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BK & Ferrario – January 18th, 2024

00:00 – Is the Amazon deal with Diamonds Sports group good for the fans?
14:22 – MLB Insider for the Athletic Evan Drellich
34:43 – Blues analyst Joey Vitale
52:00 – Questions and Answers
1:03:03 – Who is in the Blues core?
1:20:12 – Believe it or Not
1:36:47 – Do the Cardinals have an identity going into the 2024 season?
1:54:42 – The Junk Drawer
2:03:32 – Why are the Cowboys and Eagles sticking with their Head Coaches?
2:34:31 – Beat the Blues
2:47:03 – BK & Ferrario Rewind

[Applause] well this was a big surprise because since Diamond’s been in bankruptcy the expectation is that it would unwi it would want wind down business operations and 2024 would be its last season the last season operating instead Amazon they’ve done a deal with Amazon Amazon’s investing roughly $15 million into

Diamond it will own about 15% of the company and it will serve as the directed consumer platform for the regional Sports channel so viewers in St Louis who want to stream the St Louis Cardinal games can go to Amazon Prime video and buy a subscription and as a

Result diamond is not going away Bley Sports Group is not winding down operations at the end of 2024 that was Daniel Kaplan who was on the opening drive earlier here today business reporter who formerly was with ESPN uh but Daniel Kaplan talking about the Amazon Deal which yesterday T-Bone

We were asked about it because Evan drich had a piece out or we saw a couple of different pieces that were put out there and people were wondering what does this mean we didn’t even know what it meant because it was so confusing and then Evan drich dropped the article

Yesterday on the athletic explaining it it was like business for dummies when it came to sports broadcasting which no coincidence I’m still confused by it but Evan drch is going to join us at 11:15 to talk about the Amazon deal that took place yesterday with a Diamond Sports

Group in the court so what this means just general picture you heard Daniel Kaplan uh explain it there a little bit with the opening drive Amazon swooped in with the Diamond Sports Group that owns the Valley sports that owns the rights for all of these broadcast entities and

They invested money towards their deal so basically what this is doing is avoiding bankruptcy for the Diamond Sports Group so it keeps them alive and from my understanding this allows teams that had those those rights those broadcasting rights with the diamond sports groups there’s what 37 teams in

Major League Baseball NBA and the NHL that have that in place they get to keep their rights deal because of Amazon coming in and investing that money now there’s more nuts and bolts to it Evan drich will explain that a little bit later but big picture for dummies like

Me who still might be a little confused by it essentially this broadcasting deal that the Cardinals have with Bal sports that the blues have with Bal Sports it can now continue until the end of their rights agreement unless they decide that they want to go elsewhere but not sure

Why you would want to because the money is there now because of Amazon to keep these teams alive yeah this is such a fascinating deal and I think the funniest part about it as it was reported yesterday you know the report rep came out and my assumption was when

The report came out it was like Hey everybody knew about this and then you get the quote from the mob alert yeah we had no idea this was coming it’s like oh well that’s a great way to start a new relationship it sounds like the Cardinal’s front office we don’t have

Money we do have money it it’s such a fascinating thing that you see Amazon invest in this to try and keep b or keep Diamond Sports kind of alive and like a merger to keep this going because I would think and this is what I’m curious

To hear from Evan drich about I I would think that major league baseball teams would be ecstatic about this because if the St L Cardinal I was looking this up today I was curious like okay like how much longer do they have in their deal because there are some teams like the

Twins the Guardians who a have to still negotiate a new contract with these terms and you’ve got some teams that maybe their deal expires like in 3 years the Cardinals runs through 2032 and they’re in a 15 currently in the middle of a 15year deal worth about $ 1.1

Billion doll that they signed with at the time it was Fox Sports Midwest so I would think if you’re the Cardinals though yes it is kind of a maybe they wanted to have their streaming rights themselves sell it themselves get a direct to consumer product themselves

And try and take this on by themselves and not have to worry about it with another company I would almost think that this would be almost kind of a you know what we now have Assurance through 2032 we really don’t know what the director consumer uh product how that

Will work because you listen to the Cardinals ownership group the dtz talk at Cardinal winter warm-up they basically laid out like two three plans didn’t really sound like there was a clearcut like this is how we’re going to do it if balet wind at the time Diamond

Sports was going to fold I would think as major league baseball team that they would at least like some of the certainty that this could potentially bring giving an idea of how Amazon is going to operate with things now what gets interesting with the St Louis Cardinals is Diamond does not own the

Streaming rights for the St Louis Cardinals because this is how the way that my understanding is this is going to work is I’m going to use the St Louis Blues For example because B Sports owns the rights to their stream right Blues fans if you have B Sports currently in a

Cable Bundle would still have access to the St Louis Blues past next season so so if you have Charter or something like that you can still get Blues games on your television and if you’re out of Market or whoever your provider is is blacking out the St Louis Blues what you

Then would also have is you could then go direct to Consumer to Amazon Prime video to get that to where you would have basically two options of how you’re going to get it if you can get it in a bundle Cable Bundle then you have it if

You can’t you can go direct to Consumer to Amon to get a subscription for and you don’t need the B Sports app because no no because it’s going Amazon is going to be basically B Sports Amazon is B Sports app at least now it seems like

And they will be a new company they will not be Bal Sports they will take on a new name but we don’t know what that is yet as the details start to kind of work out and we’ll see if this gets um approved by all these parties including

The judge that is overseeing this bankruptcy case but it’s so fascinating to see them swoop in and try and do this because I thought for sure the NHL and NBA had already reached deals to where they were basically done with diamond at the end of the year and they were going

To get all their rights back right with this new deal sounds like that they can renegotiate with diamond work things out get their terms back as we were just talking about with baseball baseball they have a contentious relationship with diamond they basically hate them they basically hate Diamond Sports

Midwest because baseball knows that they’re an entity that could probably go on their own and find a way to do it but for right now because of the uncertainty essentially and and again just the the common for dummy’s understanding what this does is this avoids teams not being paid their money

Like everybody knew they were getting their money this season that was what they agreed upon situation was at least we saw that from the Cardinal side of things I know there’s teams that still have to negotiate that side of it but beyond this year teams know that worst

Case scenario safety net money is available to us for our broadcasting rights we don’t have to go out and Evan drich pointed this out before this took place yesterday there were 15 teams in Major League Baseball that were going to have to shop around their National streaming rights Beyond this upcoming

Season so now that’s gone unless the teams want to pursue that and that’s the part that I was at least a little confused by because last year or not last year last month I thought we had the news that Amazon had already approached this and it got declined so

Now we’ve gone back to it where Amazon came in and maybe had a different plan in place with them that they were able to accomplish this again we’ll get a better understanding of this with s drich coming up in about 5 minutes or so but let’s go to the Cardinal side of

This how does this impact the Cardinals and blues blues’ side I think they’re a different working situation right now because they B Sports has their streaming rights if anything you know that that’s going to be there for you beyond the rest of this season the Cardinals are the bigger one because

We’ve heard John mosac talk about how is it had it hasn’t impacted their finances build the wi the third that it does impact their finances man if this deal is in front of you and it’s exactly the way that we’re understanding it I’m not sure they can pull that card anymore

This is huge for Cardinal fans because you know it’s going to be available to you but it’s also huge in sense for Cardinals fans knowing that hey the front office can’t pull the card of well you know we don’t have a whole lot of money because of the the uncertainty

With the with the Bal Sports the RSN now that’s not for a lack of a better word an excuse anymore because of this deal from Amazon yeah if the deal does get approved it provides and again they have to they’re a complicated issue because they own their streaming rights still so

They would technically have to still sell those to Amazon to allow Amazon to use those uh streaming rights but if they do get this done and this does end up working out and Major League Baseball decides to go with this Amazon plan then it provides certainty for the St Louis

Cardinals through that current television deal that they’re under now which I said expires at the end of the 2032 season so they’re no so they would at least know what they’re going to be taking in each year and that’s why they were concerned and that’s what build

With the third spoke of with John Denton of of hey we really don’t know what everything looks like past this year because a they weren’t quite sure how they were going to get their product two fans and B they really didn’t know what the dollar figure was going to be

On what they were going to make from that direct to consumer product if that was the route that they chose to go this way if this deal goes through the Cardinals know exactly what they’ll be making in 2025 2026 2027 and so on and so forth because they know they’re

Operating under the same terms that they negotiated back when they signed this deal I think it was in 2015 started back in 2018 I that’s why I I truly think that looking at this this is the best case scenario for Major League Baseball owners because there’s not that kind of

Unknown of what happens if we go to direct to Consumer and we kind of get to see how Amazon does it and watch kind of from AAR and go okay here’s what they did right here’s what they did wrong after 2032 maybe we take our rights back

From them and you get certainty for the next basically eight years to see how much money’s going to be pulled in from your TV rights deal I and if you’re a Cardinal fan I think it kind of build a wit mentioned the eyeball problem where fans right now if your cable provider

Doesn’t have it you’re blacked out from streaming it in theory I think this kind of eliminates that as well to where I think it’s a win-win for the fans and I think it’s a win-win win for Major League Baseball owners but that that’s my outside reading of it and I’ll be

Curious to know what Evan Dr who’s been covering this stuff since this whole Diamond Sports bankruptcy issue occurred what he thinks of that yeah Evan drch is’s one of the best you remember him during the lockout with baseball he was the one kind of around all of those

Negotiations he was the one that dropped the article yesterday talking about this case between Amazon and Diamond Sports Group Evan drich of the athletic is going to join us next he’s Tanner Hendrickson we’ve got Bradford Bruns in studio for BK I’m Alex ferrario Evan drellich is next here on 101 ESPN this

Is Robert Thomas and it’s game day on your home of the Blues 101 ESPN Blues game day is presented by SSM Health Orthopedics your nationally recognized team for knee and shoulder pain relief Le we’re right back to more of it it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101

ESPN so alongside Tanner Hendrickson and Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario it’s BK and ferrario here on 101 SPN a lot of people have seen evangelic as piece with the athletic talking about the court case yesterday between Amazon and Diamond a lot of questions surrounding this whole ble Sports Broadcast

Situation especially for the Cardinals here in St Louis so we figured we’d get the best to explain it to us he is Evan drich who covers the uh Major League Baseball for the athletic senior writer over at the athletic you can follow him on Twitter at Evan dr2 L’s IC

Evan thank you so much for hopping on with us today because man I’ve needed somebody to try and explain this whole thing to me like I’m five because every time I read your article about six times last night and I feel like I’m still confused by what’s going on between these two

Sides yeah it’s uh it’s complicated and not that fun to follow let me tell you somebody who’s uh listened to enough of these bankruptcy hearings at this point but so you had this company uh Diamond uh which which owns these Valley RSN so the Cardinals and a bunch of other teams

They went into bankruptcy they’ve been trying to get out of bankruptcy the plan that that was kind of growing and that people thought was going to be the direction it goes is that diamond would just break up at the end of 24 and mldb was in these pretty heated talks intense

Talks with diamond about all right what’s 24 going to look like and then after 24 we’re getting our rights back so the Cardinals and all the other teams would have if this had gone that direction um would have gotten their rights back and and then who knows what

It would have looked like maybe MLB puts a package together itself Anyway Amazon comes in says we’re going to invest here and if the court allows this it’s not a done deal I I think that’s important for people to understand but if the court allows it if this ends up being what

Happens then all the teams that are with um a with diamond with B right now but B have also granted Digital streaming rights then those teams could be seen on Prime um now that’s only five of the 11 teams currently other teams could do that uh but that’s that’s not all of the

Teams that b broadcasts on TV there a difference between the TV rights and the digital rights isn’t that fun yeah very fun in between the uh the the lockout conversations that you were a part of a couple of years ago and this man you’re all around these conversations aren’t

You I I’m I’m just the angel of fun well Evan a lot of our fans here you talk about that that streamer conversation and then what the rights are that the diamond has the St Louis Cardinals are in a unique spot because their rights are not with their

Streaming rights they own not Diamond does not own those what would that process look like would the the Cardinals if they want to go follow this plan of Amazon merging with diamond would they have to then sell their streaming rights to Amazon Prime it wouldn’t have to they might

Want to you know that’s that’s the question there’s been a big disagreement between MLB and Diamond over the value of these digital rights and it’s been become something of a spitting match uh Rob Manfred and the the bosses at Diamond and then there’s a parent company of diamond called

