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Luke Thomas Reviews 2023 | Previews Massive 2024 For UFC | Predicts Championship Wins

Morning Kombat host and renowned mixed martial arts reporter, Luke Thomas joins LowKick MMA reporter, Michael Owens to review the year in MMA and look forward to a massive 2024 schedule for the UFC — as well as sharing is predictions on who will hold Octagon gold this year.

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Bam let’s go Mike ens here today I’m joined by Luke Thomas one half of the award winning morning and combat I’m one of the finest fight analyst Minds fight an analyzing Minds in the game Luke the pleasure is on online how are things to you today it is uh everything’s okay uh

By the way how come with your accent you don’t like grind your K you know what I mean I will like they’ll say they’ll say cake you know what I mean like a little extra on the end there you don’t really do that that heavy do you I will tell

You why look because unlike Dar T Patty pimpl and Molly mccan I have to try and sound aible to my audience so I’m trying my best to not do what you’re saying nevertheless if I was talking to my friends on the street I would be exactly

Like them okay all right fair enough I didn’t know how formal or informal it was but that makes sense nice to talk to you again um I’ve got you on today as always we’re obviously at the start of the year I think we did this 12 months

Ago memory serves a kind of review of the years past and obviously I look forward into 2024 so as you look at 2023 and the weird and wonderful year that it was give me your overall assessment of the year in MMA uh I don’t think overall

It was a bad year uh I think in overall I’d give it a good rating I think there were a lot of good events um you know obviously 2023 started out quite unfortunate in the way that the incid between Dan and his wife that was not great

Um but I do think I mean there’s just a lot of different ways to measure it it didn’t have 2023 did not have a block Buster event it did not have this really Larger than Life all eyes are watching MMA kind of event there’s a question

About whether boxing had that I think it got pretty close with Spence Crawford or tank versus Ryan but nevertheless um MMA MMA had a a number of excellent uh moments and excellent events UFC in particular obviously um but I don’t think it had a major Blockbuster event obviously Conor McGregor didn’t come

Back I mean I think the biggest event for me and your mileage may vary would be is he knocking out um p in their fourth meeting whatever it was I could barely keep track anymore um so there’s a lot of positives there I mean the UFC churned out a lot of interesting content

There was a lot of you know very very solid events there was also a lot of belly aing about how many events were in the Apex that’s going to continue in fact the trend across Combat Sports promoters for 2024 I think is going to be that and then some uh I would also

Say the death basically of Bellator uh less so for our MMA purp Showtime sports more broadly but that obviously is part of the story too but certainly the and I know Bellator is not dead but for all intents and purposes the thing that Bjorn rebney created that Viacom

Paramount then took over that died they they’re keeping it and they’re kind of repurposing it but that thing came to its conclusion so I I I put it in those terms obviously pfl vastly growing by the signing of Francis andano I think that was a huge story obviously probably

The number one story maybe all year um so there was a lot of things I mean I think in general I just wrap it all up I know I’m Meandering but there were a lot of really good things there were some definite bad parts as well um but I

Don’t think it was a as I mentioned it wasn’t this enormously great year but you know pretty solid is the way I would put it you kind of took the word that I wanted to to use for my next question I was I was my mouth in terms of the word

Moments because if you had to look at it if you have to give me say almost a couple of moments of the year if you will what do you think we’ll look back on in 5 10 15 years time and say in 2023 this happens what do you think were the

Key moments to stick out to again in the Octagon itself um it’s got to be is he knocking out pan that was a big one that was a really big one of course also I I I mean even if he ends up losing his next fight against Rus dupy not that I’m

Necessarily predicting that but just you know as a hypothetical Shan Strickland’s win over Izzy will stand the test of time that was a monster upset um when I say that it will stand the test of time is it’s not by virtue NE necessarily of what he does next but what he was able

To do on that night given the circumstances was pretty remarkable I think that will stand the test of time um the formation of the TKO group uh I mean that may have been closer to 2022 but like it really kind of got pushed forward as a real entity in this past

Year I think that was a big part uh I think that would stand out in terms of moments um Francis and the day Francis and ganu signed with pfl was a big one as well um I don’t know that that day will necessarily hold in the same way

That the moment in time that any particular sporting result freezes you there will um but that was a enormously big one the the Fallout of the data incident was uh I don’t know frankly shortlived and not that memorable at this point anymore right I mean no there’s really no discussion about it at

