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Tom McClain is HERE | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 70

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Tom McClain and John Quinn.

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0:00 Opening
16:37 Tom McClain
38:53 John Quinn

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Tom McClain:

Follow our hosts!
Frank Nicotero:
Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Hey everybody Welcome to punchlines I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and I barely made it I I ran over uh I’ll explain in a second but I made it back let’s do the opening one more time greetings I’m Frank niiko vers humorist enduring sports fan and thanks

For logging on to YouTube to Glimpse at the entertainment on today’s installment yes I should mention it’s National thear Day ladies and gentlemen that’s right I pulled it out so I wanted to do the regular opening and then show you what kind of research I did to celebrate

National tharus day uh Ryan um would you like to use some different words than you usually use at the top of the show what could you mix it up right now use some different words go putting you on the spot instead of hello what sup friends

Ryan is our I don’t want to say producer you’re our producer yeah there’s no other word for there’s no other word for what Ryan does he’s special anyway happy national thara day how are you going to celebrate it an do you do anything on on thara day consequently consequently oh using big

Words I love it on the show today via the video ladies and gentlemen not only are you getting one guest via the video today we got two we got two video we’ve only done that a couple times so it’s a special day uh first up will be a very

Funny guy who I’ve done numerous shows with he is a massive massive San Francisco 49ers fan and I can’t I can’t wait to see which Jersey he’ll be rocking because he’s got he must have like I have like one or two Steeler jerseys I have like Ben rothberger and

I’ve like an old I think Lin Swan one that I wear then I have a couple framed but this guy uh he’s part of the psf family that I’m also when I do those live webcasts during games he does the Niner games every time I’ve checked in

He’s had a different Jersey on so he must have at least at least 16 or 177 uh he will be surrounded by Niners memorabilia very funny guy and he will talk about the Niners and he will tell us by how many points they will defeat the Packers right now the line here at

South Point nine and a half and 50 any feel on that game Ryan go ners go ners you have to remember that he hates the Green Bay Packers suck anytime I say those words it’s like pavlovian that he has to say the word Su how my dad how my

Dad taught me that’s how your dad taught you yeah we would we would run through the teams League he’d say Green Bay and I would sucks sucks have you been doing that since a small child yes now were you were you younger when you did that

Or when you sang that life by Frank sonra that we still haven’t seen about the same folks uh in the chat room we want to say hello by the way if you want to see the Ryan video of him as a small child singing That’s Life by Frank

Sinatra you got to clamor for it in the in the chat room if you guys clamor for it we want to thank you guys because you guys always uh do a great job in the chat room which I’ll get to in a second also on the video I’ve known him for

Nearly 25 years he is the executive producer of hit shows like Let’s Make a Deal which has been on TV for years you know you’ve seen at least 10 episodes and Press Your Luck with Elizabeth Banks which I worked on with them and uh I met

This guy when he was a producer on Street smarts he’s also a massive Detroit Lions fan so we have two NFC fans here today this is how big of a fan he is Ryan he brought his kids they bought tickets and flew from LA to Detroit to go to that game last week

Nice did you see kind of money did you see the average ticket price for this week is $1,100 is 1100 I know we have a grab maybe we’ll we’ll bring it up later they’re still the most expensive tickets right Detroit yes $1,100 Ian yeah it’s

30 years in the making so yeah so if if yeah if they’re complaining the ticket servic is like hey what else have you done with your money in January for the past 30 years not go to a Pistons game pay bills yeah you’re not going to see the pistons pistons tried last night

They lost um so anyway uh John Quinn John Quinn is his name he will be here and he will give us his thoughts on the game against Tampa Bay I don’t think he’s flying back that would be that’d be a lot maybe he is I don’t know but he’s

Going to tell us about our Journeys so that should be good and it’s fitting to have John Quinn on the show today because it’s National Michigan day I I there it is January 18th National Michigan day the Great Lake State Michigan’s actually really pretty man I

You know you hear Detroit they get a once you pass once you get north of Detroit it’s really a pretty area now we had uh what’s the guy from the knights that does the nights game mark shinuk Mark shanuk he was talking about he’s from Canada and how I played a campus

Lake Superior State it’s the last exit in America before you hit Canada once you get past like I don’t know if is it Flint the the highway in Michigan is a straight line like a ruler it’s straight and flat for like three hours and you just it’s just this for three hours and

I just kept passing trucks hauling snowmobiles and you know as I was driving through there in my little n on Sentra but I made it to Lake Superior State beautiful State Michigan Upper Peninsula is beautiful so happy Michigan day which I mean Kid Rock probably kept the party going because yesterday was

His birthday so you know he just kept rocking and partying and to celebrate National Michigan day the Detroit Pistons lost their 36 game last we they lost the Timberwolves 127 117 so I think they’re 4 and 36 now that’s just a brutal season is there any hope for four 4 and3

4 37 oh I didn’t include the L yep I mean that’s tough that is a tough year right there 500 that’s uh by the way also uh you’re going to bet football this weekend ladies and gentlemen I have these hot off the press Chris Andrew specials we got the parlay cards here at

The South Point got to come down to the south point we here on the crew of sports by the book and punch lines our combined shows we hit a couple last week yeah we which one did we hit the big what was the big one the eight

Te was it the ties TI win teaser yeah the ties wi teaser that’s the ties here it is that’s the yellow card which is also a band from the 90s I believe yellow card I think there’s two is that your favorite band this is a yellow card

Tattoo oh my God Jerry’s got a yellow card tattoo you can see it on the camera right there wellow I’ve never seen Jerry so enthusiastic ever if I would have said Sonic the Hedgehog in the same sense his head would have exploded Jerry literally went that’s my favorite

P I love yellow card yeah so here you go I haven’t heard him that vocal since he said the f- word on the show so Jerry thank you Jerry’s our uh our our social media manager sure content manager yep boss employee of the year all that stuff

Anyway Jerry’s a big yellow card fan so we just found we didn’t know that but he leapt out of his seat like he was electrocuted that was one of the funniest things I’ve seen on this show in 70 episodes so come get your yellow card also uh uh there’s

Some there’s some Bowling For Soup cards hubank trying to see what other ’90s bands you might like who’s saying keep them separated what was oh Ur what were they Offspring yeah all those good 90s fans Anyway come get your parlay cards best odds tons of fun we will do one

We’ll do one tomorrow yeah yeah we can do we’ll do one tomorrow see if we can cash in again we put like five bucks in each and we uh paid for some Chinese food for me the other night so only four games so not as many to choose from yes

This week but not as much fighting we fight over it here you should see behind no we don’t we’re like yeah sure whatever you want today is January 18th not only is it national tharus day and national uh Michigan day it’s January 18th 2024 it’s episode 70 and Ryan I

