You Could Play the Best Round of Your Life After Doing This – Ball Striking EYE OPENER!

It’s one of the best drills ever. This simple golf swing drill could get you playing the best round of your life. There’s a reason why all great golf ball strikers do this in their swing. You need this to play great golf!

►Get Your Precision Impact Trainer here – (use code CRISPYKFC for $20 OFF and Free Shipping)

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I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my channel where you can learn how to play the best golf of your life. Whether you are an expert golfer looking for a quick swing tune-up or a beginner looking to play better. I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing coach is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My goal for you is to have the most fun of your life playing golf. You’ll be hitting farther, straighter, and playing better golf by watching these videos. What are you waiting for, let’s get started!

There’s many ways to swing a golf club many different looking golf swings but when it comes down to making the big bucks there is one position that separates the best from the rest and that position is what happens right about here coming into impact seeing this 90° angle this tucked in arm

Without this you can do nothing in the golf swing I’m going to hit a ball just tucking my trail arm in I’m not going to think about anything else boom that is explosive and nice crispy divot after the ball did it without a whole lot of thinking pretty much just talking to you

Here on camera so in today’s episode we’re going to look at how to get into that position using a really simple technique and once you get into this position your golf game is going to change forever let’s first look at how Pros get into this impact position into

This angle here and I find the best way to start is let’s work backwards it’s far easier so if I want this nice 90° angle coming into impact start here and let’s work backwards the top of back swing great so top back swing what do you feel I’ll tell you what I’m feeling

Right now I feel my trail arm tucked in connected to my body around my rib cage I also feel my trail arm tucked more in this way so it’s not flying out like this it’s more in here here another thing I feel is my lead arm staying straight so just working backwards right

There may have corrected several swing flaws for you in the process but just give an idea where do we go from top of back swing well we’re going to work our way back to setup so down swing to top of back swing and then let’s go back to

Setup boom right here what do you notice about this well for one I’m over the ball so so I’m not tilted away from the Target too much not tilted towards the target I’m just comfortably over top of the golf ball the ball position may be

More back but if you look at my body it’s more of a straight line think about that way another thing is apparent is this Trail arm and this Trail wrist you see how I’ve got a little wedge formed in this Trail wrist here this is going to preset some

Impact and then another thing is the trail arm tucked in already the lead arm it’s straight just by working backwards there I’ve been able to correct and fix any position in my swing to get into the correct position I need just before impact starting here top of back swing back to

Setup and none of that has changed I’ve just kept this from setup all the way to top back swing all the way to starting down that is one of the biggest lessons you could ever take to your swing is knowing that you don’t need to change

Your swing at any point you don’t need to make any compensations in your swing any timing timing or psycho manipulations you’re just starting with it and you are getting to impact with it and finishing like that so good impact starts with a good setup and I want you to work on

First this great drill so the feelings you got from that little swing test working backwards we’re going to now take to the golf ball let’s just start simple if I know that I’ve got to have my trail arm tucked in I’ve got this little crook right

Here it’s a good crook not a bad crook the little wedge I just want to keep that wedge throughout the whole golf swing it’s keeping this I’m going to make a swing nice and slow keeping the wedge pretty explosive impact right there for barely touching it I didn’t even try to

Swing that’s because there’s so much power not only consistently but so much power stored up in this arm when it bends stores power and then it explodes through impact it’s the same kind of power you would you would get the sensation of driving a hammer into a nail it’s all being forced

Through I don’t feel like I’m forcing it by the way just that power is happening because I’ve kept this tucked in and I’ve accelerated my shoulders through the ball so that setup once again that just set up I’m just setting up like that and I’m swinging my shoulders so I’ve got

The got the wedge I got the trail arm tucked in let’s swing the shoulders again there it is barely swinging and the ball is explosive I can’t not share the excitement I don’t like double negatives but I I can’t help but be excited about that shot because of the lack of effort

Required getting in here let’s look briefly at what happens if you struggle with contact so you’re not getting into this position that’s usually the first thing I’ll see with golfers that struggle with contact looks more like this this arm comes out the trail arm’s coming out and so if we work backwards