Sinclair there’s been a lot of animosity there so it hasn’t been the most Cooperative relationship the bottom line is um MLB has seen the worth of its uh digital rights differently and so that’s why you have only five of the 11 um that have granted to those rights so it’s

It’s like any other transaction if if the Cardinals and Diamond see ey to eye on a price it’ll happen and maybe because it’s Amazon and and they have such a broad reach maybe at that point the team say okay we want to do this we have a greater reason to do it

As opposed to the current state of affairs where Diamond was just kind of shopping that that Digital streaming product on its own and Evan when you talk about this deal at least from my perspective and look I get excited about $100 not 100 million or billion doll uh when I hear

You talking about this I I feel like this seems like a great deal for Major League Baseball owners because if I understand it correctly the deal that the Cardinals have which they’re in the midst of a 15year deal worth a billion dollars that runs through 2032 if if

This ends up going through that that deal would then just carry on through 2032 that sounds like a great that sounds like a great thing for the St Louis Cardinals yeah you know for as much as the model is changing and and RSN Regional Sports networks are struggling

And and linear TV the old Cable model is is in some way struggling the teams and the owners value that old model because it’s upfront money as opposed to going into a situation where you’re relying on well how many subscribers are we going to have in a given year um and obviously

The number of subscribers to to uh cable can can fluctuate too but it’s a little easier to to call up and can a digital subscription than it is to go go and return the cable box you know it it’s um and and you are getting paid upfront

You’re saying I’m gonna pay you uh or or or even if it’s not up front it’s a commitment it’s a committed dollar value as opposed to we’re just not sure what we’re getting inside of a given year so yeah if if the Cardinals can keep uh the

Contract that’s in place I don’t think they’re going to be complaining I I I I think teams like to have the promise of that kind of money coming in annually so and again we’re talking with Evan Dr Who who senior writer over at the athletic he covers Major League Baseball

I guess the part that I’m I’m still confused by Evan is is as much as the Cardinals could say like yeah this is a great deal for us or any of these other teams that you know say like yeah no the money’s coming towards us this right now

Major League Baseball has the say in it and the court is the one that is going to decide what the outcome is because big picture for me Major League Baseball’s probably thinking no we’d rather shop this around because we might be able to get a bigger bang for our

Buck than what we have right now yeah there’s a lot of um voices in the room here there are creditors who who are involved and and a lot are on board with this plan not all of them are on board with this plan we saw MLB basically say we’re you know we’re not

Really saying anything at this point yesterday that was the the MLB position the NBA had a similar position um you know what the judge ends up deciding what what he ends up listening to or valuing you know if if MLB and and the NBA both came out and said we didn’t

Like this what would the judge do they’re they’re not JP Morgan as far as a creditor in in this case but they’re they’re still an important part of this so that’s why I say it’s it’s it’s certainly not a a done deal and yeah MLB as I understand it and read it

Certainly like the other possibility of after 24 all the B all the diamond teams get their rights back and then at that point literally half the league would would be without a TV contract you have you you have the 11 teams there plus the twins who their contract with Bal

Expired last year they’re talking about coming back plus the diamond back plus the Padres who were with uh Bal and then got dropped in the middle of last year and plus the Rockies who were with the whole other groups the Warner Discovery and those they just gave the those

Networks away and the Rockies are on their own so you would have had the ability to shop a package of half the league for 2025 potentially which would have been a very interesting thing Evan hearing all all this talk and we’re talking about how the teams are

Viewing this do when you see this Amazon deal on how they kind of outlined it in their PDF that they released yesterday do you think at least the way that they’re selling it do you think it’s a good thing for the fans that are looking at this saying okay well how does this

Impact me yeah baseball has a problem which is that you cannot access its product without going through some ridiculous Hoops I live in New York in New York City I subscribe to YouTube TV I do not get Mets games I do not get Yankees games I do not get MLB Network it’s a

Joke it’s ridiculous I’m not blaming either side here I’m saying the the bottom line outcome is absurd it shouldn’t be that hard for me in this city to watch one of the two or both heaven forbid of the baseball teams here um so yes getting more access points through baseball games whether that’s

Through a major national streaming service like Amazon Prime whether it’s through Apple peacock you know one one of the others uh whether it’s through the allart ability to buy a game and say you know what I want to watch a baseball game tonight and I’m GNA spend 10 bucks

On that game um which which by the way isn’t something that that seems to be in the near future but someday you could imagine it um that’s the whole mission for baseball and you know waited too long they they they benefited for a long long time from the old Cable model why

Because if you signed up for cable you were paying for the baseball teams games whether you were a fan or not it was a wonderful model for the owners they made a ton of money off of it but that model started to fall apart and now they’re

Going gee we might have a problem and they do have a problem and now they’re trying to get out from under so Evan final one for me and we really appreciate your time let’s go down the hypothetical path that this would get approved and it does benefit the these

Teams we in St Louis have heard bill thewit I third talk about how you know the finan is going into this upcoming season and the future are a little Bleak for us and it makes things difficult if this were to get approved would would that take that off the table for a lot

Of teams around Major League Baseball yeah look historically owners have always complained about spending and and have not wanted to spend people don’t like to spend money uh it’s very hard to evaluate what owners are making they do not publicize their financials right so you’re in a position where you stand

There and go well I guess I have to believe them you know they never open the books except for the for Atlanta Braves who are a publicly traded company so you it the starting point there should be one of skepticism you just don’t know you’re taking their word for

It um but yes if if the contract remains in force and the Cardinals are getting their money uh that that’s one area where they can’t then turn and say yeah no we don’t want to spend for this reason but I look historically people have always come up with reasons why

They can’t spend some money Evan and we’ve been talking about the Cardinals and the final question for me is a lot of people that are listening to us right now they’re not just worried about what it means for the Cardinals future they’re worried about what it

Means for the St Louis Blues and you had mentioned earlier how the NBA NHL they had deals to get out of this after this upcoming season what does the future now look like for the NHL and NBA teams yeah so they they unlike baseball had reached this agreement where kind of

All under this assumption that at the end of 24 Diamond would go away that it would be liquidated the assets would be broken up that the company would kind of disappear um that agreement was all predicated on that scenario that that that it would go away so now that you

Have this potential route where it doesn’t go away where it where it basically continues on even if it’s technically a new company um it basically does the same thing it would do in baseball it it it keeps the contracts in force and so whatever was in place before um for the most part

That there might be some honoring of financial terms that were agreed to um but basically the contracts that were there would still exist that that’s that’s kind of across the board here unless Diamond decides to drop somebody ahead of time which might happen in baseball with the Rangers and the

Guardians well Evan I I know the coverage hasn’t been the funnest for you but man we appreciate the breakdown and I think you do a phenomenal job breaking it down on your piece over at the athletic and if people want more information you can check out his piece

At theathletic or on Twitter at Evan drich uh on Twitter Evan thank you so much for taking some time and explaining this a little bit better I feel like I understand this better now uh so we always appreciate you taking some time out hopping on with us you got it thanks

Guys there you go that’s Evan Dr of the athletic uh with us here on BK and ferrario and so again just plain understanding of it un the the one thing that he said at the beginning that needs to be understood is this is not a done

Deal yet the the court has to agree upon this and they just his tweet last night said that they uh basically closed the case and they said the hearing is over for now and they’re pushing it off a little bit so who knows when they’re going to get back into this but for

Right now the understanding is if it gets approved the the deal is still on the table for these teams to explore opportunities for the streaming but these teams know that they’re getting money and the streaming rights are there with Amazon if it gets approved yeah if the deal gets approved

The Cardinals deal with bleet Sports Midwest will continue throughout that that’s the way it will work they have to negotiate their streaming rights which means they still have to figure out if the games will be on Amazon Prime but if they agree to this and Major League

Baseball agrees to this odds are that I would think that the Cardinals would go ahead and follow that and push their game to Amazon and I I saw some texts that were saying like wait if I if I don’t get if I don’t have a cable

Company can I get the games on Amazon without a blackout restriction yes the streaming rights then would have that to where they can so I think this deal works out great because it does provide more Avenues as he said and that’s why I asked I said what what how does this

Benefit fans there’s too many loopholes right now to go through to get Cardinal games this should help out if that is the case so if you missed any of that interview with EV Dr I recommend checking it out after the show on the podcast page at 101 he’s Tanner

Hendrick and Bradford I’m Alex ferrario we typically don’t do this but Joe Vali 11:30 is going to join us from DC coming up next year on 101 espm open up your 101 mobile app for your chance to win free tickets to see Billy Joel and sting one night only on

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Pest protection with bugout visit bugout 101 ESPN sports center Blues drop into the district good morning I’m Brad for Bruns and this Sports Center update is driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny L Autoplex tonight at 6 St Louis hits the nation’s capital for a showdown with the capitals

Pregame on 101 ESPN begins an hour earlier featuring Alex ferrario and joy Bali the ladder of whom will join us next the note last played on Monday falling to the Flyers 4 to2 NFL Cowboys owner Jerry Jones issues a statement backing Mike McCarthy as the team’s head coach for 2024 Dallas just got

Shellacked in the wildcard round 4832 by Green Bay this week in Baltimore and Houston among your divisional round combatants the Ravens have added veteran rusher Dalvin cook to their roster dropping Melvin Gordon this Sports Center update was driven by Johnny laof find New Roads in shop 247 at and

Laof are you kidding me this is exactly where you want to be listening to us it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN Joy Vali views things a little different friend ly just imagine how he looks at hogy wa this is the view from

Vitality brought to you by Scott Lee heating company a proud Mitsubishi Electric Elite Contractor all right let’s head to our 101 ESPN guest line Joe vital is waiting alongside Tanner Hendrickson and Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario as we’ve got blues and capitals in action tonight Joey V how’s DC my man Jo Jo Joey joy in the nation’s capital nation’s capital that’s right nation’s capital

Things are things are rocking and rolling up here guys wonderful day in Washington DC left the morning skate about 20 minutes ago and and things are looking looking pretty positive ahead of this match up here tonight but it’s been an overall wonderful day we stay in Georgetown which is a cooler area of

Washington DC if you’ve never been but some wonderful wonderful shops and places to walk around and I know this Blues team is certainly amped up to get back on the winning side of things here tonight I’ve never been to DC Joe but I want to go because I’m a huge history

Nerd but I’ve also told my wife I feel like I can’t go unless I set a week or two aside to go because there’s so much to do yeah there’s so much and and don’t don’t be so hard on yourself you’re not a nerd we’re not on a nerd alert like Star

Wars am I right alert just because you’re history B doesn’t make you nerd there there is you you walk down a street and there’s a statue of uh you know and uh you know Alexander you know the great or there’s you know Washington there’s Abraham Lincoln stuff and there’s just there’s

Just people across the way we I walked past a building looked like a great old building it’s a Ford Theater where you know obviously so much history is there so just you’re walking down streets and you don’t even realize all the stuff that you’re seeing and it just really

Does come together nicely but a really really clean city this city has taken a huge turn I’d say over the last couple decades but it’s clean it’s walkable lots of restaurants and ton of history as you mentioned so one of those undercover cities for a lot of the

Players and and staff alikee well uh I I feel like lot of people are excited for this one tonight Joe because of the capitals but also because they get to see Adam godet and it seems odd to say but because godet has to torn up the minor leagues with his goal scoring and

Because the blues are searching for goal scoring there’s some excitement and Buzz around him getting this opportunity what have you made of just the little you’ve seen of godet with the blues today you know he looks he looks pretty comfortable I talked to him here for a

Little bit this morning you know he of course is a Northeastern husky like myself so we have shout out shout out for the Husky dog the Huntington hounds are back in the house but um you know it was it was great to kind of reminisce on the northeastern days and you we

Obviously have a lot of people we know in common and uh a player who’s had tremendous amount of success at the college level you know of course Hobie Baker winner it was funny I was talking to Nathan Walker this morning I look to my left and there’s god dad I look to my

Right and there’s Scott kovich and I said Nathan you must feel like you must feel pretty good he said why is that and he said you’re sit between two Hobie Baker winners and he’s like what’s the Hobie Baker winner and of course everyone started laughing and of course

Nathan Walker knows what the award is but was just giving some trouble to uh the two hobing winners to his right and to his left and it is true I mean I think that you look at god dad his success he has had in college has it transcended and trans you know

Transferred to the Pro game consistently yet no you know he’s bounced between a few different teams you know I hav’t played NHL game in you know about two years so this is going to be his first call up in a long time but a player that

