2024 Mixed Player In-The-Bag! (Part 1)

Hello everybody B fan here today today we’re doing the updated 2024 in the bag I actually I don’t even know if I did one of these for 2023 uh 2023 was a pretty unable year for discol for me at least but I’m really looking forward to 2024 I’m playing a lot of tournaments

This year we’re back in Arizona which I’m really happy about so let’s get into it firstly let’s talk about the bag I have not swapped bags for I think um two years now I think I got this back my last birthday in 2022 so so uh it’s been

About a year and a half and um I know some of my family members have had some problems with this bag specifically for worlds and carrying my bag on tournaments and stuff but personally I love this bag and I don’t get any headaches or anything like that but um I

Love the design and I definitely like it more than the squash bags which are all the new rage now so I like grip a lot more um one complaint I have about it though is I feel like if they would have made a few more spots for it in the back

It would have been a lot more better better for like more touring professionals and made it just a little more comfortable all around but that’s not a problem for me I don’t carry a lot of discs always uh I lose a lot too so that’s the biggest part but I love this

Bag and um like it a lot but uh accessories first um phones in the pocket disc of course uh I got this water bottle from Al on Christmas so thank you Elise for this and then I have another water bottle cuz it gets a lot it gets really hot especially in Phoenix

So two water bottles is really good and then that’s about it I mean if I need a like rule sheets or something for tournaments then I’ll do that but that’s about it for now and um start to get the discs uh for Putters I’m carrying FES I

Made a video um make sure to go check that out after this too cuz I I do think it’s a little more helpful for people looking into Putters but uh I talked about the five versus the Luna and I talked about how they’re basically the same thing just one’s a little deeper

Which is the F and one’s a little shallower which is the Luna so this is just um I’ve always liked uh deeper Putters a little bit more like uh it’s a little more comfortable for me at least right now so I like these and um they fly pretty straight stable on some cases

But um I’d like to get some new of these some more new ones that will be a little more overstable but for now f m putting putter I love them and then for up shots Slammer and Zona West now you guys might be thinking why are you even carrying

Zona West I know that I don’t throw it super far and I know that especially I’m not going to be throwing a Zona West far on back end or forehand so you might be thinking why I’m carrying this the reason I carry this is because in tournaments and also non tournaments

When I have when I’m throwing it really far that day or I have the tournament juice especially tournament juice uh my my uh up shots have seemed to been turning over a lot more and they haven’t been as uh consistent as I want them to

Be so if I just want to throw a regular up shot I’m throwing zon West but if it’s if it’s a certain shot or a second shot I’ll throw the slamer but I like the Zona West cuz I can throw this in as much anheiser as I want as hard as I

Want and I know that no matter what it’s going to come back right or it’s still going to finish straight and not turn over so that’s that’s really good um but ser seriously for all you guys scared about buying zos s’s cuz they’re super overstable don’t worry they’re not they’re overstable they’re really

Overstable but someone like me who’s an amateur who can’t throw it as far as probably a lot of you guys watching this this is going to be really really good for an up shot so up shots and then heading into a girthy part of my bag I

Never used to carry a lot of mid-ranges but I’ve been getting into them more recently I have um four disc craft actually that’s a lot of disc craft and only one uh Dynamic disc so I’ll go from least stable to most stable so we have this

Um I actually forgot what the plastic of this is but it’s um some sort of like I think it’s like ESP foil or something I forgot what it is this was years ago we got this but um it’s a really good disc it’s really understable I can throw this

Thing on heer and I know it will turn 90% of the time so it’s good for that U and also another thing thing doesn’t really come back so I know this is no matter what always um finish right or finish straight so there’s that under stable and then a more straighter Buzz

Is this ESP 6 time buzz from PC Beth it it’s really straight it’s my newest I think it’s my newest yeah it actually is my newest spin range in my bag it’s really really straight and I like it a lot too because if I throw this thing

Flat it’s going to say flat and most of you guys probably know with the angle you throw a buzz on is the angle it stays most of the time so it’s really it’s really predictable I like that a lot and then I have a Malta for straight

Shots that I know want to fade to the left or fade a little more than buzzes if I did if I thr them soft after so Malta I’ve had this Malta for like almost 3 years now which is really good I like this Malta a lot and then I also

Have um a hornet this is like a really overstable um meaty no matter what I do if I throw Spike and Hiser it’s going to turn back to the left and I have a Justice which this is like if this and the zon os are almost the same disc but

This will go a little farther and I can backhand this a lot more better than I could the backand my Z West so a lot of mid-ranges uh thought that season I’ll probably shut that down a bit and only go to like two uh three or four but I

Definitely like these um so yeah mid-ranges and then heading into my um Fairway drivers I’m carrying a lot of Fairway drivers too which is I think a progression as a disc golfer is you start carrying some of the discs that you don’t throw as far because I think

Um I never used to throw a lot of Fairways or mid-ranges cuz my arm speed wasn’t as as uh strong as it is now so I’m carrying um four now so heading in from Le table a bear this thing goes straight sometimes off to the right and

