Golf Players

Nick Dunlap Makes history, Rory Mcllroy gets it done in Dubai, and Lydia Ko gets her 20th

US Amateur Champion Nick Dunlap made history this week at the American Express, winning a PGA Tour event as an amateur for the first time since 1991. Lydia Ko secured her 20th win at the Hilton Grand Vacations Tournament of Champions, putting her on the cusp for the LPGA Tour Hall of Fame. Rory McIlory won the Dubai Desert Classic for the fourth time, his own personal record for any professional event by holding off Cameron Young and Adrian Meronk

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[Applause] [Applause] Big Drive energy Winners Circle Monday and what a weekend in the golf world it was you’re looking at Nick Dunlap the first amateur to win a PGA Tour event since we were born uh we’ll course dive deep into that and and what he looked like at linta over there this weekend uh

Lydia Co won her 20th career LPGA event and Rory mroy must have heard the Pod last week must have heard that he just may never win again or he’s a big choker but fortunately he was playing an even worse choker in cam young so uh and then

We’re going to finish this PO up with a little Mulligan of the week and uh I’m gonna turn it over to you Mitch what’s up dude how you how was your weekend uh full of sports and full of uh what happened yesterday because it was I I’m still shocked um at what Nick

Dunlap did yeah I mean just the as a general overview I it just makes complete sense because I bet on Sam Burns and put out the pick and I am just I I guess you could call me for lack of a better term just to cook like whoever I pick doesn’t win uh

I I and he didn’t even finish top five like can we talk about and and it’s sadly like Okay so let’s unravel this whole thing um I mean Nick Dunlap let’s look at Sunday uh he shoots 60 on on Saturday shoots 70 on Sunday played with like two amateurs Saturday so you know

He’s like you know all relaxed pretty low key uh you know he’s not in the final group and everything playing against like competitors um so he shoot 60 on Saturday goes out and shoots 70 on Sunday which you know it’s a good score but when the winning score is what 29

Under 70 is not really a great score shockingly he still gets it done with that but um he didn’t go out and shoot 63 and win the event you know what I mean he he was a a merchant of he was a double bogey Merchant of Sam Burns just [ __ ] down

His leg like I haven’t seen a collapse like that in probably years I I don’t know what exactly happened I mean the loose swing on 17 but then even up 18 he he looked like he completely like his brain just exited his head I don’t how

Can you be that in the zone and playing that well almost shooting 59 earlier in the week you know he’s playing out of his mind and hadn’t made a bogey I mean he wasn’t making a lot of birdies on Sunday but hadn’t made a bogey the entire round what was it 24 straight

Holes he hadn’t made a bogey yeah he hadn’t made a bogey in 24 straight holes leading up to 17 Sunday and then he goes double double and you know it’s it’s hard to say but it kind of looked like he was aiming at that flag on 17 um like

Getting a little overly aggressive but he just made some really loose swings on 17 and 18 and you know it’s it’s just typical and even like bets 365 they gave out the Boost of they boosted Sam Burdon from plus 3,300 to plus 4,000 and I was

Like this shit’s too good to be true like he’s gonna they boost the actual winner of this event at those kinds of odds and no a 450 to1 amateur comes out of absolutely nowhere and wins the event so um just a a treat for me I I don’t

Even know why I still bet on golf um it’s just like getting punched in the face multiple times every week so I’m kind of done with it stay tuned at the end of the Pod we will be giving out our bet 365 picks for the Farmers Insurance

Open coming up uh PGA Tour does a right thing this coming weekend and has the tournament start Wednesday finish on Saturday so there’s no um TV issues with the AFC and NFC championship games which will be dominating households and televisions all around the country um but yeah stay tuned we’re we always hop

Back on the horse no matter how grueling of a defeat we faced and uh like you said Sam burs FLIR flirted with 59 on Friday a couple guys flirted with 59 I mean of course Nick Dunlap shot 60 on Saturday uh he shot 61 won and we

Tweeted from our account like the his uh post round interview and he apparently said he had no clue like how well he was doing like how do you not know you know I I don’t know like I I continuously shoot in the mid to high 7s like that’s

My that’s kind of my sweet spot best believe I go into every hole knowing how many overpar I am yeah that’s that’s a one of the big differences between pros and amateurs and even just like really good pros and Pros that have been there so many times and done that uh but yeah

They focus on the actual task at hand they’re not just like clenching their [ __ ] the entire back nine if they had like a a good front nine and they’re like okay don’t try to not mess this up you know they’re out there playing aggressively uh they don’t even really

Know where they’re at like Sam burn said and yeah I mean especially with it being a par 7 2 like he was so far under par he start what was his first 14 holes was like six birdies and two Eagles or some [ __ ] um just like an unbelievable run

That he had there at the beginning of that round but you know it really doesn’t matter if you uh can’t close it out it was actually funny though because uh my girlfriend Missy I’ve brought her up a few times on the show we were watching you know I was flipping it back

And forth between Golf and football and I had just missed the Sam like double bogey or I missed the shot I saw him in the drop zone yada yada yada uh but I was like he had made a bogey in 24 holes before this and she goes well by the

