Golf Babe

Transgender golfer may be BANNED FOREVER from competing against women on the LPGA Tour!

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You’re tuning into black and white sports on YouTube the No Holds bar truth on Sports the main event starts now well guys yesterday I actually put up a video about a um transgender golfer a man identifying as a woman uh just won and beat up on women on a um I don’t know

What you actually call it like a monor tour I guess you know to actually get on the LPGA Tour well in light of this it seems like this man’s dream of actually competing on the LPGA Tour may actually be in Jeopardy it could be I’m not really sure now I just

Learned that um the LPGA Tour actually changed the rules back in 2010 they actually remove um the female at Birth requirement and no no no idea about that but yet you call yourselves the ladies PJ tour right but you remove the uh female requirement right there so now

You woke and all a person has to do is actually identify as a female astonishing man absolutely astonishing why do you even have the L in LPGA Tour doesn’t make any sense now this um this minor tour that this player whose male is playing on they’re about to do something and we’re

About to find out if this person is going to get completely rejected from competing against women now it seems definitely like like I said before Man lpj 2 is woke with this rule but what if the women actually say no because they’re going to be pulling the

Women what if the women actually say no we don’t want this to happen now I’m curious what kind of question question s that going to ask that’s going to tell a lot so there’s no guarantee it seems that this male could actually end up on the LPGA Tour now all of these women

100% of them should actually be opposed to a male competing in a sport because if you allow this guess what you’re done women’s golf is done because you’re going to have to compete against men and then you then you’re actually going to start seeing more and more men do the

Same thing mediocre um male golfers they’ll say you know what I can’t actually beat the men so therefore let me go ahead and try and uh beat up on the women you know same thing we saw in uh swimming with the whole Leah Thomas thing mediocre male swimmer number one

Competing against women so let’s go ahead and get into it guys make sure you guys like this video subscribe to the channel become a channel member memberships started uh $5 per month member live stream every single Friday we appreciate the support link is in the description and the join button on

YouTube so let’s do it guys right here on outkick women’s tour shows common sense will poll female competitors on gender policy following transgender golfers ridiculous win now I’m pretty sure guys that um there were women out there that actually lost to this man and they were probably too scared to

Actually come out and say something about it and we definitely know that’s a real thing that is a real problem man with the women you know some of these women are too afraid to speak out and you know based on what’s actually happening Ry gains they’re probably thinking I don’t want that to

Happen to me but guess what you’re going to have to speak out anyway it says here transgender golfer Haley Davidson recently won a recently won an event on the um nxxt women’s Pro Tour which increases um his chances of becoming the first trans golfer to compete on the LPGA Tour after

Days of uh push back the tour responded with common sense which may mean things could rightfully not end well for Davidson Davidson a biological Mill ironically won the NX uh women’s Classic on January 17th uh which vaulted them to the top of the season long point standing at the top

What do you think at that man this is significant given the top five players on the list at the end of the season will each receive two exemp starts on the uh Epson tour the feeder tour to the LPGA Tour so in other words guys all all

This guy has to do is finish in top five and then bam probably getting on to the LPGA Tour um it does say here if and it’s a big if and Davidson were to finish inside top five and play well and the two Epson starts then earning status

On the LPGA Tour isn’t out of the question Davidson earned the win at the uh women’s classic on January 17th and after 5 days of criticism from those living in reality who don’t believe men should be competing in women’s sports NSS has responded in a world where every uh Sports entity

Seems to be doing his best to take opportunities away from female athletes NSX May uh freshly be an organization that poses a spine we have to see the tour has announced plans to listen to his actual female competitors instead of the other way around so apparently

They’re not going to be listening to a woke activists they’re actually going to be listening to um their own female players and you know what maybe some of their own female players actually W too don’t know we’ll see but they put out a statement this is

What they said quote in light of recent events we have initiated a poll among our tour players to gather their opinions on our gender policy we believe it is vital to consider the perspectives of those directly affected by these policies in statement on Monday red furthermore in maintaining the Integrity

Of our standards we have requested Haley Davidson to undergo additional testosterone testing to ensure compliance with the appropriate guidelines now the thing is man testosterone is just one thing muscle mass all that other stuff bone structure all of that stuff matters man all of that stuff matters I mean a

