Golf Players


In our 750th podcast episode, we discuss a victory for Ipswich Town in the FA Cup 3rd Round, as AFC Wimbledon are defeated 3-1.

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Episode *750!!* ๐Ÿพ

IP switch serve up an almost faultless display in the FA Cup and its game set and match at Wim wooden welcome to the Blue Monday [Applause] podcast hello good evening welcome to the Blue Monday podcast following the fortunes of iich toown football club for 750 episodes my name is Craig Fimo and tonight we’re getting back to normal as we’re live on a Sunday night just like uh Brucey and tby at the London padium

As reliable as those two Old-Timers uh not wish to be rude to my guests um we’re live on YouTube and Facebook live as I say and after the event on YouTube and your podcast feed of choice and I am joined by The Perennial Southern away Day Tripper

Mikey peny Smith and a a veteran of a lot of those 750 pods David how many of those are you putting your name against and how are you I don’t know oh Lord knows I don’t know 400 maybe I don’t know maybe I’m not really sure no

Perhaps not that certainly half I would have thought perhaps yeah I can remember the first one um very very fondly yeah not half as professional sorry Ben but here a minute not half as professional as we are now but uh yeah I can remember it fairly uh fairly clearly brilliant

Stuff and you had a good day yeah pretty pretty good yeah watched the um watched Arsenal somehow contrive to get beaten by Liverpool KY he could have been like 5 nil up in like five minutes it was it was sort of mad and um yeah sort of watched that but uh no

Other than that fairly fairly quiet day really it’s good to see we’re not the only ones that are struggling for a uh a striker up a striker up front is it it happens it can happen to anybody yeah if that’s what happens if you sign what 130

Million pound stri or whatever he was what Kai havit or whatever his 13 no what you a strike how much has he gone for in transfer fee something ridiculous isn’t it yeah def think they’re getting quick Mass 130 divided by 1.5 yeah whatever that is of worth of George

Hurst are they um Mikey how was your trip yesterday and did the early kickoff Cil train beers I think what you want to know uh no I’m actually doing dry dry January Craig um otherwise yeah I mean the the early kickoff does sort of spoil the the drinking a little bit and where

AFC wom is located elsfield it’s full of really really nice pubs but it’s also full of really nice brunch spots so I had a very middle class pass away day yesterday I went to a I went to a place called bean and Hop and had some

Breakfast caders and a and a nice pot of English breakfast tea bean bean and hop is that like a combination of it’s like one of these um Breakfast Cafe places you you get to have a coffee and then a bit of hopscotch or something is it no no it’s

Uh it’s it’s Australian so they do craft beer and pizza in the evening and fancy breakfast in the in the morning wasn’t my first visit uh hopefully won’t be the last but yeah um little bit of a shame um not to not to get to enjoy the W and

The the leather bottle and all the other nice pubs along there but yeah a nice a nicer way day SC to very relaxed compared to I think you notice it more now we’ve played in these big big games recently just just how just just how excited we are by them

And the the adrenaline that you you have going to these games because yesterday I didn’t feel flat I was looking forward to watching the game um but I didn’t have the same buzz when I got out of bed yesterday morning yeah well yeah but it’s bit bit of a different um

Atmosphere to the last time we were there as well I would have thought I just got a we got a message in here from uh from Ben about the the stewards who potentially weren’t quite as um clandestine and special ops as they were the last time I was there on burns night

I think it was a couple years ago we did call it burns night yeah Burns scored a couple that night didn’t he um yeah no no sign of that that mob um yeah they even let me in with my bottle of coconut water gra worse oh my God and

This com from Paul was before the coconut water even before the coconut water oh my God the most middle class football day out in their history that’s fantastic that is absolutely brilliant all right so we know we know Mike’s OD on coffee avocado and coconut water so

Far sorry sorry did I see somewhere that they like biggest crowd for like years yesterday yeah yeah biggest biggest uh official crowds uh since they moved to Wimbledon yeah um but I’m not sure that every single seat that was sold um was in um felt that way in the

Away end as well um maybe a few people collecting the collecting the point without getting on the bus yeah yeah well you say that about buses I think to be fair to some people and that’s the reason I didn’t go is the train there were no trains into Liverpool Street

Well there were but only a certain part way past cult and then it’s a bus for the rest of the journey sort of thing so people may well have bought their ticket and then found out they couldn’t couldn’t easily get there and it’s say

It’s a bit of a pig to get to from this side of the country in any case um so yeah thank you very much for joining us I’ve put some um hellos and good evenings from people already um as ever I say we’re live so please get your

Comments in I’ll try and fire up as many as as I possibly can especially if they’re to do with mik’s Mike’s middle class status um if you have any if you have any questions um nearer the time of towards the middle of the show please um drop them in the comments otherwise they

May get lost in the mail Strom of uh other comments and as ever as the guys say if you stick a QE at the beginning it will help me uh pick it out and it’ll be uh easier for the guys to then respond to um in terms of news we had

This week we had a little bit um earlier in the week which um Dave and Rich and our friend Dan the Blackburn supporter um come across that was a that was a great little um pod last minute pod Rich got to play with his claxon I think for

The first time um which is good news um but just quickly one for you Mike as we we hadn’t um heard from you on on this um Lewis Travis a according to Kira McKenna’s postmatch interview yesterday an energetic combative midfielder is that what we need uh I mean it’s not what we need

Most urgently is it but um but we need a Sam Moy replacement uh in the short term and he may got for bid pick up an injury between now and the end of the season he’s almost certainly going to get that ban for the 15 bookings isn’t he might

Get red card who knows and and Travis um will also be an alternative to L Longo if we if if Luongo plays um long can’t play the three games in a week um and we don’t want to go with Taylor because we need to be a little

Bit more defensive he might end up playing with mosy so I I think it’s a really sound piece of business another leader in there as well we notice um we’re a little bit low on leaders when when Mory isn’t on the pitch aren’t we and obviously Burgess away at the moment

As well so yeah I think um a really sound sound signing not sure what it means for for donb um yeah I think he would have liked to have played a lot more than he did at AFC Wimbledon but that maybe sort of shows where where he is now in the

Pecking order yeah very possibly he does he does seem to be the more the most like for likee um ability stroke um position wise as Don ball doesn’t he really of of not the non first team starters um Dave just I say for the people that didn’t happen to catch you

And you and Rich and Dan the other day um um do you want to give us a quick overview of your thoughts on on where he is and where he potentially will fit in and with as Mikey says whether he could potentially be a an even more solid um

Sowery nasty Midfield alongside Moy he wouldn’t fancy coming up um coming up Along coming up against that in the championship would you really no not at all not at all no I think it’s a probably a win-win for both sides certainly um he wasn’t getting any well recently hasn’t been getting any game

Time he’s been on the bench hasn’t hasn’t come off the bench certainly in the last in the last two games um yeah and you know very experienced what 200 games almost Championship player Captain um got all the qualities and um yeah sort of really a deep lying ball winning

Midfielder what’s what’s really not to not to like um and a nice to have Dan who by the way was absolutely brilliant on the Pod superb guy um to get a really good endorsement from him as well and and also all the other Blackburn fans

That that that came on on on the night they all had you know nothing bad to say about him um there hasn’t been any bust up I don’t think with DL Thomas or anything like that I think he very much I think wanted away perhaps at the start

