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PAT TYPLOOSION | Lil Talk: Episode 15









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What’s up Little Joey’s up how’s it going man what’s good little Joey it’s good to see you Man welcome to L talk with Lil Joey and we have a very special guest the CEO of breakout boxing Pat Tha plosion how are you doing man what’s good little Joey it’s it’s a busy start to the year last year you know it was a little different this year we’re already

Off the rip doing stuff got an event next month training hard you know what it is baby we got a mission to do and I got big things planned so yeah I mean I’m excited for the event as much as like everybody else I’m sure and you

Know obviously I just got off with talking with alra you know I’m excit his fight yeah you know we got that um I mean let’s just let’s should start off with your fight I mean bringing you know how how does it feel to be starting off

With the first Us versus UK fight Joey it’s always an honor to do these things uh this community kind of started with me and Trey um that was the first big fight that everybody was kind of turning into no one really knew that that was

Going to turn into all this and you know Chapel was around back then he was the really one of the only UK people that I knew he was always in my DMS talking trash cuz he didn’t like me and um we were set up to spar and [ __ ] like that

But didn’t really know him or anything like that and he was in Boston and I just got back from the triang room Fight 2 so it it it’s an honor to do that because it’s like what I’m all about is doing [ __ ] for the people doing [ __ ]

That five years down the road I’m gonna remember um me doing telling my kids to do and being the first person to fight a dude from another country in our you know combin space with us UK Australia it’s just it’s an honor it’s an honor really and I’m taking this fight

Seriously because I know that Chapel out of any of my opponents other than Pepper I’d say that he’s the one that’s preparing the most he knows what he’s he’s getting himself into and he knows it’s going to be a tough fight so he’s training hard for it when when that

Fight was announced I think everybody was you know very excited not not only because you guys are you know really the the start of the small Creator boxing scene in in the US but the fact that that Chapel was part of you know SCB so it’s it’s it’s really the roots of both

Countries um small Creator scenes which is really awesome to see is there still any animosity between with chapel and you or no you see the thing is we’ve we’ve had a lot of discussions and it’s like it’s not like we’re not going into this fight being like we’re taking it

Easy on each other it’s just like we both know what this is going to be he knows he’s getting into some a fight with somebody who is ready for a technical scrap who’s ready to bring the power he’s ready to bring the pressure but also I can turn this into a dog

Fight if I want to we’ve seen that with the Juan fight with with the Trey fight you know what I mean I’m a dog in the ring I’m a natural born fighter and what I’m learning is boxing so um there’s no animosity between me and Chapel you know there’s probably some underlying you

Know masculine you know ego there being like like oh you show up to my place and I didn’t I show up to your place and you didn’t do anything like you’re telling me I run on my time [ __ ] type [ __ ] but that’s really like the only uh thing

He’s basically the UK version of me you know what I mean he’s very loud Brash very out there Oddball guy and that’s that’s me like I’m not a very traditional person so I really like Chapel I think that you know after the fight we’re definitely going to crush a

Few beers um but he will I don’t drink but I don’t have any animosity towards Chapel it’s literally just business in the ring I got a lot of things that I want to do places I want to be promotions I want to fight on and um

Send a message that I’m ready for the big leagues and this this is that first step and I’m taking it very seriously let’s talk about the you know we talk about big leagues but you know breakouts been making a lot of waves I talked you know with lesra about you know not only

Just being mentioned by by Wade PLM in his video but you know you’re having guys like USA SAE talk to talk to about fighting fighters on your card you have people like Jonah and big Sam from IFL you know how do how does it feel having

You know you know those kind of eyes you know on a promotion that you started well you see it was always my dream to start a promotion from like the very beginning like when I fought Trey like I was trying to get the crossover sparring thing going it’s it’s honestly a really

Humbling experience because I never even thought that I’d even be able to get my events off the ground or people wouldn’t believe in me that’s been my whole thing my whole life is like people think I’m nice and people that think I that I’m a good person and everything like that but

They don’t take me seriously they don’t think I’ll amount to do anything I say that I’m going to do a lot of things and sometimes I overdo it but I’m a very driven person I’m a very I’m someone who who is too bold true to the point to get

Something done and when I don’t you know I have the best team imaginable you know got ra who’s my right-hand man you know he without I don’t think I’d be able to be in this position without him like more than anyone like he a lot of people

Don’t give him the credit he deserves but behind the scenes everything that he does for this company for this scene if you guys saw what he did and the people who know you’ll know that that this guy works [ __ ] hard aside from you you know I talk he talks trash and

Everything like that but you know he’s like honestly one of my best friends in the world you know what I mean I could say that hardly I consider him a brother now and Waffle was my friend beforehand and Mark too and all the people around

It like prob Dennis gvz who’s also in my company he’s so passionate about breakout I didn’t even know him before breakout either it’s just the fact that people are mentioning my company people like Ms Taylor Wade you know people that I look up to it’s it’s a very humbling