Lot of people you know hype on to the testosterone thing but it’s more than that it’s more than that man are just big Bigg strong and faster man this should not be happening okay now I’m assuming that um Davidson has already been in compliance with um testosterone

I’m assuming but now they want um him to go undergo additional testing right there the NSX allowing Davidson to compete on this women’s tour in the first place doesn’t exactly fall on the shoulders is simply following the LPGA tour’s on rules yeah this is their problem right

Here the LPGA Tour like I said before removed this female at Birth requirement in 2010 that is crazy that is absolutely crazy man I mean th this this right here man this this is crazy why in the world would a woman woman’s tour actually you know put out something to destroy

Themselves they’re probably thinking you know what this is probably never going to be a thing you know back in 2010 you know this whole um transgenders you know invading women sports that really went to thing this is like a new thing you know you know post George Floyd really

And now it’s it’s coming for him now it is coming for them absolutely astonishing guys but um we’ll have to see man hopefully these women are base and they say no we don’t want this to happen and you know what it could be the end of Haley Davidson’s uh

Dream up playing on the LPGA Tour we don’t know but like I said the rules put in place by the LPGA Tour so that’s just my thoughts on this what do you guys think of this black and white sports fans let us over think about all listen

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  1. If no women turn up a couple of times, and just this guy turns up, they'll lose all sponsorship and viewers and then they'll have to change the stupid rules. Dumber and dumber

  2. As a practical matter advertising will disappear the moment trans athletes begin winning on the women’s tour effectively killing any chance of commercial media.

  3. I enjoy watching some of the LPGA tourney's but if LPGA doesn't end this insanity I'm done with them.

  4. Every single lady should refuse to compete in any tournament that a non birthed female is allowed to enter.

  5. If it has a dongle between the legs and was born as male it's a male… Even if it identify as a dishwasher or a goat. Best would be if not one LPGA female golfer started at the event where this guy shows up. The sponsors would cry

  6. Let me be clear, real women should come together and not participate in any sport where men are allowed. Stand their ground, boycott because us men cannot do it. If you want to keep your sport men free, damn it, walk away in mass and let the wanna be woman stand there on the starting line by itself looking like a fool. But if you don't … don't complain.

  7. It should never have gotten this far. If you're not born a biological female then you can't participate in a girls/women's sport….period.

  8. Yep the LPGA opened up a can of worms when they did that. They should never done this, as they are the governing body represting female golfers.

    Sometimes you just can't beat it, as the Boys Scouts have for a long time allowed girls to join even though there is the girl guides. In some cases the world had gone mad.

    These are only but two examples of it. There are many more out there.

  9. Did his partner kiss his balls before the tournament for good luck 🍀 ? this must have made his putter rise .. old Johnny Carson joke 😂

  10. I remember the photo of Lia Thomson standing next to Riley gaines, while being told transgender woman have no advantage over biological women.

  11. Last year in Australia a female pool player walked out in protest when she found out she's competing against a transwoman/biological male if im not mistaken😮😮

  12. HE should have never been allowed to play in the LADIES PGA
    There are TWO genders – male & female.
    God doesn't make mistakes.

  13. The sad part of letting women decide this is, there’ are so many naïve young women who will support that person and say that person is a woman because they say they are. So the decision will come down to if it a commons sense women or college educated indoctrinated women.

    Stop using the word gender and separate sports based on biological sex. That will end this argument.

  14. People are in a stupor especially women. Why do they even participate in this stuff. Power is in not participating!

  15. Do NOT, repeat Do not, make any exceptions to allow a transgender golfer on the LPGA tour. You will open a Pandora’s box.

  16. In today's society you get ostracized for coming out and saying something against transgender athletes so I have no doubt a lot of the female LPGA players are keeping quiet. This has been said many times but unless you have mass droves of female players (in any sport) stand up and say "this isn't right and we're not going to take it" nothing is going to change. Society as it is now has to change so these brave people will not be ostracized for standing up for what's right.

  17. The lpga needs to change the rule back to having to be female at birth.
    And when the players vote, every single tour needs to have a 100% bite that they will not allow this. And they need to add at the bottom that they will boycott as long as needed


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