Of the season and it didn’t didn’t for one reason didn’t happen um yeah he was still made Skipper so he’s obviously really well thought of and a good character so um yeah looking forward to looking forward to seeing him to be fair yeah absolutely as Mikey say 200 200 odd

Games um under his belt his ages nothing to be sniffed easy just add a bit more experience into the into the team um also just a a quick note um that came out the ADT uh tailender last week was um we’ve had some we’ve turned down some offers apparently for Idris eluni um

Obviously currently on Loan in League one at Lon Orient um the the offers that we’ve received are from other league one teams by all accounts the off the top of my head Oxford Bolton um etc etc those sort of level of teams Dave where do you see him being come January the 31st

Because if it’s going to be a permanent it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be back in East London does it no it doesn’t I think there’s obviously a figure that we have in mind for him and I guess if that you know if that bid

Comes in for that figure from from we understand I think from we understand that so far the bids have been sort of low low six figures so maybe we’re looking closer to I don’t know quarter of a million or something like that just plucking a figure out the air or maybe

Slightly higher than that so I would think that if a if a figure come if a bid comes in of that nature then um yeah he’ll be he’ll be away which kind of a shame I think he’s come through our Academy obviously he’s very weal he’s done very well these last

Couple of Seasons at or in had really couple of you know um couple of really great loone spells you know really really high highly thought of um but yeah I don’t think he’s gonna I don’t think he’s gonna quite dislodge anybody anybody in our Midfield at this moment

So yeah I think if the if the right yeah if the right kind of big comes in I think he’ll be um he’ll be away and um yeah good luck to the Le yeah and I say it is it is a shame but from a financial perspective and I don’t profess to know

Much about the financials it’s and it’s the reason why Chelsea are rumored to be looking to cash in on um Gallagher is it’s pure profit isn’t it if if a player comes from your Academy through your youth team then it’s pure profit you can add into your various um Financial fair

Play calculations bits pieces like that but you know having signed Jack Taylor and now having signed um Travis um from Blackburn then you know you’d think that he’s far far down the pecking order now as it so for his own um career and you know a bit of security etc etc Stop

Those loan moves and get yourself a home to to be with for the next couple years and I think he’s certainly certainly good enough to good enough to play in that in that in a type I the thought of a Bolton I know Derby were showing some interest you’d think it’d certainly be

Good enough good enough for that sort of higher higher part of League one for sure yeah brilliant yeah good luck to him um one final small piece of news the uh itfc women’s team lost today 1 nil at home to Oxford uh I believe they were playing

Against uh I say 10 men 10 women for the majority of the second half um but couldn’t break them down stop me if you’ve heard this one before um they struggled to break down Oxford team and ended up losing one- nil which means they’ve lost a bit of ground I think

They’re currently fourth I think I read um in their division so yeah a bit of ground to make up on the teams above them who I think all won uh so going on to yesterday today’s match as I say um Mikey you were there yesterday I’ll

Bring up the team so we can have a a quick chat through those bear with me one sick um in terms of ourselves I think we’ll obviously concentrate more on ourselves there were six changes to the draw at Stoke um and it was arguably a stronger team than a lot of people

Were maybe predicting that we’d um put out um but I suppose by the same token there’s not an awful lot more within the squad to um to to rot to rest to be able to allow us to rest and rotate um headlines I suppose were Christian Walton uh back in golf only remarkably

Only his second start of the season um and his first since the uh Cup game against Fulham at home on the 1 of November in the rumble O’s cup um three of the back four were the same that played at Stoke uh Cameron Humphrey’s coming in for Harry Clark giving him a

Rest on the left back uh in the middle Taylor came in for Luongo partnered Mory and then up front maybe surprisingly broadheads Broadhead was the one um constant there from from The Stoke game um with hares Hutchinson and leppo coming in for a start so Mikey from from

Your perspective was that a a surprise and is there anything in there that You’ like to see and anything you would have liked to have seen yeah I mean I wasn’t overly surprised by how strong it was I think we were all expecting Sam Wy to play because the

Fact he’s not going to be able to play the next couple of games um but it is always a little bit of a surprise when you see such a strong team in a in a cup game especially after what we did against Fulham in the carabel cup but

That was obviously in a really busy period whereas now there’s a little bit more space between games um it was nice to see Walton back uh Humphrey’s need needs the minutes doesn’t he good to see Edmonson play again uh wolfenden getting another 90 minutes I suppose he hasn’t

Been playing every single game has he so so he’s absolutely fine to play it was good that we were able to to give the likes of Conor Chaplan and just a complete rest um yeah a little bit of a surprise um by how much Nathan Broadhead

Played but I think that that was with a view to trying to get his eye back in and and maybe trying to trying to score a goal but he ended up playing in two different positions didn’t he um and I think overall he he had a decent game obviously against weaker opposition than

What we’re we usually up against but he looked well up for it um and it as a as a fan going you hope that it’s this sort of hybrid team um it was a a big game for some of those players I think Christian Walton my my mate who I was

With who who isn’t called tarquin um said that he he could see Christian Walton potentially um overplaying it a little bit because he’s desperately trying to trying to show that he can play with the ball at his feet as well don’t think that was really the case um

It was a big game for Jack Taylor as well he had sort of an an up and down game but we’ll we’ll get into that but yeah overall not no huge surprises there suppose two and zie playing playing right back again but that was because of the the injuries and um illnesses may

Maybe getting him up to speed and you know we may be having to rely on him to do similar for the next next injuries it’s good to see that he he’s able to to get easily get through 90 minutes I think I think his body must be in a good

Place to to be able to get through 90 minutes and Center back and get through 90 minutes and right back I can tell you is a very different thing but he definitely looks up to it and I think he’s going to be a really important player between now and the end of the

Season especially if Brandon Williams isn’t going to play a huge part yeah well uh yeah Brandon Williams um was according to Kiera McKenna ill yeah you can use use your own quotation marks if you wish so he wasn’t in the uh in the squad um and Dave yeah very similar

Question to you but obviously keep keep it briefer because any just any surprises in there and also From wimon perspective I suppose the one name that we all recognize in there is Harry pel um professional bellend he of the boot the ball out of Arrington Town Center

Fame of a few a few seasons ago um and a bit of a shame we didn’t get to see um their Rising Star isn’t it Ali Al ham hamd who’s with the asan cup isn’t he yeah ran or someone got two away Iraq and one’s away with Lebanon as well I

Think someone else um yeah no as Mikey said um no massive surprises there pretty strong pretty strong lineup so you know relatively relatively pleased with that um May me slightly surprised to see BR just one thing it’s a bit unfortunate for Don ball PR I mean it’s an odd one

Really with Don ball because Mo probably definitely probably Mory doesn’t get pick up that yellow card last week Don ball probably plays this tomorrow tomorrow yesterday doesn’t he no doubt about it so it’s kind of an odd one and now um and now they’ve signed um now

They’ve signed Travis so yeah maybe he is one that will um unfortunately miss miss out but um yeah um the other wimbl the name I recognize there is Alex Alex Pierce perennial um that comes up against this sort of seemingly season after season but I’m sure it’s not quite like that