Looks of the scores it looks like nobody’s made a [ __ ] bogey this week like she you know and her not really knowing that much golf but it just cracked me up so I’m like yeah the and the American Express these golf courses are known to uh give up a lot of birdies

I mean the the winning score is usually pretty low but uh it’s just gotten like out of hand I’m looking forward to getting to some golf courses where you know 8 nine 10 under wins the event like you actually gotta grind because these dudes are just aiming at every single flag and making

Every single putt um it’s like a pitch and Putt out there for me even even for and so here’s a question that I’ll ask you Spencer do you think it’s more impressive that Nick Dunlap won this kind of tournament or would you be more impressed if he won a tournament where

It was more of a grind where it was 67 under par was the winner uh I don’t want to take anything away from the kid but I I think winning a tournament where he shot nine under and there was like a bunch of guys fight you know you’re

Fighting for pars instead of taking pars because you’re missing birdie putts like I think that’s obviously a tougher and different style of golf I don’t necessarily I wouldn’t necessarily say one is more important than than the other but like you know mortgage on the

Line if I had to make an answer I would say that this isn’t quite as impressive but also just the fact that he went out and shot 29 under and went toe-to-toe with these guys uh you did mention it earlier but on Saturday his other Pro playing partner like the PGA

Professional he dropped out and so they were playing he was there was just three amateurs in the group and I wonder if there’s ever been three amateurs in a PGA Tour event and that’s it no Pro because that’s what it ended up being for him on Saturday so he’s just playing

Around with two old Rich dudes and it was funny because you watched the the highlights of the tournament or you’re watching the tournament on Saturday and like there’s just some the the I got tricked the first time I’ll be honest uh honesty hour like some dude with like a

[ __ ] slicked back hair no hat on like these old oakle Shades started lining up a putt after they showed somebody making a putt I was like who the [ __ ] is this guy on the tour and then I realized that there is AM city all out there which is

Kind of it’s just such a funky tournament in general from having three three days at three different courses you know definitely some of them were tougher than others and then finishing the last day like I feel like anybody that had to play uh The Stadium Course Saturday and then turn around and play

It right again on Sunday they you know had an advantage and one thing I didn’t think about but I saw on the good old Twitter is they didn’t make the pins as hard as they normally would for like a PGA Tour event through the first couple of rounds especially considering that the amateurs

Were on the course as well so that’s something I hadn’t considered yeah they generally set these uh you know proam type events up a little bit easier because they don’t want uh the AMS out there like these amateur players are are paying probably 15 20 grand to play in this event they

Don’t want them to have a completely terrible time and not want to come back so so uh they’re they’re setting it up like relatively easy which lends itself to then be a birdie Fest but still just the the sheer amount of birdies uh that were made this week and um the sunj

Mstat he had in his first 100 holes this year on tour he’s made 45 birdies uh that is absolutely said that on Saturday like my mouth dropped yeah that that might be the craziest stat um like and the fact that he isn’t one like he’s either making a

Lot of bogeys or I don’t know what the story is but that is that is wild to me like talk about just and sunj M is not like that kind of like I mean he hits it a long way but nothing crazy like he just makes I guess he’s probably got to

Be one of the best Putters on tour um if he’s making 45 birdies you got to be knocking in putts so that’s that is insane to me but uh overall like Nick Dunlap obviously super super impressive uh he won at he’s won multiple amateur events

He won the uh US amateur at Cherry Hills that was widely broadcasted uh all over the you know the network when they were showing him um but we really didn’t even have him on our radar at Cherry Hills he was not uh like one of the more well-known guys there so he goes

On excuse me sorry uh he goes on to win there and then he uh you know it catapults him to now being a PJ tour winner and uh the dude is just on the ride of a lifetime like can no nobody’s heard this guy’s name before this week

And now he’s a PJ tour winner yeah well if you pay attention to the amateur game he he dominated uh the last few matches here at Cherry Hills and we actually watched him for a few holes I remember I I didn’t think it was the same guy

But then when they talked about him winning and I remember us following a d laap and obviously you know I wasn’t too up to speed on on the names there at Cherry Hills but I think I was drunk so that didn’t help you you were a little a

Little drunk um which was hilarious but we we had some good content out of that week but um yeah it’s just it’s just crazy he goes from uh this is something I read uh about Nick Dunlap so he he started out the the US amateur um with where is it he played

The wrong ball uh he four puted and he was five over through seven holes of Monday’s opening round at Colorado golf club to you know to get to the final part of the usam and his caddy uh who used to play on tour Jeff curl just

Wrote in his uh yardage book this can be an amazing story if you let go and let it happen so so that’s kind of insane to think you know this past summer it’s culminated into this and now he’s a PGA Tour winner and it’s funny he’s like he

Can turn pro and still get in the Masters because he’s W or he can stay in am still get in the Masters because he won you know the US am so he’s got uh options and plenty Marissa real quick I want you to tap in how much money did

Nick Dunlap win in this tournament this weekend I don’t know take a quick guess can I have like a range um yeah PJ tour purses usually the winners anywhere between a million it wasn’t a signature event so anywhere between a million and two million 1.5 million okay so no okay 1.51 million is

