Golf Players

Quest For The Open 2024…Starts HERE! (Episode 1)

Quest For The Open 2024…Starts HERE! (Episode 1) In this episode of Quest For The Open..WE ARE BACK for a new season. After a year of turmoil, Pete is returning to the fold and fighting for a place at Open Qualifying! This year The Open is at Troon (Pete’s favourite Open venue) but before that can even contemplated Hesketh for regional qualifying stands in the way…

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This time on Quest for the open I get overconfident am I going to win the open I offer some culinary advice not too much power and get brought swiftly down to earth what an awful goal Shot this is hes golf club and it is the site of qualifying for the greatest tournament in the world that is right quest for the open is back first shot quest for the open 2024 it’s a pretty standard push cut get over that yeah it’s fine over there you know

What it is over there just a great angle in to the pin it’s all about course management this year okay let’s go so before we carry on this round I think the best thing to do is fully explain what the Quest for the open is and how I am planning to try and

Get through qualify the Open Championship in my opinion is the greatest event in the world history tradition incredible fans and Unforgettable moments played out over the finest links courses in the world and as the name suggests it’s the open so any old Joker can enter the quest is simple document my progress in

Competitions practice and play leading up to open qualifying in I document everything along that Journey the highs the lows but most importantly what I learn along the way which can help you with your own game Regional qualifying is a one round Affair at a local venue final qualifying takes place over two

Rounds about 2 weeks later in theory you’re only three good rounds away from a major this year at my favorite open course roll true we’ve got down to film 10 episodes this year which document the whole process but the most important part really was just making the decision to do

It almost 2 years ago I made a decision no more Pro Golf honestly it was just hurting too much I played an event at hilston Hall and had an absolute Nightmare and my confidence was literally at rockbot so I quit I packed it all in because

Well it was was too hard and we’re at this stage now where somehow over the last 10 years I’ve managed to pull together this channel a coaching Channel podcast Channel and then all the social media accounts now it’s the best job in the world in my opinion but to do all of

This it does take time and if I actually wanted to play and compete in these tournaments to an acceptable level that takes practice and I just didn’t have the time fortunately I’ve now managed to assem a crack team of golf sociopaths to help create the magic of the videos that

You watch on the channel now in theory this should give me a little bit more time to actually dedicate towards not being such a trash pro golfer but what I found is the biggest issue with my golf is here and in here filming myself in

Pro events is to be honest a little bit uh terrifying because it feels like if performances are bad it’s putting myself within the public firing line now I know most of you watching this are beautiful supportive human beings but we all know that golf can like make the strongest

Person curl up on the kitchen floor crying under a strip light that’s kind of like blinking on and off and kind of leave your questioning yeah what the hell are you doing with your life but this year to be honest just don’t give a so I understand

That like me qualifying for the open is almost impossible it’s a shot at the Moon with a homemade rocket but to be honest like who cares I think you only ever truly lose when you let the opinion of others stop you doing what you really

Want to do and the whole point is it’s hard you know if you come out of the other side of it having been better Having learned something that’s surely worth the Endeavor so that is uh the decision made the first thing on the qura to be ticked off um we are out here

At reddish F golf club today uh we’re going to be filming to build my bag 2024 and that’s not quite worked out as you can tell probably the lot of the Quest for open stuff this year is going to be a little bit more behind the

Scenes if that’s kind of what you like to see get down to those comments and let us know it doesn’t always have to be like a set piece event anyway let’s get back to hes and let’s try and set a Target score I’m going to be coming back

To es throughout the year and continually trying to better my performances so today is all about setting that initial goal also open qualifying was here so let’s throw up some scores that actually got through and also two the holes are Clos for maintenance so I’m going to make it hard

On myself I’m going to give myself a bogey on both those holes so before we even start the round I’m already to over should also explain this is probably going to be one of the last round I’m using my itori irons so I’m going through a build My Bag series again this