But yeah he look he looks and runs like a Sunday League player now he really does no offense Alex you’re watch he does not move like a like a professional footballer anymore blessing but obvious still still got it up here isn’t he and yeah he’s a good footballer

Alex if you’re in the comments you feel free to um have a go back at’s uh bre brunch of choice from yesterday um in so in terms of uh the match is say pretty even start for the first five or so minutes a lot of lot of sparring going

On between the two teams but it didn’t take long Dave did it for us to to get ahead no it didn’t and it’s that it’s that corner routine again isn’t it but this way this time Tu way around so this time um it’s Brad that does the sort of

Hiding in the hiding in the pack um I think takes a corner wide wide right and sort of hits it around about that penalty spot area which we which we know is the routine and um Broadhead peels off and doesn’t get great con get connects doesn’t sort of shins it a bit

Doesn’t it doesn’t get great connection but then it’s just it’s pinball stuff isn’t it you get one one sort of massive deflection takes it across the six-yard box and then um I think it’s unfortunate bounces in off Davis and shins and the goalkeepers just yeah totally totally

Out of it so yeah obviously well rehearsed training ground move um yeah not cleanly but but not cleanly put in but but works again which is good to see yeah and another another double deflection helping helping us out for the second time in a in a week or so we

Get all the luck don’t we oh we do don’t we um yes so I said they got us off to a good start and as um Dan has said here in the comments we’d had a couple of Corners beforehand as well so we were starting to exert um a little bit of

Pressure um and we were getting a lot of cross and certainly from from the leftand side humph was um getting up and down that Wing um well to to good effect and say getting some decent crosses in I think um humph had got cross in and lppo

And Hutcherson at the back post sort of got tangled up in each other’s way for a little bit um but then in front of you uh Mikey there was a an pretty undis mostly completely Undisputed um penalty yeah so I think yeah wolfenden um he was really strong in the first half few

Times uh the wide players kind of got in behind Wolford and cleared up put a couple out for a corner um and if switch fans behind the goal doing this weird thing where they’re going oh for a corner and then it just makes me think he’s going to whip in a really nice

Corner here um which he inevitably does really nice really nice in swinging Corner sort of Martin waghorn es but obviously on his right foot Dave loads of um and Pierce uh the Sunday League player gets the run on um Taylor at the back post um but actually it’s t and Zab

Does get the first Contact you say get the first Contact but that is actually what’s ended up causing the issue because Taylor’s Body position is all over the place his hands are above his head somehow um and yeah he he handles it he goes down in Heap and I think the

Only um suggestion from from the IPS players is maybe there was a foul in there somewhere but I’m not sure there was um pretty pretty clear penalty and it was a really well struck penalty as well Christian won had no chance with that one did he yeah yeah absolutely um

And was would you say that was against the Run of play or were wion starting to sort of edge themselves back into it after the r yeah they they were like they were they were getting forward pretty well and it was we we weren’t in complete control of the game let’s put

It that way um Wimbledon did did break on us a couple of times but without ever really getting in behind but they were forcing throwin and Corner kicks and things like that and they were probably looking at a corner kick as their or free kick as their best chance of

Getting back into the game and and that that’s what they did yeah absolutely um just quick one here from Gary saying you thought the atmosphere was a bit flat in theend yesterday but I suppose that maybe due to the the timings of it people are full of bloody sourdough and

Avocado weighs weighs heavily on this on the vocal cords um how did you think it was yesterday Mikey it was flat I think it was always timing though isn’t it it’s the the timing and I think a lot of people had had to drive there or or get

Lost on the Galloway coaches um yeah it a decent bar area out the back of of the away end pretty expensive though it’s about seven quid for for a point um yeah it was never going to an electric atmosphere in there maybe if it was an evening game yeah it would

Have been but it’s not a particularly rockus home crowd at wimbl and either it’s a very much a family family orientated crowd who do get behind their team team well um and it’s quite a good atmosphere once it gets going but yeah overall it was it was pretty flat in the

Way and yeah I think as rich is asking I thought the early kickoff was for the international um football Community to be able to watch us live quite know why they would have chosen AFC W and versus probably because they wanted to show Dave bess’s face every

Two or three minutes on the on the feed they they’re glad they picked him out in the crowd because it’s gave him something to look at for majority he was on the on the front page of the program as well oh was he really imagine every

Every season surely in the FA Cup and they brought him out on the pitch before the game as well yeah fair play lovely stu um for my time of course that could can possibly comment um in terms of um going back to the match um harness I thought played well certainly the

First half play where him um Hutchinson twen Z were sort of getting some um triangles going down our um down our right I think it was um getting crosses in again they got cross into Leo there was another occasion where um the ball was pinged into Freddy’s feet and he

Controlled it nicely but much the eye of some of our fans it ran away to to the corner flag and he didn’t Sprint after it whereas their Defender did and clawed it back but we we’ll come to Freddy later on when we um sum up the uh game

As a whole um there was a good bit of skill actually Dave I’ll go to you from a good bit of Broadhead skill um leading up to our second goal just for half time was super you mentioned Hinson earlier I thought he was at his FR most

Frustrating yesterday oh my God the boy um the times times he gets himself in such good positions and his just final ball is he’s final decision making is just well I don’t he’s still young I suppose you got to give him a bit of a pass he’s still young but goodness me um

I mean this was this was brilliant from Broadhead I think it’s wolfing sort of who could have had a cigar on most of yesterday he was superb wasn’t he but sort of gets the ball down and sort of chips that ball forward to about 20

Yards out not far from the edge of the box I mean the chest trap’s good enough then he takes it down and Spins away from the fullback in one movement it’s total class and a good hit as well great that have been a hell of a goal good

Save from the keep he gets his sort left foot shot off pretty early really good save from The Keeper but a corner and then um yeah he gets a corner it’s again it’s one of those someone alluded to earlier sort of near post well struck I

Think Taylor goes for it sort of misses it maybe certainly unites the perhaps the fullback who’s on the post there seems to got just deflects up in the air and twan’s right there just to sort of Nod it in from what six yards maybe something like that I think not only his

First goal for town but I’m pretty sure I read somewhere his first ever senior goal I believe so yeah Off the Mark so I mean not that he’s played for his age not he’s played that many senior games but um yeah um yeah really good um yeah good to get

Good time of score I think we were pretty much get in the ascendancy by then as you said leap had a couple of couple of chances and we were getting balls into the box um and um yeah 40 minutes timely time to score just before halftime and uh yeah nicely tucked away

And and given it was um of course twen 6′ one 6’2 and he had to jump a little bit he still had to evade Harry pill’s foot which was um quite impressive I think I think by I think by this time Harry had already been booked for a um somewhat agricultural tackle on

Sam Mory from behind um as Mory Broke Free um and I say he did if I just wonder whether we hadn’t scored there and he had made contact with Axel’s head it may have been a different story from that would wouldn’t have been his fault though would it Craig and I’m sure he’d

Have been really angry with the referee if anything went against him yeah defin I’m sure he just it just calmed down not doing things silly for the rest of the match so in terms of um the first half as you say Dave I I made a few notes I

Was watching and saying that nothing was really coming off Hutcherson at that point but what I what I did find is that when he was losing it he does put some work in to get back now doesn’t he he’s getting stronger as well at that no I’ve