The Winner’s purse but since he’s an amateur he made zero dollars Jesus he doesn’t get to take home a single dollar from the Tournament purse which means Christian Bizen hoit little second place action [ __ ] fired nine under was just H holding it out from the Fairway just

Full late charge screwing us at the time until Bernay got to 29 he takes home the whole Winner’s purse of 1.51 by himself because he got second that’s insane yeah so when you’re not a pro you are not allowed to quote unquote accept any you know the dude’s got N Deals now falling

Out his ass like he’s getting paid by somebody um but he doesn’t get to accept any of the prize money and there was a bunch of good tweets about the Pro Shop credit that he won uh maybe he got himself some new some new tailor made hats maybe some new FootJoy

Shoes uh you know couple a couple dozen proves or whatever ball he’s playing so so quick story time that’s similar to uh what happened this weekend I was playing in the southern Utah open a few years back like eight or nine years ago and uh

Zack Blair who is still on the PJ tour was in the field because his dad like owns the golf course that we played it at and uh you know no nepotism there or anything um and he had like he was one of the first five guys out of the

Masters that year so he didn’t it was the same week as the Masters he didn’t get the invite so he comes and plays in the southern Utah open and everybody just kind of expected him to boat race everyone which it was a three-day event I mean I was probably like six or seven

Over pissing down my leg drinking too much every night you know the standard thing that I did uh but Zack Blair was like 20 21 on or something like that like pretty [ __ ] low for a uh you know a smaller event but there was a high schooler in the he was paired with

A high schooler in the last round of the event the high schooler shot I think 11 under and actually beat Zack Blair and won the event so obviously he was an AM uh could not take any of the prize money so Zach still pocketed first place which

I think was like 25 Grand 30 grand I mean nothing to you know nothing to shake your tail at but uh yeah the I was just shocked I was like holy [ __ ] this kid because this is like one of Zack Blair’s home courses growing up and this

Kid just went full Savage mode shot like 61 on Sunday and beat Zack Blair so I don’t really know where he is now I’d have to look up the name um but similar situation not near as crazy as what happened this week on the PJ tour but

Sometimes you’re just like who are these kids that who can just shoot 61 like you got to have some crazy talent to to shoot those kind of numbers yeah and so Nick Dunlap uh they talked about it on the broadcast a ton obviously they showed his um bus the Alabama men’s boy

Men’s boys Alabama men’s golf bus uh cheering him on watching it and then uh he shot 60 with them or with his buddies on Monday the day before he left for the event so you can tell these kids are just different I mean when he won the

Usam he was 19 years old now he’s 20 so he he’s the second youngest winner we’re about to get into the uh Nick Dunlap stat crazy stat mode uh second youngest winner on the PGA tour since World War II who was number one by the way um by day by like age oh

Younger Jordan spe yep and he’s 19 bonus points for the tournament in the year uh it was the John Deere classic I remember that yeah um 2014 OH Close 2013 2013 okay this the year I graduated high school that’s pretty good though that’s pretty good um so he he also was the

Only um so first amateur to win on tour since Phil Mickelson at the Tucson open 1991 before any of us in this room were born um even to be able to watch that only uh Patrick Klay has also shot a 60 in a as an amateur in a PGA Tour event

Which Nick Dunlap did um and then we have some funny nick Dunlap tweets uh that we want to pull up here so the first one uh number three this there was just a lot of people that were commenting on you know Nick dunlap’s ability to be in college still and play so this

One’s hilarious because uh there’s there was some things that happened in the golf world that people were going off about um but this is from Brian kers or Nick dun laab you’re sophomore in college go get some [ __ ] or something bro stop with this [ __ ] that that is pretty good um it doesn’t look like he’s going to be doing that because they showed his girlfriend um with his parents at the the last day and following him around but he’s definitely not lacking in that department let’s just put it that way no

I think he’s gonna be just fine what’s that no not I think he’s just he’s gonna be just fine in that department um but let’s talk real quick about what we would personally do uh if we were in his shoes like do you turn pro do you go back to

Alabama um I was thinking uh I would have Sam burnsed it on the 17 and 18 that’s where I thought you were going well you would have never been in that position in the first place so let’s just be real about that um no I’m [ __ ] with you but yeah you you would

Have stuck one in the ground on 17 the the follow through is just like super classic like he let go of it he’s like he knew it was in the water did you see him smack the mic too he hit the mic with his with his Club yeah he uh he

Clearly wasn’t happy but at the same time like when you’re Sam Burns in that position you have all the pressure in the world on you because you’re supposed to win you’re supposed to beat the amateur um you know they you’re not supp supposed to lose to a 20-year-old who

Nobody’s really ever heard of relatively uh so there was more pressure on him for sure like Dunlap had nothing to lose um but I’m saying would you turn pro and take the two-year exemption and just go for it from there or would you go back to Alabama because let I’ll answer real

Quick I’ve I’ve thought about this at length um think about the kind of privilege you would need to have to be like I’m going to turn down a 2-year exemption on the PJ tour to go back to school like what kind of [ __ ] do you