Looked ahead means episode 100 will be on February 29th because it is a leap year this year so nice set your clocks and mark it on your calendars February 29th would it be 100 or would it be back to one why cuz you know how you go 10

One then we’d be 101 well no so like people born on a leap year oh right right you’d be oh our show will be one yeah is that you’re trying to say sure if we call something like that I guess so anyway February we got we’re gonna

Pull out out the stops an says she has a lot of surprises for us on the 100th episode and that’s a surprise to her that I that she know she’s like I do anyway so we’re 30 away uh pretty exciting Hey listen once again we want

To thank you guys in the live look at I see Joey B good afternoon punchliners good afternoon at Bob Del B’s getting reest you put a lot of miles on that Nissan going to Michigan Frank mie’s pointing that out because he’s the one who booked me for that one night College

Gig that we thought was only three or four hours from Pittsburgh turned out it was about 11 so that was his fault yes I put a lot of miles thanks to you Joey B also says you’ve got your your poison tattoo right I have a poison tattoo I do and uh

Yeah I can’t show it because FCC law anyway I want to thank you guys all you guys in the uh in the chat room room that give us ideas and give us jokes and a lot of material to talk about so I just want you to know um if you have a

Social media post that you find if you find a clip you see something online tweet me at Frank nikito or Ryan our producer at ryanb mcore anytime you see something we should have on the show and if you even write a joke for it I’ll I’ll give you a

Shout out for the laugh so today we’re going to bring to you a new segment called posts with punchlines do I have a Graphic yet no we don’t here it is okay it’s just to me so anyway this is where we come social media to find fresh posts

And write some punchlines hence the show and we got to talk about what a great guy Jason Kelsey is everyone’s talking about what a phenomenal human being he is he’s a um he’s a mogul now with his podcast and all his commercials but he did something really nice yesterday what

Did he do there Ryan read read what he did there well so he uh the the Tweet says they went to the Harvard town Jason Kel’s official home unofficial Hometown and they met with uh his Super Fan the lady that works in the Drive-Thru at the McDonald’s that he goes to frequently um

And she ended up having a jersey for him to sign and he yeah very graciously did that so yeah I think I believe I think it’s a McDonald’s he gets he regularly orders this is the Breakfast of Champions he gets a sausage egg and cheese McMuffin of sorts yes so if you

Want to be a lineman you got to bulk up right you got to eat that kind of stuff yeah I have a feeling he gets like two or three of them probably because one of those in his T would look really tiny in his hand but anyway he he signed a

Jersey chore which I thought it was really sweet Y and uh look that could be one of the last jerseys CU we still don’t know if if he’s retiring or not right he’s retiring yeah more than likely yes he’s just waiting to make formality yeah yeah

Officially done it yet yeah uh so anyway Jason Kelce gave that to his favorite drive-through uh employee Dak Prescott tried to give one of his jerseys to a drive-through worker and they said uh Goodwill drop off his next door sir they didn’t want it we have another joke for

This one too uh Dak Prescott tried to drop off his jersey to a a a drive-through employe and they said sir this jersey is not considered a resume for employment but we are hiring if you’re available and um yeah we think you aren’t working right now boom Reno Paul with that punchline or

Dak Prescott handed them a jersey and they said sir you remind me of our ice cream machine here at McDonald’s because you never work when we need you to Boom we are roasting Dak Prescott H and this is this also from Reno Paul once again I’m showing if you contribute a joke

I’ll read it the Dodgers offered him 50 million to help them lo oh no with Dak Prescott Dodgers offered Des Dak Prescott 50 million to help them lose in the first round just like the Cowboys so there you go cuz the Dodgers and cowboys both heavy favorites there you go uh so

Moving on uh I think Tom mlan who will be on in a minute will enjoy this how do you say this guy’s name I know Kyle y ju y yeah it’s like an eight Time pro bowler the guy’s amazing he has a beautiful wife who’s all of a sudden become like a

Biggest celebrity as he has because she’s the one making all these coats that like Taylor Swift has been wearing so I think we have some video of this he made Taylor Swift jacket I take a lot of pride in this okay first of all that’s that’s him getting award Kyle sorry the

Best wife in the world so this is awesome he got an award saying uh very proud of his wife so these are the most supportive husband yeah what that he got the award for most supportive husband by the ners social media team so this girl is a genius because she’s going to end

Up making a ton of money off these and just a I mean she’s going to start a line right of course she’s going to have to get I don’t know if the N what the NFL’s going to think about this but there’s a bunch of people clamoring for

Her to be like in charge of fanatic’s Department yeah cuz are so much better than anything else that they totally better and that was Taylor lner from Twilight movies uh getting one on the sidelines and Aiden Hutchinson one right and then uh that’s uh Simone biles Simone biles right and then there play

For the Packers husband plays for the Packers and then look at that one even line look how cool these are those are really tight those are fly and come on I’m trying to be hip I’m trying they sick uh you know maybe she can make one for Todd BS because it’s

Going to be really cold in Detroit you know what what I’m saying Yeah Yeah that poor reporter did anyone did anyone has anyone like announced who she was or anything I they they’ve come out and said that she was she’s not a sports reporter they were like their Sports

Reporters were all sick or whatever they sent her in she was like a newscaster filling in didn’t know she probably thought she had this great question I’m gonna ask him about the weather and poor dobs just stares at her uh Jeff parl uh whose show will be on at 3:00 today

Sports by the book which I will be doing one of my news segments where the Frank is Nicko somewhere in the hotel I think Jeff wrote uh Kyle’s wife and asked for a Zach Wilson jacket but she told uh she told Jeff she goes hey it looks like you

Already have a one-of A- kind jacket that only you will ever wear and I think we remember Jeff’s jacket there there it is let’s see that yep that’s Jeff’s Disney jacket and he’s like what well I don’t need another coat I got this one right there why would I

Need another one yeah she made one for Aiden Hutchinson who by the way uh Taylor spner actually did date Taylor Swift for a while back in the day he’s got a some things for Taylor cuz he’s married to a Taylor oh my God he’s got a

Thing for Taylor how about that yeah uh yeah he got one at the wild card game last week very good thank you uh I thought Ryan McCormack would be on top of that I thought maybe you read R People magazine and you were up on all

The the datings but uh uh speaking of Taylor Swift she will be at the game do we know if she’ll be in Buffalo is she making the trip there are some things there is there are some things that have come out saying that she will not go to

Buffalo wow she did her in her eras tour she skipped over Buffalo and then uh with all the the sacrificing going on into the they don’t want her to be in oh God Taylor I hope she shows up I hope she shows up it’s always good when