Certainly has earned it he is ripping up the score in the American Hockey League and it is time it is time to officially give him a shot I know this some other Blues prospects they wanted to kind of get some looks in before God that but

You really can’t keep him down there any longer when he’s scoring at the rate he is down there of course coached by Drew banister for the last couple seasons and godette one thing about his game which will help the blues here tonight he is a shooter without a doubt he does not look

To pass he looks to shoot he finds himself in really good areas of the ice um so it’ll be really great to see him here on on the line tonight with another former you know a really good playmaker in Oscar sunqu so it could be a really

Fun line and intriguing line to look at Joey Blues going to do some lineup tweaks tonight against the Washington Capitals and I want to focus on defense they’re going to go back to this Krug and kessle pairing and move folk down to the third pair with Scott

Pronova simple game you know I mean Justin faulk’s been in the league a long time he’s been a captain he’s been an All-Star you know he he likes to try things you know he likes to jump up in the rush you know and I think that he’s

Done this game so long and played this game it’s so long it’s such a high level you know you’re always looking to to push the boundaries you’re always looking to to join on the attack you’re always looking to maybe make that that play through his team because if it gets

Through it’s gonna be a great a scoring chance you know that’s the kind of the mindset I think of a Justin faul on the flip side of Matthew kessle you know is almost the opposite he’s not looking to really make any risky plays he’s not looking to make any risky jumps up in

The rush and put his line Maes and his Z partner in a bad spot he just been playing a very steady make a good first pass you know keep things to the outside you know Alex brought up that stat you know last game you know he hasn’t been

On the ice for a five on five goal again I me it’s pretty remarkable that to think that he’s been up as long as he’s been up he’s played the teams and he’s gone up against some of the top players in the league like he has and he’s not

Never really put himself or Tory in a bad spot where start this team so I think it’s a good call by Drew banister you know do you was it easy for him to have that conversation with Justin Faulk to bring him back down to that third

Pair probably not but I think this is what he’s done very well he’s come in he’s established this integral part of the game this what what you call the accountability side of things and I think you cannot deny that how good kessle and and Krug have been together

They’ve helped this team win some big games and looks like they’re going to go back to it here tonight the other juggling to Joe that uh Drew bister is doing is the top two line but I want to hone in on H Hazen Shen playing with Jordan kyou um it might be a

Dual-purpose situation but does does this feel like more of getting the best out of Jordan cyu and kind of bringing in more scoring depth or is this about trying to get Shen and Hayes going I think it’s a combination of both you know I think that you look why why was

Jordan Kyu taking off the B navis and Thomas line last game Alex I think it was mostly because you know he was in good spots and he was getting good opportunities from Thomas he just he’s having a little bit of a rough time finding the back of the net on on some

Of these occasions now it’s hard to say that because you Joe what are you talking about a few games he scores a hattrick yeah you know that was a great game for him certainly but you look at from the great a scoring chances he’s had we know he just you know passed up

Vladimir teraso for the most consecutive games in the world with a shot on goal he’s getting opportunities but he’s not necessarily uh probably as consistently finding the back of the net like he should with the amount of great a he’s had I mean in that game you know two two

Days ago of course it was a perfect example you know Carter Hart the golender for the Flyers you know he makes some terrific saves on the back door but but those are back door plays that for kyou he received twice from Thomas that maybe he got to bury one of

Those or maybe you bury both of those so I think that you know the opportunities have been there for kyou he’s getting shots on goal but they’re not manifesting itself into a lot of goals just yet so I think that if you’re not gonna have that for a top line with as

Me as much talent offensive prowess on that line you got to look to kind of split it up so I think you bring kyou down you know you look at the stretch for Braden Shen when he’s had his most success which was in that second part of

The Season remember he started out kind of slow and then he went on a really nice 10 game Run run and then he fell off for a little while of course then he went for a long time without getting a point but when he was good it was with

Him he was when Jordan Kyrie was with him on his line so I think they’re trying to for it’s twofold you know you’re not having to ton of finding the back of the net with this group up top but the biggest thing is you have to

Figure out a way to balance the scoring and try to get your captain and Haze going a little bit so you drink you bring Kyu speed down there and hopefully that’ll fire things up or you don’t just have all things clicking on that Top Line but certainly the top site final

One for Joe Vitali who is joining us from DC he’ll be with us tonight on our First Community Credit Union pregame starting at 5:00 Joe you you went 54 and one in this 10 game stretch against real tough opponents and you didn’t really make up much ground you kind of stayed

Where you were while other teams went up ahead of you in the standings what’s the impact of the future of this season for the blues over this next 10 20 game stretch in terms of being a sellers or standing Pat and pushing for a playoff

Spot yeah I mean this this next 15 to 20 games really it’s it’s your season now and I think the players know that I mean you know the The Season’s kind of broken up in you know they call it like four 20ish game segments you know the first

20 games you’re really trying to figure out what you are you know I’ve always I’ve always said the next 20 games leading up to that January 1 that that that’s kind of your setup chapter you have to make sure you’re in a great spot to either um put yourself in a room

Where you get some cushion or you need you put yourself in a position in January one where you need to make a push and I think the blues had have done that in that second chapter I think that you know up and down slow start but

You’re kind of feeling out where you are I think that that second 20 game segment around Thanksgiving leading into Christmas in the new year you know again 500 hockey uh but have you really put yourself in a terrific spot to make a hard push not ideally I mean you’re only

Three games above 500 at this point so you have a lot of work to do to get to that 10 11 12 games over 500 which it will will take so I think that for the blues to really call themselves a contender to get into

A playoff spot right now they have to go on a Seattle Kraken type of run they need to go on a nine and0 they need to go on a 10 and three maybe 14 and 14- two over the next 16 me it’s that kind of run that is ultimately gonna set up

Doug Armstrong to say this is our group and if they don’t go on that run let’s say they continue to sputter at 500 maybe they’re a couple games over 500 maybe by you know March one five games over 500 is that going to be good enough

Probably not it’s not going to be good enough for this this general manager to say okay this is our group we’re going to make a push for it I think I think changes will have to be made so in order for them to approach March and you got

About a month and a half to do it about five to six weeks of really good hockey if you want to keep this group together and this is the group that’s going to get you in the playoffs and make them make a little run it’s G to take it’s

Like I said it’s GNA take what the Seattle Kraken have done it’s gonna take a massive run it’s gonna take what the M Oilers have done if you’re gonna have to get on a roll and you have to keep that role going or else unfortunately I think

That you know the Doug Armstrongs and the all the general managers that would be in the spot who hands are kind of tied and and decisions are going to have to be made much like they were last year y it’s kind of what we thought as well

But great breakdown there Joey V always appreciate it my man I’ll talk to you tonight at five o’clock for our First Community Credit Union pregame show sounds great boys you guys have a great rest of your day there you go Joe Vali always appreciate him hopping on with us

Here on a Thursday and I think we’re going to get into this a little bit later T-Bone but I think you nailed it I think the only way that you look at this team anything other than where they’re going to have to be sellers at the

Deadline 8 to 10 games in a row and I I mean again I gave you those numbers yesterday you’re not taking on teams that are out of the playoffs you’re taking on teams that are two or three points out of the playoffs or teams that

Are in the playoffs so to go on that N9 10 game stretch man that is a tough task to ask and that’s the only way I think Doug’s going to sit there and say you know what let’s let’s invest in this team yeah and I I think even a nine 10

Game win streak just may lead to them like holding Pat like I I they may add like maybe maybe if it’s like a middle 64 that has some control like someone that has a control for another year or two maybe they would add that person but they won’t be looking

For a rental because they want to hold on to their assets that they are getting but yeah they got to win 10 nine 10 in a row or at least go like win nine of the next 12 and it’s got to start now because remember last year right around

The time of I think it was the O’Reilly trade or ter I can’t remember which one happened first but the blues had won like three in a row and it was like hey whoa they’re playing really well maybe they decided to hold on and army went and unplugged the cord and said

Nope we’re this this season’s over and he traded those guys away because he knew he could get really good assets in return I don’t know if it’s the same this year because they just don’t have the same pending ufas as they did on last year’s roster but if they’re going

To if they’re going to change Army’s mind and I think right now he’s probably in the mindset of sell how much of a sell he’s going to do I’m not quite sure then they got to start and it’s got to start tonight against the Washington capitals absolutely and it’s a team

That’s sitting a few points out of a playoff spot that is going to be an excuse me a difficult opponent because they’ve got that desperation as well Tanner Hendrickson Bradford Bruns Alex ferrario 314 399 9646 our Air Comfort Service text line questions and answers is next on 101 ESPN the Blues play on

ESPN the wa is over tonight blues and capitals pregame at five p drop at six scar this is your exclusive home for Blues hockey 101 [Applause] ESPN construction salaries continue to rise and are expected to do the same for the foreseeable future install floor layers with the local Carpenters Union receive

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Contests and much more get entered to win that four pack of Fes for the St Louis golf Expo right now at 101 or on your 101 mobile app they are St Louis it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN 314 399 9646 our Air Comfort Service Tex line our YouTube channel at 101 ESPN STL Studio cams brought to you by the air Alliance team Tanner Hendrickson Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario as we get to questions and answers here on BK and ferrario fellas let’s start with

This from the 636 guys what the hell is happening to the Missouri basketball team have they won a game in the SEC well they I can answer the second part EAS they haven’t and I don’t know if they do ever win a game in the SEC yeah

They are they are brutal to watch uh honestly I’ve watched one game and it was the bragon rights game and I’m like cool I’ve seen enough you you basically saw the Miss season in a nutshell um they’re they are just lacking a go-to score in my opinion I I think they’ve

Got some like nice depth pieces the problem is is when you have all depth pieces they can’t shoot they don’t have their big man’s a false big man and they turn turn the ball over way too much Tanner that’s a huge component of it because when you think about this season

And your go-to scorer right now he’s had a fine year sha East can do a lot of nice things for you creating his own shot one of the few guys in the program who can do that at present but last year what was he he was a nice complimentary

Option primarily off of the bench you knew this season Dennis Gates knew that there would be many many Growing Pains but I don’t quite think that the fan base expected this team to be non-competitive to begin as C play yes last week you ran into Kentucky you had

Alabama very nice season a year ago just a couple of days ago but right now we’re actually seeing more headlines generated as a result of a collision of conflict between a coaching staff member for an opposing team and a player then you’re getting for accolades on the floor and

I’m looking at the schedule I don’t see a w anytime soon because this team simply cannot finish offense cannot execute in the second halves of games where are you going to go with the ball when you need that bucket yeah I I think when you look at them

This was just a and look I think this year really puts into question was which which one of these is Dennis Gates which one is not like the other was year One what to expect from Dennis gates to where he got them to the NCA tournament

Did a really good job with that squad or is this year more of what you’re expecting I don’t know the jury’s still out I this could just be a big whiff from Dennis Gates this year coaches go through this uh where they have a big

Swing in a Miss cuz he went through the transfer portal he’s done a nice job in recruiting at least for the upcoming season I’ll be curious to know more of what they look like next year because next year is going to be the year in

Which you can say okay was last year was this this year currently that we’re talking about just a giant whiff from Dennis Gates and he figures it out or is it uhoh this was a problem and maybe Dennis Gates isn’t the guy long term and

That is a fair point to raise because of the utter lack of execution on offense that does come down to at a certain point it comes down to the coaching when you’re dealing with inferior Personnel to be fair and right now he still cannot figure out a rotation that compliments

The talent that you do have next year even more of a transition I would argue because you’re bringing back Noah Carter among the big guys and basically nobody else uh from the 314 sorry I just sniffled into the microphone I apologize I’ve been trying to avoid that I’m going

Through it today as you can tell and probably here from the 314 would you guys eat 50% of B nich’s deal for the remainder of the season and next to maximize the return if you get to that point I would uh and the the comp that I

Come up with is team trade last year to the New Jersey Devils now I think he was a he was a UFA if I’m not mistaken going into that off season so he doesn’t have the control that pav bunich does but he was 26 years old he was a year where he

Scored 31 goals and had 52 points and 57 games played and he wasn’t good defensively uh and what they got in return was two NHL players now they traded a couple of other pieces with teim o Meer it wasn’t just teim o Meer but they got two other NHL players

A former draft a a former defenseman that was drafted 20th overall and two first round draft picks so yeah I I would probably 50% of that contract because if you trade pav bvic you’re admitting this retool is going to be a little bit longer than you

Expected and B might not be a part of it and the pieces that you’re getting in return could expedited in the offseason if that makes sense like this is one of those you make a move in chess for the move you’re going to make three moves