Have to be to be like no I’m gonna go like enjoy my time at Alabama instead of going out on the PJ tour and basically guaranteeing yourself millions of dollars like I don’t know his background or his family or whatever but you know depending on what kind of economic

Background he comes from if I was his parents I’d be like you’re getting your ass on the PJ tour next week like what’s what are you Exempted to and how soon can you sign up CU that’s you know that’s that’s not something you can uh

Pass up as a as a normal person you can’t turn down that kind of money well yeah he I I don’t know I think it’s more of from the fact of like his college teammates in his college season he did um get the invite to uh Tory Pines this

Coming weekend and turned it down like he’s going back to college um so I’m pretty sure he is going to end up going back to college but I wonder if I’m sure it stands since it’s a two-year exemption and and he’s gonna miss out on all the Signature Events

This year which he could also play in including all the majors um but I think he only gets to play in a few of the majors now because he’s the usam champion right it’s not is I don’t think it’s all four of them I think he’s exempting everything except the US

Open which is ironic when you win the US Amer but I get I get what you’re saying yeah I don’t I don’t know I that’s what I saw I think he’s in the Open Championship the PGA and the uh the Masters well maybe he finishes one more year at Bama and then starts

2025 with full PGA Tour status for another year and ends up you know well here let me turn it around on you the the nil money is going to roll in for this kid uh I would imagine every golf company uh you know tailor made if they’re who what

They’re already paying him is not enough um excuse me bless you I think I saw a legitimate Cloud come out of your sneeze what the hell was that [ __ ] whoops um but the the nil deals he’s goingon to get are going to be ridiculous and yes

He missed out on 1.5 but now he’s got the legitimate chance to turn Pro for a reason because of all the exemptions he has and he I’m not saying he’s scared of working for it or he’s not a good enough player to get it but I bet you the nil

Money he ends up getting Rivals the amount he would make on tour the rest of the year and he doesn’t have to work as hard because he already won on two you know what I mean yeah I I understand that but ultimately like if you think there’s been a handful of like really

Really good players um like Elite golf you know tiger god damn I can’t talk um there’s been a handful of elite players that feel like they were like put on this Earth to play golf and if he think if he is that then he needs to go to the PJ

Tour as soon as possible because look at Jordan spe Jordan spe he actually did turn pro uh you know the week before that uh when he won the John Deere back in 2013 but he had no status he was given five or six sponsors exemptions and he

Turned that into a two-year PJ tour exemp exemption and then turn that into a a wildly successful career so I don’t think you can turn down this opportunity to springboard your way onto the pga2 or like do you know how many dudes would give like legitimate like they would

Give like a a finger or a toe or whatever guys that have been grinding on the corn fairy tour for years and years and years and on the Canadian tour and on Mini tours to have a two-year exemption like just the hubris to turn that down in my opinion I don’t care and

And for people that are like what if he’s not ready he just won on the PJ tour who’s going to say he’s not ready to you know go out and play on the tour it’s not like he made it he barely made the cut or he missed the cut or whatever

He freaking won this week so I think anybody saying that he you know he needs to get more years under him or whatever ever take advantage of the opportunity that’s right in front of you in my opinion because I I don’t know how you could turn down a a two-year PJ tour

Exemption the possibility of making five 1020 million I don’t think his earning potential I mean with the nil now thank God that he can make something because it just blows my mind that those amateurs used to walk away with literally zero dollars to show for it from you know sponsorship and not being

Able to take the purse but his earning potential you can’t think is is higher in the nil than it is on the PJ tour like that’s just asinine no his earning potential is not um but you know he we’ve seen golf in our entire lives and

We’ve seen it happen in the past where you think somebody’s the next great thing and then all of a sudden he Anthony Kims it and he disappears and so you know that that the thing is is like he’s getting paid for just being a college kid kid now versus getting paid

To be a professional Tour player and have to go out and you know um unlike the live tour he doesn’t just get to sign a contract for x amount of dollars and play uh he is now you know he’d have to show up at Tory Pines next week and

If he shoots 74 73 he’s not making a dime so I think that’s you know that could be part of it in general but I also something he’s ready to he’s ready to play in the PGA Tour but I feel like something in him was like I’m just chill

In college like I’m going to make that last in as long as I can and I I honestly when I got to be like 23 24 just out of college I was like [ __ ] you know maybe I should have taken that fifth and sixth year no I I get that dude but ultimately

What if he spends two more years at Alabama and then he’s back at Q School when he graduates and he never makes it to the PJ tour again like would you not kick yourself for the rest of your life for turning down that opportunity oh 100% and that’s why I

Honestly think that it’s a one-year type of thing I think he’ll take this year finish at B up but knowing he’s moving on versus just like can like I mean it happens to everybody or occasionally but you he would just drop his entire life

And how he’s living it to go play in the PGA tour now it doesn’t seem like it’s that bad it’s a lot of travel you know you’re grinding at golf which he’s already doing being on the the team in Alabama but I mean he just his entire life just

Changed and then he would you know basically accept he’s accepting that change and changing it even more with what he’s doing not saying it’s the right decision I it’s just like a lot I would say you know he’s trying to he’s just trying to [ __ ] comprehend how he