Taylor’s there um by the way there’s a Taylor Swift filter that’s going around Tik Tok where you can make yourself look like Taylor Swift I made one of myself and I I know no oh god there it is I really wasn’t sure if people wanted to

See that I look like I should look it’s like you’re watching a Taylor Swift video some sort of horror movie oh my God called Bad Blood I love the dog toy noises in the background yeah because they’re nervous they’re like who the hell’s this in the

House that is not Frank what is going on oh my God and then uh a final social media post that we want to talk about the Portland Trailblazers uh Trailblazers they’re they’re suffering some bad weather in the Pacific Northwest DeAndre Aon out tonight due to icy roads in his neighborhood all the

Other players made it uh they even sent people trying to get him apparently his Road had a sheet of ice and he could this sounds like this sounds like he got into a fight with a teammate in the locker room and he’s hurt or something and then the actual game report said not

With Team not with Team yeah and uh they didn’t really need him because they won uh with two t0 of a second Anthony Simmons buzzer beater had a buzzer beater last night so trailblaze was won without DeAndre Aton who’s watching the game at home I hope his cable wasn’t

Knocked out I mean maybe he’s a cable by the way I just said cable and I hope he had his streaming service anyway uh pretty funny and then we are going to do one birthday today we got to because it’s Kevin CER ladies and gentlemen happy birthday to Kevin Cosner the

Reason I bring it up no one has been in more sports themed movies there you go he’s been in several baseball movies there’s draft day which is an underrated movie yeah it’s just so goofy and it’s so stupid it’s fun I love that movie he also did uh McFarland USA which is a

Cross country running American Flyers is a bike movie Tin Cup is golf Molly’s game hey poker is a sport we got the poker room right here down at South Point come on down and for Love of the Game is another baseball movie so Kevin

Cosner My God uh and by the way he’s uh 69 so I wish if his mom could have held him in one more day or pushed him out or pushed him out yes yeah pushed him out one day earlier would have been 69 on our 69 show all right let’s get to our

Special guest uh this gentleman and I go way back we’ve done tons of shows together I told you he was a massive Niner fan he will mention it more than I will mention the Steelers uh any day and by the way look at his setup ladies and

Gentlemen it’s comedian Tom mlan Tom my God look at them Tom in how you doing buddy I don’t know about you bringing me on right after showing that Taylor Swift filter but that uncomfortable I was about to go to I almost shut off at that point I was

Logged off Tom here’s here’s the really sad behind the-scenes story on that um there’s one where you can do uh your own face and then you video it and it and it goes on and then it makes a video I was too old to figure out how to use Tik Tok

Properly so the only one I could do was that one and uh I by the way that character um will be on RuPaul’s Drag Race next season so you can watch out for my my Taylor Swift AI because that photo was horrifying I mean I I didn’t

Look I it looked very strange but anyway let’s let’s get that I think I’d say that now we have bad blood oh he did not what a cruel summer it’s been there you go I I’ll set him up you knock him down so anyway tell me about the jerseys behind you is that

Navaro Bowman and you got a Nick Bosa yes I’ve got Navaro Bowman to my I guess that’s my left and then I’ve got Nick to my right I’ve got I don’t know if you can see my my full size helmet yeah yeah we got that’s a Raheem moer who moer

Who’s now on the uh the Miami Dolphins you know that team that is always really good up until about October and then they just start disappointing their fans Tom talking smack because his team uh got the number one seed and and playing in the divisional round yeah

They he scored 21 touchdowns but you guys didn’t need them yeah well M Miami is uh it’s just they they have a script every year they they’re just that team that follows the script you know kind of like Detroit they eventually will disappoint everybody should we Tom the NFL has a

Script the whole NFL the whole season is scripted they already know it’s scripted by the way you should be happy that it’s scripted because according to the Super Bowl logo the colors of the two teams that’ll be there are purple and red so it looks like you’re facing the Ravens again so good

Luck yeah but there’s a lot of red still in the AFC left so that makes me concerned and by the way do you think Taylor Swift avoids the Buffalo thing because of the shoveling snow because you know they make everybody get out and shovel snow before the game want to see

Got help get rid of the snow you know they they it they they paid people $20 an hour right to come down and shovel snow and then right before kickoff they show the stadium looks like no snow had been removed whatsoever so I guess everyone got some sort of uh hypothermia

Or they suffered Strokes because they showed people like shuffling to their seats and then I don’t know if this is true or not there were no reserve seats for a lot of the the the Buffalo they just said sit wherever you want I wherever you can find a seat that’s not

Covered in snow so that is true yeah that’s what I heard as well so you pay like a, for 50 yard line seats well yeah but those those tickets were what 80 bucks to get into the game yeah wow last week yeah but if you’re a season ticket

Holder you paid you know in advance but yeah that’s that’s pretty wild so anyway let’s talk about your Niners by the way uh I know you what what Jersey do you have on what are you spor in there I’m currently wearing a Patrick Willis oh Hall of Fame finalist hopefully we’ll

Get some good news on that here in the next couple weeks you know we got to get Patrick in and then hopefully they’ll get their act together because you know I’ve been um campaigning for Roger Craig for a very long time and I can’t believe

Hall of Fame hey Tom I mentioned that on this show twice during this football season Roger Craig now correct me if I’m wrong because I know you’re a stat man too did he not have a thousand yards receiving and rushing in the same season

One year or close to it or he did he the first yeah yes it was and and here’s another little known fact too that season he was actually a fullback he wasn’t even a halfback That season Roger Craig definitely belongs in the Hall of Fame I don’t know why it’s

Say that’s now I’m going to get on my soap box but Hines Ward also the best blocking wide receiver uh two time Super Bowl champ Super Bowl MVP thousand catches more yards than Tory H Mor and Andre John he needs to be in there too

But Roger Craig is a crime I mean the veterans committee gotta get him in yeah it doesn’t make any sense I mean you look at the criteria for the Hall of Fame is the story of football can’t be told without this person yeah Roger Craig was a vital part of three Super

Bowls he had I think he had like four touchdown four Super Bowl touchdown maybe five Super Bowl touchdowns total he’s just it’s unbelievable to me and I think that the excuse and the Steelers went through the same thing oh there were too many good players on that put

Everybody in but yeah you should if it’s a Hall of Famer they should be in absolutely so um uh let’s let’s talk about your ners right now the line again is uh what was it again n nine nine nine and a half I wrote it down and I changed

My pce here it is n and a half nine and a half points now listen we saw what happened to Dallas we saw Green Bay going in there and just abs absolutely steamroll them which I see your you can’t even stop smiling already about but now you got the Packers coming all

