Golf Players

Gannon Buhr Opens Up About New Deal With Discmania 🛡️

We sat down briefly with USDGC-champion, and the newest member of Team Discmania, Gannon Buhr. He’s excited for “a clean slate” for 2024, new gear and possibly his own line of discs. Tune in for the whole interview!

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Um but first of all just congratulations so much on three years with is Mania how is it how are you feeling I’m I’m so excited it’s I mean I obviously I’ve been at the same company for seven years which is like my whole disc I mean

Basically half of my life and so to kind of switch over and have a clean slate and you know build new Rel relationships their new frisbees is going to be so sick I would assume that you know looking back at the 2023 season was quite strange for you and sort of

Awkward in in many ways are you relieved or like are you excited about a new chapter in your life yeah for sure I mean it was a little stressful for the first couple events of last year uh with everything that happened and kind of went on but I

Kind of forgot about it pretty quickly and then kind of just accepted that you know I’m just going to have to wait till the end of the year uh but then obviously in the offseason I mean players that switch companies have to do it you have to keep it pretty secret if

You’re going to be switching somewhere and so going to courses and stuff I’d always you know try to keep a mix of discs that way I had an excuse or something um but now it actually kind of feels weird I actually find myself sometimes you know when people maybe ask

A certain question about you know dis Mania or uh like I’m in a disc golf shop and I’m around the dis media section I just like feel weird about it because I’ve had to hide it for so long um so to actually you know be able to

Say him on team dis Mania is pretty pretty cool and I don’t have to be shy about it anymore and I’m just looking forward to the future yeah and like for for most of us you going to dis May is not the biggest surprise that this offseason has uh has

Presented us but uh is it have you gotten some weird reactions from people what are the feedback in the in the community with your friends with your family how are they feeling about it uh everyone’s supportive of it and it’s I mean obviously having Alden and

Gavin on dis Mania is pretty sick too uh so we kind of got the friend group back together which is awesome and I will be making a lot of videos on the road uh you know so far I’ve had so many people reach out to me uh wanting to just send

Me some free discs and stuff and obviously I’m like well I feel bad because like I want to give you something back so uh but I mean the communities like they want to see me do my best with you know maybe they’re interested and see how I would throw a

Certain run of discs and stuff like that and so people have been sending me you know very you know collector items and and expensive stuff which it takes that takes a lot on some people’s part and so I I appreciate it and it shows that the community is very supportive and they

Care um and you know kind of start this New Era with dis Mania obviously we you know the Simon and Eagle you know kind of era is gone now and we’re starting a new one and so we’re hoping to kind of you know build it through that yeah you briefly mentioned it but

You’ve been on Prodigy for like a long time and and your entire disl career how how is it adjusting to new gear new stuff are you are you selling in I know you haven’t been able to throw a lot of the discs yet because you probably have

A lot of snow back in uh yeah where is that right yeah we got like two feet of snow yeah right but are you sell selling in with the new brand with the the new fan base yeah well I I went down to Florida my dad lives in Florida and so it’s a

Lot warmer down there I was able to throw a little bit when I was there and so I have an I have an idea of like the molds I want to throw and so it’s pretty it’s pretty simple it’s pretty typical for a team dis Mania player I’m liking

Dd3 pd2 uh PD fd3 md3 so pretty pretty typical dis Mania it’s more about figuring out which you know which run or which version or plastic types I like in that disc um you know it’s I’ve definitely I felt like I think the biggest thing for me is figuring out

What I won’t throw because that’ll that’ll make it a lot easier to figure out what I will throw and so um it’s been getting a little easier as the you know last month has gone on and so um I’m feeling pretty confident I’ve obviously lost a couple slots in my game

Just because you know some of the discs are different but Al I think I’ve gained a lot more and I think I have a higher potential off the te specifically um I think the Fairway drivers and drivers are a big upgrade for me and I’ve never really had good Fairway drivers in my

Opinion I’ve really only thrown two before when I was at Prodigy and so now that I have like five to six Fairway drivers that are all just incredible and consistent I can trust them they’re even good for forehand it’s like I’m I’m going to be so much more confident off

The tea and placing it in the Fairway keeping it in bounds a lot of these like players like you know Calvin who also has good Fairway drivers you know he does really good because of it I feel like and so now I’m in that same boat

And I think that that part of my game will definitely increase um which will in turn give me more looks for birdies and uh if I can keep my putting up uh as it was last year and just be good from Circle 2 I think I think I’ll be able to