All um and I don’t think as interesting as Bellator emerging with pfl is I don’t think there’s any one day that necessarily stands out I’m sure there’s like some other moments and some Knockouts that I’m missing obviously Valentina shevchenko getting choked out by Alexa grao is huge I mean there’s a

Number of ways you could go in that direction but for me the Izzy one I think is the one that really crystallized um the year in excellence such that we had some yeah no 100% um 11 new Champions crowns across the year if you include inter room vacant and

Obviously full Champions moving from how many 11 11 new Champions um interest off the top of your head which which crowning of which champion in any of those various aspects inter and vacant or full which one surprised you the most yeah it’s got to be the Sha Strickland

One I just I mean just matter of factly didn’t see it coming didn’t didn’t anticipate it uh again you know hind being 2020 the results reveal uh any shortcomings in the logic you were using to come up with that worldview any biases in that worldview it kind of Lay

Them Be and so it’s helpful to look back and see what it taught a lot of us I certainly was not alone in thinking that Izzy was going to win that’s a huge one um again I do really believe that that his performance on that evening will

Stand the test of time the way he really had uh not an overwhelming amount of offensive Firepower not a lot of guys do against Izzy uh but what a lot of them are able to do is just kind of have this they they kind of you know we see saw in

The caner fight or in the Romero fight or the second Whitaker fight where there there’s there’s a lead he keeps on them and then he just holds it for long periods of time it was the inverse basically of that getting knocked down as well I mean it was just a series of

Achievements where you know Shan Strickland’s obviously a polarizing figure and for good reason however if you are just judging on a performance basis and you didn’t know who either guy was and now you’re going to the scorecards I mean the right guy won the right guy absolutely won the guy who

Deserved it no doubt because he did it over the course of the full 25 minutes it was not some quick in and out I think for that reason you really have to uh you have to give it to him I’ll push you on that question L because I suppose

That question was quite an enough had an obvious answer which Sean stricken the fa that’s everybody’s upseted the year if you had to maybe discount stricken and go with another champion who surprised you with the the crown um well I guess in 2022 it would have

Been Leon Edwards right uh because in 23 he had just the rematch and then that one so it wouldn’t be him 205 is a that’s a little surprising but that division is also kind of a mess to be honest with you Jon Jones running over gone I thought you know because that was

That was maybe the best event of the Year UFC 285 I believe the ease with which Jon just sort of RA not ragal him exactly but just sort of ran over him I mean again we learned in the end cal gone had some serious ground issues but nevertheless

Like at the time you’re like what is happening here so that was crazy dude Moreno handing the title over to Pantoja one of the most batshit things you’d ever seen in your life um frankly dude also just to give belor shout out paty mix I thought he would do well you know

I really did like you could tell but the way he went in there and just dominated everybody was crazy each time and it added the stakes every single time but also you know what uh I didn’t think that the first Islam and vul fight was super close I re iiz that it was

Competitive and a and a great fight um and I thought he would win in the second fight a lot more easily but even I didn’t think he would go in there and just run over volkanovski the way he did in that sense so man this is what I mean

It’s like you didn’t have this moment in time where Ronda Rousey is getting every mainstream media Outlet in the world to sit cage side to watch you but you got a lot of great excellent MMA and part of that is just surprising unpredictable moments you got a lot of that I feel

Like this is kind of lends into my theory which I have this theory about the last 12 months at almost been the year of the unlikely Champion I think when you look particularly at the Sha Strickland moment you look at Alexandre Alexandre pantoya kind of taking that

Shine off the the start of Bron Moreno had built for himself over the last couple of years um you look at obviously sha Al do what he did a Banton weight you look at some of these Champions Leon Edwards defending the belt twice I’m wondering if you agree with that theory

About maybe the unlikely champion and also do you think when the UFC look at their current champion roster do you think they are happy with their current set of Champions in terms of potential star power I want to be a little bit clearer when you say like unlikely Champion what

Would you mean unlikely I should clarify unlikely star oh so someone who doesn’t have the same kind of star power necessarily sort of winning out yeah I mean to me that speaks about the products authenticity to be honest with you I recognize that there are in the long run rather short

And long run there are going to be consequences when a softspoken guy like Leon wins and you know a big loudmouth like Colby loses again there’s a real question about how popular Colby is let’s just assume for the sake of argument he’d be more popular for Leon

And then of course Leon wins instead you’re like what what what is the at the box office anyway or at the pay-per-view uh window like what is being what’s the trade off there but the I think really folks need to understand like this is real life and it’s very hard to you know