Hit it on the in the middle of the green at 17 and then watched a Ridder cup multi-time tour winner rinse one and basically fall off to him and then he Nails a six-footer on 18 like it’s nothing did you think he was going to miss or make that just out of curiosity

Um I thought he was going to miss it I mean he didn’t have an easy up and down on 18 and he had to watch Sam Burns hit it all over God’s creation so that’s always a little bit of a struggle when you’re watching somebody else [ __ ]

Bad at all over the world and you’re trying to focus you know and dial it in and finish strong but no I I I I didn’t think he was going to get up and down if I’m being honest with you which would have been even more electric than you’d

Had a playoff but uh yeah that he’s got Stones like he’s got it all he just won on tour like think about the the last person to win as an amateur it was Phil Mickelson what what kind of career did he have was he any good I don’t know one

Of the best top use a top 10 golfer of all time so I don’t think you can really you know turn down this opportunity um on the topic of Phil Mickelson real quick do we have our tweet of the week up uh Marissa are you available to pull that

Up yes give me one second okay so it’s a tweet from uh Monday Q info which is this the one that I no no no hold on different one give me a second no worries you’re fine um what number is it uh I can’t see that closely Spencer can you see this is

Great video podcasting super good video podcasting right here um I’m going to copy the link here cool well anywh who it was basically um I’ll verbally describe it as it’s being pulled up uh they the PJ tour basically did everything in their power to not mention Phil Mickelson uh which they are

Just true Petty Kings in that case they do not want to give Phil even just a a shred of light uh even though he was you know one of the two stalwarts on the PJ tour for the better part of three decades um so there was four different Graphics that

The PJ tour posted and it was all about an amateur not having one since 1992 they phrased it in so many different ways and none of them included Phil Mickelson’s name um so Monday Q info if I remember correctly said master class on uh yeah here we go um a master class

On how to not include pH Phil Mickelson in these Graphics um so it was just I thought that was a great tweet because I really didn’t think about it but you could tell uh everybody on the PGA tour the broadcast the social media nobody wanted to give Phil any of that shine so

Somewhere Phil Mickelson sitting back drinking like eight 18 cups of coffee just strung out of his mind like like shaking his head like [ __ ] yeah I’m still the man they like Phil Mickelson still lives rentree on the PJ tour in the PJ tour’s Minds oh yeah it’s it’s never going to

Be a thing where um you can just forget about him because he was so good for so long and won so many events and when we posted our Sports Illustrated thing last week uh when he won at Augusta he’s he’s one of the all-time names in

Golf in general and uh but you know the PGA to her intern doing social they uh they probably got strict word of like you’re not going to Tweet this guy’s name and there was another thing I saw just randomly that they don’t even have like Phil Mickelson listed on the PGA

Tour overall money list anymore um they just like completely took his name off of it so uh somebody tweeted did something about like I didn’t know that blank made more money than Phil Mickelson and it was like a bunch of these random older dudes that were uh on

The you know just like David Duval or Ernie Ells or some [ __ ] like that one more insane Nick Dunlap stat before we get to Lydia Co and Rory malroy he shot 59 when he was 12 years old and this is when the momentum started to pick up I think he

Was he was T3 middle of Saturday and that’s when he was firing this middle of firing his 60 he’s got to change his Twitter name to ni Nick Dunlap 60 60 by the way it’s 62 right now I don’t know maybe that was his career low but now

He’s got to change it to Nick Dunlap 60 but fire can you imagine firing a 59 when you’re 12 years old uh back in 2016 2831 On a par 70 as a 12-year-old and they have the picture and he looks like the exact same kid that’s the craziest part he looks no

Almost no different other than like the the hats older still big tailor made guy but like 12 years old shooting 59 On a par like a legitimate regulation course well the the crazy thing was is like the the thought that he was born in 2004 uh makes me want to throw up makes

Me violently ill thinking about it he was 12 in 2016 like what the [ __ ] is that and he just won on the DJ tour uh blows my mind but no I could not imagine when I was 12 years old I was like hardly playing golf I was mostly playing baseball at that

Point um I probably couldn’t break a hundred for sure no we were just getting into it got our little Golden Bear sets like four or five clubs and just swinging around having a good time in my and ones I think I was playing women’s clubs uh that was like the first set

That my mom got got me because they’re a little bit like shorter and lighter than Men’s Clubs so it’s good for like you know pre-teens and stuff like that I wasn’t super built muscular wise like I am now so I I had a tougher time swinging those heavier clubs uh but yeah

Shooting 59 I probably shot that on nine holes when I was 12 like that’s not out of the question whatsoever no so he’s he’s clearly been uh ahead of the curve for some time now which you know hats off to him some some of these kids nowadays people are just getting better

And better at golf earlier and earlier um so that just means we got to get Sawyer all set up we got to get him into a uh a workout routine um we got to get him some plastic clubs whatever we’re doing he’s already behind yeah he he’s sitting up

Now so he’s uh he’s primed and ready to take some dry swings without using his lower body if you can sit up you can swing a golf club that is true there’s people that play in [ __ ] wheelchairs which is insane um all right before we get to Lydia Co and