Get a couple wins yeah nice speaking about Putters uh you’ve already published a sort of a like an introduction to your bag this year and expectations on what discs to throw in your you’re putting with the p3x uh what kind of plastic is that you’re putting with is that the Flex

3 yeah so we’re we’re going to be testing out a couple different plastic Blends in the new p3x the dis Mania made ones uh the ones in the bag were the old ones because we hadn’t had the new ones yet um but I’m going to be testing out

Some different blends to see what I like and uh you know for for now will be putting either yeah your p3x or you know if I make it if I do choose between another disc it’ be the link would be my other option uh but I think I’m leaning

Toward p3x because the low Glide and over stability which is you know what I look for in a in a putter um but I’ll probably be putting with those until uh I can get a g and B putter made right because you are you’re building your own

Brand together with dis MAA and I know that you’re planning on releasing a signature disc something that you’ve been involved in in making and like developing a new mold do do you have any information you can tell us about that mold what kind of discus it’s going to

Be um I mean the goal obviously is to get a gur putter made um that’s I think that’s going to be our top priority because um I mean I think Putters is one of the one of the only discs that is is very feel based it has to feel good and

Fly good where you know with like drivers and Fairway drivers like they don’t have to feel that good as long as they fly good um but when it when when it comes down to being very specific on the putting green I need to have something that feels good in my hand too

Um and then the plastic blend is very specific uh same thing with drivers you can get away with stuff that maybe doesn’t feel perfect for you but it still works uh but with Putters I definitely need to have that that good tacky plastic blend and so like I said

We’re going to be getting a bunch of different blends plastic to test out and then I can kind of yeah tell them what what plastic blend I like and that’s what I like about disc Mania is they’ve been really easy to work with because they can do so many different

Modifications really easily and be consistent with it and so I can be hey I want this stiffer I want it tackier they can make it that way um I want it more dy I want it more flat and so they can they can do that and it’s very very

Important I feel like at a company because they can get you know runs customized based on what the pros think and then that way you can kind of share it with the people right you’re feeling sort of involved in the whole process to like putting your name on a disc that

You actually bag and that you actually enjoy I know that there’s a md5 coming out with are there any other molds from in the dis lineup that you’re like really excited about testing out this year I think PD is going to be one of my favorite discs um it’s like I mean I

Feel like I’m going to use it probably like around you know 400 to 450 ft away um and it’s just the consistency of it’s really unique um it doesn’t like and with the fd1 like they don’t turn over really ever but they also don’t fade that hard so you get these like real

Straight laser beam flights while still putting a lot of torque and power behind it and like they’re just really trustworthy in wind and stuff and different scenarios and so I think I’m looking forward to like kind of shaping some new lines with those um the other

Disc I’m excited for is I mean obviously d3s um they are just one of the best drivers ever made that’s kind of common knowledge and they they just go really far feel really good and uh I think my my forehand distance will increase just due to uh the better the better more

Glidey a little bit better feeling drivers in my hands so um I’m looking forward to having maybe a little more power on my forehand nice yeah I’ve heard you tell this story before but I was wondering if you might uh be able to tell it again

For us because you were uh trying out for uh the dis Mania team team a couple years ago when you were quite young is that right is that could you talk about that story yeah so when I was a kid I pretty much bagged two Brands it was dis Mania

And Prodigy and when I saw dis Mania was doing combines and so basically it’s a try out to see if you can make the team uh we had like 15 guys show up in my local area and they came you know within 30 minutes of my house basically so I

Was like well I got to try out cu I want to um and uh you know I went through the process and then you know had an interview was probably a terrible interview because I was like 11 years old but uh you know eventually they said I wouldn’t

Make the team and so that was kind of a a heartbreak and actually ended up getting sponsored Two Weeks Later by Prodigy I believe so um or maybe that’s not true I might have my times messed up but it’s something like that um and I

Mean to like have it kind of come back to what it was 7 years ago when I was playing in you know the lower level division and I was a kid I was short I wasn’t tall like I am now and uh to to be able to I guess like live out my

Dreams finally is like really cool to see sounds really good you you mentioned it earlier but uh you’re now on team together with your buddies Olden and Gavin is that are you excited about that are you guys going to travel together are there any plans for the for the

Coming coming season yeah so me Alden Gavin and Isaac Robinson are going to be t together uh in airbnbs and so I think we’re all going to probably play a little bit better too because we’ll have I think we’ll have a consistent routine every single week you know we can kind

