Eagle and Gannon ALREADY have surprises for us

@EagleMcMahon and @Mvpdiscsports shocked us all with a banger of an announcement yesterday and it looks like they may still have more up their sleeves… @gannonbuhr4004 and @aldenharris18 gave us their first look at their bags, AND there’s a new Simon Line disc to geek out over. Yesterday was a good day for disc golf 😎

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🥏 Eagle and Pixel drop-
🥏 MVP/Axiom/Streamline-
🥏 Discmania-
🥏 Latest and Greatest-

🦅 Eagle Prism Proton Envy-

🤖 Simon Line Pixel-

Armory disc offers welcome back to another video Clash discs announced the latest innovation in dis technology dis Mania continues to make offseason moves but the news that wins the day is the MVP just absolutely broke the community’s collective ankles we’ve got a banger today so let’s jump right into

It yesterday Clash diss released their self-proclaimed biggest news of 2024 which turned out to be a new plastic blend combination thing that they’re calling tone definitely looks like they’re going for some of that mvp gyro market share with the way that they’re marketing this and their double steady

Stuff but hope this holds up better than their previous gyro attempts especially at the prices that Clash sells their stuff for link to the full post is in the description but it’s time for us to move on from clash in these news blurbs who’s getting a crazy amount of coverage

Because they are rumored to land NE Los or Eagle if this is the biggest thing they have to announce in 2024 though it’s safe to say that the Nordic Phenom will be playing elsewhere another guy that’s playing elsewhere is Alden Harris who was officially announced with dis

Mania today this has been expected for weeks now but it’s still a good addition to the team I’ve spoken about Alden in plenty so if you want to hear more thoughts about him and his potential impact check out this video I put out last week disc Mania wasted no time in

Getting their plastic in the hands of their new athletes and in front of potential customers by releasing in the bag videos for both Ganon and Alden as well we’re going to discuss a few quick hitters there and then discuss the biggest Hoodwink in recent disc golf memory with MVP’s announcement this

Morning first off taking a look at ganon’s in the bag he’s starting off putting with the dline p3x which confirms what I speculated about in his announcement video that we are in fact getting a dline blend of the p3x this is definitely an outside the norm choice

And I’m curious to see if ganet actually sticks with this cuz I expect there to be a lot of turnover in his and especially Halen’s bag going forward which we’ll talk about in just a minute a surprise to a lot of people is that Ganon apparently loves the sine DD so as

I’m sitting here editing this video I’m still thinking about how interesting it is that Ganon is throwing a DD and I rewatched him talking about it and he says that it flies pretty straight with a slight Right Movement and that for AMS it will probably stay straight and I’m

Like that’s just not how a DD flies and then I noticed the flight numbers on this DD versus the flight numbers that dis Mania has listed for their DD and realized this is an old Innova made DD and it’s a completely different slot the old Innova made DD is between the

Current PD and dd1 it’s kind of a unique slot that dis minia doesn’t really have anymore but anyway the other stuff that I say about this still stands I just wanted to point that out that this isn’t a quote unquote real sline DD here I really like seeing Pros throw less

Popular discs because there are so many good ones out there that just don’t get their time in the sun because they aren’t part of the normal disc golf meta a great example of this is the Innova Pig it was released in 2008 and I’m not saying that no one threw it but it

Really took off as a popular choice even through to the current day whenever Ricky signed with Inova in 2019 and started chucking them everywhere another surprise is the amount of Inova dis Mania stuff that was featured in ganon’s in the bag I don’t expect dis Mania to

Force ganet to throw all of their new molds they want him to compete at the highest level and if he feels more confident in these molds and these Plastics these runs whatever they should allow him to do whatever it is he wants to do but I think it would have made a

Lot of sense for them to take an approach of some sort of preliminary in the bag thing sort of how they did with Alden later on and then slowly change it up over time release another in the bag at the beginning of or middle of the Season whatever it’s also interesting to