From now yeah um I I would consider it I would probably try and get it done without having to eat salary but if it does maximize the return like it throws in a higher level Prospect or throws in an extra like first round pick or extra second round pick that originally

Wouldn’t be in the deal yeah I can see where the blues do it because it’s 2.4 million against the cap for next year and it doesn’t really eat it doesn’t really affect much of what’s going on this season I I would consider it I’m fascinated Jr had a great piece today on

The athletic talking about the retool and we’ll talk about Cairo coming up here here in just a little bit but I I don’t know if they’re going to be a team that spends the cap next year especially if they miss the playoffs because why keep investing that much money up

Against the cap for a team that is kind of going through a retool wait until you’re competitive and you feel like you’re kind of in the prime years exiting out of this retool and if that’s the case they can burn $2.4 million to help eat some of a any contract really

Any contract that they want to maximize the return that they’re getting I it’s an interesting case I I think they would potentially explored if they don’t view view bch as someone that’s here long term and Alex all of the options have to be out there on the table because as

Much as we like to talk about and fixate on rightfully so the lack of flexibility you have among the defensive core as far as individuals you could potentially move in the years to come being so locked in there isn’t much more flexibility when it comes to some of the

Veteran Corps members of the forward group so I think you have to look into that yeah you’re not wrong and I think to T-Bone’s point also like you you’re not spending into the cap so maybe that’s the dead cap while you let some of the younger players go this is the

Tough decision with it all but uh when you eat that salary for one year you’re also looking at this saying it’s going to be one more rough year and then from there we figure it out I like this one one more before we get to our break from the

980 should every head coach have been fired in the NFC East this off season I wouldn’t have fired D I think their problem was they backed the wrong quarterback uh but yeah I would have said all three other head coaches in the NFC should have been fired and we’ll

Talk Mike McCarthy later D didn’t give Daniel Jones the contract last off season did he D was probably asking for a better quarterback who’s the coach that I’m forgetting Ron Rivera oh and Nick serani he yeah he had to have been fired and it wasn’t anything about him

It was just that team and where they were I think Nick serani should be fired and I think Mike McCarthy should be fired but we’ll get more into Mike McCarthy coming up in just a bit coming up next though t-bo mentioned Jr’s piece he did a questions kind of with the fans

Talking about where the blues are at at the the halfway mark and he talked about the core he only had two players on that core are there only two on yours we’ll discuss that next on 101 ESPN new hockey is on 101 ESPN and BK and ferrario have

You covered tune in every Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the latest Blues News as BK and ferrario broadcast live from the ENB Granite Studios at the Cen Community Ice Center brought to you by Bud Light for the fans on game day and by ENB granted bery for durko’s only

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Driven by Auto Centers Nissan home of the lifetime warranty and 30-day return giving you the picture the real big St Louis Sports picture it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN Going in the middle the ice with it it’s a breakaway kyou coming in for the hatrick he shoots he scores you’ve got a hat Chuck it at your radio cuz they’re flying to the ice at Enterprise Center three goals for kyou Jordan kyou a hattick his first

Half pck at home ICE during this previous home stand and he’s played well under Drew bister like I can’t deny the numbers that Jordan Kyu has put together since he was put back on that line with Robert Thomas and pava B naich now if you want to be real nitpicky with it

Which look if if you want to by all means but in the what is it 13 14 games played he’s got seven goals and 15 points he’s a plus two and averaging about 19 minutes a night on the ice Jordan cyou now nitpick with it he

Scored the hattick in one game he scored two goals in the other game so we’re talking about two goals amongst the other 12 games that Jordan Kyo scored for the blues but still found ways to eliminate the top teams top lines and you were still winning games here’s the question though because Jeremy

Rutherford had a piece out on the athletic talking about five questions about the blues at the halfway mark and one of the questions that he asked is who’s the blues core and this is what Jr put I’m only going to list two players Robert Thomas and Colton pero a lot of

People are saying aren’t you forgetting a few players well it depends on how you look at it is b navic a part of the core will he still still be here after his contract is up what about Jordan cyou he’ll have seven years left on his contract after this season and the team

Is definitely building around him and Thomas up front so yeah you could put kyou in the core but would you guarantee he’ll still be here wearing the team’s uniform in three years now I know that might seem far-fetched to people that yeah Jordan Kyrie is a part of your core

I I agree with J.R the only other one that I would put into the core conversation is the go tenders and I know that seems weird why wouldn’t you just pick one player because I think both Jordan Bennington and Joel Hofer are part of the core of the Blues

Because they realize that when bennington’s contract is up Hofer will be ready to step in as that number one goenda is a part of your core but he’s right and Robert Thomas and Colton pero and if he would have wrote this piece last year which I almost guarantee you

He did Robert Thomas and Colton pero wouldn’t have been on that list I don’t know if you had core members on that list last year but what Thomas and pero did this season is proved to a lot of people yeah they’re the PE they’re the players you’re building around I still

Think kyus in that remains to be seen conversation I think pav bich is in that remains to be seen conversation I think every single defenseman is in that remains to be seen conversation and I’ll throw even another one out there I think Braden Shen might be in that remains to

Be seen conversation because the core that you’re talking about is are they a part of this team in 3 years and I don’t think anybody that I just listed unless they have some type of bounceback season or showcase their ability to be a part of it is going to

Be in that conversation yeah I see I I think I would put kyou into the core for me with the St Louis Blues and I understand that there are frustrations and I have agreed with you for the most part of like you know what I think the

Future’s up in the air for Jordan KY I I think the blues are going to it back with them and I think if they run it back this year then they’re just going to hold on to him throughout the contract and I think it’s because when I

Think of the core what who are you building around well who’s in that Top Line I think as we’ve seen Thomas and Kyu do have worked pretty well together when they had B on that Wing now they broke it up going into tonight’s game why because they want more depth of

Scoring I don’t think it’s so much a Kyo hasn’t played well kyo’s been really good as you just mentioned under Drew anister I think they’re just looking for depth of scoring so I think they will look at it as Thomas and kyou that’s our onew punch maybe B navage falls into

This but like like you said right now I just don’t think you can guarantee anything because I don’t know what his future holds I think Colton breo’s in into the core for me as well because like you said he’s played extremely well this season he has proven to be a

Legitimate shutdown number one defenseman everybody else on that defensive core is Up For Debate like I I could see where they explore a Justin Faulk trade a Tory Krug trade a Nick lety trade um and then go tending wise I would just throw Bennington into this because I think there’s a chance that

Whenever zereno becomes ready Maybe look at and say you know what can we put hoer in a package for whatever we may need because we think zareno can do what H’s doing this year which is come up as a rookie make the however many starts it

Is that you need from him behind Jordan Bennington but I do think Bennington is a guy that I would say lock him in place I don’t see the blues moving on from him at all look I I I hate that it always comes back to kyou because like it does

Feel like we pick on him a lot um and again he’s played well he’s been almost a point perame player since Drew manister has taken over but the reason that I always go back to it and why I would assume Jr has them in there is because man that’s $8.5 million and man

You got to be sure that $8.5 million is a part of your team not 8.5 sorry 8.125 you got to be sure that that player is a part of the solution of what you’re trying to solve and not saying that he hasn’t been because you definitely have

Looked like a better team as of late but you’re going to have to see steps forward like Robert Thomas took if you’re not seeing that guy that yeah could be a 40 goal score from the start to the finish of the Season I’m not sure you live up to those contract and maybe

It just truly is tinfoil Theory here there’s a reason Doug Armstrong signed him to that 8-year contract extension and two years of it had no trade clause is not available like his his no trade clause doesn’t kick in until after next season going into the 2025 2026 season

Everybody complained that oh you didn’t give him a bridge deal you should have got a bridge deal before you paid him all the money guys what he did was a bridge deal he took no trade Clauses out of the conversation for the first few years and said let’s see who you are

Let’s see if you live up to this contract to be fair on this tin foil for Doug Armstrong a player must be 27 or older or have seven occured Seasons to get in trade there go so KY that wasn’t a Doug Armstrong like put that in there on purpose Doug Armstrong couldn’t put

It in there understandable but to your point like but that’s why the bridge deals are usually there he was paying him for what he had done it serves as a bridge deal essentially of even though it wasn’t like Army directly did this on purpose it still works out to where it

Is a bridge deal and he can get out of it and I I just think it’s so tough judge Jordan Kyu this season and BK’s brought this up before and The more I’ve watched him and and the more I see him see him play and we get into this core

Conversation I don’t think you decide it this year maybe next year before the no trade kicks in the after uh the what are we in 20 after the 2425 season then maybe you try and do what Philadelphia did where they tried to get out of the sanheim deal before the no trade KCK

Before the no trade kicked in I I think we’re it’s more of a conversation after next season but this year it’s so tough to to grade Jordan Kyo because offensively his numbers just aren’t there 32 points in 42 games 12 goals shooting percentage at 8.3 when he’s typically a 14% shooting percentage guy

But defensively he’s taking a step forward I think we all agree in this room defensively it’s no longer like oh my God what is Kyo doing like he he just kind of glided back he’s not doing that anymore he’s at least improved defensively and I would I would think at

Some point the offense will come and by the same token we keep returning to him because of the interstellar Talent right of which he’s capable of flashing now Alex I think it’s interesting you referenced his number at 8.125 now let’s talk about a couple of other figures for

The veteran forward who were locked in place for at least the next couple of years you mentioned Shin a short time ago that is a big number in and of itself through 2627 if I’m not mistaken it’s 6 and a half per year even when you

Think about Brandon sad for the next two seasons at four and a half do those considerations do you have to consider those figures and to what degree when you’re factoring into the mix o k kyou for how long how is he viewed well with the cap going up I mean the text line

Does make a fair point like 8.125 for almost a point per game guy is a bargain absolutely and if his defense improves the question is are you going to be a point per game guy and I he hasn’t been that yet this season so that remains to

Be seen now to Bradford’s point with those veterans like I I I said Shane Shen’s name at the beginning the only reason I put Shen’s name into that is because Robert Thomas has emerged like one of those leaders into the blues view this as you know Shen’s a great player

To have but we’ve already got kind of that leader now what do we do I think Shen stays here for the rest of his contract uh Brandon sad I think there’s going to be teams that are interested in Brandon sad this trade deadline because of what he provides and again does that

Fit into the picture that the blues are painting because it’s not so much now or next year it’s two three years from now what does this team look like and that’s where Jr was getting at with his piece it comes down to that core and I think

He’s right I think Thomas and pero are those guys and if this season is not to say a failure but if you don’t get a playoff spot and you’re picking in the top 10 like Joey said there’s going to be big changes and I don’t know what

Those are going to look like but I would say everybody nobody is safe on the team with the exception of Robert Thomas and Colton pero yeah and and that I would agree with because I I do understand the your perspective of like where kyou could end up being the guy that they

Look to deal I I just think when you look at him like when I think of who are you building around right you got a number one centerman who are you who are going to be the wing with that number one centerman I I think it’s I think yes

Cairo has disappointed but I also think like as BK has mentioned is this year kind of his Robert Thomas Year from last year where next season he takes that step and that’s why I think if they’re going to make this decision it’s not this off season it’s next offseason and

It’s almost like a year and a half or really twoyear period for Kyo to prove it here’s the one question that I ask Blues fans then when you say who are those Wingers with Thomas do you want it to be kyou or B navic and I hate that it’s one or the

Other but Doug I don’t believe is going to sign that guy meaning Pablo B davich to an $8 million deal your hamstrung I to me question to me he won’t resign B navage because he’s 30 and it’s just kind of the trend for Doug Armstrong um

If if B was going to be 20 I don’t know let’s throw number going 26 27 like Jordan Kyro I think he gets the deal and then you either a go okay how do we make this work with these three guys or how do we make this work with b and Thomas

And what do we do with Jordan Kyu I’m just skeptical of them giving a contract extension of that money to paavo B navit because of his age and it’s just something that Doug Armstrong has not done one one player that I’ve seen brought up on the text line and I I kind

Of thought about throwing him into the core is Jake neighbors does Jake neighbors fit into the core conversation I I think I think that’s that’s fair I guess it also comes down to how his development grows but yeah I’m surprised I guess that’s a really good point I’m surprised J.R

Didn’t have him on there and when we talk to J.R next week we can ask him that but yeah cuz I mean my idea of core is Jake neighbors also Jimmy snuggerud dalbor dorski but I guess if I’m looking at Jr side of things maybe those are complimentary pieces rather than you’re