Got to give the boy a nod for that now perhaps it just me just getting frustra with the final ball he’s got so much as it we know so much talent he could go left he know can go both left or right off his left or right foot and he’s just

Oh you know you’re final just decision making but yeah you’re right about tracking back there was once where he lost the ball and he must have ran 60 70 yards and actually um shephered the ball behind for our goal kick so yeah that that part wasn’t it yeah incredible that

Part of his plays come on absolutely nowhere you could say that’s that’s come from that’s come from encouragement from the coaches hasn’t it yeah 100 and you know Chelsea gonna get a far more rounded player back than than they sent sent to us in August aren’t um so in

Terms of halim Mikey your thoughts and general feelings at how things are going two one up at half time yeah I mean by by that stage feeling pretty much in control as long as we can come out strong at the start of the second half I

Sort of had every feeling that we were going to see the game out pretty comfortably and maybe score a couple more goals um use the bench a little bit I was hoping that Freddy lppo might get another chance in front of goal would have been nice to see him get a goal and

Nathan Broadhead as well sort of have my fingers crossed for for one of those two finding the net yeah yeah well we you say that starting off the second half strongly we certainly did didn’t we Cameron hre said that cross shot which was slammed into the post uh by their

Guy sliding in about three yards out in front of you um P then had a header saved and then on 56 minutes you were saying about potentially getting on the score sheet well he’s not going to because he got dragged off um relatively early you have thought 56 minutes in um so

Yeah do you want to do it now let’s talk about him now so from your perspective Mikey in terms of Freddy how must he be feeling how what are your feelings about where he currently finds himself at Town yeah so Freddy Lao I really like and I really

Appreciate him for for the his efforts and also the goals and fantastic performances that he he provided last season in the promotion season but I think we’re all in agreement that he’s a league one Striker it was going to be hard for him to to step up in the

Championship he scored those two goals against Cardiff early on in the season he looked like maybe he could be a useful backup for George Hurst but he just hasn’t had enough time on the pitch and he’s very much a confidence player and a player that needs to get his eye

In but because of the fact that he doesn’t have blistering pace and he doesn’t win everything in the air I think maybe ipswitch fans expect him to cover every single blade of grass but I think because his style is really to be back to goal and battling with

Defenders he seems to save his energy for that and then trying to find himself in the right areas and he’s still still is finding himself in the right areas but he’s just been snatchy and I think he’s just kind of show that there’s not one area of his

Game that you’d say is Championship quality at the moment unfortunately um and but you know saying it but yeah you know it’s through it’s through no fault of his zone now we’ve re he’s potentially reached his ceiling which is fair enough he’s he’s of a certain age where he’s probably not

Going to be able to get get excuse me reach even higher higher Heights um from a from a ability perspective um but you know through no fault of his own and from no fault of our own we’ve just seems to have progressed maybe a little bit further than than he should then he

Is capable of which as I say it’s no detriment to him um and I just you know not wishing to preach to people they can think what they think and they can shout what they think but I don’t think that it’s particularly conducive to getting the best out of someone by either

Sarcastically applauding or you know whatever you happen to do or moan and groan at the end of the day he’s UPF front trying to do a job and score goals for your team then you just give the guy a break and again see what you reckon by

The end of January day similar question to the eluni um question I know possibly he’s like he’s like any Striker at any level of football just needs a goal any any sort of goal yeah admit I don’t think he’s totally Championship quality I don’t think he is but for instance

He’s really unlucky you know against QPR yeah okay you say oneon-one he should score but begovic got lucky then like hits him and then deflects Over the Bar doesn’t it it was it was really unlucky that just could deflect in and he’s often you know not saying he’s often

Going to set the world Al light but it’s a goal and you know confidence you know with that your confidence comes back you’re probably your first touch improves because you’re confident and you start to do things you’re not trying too hard if you know what I mean you

Just start to do things naturally you know it just comes to but um yeah I mean it very much depends I don’t think he’ll go until we’ve definitely got that old cliche someone in the building or virtually in the building I can’t see him going anywhere

Just yet we need no you do need that that presence up there yeah absolutely we Joe’s talked about sliding doors moments for danne Scarlet’s career which has in terms of um cup ties and yeah being away of England when we needed him here but you might find that similarly

With poor r fredd that he was probably lined up to make a move somewhere else until George hurst’s um George Hurst hamstring went twang um and finds himself um back back in a team which he might might not fit into at the moment unfortunately um but what we did see as

Part of that substitution was our first glimpse of Jeremy sento who started on the left but tended to drift inside um wearing potentially the smallest shin pads I ever ever seen these were Matchbox sized Tic Tacs aren’t they it’s ridiculous but yeah he’s he’s very much

Looks um the part of a modern footballer doesn’t he the socks socks really low down the Beautiful white teeth the perfect haircut um yeah modern a modern footballer and as we soon found out as well he knows how to sim he knows how to throw himself to the ground when he’s

Been touched as well um maybe living up to a few stereotypes yeah I think from from the from what we saw of him in the last 30 40 minutes of the match I think he’s going to uh obtain a fair few free kicks you would have thought just by

Virtue of getting on the ball and running with it he just seems to have that sort of style where it’s it’s not glued to his feet when he dribbles with it it’s sort of always a little bit in front of him so he’s always going to be

Tempting for a Defender to come in and Nick it or I like the look of him sort of languid left foot just like that kind of that kind of play looks he’s got a bit of B him bit flare about him and it it’ll be interesting to see um yeah you

I mean as as as I think someone said on the telegram group hard to judge him yesterday obviously against low League opposition and also he came on against 10 men as well so kind of hard to judge him on yesterday today but I think on first sighting yeah he looks he kind of

Looks the part yeah yeah um interesting to see if he gets any minutes at home against suland next week that might be a different uh different kettle of fish but uh yeah I like from what I saw of him looks looks looks good and he’s potentially Mikey the sort of player

That you want if you’re playing against teams who we’ve seen relatively recently just sit in a low block um you know they’re not giving you any space behind and we haven’t potentially got a central midfielder a melon midfielder to pick a lock okay in that case give it to

Someone’s feet and and let him run yeah let him run let him win free kicks and draw draw players out to him he’ll he’ll definitely make things happen it’ll be that sort of play I think he will frustrate as well I think he will give the ball away quite a bit and he’ll

Probably cut back inside sometimes when you you just want him to make that run to the by line but but he’s another good plan B to have and he might if he starts scoring goals gesis he might become plan a yeah absolutely um so just shortly

After sento joined the fry we saw what I think can only be described as a flailing arm the only time you will see the word flailing is when it’s added to an added to the word arm when describing um a particular challenge within a football match um and this PO particular

Flailing arm belonged to Harry pel and ended up in the face of George Edmonson Mikey any complaints from our side on that one I know there were plenty from wimon no so I I observed that Powell is is a is a really tall tall lad but he

Always seemed he’d get up really really early for his headers and just and he H’s he hangs in the air well and even though he looked like he was higher than wolon and Edmonson every time he went up for a header he always felt like we we

Got first Contact and and ultimately won the header I don’t know whether he got a little bit frustrated by that or whether it was maybe a little bit accidental but you can’t you can’t swing arms into people’s faces when you’re on a yellow card can