From that what do we see so if I have this happening I’m going to chunk the ball well let’s work back to the top what do you see flying elbow what do you see high arms what do you see CED wrist sometimes you’re going to see a broken down lead

Arm H you see how this fixes everything let’s go back to fixing it all right back to here tucked it in bring it the top boom fixed it right away that then I just memorize that feeling and I keep doing that that feeling and it’s not something you have

To hit 1,000 balls to get no this is quite literally set up I’m here I just started with that feeling I’ve got it here I continue to the top with it bring it down now let’s look at training getting into this 90° L like position that is so amazing one of my favorite

Ways to train this essential move into your swing is by using the Precision impact trainer this device presets what I was just talking about it presets the L it presets compressing the ball eliminates the possibility of bad contact and what I like to do and this

Is something you don’t really see in the manual but I take my little spin on there I’m going to preset a little click couple clicks right there so my arm and my wrist are already locked in that position I’ve got it here at set up so

Just two clicks two or three clicks and I’m good to go right here now throughout the swing what we’re going to find is it’s going to click more as the trail wrist loads so that stores power the forearms going to load that’s going to store power as well I can reset by

Pushing this piece upward it gets me back to zero clicks so anyways presetting two clicks there’s my wrist in that position grip the club now I’m going to swing to the top I’m going to hear a couple more clicks boom and I’m just going to keep

This wedge intact as I move my shoulders to impact and after impact I want to feel like the back of my hand is staying against the back of this paddle on the Precision impact look at that that’s the way I would want to wave to someone if you see me at the grocery

Store that’s how I wave I give you the wedge first and then I wave this is awesome because it locks you into a good impact feeling so a couple clicks grip it and I’m just going to hit a ball here and just right away feeling the back of that paddle staying intact it

Allows you to hinge and I really exaggerated it there I’ll tell you what that was nice when you see the ball it keeps going it gets smaller faster and you’re barely swinging that’s the cool part I’ve got you a nice discount on this Precision impact if you check out

The link in the comments description below use the code crispy KFC to get the discount so we’re going to keep taking a look at this because when we’re practicing a lot of times We’re alone it’s just us maybe we’ve got a video camera but if you want to know you’re

Doing the move right and you want to know you’re getting into this position this is the best way cuz you’ll know when you do it wrong your hand doesn’t get on the paddle but once again it’s forcing me here so I can’t mess this up let’s talk about another benefit of

Having this device on so you get into this L position 90° there’s that click you see what it’s doing in my down swing two clicks if I keep this in there’s no way I can come over the top cuz if I do I will lose contact with

This paddle and this device won’t even let me it can’t I I automatically feel like it stops working for me to do this correctly I I can feel the the back of my hand against this paddle I don’t feel the fingers coming off the paddle and I also feel

That by doing this it keeps Trail arm tucked in so the down swing’s always on the proper path and as I start down into the ball here’s the money feeling elbow in elbow in I’ve got the elbow pointing in as much as I can so

It’s not elbow out it’s elbow in and I swing those shoulders through elbow in let’s just just take a dig here one-handed elbow in keep it [Applause] in that really forces good impact habits through the ball just set a couple clicks and then keep that automatically

Presets some of this arm being tucked in I love that so these two pieces work hand in hand and let’s go and then check out little slow motion here look how through impact I’ve kept the wedge and coming into impact of keeping this angle it’s the most important angle in

Golf two clicks set that click and I I’m already in here I’m in locked and loaded wow keeping that wedge through impact keeping the wedge there is no way I can hit behind the ball if I do I mess this paddle up if I hit if I do

This well you’re going to feel it right away it simply won’t work trying to chunk it nope paddle stops working I’m feeling like I lose connection here it even though my fingers are in it’s losing connection keep that paddle in [Applause] look at that impact position it’s just

In into wind we can look at any great golfer any golfer who’s played on TV and one position is in common despite different looking back swings it’s how they’re getting into the ball this L is visible right there that’s the position without this position they wouldn’t be where they are

Today because it controls contact it controls a lot of your power it controls it it’s like Lord of the Rings it’s like the one golf swing position to Ru them all it’s in here we start going elbow in you preset that elbow in and you keep that throughout the whole golf swing it