The way out to the West Coast do you fear the Packers or Jordan love or is this team ready the ners to go all the way well I think that the 49ers are a little bit different and that I think that the only team that can really beat

Them is the 49ers because they are like you look at the roster from you know all the way down to well maybe the kicker Jake Moody the the not quite work out but everybody else I mean anybody you put them up against any other starter in

The league and I I really think that you know yeah they had a couple of hiccups through the season you know the Ravens game was the Ravens game I feel like um you know Brock pie he’s very family oriented and he had to go play on

Christmas he’s a young man that had to be a little bit of an emotional thing you know what I mean being away I was in the military I know what it was like to be away from home for the first Christmas is tough so um but no I think

That the 49ers are um the most well equipped team the Packers certainly they they have a lot of talent and you know it’s football anything can happen but I I think that it’s going to be a I think that the 49ers should handle them fairly

Well um I love when the 49ers play the Packers in the playoffs it’s just one of those things that makes it feel like everything’s right in football um I don’t know if you know but me and my brother were actually at that 1998 wild card game when Steve Young hit Terell

Owens we talked about that the other day that catch and he held on to the ball and he was Ryan right he was so you were there yeah me and my brother were in that Endzone we were in the front row of the in of the top level so we were in

The top we like in Candlestick we like sitting on the upper level so we we ended up just by chance in that end zone wow I think Candlestick lose it like that the the Candlestick Park used to be so like relaxed even when they would win

Because it was like oh we’re used to it we’ve been here before but that one Owens had dropped the ball so many times and a few plays before there was Jerry Rice fumbled the ball and they actually ended up giving the 49ers back it was a bad call whatever worked out in 49ers

Favor but so it was just such a big and crazy moment and I’ve never it was like the roof was just blown off of the stadium it was so amazing that Jerry Rice guy always disappointing fans I mean just a terrible I mean just always constantly never doing anything to help

The team uh I remember that f i remember that game vividly because I remember uh watch and Candlestick Park by the way I mentioned this before I saw a Giants game there in 1978 baseball game and wow I remember W it was me and my dad my sister we walked

In and we were visiting from Los Angeles and we had driven up drove up driven up we drove up driven we went up in a car to see my aunt who lived up in Redwood City we went to that game and I remember walking in we had shorts and t-shirts on

And everybody kind of looking at us strangely and I’m looking I’m like Dad why is everyone wearing like like heavy parkas and thermal underwear showing through and then like about the fourth inning it the sun went down and that might be I’ve been to games in Buffalo

To see Rich St I’ve never been colder than I was at Candlestick Park on a summer night yeah it’s like an air conditioner because that wind is just blowing through BL that cold air right off the water oh my goodness yeah they could be

BR now listen so uh if you guys win I mean listen if if they should win they should beat the Packers I mean how confident are you that this is a Super Bowl year for them and uh you know I was I was listening to the radio on the way

In someone was like oh Kyle Shanahan’s on the hot seat no he’s not he’s not on the hot seat even if he doesn’t win he’s coming back how confident are you what do you think did you put any money on this do you gamble on games tell me tell

Me about tell me about that stuff so I don’t gamble on my you know I don’t gamble on my own teams just because a little bit too emotional on those kind of things so I don’t want to I don’t you know you know how it is man you lose

Perspective when it comes to your own team um but ever since the they they they broke camp this year I felt like this was the Super Bowl team I felt like they were the team and not like oh hope they’re the team I really feel like

They’re the team to beat and um you know like I said they had those couple of of hiccups early on but it was nothing that was too concerning I mean You’ got Trent Williams who was is the you know one of the best offensive lineman in the league

Who was out and you know that just created all kinds of issues with the line and then you know Debo was out at the same time you know when you’re missing players of that caliber you’re going to be a little more vulnerable but I really I really I have all the

Confidence in the world that they’re going to make it all the way to the end and I you know and I don’t I don’t think I’ve seen a 49er team this good since like 1989 like before you know the Steve Young you know store Deion Sanders Championship uh is everything okay there

Because we heard quite a commotion in the background what’s going on over there there was some something here was it there was that there or here no it was there you have ghosts you have the ghost of Bill Walsh there hunting this show I we heard like a loud commotion or

Something like something do you have a dog no I don’t I know we heard something knocked over right am I’m not am I not making that up right yeah okay we we’ll move on yeah anyway anyway so Tom where will you watch the game do you have a ritual

Because I can’t watch games I Steeler games I have to watch kind of alone there’s maybe three or four people in the world that I allowed to watch a game with me what is your ritual for a Niners game and what Jersey will you be wearing this

Weekend okay well I don’t know if you should have brought this up because you know I don’t I don’t want to be the reason the 49ers lose and I’m going to put them in a vulnerable place because I’m not going to be in the place that I’m normally at watching the game

Normally I like to watch the game just me and my kids same thing like I don’t like I don’t want to be at a bar with a bunch of loud people and all that stuff but this particular weekend we were invited by my buddy Carlos alz Rocky to

Go hang out watch the game with him so we’re going to go over me and the kids we’re the kids are going to be there too we’re going to go over and watch the game with him and I normally on game day I wear a Vernon Davis white jersey nice

That’s a good one right there he was a beast Man by the way uh Ryan he mentioned Carlos Al Zaraki um we trying to figure out what that is is that John Quinn’s feed did we fit what was it what was it was it was our

Next guest’s feed we just heard St you couldn’t hear it so we’re not crazy Tom if you watch the show back okay okay we’re all staring at each other like where the hell is that noise coming from because you’re sitting still all right we’ll work it out it’s live TV so um

Caros salaz Zaraki whose house you’re going over to to Ryan he’s a fellow comedian and also claim to fame I mean he’s he’s done voices on the Family Guy but he was the voice of the yokiro Taco Bell dog yiro Bell that’s right that’s right bought his first house he bought

His first house and I hope a couple houses with the residuals on that but you Taco Bell nice guy so you also do psf psf uh professional sports fans app we’ve had Sean Salsbury on this show it’s an app where each team is represented with a couple different

Webcast teams and it’s basically like the Manny cast you watch Monday Night Football you can watch all the games on psf uh app and Tom and Tom and Carlos do a great job on the ners games so I don’t know if we’re doing playoff games I I I

Didn’t do I playoff game I want to watch I don’t want to be on but anyway so download the psf app it’s awesome so um we’re talking about Vegas here Tom you tell me you have a Vegas story for us and that it’s awesome yeah so okay you know how I’m

Kind of in the sports memorabilia space and I’ve been a collector for a long time well many years ago not long after getting getting out of the military I um I was kind of into like um what would you call them like music legends music icons and I was like oh start maybe