Matchmaking partly is engineering that is true but at the highest level when the stakes are the highest there’s not a whole lot if the if the matchmaker is doing his job there’s really not a lot they can do to engineer it maybe they could put it in your hometown um you

Know there’s change a slight change of gloves or whatever I mean that’s more so even in boxing but there’s really not a lot and so you’re going to get pretty authentic results and that may not necessarily be what is always best for what the promoter wants so in that sense

They probably are longing for a very ious other results however um you know dude this tells you the reality of the sport it is so difficult and another thing I sort of point out is one way is to say it’s the year of the unlikely Champion the way that you’re putting it

I don’t think that’s in any way um an incorrect framing I think that’s probably pretty astute however I would also add um even with these guys the perhaps the common denominator across all of the results is going to be that even for very talented guys who win and

Take over in surprising perhaps dramatic ways even their reign is going to be short yeah like it is extremely difficult I think I would argue inside MMA the most difficult thing to do is defend a UFC title maybe not so much at heavyweight but certainly from let’s say 170 and

Down defend it three times that is very very difficult to do I mean to win it is hard enough then defend I mean these are really insanely difficult achievements and so most guys can’t even do that they can’t even get it even if they become champ they can’t defend it

Three times um and so it’s just a reminder of how ephemeral success is even for the very best guys and also for guys like Demetrius Johnson St Pierre Silva and perhaps others Jon Jones at light heavyweight that rain the amount of time they were able to have that that

Was a moment in time you may never see the likes of which again yeah no 100% couldn’t agree more I suppose what I’d like to do next is maybe move from the past a little bit to the future we obviously have three uh Main Event Main Event pay-per-views booked we obviously

Have Strickland versus dup 297 followed by volkanovski Toria and then obviously sugar sha versus cheito Vera uh down in Miami in March of those three title fight main events which one has you most excited or has you most oh this is easy this is easy ilot Toria and Alexander

Volkanovski I mean this is easy this is like I I that that is um so last year excuse me so last year the fight in all the Combat Sports that I wanted to see the most was Spence Crawford which I got to see which was phenomenal

And uh and then this year I would say it’s back to MMA it’s that one now the reality is it’s happening a little sooner in the year than I would like in terms of the building anticipation as well volkanovski coming off of the head K really changes the

Equation for me a little bit in terms of how um how I view it uh so we’re not getting it under the kind of circumstances that I would prefer you recall for example Spence Crawford was in Late July um last year so you had this moment to build into the second

Half of year you don’t have that here necessarily however however you are talking about a guy in volkanovski who has in my mind maximized both his physical and fight IQ tools I think the kind of decision-making patterns he sets up pattern switching the way in which in

His words he likes to scramble the brains of his opponents through all of this inability for them to ever really get a beat on what he’s doing in the highly complex and difficult ways in which he’s able to make that work I mean every fighter is trying to do that but

The way in which he brings it to life is another level going against the sky and ilot aoria who has looked from the word go like someone you wanted to pay attention to and at every stage has elevated what he’s done in insane ways and now also what is so exciting about

Him win or lose is the reality that one we already know his power carries a 155 because he beat J Herbert and looked like he cut him in half with a punch uh after eating a head kick and then surviving by the way black Bel and Jiu-Jitsu had had guys like Bryce

Mitchell like recounting whether they even wanted to keep doing this after he handed down a beating to him and then is representing this kind of like this this burgeoning Market in Europe I’m sure you’re well acquinted with this and way it’s better than I am of Spain and the

Spanish have rallied around this guy in a dramatic way showing up with Sergio Ramos showing up with all kinds of major uh uh Spanish stars this is a big Market UFC has not really tapped into it there are other guys around him Joel Alvarez and the like and so it’s this really

Brilliant moment showing you what success there is far outside the traditional powerhouses of you know the us or Brazil or something like that look at these what what oceanana is with producing look at what Spain is producing I know he’s Georgian but still obviously you know the Spanish have

Embraced him quite quite um quite fully and it’s This brilliant contest of uh uh what volkanovski brings and the I think the physical tools the excellent boxing some of the the sharp decision making of ilot Toria dude it’s fighting in MMA at near not quite but near it’s very very

Highest level with major Stakes between two guys who are extra capable this is exactly what you want talking about H star power especially with Tor toor actually has more Instagram followers than Alexander volkanovski despite obviously never winning a tit obviously never defend in a belt to that point I

