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KERR: Klay “changed our team with his shot selection”; Trayce Jackson-Davis “player of the game”


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#Warriors #SteveKerr #StephenCurry

The Steph shot was right in front of you could you even believe he got that off did you kind of see it happening uh take us through that that uh saw the whole play unfold uh Chris ended up with the the rebound or the loose ball whatever

That was and uh I saw him look up at the shot clock because that’s you know that’s what great point guards do and and he saw um he saw Steph like he glanced at the shot clock and saw Steph across the court so Chris knew had enough time and um nothing shocks me

With Steph I mean that shot um was insane um The Catch and shoot the arc um but I fully expected it to go in and I think all of our fans did too um the guy’s magical he just you can’t explain it um that’s just the kind of stuff he

Does Steve I was like planning my day while that ball was in the air what do you what do you do you think I was planning my day while day while it was in the what are you thinking when that ball is is coming is you know making its descent I was just

Uh I was watching it in slow motion just um like I said I thought it was going in the whole way and then um you know to to put us up four with 10 seconds I guess left um obviously the back breaker and that was um Steph brings he brings

Joy to the World he’s incredible one one of the sub stories of this game will be Trace I think you you played him like 29 minutes obviously closed with him um what did you think about his performance but also how does a night like tonight against that team make you kind of

Reassess like where he is on the pecking order right now uh well he was um tremendous I mean he was the player of the game there were you know there were several um huge plays um obviously Steph shot probably being number one but um you know trace’s block on on Jaylen

Brown um but Trace was the guy who shifted everything plus 25 in his minutes he U second great game in a row you can see the U the impact he makes so um he’s going to play he’s going to be in the lineup Steve um hi much of this

Much of the fourth quarter they hang on one second in the lineup meaning he’s he’s going to be in the rotation right I’m not saying he’s going to be in the starting lineup so don’t tweet that line lineup just me there’s lots of lineups Trace is going to play all right I just

Saw I I saw these guys over here yeah I could I could see you guys like scheming up something Janie sorry worries uh for for much of the game they answered they had a big shot to answer and then down the stretch and uh in the overtime you guys

The defense seemed to get the stops um even when they did get an offensive rebound you were stuck with it and and what can you say about the defense down the I thought our guys just fought they hung in there the whole time and and fought and you know I thought the close

Of the third quarter was really a big deal to get it to 11 uh giving us a chance and um I just feel like games like that where you fight and and compete um over and over again sometimes the ball bounces your way I thought Boston had several great looks down the

Stretch that they probably normally make um ball didn’t go in for them um went in for us um but we were also due for a game like that we’ve lost several games at the end where you know things didn’t exactly go our way so um L the Poise um

Thought Chris was um a hero out there tonight he was really sick before the game and um you didn’t look right in the first half I wasn’t sure he was going to be able to go in the second half and um it was just spectacular on the whole

Second half so a lot of guys really stepped up and and helped us get this game and it and it feels like you know this this might be the one we need right this um this could be the game that that kind of um helps write the ship and

Hopefully we can settle in now and and really um you know get some momentum yeah you kind of walk me right into my question just given the context the quality of opponent uh the emotion kind of from the game you saw Steph get really happy for Jonathan after that

Stop he had on Tatum uh at the end of regulation I believe just what can a win like this spark for you guys uh well I I think everybody feels great down there that’s the the first thing you know you you want your team to be rewarded for a great effort and and

Uh so they were rewarded tonight and um we’ve got a great group great chemistry these guys really like each other they compete for one another the early part of the season has been strange in a lot of ways um you know lots of things going on but also um AB absences and um

Difficulty finding combinations that have clicked um but we’re hanging in and that’s what the early part of the season is about is figuring out who you are and and I think that’s what we’re in the process of right now hopefully yeah as I said hopefully this win can lead to some

More Steve the Celtics had 32 points in the pain I think like early in the second quarter um how would you sort of characterize the impact Trace has on defense specifically and also Jonathan’s impact on the defense I mean gives you a guy who can really hang with Tatum the

Way he did yeah both guys were great and um you know they give us the U the athleticism the bounce um with um with the length and the ability to block shots and you know challenge shots so um both JK and and um Trace were were