You no go on sorry yeah the light the assistant had his flag up straight away didn’t he you see beyond him assistant flagged it straight away and the ref just yeah immediately was on a yellow so yeah gave the ref an easy excuse there didn’t he yeah and he probably should

Have had another yellow for how long it took him to to get off the pitch as well get off the pitch yeah yeah yeah oh well that’s a shame um 67 minutes Mikey right in front of you there’s not a b not a bad shout for another hand ball and another penalty was

There uh what was that what was that one great I can’t think who it was one of their Defenders it’s um it was almost not a carbon copy but a very similar um handall to to the one in the first Taylor’s one in the first half I thought

And it looked it looked clear as the bell on the on the on the replays on the Telly as well yeah that that was definitely a penalty and it’s one of those where you you give the first one you kind of have to have to give the

Second one because it it’s kind of the same thing it’s maybe because it wasn’t his that was the big Center back that came off the Pierce wasn’t it and he he looked pretty ungainly um I think maybe the ref didn’t see it maybe Complicated by the fact that that

What like he I think he’s hit it uh with his foot onto his arm or something like that and it’s a little bit of a gray area at the moment about when it’s when it’s a handle when it isn’t but I think that probably should have been a penalty

But maybe having given the the red card yeah ref him want to give us a penalty as well and sort of it would have ended the game there and then yeah um well it did take us a little while too actually um in the in the game as a as a contest

We did obviously from here on in we had the vast vast majority of the ball um I think harness had a shot went wide um there was a mistake by Taylor you said earlier that he had a bit of an up and down game Mike I think he gave the ball

Away pretty much right in the middle of the pitch um which required a save from uh Walton but we’re just getting I’m te crosses into the box um by now um from both sides you Humphrey’s I think had a had an effort at the far poting a header that got tipped over

Um yeah Wolfie had a goal didn’t he disallowed for a pretty obvious um offside um and then we made three Subs to sort of see the game out we brought on West Burns uh babo and aluco came on for harness Broadhead and Hutchinson um didn’t really get See Much from um

Aluco um although the next two almost combined um for the final goal of the match can’t which one of you two guys is going to talk that Mikey is this your one yeah I’ll go through this one so yeah wi wimon have a have a man down in

The middle of the pitch but I think they carried on playing so we were always going to carry on playing and um Moy gets the ball off off to and Zab as he often does he just goes over says come on give me the ball here and we said

That we didn’t have a we don’t have a Jim M jilon player that can pick the lock but that was a really nice through ball from from Mory Burns fresh legs absolute nightmare for the left back seeing him come on and burns just really direct I think this is when when he’s at

His best and he just doesn’t over complicate this one he doesn’t he doesn’t even get his head up and think who can I pick out here goalkeeper wasn’t having a particularly particularly good game I think he’s just thought I’m just going to hit this as

Hard as I can low the keeper is not going to hold it and then we should get the rebound and it actually it popped out and I thought maybe Babbo’s gonna get get this but it was Taylor who obviously had a little bit more momentum and and read read the rebound tapped it

In and we’re safely through to the next round job done yeah absolutely well you know I don’t know the ins and outs of football players contract but Taylor May will have cost dear old babo a few quid by um tapping that one ahead of him couldn’t you and I’m sure um Taylor’s

Got a few more quid in the bank than poor Rob babo has at the moment in time but yeah it’s nice it was nice to see him being really pissed off that someone else got there in front of him I think it just shows an actual proper Striker

Instinct I suppose more than anything else yeah um but as you say Mikey that was all she wrote a a pretty um professional performance I think all things said and done I get the stats up here um for everyone to be able to see there weren’t as many um stats produced

Yer I couldn’t find I think presumably because there’s just so many games going on at the same time Etc and uh maybe not quite as much um people analyzing AFC won versus IP switch but I think Dave from from those stats Al you can see that it was going to be one bit

One-sided and as I say a professional job done despite the protestations of Johnny Jackson thinking that they were robbed yeah I think that goes that’s going a bit far isn’t it no I always thought we’re were just totally in control yesterday me even even after they equalized it was wasn’t one of

Those games we feel here we go it just wasn’t one of those games always looked like we had a you know a little bit more in the tank and obviously you could see we had on the you know we had strength on the benches if necessary but I mean

Certainly second half Mory just completely ran the game didn’t he I think alluding to the third goal I’m pretty sure almost in shot when Morty Mory receives the ball from um receives the ball from Trabia there barely any other player in shot in about 10 yards

Either side of him for goodness sake so um yeah just I mean I know he’s I know it’s sorry no disrespect I mean Wimbledon yesterday lower league team but you see what we’re going to miss next Saturday and the game after absolutely completely bossed the game

Didn’t he um but uh no good I thought I thought um I thought Broadhead again taking into consideration opposition some of his touches were great again he was on it wasn’t he a bit you know like Mikey said would have been great to see him score all right he credited perhaps

Well not yeah good assist perhaps for the first goal and a corner for the second goal but been a great to see him score but I thought some of his touches yesterday were were really good and so yeah okay he’s back to back to where he

Should be so yeah um big big game next I mean we’ll we’ll speak briefly about it now doubt in a minute but um yeah get that out of the way be nice to get a I don’t know the Spurs away something like that would love that would you something

Like that would be great wouldn’t it you know cuz let’s face our Focus isn’t going to be isn’t going to be the FA Cup be on end off for us this season um but no professional job job done and um let’s move on to sundland next Saturday

You you you finally want to get to see a bit more of danne scarlet do you Dave yeah he came on didn’t he yeah he came off the bench didn’t he he had he had what at least what 202 I didn’t see the I saw parro’s goal by the way flipping

What a goal that wasi physics that one that was crazy you bamford’s goal Dave no I didn’t haven’t seen it no yeah look look that one up that is okay no I saw potential pussc Award winner that one oh wowers um that elements of Joe Garner’s

Volley for Preston North End oh stop it no really oh wowers he um um no so it’s good to see Broadhead back you know good to see Broadhead back with you know and fact I thought to his you know to his best you know the ball wasn’t close

Control was good and everything so yeah job well done let’s move on to Sunland next week and um yeah where the important stuff starts game but yeah be watching the draw with with interest tomorrow let’s hope we get a good one goodness sake yeah well as as you said I

Think we got we got exactly what we needed out people got minutes into the legs unfortunately as Mikey said probably a goal for Freddy and maybe a goal for Broadhead but you know as you say I think Broadhead was is looking back to his sh best yeah um as I say to

People please um I’ve picked out some questions that have coming already but please feel free to um stick some some more into the comments I’ll get to them if I can please put a Queue at the front so I can pick them up uh we quick a

Quick note from our sponsor and we’ll be right back Innovation Labs is business Hub and co-working space with strategic locations across suffk our aim is to Foster Innovation entrepreneurship business growth and the development of an AI center of excellence in suffk monthly hot desks are available from just

ยฃ79 for more info head to innovationlab or contact info@ innovationlab innovationlab providing support for businesses across suffk locations in Stow Market iwi sub Woodbridge with more to follow Mikey as ever hit the mark spot on um so yeah just a quick one in terms

Of uh plugs from our side um well as I said at the beginning we’re we’re back to normal now pretty much so there will be a pre-match show uh rich and Seb live Thursday night 8:00 p.m. as ever um so please feel free to join the guys on