Maybe a little finish off to the left depending how I throw it this is more of my Straight 300 foot three uh 3 300 to 330 is foot disc which is really nice um so I’ve heard a lot of terrible things about lonar over uh especially last year

And I don’t know what all the hate is honestly this is the alpha I got this from Worlds I love this disc it’s like a um farther flying less stable Raptor and I like like it a lot it’s um it’s Unique the plastic feels really really well

I’ve only thrown this a bit but I really like how it is and it’s not beat in yet so Alpha this can go about 330 uh straight with a little fade maybe 3 340 350 if I get a really really good tug on

It and so I have a cap wrap and a raptor I basically learned that these two are almost the same thing just the cap wrap’s a bit more overstable so I’d really um I really like filling these on forand like 220 230 dum shots I really

Like these um I really I really like these but I I have one complaint it’s that I can’t I guess this really isn’t a complaint but that’s kind of where the alpha comes in it’s another reason I actually am kind of molding my bag a

Little bit more it’s that the alpha if I want to throw something that’s going to be almost like a raptor just a little less stable and it can go farther than a raptor I’ll throw an alpha so I think especially right now I have every shot I

Need in my bag dis wise just a matter of um practice and actually committing and uh making it work on the course which is the thing that’s going to be a lot practice I need so heading into the last part of my bag um the distance drivers

So I mean I I’ve got you all guess this it’s going to be the most girthy part of my bag I like to carry a lot of these um so most underst stable the stable uh toober stable actually we’ll go with these two if I can actually grab the

Bottom one out there we go um the strike and the Zeus so the Halo strike so I got this disc I believe it was 2021 when I got this disc so 3 years ago almost I was not anywhere near and be able to throw 400 ft um I couldn’t and this disc

Was like overstable for me so I had enough overstable disc in my bag I threw a lot of d3s and destroyers back in that time so there was really no real point for me having that so I didn’t really throw this but over the years and especially recently I’ve actually

Started throwing this disc again and this thing goes so far and it’s such a beautiful flight if I throw this on a little bit of Hiser it’ll pop up it’ll Glide and it’ll come back which I like I mean obviously every single Strike should do that so I really enjoy that

And then my Zeus so sad thing I’ve lost three Zees in the past three months which is really frustrating cuz every single one has been a beautiful part of my bag so this Zeus I I’m confused um I guess first runs I never really was like

Trying to find first runs but the first two Zees were first runs and boy those things are way more stable than this I got this in the Usman um expecting it to fly straight to a little bit stable but it can still be understable depending on

How far I throw it and how hard I throw it but this is just always understable if I throw this thing on Hiser it’ll keep turning and get a very small comeback but it does go very far I can um definitely get these two 400 plus on

A good Chuck so I like these a lot and then my last four uh I have a two gd3s I have a cloud breaker which is my only a disc and then I have a another dd3 an X out one um I’m just recently adding this

Back to the bag but actually I’m reading actually recently just adding both these back to the bag but I like this because I can throw it a little bit higher it’ll flip up it’ll go straight and it might die down a bit but I actually happen to

Saying this is flying a lot straighter than it normally is it’s almost like dead straight which is really good I knew that shot in my bag so really good and then this dd3 is more stable so it’s just like a more stable Cloud breaker which is something that I mean to be

Honest I don’t really need but I like D3 so might not add it to the bag and then I have a destroyer which honestly in turn come tournament time I’m not going to be throwing this but if I’m doing field work or just trying to get multiple shots for practice I will be

Using this disc just to get a little more feel of things but the last disc in the bag Central Coast uh Force I remember getting my brother got this in a mystery box uh I think 2021 Christmas I think this is when he got it but um it

Was really really nice he always liked it but he lended it down to me and I’ve just kept it ever since so it’s really good um he doesn’t really throw forces anymore which is is odd he always thre them really well but I like this a lot

Flies like a force I can throw it uh decently far but you know it’ll always come back depending on how I throw it so I like these a lot but that’s about probably going to be my 2024 bag for most of the Season every now and then

I’ll uh change a few discs but that’s about it so thank you all for watching hope you guys have a fantastic day God loves you go bless you again thank you so much for the water bottle I enjoyed a lot but um stay safe and I’ll see you

You guys later God loves you God bless you and goodbye next week part two oh yeah actually mom just reminded me of that uh we did a take before this and then the dogs start going crazy so we to stop but um yeah we are doing part two

This was just part one of showing the discs um next week we are going to be actually getting all the discs out to cono or Sweet Water depending on what we’re playing and we’re going to show you how they fly um see so you guys know

That my word is true but uh again ashy this is fress time thank you guys for watching see you guys ler God Lov you God bless you and goodbye


  1. Have you tried the Jessica Weese Destroyers? I think they fly very similar to the Zeus but a little more consistent. If you want one, I can drop one off at DDP for you.

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