Year switching out all my clubs and these are bories I love them they’re beautiful but I need some with a bit more forgiveness wow especially on a cold morning like this if a thin one today you actually may hear me scream stay right oh I don’t think it’s got the

Ah you know what I did forget something it’s minus 2° it’s not going to go very far is it also not introduced uh Sam new member of the team started early this year yes he is that all absolutely ridiculous I really hope that I can stay this relaxed

During all of open qualifying this year maybe it’s just a hypothermia first putt of 2024 is actually not horrendous thank you thank you I’ll uh I’ll take that so as mentioned I’m already two over I’ve got grounded making up want to try and beat Carter it’s going to be tough this

Morning but as mentioned it is just a a day to get a benchmark score going oh solid par a solid ice par to begin with oh 144 yards I’m going to try and chip in an 8 I am this course actually has some special memories for me I want

A junior open here and I always seem to put well here hope not just cursed myself I always seem to put well here wind off the left so I’m just going to aim in between the edge of the green and the pin swing this year just trying to it a bit

Straighter not as much as a fade and just try and take it to Tempo Town yeah all right just on the right Edge Hey listen for a for a semi shank I’ll take it as far as Shanks go that might be the best shank I’ve ever H why why am I so

Out of breath I’m labored my breathing is labored today right the wind off the North Sea starting to pick up is it North Sea here it’s just a channel SE is the Irish sea it was the Irish sea base at the North Sea little chip and roll for a

Birdie wow very confident thing to say for someone who can’t chip little bump have none of that s this year by the way someone who can’t sh come on positive you know the thing is I knew that wasn’t going in so why level par through two holes on a cold

Morning it’s not too bad but I’m too over I need to try and get it back right so we two holes in we’ve already stopped for a coffee uh this is Peter is’s the course manager here at hes kindly looking after us today and as mentioned

I want to try and get up here quite a few times this year so I’m ready for open qualifying but also it’s just a great place to come film third hole we’re playing off mostly the yellow tea markers today so the whes on this hole another 30 yards back but I think with

The uh with the temperature it probably HS itself out there we go throughout the year everyone just saw how straight that went right that wasn’t just me that was like a frozen rope am I going to win the open it so the third this is one on the winter

Greens this morning actually looks very nicely mowed 100 yards maybe this is the key for qu just like staying relaxed and just enjoying it it’s got a 50° nice smooth swing bit of a weird B it’s fine about pin ey a bit of a strange ball flag that I feel way too

Positive I think that Starbucks we had this morning must have been uh potent right birdie Port this is very very good temperary green by the way is this like a proper GRE do it wow barely put the got past the hole this is most unlike me so

Far that’s three Pars in in a row so still to overp par with the metric that I set myself just going well too well3 yard slightly back into the wind think a nine iron well unless that takes the biggest kick in the world we’ve encountered our first issue of the

Year um this bunker is in the shade the sun hasn’t hit the bottom yet and it’s I’m going to grab my club for a second Frozen i’ got frozen sand if I was here this would be more of an issue but I’ve actually got a little bit more

Softness underneath the ball and I’ve just got to literally plop it out okay so I’m going to open up the face not as much as I normally would do and I’m just going to like literally Chuck it underneath the ball just try trying half semi dig

It just imagine all right right to left for a par try and stay at two is that not the best super now you’ve ever seen in your life part of the quest this year uh as you’ve seen from my goals is just to have much better course management 370

Yards I’m just going to hit a four iron Leave Myself longer in but stay away from the water stay away from the danger like not put myself in any particular bad positions I can recover from bogeys I cannot recover from like double and triples so right that white signpost in

The middle of the Fairway straight at that and even if it goes left shouldn’t have enough Club to get to the water oh my God hit the sign please hit the sign ah not bad though not bad so 170 so bang on 200 with the t-shot 170 6 iron wind feels like

It’s kind slightly down and off the right tuggy yeah I think there’s a couple of bunkers up there but should be okay I can get up and down from anywhere nowadays anyway so I managed to hit through this green I think I maybe bounced off the back of it but I’m on