That we might have some midweek um but keep an eye on the various socials for that and then again next Sunday we’ll be get we’ll be live again as per normal 8:00 pm for the flagship show after Sunderland on Saturday so yeah back to normal Thursday 8:00 pm live Sunday 8:00

Pm live so yeah we getting back to normal now after the weird Christmas break um everything else is on at Blu Monday it um and not wishing to bore everybody but I thought I think telegram has been really coming into its own um over the last certainly over the

Christmas period we’re we’re covering all bases now now it’s now the TR new transfer window is open Rich has could not wait he’s been counting down the minutes to open up the transfer un scarless rumor transfer chat um so that’s open Match days open um there’s a lot of statistical analysis of

The season so far etc etc on there um obviously there’s the round table chats that we get um people within the telegram group can come on and have a chat and have their own little show um which gets put out as a as a private like little YouTube show which is

Fantastic and then there’s so there’s everything else the darts was taking president over the last couple of weeks wasn’t it Dave where was actually pretty much like an a watchalong DS channel for yeah the everything not channel was certainly um certainly turned over to darts for the last two or three weeks

And and rightly so I me it’s been incredible C certainly the last the last um the semi-finals well quarter finals onwards which is superb aren’t they absolutely brilliant can’t believe there was a nine data just still can’t believe that but hey can’t plenty of big fish

Though there’s a lot of 170s um a lot of big fish lot of big fish cool um so yeah just a few questions from yesterday thank you everyone I can see all the the questions um coming in I’ll get round to as many as I possibly can um um a lot of them

Obviously as you can probably understand along similar lines um but just a few questions from yesterday for myself um Taylor Mike you mentioned it earlier in terms of have a bit of a up and down performance what are is are his performances in general edging him

Closer to a star or do you actually see him dropping down the pecking order now with the the signing of Travis yeah I think I potentially see him dropping down down the order um because it he’s one he’s one of those where you I think he’s his best chance

Of playing is is alongside Sam Mory I don’t think it it’s really works when he’s played alongside Lang Longo maybe we’ll see him play alongside Travis If Luongo dips out at any point but you imagine that he’s going to be pretty fresh just don’t feel like

He’s he quite did enough not not that it will be looked at it’s not like Kiera mcken is just going to say well how did the wimon game go that’s how I’m going to decide what I’m going to do against sundon and Leicester but he didn’t massively stay a claim he didn’t

Dominate that that Midfield alongside Mory so I I think it’s unlikely that he’s going to be given the nod but his Travis going to be able to play 90 minutes he hasn’t played an awful lot of football recently so maybe he’s only going to play an hour and then Taylor

Comes on for the last half an hour um I think his longdistance shooting does give us an extra something as well in tight games so I think we will see Taylor and he might he may get a start in one of those two games but I don’t

Think he’s nailed on by any means no a qu interesting question here from Jason Dave is that he wonders whether Taylor should Possibly play in the role behind the number nine and as we were sort of talking about earlier if Travis does end up playing alongside Mory will there be

Games that you end up having the three of them and and Taylor be being the more advanced and maybe one of the number 10 missing out yeah that would be a bit of a departure from our I mean I know you’re talking about slotting him in

That three but that’d be a little bit of a departure wouldn’t it but um as Mikey said there I mean he’s shooting we all know what he can do from from outside the box so yeah that’s not necessarily the the worst call in the world there

Actually but yeah I don’t I don’t really see if if they if if you know if the three are fit of Broadhead uh if Broadhead um um chaplain a fit i’ don’t really see him fitting in there just yet but certainly um if they’re not yeah

It’d be a be a shout i’ have thought yeah yeah absolutely um just a quick one here actually there’s um couple of questions along similar lines one from Ed obviously Mory being a a massive Miss for the next two games is Travis going to start in that position and then a

Similar question which I can’t find just how soon do we think that oh here it is from Ben basically will Travis start on Saturday I suppose it’s along the lines of what you talked about there Mikey how how matchfit is he going to be and how

Quick will he get up to speed with the way that we play yeah well he McKenna didn’t didn’t certainly didn’t rush Leong go in when he signed him last January I know we’re in a slightly different position then and I don’t think he really rushed Broadhead in I remember H started in

His may I think might have been Oxford away and I think Hurst did start his first game after not playing a huge amount for for I mean that was um Blackburn as well wasn’t it Dave we signed H from yeah you imagine that Travis will be will be fit

And maybe the plan is to just we’ll play him for the first hour of the game or the first 55 minutes and then and then see where we are um but you yeah just because of because of the type of player that he is it does look like he is kind

Of our morsy standing it would be strange for him not to to start either of those games wouldn’t it yeah yeah i’ have thought so I mean it’s probably not unfair to to compare him to Luongo because Luongo came unfit didn’t he I think it only barely barely

Played a t Addy I mean this guy has still played what 20 odd games this season I think orbe it been on the bench recently like I said before and hasn’t hasn’t got on but um yeah I mean Mo’s just he’s at such a that any any you are

Going anyone that comes in replace Mory is going to it’s going to be a drop off it just is so um you know I don’t think we can underestimate just how big this game is go knowing what the game is the Saturday after Leicester away if we can

Just some somehow because let’s face it because we can beat Sunland but you know given given a form but if we can um if we can get three points satday that’s going to be a huge three points and and almost all would say meaning the Leicester games are free hit but it

Almost does be come that CU Leicester are just away and away and gone I mean I know we’re looking over our shoulder at Southampton to a lesser extent leads but yeah it’s a big big game Saturday it’s just such a such a shame that he’s missing Saturday God yeah yeah that well

That was um not an argument I was having with with my Mates is just a discussion having about Mor in the suspension I said well I’d actually prefer him to miss Leicester for that reason because with all Goodwill in the world there’s a fair chance that we’d be losing

Leicester with morzy in the team in any case so let not wishing to sound defeatist but you know if if he’s going to miss a game then let him miss that one and yeah yeah at least that’s one of them yeah that’s a good point at least that’s one of them

Like I said if we can if we can get Beyond Sunderland and and pick up a win that would be huge I think huge it was it was leads away that we were most worried about playing without Sam wasn’t it Craig yeah yeah good point well yeah

Yeah it was yeah um but then he was on he was TP towing a tight rope at the time wasn’t he so it wasn’t really the proper that we were seeing and I think it wasn’t the proper Moy that day I think we said for a couple of the goals

Moy would have would have would have sort of bought if he hadn’t been on the the nine’ have bought a foul there for sure yeah certainly a couple of those yeah um question here from Andrew I’m going to rephrase it slightly if you don’t mind Andrew which players do you

See moving on rather than would you like to see um moved on in January I suppose all um in terms of squad size and limits Etc there’s potentially going to have to be a little bit of jiggery pokery um so apologies Andrew I’m just going to

Rephrase it slightly in terms of who do you see um potentially moving on in this window both of you Mikey well I’d like to see one of Freddy lppo or Kaden Jackson move on because that means that we’ve we’ve strengthened with at least at least one signing in in

The Striking Department maybe two uh I think I’d quite like to see Cameron humph humph um go and get a loan because he he has hasn’t done that yet has he but we don’t know what the leaf Davis situation is do we and and the Brandon Williams situation as well so it’s kind