Me that the md1 didn’t make an appearance even as some sort of marketing push because it was one of the three discs that discmania originally marketed as a Ganon Burr feature thing and on Ganon features they’ve also now added the team signing special edition md5 to their online store which looks

Like it’s going to drop tomorrow this will be the first time we’ve seen these in the swirly sine plastic which is funny because in my last video I specifically mentioned the md5 and swirly sine as two of my favorite things that dis Mania does this is obviously clearly aign that dis Mania watches

These videos and bases their release off of Nick’s personal preferences so thanks fellas and thank you for watching too don’t forget to thumb up down below and Tomahawk that subscribe button and let’s get back to some dis golf news in Alden in the bag discmania wasted no time at

All in getting the crew together for social media promotion Gavin Babcock immediately came on screen and did his best to keep from saying Prodigy’s disc equivalence but I do put link I that’s the perfect the stable beaded putter nice I like the as he went around the

Warehouse with Alden picking out his new teammate’s bag the link to both of those videos will be in the description below if you want to see all of what Ganon and Alden are rocking to start the season and I am excited to see Ganon and Alden throwing their new discs it’s always

Interesting to see Pros testing out and tweaking their new bags with new lineups and like I said it often gets me interested to try out discs that we typically otherwise ignore speaking of new lineups the big news of the day was that mvp absolutely broke the community’s ankles with their

Announcement of the pixel this morning to be fair they did announce the pixel but the twist that no one saw coming was that eagle McMahon was the one who did it it’s not out of thee world news that eagle is signing with Team MVP we’ve been chatting about that for a couple

Weeks now but the way the MVP did this was awesome the community was pretty bummed when it was real the whole buildup on MVP’s Instagram over the last several days pertained to the pixel a welcome addition to the lineup but definitely not on par no pun intended

With an eagle McMahon signing cue the camera swivel of 2024 to reveal the bird himself standing there in Team MVP regalia I did find it humorous that for all the buildup about being the face of streamline discs it was the only company not prominently featured in this announcement video or in Simon’s

Accompanying Vlog Simon pushed the question to Eagle answer the question everyone wants to know does gyro actually work which makes me think that mvp is being very particular about using Eagle to push their gyro is better narrative that being said he could still have his line of discs in streamline

Molds though I’m going to be honest with yall and express my doubts about that at this point however there was a streamlined disc at the bottom of this stack that eagle was carrying and though he said he’s 95% sure he’s going to putt with a nomad he did mention the pilot as

A main Prospect as a putter that is of note because Simon specifically mentioned the MVP wanted him to putt with a gyro putter whenever he announced his move to MVP last year so I don’t know maybe they’re softening their streamline stance there’s a lot more to be said about that in particular but

We’ll get to that in a later video the pixel was announced and we got the news that these are going to be released in a special new run of electron soft which is supposedly going to be significantly softer than previous runs this is an exciting and welcome Edition because I

Agree with the general consensus that soft and medium have been a bit too close to each other in previous releases Eagle is also getting a disc a prism proton Envy with a gnarly Phoenix inspired stamp some people have complained about another Envy release but one this is the first widescale

Offering of the Envy in this plastic type and two EnV are amazing I’m immediately putting this in the bag as soon as I open an orange one and I’m going to be opening up a lot of them because Armory disc is loading up on these alongside the pixels blank

White fion of neutron craves and waves and a whole bunch of MVP goodies that have been out of stock for a hot minute pre-orders are available now at armis head over there and lock these down at the lowest price you’ll find and thanks as always for the support Eagle

Is still hurt which sucks didn’t stop him from throwing left-handed bombs and drawing metal on his first ever shot on Team MVP with his new commemorative disc this whole thing is just so freaking cool speaking of cool we got to see more proton and fision time-lapse shots and

You can sign me all all the way up for some of those whenever they drop we talked about the crush boys thing for dis Mania in the last video but the topic was also brought up by Simon in this latest Vlog I don’t know if discmania has the rights to that