Collect a few of those right so I saw that if you join the international share fan club she sends you an autograph by 10 okay I know I’m putting myself in a space here it’s a Share story I love it share your Share story so and I’m proud

To be a member of the international share fan club now so no so but I thought 10 bucks you get an autographed picture and you’re just in a fan club right so within a couple of weeks after joining the international Sher fan club I get a letter from the international

Sher fan club saying share is recording her DVD live at the can I say the other casino’s name at a casino Vegas okay so and uh and so uh and we she wants all of her biggest fans people from her fan club in the front rows

Um she’s willing to pay for your seats if you’ll come down to Vegas and you’ll you’ll you know sit in the seats so Frank my first trip to Las Vegas was to go see share I was in the front row for her DVD taping I wasn’t the only dude in the

Front row but I was the the front row not dressed like Sher kind of looks like me with my Taylor Swift app on right that yeah right oh my God that’s hysterical and if you could turn back time would you do it again if I could turn back time I would

Do it over and over again man it was so much fun it was such a crazy adventure and uh Sher puts on such a great show she opened with h you’s I still haven’t found what I’m looking for and it was a song I didn’t know wow she’s written another great

Hit she’s playing at the sphere she’s gonna do that song wait let’s H you want to hear let’s hear her doing you two here we go this is Sher as you two and I still hav’t f please never use that again please do not cut that into any sort of clip me

Doing oh honey Half Breed oh my God this is a show where I’ve really uh shown my U shown my sensitive side anyway uh I can’t believe I just did that um so when when do you uh God so what other Collectibles do you have what’s your most valuable collectible

Probably uh valuable because you have a ton of you have a bunch of Giants fans because I know you’re a big Giants fan too San Francisco Giants yeah have a lot of giant stuff I have a lot of wily May stuff um I have a I have a a thing that

Was a picture that was signed by LeBron it was the last picture that he signed before his first NBA game it was like while he was getting on the the bus to go play against the Sacramento Kings I have a um I have a helmet I have it put

Away just because I don’t like the sun exposure which makes it stupid to have it but it’s signed by Dwight Clark that has the the diagram diagram the play and it’s also signed by Joe Montana oh my God that is sweet think I have four or five helmets signed by Joe Montana like

Joe Montana is obviously the my favorite the greatest of all time uh so by the way Ryan we wait a second we do know that Tom will not be home during the ners game this weekend so I know where Tom lives I have this is

A heist this is this is our oceans 14 this is our movie Ryan right here we can do it um that’s and where’s the share photo right now do you have the share photo still oh man that’s a great question I would not be able to locate that share

Photo if you gave me a 45 day Head Start I not have no idea where it is I’m sure I still have it but uh it’s not necessarily at the Forefront it’s not it’s not something that I show my friends when they come over I’m not like

Hey man you guys think I see this you don’t share your [ __ ] and Tom and I uh last time I saw you I guess you booked me into uh you were it was a haunted hotel or something some hotel that was like haunted that I

Did a show at yeah we did the Hotel more recently though during the pandemic you did the The Outdoor Show at The Hanger at the at the Santa Paul Airport so one of the few shows uh I could do during the pandemic and I hadn’t done standup

In like a year right none of us had right and uh the Santa Santa Paula airport so we were literally on the tarmac we were outside the bar you could there were little planes parked behind us so in the middle of a show I’m doing jokes you turn around there’ be people

Like leaning on plane wings like drinking beer like salute me and everyone was socially distanced and I was like nervous about it and like I haven’t done a you know a long show in like a year you know or maybe even longer as soon as I got up there we had

A blast and I ended up doing like uh I I did like an hour I have it recorded on my phone but that was a blast that’s right and that’s also the airport where Harrison Ford uh frequence right yeah that was the actually that that restaurant where we do the show

Harrison Ford was breakfast there one time and there was a accident on the freeway where one of the cars went over the the side and kind of like you know came down the embankment and he rushed out to help the guy and it was all in

The news and everything so yeah he do from understand he has a plane there and he’s seen around town every once in a while Harrison Ford is a true hero not only is Indiana Jones he’s a true hero all right let’s talk about the game give me your final score and who’s gonna

Score the first touchdown because that’s a bet we might do here at the casino or around town we’re looking at mcaffrey obviously but it may if you think it might be somebody else uh give me a final score and who scores first touchdown for the ners okay I’m going to go final score

I’m I’m going 32 12 I think that yeah I think San Francisco’s they’ve consistently put up over 30 points like all all season long and I think that it’s you know I I don’t see the Packers as like a big problem for them there’s nothing there’s nothing on the Packers

Where you’re like oh gotta watch out for this guy oh we gotta watch out for that so um yeah so 32 to 12 and first score man I I really like Brendan iuk and I I like the fact that Brock catch him you know down the field and I I really like

That it’s really they they they work really quick together that’s Ryan’s that’s Ryan’s prediction as well he likes Brandon iuk and how dare you and where can people find you your handle is at XL comic correct that’s right my handle is X XL comic um you

Could follow me there and uh love to see everybody the show sometime yeah you got to go see Tom very funny guy um I think you had just asked me if I I could come do a show kind of towards your way but I’m in Vegas now and uh I’d be a long

Drive uh for that kind of money but anyway yeah right I’ve heard they’ve got comedy stuff out there so maybe I’ll try to make my way out to there because it’s been a while since we’ve cuddled so I you know we’ve had listen we work together in Sacramento there’s stories I

Can’t tell on this show um and things that have happened what was that again I said San Francisco stories right yeah we can’t really talk about that yeah anyway uh good luck to your 49ers by the way your Giants odds to win the division plus 1100 Giants odds to win the World Series

Plus 5,000 well if the ners make it to the Super Bowl do you have any intentions of coming out here we’d love to get you on live oh yeah if if you if that’s right if the Niners make the Super Bowl do you make your way to

Vegas uh maybe I don’t know I haven’t really put a whole lot of thought into where I’m going to be for the game but you know who knows maybe might be worth it we just want you out of the house on the Super Bowl so then we’ll have three

And a half hours to slowly go through all your memory be Tom mlan thanks for being on the show buddy we’ll see you later thank you Tom at XL comic we might as well bring our next guest in because I’ve seen him for the last 10 minutes

Kind of checking in I saw him rearranging some stuff so he could get his lion right there no we got to go to a commercial all right we’re going to go to a commercial first we’re going to get him on in about a minute and a half

Sorry John one minute and a half we’ll be right back thank you Tom mlan you killed it once you’ve satisfied your hunger get ready for more of the hottest casino games in Vegas our 24-hour 30 table non-smoking Poker Room proudly hosts all the most popular poker games with a