Of difficult really because Humphries could could be a really useful player for us again in in that left back position if if one of those two isn’t going to be around for the next few weeks who else who else Dave can’t help me out just a quick one on that Mikey

Before go your your Alter Ego here obviously Mikey Jason is asked that is there any news on Davis because he also would look to um send Humphries out for a for a loan just to get some presumably to get some games under his belt um although you know and I’m sort along

Similar line thing he’s done a job at left back don’t left back left wing back however we want to describe it don’t get me wrong but you’re still play at the end of the day you are still playing a central midfielder out of position to accommodate a a lack of cover within

Your squad aren’t you yeah you you say that though but he gives you with that left foot he gives you that balance doesn’t he giv that’s that’s the thing so I’d be surprised it depends on Davis it’s so so much depends on Davis here you know if it’s clearly he’s going to

Be out for another two or three games taking him up I don’t see I don’t see humph going going anywhere because I just think I just think the manager likes that to have that balance of the left foot and look I know what QPR I thought he grew certainly grew okay it’s

QPR but I think he grew into the role as that game certainly certainly went on again yesterday don’t think totally judging by yesterday but again second half I thought he did he did well for the you know certainly getting service into the box and stuff which let’s face

It which is what that left back our left back’s all all about really um getting into the box yesterday oh the head for sure no he was yeah yeah yeah um I mean the other question is obviously God’s sake it’s Brandon Brandon Williams isn’t it I mean who knows who knows knows what

The hell’s going on there and as as we’ve sort of seen through Davis our left back doesn’t necessarily defend all that much you know you’re relying on Cameron Burgess or mimo Longo shifting across and covering the the SP Left Behind it’s that natural ball it’s that ball okay it won’t now because bures

Isn’t there at the moment it’s that ball that bures gets and bures plays that ball and and you know a Davis and A Humphrey’s will let that ball run across him and take it off on his left foot rather than have control on his right bring it inside that just stops all the

Momentum so I think I think he’ll want him I don’t think he’ll go anywhere not not well Davis is well well there’s a doubt about Davis Fitness wise um but Brandon Williams getting back to it is is is the one isn’t it I mean you just what this illness and and knock that

Came out didn’t I think was that from the manager or the E EAD came out with that um clearly something’s not right there I can feel rich saying that the lawyers are listening da no no no I’m not no no no I’m not saying anything so yeah it’s just it’s it’s

Just an odd one you know it seems that he’s got this recurring illness and he’s he’s in the Squad he’s not in the squad he’s not the 18 he’s on the bench he’s not he’s not coming on when he’s on the bench he not coming on so look maybe it

Maybe is a total you know question about his levels of fitness and he has got some sort of debilitating debilitating Illness but um yeah it’s it’s it’s an odd one at this moment in time I think yeah I think just I think from from our perspective we can’t hang around you

Know with all goodwi in the world we can’t hang around waiting to see what happens because at the end of the day we we’ve lost a guy who can cover two positions he can he’s shown that he can cover left back he’s shown he can cover right back and between Davis Clark and

Williams between the three of them they were more than capable of covering the two fullback positions between you haven’t got that wasn’t a position we had to worry about was it a month or so ago and also there seems to be a general question over Harry Clark’s Fitness apparently they’re still sort of

Managing this Achilles Achilles issue that he’s had so yeah it’s a it’s a interesting one there and clearly dessan has again injured fairly seemingly well we haven’t really seen him at all have we I see see he’s not really hobbling I see him walk

Up and down the touch line in his in his big Co before games and stuff but um yeah he’s he’s certainly out I think poor old JD just suffers from the fact that he plays in one position and one position only doesn’t he yeah yeah I think you’re right there’s a quick one

Here from Neil um we’ve spoken about Williams what’s going to happen with Williams but he asks about just in general Neil if you don’t mind I’ll just just um generalized in terms of deregistering players in January there’s been a lot of chat in the in the telegram um messages uh about it not

Being the done thing um but again from a club perspective you know do you look who do you look after do you keep for example Lee Evans registered on the off chance he may be fit for the last six weeks of a season or do you find

Yourself in a position where you have to unfortunately unregister deregister someone to get another body in who was going to be immediately available well there’s going to be a lot of as I said before a lot of jiggery pokery and twoing and throwing before the end of

The uh end of the transfer window but I think Evans and Alca are probably the the more pressing matters Mikey do you think yeah I I I can’t see it happening because I just don’t see us getting enough players out without bringing players in so I think we’re just going

To end up Bal balancing out and we’ll just end up with the same the same number of players in the squad with including Evans and Luc I I can’t see us signing five players and only letting two or three go out and that’s the only way that I can see us deregistering

Evans or aluco I don’t think we’ deregister AO while he’s while he’s still fit and he had quite play quite well when he came on against QPR as well and as we’ve seen it it doesn’t take it doesn’t take too many injuries or suspensions to find yourself in

Requirement and all of will you think you’re fully covered in certain position within a week you’re playing Center half sorry Center midfielders and Center halfes in fullback positions aren’t you I mean sorry when you look at it our start of the Season our first half of the season injury-wise was just

Suspension well other than Moy for a game was just incredible really wasn’t it you know it was going to come at some point um it’s just unfortunate it’s come to arguably one of our two key players yeah absolutely most integral aren’t they um quick one here from Zoro Arc uh

In terms of our transfer dealings um do you think it’s more likely we get a striker that we’ve been linked with um and someone else sorry I apolog haven’t got ketha Moore um and Jay Stanfield he’s put here or will it be a complete left field move like the last two so

Yeah in terms of our transfer dealings and and the general in the no experts um no one saw um Travis sign signing on Friday until the guy was literally holding up the scarf on the pitch did he when when when it when I heard it was a Blackburn Midfield I thought surely

Haven’t got that come on we really being business but no um choking aart night um well no it wouldn’t surprise us at all would it would it would it surprise us no it wouldn’t you know how how okay there was some sort of talk about Sami

Ento before he before he signed I think a day or so before he signed but um you know Travis came certainly as as as he said there certainly out of left field so would it surprise me if a an unnamed forward came I mean no it wouldn’t I

Think it would be more of a surprise if it if it was Stanfield or more I think it would be now would it especially as yeah more scored against bouth Pro problem we you have with with Strikers is that we need these teams to probably sign another Striker to be able to to

Get one don’t we so this is going to drag on probably throughout January unless there’s yeah there’s somebody else out there I’m looking everywhere for for for a center forward that we could sign yeah you’re sort of finding yourself in the position as youd rightly say Mikey is that you’re looking for

Someone else who’s now considered Surplus to requirements that their existing club or as promotion given has said here you go out and sign a top grade Striker and just give someone enough cash that you know makes it an offer too good an offer to refuse but who’s going to be selling their first

Choice striker in January apart from Steve Bruce and Huddersfield Dave I mean you’re kind you’re kind of looking at perhaps we are looking at someone like that Corley woodro who perhaps would be Surplus to requirements I mean obviously cby Bishop’s been mentioned well he’s he’s he’s certainly not and he’s gonna

Probably he’s gonna cost top dollar I think for a league one he’s having a good season again so he’s going to cost probably top dollar for a league one Striker so perhaps we are looking more at that that cley Wood Row type Striker who perhaps would fit the Hurst um mold