Talking about core pieces yeah and to J to Jr’s point this is what he wrote today regarding Jake neighbors regarding a few of the other young players on the roster neighbors brunovich and tchenko Etc the club certainly likes them but that’s not to say that they couldn’t be

Moved at the right deal came along essentially it’s the conversation that we’ve had about like new Donovan are they Untouchable no are they likely to get dealt no but if the right circumstance arrived and someone said we have to have Jake Neighbors in the package will the blues be like no way

And are we not almost taking his situation for granted because of the reasonable numbers you’re going to get for the next few years and yeah and I can’t sit here and talk about Jordan kyou and then sit there and look at Jake neighbors and be like oh well he’s

Untouchable as well I think there’s two guys that are Untouchable on this team and it’s Robert Thomas and Colton pero and I’d argue Jordan Bennington but I could understand the argument on the other side of it Tanner Hendricks and Bradford Bruns I’m Alex Ferrari we’ll get into some more Blues talk a little

Bit later on in the show and we’ve got beat the blues today so I believe it’s Kevin Hayes your opportunity to win a Kevin Hayes signed Puck and blues tickets to uh the January 30th game against the Columbus Blue Jackets uh so if you want your opportunity to beat the

Blues make sure you stay tuned 1:30 will be doing that contest but coming up next it’s Thursday and it’s T-Bone’s favorite day of of the week we’ll hit believe it or not next year on 101 espm it’s time for another moment in blues history on this date back in 2012 the blues signed

Brian Elliot to a 2-year contract extension at this time of the year he had already been named an All-Star with a 937 save percentage in 33 games played which was top three in the National Hockey League he’d go on to finish that season with a Allstar vote a heart

Trophy vote he and yaroslav hok would win the Jennings Trophy and voted as a VZ finalist he would also wrap up his career with the blues with a total of 25 shoutouts which leads Blues franchise history this state in blues history was powered by Classic Air Care making

People comfortable since 1926 for all your hbac needs Classic Air 101 ESPN has your chance to win a pair of VIP tickets with the Gateway Warrior classic allstar game featuring The Blues alumni versus The Warrior Allstars facing off on Friday Night February 9th at senen Community Ice Center general

Admission tickets for the game are on sale now for just $10 with VIP tickets also available get all the details and get enter to win that pair of free VIP tickets for the gayway warrior classic All-Star game right now either at 101 ESP or on your 101 mobile

App we’re right back to more of it it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN all right tbom I’m I’m I’m short-handed today with the voice so you better take a hold of this one Bradford let’s hear those pipes believe it or not walk onir could feel so

Free a wing and a who could it be who could it be believe it or not it’s just me some backup vocals from Bradford Bruns today we were all kind of out of sorts just a little bit I told you I was short-handed one we did didn’t exactly know who’s

Taking BK’s role well that’s true two I jumped in at the end I screwed up my lyrics for the second time in like three weeks I know I don’t know what Happ SC up harmonizing come on come on the vocals aren’t there maybe we should have some sessions yeah we should have some

Sessions we should make an album we should I told you TNA sorry sorry Bradford we just got to get rid of the B Because BK’s gone you understand no it’s believe it or not you send us a scenario we will tell you if we believe it or not

Air Comfort Service text line is 31439 9 9646 you can also send them to us on our studio cams our YouTube channel at 101n STL uh our air Alliance team group sponsors those Studio cams let’s start with this one boys believe it or not we will see at least one underdog win this

Weekend in the divisional round H uh so Texans I would I don’t know who’s the who’s the underdog and Chiefs bills uh that’s a good question I don’t Chief right but to be H like can we throw sure there really much of a upset when I think upset I’m thinking like

Packers bucks Texans uh bills are favored by three so essentially what Vegas is telling you is because they’re at home they’re favored yeah I so yeah you’re going bucks Packers Texans yeah I I will believe this because I have some faith that the Houston Texans can beat

The Baltimore Ravens now it does help that Baltimore looks like they’re going to get Mark Andrews back he’s back at practice practicing after missing most of the season I I think that’s a huge help for that offense because I I’ve mentioned this before I look at that

Offense and outside Lamar I go what the why am I why should I be excited about this offense Z flowers is good yeah he’s not a number one yet obj’s old and washed up they don’t really have a running back that really scares you and now that Andrews is back you feel a

Little bit better about the tight end spot but I I think with the Texans CJ strout has already kind of started to allow me to trust him based on watching him against a great Cleveland Browns defense why can’t he do it again at Baltimore so I would say I’ll believe

This and I know that once again CJ strout absolutely proceeded to show out against that Cleveland defense I have been surprised though at the transformation of Nico Collins in the second half of the season to what appears to be an upper echelon number one type threat can Baltimore take him

Away enough to make Houston a little more one-dimensional because in a playoff setting guys I’m still not trusting Devin single T to get me what I need on the ground I am surprised actually that that number right now is bills by three it is a pick aesque

Scenario here and just not to be not to masquerade his BK here but you do feel as if there are a number of different reasons as to why honestly Kansas City could put a bit of a strangle hold on this game and specifically it is because

Of how on the second level of that Buffalo defense it’s a bit banged up if momes is able to connect with rice specifically I’m not saying Kelsey rice and Pacho can gouch that second level of the Buffalo defense I would actually feel really good about once again Kansas

City getting back to the AFC title game I uh I think there’s two upsets I think Houston and Packers win oh I’m completely out on the Packers I uh I I I I would someone’s Fallen a little too much for the last round I hate Jordan

Love I said he was average last week and then the guy played well I just I don’t anytime teams are sitting around waiting it makes me very nervous I’m not concerned about the 49ers because I just think they’re a Busa I I think they proved in the regular season they also

Have Brock P they can be a liability I think with his weapons being healthy you don’t have to rely on Brock Pur to actually beat you all right T what do you got guys believe it or not the Cardinals will have five plus position players with an Ops over

800 800 and just to give you a sense last year there were three guys that did this contris with an 826 Ops Paul gmid with an 810 Ops and Nolan Gorman with an 805 Ops so I think two of those three are certain I just don’t know with Nolan Gorman my guest would

Say yes uh I think Aron will be back there and then you’re you’re basically saying one of Nar or Walker I think both could be in that conversation so yeah I’ll say believe this one I think you could have six if Gorman stays healthy and plays well for you I’ll believe it

As well and your numbers Tanner reinforce my line of thinking here Jordan Walker finished last season if I’m not mistaken in the s60s he is going to make that proverbial leap in 2024 if what we saw in August and September it’s any indication of what is to come he’s

Going to transform into that guy the fact that arnado couldn’t get there last year pretty mindblowing in that regard and LS narf he’s out there on the field who here doesn’t expect him to at least sniff that territory so yeah I’d go five maybe even six yeah I believe it as well

And I think you’re right about arado and let’s just beon arado not having an 800 Ops season will put the Cardinal back in the same spot they were this previous season I I think Nar ER can get there and can I throw another wild card out

Here and I’m curious what you guys think of this one because he wasn’t that far behind last year and he was playing with one arm um Brendan Donovan yeah Brendan Donovan last year had a 787 Ops and if his power kind of continues to Surge

Like we saw last year he had 11 home runs in just n uh 95 games I I could I could hear an argument for where maybe Donovan kind of surprises us and gets into that 800 Ops range and I know two of at least two of these guys we just

Mentioned are going to be disappointments because there’s no way you have seven guys that are going to be 800 plus ops’s but and to be talking about seven guys that have the chance it’s why we at least could get excited about this offense Bradford not great times as we established earlier in the

Show in Como with respect to the Hoops but I’m going to swing this in the direction of football next fall so as you well know guys Alabama right now losing top level Talent five stars left and right to the transfer portal I am examining this missou football schedule

For 2024 believe it or not I’m looking at Oklahoma yes giving the sooner strong consideration to compete maybe even pull it out at F field but now all of a sudden that trip to tuscala doesn’t look quite as daunting believe it or not maou actually gets through the SEC slate

Undefeated heading to the college football playoff no joke I love how he’s T he said on the Chiefs one I’m not going to take BK’s role and now this is so BK’s Ro we found BK’s role um I mean their SEC schedule to be fair like it is

Looking a lot easier more manageable than this past season like vanderbelt at home vanderbelt sucks uh at Texas A&M going to College Station could be tough I don’t know if they’re going to have a great team under their new first year coach Auburn will be okay probably but

Mou’s got a better roster Bama’s lost a ton of Talent on the road Oklahoma they’ll be okay I’ll I’m not going to believe it and the reason why is I think there could be one hiccup somewhere along and it’s still the SEC and and I heard Carrie mention this

Yesterday on the fast lane of there’s a like how many teams went undefeated in the SEC this past year the answer to that is zero and that just tells you how tough the conference is I do agree with what you’re saying though with Bama losing a ton of talent new coach saving

Retiring the schedule looks a lot easier somewhere along the line I could see hiccup just because the SEC is so deep if Georgia were on the schedule I’d have a completely different slant 100% yeah I think I’m going to not believe this one also I think you always see one of those

Slip ups that happen but I still think they’re going to be in that College playoff conversation look at look at this year real quick I mean they lost to Georgia and and like they were in that game I thought they played really well in that game but they were expected to

Lose that game they still had a hicup along the line when they lost LSU should beat LSU I think they were a better team than they were a better team than LSU this year and they had the hiccup and they lost so I I think it’s possible you

See at least one of those next year as well uh from the 636 believe it or not the blue scored five goals tonight against the capitals nah Charlie lingren in goal dude Chucky sburns is uh is freaking incredible he’s 929 save percentage which is eighth best in the National Hockey League among anybody

That’s played so like there are guys who have a thous save percentage because they’ve only played one game uh but he’s 168 and four and uh his last five games he hasn’t given up more than two goals so yeah no this is one of those prototypical 3-2 games and uh it’s not

Going to be easy because they’re starting to get healthier sorry not buying into that one quick aside here somewhat related Alex what have you thought of oet play this season and where he is going moving forward next year to uh it’s disappointing because I think a lot of people were hoping he was

Going to push that Gretzky title this year I he’s only got eight freaking goals through 39 games I think a lot of that is because he doesn’t have a centerman when you lost Nicholas Backstrom you lost what was oetkin and Backstrom they’re one of the best onew punches in the National Hockey League

Nobody can set him up for his one-time on the power play the way that beom can so they’ve also been without Oshi a lot they’ve been without Wilson a lot they’ve been hurt uh I don’t foresee what’s his contract situation I don’t he’s got like two years left yeah he’s

Gonna he’s gonna finish his contract he’s not retiring anytime soon I think Washington’s going to have to be aggressive to go get a centerman for Alex oetkin because you’re at 830 I think he needs 64 more goals to Ty Gretzky so he’s going to he’s going to

Get to that before he calls it a career yeah and ownership has basically indicated has it not you have a standing invitation to return each and every year yeah he’ll be back he’ll be back the same way yir yger was just always in the NHL he’s not going anywhere Tanner

Hendricks and Brad Bruns I’m Alex ferrario coming up next we heard Anthony Stalter say yesterday that the Cardinals don’t have an identity going into the season T-Bone and I think that they do but it’s one we don’t trust we’ll discuss next on 101 espm take the fast lane home we days from 2:

To 6:00 p.m. with Anthony Stalter Jamie rivers and Carri Davis on 101 ES PN two former pros and one Average Joe the fast lane is driven by scrap Mar medals recycling 101 ESPN Sports Center Washington welcomes Blues to town I’m Bradford Bruns and this Sports Center update is brought to you by celga

Heating and Cooling sitting in a three-way tie for fourth in the crowd in Metropolitan race the Caps host Drew banisters Club this evening puck drop set for 6 p.m. on 101 ESPN with pregame unfolding 1 hour earlier St Louis placed forward Caspar capan in on injured reserve yesterday due to a lower body

Injury he went down after blocking a shot in the third period of the notes 4 to2 loss to Philadelphia football the divisional round of the NFL playoffs drawing closer Baltimore will have a new running back for its weekend opener against Houston veteran Dalvin cook takes the roster spot of Melvin Gordon

On the 21st 101 ESPN brings to you the double header of bucks lions and as well as Chief’s bills this Sports Center update was brought to you by Sala Heating and Cooling an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer this is exactly where you want to be listening to us

It’s BK and ferraria live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN I think they’ve lost their way I don’t think that they know who they are if you know know who you are as a team you can you can fit into it like that is