Variety of betting limits visit the poker room for a schedule of daily tournaments whether you’re going to hold them or fold them the best place for poker is at South Point Casino you’ll notice that our crafts tables are usually the loudest in the casino if you’ve never played Join one

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Action 24 hours a day the friendly ticket Riders are happy to help and it’s conveniently located next to the Famous delmare Deli where you’ll find super sized portions of delicious deli items like roast beef Pastrami and Reuben sandwiches or soups salads and Pizza Plus spectacular desserts Fit For A King

And right next door is the race book over 150 seats each with its own TV screen There are 16 interactive player terminals so you can bet right from your seat Guys that’s why I can’t tell that Tom mlan story on the air oh we’re back all right anyway Tom mlan did a great job we heard the ners perspective but let’s get a Detroit Lions who by the way I’ve mentioned when I was a kid they were my

Favorite NFC team uh this guy I’ve known for about 25 years when I said sat down and realized that yesterday uh he is executive producer of game shows like Press Your Luck uh also Let’s Make a Deal he’s all over the place he’s a massive Alliance fan as you can see it’s

John Quinn my old buddy John John what’s Happ John what Jersey how are you buddy I’m doing great man I mean I’m here in Vegas they’re uh they’re paying me to host this sports and entertainment show we do jokes we talk sports and my team

Is out of the playoffs so I can’t talk anymore about them which uh Jerry is thrilled the guy on the show who uh Jerry works on our show and he has a dry eras sport of how many times I mentioned PB each episode so that was uh one or

Two today I’m not allowed to do anymore but uh it’s all about Detroit man it’s what Jersey are you wearing who do you have on I’m wearing Dan Campbell’s Jersey from when he played for the Lions specially made uh when I had a bet with Josh Silverman who is a mutual friend I

Think you know Jos yeah yeah yeah yeah and when the Lions beat the Packers in week three the BET was whoever brought it to the other team hard enough you had to get a jersey for them and so we just agreed that they were out coached so I

Got the Campbell Jersey representing one of a kind and by the way Josh Josh silver by the way the thing about Josh is I still he’s like probably smaller and and frailer than me he was a cameraman for an entire SE season of Deadliest Catch wasn’t he Deadliest

Catch almost died almost died several times he almost died several times and I’m like why didn’t you leave he’s like no way man gave him my word I’m going to stick it out I’m like I would the first time I got like a little paper cut I I I

Would have been gone and he did it he did it they had to finally like get him out of there on a on a helicopter because he was like so sick and like about to die but you know that’s he’s a pack he’s a Packers fan so if they win

And we win then it’s an NFC North NFC Championship came back in Ford Field and I might have to go back because I was at I was at the game last now you were at the game last week tell us uh how that worked out was it a last second thing

And we know the tickets we know last week that was the highest price ticket in the playoffs and for good I mean they hadn’t played a game in 30 years so how did that come about well it was just you know I live in Los Angeles now and is this ever

Gonna happen again I I mean I don’t know if you’re a Detroit Lion fan you understand that this is our this is it right like since 1992 or whatever it was and so I I had gone to the Lions I’ve been to three games this year I went and

Saw the Lions chargers at Sofi uh gorgeous stadium with my two daughters who are 10 and eight um and then I went to New Orleans with my friends um right right after we shot password to see him play the Saints and that was awesome it’s like the French Quarter would just

Became the Lions the Lions quarter because I think if you’re a Saints fan you get done and you just go home we all stay right and the uh so then when this happened it kind of started because my youngest daughter Lucy when we were at this at the Chargers game she kept

Rooting and going crazy and saying why am I not getting in the Jumbo Tron I’m going crazier than all these people I said honey you’re wearing Detroit Lions Gear Head To Toe they’re never going to put you on that this is it’s just for the charger fans you’ll never make it

She goes well then we need to go to Detroit that’s kind of how it started so when they hit the playoffs I’m like we’re gonna go let’s do it so my whole family’s back there we flew in Friday I mean I got tickets which were too much

Money and then we flew in and as we were coming to Detroit there’s a huge snowstorm we get rerouted to Cincinnati we wait there for a couple hours we then come to Detroit my girls up been on a plane for nine hours then we wait for

Our bags for two hours till they say your bags aren’t coming off the plane because nobody’s working we’re like whatever then I can barely get in Uber we get to the hotel at 3:00 a.m. we go to sleep the next day my entire family comes to the hotel like my brothers my

Sisters my nieces nephews we get the bags everything’s looking up we go to the game in zero degree weather kind of like the Tampa Bay coaches we didn’t have like a 30 yeah that 20 seconds yeah poor girl poor girl so we get in and it’s just chaos from the

Second you get there like and I have a 10 and an eight year old girl granted they’re huge fans we did a fantasy football league this year they you know they had Gibbs and St Brown and Montgomery so they know all the lions but it’s also Insanity like I have like

This family and we sit down and I’m like you know you’re going to hear a lot of swear words and just just so you know it’s you know it’s fine just excited yeah and after the first quarter I’m like have you heard any swear words like we’re up to 38 with

Time mostly we hear the f word and but from the from the second it started I could never relax number one because I had my girls and number two because it was just insane like what are we even doing here how is this I can’t even

Comprehend any of it it was my first time at field I’ve been to the silver Dome and I’ve seen him out of town plenty of times but it’s the first time I’d gone back and I just have never felt a crowd like that and the energy of the

Place you you can imagine like there’s a team salivating for this you know and at the end you know at the end we didn’t even know we really W like is it can we run out the clock and he started kneeling my brother’s next to me he

Starts crying my niece is next to me who’s my she’s 35 she starts crying I start crying it’s like it and I guess it’s I guess I’m proud to have cried I don’t know I feel like earn these tears we’ve earned them yeah oh my God what an amazing story that did they

Get on the Jumbotron your daughters no but the guy dressed like a banana right in front of us did and they were dressed like they were dressed as lions and stuff and they say that when oh when they showed the banana you could see us in the background I’m like he was

Five rows front of us but that’s fine that counts that’s fine that counts we get out Afters we’re only 0.5 miles from the hotel but we get back in the car because it’s under zero degrees and then it took us an hour and a half hour and a

Half to get home to the hotel you know but it doesn’t matter we got here we watched the Cowboys lose in the pregame the place was going ballistic for that because now we got Tampa Bay at home and that’s a real winnable game it is man

Now yeah exactly now if they win that if they win the NFC Championship which by the way I have my only Futures bet I had two Futures bet on winning the Super Bowl I had the Dolphins that’s gone but I did do a lions bet cuz when I was a

Kid Man Billy Sims Eric hipple Barry Billy Sims Billy Sims number 20 who also Barry Sanders were 20 and they retired it for both players but Billy Sims was my favorite non Pittsburgh Steeler I love Billy Sims and I got for Christmas I asked for a new bike and this catalog