Really a big factor in our defense kind of getting back in the game in the second half Steph picks up his fifth foul in in the third quarter but then he plays you know entirety of the fourth all of overtime he scored like 20 points in those two frames is there is there

Ever concern that he’s gonna pick up that sixth foul or is he a guy that you just really inherently trust I mean he took a charge here late in the game do you ever get a little should we I I always believe you just play play your

Best guys in foul trouble if they’re on the bench they’re not playing anyway um and it’s hard to to find your Rhythm sometimes if you sit for 12 straight minutes and then come back so our plan the whole time after the fifth was to take him out and start him um in the

Fourth and you know sometimes uh that can um backfire against a team you know they were trying to go at him to pick up that sixth every time and um everybody does that and sometimes it takes you out of your offense a little bit um but

Mostly Steph just did a great job of uh defending without fouling and then obviously you know really got got cooking there in the fourth Clay’s hit 23 threes the last four games just how how big big has he been and do you feel him really kind of heating up he’s

Changed our team with his shot selection you know the last four or five games whatever it’s been um that the we just feel different we feel more stable we feel more calm the game connects um you can um you know feel it um you know every every bad or wild shot seems to

Turn into a layup or a three at the other end we always talk about the game The Game’s connected if you can get good shots you’re going to have better floor balance uh you’re going to get more offensive rebounds you’re you’re you’re just going to have better control of the

Game and so you know frankly at early in the season clay was taking a lot of bad shots and and he knows that and we talked about it quite a bit and watching him now all the drop off passes he made several to trace uh made several to Loon

Last game um and Trace uh when Clay’s under control and taking good shots and we become a much better team do you know anything on psky yet I don’t I know you didn’t want any assumptions to be made but Looney was minus 19 and and Trace

Was plus 25 do you have to think about starting him we need both we’re going to need Lon and uh trace for sure and um you know you think about some of the matchups around the league um we need Lon and Lon is not only um one of our

Best interior Defenders but he’s also one of our leaders and um in a lot of ways I’ve called him the moral compass of the team um we need him out there and um given what Trace is doing uh we need Trace out there too so they’ll both play thanks oh we’re good



    FULL TRANSCRIPTS (usually) on our website:


     The Steph shot was right in front of you. Could you even believe he got that off? Did you kind of see it happening? Take us through that, that saw the whole play unfold.

    STEVE KERR POSTGAME BOS-GSW: “Chris ended up with the rebound or the loose ball, whatever that was. And I saw him look up at the shot clock because it's what great point guards do. And he saw himself. He saw Steph like he glanced at the shot clock and saw Steph across the court. So Chris knew he had enough time and nothing shocks me with Steph. I mean, that shot was insane. the catch and shoot the arc. but I fully expected it to go in and I think all of our fans did too, guy’s magical. He just, you can't explain it. That's just the kind of stuff he does.

    Steve, I was like planning my day while that ball was in the air. What do you, what do you do? What are you thinking when that ball is, is coming, is, making its descent?

    “I was just, I was watching it in slow motion, just like I said, I thought it was going in the whole way and then to put us up four with 10 seconds left, obviously the backbreaker and that was, Steph brings, he brings joy to the world. He's incredible. One of the sub stories of this game will be Trayce.”

    I think you, you played him like 29 minutes, obviously closed with him. What did you think about his performance, but also how does a night like tonight against that team make you kind of reassess like where he is on the pecking order right now?

    “Well, he was tremendous. I mean, he was the player of the game. There were several huge plays. obviously. Steph's shot probably being number one, but Trayce's block on Jaylen Brown. But Trayce was the guy who shifted everything plus 25 in his minutes. The second great game in a row. You can see the impact he makes. So, he's going to play. He's going to be in the lineup… hang on one second in the lineup, meaning he's going to be in the rotation, right? I'm not saying he's going to be in the starting lineup. So don't tweet that lineup. There's lots of lineups. Trayce is going to play. All right. I just saw that I saw these guys over here. Yeah, I could see you guys like scheming up something.”

    For much of the game, they answered. They had a big shot to answer and then down the stretch and in the overtime, you guys, the defense seemed to get the stops. even when they did get an offensive rebound, you were stuck with it. And what can you say about the defense?