What we do if you want to be a Power Team then you can’t be running into outs if you want to be a team that is fundamentally sound and you’re putting pressure on the opponent then be that team but they’re caught in between constantly and I’ve made this point

Before about the roster as a whole some guys run some guys hit for average some guys have power I’ve I’ve I’ve been on this kick recently of know how you win games know how you lose games be have an identity have an identity I think the I

Think the blues have a little bit of that right now where it’s like how how are you winning how are you losing well some nights it’s this and some that is how you wind up being an average team right the Cardinals right now going into next year we don’t really know how

They’re going to win games how they’re going to lose games so that was Anthony Stalter and Carri Davis on the fast lane yesterday you’ll hear from those two later on today starting at 2:00 leading us up into Blues hockey uh and talking about the the identity of the Cardinals and

Although I do understand what Stalter saying like yeah this team um has a couple of guys who are power hitters a couple of guys who are speed guys a couple of guys who are pure contact guys but you don’t have a lineup that resembles what you’re trying to

Accomplish I do agree with them there but I also think that’s what their identity is their identity is depth and a variety of offensive players that can do a lot of different things the reason that I would disagree is like that’s the identity they’re going with this season

It’s very evident that their identity is not going to be pitching it’s not going to be depth of pitching it’s going to be how does their offense do because they’ve got all of the weapons that is what we just talked about seven guys potentially who could be 800 plus ops’s

At the end of the season that’s their identity and the versatility is their identity of how they use different guys and deploy them in the lineup my problem with that is in two stals his point I don’t trust it I don’t trust their offense to actually be their identity

Because the problem last year was sure you had the the prowess of gold Schmidt and arado well that wasn’t there for half of the Season you had the dangerous play of what Walker and Gorman could be but that was inconsistent at times and defense had struggled there and then you

Had the injuries that popped up with Newar and Donovan so on that front I don’t trust it you had the ability to score with runners in position that part I don’t trust so I hope their offense shows out and shows everybody like yeah this is what the expectation was where Donovan’s

Getting on base Edmund’s got the speed Walker’s hitting bombs and you’ve got Gorman and all these other pieces that’s what their identity is supposed to be but I don’t trust it actually to be that and now you don’t have any other fallback to drop to yeah I I actually

Think like I think their identity is clear and I think it is they are a offensive first team like they are going to win games because of the offense because I I don’t trust the pitching a lot I I think you can trust Sunny gray but like Michael matz Lance Lynn Kyle

Gibson what those guys give you on a night in Night Out basis I think up in the air and we’ll see how it pans out I I think they’re an offensive first team I think if they’re going to how are they going to win games I think it’s because

The offense is going to win games for them I think they’re going to have to win games probably like 43 54 this year which look I I think it’s totally fair to go is that sustainable because I would say you’re better off being a team that says we don’t really have an

Offense but a hot damn that’s a great rotation that we’ve got her that is a great Bullpen that we have and I I think with the offense and like the identity if you want to say they’re you know they don’t necessarily are a slug first team I I think they’re a well balanced

Offense I think they got guys that get on base a lot like a Nar a Donovan you can throw Goldman’s name in that’s why this guy right here with his hand raised said he should lead off two years ago um notna happen and I know it should but

They also have guys that hit for power I mean you I think they have the potential we just talked about you mentioned it I think they got five six guys could have an LS over 800 and now that’s on Bas and slugging but I think that they have guys

That five six guys that have 20 home run power like Gorman he has like 35 home run power contas has 20 home run Powers you saw last year arnado Goldie we know Jordan Walker had 16 in 117 games he’s probably going to get up to that 25 Mark

And if you get a healthy year out of Nar and Donovan Nar can probably be a 20 home run guy Donovan maybe he would be close but at best he’s probably 15 to 20 home runs like I I think they are a slug baby slug team which I’ve been really advocating for

For the last handful of years and their pitching is going to be a question mark and I I think for them in the regular season the formula for them to win is they’re going to have to be offense first and when they get to the postseason if they get to the postseason

That’s where it’s going to become interesting because it’s a lot tougher to win with a offense first identity but the way they do that I think is they shorten games with their Bullpen I don’t disagree with you here’s my quandry and I like that you used the word balance

Because that inevitably is going to have to come from the younger Supporting Cast members how many contenders National League American League throughout all the baseball gentlemen how many contenders count as their three offensive Lynch pins because make no mistake about it when we get to opening day when we see this team enter

Competition against the Los Angeles Dodgers in whatever order 2 through four in the lineup will be some combination of goals ronado and contras Walker’s not going to get the bump yet Gorman isn’t going to be hitting in the top four you’re relying on your Lynch pins right now are

36 32 and 31 respectively AG is but a number is that the formula here but you’re leaning on that formula you still until proven otherwise are relying the most on those guys to diminishing returns we already saw that in isolation last season from Paul gmid is he

Automatically going to revert at 36 to MVP form have we seen the best of Nolan arado offensively and defensively is Wilson Contreras going to Fair much better than he did in the second half of last season offensively all of these are valid questions see see when when we’re

Talking about these teams and like that you know have a different identity throughout the lineup and they’re not really sure who they are like isn’t that kind of the Atlanta Braves like I don’t know if the Atlanta Braves are viewed as solely a slug baby slug team now I know

That they just had two guys or one guy that was at 50 two guys that were at 40 but do you view Ronald aunia Jr as a slug baby slug guy cuz I view him as a dude who can hit home runs but also gets on base and steals bases I think they

Are a well balanced team I think they get kind of to your point of like do you view them as a slug baby slug team I think the Casual fan a lot of people would view them that way because they had a 500 slugging percentage as a team

Which had been done since like the 27 Yankees but if you look further into it like Eddie Rosario played 14 40 games for him and and hit 21 home runs Michael Harris who played 138 had 18 home runs like yeah it’s really good but we’re also talking about guys with on base

Percentage of 305 331 321 that have 25 stolen bases 39 stolen bases like I mean this is this is a team that has their Sluggers and also have their their Runners yeah I I think to your point I think the lineup for them is really balanced as you said they got Runners

They get on base they hit the living crap out of the baseball I I think the difference between like what we’re talking with the Braves and like do they if I said what is the Braves identity you could give like four different answers you could say well they’ve got a

Great Bullpen they can shorten games the rotation is awesome when they’re healthy oh their lineup by the way slugged 500 for the first time since the 27 Yankees like they just have all different like if if one thing of that team like if the Braves offense goes through like a

Three-week stretch where it is really cold they can still win and be above 500 in that stretch why because they’re pitching my concern for the Cardinals and it’s why like I think they have an identity and if if you want to say it’s a winning Identity or um it’s an

Identity that would concern you is if the offense goes cold uh call me concerned because I don’t know if they have the pitching in ter to survive if the offense goes cold now what what I like about them and the way they are built and Bradford kind of alluded to it

Is all those guys that I’ve mentioned for this lineup for the Cardinals is yeah they’re going to go probably Goldie Gorman arnado contras two through five what’s nice is Walker is hitting six guys if Jordan Walker’s is a six hitter and he has 20 to 30 home run power then

You should be aligned perfectly to where you know what if Goldie does go through a rut maybe someone picks up for him to where now you don’t feel the presence of I think three years ago or two years ago where it was Goldie Aron AO aren’t hitting well well there goes the

Cardinal season that’s banking on a guy like conteras doing you would think the bulk of the catching and also providing Elite offense at the position in the lineup the difference between a St Louis and an Atlanta right now guys is that whereas in Atlanta you have somebody

Who’s a former Rookie of the Year in Michael Harris he’s 22 right now he has Room to Grow he can be a complimentary piece farther down in that lineup because the Braves have so many guys you could argue who haven’t even entered their respective primes aunia still

Growing as a player Matt Olen just had a career season whereas on the Cardinal side of things Goldman orinado we’ve already seen them reach these hallowed Heights can you really improve that much more that’s your difference and that’s difference between an elite team right now and a team just competing in the

Division that’s why we’ve continued the conversation of you got to go get a starting pitcher you need a fall back and I don’t think you have a fallback right now when that offense goes dry whereas I look at other teams and you say like yeah if their offense dips or

An injury takes place they got their pitching to fall back on the Cardinals don’t if if something happens or if an injury takes place you’re bleeped and you’re looking at probably another top 10 pick and I think you can get away with it in the regular season to what

You just said to where like if you’re an offensive first team and you don’t really have the pitching I think you can survive the regular season I mean look at the Reds I know they didn’t make the playoffs they had no pitching last year their offense was pretty good and it’s

What kept them afloat and into the playoff picture into late September and then they just hly didn’t get over the hump and missed the playoffs I think you can survive the way that the Cardinals are built right now to get to the playoffs my concern though is like once

You get to the playoffs like if you run into the Braves for example in a playoff series best of three Wild Card round all right you’re getting to see Spencer Strider and pick your point Max freed arguably two of the best pitchers in baseball mention chis s who can shut

Down a great offense well then what are you falling back on your rotation your rotation is not good enough outside of sun and gray and I think that’s where they’re kind of trying to do two different things at once the way they’re constructed now and this is before we

Have a trade deadline conversation of all right let’s see if our offense can win us baseball games in the regular season and once we get to October as most said it would our warm-up hopefully our Bullpen can really start to can really solidify itself in the regular

Season they hit on the rule five pick they hit on a krier they acquired in the plaso deal and they can go okay now that we’re in the postseason the bullpen is what our identity is to where we shorten games and hope that the offense just

Does enough talk about a Chasm here it’s all hypothetical of course but if Chris S is right as a lefty he’s at the back end of the Atlanta rotation would he not measure up comparably favorably with a sunny gray on the Cardinal side they’re not that far apart right not that far

Apart think about that that is the backend piece of the Braves rotation and I think it’s safe to say at this point we’re sitting here on January the 18th the mo for the offse the moves they went out and made them very early it’s about trying to reclaim that mantle pitching

Wise of reliability because last season michelas he turns in his second consecutive 200 inning season say what you will about the results about the week starts especially at home he threw 200 Innings again two other Cardinals limped to even Eclipse 100 that was Matts that was way wght then you have to

Go down the list to even find a Dakota Hudson in the 80s and beyond that it’s Zack Thompson in the 60s so what did you do you went out and you at least got guys who’s one one defining characteristic throughout their Major League careers they will log starts they

Will go out and take the ball 25 to 35 times for you per season and yes they’re older now they’re in their mid to late 30s but a Kyle Gibson and Lance Lynn if nothing else will not give you fewer than in all likelihood 4150 Innings and that’s just something on which you

Couldn’t count at all last season that’s getting back to basics he’s Bradford Bruns Tanner Hendricks and him Alex ferrario junk dra is next on 101 ESPN Alex Ferrari with you to talk about my insurance agent Tracy bib I was having a conversation with my brother-in-law the other day uh they had some flooding

Issues in their house and they were trying to figure out what their home insurance covered and trying to get a hold of somebody man he has been waiting for two weeks for somebody to call him back when his basement flooded and I told him I said dude you need to get a

Better insurance agent and of course I told him about Tracy bit because the customer service is at its all-time best they preach it’s not a matter of if something happens it’s when something happens and when it does you call Tracy personally she answers and is getting

You help right away and you don’t need to sit on the 800 number you don’t need to have to wait for somebody to call you back so you can finally get some answers no Tracy’s always there for you to walk you through whatever you need she also

Is making sure that you save money on your car and home insurance and of course why not try and save some money so make sure you check out the team at all state with Tracy bib give her a call today tell her I sent you and you can

Get a a free non-committal quote she’ll walk you through everything 314 328 4260 314 328 4260 to no fib you’re always in great hands with the bib they are St Louis it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN let’s open it up the junk drawer with BK

And ferrario brought to you by Fenton Bar and Grill best trashed Wings in Missouri dine in carry out seven days a week alongside T Hendricks and Bradford Bruns Alex ferrario coming up at 30 minutes it’s your opportunity to beat Kevin Hayes can you beat the blues and

Win a signed Kevin Hayes Puck and tickets to see the blues against the Blue Jackets on January 30th so keep it locked here 130 we’ll be playing can you beat the blues but now we play a game that’s typically Alex complains and shouts at the clouds but instead I’ll

Take the day off and let Tanner do it yeah guys so my juncture story today when when you were growing up did you have like a whether be a video game an arcade game something that you could do and you could just do it for hours yeah

Golden eye on N64 I could do that for I did it for probably like six or seven hours straight get home from school do it until about 2:00 in the morning well until about a couple of weeks ago I guess BK thought I was the foremost