One of the tee on the next hole now compared to this B the bunker on the last hole this is I think I might just go and hold it you know it’s [Applause] frozen who’s ready for another miracle up and down hands up I am across the green just on the right Edge

Ah okay not that much bit of a push rolling quite nice actually considering well just a bit of a a rubbish bogey but par five next three Over W so with the build my bag this year obviously um I’m going through the bag and I’m replacing all my clubs I don’t know if I want to get rid of this don’t know what you think comment below what do you think right this hole

Is quite similar to the last got water down the right but it cuts in more and we got out of bounds left again it’s almost less risk with a longer second shot so I’m almost tempted just to plop a little hybrid down there little push but should be fine that plug the kick

Right Travel Liv So I know what you’re all going to ask quiet please A Chopper on the tea you’re going to ask what makes this year any different and I have the answer so this is the qual graph for the 2024 quest for the open it’s made up of the main goals such as Regional qualifying

Final qualifying but also goes all the way back to more tertiary goals such as setting a Target score at hesketh some of these goals are one-time achievements whilst others will take all year to complete but they are all linked and hopefully they’re going to move me forward in sequence towards reaching

That goal of qualifying and also they’re going to help me to learn new things about Golf and of course pass that information on to you guys at the heart of everything that is what the Quest for the open is really about on this qual graph as well we have a few different

Brackets now these are based around playing in professional competitions around practice but also around General Health and well-being it’s going to be an absolutely Epic 6 months anyway we should probably get back to the golf as you will see my mental game pre-shot routine needs a bit of work okay we’re

Back 163 yds into a freshening Breeze now so I’m just going to hit little knockdown six yeah a little knockdown six I need to start talking through my shot so much more so what I’m going to do is I’m going to start this right over

This little Post in front of me which is in the center of the green I’m going to try and hit this stay but if the wind pushes it side to the right that’s fine but I’m just going to commit to that start line solid six don’t to do anything stupid with

It get that alignment over there take it to Tempo town be good oh just seem to feed off right that decent shag though someone say p hi well by J is that my first pin High shot of the year what is that again sound ball stri

Sound qu ball striking who knew now I’ve also left myself Uphill it looks like if I hit it’s just going to move it left but I’ve got to get the pace bang on long soz if it hit it too firm it’s not going to it’s not going to move to the right too much tricky One Fine balancing act so left edge up the

Slope a it’s gone that went loads actually h i mean it’s one of those tricky ones where actually that was a good put it kind of hit exactly where I wanted it to just the didn’t read enough into it I need to whole more birdie puts this year though my

Um my par this is kind of like the same as it was in Florida like my par putting in Florida was just like obscene it was actually really good I just need to put that onto my birdie po right onto the back seven holes with two of them closed

So I’m technically over part for the back nine I have to say the carrot and coriander soup from this halfway house is the nicest cor carrot and coriander soup I’ve ever had not too much carrot driver it’s time to get going 327 yards a little bit downwind but it’s fairly

Open so I’m just going to go again at the white marker in the Fairway up by the green come on birdies all right I think yeah just left semi again not bad I think that pins kind of back so it’s okay coming over a bunker but it’s okay so got a decent

Chance here kind of got to come over the corner of a bunker which is an ideal downwind got to land it on the edge of the green just let it release out it’s a touch shot and obviously this ear in the year I want say my hands are at their most

Responsive let’s give him an early test though come on that’s it God hey P how about you hit it harder what did I say I was going to do talk through every single shot so here we go got to chip up onto the green it runs

Away from me but it’s back in the wind I’ve got a spot about 6t onto the green which I’m going to pitch on it’s going to release out and then roll down to the hole hit the spot wow that first bounce is huge wow okay just left Edge this could be the

Worst bogey in the history of Bogies come on should have stopped I should have stopped ah as soon as the bogey police started up their sirens in the background I should have stopped 151 yards I’m now four over par that is one under what car to set in open