You know we had those wish cataloges back in the day and they had these NFL bikes and I didn’t want the Steelers for some reason so I got a Detroit Lions bike and I had it for years it had like a plastic and it was blue and silver it

Was the coolest bike in the neighborhood um so I’ve loved the lions are you cheting are you shooting for the Lions absolutely absolutely man I’ve always I’ve always liked the Lions as kind of my NFC team um so yeah I I and I I used

To like the Saints too when I was a kid maybe because they were black and gold I don’t know why but they were also bad they were bad they were a bad team too but yeah I’m rooting for your Cowboys now if they make the Super Bowl John

Let’s just cowboys I mean the Lions the lions lions oh my God Cowboys first of all we should have beat them we should have been the two SE we shouldn’t even have the dealing with them losing that is true but it may be it work out now

You got Tampa Bay coming to town that might be an easier route but so if they make it if they make it to the Super Bowl I I feel like you have to make your way to Vegas somehow I have we have family in Vegas we have a house up there in Henderson

That is just waiting okay yeah I can I just got to get tickets I gotta talk to ABC and CBS and see if me working at the network means a damn thing it’s on CVS but you know those tickets are crazy um but yes that will be under consideration

If they if they go to San Francisco next week I might I might look at it oh yeah that’s true that’s a quick that’s a Southwest flight yeah there you go nice weather I just don’t know if I want to bring my girls there they could be more

Dangerous going now now what’s your take on the game now what’s the spread again is it six and a half guys or no six and a six and a half points six and a half uh we I want to hear what your your opinion is on the line and how you see

The game unfolding and who wins well of course you know who I think is going to win the game and truly do I truly do we beat him ear we beat him week three three I believe we’re back I mean Mayfield’s playing a lot better he

Scares me I also had Mike Evans and Rasheed white on my fantasy teams and they led me almost to a championship so like I’ve been following the Bucks all year and I do like Tampa Bay’s offense but I think that HomeField Advantage is ridiculous like Stafford couldn’t even

Hear the calls they were coming in he didn’t he you could see that he was lost from the audience I think I think the audience and the team in the city will will this Victory I do think they’re probably paper as well but I just think

Honestly I just think the story of it and everything that’s going on is too big for the Buccaneers yeah it may not be too big for the 49ers that’s a whole other conversation or the Packers if they come to our Stadium an NFC North championship game but I think I don’t

Want to overlook the Buccaneers but they’re gonna have to play their best game I think to beat the lions in that Stadium I think between the run and the way golf is playing and our running back Montgomery and Gibs I don’t think they can keep up with us although I am scared

About Mayfield and Evans and Godwin because our secondary well you saw what pukaa did to us last week so that scares me yeah cam Sutton back there right a Steeler so yeah he had a rough game he he did he did got work I just think we

Outscore them and we are willed to win this game I agree that’s really what I think I agree uh so listen I think it be a shootout it’ll be a shootout I think it’ll be a shootout you like the over 48 and a half yeah I would go over for sure

Okay I like that I like that now uh John what do you currently John’s produces I forgot about password you’re doing password too what are you currently you’re still doing let’s make a deal right now right or is that okay we should do let’s make a deal we actually

Did a Super Bowl episode where we had um oh can I announce who we had on the show we had a very famous Baltimore Ravens defensive retired play it’s Terrell Suggs probably no it’s not although he’s our buddy Street smarts he was on Street smarts yeah yeah no it’s even more

Famous the bigger all right wow that’s great he’s on we did a big Super Bowl episode that’ll air that week of the Super Bowl but yeah dude let’s make a deal just finished shooting password with Kiki pmer the host and Jimmy Fallon right which was spectacular we’re in

Post on that and then hopefully we’re waiting to see if we get a pick up from pressure luck now uh Press Your Luck and of course I worked on Press Your Luck for two I the first couple Seasons I did the third season was Co there was no

Audience came back for season three or I came back for season three or four whatever I was supposed to do the most recent season okay for four and then you just did season five which I was going to do when I was still living in LA and

I got covid and I couldn’t come do it which I was really bummed out because that was that’s like my favorite show to work on because Elizabeth Banks is awesome it’s a heartbreaker when you aren’t able to come to that it’s like very sad for all of us because Frank’s

The best does this mean for season six which if we get picked up would happen in the next few months can’t do it or do I have to we have to fly you out I think I would come and I think we could I think we would could figure something

Out I could do the show remotely Ryan or Jerry could host the show I don’t know this is they could get anyone to do this yeah no no call me call me I’m there we’ll get the we’ll fire up the South Point Jet and I’m coming in we have a

South Point jet that I have access to we do that you have access do I have access to that uh and finally you know you mentioned New Orleans and being in New Orleans I have to bring up we shot Street smarts in in New Orleans season one John was a prod

That’s where I met John he was working with Scott St John who was the EP and John was one of our producers now I don’t know if you produced this clip but I went to Pat O’Brien’s which is famous for their hurricane drinks and I had one

Too many the night before and then the next day during an interview I got sick on C I said to the person I was I’ll be right back and I went over and I threw up in a bush and then I came back and finished the interview and we were going

To show the clip on an episode but we didn’t have time for it I don’t know if that was a show you did or not I never saw the clip that was that was before I got there but I seen the I didn’t come till season 3 but I’ve seen the clip

That was back in the day when it was just like Run and Gun yeah that was like season one or two because Carlos Ortiz yeah and we and I remember we got we got back to the hotel and he calls Carla our one of the executive producer goes hey

Frank got food poisoning he had some bad jumble eye or gumbo last night he got he doesn’t look good so we get back to we wer she goes okay just wrap early so we get back to the hotel I take like a nap I eat something about two hours later

It’s about 7:00 p.m. and this before cell phones so all of a sudden the hotel phone we started calling each other like we’re going out tonight right we can’t at 7 o’ in New Orleans we got to go out so we went out again and of course and I

Probably stayed away from the Hurricanes but enjoyed the French Quarter because you have to when you’re in New Orleans what are you gonna do yeah food poison I got food poison in New Orleans poison yeah by the way car Carla’s born and raised in New Orleans she knew that was

BS so yeah she know she knows yeah the game the G the G the Saints game was awesome the super doome was awesome the Saints fans were great yeah and like I said it just became Detroit Lions part afterwards very cool place to go well I hope the party continues for you this

Weekend I hope it goes on through San Francisco all the way to Vegas and we see you here and you could stop by live in the studio and show us what Jersey you have on I love it I love I love it man John you’re the best buddy thank you