Rory Maloy I want to tell you guys about our friends over at bet 365 it’s never ordinary bet 365 use the code All City and all caps when you sign up and you get to choose between two different offers of a first bet safety net of

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Mitchell had a few good ones this past week we’re going to build on that also want to tell you about our friends over at Breen Ridge Distillery got some bottles right here if you’re not on the YouTube hop on our YouTube subscribe give us a thumbs up big Drive energy

Golf um Breen Ridge Distillery is by far the best distillery in the entire country it is also the highest distillery in the company in the company in the country um not just in elevation but also in rating it’s one of the highest rated highr Mash Bourbons in the

Entire world and Breer Distillery even though the Distillery itself is in Colorado you can get it in all 50 states if if you visit andr uh we got some delivered a couple weeks ago just right to our house all you got to do is show your ID

Pay pay the mans and you got bre Distillery right in your house I’ve got a little issue with my liver going on currently so I’m on a no drinking policy that’s going to last a couple more days um due to this this sickness I’ve been dealing with but believe me once I get

Back on the sauce Breck distiller is going to be the first place I go also want to tell you guys about our friends over at Burrito Express down in Arizona we’ll be down there the 6th through the 10th of February for Waste Management as we are every single year definitely

Going to hit up some Burrito Express we got a sick Airbnb with a little pool so going to enjoy some pool time we’re going to play some golf enjoy the warm weather but also enjoy some great breakfast burritos from Burrito Express they’re a huge supporter of Arizona

State athletics and athletes I love the steak burrito potatoes my care diets steak burrito potatoes uh some sort of salsa um and then that’s pretty much it eggs obviously there’s eggs in it but I’m not eating the tortilla right now so I probably make probably undress that [ __ ]

Eat it raw um but burito Express best breakfast burritos and burritos in general in the game all right so Lydia Co won her 20th career LPGA Tour event and something that’s being talked about now that I didn’t know up until this week is the LPGA has certain specifications for

Being a Hall of Famer and she is currently want now one point away from that my question to you is do you think that should be like that in every sport do you think it should be down to a vote or do you think it should be you have to

Have these specific qualifications before you’re even considered um no I I think there’s so much gray area because uh I guess golf is different because it’s an individual sport so I think team sports need to be looked at differently because you can only will a team to win so many games uh

Versus as a a golfer as an in in an individual sport you can control the outcome um you know barring any injury or anything so in golf I do love that rule though because it feels like it’s getting easier and easier to uh get into

The Hall of Fame like I know a lot of PJ tour players it’s a little questionable uh but Lydia Co is you know one of the best um golfers of this last generation she’s only 26 years old which blows my mind like I guess I’m just getting old

Because everybody’s younger than me at this point um but she is you know top five probably top 10 of all time in women’s golf already uh and the crazy thing is is I think we’ve talked about this on the Pod before but she is pretty like vehement about wanting to retire

From golf by 30 and like go back to school and maybe become a doctor or um something like that so it just blows my mind like we saw anuka sorden Stan retire early we saw Lorena oo retire early um now where you might see Lydia

Co retire early and I mean do you think it’s strictly because she so she made 225 Grand winning this weekend um which is probably what uh you know 15th Place made on the PJ tour maybe you know between 10 and 15th Place do you think it’s strictly a money thing uh I mean

They’re making really good money but at the same time it’s it’s not quite the you know crazy lifechanging millions and millions of dollars that PGA Tour players are making yeah I think it could be a money thing but also like they um you know retiring early there’s more to

Life for them essentially than Golf and golf is a grind and it’s kind of almost a little bit like dis not disrespectful but it’s kind of the same um picture as Nick Dunlap is painting where it’s like ah he goes out he wins on the PGA tour

And then he just doesn’t take the 1.5 million he couldn’t but now he’s goes right back to college and doesn’t really care he want on the PGA tour but he’s not going to take full advantage of it and I feel like you know that maybe a

Good part of it is like Lydia Co she’s already won 20 times not that this is too easy but that’s kind of you know what I’m getting at is I’ve won 20 times I’m not even you know 30 years old yet once I get to 30 years old I’ll probably

Won 25 30 times and we’ll call it a career and go back to doing something else um so maybe not as much of uh just like wanting to get out of the grind you know like I feel like everybody’s like that a little bit in their daily job

Sometimes where they’re like I only want to do this for so long now a lot of people can’t afford to do it when they’re 30 and just up and quit uh it’s usually 50 60 some people working into their till they’re 70 but I feel like

It’s just that Daily Grind and you know we don’t play professional golf but as cool as it seems as a job just working in the golf industry like we did it’s definitely not as cool when you’re on the other side of the counter or on the other side of the ropes for these

People yeah I mean it’s definitely a grind but at the end of the day a job is a job and I think I would rather play for a living than do a lot of other things um but one other point I think we got to bring up too and I’ll get to it

Quickly and then we can move on do you think it’s possibly because it feels like women are so much better earlier like she was a full-time PJ or lpj tour member by the time she was 16 so you know if she retires at 30 like she’s