Also find the fight quite ironic the toor’s nickname is the is the Mator and yes he’s probably and yet he’s probably fighting mma’s best Mator in terms of someone who can who can take the ball and can kind of can confuse them it’s a fantastic fight um what what

Do you think are the keys to victory for toor in that one is to do you think he he needs to uh increase or adds upon what he’s already shown or do you think he’s shown enough to think he can get over the line I mean I I I think you

Know well okay well let’s say let’s pait something so if there are any lasting effects psychological or physical from head kick KO that volkanovski suffered then frankly I don’t think it’s going to take uh toria’s best effort unfortunately for volkanovski if that’s in play I mean you know he could just

Get clipped and then in a way that he wouldn’t necessarily suffer before now he is who’s to say right so let’s assume that let’s assume for this for our own sake and and for um uh the fight itself that’s not the case so now in that case

What would the keys be I mean I really believe that you have to put physical pressure on volkanovski he is an effective mover he’s an effective Rhythm disrupture disruptor he’s effective at maintaining distance himself these are not very easy things to do um but I think if you did take a lesson from

There’s a few lessons you could take from the Islam fight one was as he Islam at kickboxing range he was effective at kickboxing range I think toor is gonna have to put even more pressure to get inside boxing range but even at that range what you notice was he cut off

Motion one way and then was throwing strikes another way so what it ended up doing was it created this pattern or excuse me these parameters I should say that kept volkanovski in space and planted him and when he was planted well then he had to make decisions about how

To transfer his defense and that’s when all the problems began you have to put him in that kind of space you have to constrict what he is doing and force him to make a choice in space rather than he’s inside cut k cut kicking you disrupting your Rhythm exiting off at an

Angle touching you with the jab exiting off at an angle taking you down you get up and you know really kind of accumulating points along the way you have to take that away from him otherwise you just can’t win and I think um if I’m Toria it’s heavy heavy in your

Face behind the jab put this guy on his heels kind of pressure let’s exclude drias tupc elapor andito vera for this next question what I would like you to do is when we look at the rest of the division you look at the rest of the

Title pitches give me a guy who hasn’t C who hasn’t held a UFC title who you think could win one 2024 okay so how close do they have to be they can be as close or as far away as you like it has to be a UFC title right UFC

Title who would if I gave you a free1 million pounds bet two to one who would you Mone been um I will tell you there’s some interesting names out there I think Jack DEA Melena you he’s got a fight against Gilbert Burns coming up that’s an interesting one to pay attention to

That’s one I would look at um obviously Advance onwe dude I mean Umar nuro I’ve totally forgotten he might come in this year and just start beating the breakes off everybody that’s another name but if I had to give you the one name the one name it’s got to be shafkat rachmanov

Right shafkat ranov looks like he’s a destroyer of worlds uh and I know that folks have said about certain things there are things to pick apart mean no fighter is perfect and neither as he there’s lots of issues he has he got tuned up just walking into range against

Jeff Neil and he couldn’t take uh Wonderboy down in the first round but at the same time 18 fights 18 wins 18 finishes and and doing it in ways that are very unusual he has phenomenal I think next level positional control with ground and pound he is absolutely

Unafraid to exchange he has skills at boxing kickboxing range in transition along the fence from his back on top I mean everywhere this guy’s got something his ability to finish is not in any way an accident and I’ll will tell you one thing more about him that makes him kind

Of exciting to me getting back to Toria kind of rallying and galvanizing Spain and then same with vul in Australia whatever Patty and Liverpool to an extent or you can tell me more about that but in this particular case man look you mentioned how many Instagram followers dude Rock monov has already

Cleared a million I mean how many UFC fighters have more than a million not many and he already has and I’m already told he’s the most like MMA is the most popular sport there I mean I guess soccer’s the most popular but like certainly among Combat Sports it’s MMA

More than boxing and I’m told by people around him that shakat is like super famous over there now I’m getting you know uh when Manny Pacquiao would compete you would see all you know me I’ve talked about this it’d be like all this Manny Pacquiao traffic go look at

Any video about him there’s all these people Runing in um I guess kazak he is galvanizing that Nation along the way and it would only be great we would only be richer for having their participation in MMA dude keep your eye on that dude I

Think I don’t know if he ends the year as champion because it’s hard to say how everything shakes out in terms of matchmaking I would be very surprised if he doesn’t wear UFC gold before his his Runners up yeah I I interviewed Neil Magny before he he fought sh C when I