Experience and the fact that I get to do it with like literally the best people on earth is probably it’s makes it all better because this went from some that I was going to do for only a couple years to something that even when I go

Off and I do these bigger fights and stuff like that I always be focusing on this like this is my life long passion now this is what I’ve been looking for my whole life and I’m ready to fight my heart out and show everybody what breakouts all about dude I love it I

Love it you know and you talk about closeness between not just the fact that you know you’re working with great people but the fact that they’re your friends you know I talked to a couple of the breakout Fighters about how much this this community has become really a

Family and and and you know they a lot of them have been talking about they love how breakouts been able to have them make friends and make these different kinds of connections so um I just wanted to say thank you to you know for for being able to make that possible

For all these people um you know making it possible for me to you know be able to talk about cool events like this is there any specific fights on the card that you’re you know excited for well first of all thank you for um saying that I really appreciate

It and also just I would not be able to do anything without the fighters too you know they they’re the ones that put the money and the time in and they’re the ones that take the sacrifice like I’m gonna do this on my own you know what I

Mean and often these families go against what they’re doing because it’s like it’s a fight but they do it anyway and it’s it’s it’s a beautiful thing when it comes to the fights that I’m looking forward to on the card man this card is Awesome Man when I sit

Back and look at it I’m just like wow like this is the most kickass card ever like we’ve had cards with a lot of fights on it but like every single fight from the prelims all the way up to the main event is a [ __ ] awesome fight

Like every single one of them could be a breakout Main Event in its own right but if I had to pick three right at the top of my Dome obviously I got to do this for my for for I got to do this I’m going to throw an extra one in there

Because I’m I’m extra excited for this Jose and Joey you know my coach versus Grim’s coach I think Jose is a [ __ ] dog I think he’s about to show everybody why he’s he’s on the level and get the notoriety that he deserves to because I feel like people sometimes

Underappreciate him and you know he’s done a lot too he’s did security for me too so shout out to Jose and and Joey’s a [ __ ] beast um lesr Isa listen I know a lot about that fight and a lot about what’s been going on back and forth and [ __ ] like that so I’m

Excited for that one um when it comes to the technical fights really excited to see ya fight I’m a big fan of ya o O2 out of everybody that was in that house uh Thomas and Yaz bro I love all y’all but like I got special connections with both those two because

It’s just like you know Yaz if you know some of the [ __ ] that this kid went through you you you’d be like damn like I cannot believe he was able to like able to do what he was want to do and obviously grimas and and Thomas’s fight

Grimas is a [ __ ] he’s a beast dude like I I I I and ddg like I I can’t pick three I can’t pick three I I said it I love every single fight I love all these [ __ ] guys so much um the only one that annoys me a little bit is Pascal

But I still got love for him too it’s just he never listens to me so you know no I mean I think it’s obviously you know as as the CEO I can’t imagine picking you know favorite fights is going to be any easy but um you know we

T I talked to you know lesra about the fact that this is really being labeled as the small Creator Prime card and you know he talked about how it was it was almost you know the plan for for this event but did you guys have any different kind of Visions um before this

Event was really put together so first of all there are 16 fights on this card there’s one we haven’t announced yet um I I believe it’s for the prelims um and there could be some other changes to the card too but still going to stay the same like I don’t think we’re going

To get a lot of people who aren’t game for this event every single person is game like you know how we had like a lot of pull outs with a lot of these bigger cards we made sure that we got the most hungry the most ruthless the the biggest

Talkers everything in this scene is just it it is insane how how crazy this has been but it was supposed to be a six fight card with three on the prelims it was supposed to be a six fight card we were supposed to get the biggest and

Best fights and we did that but we just had so many people that wanted to be on this card and there’s still people that are like like King River AJ Redwood Colin Johnston I mean those guys are everybody loves them like yourself bro like we got to see you on a breakout

Card too you know this it’s just like there’s this is going to set the the the framework for breakout in the future we’re going to see a lot of people on this event rise up we’re going to see some people stay the same and I’m G to

Be honest this might be the last time that you see some of your favorite Fighters you never know you know we’ve had a lot of talks from Shawn a lot of talks from ran you know what I mean I don’t know where a lot of the mindsets

Of these Fighters are but there’s a lot of people who are going to come in through this event who are watching for breakout for the first time so if you’re watching us for the first time welcome if you haven’t watched us yet stay tuned check out what we’re doing

And if you’ve seen breakout before you’re not ready for this next event because just the pure magnitude of the fights alone is going to be [ __ ] incredible every single one’s going to be a b a badass fight are you expecting um more of a turnout for this event than

Than you know your past events every single time I just want to do everything I can for the loyal breakout fans you know what I mean on event day we always have a lot of new people we did have some gradual upkeep with the first time from the last event