John Quinn for being on the show outstanding job man that’s awesome I I’ll text you later buddy so uh what do you think of his predictions there I like he thinks it’s a shootout he likes over 48 and a half so maybe if we grab one of these parlay cards I’m looking at

That over possi I do like I do like the over because new orle I mean Baker Mayfield he does have those receivers he’s got Godwin he’s got Evans so um what do you think yeah I I I like the over in that game as well I I think the

The Lions defense hasn’t really been as Stout as it as it was earlier in the year but their offense can definitely score they were the second best passing offense in the league um in the regular season so they definitely should be able to to score against Tampa but Tampa’s also been playing pretty

Good defense as of late so I mean they set the lines at the at the number for a reason so I know that the te’s might be the best play teasing it down and taking the over now you know okay so yeah the Texans game Texans Baltimore currently here at South Point

Is what what do we have it at because I never like I don’t want to say it if I don’t love Houston is or Baltimore is a ninepoint favorite that is a 44 total now see in our uh in our our super teames or whatever the Texans and and

You can bump that up to double digits I kind of feel like the Texans might be the the pick yeah you can go up to what 15 on the card uh tons of college basketball now listen that’s what I was going to bring up college basketball I don’t know if you’re playing anything

Tonight Ryan but Ryan has been on fire with his picks Bowling Green is there anything you’re looking at tonight and Sean do you have an NBA pick maybe you want to give out uh well the only thing that the the thing I was mainly looking at is Southern Utah plays Utah Tech

Tonight the uh the Rivalry game the I 15 uh schools are separated by about 40 miles uh St George to Cedar City um I was at the game at in St George last year oh wow um and the the Thunderbirds didn’t pull it out so it was a bit of a

Defeated Southern Utah grad we have to point out yes I am an suu Alum um but as I said before Todd Simon took the job at Bowling Green so he’s no longer the coach of Southern Utah and they lost a lot of their starters um in transfers a

Couple followed him to Bowling Green um some of them graduated um so the team is not the same as it was was a 20 win season last year and they are the actual worst team in the whack right now um and they are a four-point favorite at home

Which I have already taken the Utah Tech Trailblazers okay um so by the way if you would have given me a million dollars to say what you I still because Utah Tech used to be what Dixie State yeah see okay maybe I don’t even know if

I knew them but okay well they they also just got promoted into division one daa that’s why um yeah they were at D3 school for a while and then because they’re in St George and that area is forever expanding now um they they promoted to division one so but I do

Like the the Blazers to cover the four or with the four and even some sprinkled some money line so okay all right so just looking at a couple live comments because you guys are always really funny um oh yeah we should say x and not tweet

Yeah uh be same thing B time tell me will there ever be a day when people say x instead of tweet since it’s no longer Twitter doubt it he’s always positive um it’s my buddy um and he also points out that the jackets that Kyle ust’s wife are making they look like crappy

Starter jackets from 1993 they kind of do have that Charlotte Hornet vibe to remember everyone had a what who am I talking to everyone had a thank you an I looked at Ryan everyone were Charlotte Hornets I don’t know why and they listened to Yellow Card music is what they

Did are they not you mean Bobcats they The Hornet SN uh oh they the no they were the Hornets in 93 weren’t they oh so then they went to the Bobcats and then back to theet I think they did yeah because they lost them they moved yeah I think so I think

That’s how it went okay I just remember everybody wore that coat it’s Retro Retro Joey B said Tom looks like buddy from Ozark the guy looked in the basement on Ozark well he’s in his man cave down there he’s got all his memorabilia and stuff like that uh who

Does who does Kevin bellof like well ladies and gentlemen I’m here to tell you that Kevin Bell cof will be on the show tomorrow to give us his playoff lines I will be talking to Kevin later on tonight about something else but Kevin will be here tomorrow and Jeff

Parls will be here tomorrow now he probably won’t be wearing that Disney jacket but cars yeah cars L his cars jacket yeah his cars L and then uh here’s now this is your uh Mountain West is your conference right uh well Southern Utah went to is in the whack

They’re in the whack that’s right sorry Matt’s more big in the Mountain West so Joey B’s asking Ryan who do you like tomorrow night men’s Hoops Mountain West UNLV at Colorado State in Fort Collins where Joey B is at any any because UNLV just uh played New Mexico state right

Well they played New Mexico here New Mexico here yeah and they they pummeled them and then they were up in Boise State on on Tuesday yeah and they were underdogs and upset them out right they’re hot right now any he feel for that game yet have you looked at that at

All well Colorado state is I’m pretty sure one of the top teams in the Mountain West right now so UNLV has seemed to make a little bit of a habit of playing to their opponent’s level um whether that be playing down or playing up so um depending on what the line is UNLV

Should should play up to cover it okay um don’t know if I like him to upset them but all right maybe we’ll take a look at that game tomorrow as well Paul would prefer to see Ryan sing live Bob would like to see s Ryan Singh and

That’s an all caps I don’t know if I can command you to do that let’s get the video first get him comfortable and uh i’ also like to hear a lot more swearing on the show well open Jerry’s mic up if I get Jerry microphone that’s how

That’ll work out and poison Joey B asked if poison is from Pittsburgh poison poison po um poison uh they’re not Brett well Brett Michaels is from Butler which is about 40 m 30 miles outside of Pittsburgh they didn’t really start in Pittsburgh I think they started on the

LA strip but if we want to claim poison as a Pittsburgh band we can but really the best rocker of all time out of Pittsburgh is Donnie Iris all right we’d like to thank uh my two buddies Tom mlan very funny comedian follow him on social

Media XL comic John Quinn came in like a hurricane man with all those stories about the Lions and bringing his daughters and how many times have you heard swearing we’re at 38 that might be the clip of the day right there that’s hysterical John continued success with

All the game shows thank you Sean and Jerry I’m gonna go listen to some yellow card on my way home Ryan as always remember come back tomorrow for our final show of the week where we’ll be talking a lot of NFL action Kevin bellof will have his picks Jeff parls will have

His input stay here on the network because Jeff parl will be here in two hours at 3:00 3:00 I will be joining Jeff parls and I filed a report somewhere from around the hotel and I think Joey be or Min where the Frank is nicaro we kind of tipped our hand but uh

Yeah it was me and Ralph hanging out so make sure you come back and watch that thank you everybody for watching the show keep the live comments coming we did the Social Media stuff today instead of on this day in history I hope you guys liked it we’re always looking for

Clips so make sure you tweet anything funny you see on Tik Tok or Twitter hit me and Ryan and up me or Ryan are up I’m at Frank Niko he’s at Ryan BMC and it might show up on the show and you get credit like Greeno Paul did

Today thank you for watching the show punchlines live in Nevada every Show

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