Posted the picture on my Instagram of the the Instagram real or something like that my comments just flooded with the kazak flag it’s like they were they were looking their fans were looking out for Neil magnet content to promote shvat if you like it’s kind of crazy how how

Important do you think that is for for a contender to have that fan base as you mentioned there with the likes of pad in Liverpool or or England more generally or any of these these International countries how important do you think that is for for a career of a of a of a

Contender I mean it it’s the most important unfortunately it’s the most important when there’s some way the promoter can directly benefit from it you know so for example there’s ay guy out of Liverpool there’s a guy out of Boston and they would love to promote that typically to take

Advantage of it I mean UFC does a little bit less of that but certainly in boxing you see it all the time where they really want you know Mick Conlin has not necessarily been a super high achiever but um has been successful for the northern irel northern Irish market

Right so it’s something like that so I don’t know if the UFC has any plans to go to Kazakhstan or something like that what I can tell you is an obser Observer when you see someone become a national hero it does take on like a real

National hero right it does take on a different level of significance number one just because what it means to cover that kind of an athlete at at that time there’s a certain level of history that goes with that uh right because you’re someone is doing something historic for

That Nation but more to the point what it then means generationally like what what seed is all of this planting for the future and you know shafkat is very very talented but he’s not the only good kazak fighter there there are many others on their way and the kind of

Spillover effects that this could have in terms of growing the sport and I mean there’s just so many ways it enriches everything just your viewing experience to watch someone that’s good and then what it means for the rest of the sport and then to cover history in the moment

Like there’s a there’s a lot of things if they’re from a place where you can then use that as a promoter to make more money great I don’t know if Kazakhstan falls into that category but in a lot of other ways it carries significant importance and I suppose to that point

We’ve got to pay homage to Triple G who maybe was was the the man before sh obviously in a different discipline but obviously he became a massive star from that part of the world um last question from me Luke I know you’re a busy man very much appreciate your time we

Couldn’t have have this conversation without talking about pfl because they have in in many ways kind of stole the conversation certainly with the the acquisition of Bellator and also with the signning of Fran and ganu um you’ve been very critical of the um I’ve seen

On line of you the splitting up if you like of all the various leagues so I’m asking Forin your opinion what do you think are the keys to success for pfl to have success and to really kind of nail that number to spot in 2024 what do you

Mean by success tell me what success means it’s an important question I know it sounds like a loaded question but it’s actually pretty important what do you mean by success well what would success look like to you it’s it’s it’s an open-ended question I mean I think the first thing

For PF when you actually look at it is maybe the size of Arena that they can they can f in terms of fan appeal um the pay-per-view the pay-per-view division is obviously something they talk about a lot maybe trying to establish that and also just trying to get a kind of um

Consistent consistent viewership that would be the three okay okay so that’s a great answer that’s a great answer on that level I think they have a lot of there’s a lot of potential right we don’t really know if Francis is GNA fight in MMA in 2024 I tend to think he

Probably doesn’t but even if he ends up fighting a nobody that’s still better than what pfl has obviously it’d be much better if they had a second name takes two names to promote a pay-per-view they don’t really have that right now but that could potentially be something

That’s great for them Jake Paul fighting on that card or in any way for pfl again against somebody that people care about like a Dylan danis or something um uh or whoever that could be potentially big for them I know they’ve signed them you know they’ve signed a Mana Serrano and

Other things like putting together some kind of event where that could pull 10 20,000 people right because understand something they’ve pulled 20,000 when they went to France they’ve pulled good cards when they went to the three Arena in Dublin in the United States though I was at there one in my hometown in

Washington DC I think they had less than 3,000 and they were pretty happy with that like it’s tough to draw here you know for that kind of thing so if they can really solve that problem that would be great um if they can get their numbers you know solidly above 400,000

Viewers they typically hover 300,000 or below and usually often sometimes below 200,000 that has to just sort of categorically change but I mean if you’re splitting up your product and you’re dividing it in the best way you can to raise money but then not to really showcase you know what the brand

Is all about I don’t really know how you’re going to do that but that would to me yes that would make it as well so you know at the box office on pay-per-view um these are really tangible things you could look at but I really I don’t want to leave your uh

Viewers and the viewers of this of this uh who however they may find you with a sour taste in your mouth uh or depending on what your preferences are but we need to be very clear about something and I say it a lot and people