Obviously I want to say right here you know on your interview exclusively we had a lot of issues with the production for breakout O2 you know we had like three different production companies that were we had slated to come down to us with Georgia that were in association

With our friends too um my friend Dennis was supposed to do this but he had a wedding my friend MC weeks couldn’t come and then the other companies as well they just were ask asking for so much money so like I bought a I had like I actually asked Damien from get back

Boxing for the camera and I bought cords and [ __ ] like that for so it can actually be recorded in high definition but they did not send me the correct cables on the week of the fight like we were in Georgia that was it so breakout O2 was recorded off of [ __ ] webcam we

Did everything that we could to make that event crazy but I’ve learned from my mistakes and everything that I have planned for this event and coming is is absolutely crazy I know that there’s it’s been a little silent but we’ve just been we just been doing some stuff in

The background um some big things for the event too so it’s like we’re trying to make sure that wherever we go for this next event in Boston that it’s it’s the the biggest and best venue that we possibly can so there’s been some issues there but we’re working them out and

It’s it’s going to be incredible this is going to be the best event yet oh dude I’m you know I’m excited and I had heard you know during O2 that there was a there was a pull out of different issues with the streaming and stuff but we’re

All really happy that it was able to go live because I know a lot of people in the community like like watching these fights Al so um being able to to I’m glad you guys were able to work that out regardless you’ve been announcing the fights and you know your Fighters have

Been promoting like I think I think you know decently if not you know most of the card is promoting very well yeah Shogun Grim Reaper the guy that I fought literally six months ago has turned into to a mini me like he’s doing the [ __ ] that I would do like getting close to

The camera running around the house like I swear to [ __ ] if this guy does a video in the shower this guy’s a mini me this guy’s a mini me I’m telling you right now I beat Patti flusion literally into him we swapped bodies I’m now Shogun Grim Reaper he’s now PTI flusion

You know what I mean but um a lot I’m just saying from our end we get the decoded storyline which is going to be my promotion for the fight like it’s basically going to be surrounded by the whole card but it’s going to be laced with my story too and there’s a lot

Coming for interviews there’s a lot coming for the face taces like basically they’re all filmed I just made the decision to not release them until they’re all filmed so um they’re going to start getting released on um I believe it’s either gonna be Sunday or Monday and it’s going to be released

Every day you know what I mean up until the end of January so which would be awesome you guys get content every [ __ ] day so that’s that’s what we planned for spaces you know there’s just there’s a lot that people can expect from from breakout 03 there might be some stuff

That like I had ideas for that we might not be able to do but um everything that I promised that we were going to be able to do like face to faces A Unique Piece of content for every single fighter you know that’s definitely going to happen

Especially as we get closer flight week two so Ju Just just expect more you know what I mean especially from you know the the the all the main fights like my fight Les fight all the fights ddg Shogun this whole fight is filled with Main Events like we basically could call it breakout

03 Main Event like no I love it I love it dude no yeah it’s a it’s a huge event you know I think the entire small small Creator Community is excited for it if you had one message to Chapel before your fights or if you had a message to your

Supporters or haters what is that message I got a few messages first of all Chapel we know you’re training hard for one reason and that’s cuz you’re going up against this guy okay I may be small but I definitely pack a punch and I’m getting [ __ ]

Ripped okay my arms they feel so rock hard bro I’m like back to the point where I was for the Shogun fight and it’s like I’m I’m ready to go already but I know you’re ready to bring it and to be honest with you you’re coming from

Another [ __ ] country to fight me so respect is there to all my supporters to all the breakout fans thank you so [ __ ] much and I want to give another message to missfitz boxing and the Ms Taylor as well Most Wanted has re is going to make his debut

Soon you know that Pat Tha Fusion is up next I’m the one that’s gonna bring the pain I’m the one that’s GNA talk the most and I’m the one that’s going to show everyone what patai Fusion is all about and breaking breakout to the Stars breakout is the [ __ ] best we we have

Been we had [ __ ] threatening to sue us we had [ __ ] threatening to shut us down getting me in calls threatening me [ __ ] everything against the moon all right Pat tie flusion breakout boxing lesra Gomez all of the [ __ ] nine yards we all move as a unit with the wolf pack oneeyed Wolf

[ __ ] H Chapel you better be ready into all the breakout hars [ __ ] all y’all cuz we’re doing everything that you guys aren’t and I love what I do I’m very [ __ ] passionate about it and if you hate on my [ __ ] brand you are literally just hating on it because what

We’ve been able to do in a year most [ __ ] have not been able to do in five so I’m ready for this next year breakout is ready to show everybody what they’re made of and Pat Tai flusion is ready to get a round three unanimous decision against Chapel February 24th

Boston Massachusetts huh B thank you so much for coming on the show it was Joey you better be on breakout soon bro I better see you at an event dude I’m I’m I’m planning I’m pulling up man for For


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