Nickname or how that works but you think the crush boy should continue or do you think they should have a new MVP nickname assuming they can continue MVP Inked Eagle on for 5 years so they’ve got plenty of time to figure it out and Market it if you haven’t watched Simon’s

Vlog yet get over there and enjoy the full thing I hope it puts a big dumb doofus smile on your face the same way it did mine today is actually my birthday eagle and Simon getting back together has been a wonderful gift as has having y’all along to chat with

About the dis golf off season thank you all so much for watching I’m already excited to see what will come next and I’m also excited to see you in the next one


  1. The thing that shocked me is that Eagle has said in interviews that he will NOT have his own line of discs yet, and that it was his choice. He said he'd rather push the existing lines and promote Simon and Conrad's discs for now.

  2. The Gold Line Striker by Lat64. How tf does it not get more love??? Another one is the XXX by Lat64, does the overstable fairway driver HAVE TO BE A 9-SPEED why are people not throwing these??? I just don't get it 😢, however at least I can get my favourite molds barely used cheap af.

  3. Not a suprise he throws innova discmania disks. Those are all $ and the new stuff just isnt as good. And hes got mad hook ups so he'll be fine lol.

  4. I noticed the dd thing too. It's something foundation have suggested for a while. Makes pros throw a disc that is actually different from the one for ams but market them as the same

  5. You didn't mention how Eagle mentioned throwing the Dimension 70 feet farther than his other big distance driver. Gyro tech does work (more weight in the rim). It's science. Look up Moment of Inertia.

  6. I mean the tern is the best disc ever and zero pros throw them. I get it’s flippy but plenty of pros throw flippy and there are different plastics that aren’t actually that flippy

  7. I think Eagle hasn’t been 100% for quite some time, and it affects him both physically and mentally. He prioritise getting fully healthy, as he should, which somewhat drag down his ability to go for some of his professional wishes. If he was 100% he would have the physical and mental strength to have his own line and more similar projects. He just isn’t 100% 🦅

    Wishing you all the best Eagle

  8. Next year discmania will probably sign the Robinson Brothers, or at the very least make a good attempt

  9. Timo himself said the Double Steady was an experiment that didnt work. They used it as a learning experience. The new Tone series of discs is really going to turn some heads.

  10. A disc that needs more pros throwing it? The Innova BANSHEE… the best disc ive ever thrown, i dont understand how its so slept on.

  11. They could call themselves the Gyronauts. I know that's the name of the fans but I don't think they would mind. With a name like that though I think they would have to include James Conrad under that name as well?

  12. Happy birthday, Nick! I noticed there were multiple discs like that in Gannon's video where he was showing the old Innova-made runs, not the new one. Discmania has commented in multiple videos where they're totally fine with their players throwing the old Innova-produced runs.

    Gannon had more older Innova-made discs than any other in-the-bag I've seen from Discmania in the last 2+ years. It's not that the new discs are bad. He's been given so many by others, and he collected a few for himself years ago before signing with Prodigy, and got a lot of discs in the meantime.

    Contrast with Alden, who is throwing mostly new molds, and his in the bag video (with Gavin helping him) was mostly pulling straight from the Discmania factory in Colorado.

    Some people have complained in the comments Gannon is throwing mostly old molds. But to be fair, he had most of these discs before signing, and probably has more experience with the old stuff. His "all my Discmania discs" video also showed that he had no shortage of the new plastic.

    MVP likely had the Pixel announcement and buildup planned before confirmation of Eagle, and it was wise of them to just run with it, and add Eagle to it. Definitely gave it a lot more punch.

  13. If a pro is good enough to be able to throw whatever they want; they will use a disc few others use to get a signature disc of it. McBeth did it a lot to get his name on more discs.

  14. Also Eagle did mention that there will be no Eagle line as per his current contract. If he resigns it might happen but currently no Eagle line on steamline.

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