Qualifying here oh we got a couple par fives to go and some chances but this is 150 y 79 I’m going to aim it bang in the middle of the green at one of the trees in the background there’s like a little Gap basically over this fence post here

Which is just in front wind’s going to move it back to the left slightly 79 should be enough club with the wind hurting so bad I cannot tell you how far I moved ahead of that ball I practically lunged I just I threw myself at that ball like a cannibal an exposed

Leg what an awful goal shot 60° going to land it halfway up the green let it roll around to the left hand side tap it for a p we’ll move on like nothing happened that was unexpected what horrendous spots leave myself right ch ch for p just got to

Land It On The Fringe let it trickle out do [Applause] it double bogey following a bogey gone from well there I go from one overpar to four overpar plus the two closed holes six overpar thanks for coming Pete remember when you enjoyed golf about five holes ago not

Anymore what a wonderful hole want to stay to the left of that Fairway bunker wind’s off the left as well so I’m going to go straight to the flag tiny draw wind should push it a little bit to the right perfect no I broken T 92 yards 92 a little bit downish 92

92 I literally can’t remember how far wies go 120 so this will be 110 so 100 so this is like a half a solid swing with a 54° straight at the pin come on T right distance wise think should be okay blooming a long apparently strugg that really well okay just

You that’s a deep hole oh my God come on let’s get this back we can’t have we can’t have C beting Me [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh Okay 17th and 18th hole here at hesa two par five so chances to close with birdies I’m currently six and then plus the two8 over so come on two ready to finish let’s go car on wind nudge it nudge it oh he’s so got and nudged

It so they give it a bit of a back into play that’s what we want to see so I’ve got a rough guess about where the green is it’s basically Behind These trees I’ve got 227 yards to the trees at the back which is obviously out of bounds so I’ve got about

210 to reach them and then it goes back and left we’re into the wind so I’m going to go I’m going to start this on the edge of like the trees in the background behind this set the conifers and then just let it move slightly to

The left with the wind and then don’t I send up a prayer to the golf Gods may they watch over me that didn’t sound good I think that’s probably in the edge of the trees on the other side I think I think that’ll be okay but I just didn’t uh didn’t catch

It kind of stur uping out with that so I got a little bit of a a tiny Gap here this is more of a kind of hit and hope and hopefully I can like scramble it onto the right edge of the green over that bunker but I could try and get it

Through uh the 90% air tree but I don’t think that’s a high percentage play okay here we go oh just got that onto the green off the cross SP not bad not bad well I have yet to have a birdie today and it’s an outside

Chance at that on the 17th come on Pete throw back up this green you’re not going to get a birdie if you leave it 5 foot short I think I’ve read that somewhere Just enough at the right Edge right come on I want to I want to get my first bir 2024 we got a par five on the last so we have a chance and it’s a little bit more downwind and it’s an absolutely beautiful hle it’s like framed by a

Little Valley to proper links hold this one just 40 off see if we can get this first bir 2024 and set the score for the Quest for the open just want to say thank you for watching if you’re not a subscriber already please become part of this

Community be great to have you along for the journey as we progress through qualif findes in July 6 months six in a bit months right 18th hole straight down going to stick it left side of the Fairway let the wind bring it back knock it onto the green get an eagle stuff the

Birdie not a clue well I mean it did it a tree it it felt like a tiny bit of a pull so if we focus our attention on the left side of the hole just not a clue not a clue right we got 176 Yos left into this PA five please

Please golf cards smile upon me once more let me get under par on one hole today I think that’s I think that deserves a like would you say that deserves a like on the video at least one at least one if you’re happy about the Quest for the open be back make sure

You smash that thumbs up very like narrow entrance to the screen but there are banks on either side so it can kick back in 176 I just found the left semi I think a 6 I maybe okay come on birdie or an eagle nothing else we’re

Going to aim at the last chimney to the left on the house behind the green just let it drift back come on it’s just long and right I think it’s gone over the other side of that hum that’s down towards where the uh one of the te’s is never felt quite comfortable over

