle is down it will depict whether your

Ark is wider in its circumference or more narrow in its circumference and so the box then gives you something tangible to start to feel what the handle should feel like here and what the handle should feel like here it should feel like the handle’s moved in and down and when you press it

Down what you’ll feel is you’ll feel your right shoulder trying to move around and you’ll feel your left hip trying to go back and at that point the club head will be more out in front of of you and then you’ll start to see the loft of the golf club Point more

Up so this box really gives you a sense of how you can start to apply the pressure in the handle and change that angle of Club heading delivery but as I say swing plane on trackman is not measuring the shaft it is measuring the center of the club face that is it so

Don’t use that reading as telling you whether you’ve got the shaft angle correct or not so this box drill will really give you a great idea of where you need to orientate the handle then when we get the magic broom back out all of a sudden we start to feel

That when the golf club is working back and through here now all of a sudden we will start to feel any handle lift that starts to make the broom bottom out to the left and start to point the face more to the left so the more I’m applying pressure

Down look how the head is more out on the ball line more I push the handle out to the right which would be up and off of the box you can see that the face starts to point more left the handle pushes more out to the right and the

Face turns back in but you’ve created that situation when you’ve moved the handle inside out so the broom yet again if you haven’t seen my broom video do go check that out I’ve done four of them you’ll really sense that through this spot here the weight of the broom is

Propped up by the shoulder and the lower half so in essence release of the golf club and swing plane go hand in hand with each other do let me know if you have any questions on that that is a big and deep uh con a bit of content there so uh do

Go back and watch a lot of my other videos if you are new to the channel this is not a quick tip Channel this is about understanding the game for what it truly is and understanding the lever system that we have to sense and understand to allow our body to behave

In the way we would like it to behave powerfully to create good angles of attack good pathline good face control flighted spun shots that going to your hand I think you’re fine that’s good cach


  1. Stu, the 2 biggest things in your golf swing come down to 2 things, your club face to swing path,bottom line. Does that sound about wright?

  2. Brilliant explanation with simple tools , a box and a broom …. Awesome ! I am trying to swing again after a particularly difficult shoulder surgery , this has been a helpful video . I have had to modify my old ways and this has helped clarify the why I did some stuff. Thank you !

  3. Club path and swing plane explained fully. Very valuable for a complete understanding of the forces working on the handle and club head. The visual of the club head working back up and staying outside of the handle on the thru swing with the more horizontal swing plane is an element of the golf swing that I have not seen explained before. Thanks for more great content.

  4. Love how you explain club path and swing plane, and how they go hand-in-hand. It was quite technical but understand why you had to do it this way. Always amazes me how important it is to use the golf handle (your hands) correctly to make the clubhead move the way you want. Seems like most amatuers should be focusing on moving the handle correctly to get the clubhead where it needs to go and not focusing on the clubhead. Cheers.

  5. Do you just cater these things to me or what? Pretty sure you described me to a tee. Discovered two things in the monitor this morning. I over rotate and the art of side bend. Path came under control, start line improved, no more straight left and all without weakening the grip. Tried it and the purchase just wasn’t secure. Stellar video my friend! Learning more and more with every video. Many, many thanks my friend! My best, NWH

  6. Stu – Super-valuable content! You are resurrecting my swing and knowledge of the golf movement. Can’t wait to connect with you in person 2024! #CheersBrothaa!! 👏🏾👏🏾🥂💪🏾

  7. Great video Stuart! It seems to me that this would work best with flatter lie angles. Do you agree?

  8. Wow the box really changes my perspective quite a bit. Reminds me of this old Manuel de la Torre video where he tries to settle the non-argument in putting where some people emphasise an arc versus others saying 'straight back-straight through'. He shows that both are correct in their own way by using a rail as a visual, which he moves the putter back and forth along -much like your box. Though I don't waste energy on such debates, the visual did unveil something to me I couldn't wrap my head around previously. Your box did the same in this video. Many thanks for elaborating on concepts rather than giving bite-size tips. If you or anyone else is interested in what I am talking about, it's at about 16:50 in this old video:
    I don't doubt that you probably know it.

  9. Hi Stu. This video is another masterpiece, and is the perfect follow on from the wonderful “Left Shoulder” video. “Shock Horror…..😱. Get yourself up off the floor, back up. Get your tea your in your mouth, just to recuperate”😂. W

  10. I really like the pressure down through hitting area. Do I use this pressure down with the driver or is it different?

  11. Very refreshing instruction I only found this channel after one of your video popped up about right shoulder high! Very interesting understanding of trackman path to face details.

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