Kind of like make me look at me like I’m the old man you know at the bus stop just yelling weird things this was not an opinion that I’ve necessarily always had but I haveen it now and of anything I’m certain about in this world it is

Definitely this um it is not possible for the pfl to compete with the UFC it is not it is actually in the real world not possible it cannot be done there is nothing that they can do to bridge that Gap so what we’re asking about a successful 2024 for them I think getting

A little bit of luck somebody defecting inside the ranks of the UFC that that that would be just pure luck to be honest going to be very difficult to come by that would be good the court case the antitrust case to me is going to be one of the biggest stories to

Follow in the sport the trial is scheduled for April if that ends up having an effect and of course there could be challenges to any kind of verdict that goes against the UFC but nevertheless um opening up that possib ibility of what that could mean right

There’s just a lot of ways that here’s the reality folks unless the United States Congress gets involved by passing the Muhammad Ali Act to MMA or uh this antitrust case really railroads the UFC or there is some kind of internal Scandal or some something that just makes the UFC collapse overnight there

Is nothing that pfl Bellator one or any other competitor out there can do to actually compete with the UFC it is not possible the way in which they control their contracts of the fighters that reduce their Mobility it keeps them locked in for long periods of time uh it

Has and they and they control their titles as well this these two factors together it makes any competition impossible guys I saw the IFL try it I saw rumble on the Rock try it I saw icon sport try it I saw Elite XC try it I saw

Uh usen Goku try it I saw dream try it I saw Bellator try it I saw I mean World Series of fighting try it I’ve seen everybody try it you cannot develop your own side League without access to your guys being able to fight their guys and

That can’t happen unless there is an antitrust enforcement or Federal Regulation finally happens in MMA because if that doesn’t happen it’s only ever going to be the UFC guys this is the one thing I want to just I I have to say this D I know I’m going over my time

But I have to I have to say this if you look in boxing right Eddie Hearn promotes match room and they make money right Golden Boy de la Hoya they promote and they make money uh Bob arum Top Rank and they make money Frank Warren I mean I could go on and on

And on there’s a bunch of guys who promote and some of them have great fights Al Heyman whatever some have have bad fights but they all kind of promote and whatever you can like whichever one you like MMA fans want you to believe there’s only five guys in the world who

Can promote MMA and they all work together and live in Las Vegas they’re the only ones who can do it right there’s literally no one else in the history of MMA who can promote successfully except UFC right it’s not that one didn’t get a lot of money it’s

Not that uh pfl doesn’t have a lot of money Saudi Arabia has obviously a a ton of money um or a wide distribution network with uh ESPN in the case of pfl that doesn’t matter that it literally does not matter unless you can get the contracts changed to force quicker free

Agency it’s a wrap folks it’s a wrap and I want you to fully when you fully grasp how true that is and how real that is it changes your perspective about a lot I hope pfl to answer your question in a roundabout way has a great 2024 I really

Do they could have a much better 2024 than 2023 and 2023 was a good year for them all things being what they were but ultimately I am telling you how this movie ends yeah that’s it e either way I think what you’re alluding to is either

Way it’s DED growth is you they can have a good year but relative to what they could have with the if without the market control they could be a great year it could be an excellent year it could be real change you know you can only make money in MMA if you have

Access to the top five guys that’s in each way class that’s it that that’s it everything else you can’t you can’t survive and they have basically all of them and they have them because the way their contracts work that don’t allow them to seek free agency on a routine

This is this is the game this is the entire game folks so you know I hope they have a great year it’d be nice if they had you know pfl Liverpool and uh Francis fought on it and it’d be awesome but um I don’t think that’s going to

Change their fortunes against the UFC yeah no I 100% agree and thank you for the the Insight Luke LCA it’s truly always a pleasure to get some of your Insight especially to do these review shorts where we look back on on a year and kind of preview the next one thank

You as always for your time you obviously visited my country last year I believe in February March I obious visited your country a couple of times hopefully when one of us makes a trip to one of our respective countries we can we can meet up in the next time when us

Do that but don’t before then thank you as always for your time and have a great rest see you time thanks man make sure to subscribe to the low kick MMA YouTube channel for all the latest news event previews and interviews with some of the biggest stars ever met he


  1. I think you got it wrong the hardest thing to do is champ champ status reason is you need at least 3 title defenses just because leon, duplessis say i want next weight class title doesn't mean it happened so get that out your mind it hasn't happen and it probably wont happen

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