Of push each other to be better uh I’ll definitely be eating better food finally um so I’m excited for that uh but I think we’re going to you know we’re going to do clinics and stuff so we’ll be selling discs teaching people um we’re going to be filming a lot of media

A lot of YouTube videos and stuff like that so I think on the on the media side and we’re going to you know up our popularity which is obviously you know with today’s age you got to be big on the social media side and so we’re

Trying to think of ideas of stuff that no one really does right now that way you know people can come to us to watch it and no one else and so um you know hopefully these next couple years we can we can build through that um I think

It’ll be a good few years for sure sounds really cool alden’s Vlog is just so hilarious you guys seem like you have just the greatest chemistry so much fun watching uh super excited about him also being on this uh it’s gonna be cool to see what you

Guys can accomplish with the new bag and um speaking off you’ve got a new bag sponsor would you like to talk about that deal so uh Squatch going to be on team Squatch for three years so the same length as my dismy contract and so we’re

Going to have a Ganon Burr colorway bag come out uh eventually hopefully uh sometime soon this year and uh yeah it’s I’m carrying the legend bag which is their biggest bag um and so their tour bag basically I know Calvin Calvin car’s his a lot of other players do as well um

But Squatch is a really good team and uh they also are like just like dis Mania really easy to reach and just really nice people they’re a lot easier to you know work with because you know they kind of just feel like you’re friends when you’re talking to them because

They’re such good guys um and they they they just love disc golf and just want to do what’s best for disc golf they’re not you know really you in it for much more than that it’s just it’s just so good to see a company that’s dedicated just because of the love for the

Game right know I’ve heard you say in interviews that you’re growing up you were a huge fan of Simon and eagle and of course there were sort of the the trademark pros at the discmania team and now both having left to other brands you’re sort of the guy that stepped into

Dis mania’s Pro Spotlight is that is that strange what kind of feelings does that bring up in you having like sort of taken their seat almost yeah um I’ve been actually thinking about that question because it’s kind of interesting with you know I I can like if I imagine myself with Kyle

Simon and Eagle on the team I mean that’d be a crazy team but there’s also that chance that I’d be in the shadows of eagle and Simon and people would you know buy their stuff more they’d like them more and so I think I think with

Both of them not being on the team anymore it it opens up a spot for like I guess not to fill their shoes but to like create my own um and so obviously with me and Kyle being the two kind of uh Front Runners of the the company with

Uh each major titles and Pro Tour wins I think you work on of the The Next Step Up or next uh next in line basically and um you know I think we’ll I think we’ll both get a couple wins this season which will be good for the brand of course and

Then you have Alden and Gavin that could win any weekend if they have a hot weekend so everyone’s everyone’s improving in the friend group and I think it’ll be a good year for disc golf I think it’s gonna be a great year for disc Mano as well with the you being the

New supplement and just like the whole they’re sort of landing on their feet with uh the new manufacturers method and like the whole house of discs and seems really exciting um really exciting about them switching up different Plastics on different molds because you mentioned that they have the Instinct now in SE

Line is that right yes yeah uh well yeah there’s a bunch of different molds that been kind of mixing with I know like the fd1 they made in Lux vapor and so they’ve been mixing the evolution line plastic with the discmania line plastic um and so sea Line’s my favorite plastic

From dis Mania I like how stiff it is and it’s really durable and so you know if I like the molds from the evolution line and then we can get them in the discmania sea line it’s it’s awesome because it opens up you know a whole new

Line of discs in my opinion um so like I want to like maybe get like a sealine splice would be really cool um sealine method I know they just got they had those in the mystery boxes but you know they it makes a lot of the plastic a

Little more overstable and so for me with you know how much anheiser I throw on a lot of my shots and power um it works really well for me and it kind of compliment compliments my game and so um yeah as more come out you know and and

We can experiment more I think I’ll be transitioning over to those kind of discs cool oh last last question now you’re really into Legos when do you think uh Lego gonna get their eyes up for disc golf and get some disc golf related stuff out gosh that’d be that’d be that’d be

So cool to get some discu Legos I think I’ve heard is like a website you can customize your own Legos or something like that so if I could I don’t know make a huge disco basket or something like that or I don’t even know we’re

Going to have to figure that out but um or maybe like uh maybe like my put on 17 at uscgc to get that uh that as like a Lego kind of like landscape would be pretty cool um I mean they’re building a Lego store right

Next to my house and so my I’m in danger I might be occupied for a long time See


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