    “I thought our guys just fought. They hung in there the whole time and fought. And I thought the close of the third quarter was really a big deal to get it to 11. Giving us a chance and I just feel like games like that where you fight and compete, over and over again sometimes. The ball bounces your way. I thought Boston had several great looks down the stretch that they probably normally make, ball didn't go in for them, went in for us, but we were also due for a game like that. We've lost several games at the end where things didn't exactly go our way. So, love the poise. Chris was, he’s a hero out there tonight. He was really sick before the game and didn't look right in the first half. I wasn't sure he was going to be able to go in the second half and it was just spectacular for the whole second half. So a lot of guys really stepped up and helped us get this game and it feels like, this, this might be the one we need, right? This could be the game that we need. Kind of helps right the ship and hopefully we can settle in now and really get some momentum.”

    Yeah, you kind of walked me right into my question. Just given the context, the quality of opponent, the emotion kind of from the game. You saw Steph get really happy for Jonathan after that stop he had on Tatum at the end of regulation, I believe. Just what can a win like this spark for you guys?

    “Well, I think everybody feels great. You want your team to be rewarded for a great effort. And so they were rewarded tonight. And we've got a great group, great chemistry. These guys really like each other. They compete for one another. The early part of the season has been strange in a lot of ways, lots of things going on, but also absences and difficulty finding combinations that have clicked, but we're hanging in, and that's what the early part of the season is about, is figuring out who you are, and I think that's what we're in the process of right now, and hopefully, as I said, hopefully this win can lead to some more.”

    Steve, the Celtics had 32 points in the paint, I think, like early in the second quarter. How would you sort of characterize the impact Trayce has on defense specifically and also Jonathan's impact on the defense? I mean, it gives you a guy who can really hang with Tatum the way he did.

    “Yeah, both guys were great and they give us the athleticism, the bounce. With the length and the ability to block shots and challenge shots. So, both JK and Trayce were really a big factor in our defense, kind of getting back in the game in the second half.”

    Steph picks up his fifth foul in, in the third quarter, but then he plays, entirety of the fourth, all of overtime. He scored like 20 points in those two frames. Is there ever concern that he's going to pick up that sixth foul? Or is he a guy that you just really inherently trust? I mean, he took a charge here late in the game. Do you ever?

    “I always believe you just play, play your best guys in foul trouble. If they're on the bench, they're not playing anyway. and it's hard to find your rhythm sometimes if you sit for 12 straight minutes and then come back. So our plan the whole time after the fifth was to take him out and start him in the fourth. and sometimes, that can backfire against a team. They were trying to go at him to pick up that sixth every time and everybody does that. And sometimes it takes you out of your offense a little bit. But mostly, Steph just did a great job of defending without fouling. And then obviously, really got cooking there in the fourth.”

    Klay's hit 23 threes the last four games. How big has he been? And do you feel him really kind of?

    “He's changed our team with his shot selection. the last four or five games, whatever it's been. We just feel different. We feel more stable. We feel more calm. The game connects. You can feel it. Every bad or wild shot seems to turn into a layup or three at the other end. We always talk about the game, that the game is connected. If you can get good shots, you're gonna have better floor balance. you're gonna get more offensive rebounds. You're just gonna have better control of the game. And so frankly, early in the season, Klay was taking a lot of bad shots and he knows that. And we talked about it quite a bit and watching him now all the drop off passes. He made several to Trayce, made several to Loon last game. and Trayce, when Klay is under control and taking good shots and we become a much better team.”

    Do you know anything on Podziemski yet?

    ‘I don't know.”

    You didn't want any assumptions to be made, but Looney was minus 19 and Trayce was plus 25. Do you have to think about starting him?

    “We need both. We're going to need Loon and Trayce for sure. and you think about some of the matchups around the league. We need Loon and Loon is not only one of our best interior defenders, but he's also one of our leaders and in a lot of ways. I've called him the moral compass of the team. We need him out there. and given what Trayce is doing, we need Trayce out there, too. So they'll both play.”

    #Warriors #SteveKerr #KlayThompson

  2. People comment on these videos assuming they are experts and that interviewee has studied the film before going on the podium. So weird. Great team win with some heroes shining through.

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