Gamer so I don’t have the video games unfortunately I liked chess huge surprise I I didn’t know I hold on hold on how long can you actually play chess because I feel like after you play one game it’s like screw this I’m done chess is I can do multiple games chess is like

Monopoly oh no no I get pissed after a little bit maybe I’m not educated enough to play chess chess’s life over here for Bobby Fisher come on yeah I I like chess I could do that for a while kick your I kick your ass in chess one that I don’t

Know that I could do a lot of was Space Invaders I love playing Space Invaders we had that at uh I know but we had that like Pac-Man 2o yeah I do actually when we went to uh when I was out I don’t remember when it was I think October

When I was out for a bachelor party we had an arcade game at our Airbnb and I played that till like 4 in the morning um but anyway the reason I asked that question is because there is a man in Ohio that is attempting to set the new

World record for how long he plays pinball for he is trying to play Pinball for 63 consecutive hours okay like does that mean he’s got to keep the ball alive for 63 hours or like if he loses he puts more change in my understanding is he just keeps playing oh I mean like

I could do that just stand there for 63 hours I oh I I could not do that cuz that’s what 20 3 days yeah you just I’m going to have to make sure there’s a there’s a area to release myself in for bodily fluids and I got to make sure I

Can eat I mean considering that I received a text at like 8:00 last night that said you’re going to bed you could not stay awake for 62 Plus hours I mean I took some medicine so that’s why I had to go to bed if I’m I’m I’m assuming I’m

In full health and strength at this time and technically you only got to keep one hand on it I couldn’t I could not do this I I could not do play pin is different though because you have to stand next to it like video games are

Like you get to sit on a comfortable couch I like I trying to think like what is the longest that I could do like doing a video game or playing a arcade game kind of like that it’s like maybe maybe 3 hours is my I could go all day

With it I remember having when I was growing up I had surgery I think it was the summer going into my sixth grade year I had hernia surgery and I had to sit out basically like the whole summer from doing any athletic events and I couldn’t go like up and downstairs I

Couldn’t do like anything while I recover from surgery so all I did is play video games i k you not by the end of like a week I was like I just I got to do something else I cannot continue to play video games because I’m getting

Bored I keep playing the same game I don’t know what to do I I could not do this so when you had to uh when I had to prep for a colonoscopy if anybody’s ever had to do that you drink the stuff and you’re on the bathroom the whole time I

Put a television in the bathroom and just hooked the system up to it because I knew I was going to be sitting there all day so I did that for 4 hours probably just right there let me tell you something 500 IQ but it was either that or just sitting there doing nothing

Because by the time you get up and walk out you’re going right back in some of these customized machines they’re pretty cool sounds very tron-esque to me someone brought for it someone brought up SIMs um did you ever play The Sims growing up I never really got into it I

Didn’t it I played it and I’m like me okay like I got bored with that pretty quick you know one game that I did really get into and why I don’t really know at this point um Zoo Tycoon did you ever play that oh my gosh is that

Building like the roller coasters oh see I Zoo oh see I did a roller coaster tycoon I don’t remember that one was you just built like a theme park or Theme Park Tycoon that when I did you read my mind I was just thinking about that because my daughter’s a a comparable

Game actually is Planet zoo so essentially you’re the architect of a megalopolis with zoos yeah we had that game on my dad’s computer when I was growing up and I could remember being like getting home from school going I’m going to go build my zoo and then Dad

Would get home no please another hour while I can build my Zoo yeah I used to I used to hog my uh family computer for the longest time playing those video games so uh thank God video games kept getting updated and i’ purchased new systems for that one Tanner Hendrickson

Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario coming up next we got some news yesterday on the Dallas Cowboys that Mike McCarthy is staying put what I was surprised this all hell but then there’s other coaches that I’m like man he’s still there we’ll discuss that next on 101 ESPN BK and

Ferrari asking their listeners to try and beat the blues during their weekly special giveaway random selected listeners will compete to score a signed Blues Puck and a pair of tickets to a blues home game the beat the blu’s weekly giveaway with BK and ferrario is powered by Comfort Experts your

Independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer learn more now at 101 where St Louis gets it Sports wxos wxos HD1 East St Louis 101 ESPN giving you the picture the real big St Louis Sports picture it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101

ESPN H Tanner Hendrickson in Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario BK and ferrario here on 101 ESPN as we’ll get to our beat the blues segment coming up in about 30 minutes or so your opportunity to take on Kevin Hayes or Robert Thomas in our beat the Blues segment it is officially back on

BK and ferrario also officially back is Mike McCarthy and Dallas all right yeah Jerry Jones said you know what I love getting bounced in the first round of a playoffs with a team that can win 11 games in the regular season so let’s run it back I saw today that he’s

Going to get to host a championship and now it’s not in football well it is in football uh I saw the World Cup Championship is going to be held in Dallas so Jer have a championship game there somebody will win a championship because they don’t have Mike McCarthy as

The coach see confetti come down this is what this was Jerry Jones’s statement I believe this team is very close and capable of achieving our ultimate goals and the best step forward for us will be with Mike McCarthy as our head coach a great benefit to continuing the team’s

Progress under Mike’s leadership as our head coach just that right there how why really like Mike McCarthy gives you your best chance to achieve the ultimate goal of winning a Super Bowl when in the last two years they have looked underwhelming they have looked like a team that wasn’t

Prepared to play in a playoff game your quarterback needed to be pumped up by the head coach because he wasn’t ready for that stage and your game planning was crap and now Mike McCarthy is just you know what he gets our back and our support because we feel he’s our best

Chance to win a Super Bowl if there was only one head coach of available on this Market I’d say cool I see what they’re doing there nothing else might as well run it back until something better is out there but there are like four options right now that are significantly

Better and I’m actually being uh generous with that there’s a lot of options that are a better option than Mike McCarthy and you can’t use track record of the reason why you stick with them yeah I was shocked when I saw the news of Mike McCarthy staying because of

What you said if you’re the Dallas Cowboys I there’s not a lot supporting Mike McCarthy lately in Dallas based on quote unquote track record and you’re right it’s not like it’s like an offseason where like the best candidate is Joe judge when he got hired by the

Giants and I was like oh yeah I guess you gotta kind of settle for that guy no it’s Bill bich it’s Jim harball it’s uh oh uh Vel who was also available Ben Johnson I I was shocked by the fact that they decided to stick to him and then I

Saw kind of more kind of speculation I don’t know if you’d call it reporting but kind of speculation of was this deck Prescott saving Mike McCarthy’s job and you know what I I think there’s actually probably some truth to that because man the way I looked in the playoffs if I’m

Dak Prescott I don’t know if I won him as my head coach but that wasn’t that wasn’t so much Dak not trusting McCarthy that was Dak just playing like crap because if you need your coach to pump you up no I mean if that’s the case you

Know who’s a problem it’s Dak not Mike McCarthy I also agree with that statement I think you look at it I think Dak Prescott said hey this was the first year under Mike McCarthy he played really well in the system I mean he had a 69 and a half completion percentage

Best in his career he threw 36 touchdown passes second best in his career and nine interceptions he played fantastic under Mike McCarthy in the regular season and I think Dak Prescott said no I don’t want to go through another change I I don’t want to go through a

Change where we had to bring in a new coach and if it’s Bill bich sure Bill bic’s great he’s defensive minded then I have to learn another system under a new offensive coordinator I’d rather just have Mike McCarthy back given his given his flaws from the outside perspective

At this point if you were Dak Prescott why would you not hit your wagon B to Mike McCarthy as you said year one of McCarthy calling the shots running that system for the last three seasons what are we talking about here Mike McCarthy has produced tremendous results in the

Regular season Dak Prescott on a couple of occasions not counting all of the interceptions the interception late in 2022 season he’s been terrific in the regular season if your goal not to win a championship but is to essentially own the NFC East congratulations tip your cap but this was the season in which

Dallas should have made that jump if it didn’t happen this year with Philadelphia being a lame duck team for almost the entirety of the second half of the season this was your chance to at the very least advance to the NFC title game how dominant all year long guys was

Dallas at home and to go out there to appear at first glance to be completely ill-prepared to deal with one of the youngest if not the youngest team in the entire league to be blindsided like that and Dak is not off the hook here okay he threw the back breaking pick six near

The end of the first half but even in the beginning stages of that game it was Dallas a more veteran team that appeared to be really Shell Shocked there is no consistent running game you have to get somebody at least in addition to Tony Pard you have to get somebody else who’s

Complimentary in the receiving game I don’t know where CD lamb was for the better part of that game maybe it found a great tight end option you can develop in Ferguson but there are many different moving Parts here for Dallas and what we’re going to see transpire very very

Predictable McCarthy will be in place fill out the rest of his contract one more season great so who’s going to take the fall Andor move on it’s going to be Dan Quinn now I don’t know how excited you are about bringing him in if you’re another organization as a head coach

Given what we saw from that unit because how much of his success has relied almost exclusively or in great part to Micah Parsons and it’s actually interesting because there was a report at surface this morning that it sounds like Dan Quinn will be back if he

Doesn’t get a head co nobody wants to interview him after that track I well I think I mean he’s getting interviews I and I think like he could still be a great coach I just think that like I don’t know if there’s a I think most of

Blame belongs on Mike McCarthy for a not telling Dan Quinn to go away from the plan where they had too high sa as much as it’s on Dan as much as it’s on Mike McCarthy like Dan Quinn’s the defensive coordinator and you were taking on Jordan love and I mean your defense did

Not look anything like your defense looked all season long everybody was talking about the reason they were going to win a Super Bowl was because of their defense and then Dak kind of took off now I know that they had their injury with Diggs but that would be my

Skepticism of Dan Quinn as my head coach it’s like dude you’re the defensive coordinator and you couldn’t come up with a game plan for the Packers yeah I it it’s interesting but and I’m I agree with Bradford I I thought for sure like when when this news came out and it was

Okay who’s going to be the Fall Guy Quinn was going to be the Fall Guy and then when I saw the report this morning and it was oh yeah if he doesn’t get head coaching job he’s back which I guess I understand it to a certain

Extent because they were so good in the regular season and you just look at that playoff game and go boy that was such an odd blip on the radar like you really shouldn’t weigh too much into it but again there’s such a great coaching Carousel out there and kind of some

Breaking news in terms of this looking at looking at this coaching search former Titans head coach Mike Vel is in LA today interviewing for the LA Chargers job which inging which is fun because the Chargers have already interviewed Jim Harbaugh now you throw in Mike Vel there’s a bunch of coaches

These three coaches that we’ve talked about Vel Harbaugh uh bill balich two of those three have had interviews with two of the same squads the Falcons have interviewed both Harbaugh had a second interview with belich today and the Chargers interviewed Harbaugh as well and Harbaugh interviewed with the

Atlanta Falcons so the Chargers and Falcons are two teams that are for sure making a big splash at the head coaching position and what is the common denominator there I don’t think we know as much about the demeanor of a Mike varel but Bill bellich certainly and when you’re talking about the other

Holes there at Jim Harbaugh personalities guys who love to throw their influence their power the personal around and Jerry Jones as we have known since the Jimmy Johnson Barry Switzer days there is somebody who is consistently in place for years maybe even a decade at a time look no further

Than Jason Garrett guys who are not going to give that automatic resistance Jerry Jones runs the show and that will be the case until whenever it is that he is finally ready to relinquish some control of that organization that’s the other reason too I was surprised that Philadelphia stuck with Nick serani now

That one makes at least a little bit more sense like I I feel like that’s like the Craig barui route where you had a bad year and you say it’s a one-off let’s see what it looks like next year get them better coordinators and if it’s

Bad again then you make that deal with serani but man with all these players available this or all these coaches available this offseason it’s surprising when a team that even if you put up 11 victories showcased your mediocrity in the playoffs don’t look elsewhere rather than the guys that they already have uh

In house Tanner Hendrickson Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario coming up next we’ll get into some other story lines around Major League Baseball and we haven’t had this one in a while and guess what it feels like the Wild Wild West in here right now because it’s time

For our Major League Baseball off season round up next on 101 ESPN open up your 101 mobile app for your chance to win free tickets to see Sammy Hagar bringing the best of all world summer tour to Hollywood Casino Amphitheater on August 31st Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Sammy Hagar will be joined by Michael Anthony Joe srii and Jason bonum for a huge show this August at Hollywood Casino Amphitheater including special guests lover boy get all the ticket details and get entered to win those free tickets