Talked about she’ll have put in 14 years um on tour won probably 25 times at that point you know do do you think that’s like a thing is it’s they’ve kind of had a full career if you look at other athletes 14 years as a a pretty long

Career uh you know but she’s starting when she was 16 so I think that might have something to do with it just how much earlier they get started as as femal specifically where um you can like Lydia Co won when she was 15 on the lpj tour so we talk about Nick Dunlap

Winning at 20 shoots 15 turned Pro when she was 16 so she’s you know talk about not having a childhood you just go right into professional golf and you can you can hardly drive a car like that’s insane yeah and that’s a great point

That might be the the Crux of it is they don’t get to live an adult life like granted you know he’s only 20 years old but I guarantee you Nick dunlap’s having a few beers uh when he turns 21 he’s going to the bars hanging out like being

A normal kid and when you start at 15 16 and it’s like he’s been playing that much golf but the PGA Tour grind is obviously very different hence why he doesn’t want to just hop right into it um and so that that’s a great point and

They maybe at 30 years old you know I’m 30 I could still do a lot of [ __ ] so maybe they just want to you know that 30 years old they’re like well I still got enough Life to Live uh I can go out and

And be kind of free if you will and not be on the constant grind of how much better my golf game can get especially since she set herself up so well 20 times and I believe she’s made over $15 million I want to say is like she’s like

Top five she’s like the fifth P LPGA Tour player ever to make $15 million I want to say something right around there so yeah no she’s had a I mean she’s already had a great career she’s only 26 uh real quick let’s get into duai uh Rory won the tournament uh the Dubai

Desert Classic uh Cameron young pissed down his leg he still can’t win anywhere like it looked like he had a four or five shot lead at some point this weekend looked like his tournament to lose uh shot I think two overpar on Sunday so the dude just can’t get the monkey off his

Back yeah well it’s crazy looking at some of the um the stats from this so he started the last day with a two-shot lead um but was trailing maroy after making bogey at six which is only or his second drop shot of the round so basically like you said yep just pissed

Down his leg essentially um and at least Tommy Fleetwood can win on the DP World Tour for God’s sakes poor Cameron young we’re like talking [ __ ] about him and he’s like what 22 23 maybe he is a little bit older but feels like he’s had the young star status for long enough

Now that it’s time to like nut up or shut up a little bit yeah it’s it’s getting to that [ __ ] get off the pot uh point for Cameron young so you know Rory whatever he can win DP world World Tour events WI a major buddy um yeah he he was basically just

Hing holding it together Rory finished with eight pars and a bogy on the back nine um and this is a course that very tough obviously he only finished 14 under overall as a winner but um DP World Tour brings the heat in terms of fields like it’s it’s a lot of good play

It’s interesting that Camry Young’s over there right now I don’t I don’t really know why um he’s not playing in any of the events that over here in America right now but um kind of interesting for him to be playing over there maybe he’s trying to get a win maybe he’s trying to

Win and then come on the PGA tour and feel like you know he’s got that win under his belt um but Rory’s won that tournament now four times so that’s Rory’s most uh popular tournament win the Dubai Desert Classic that’s his honey hole that’s his spot it’s the honey hole all right um

Let’s move into our m of the week one thing before we get to this I did want to tell you uh so I am officially signed up for an indoor golf league um with some peeps here at work uh Thursday nights for the next 12 or 16 weeks I have to go

Play um let’s clip this I have to go play a handicap round for my indoor golf tonight 18 holes at a simulator I’m not sure what golf course it is give me an over under um I’m go putting is is a little wonky on simulators so I’m I’m you’re

Not very good at putting to begin with and then you know you throw the simulator element into it uh I’m going to give you 81 and a half okay I’ll take that we’ll report back uh at the next pod this week and we’ll clip that and

Then we’ll run it into uh what I fire I am going to keep it on the DL that I’m a quote unquote PGA professional I don’t need any nonsense about this um and first of all the thing is is like I’m no better than there’s going to be [ __ ]

10 scratch it’s a 3v3 league um so it’s three of us versus three other dudes and the lowest it’s three match plays like I play the lowest if I’m the lowest which I will be in our group uh I play the lowest of the other group and dude I’m

GNA be playing some scratch guys that are just going to [ __ ] slap my dick into the dirt I just know it uh I have not swung a golf club since I think November maybe November December maybe so we’ll see um but I am also going to

Feel like a [ __ ] heel if I’ve got like a 10 handicap like that is going to suck I almost considered just missing my practice round so that I don’t I just play it zero um but inevitably it will even out they take your scores every

Week and kind of like add to it but I don’t have high hopes for this [ __ ] practice round today I’m telling you what I’m bringing Sawyer with me I I think it’s going to be a [ __ ] disaster don’t don’t expose your son to that kind of piss poor performance well

He’s got to see somebody swinging it he’s got to see somebody fail yeah yeah exactly I’ll I’ll walk so he can run what is your Mulligan of the week my Mulligan of the week is um oh so I was at the gym uh two mornings ago and I’m

Still like foggy headed in general and it’s not just the normal me like this is the still like semis sick me and so I’m at the gym I’m getting a run in while a fast walk I should say just getting a sweat on you know no executive workouts