Automates it no more thinking about positions so the good old offers you know what to do you get that elbow in there is no other way get the elbow in I’ll wave at you from the grocery store like this elbow in and then just send it I really feel some great fundamentals

Here o that is dangerous this thing thing is dangerous that makes me feel [Applause] Invincible great impact [Applause] again keep the L credit imp packed again what in the world is going on consistent impact great impact again oh look you see it there’s the wedge again even in the fall [Applause] Through this is too much fun good impact again that one was just good not [Applause] great we want one one more great oh that was great right [Applause] online thanks for tuning in today soog goers and I’ll see you in a future episode


  1. So to summarize. Don't chicken wing it. Keep your wrist in a Forrest Gump wave. Can you put that glove in Hims box when you ship it so my wife won't get mad?

  2. We need to have a tournament where everybody has to wear every wearable swingaid they own, low score wins, hdcp of cours

  3. Thanks Tom. I love your instructional videos. You've helped me a lot over time and your tips always resonate with whatever issue I'm having and how to address it.

  4. Great advice, I used the technique yesterday and was doing fine, but I have one question; any tip on how to start the downswing, hips first?

  5. I bought a Precision Impact trainer based on both your and Eric Cogorno's recommendations. It really does work. It felt very, very weird, at first, but I took to it pretty quickly and it's definitely helping.

  6. yes, the right hand has to be set into a postion, that will enable the wrist to arc in the backswing. and, as you demonstrate, if the elbow and the shoulder lock-up the wrist can't arc. but, you are able to position your right shoulder in a low position at address; and, this enables you to reach forwards with your arm and set your right wrist. and, it is only from watching your videos i have learned to position my right shoulder below my left shoulder, at address, just by copying the way you step into the ball with your left foot; and, then swing your right foot out slap bang into position. when the foot presses down on the ground it lowers the position of the shoulder. i have to hold the club with left hand; but, by copying the way you take you stance i am now able to position my hands further forwards at address; and, set my right wrist. all, i need to do now is be able to take the club back.

  7. This looks awesome drill. I always been doing wide takeaway high arms I hit some good shots but never consistently. This looks easy to repeat. I will definitely be trying this on my next range session. Can I ask does it work with driver

  8. Tom, my risk in this 'position' is that in order to get the 'feel' that my trail arm is tucked in, it gets stuck and forces my clubhead open at impact AND makes it almost impossible to follow through and have a proper release. I get fat shots and moonball slices. Trying to get to this position also seems to force my trail arm into a very 'inside my lead arm" position that causes my right shoulder to be too low and my left shoulder too high in the backswing. I just am not a huge fan of trying to feel this position.

  9. 🗣️TOM! I've gone from Backhoe Bob to Bobby Bomber thanks to you. The S&T swing has made a dramatic difference. Although I've seemed to have lost some yardage but my strikes are crispy and straight with no hitting behind the ball on my last round. I'm sure I'll get the yardage back as I progress with my new swing. My buddies were in awe. Couldn't be happier. Sincerely, Thank you. 🙏🏼

  10. Hey Mr. LEGEND SAGUTO… I Bow to you… OOOH OMNIPOTENT BEING OF GOLF…. You teach to basically preset everything like wrists on left thigh or inner left thigh to promote shaft lean… I think good video to make, to understand shaft lean… it help make some of my fittings i did really click… a 45 degree pitching wedge is not made to be hit at 45 degrees…. it is made to be hit between 39 degrees and like 42 degrees. and I know you know this. and it is obvious that shaft lean delofts the club… but making a video about the science behind it would make a world of difference..

    your constantly breaking the swing down into scienctific variables, and how to eliminate them.. if you set everything on the set up.. less variables less opportunity for mistake.. every ball one clubhead of the left heel.. ball spot remains the same your width is different etc… Sometimes just explaining that to someone could make people understand and make it click.. IDK just an IDEA for a viral video… not that you need you help.. EVERY VIDEO you do goes VIRAL…

  11. Thank you Tom great video You mention that you take the triangle @ address and swing it to the top. There are some interesting ideas of how to exactly effectuate that motion Pete Cowen suggests that the hands and arms work in opposition- not together P2 to P4 How do you think the forearms move in backswing ? Which way do they rotate ? Many thanks

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