Quite quite well but yeah we shall see in the coming um I’d be very surprised and yeah ever’s well I think we’ all be slightly disappointed and very surprised if no one comes in so I’m sure someone will come in but yeah let’s um let’s see

Clock is ticking um just a couple more thank you very much for all these questions guys I say there’s there’s an awful lot of questions here I’m I’m trying to make my way through them but I’ll um try and Link a couple in um to

One uh one from B Pim here is there a different style play that we can put out there others know how to shut us down and then linked to that Phil asks is the sento signing an insurance policy for Broadhead to move to being a false nine

Mikey yeah Kiera McKenna is a fantastic coach isn’t he and he’s he’s really modern modern and forward thinking and you see a lot of the top coaches in the Premier League and and outside do play that false nine whe they’ll or they’ll play three T and no and no number nine so and

The fact that he he’s gone to it a couple of times in games not not for very long and he’s put Broadhead in that position I think Joe was suggesting maybe harness was the most likely to do it but it looks like if we are going to

Do it it’s going to be Broadhead I think now we’ve got a bit of time on the training ground can he he maybe get Broadhead ready to play that role it’s going to be difficult isn’t it but but is that may be a better option than than Leo who’s looking short on

Confidence at the moment I think yeah such a physical but it’s such a physical role isn’t it Dave that that our Center forward has to play and we know of all Nathan broadheads plus points you know his physicality and ability to last before 90 minutes sprinting at top I I

Kind of agree with Joe there I think harness has perhaps got a more attrib more physical attribute but it’s not it’s not going to be him though is it because no no I don’t see he’s done he’s put Brad you know play a false nine it’s

Not as physical like you no it isn’t and and there were times like for instance yesterday you know that we say the move that that led to the you know move that led to the second goal you know you could see him you can see what he’s

About he’s playing with his back to goal there he’s quite comfortable with his back to goal there um yeah as Mikey said whole week to work on work on something on the training p and nothing would nothing would surprise me what we line up next next Saturday that would be a

Really interesting one w’t it and some people could um potentially argue that it’s a dereliction of Duty on somebody’s behalf that you’re having to have a conversation about playing Marcus harness up front or Wes burns up front or Broadhead up front and having someone like boabo ger boabo on the bench in um

January but might be a question for another day um soia thank you very much for your questions they’ve got a couple more to pop up here but um we’ll quickly um move on because I said we’re running out of time a little bit we’ve gone over

But we’ll carry on going for another few minutes in terms of the other ties it was the FA Cup by the way everyone in terms of the other the other ties that were played yesterday I won’t go I won’t get up the list and go for them all one

By one um things got off to a startling start on Thursday night with Palace versus everon who could have seen that monstrosity between a Roy hodon side and a Shawn D side wetting everyone’s appetite for the next three or four games Samy smodic put a few kns on his

Um Val didn’t it with the first half hatrick Dan got the aggregate right he said 43 but 5-2 so fair play today and the black uh the Blackburn um the Blackburn pundit who’s on our podcast he got that absolutely um absolutely spot on I don’t know you heard it we’ were

Trying to convince him that perhaps part of exchange deal with Kaden Jackson but sadly akron’s far too close to Blackburn and he knew all about him unfortunately yeah yeah he’d already done any scouting report on that hadn’t he unfortunately um no disrespect kayen no all listening

Um centry smashed Oxford Oxford on a bit of a funny old run aren’t they in League one Newcastle Le past Sunderland um chefer Wednesday had a crazy game against um Cardiff they’ll be hoping they can turn that into some League format they chefer Wednesday they seem

To have turned a bit of a corner down there unfortunately unfortunately for us Leicester leads and Southampton all won so they won’t have any um upcoming fixture well they will upcoming fixture congestion won’t they because they got through to the throughoute to the next round um and our friend statman pointed

Out I think he said it’s 13 years since we’ve had consecutive Seasons reaching the fourth round so Read that read into that he also said you will um only once before have we beaten a a team in the FA Cup 3-1 in London and the opposition

Have had a player sent off he also said that so what year was that well that would have been the FA Cup I thought when was that that that would have been the FA Cup semi-final at hyri yeah yeah brilliant stuff where he gets this crap

From honestly I just off the top of his head as well oh it just plucks it out I don’t know he does it so in terms of the draw it’s Monday night it’s before the um latest Manu um FA Cup tie live on on telly um but as it’s before the match

That actually they’ve got a schedule to hit and they won’t be dragging it out like they tend to sometimes so um I think due to be happening about 10 to8 on Monday evening we are ball number 11 in tomorrow’s draw um and just in line with that a question here from Steve to

You guys what would you what is your you’ve already said Dave potentially an away trip to um Tottenham would be top of your towards the top of your list what what would you be after a potential free hit to get into the next round over

That a top team away sort of like Spurs or Liverpool or something Man City something like that top team away I think or a free hit at home yeah Mikey any preferences any particular teams that you want any um brunch locations in South London that take your your fancy

Just to say forest green is still in the cup I think are Mike I think so it’s a When in Rome thing yeah I was I was living the elsfield life just for one day um I I’d quite like Everton or Crystal Palace uh Everton way I haven’t

Seen us play at goodison it’s not going to be there for much longer and Crystal Palace obviously my wife and inlaw Chris Palace fan so so I wouldn’t mind that draw or mstone at home I’ve seen a couple of people say that yet sha H howerin has said mstone at home yet

Because it’s an opportunity to to play play some youngsters isn’t it and might be cheap tickets as well yeah absolutely yeah a few few people coming in with Sim along similar lines I say I’m I think I’m the same same as you Mikey I wouldn’t mind a trip

To Everton for the same reason just before they um knock goodis and down um but then failing that it’ be it’d be nice for people who’ve got kids of a certain age who potentially haven’t been to to Premier League grounds yet to to go and see any any Premier League ground

Of of any description really I think yeah just to sort of get your iron in before next season right yeah that’s right yeah get your travel plans um yeah sorted yeah brilliant um well thank you very much uh jent it’s been an absolute pleasure thank you very very much to

Everyone who’s who’s joined us in the chat there’s been hundreds of literally hundreds of you um and the associated comments have all been gratefully received um thank you to Mikey thank you to Dave for your time apologies for ribbing you slightly Mikey during the

Show all in good spirits um and as I say we’ll be back on Thursday live at 800 PM for the for the pre-match show and as ever the flagship will be live Sunday night at 8:00 P.M also so thanks very much to me have a good week and we shall

See you at a times previously Advised


  1. Freddie did a great job for us last season. Of course he did. But the simple fact is he doesn't work hard enough in this team, this season, for where we want to be and where we are. I understand people saying, its not his fault he's reached his ceiling. If he worked harder, ran more, he would get more opportunities in this team.

  2. Broadhead has not had a decent shot for a couple of months in the league. Also his passing has been well below standard. KM played him in order to sort himself out. Unfortunately, his left leg is for standing on and even against easier opponents failed to shine

  3. WAS NOT A GREAT GAME BUT JOB DONE LIKE U SAID ๐Ÿ”ต๐Ÿ”ตโšช๏ธโšช๏ธ๐Ÿšœ๐Ÿšœ๐Ÿšœ๐Ÿšœ

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