That I’m not sure why okay well we’re going to have to make another Jordan speed up and down can you understand that now why I might be switching my eyes I’ve I’ve moved in my career past the butter knife stage I I don’t want butter knives anymore I want like little

Slices of bread don’t like won’s toasty bread other bread brands are available of course but it’s kind of like that it’s kind of like thick cup it’s quite soft that’s kind of what I want at the moment these lons are like a poppadom you know what I mean they’re so thin

Catch it slightly it it’s just don’t it’s just going to crack not Crump it that’s a bit too thick but like a toasty bread that’s what I kind of want and I think I’ve identified the IR which fit that the best so I don’t want a butter

Knife I want the thing which the butter knife spreads the butter on oh what is he all right so love wedge just going to try and land it on the green think of the positives if this goes in be a legend right come on not bad not bad right a chance for a

Birdie a big flappy seagull by the Southport Coast are you Ed in this one Mick uh yes all right cue the fireworks if this goes in good on stra great as she goes it’s nice to see the uh Fairways Fairways greens are kind of softening up a little bit now they looking really

Good okay [Laughter] Ah good luck to qualify thanks episode two quest for the O will be coming Soon positive signs hit exactly where I wanted to it just didn’t bounce silly this is warm does an absolutely wonderful job I hear his name is Inor and we’re going to have to do this through our open qualify we got the F roll asking your playing partners are open qualified I look at that flag stitching on that you see this F I don’t think you understand just just just wait no John

John just told your PO I’m just going to get the Drone got the special effects going on thanks for the effects by the way this is looking very dramatic woo Woo


  1. modern golf… halfway house… if that was at my club… the Chevin in Derbyshire you'd need to be a sherpa. fancy playing me there???

  2. My word Pete, a great "room for improvement " start to qualifying, stay on target for the quest and we will enjoy the journey with you. I just laughed out loud on the last putt

  3. Great to see this series back. I'd like to see the Qualigraph in more detail – that looks like a very useful tool to work on pre-season to set goals for the year in all departments of the game.

  4. I can't see any reason to switch a putter. Besides you don't like your own. It's just a Brick of Metal on a metal rod. That's far away from the technology in drivers for example. Putting s feel and confidence, use the tool you like. My opinion. Or maybe, I play the same putter as you and I would like to see you play "my" model. 🙂

  5. What a great video and a great start to 2024!! The “outtakes” at the end were amazing and is something that needs to continue!

  6. I've never caddied before, or been out of the United States, but if you need help let me know…

  7. I really enjoy your posts. Wish you the best on your Quest to the Open. You have the game to accomplish your goal. What iron set are you considering and what is your time line for the change.

  8. The best I have seen you putt was with the LAB space ship thing, why not try a couple of their other models that more pleasing on the eye?

  9. I've always wanted to play in an Open qualifying event just for the experience , i'm never going to get there but sounds like a fun experience

  10. Ever since I told myself " I'm here for a laugh not a living " my scores have improved and I'm enjoying golf 🏌‍♂️

  11. Hey Pete, happy to see the series back! I can really recomment you the books/audibles by Dr. Bob Rotella. Those really helped my mental game!

  12. Confused: thought you’d binned this? Aha! Now I’ve watched it, I understand. That was a tale of two halves. Good luck Pete!

  13. If you're happy with a putter, do not replace it for the sake of replacing it, that is dumb.

  14. Good luck with your open quest, early days yet and not the best conditions. I couldn't help it but the putt on the last made me chuckle, been there ,done it. I definitely think you should lose that putter from your bag and kindly donate it to my bag 😀😀

  15. That was hilarious Pete. Whether you make it to The Open or not you are a winner already for making this series. I can't wait to see next episode. Wish you the best and keep on making such a great and entertaining content.

  16. Love seeing you back on the quest again. You’ve played some superb golf, provided top-notch YouTube content, and seem genuinely happy. It will be entertaining to watch you drive yourself crazy on the quest again. 😉

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