Here but an actual workout where I’m getting a sweat on and I get off the treadmill and I’m very like clean at the gym I go wipe my [ __ ] down every time so I get off the treadmill um but it was going kind of

Fast as I was and I saw I kind of like scoot it off the back and I was like whoa [ __ ] like I almost fell and I was like no this is fine like you know that just happens when it’s slowing itself down and then I

Like don’t think about it I grab the the paper towel I turn around and I go to step on the treadmill and it’s still [ __ ] going so I fall forward and I have to grab the handles and I’m like what the [ __ ] so I hit cool down instead

Of stop but I’m so [ __ ] airheaded it’s like s in the morning I’m like on [ __ ] 500 milligrams of caffeine [ __ ] my lips are tingling sh like a leaf yeah and I turn around and I step and I was like oh and I just [ __ ] went down caught myself but didn’t go

Flat but I looked around and I was like God damn it but yeah that was my that was my Mulligan in the week I’ll make sure I hit uh stop on the treadmill instead of cool down from now on H yeah that’s a good idea I would have paid

Very good money to watch you do that uh so my Mullan of the week um I’ve been trying to eat better I’ve been eating pretty clean pretty well like just a lot of like meat and vegetables for the most part um so then we went down to Philly

Saturday for first of all we went out uh Friday night had a really good dinner um so I definitely had a few carbs and then I just had a shitload of vodka I mean typical Friday night for migy um got pretty drunk and then we went down to the uh

The Wells Fargo Center for the the Avalanche uh Flyers game um Saturday afternoon while mat a and I’ve never had a Philly cheese steak before and so I’m going to preface this with by saying like my stomach’s been in a pretty good place you know the bowel movements have been relatively fine like

You know when you eat clean you eat better they’re generally better um so my stomach was kind of in shambles from the night before and then I decide it’s a good idea to drink two like 24 ounce CS lights and uh eat a Philly cheese steak

That’s like 16 inches long like it was massive [ __ ] Philly cheese steak I house that thing and then we’ve got like a two-hour drive home and I just had the bubble guts the entire like I I was about to like pull over on the side

Of the road and just have a a yoa Goya like if you if you know if you’ve watched the league that’s basically an emergency [ __ ] on the side of the road I was I I couldn’t even Missy was trying to talk to me as we were like pulling

Back into the house and I couldn’t even talk because it was just one of those where I was just there’s sometimes you can’t f focus on anything else but trying not to [ __ ] your pants so that’s where I was that Philly cheese steak put me in a blender um I made it though

Didn’t didn’t uh have an oopsy or anything so uh we were good but yeah the stomach was just in in in shambles after that Philly cheese steak I bet was it delicious though oh it was so [ __ ] good um real quick like side note if any

Like hogy and also they call them hogies out here I call them Subs but whatever I don’t give a [ __ ] um any like hogy bread out here that has sesame seeds on it I’m automatically in like I love a good sesame seed crusted hogy roll holy [ __ ]

And it had sesame seeds I got the onions it did have like white cheese on it which usually it’s got like yellow like cheese Woods or whatever that probably just sort of like put me over the edge and made me fully [ __ ] my pants um but

It was very very good like I’m not to lie and uh shout out to our boy Vince down in uh at Philly he hooked me up with the tickets they were club seats they were awesome um the dude David the attendant like at our our uh he he was

Like David uh he was like Hans he was like the most helpful dude he’s like your seats are right here you can order they had like a little kiosk where you order food um from anywhere in the stadium and they just deliver it to you

Oh [ __ ] ay dude it was sick we were literally 15 feet from the bar uh like 30 steps from the bathroom on the aisle um in the club level it couldn’t have been any better so it was a great experience overall uh the ABS boat race

To the Flyers so little cherry on top but uh yeah that Philly almost buried me almost sent you six feet under he hate to see it all right well that wraps up this Winner Circle Monday congrats to to Lydia Co Rory maroy and none other than Nick Dunlap for making history uh

Incredible week on the PGA tour we’ll be back on Thursday oh real quick bet 365 picks do you have them do you have your guys we gotta get them out they need to be out in the universe okay uh we making two picks or three three I’ll go with my three first

If you can find another one Shah theala plus 2500 uh this is once again each way 1 through 10 bet 365 Jason day plus 2,000 and will zalatoris plus 3500 will zalatoris has been terrible lately he was good he was decent last week probably bet on him to miss the

[ __ ] cut you absolute mush um okay I’m gonna go minwu Lee plus 2000 um kind of a deserty type of course is uh you know bring back the Australia Vibes plus 2,000 for minwu uh Keegan Bradley Plus 2200 each way top 10 he finished second last year almost won

This event um and let’s go with uh Nikolai hoard plus 3500 each way top 10 um he finished in the top five over at the Dubai Desert Classic so as long as he’s not too jet lagged I like him to have a good week at the farmers this

Week love that remember golf starts early this week folks Wednesday golf Farmers Insurance open Tory Pines Golf Club we will talk to you guys again on Thursday have a great middle of your week we’ll talk to you Thursday peace Peace

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