For the show right now either at 101 or on your 101 mobile App we’re right back to more of it it’s BK and ferrario live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN I can promise you Tone’s doing all those today it’s time for our Major League Baseball off seon round up oh God you two are going to be my saviors today plenty to get into that doesn’t even involve the Cardinals but let’s start with one that might involve

The Cardinals Dylan ceas right everybody still on board with the Dylan CE coming to St Louis why not right make the trade well it’s not happening sorry update is the Chicago White sock said that uh we aren’t getting what we feel we deserve for Dylan se’s so he’s not available via

Trade and we’ll trade maybe at the trade deadline so um if that’s the case then the Cardinals are really out of it because Dylan SE going into the trade deadline uh no bueno yeah I I think this is such a misstep by the Chicago White Soxs because why would you hold on to

Him now look I get it they’re looking for the right offer to this but if you hold on to him and he gets hurt or he doesn’t pitch well well then this whole idea of we’re going to we’re going to stand tall partner we’re not going to

Trade for nothing draw partner goes to oh crap now we got to take a less less of an offer for and look I understand them holding firm because you look at the pitching market and you go man this Market stinks but I I think they’re

Going to have to Cave at some point I know Mark Feinstein reported yesterday you know a lot of Executives believe he’s going to be a white sock come opening day I’m still skeptical I I think he gets traded I think somebody finally makes the decision and goes man

You know we really need a guy we can’t we’re not going to pay Blake Snell we’re not going to pay Jordan Montgomery let’s just do this and let’s for Dyan I still think he gets moved this is the same organization that wanted to blow it up following a disappointing 2023 right

Goodbye general manager you cut ties with Tim Anderson why would you hang on to him it simply doesn’t make sense if you’re going for a wholesale change if you’re looking to influence or change that culture which apparently was a major major problem there on the south side then make the move now because

Despite the division in which you play I don’t think anyone even the most optimistic shoxs fan is sitting here right now and saying we have an actual chance to compete even with Dylan CE for the first half of 2024 uh side note we are going to to beat the Blues next

Segment I was supposed to open with that and I didn’t because I got so excited about our Roundup so we need three different contestants who want to try and beat Kevin Hayes uh to win a signed Kevin Hayes Puck and tickets to the Blues versus Blue Jackets to be selected

Text in right now 314 399 9646 to our Air Comfort Service text line saying you can beat the blues and we’ll pick three different contestants to go up against Kevin Hayes coming up in about 7 minutes or so so 314 399 9646 text that you can beat the Blues to

Our Air Comfort Service text line join us partner oh look at that yeeha indeed let’s move on to the next story in our Major League Baseball off season another Bradford coming in hot another potential starting pitcher via trade that could be available is Alec monoa we talked about him in the past it

Seemed like the Blue Jays backed off of wanting to trade him after the down season they just signed Cuban pitcher yario Rodriguez who has a lot of excitement surrounding him as a reliever but the Blue Jays brought him over and said no we think he’s going to be a

Starting pitcher for us and it makes sense because they need a lot of starting pitching in terms of depth and I forgot who put it out there but somebody posed the question does that create the opportunity of the C or not the Cardinals the Blue Jays to

Trade Alec Manoa and I’ve always been on this stance team on that if he becomes available I would look into it because I think he could be one of those by low candidates that gets back to his form uh but now that the Blue Jays have gone out

There and got another picture they view as a starter does that change their opinion on the monoa front yeah this Rodriguez deal is interesting because he hasn’t he didn’t pitch at all last year except for in the WBC and I I saw him pitching the WBC he’s got fantastic

Stuff so I love this signing for the Blue Jays but it does put into question what are they going to do with Manola and they’ve been reported to be kind of floating in the weeds for the Blakes Nell Market I wonder if this was their signing a pivoting going we’re not

Paying him 240 mil let’s go get Rodriguez I don’t think they trade him this year but I wouldn’t be shocked if Mano is another name that pops up again next off season because they’re going to try and build him up as a starter I think they’re going to view more as a

Bullpen name right or Bullpen arm right now but I think Mano is a guy to keep an eye on because I think right I think he could become a bow candidate whether it be maybe at the deadline this year maybe they do decide to pull the trigger on it

Now or maybe they wait next off season but he is a guy that has some upside I wouldn’t personally do it if I was sitting in mo shoes I I don’t have that much interest in Alec Mano because I’m not sure he can be fixed but I

Understand the appeal where you look at and go man that guy was a sa young caliber pitcher two years ago yeah monoa and American League Allstar just two short seasons ago it feels like an eternity and after the Otani sweep stakes in the great white North that

Maybe never work were it almost and on some level guys because you only saw the small sample size there in the WBC it feels like a move that is an indication of Toronto kind of settling here pivoting you have that great Mammoth offense you have so many pieces there

But so much uncertainty surrounding the rotation and on the relief core as well if you’re banking on this guy with whom we’re not very familiar and you don’t have concise clear roll definition I just think the Blue Jays right now it’s kind of funny to think of how they have

Transformed from early last season when they opened at Bush the high high prospects and aspirations and now they feel pretty distant in the AL East let’s head into that relief Market because the Cubs apparently have interest in two of the top relievers one via free agency as they’re monitoring the Josh hater

Situation but the other one is via trade and this is one we’ve talked about in St Louis T-Bone uh price obviously is going to be astronomical so that’s why we facted off of it uh the Cubs are checking out Cleveland Guardians closing pitcher Emanuel Class A now I don’t know

If that’s just Class A or maybe they’re conver or they’re calling about both class A and beaver because they need starting pitching as well but if the Cubs do that and with the assumption that Cody Bellinger is going to be going back because at least that’s where I’m

At that’s a much better off season than what we’ve been talking about of where the Cubs have been you get at least a guy that not a number one but somebody who could be in your rotation a shut down guy in your Bullpen you get Cody Bellinger and you got Craig Council at

Least makes the Cardinals a little bit more nervous yeah the the Cubs are the team that is being reported as kind of being the what would you call them the team that was a sleeping giant that’s now ready to awake and start spending this off season I’m still skeptical that

They’re going to do it this these reports clearly show you that they’re going to be interested in the relief Market as they should be they need to upgrade the bullpen I think you’re right it is interesting to wonder if Class A is nothing more than like a or not

Nothing more is the centerpiece to a deal that maybe includes something else because they do need starting pitching I know they brought in ch imaga they’ve got Justin steel I still think they could use another arm Marcus strowman with a Shane Bieber and you’re right

Back to where you were yeah and I I think you look at them and they’re saying okay Ean Naga replaces strowman but they still need a little help pass strowman in steel last year it’ll be interesting the Cubs are the team to kind of keep an eye on as we start to

Wind down the offseason as we’re getting to about a month out before pitchers and catchers report because it sounds like they’re going to be aggressive and if they are they can start to put themselves into the conversation where the Cardinals and reds are as being the favorites in the Central I agree with

You because as of now the cup staff honestly it is a lot more comparable to what the red birds are going to be Fielding than perhaps a lot of people think in my opinion right now outside of a steel you don’t have that many guys who are giving you the classic swing and

Miss you’re interested to see what imanaga brings into the equation but as far as innings eaters too and that’s going to be such a crucial component of the central race you could stand to build out a lot more depth and shortening a game with a talent that

Likes the caliber of certainly a Class A that could really change the dynamic one more and it’s the relief Market because we still talk about that in St Louis now one guy that could have been now is completely on as Hector nerys uh the former relief pitcher for the Astros I

Forgot who it was but it was one of the international insiders that Hector Gomez thank you he was the one that stated nerys is searching for a three-year $50 million contract with the teams now that’s less than what I would imagine Josh haer is searching for but those are

Two top shelf closing pitchers or back end of the bullpen uh relief pitchers and now that you see the price for that we know what the price would be for a Josh haer that pretty much solidifies at least for me T-Bone if the Cardinals are making another relief pitcher signing

It’s going to be for somebody around $1 to2 million yeah I I don’t think they’re going to be in this nearest market at 3x 50 may maybe they do jump in if this Amazon Deal gets approved and I think February’s the next hearing maybe then

They do it but I’m I still don’t think they will I think they’re kind of money in Money out right now or at least like you said1 million $2 million for a reliever well sorry Cardinal fans that’s not nerys that’s not mton that’s not hater that’s not anybody at the top of

The market but what Cardinals are probably waiting to see happen and I was reading I think it was Mark finson that wrote this last night like why is it that this relief Market has kind of Frozen because typically these these guys are going left and right boom boom

Boom quickly coming off the market it’s all kind of stalled because Josh hater’s in his own category but then whoever you view as the top guy nerys maton uh they’re waiting for the other relever to take a contract because they want to see what that guy got so they can go wait

Wait wait I want more than him and it just kind of has that trickle down effect NYS is waiting on Mayon M the person underneath maton is waiting on mton to sign I I don’t think the Cardinal have interest in theirs I think he’s probably going to be a Yankee would

Be my guest yeah me too but I think they’re just waiting for this kind of trickle down effect to occur with all these contracts at the top of the market to then come down to the bottom New York work makes by far the most sense and I’m

Not sure Hector nerys at this point seems to be kidding himself because it was a fine season it was arguably the best of his career he arrived from Philadelphia he was able to really stabilize himself he still walked a lot of batters you’re going to get that with

Him but to think about those absolutely insane numbers no I would be much more inclined I am very surprised that there has been very little talk if any regarding one fil maton because it seems as if right now from the outside Houston doesn’t have an interest in reunion

There but you mentioned it Tanner obviously The Dominoes have to fall if one Falls then we’re really going to see some movement one would think but I don’t know if that is just some sort of swerve because this is a guy he’s younger he has the swing and miss and he

Still has the opportunity to grow somebody has to Ink him well as John mosak told us there are still more moves potentially to come for the Cardinals just a tease yeah well was a great tease by me just to keep us entertained and we’ll be talking about it every single

Day here on BK and ferrario that’ll do it for today’s Major League Baseball off seon Round Up we’ve got our contestant for beat the blues Mason Daniel Kyle they’re going to try and beat the Blues next here on 101 espm home and Home Series fast approaching good afternoon I’m Bradford Bruns with

Your sports center update driven by Johnny L Chevrolet and Johnny LOF Autoplex tonight at 6 the blues are on the road to kick off a mini stretch against the 215 and 6 capital pregame unfolds at 5 on 101 ESPN meaning a shorter three-hour edition of The Fast Lan St Louis also grappling with

Washington on Saturday albeit back at Enterprise Center NFL the Cowboys intend to retain head coach Mike McCarthy for the 2024 season teams like Baltimore and Houston meanwhile moving forward in this year’s playoffs the Ravens pick up Veteran running back dvin cook for their divisional round clash with the Texans

He assumes the roster spot of Melvin Gordon the sports center update was driven by Johnny laof find New Roads in shop 247 at and laof are you kidding me it’s officially back beat the blues here on BK and ferrario as we did this in the

Off seon at training camp for the blues we uh got together with a lot of the blues players and had them do some fun games and we figured it gives player players an opportunity fans an opportunity to go up against their favorite St Louis blue and try and beat

Them for a signed Puck and a pair of Blues tickets so how this works is we have three callers on the line Mason Daniel and Kyle and they are going to go head-to-head with Kevin Hayes and Robert Thomas and try and get as many answers as possible for the category that they

Can come up with in 15 seconds so 15 seconds you’ll have to answer as many categories or and many answers as possible of one category for example T-Bone name as many colors as you can in 15 seconds uh red blue violet uh Ocean Breeze red not 5 seconds he said red

Twice you fail so that you answer as many as you can in 15 seconds and if you whoever out of those three have the most above the St Louis Blues player then you win the signed Puck and the pair of tickets to the Columbus Blue Jackets

Game on January 30th Mason will be our first one Mason how are you I’m good F how are you good so you understand the rules or you need me to explain it to him one more time no sir I understand the rules all right Mason so you are

Going to go up against Kevin Hayes here and your category is famous golfers so name as many golfers as you can in 15 seconds 3 2 1 go uh Tiger Woods Bill Nicholson Roy maroy no G oh I got nothing all right well you got three Tiger Woods Phil Mickelson and

Rory mckoy we got three on that one uh not to not to bring you down Mason but Kevin Hayes is a golfer so let’s see if Kevin Hayes can guess more than three of famous golfers Tiger Woods Patrick kley Justin Thomas Rory maroy Xander shley Tony feno John ROM uh Matthew

Fitzpatrick Lucas Glover grie Woodland uh Keegan Bradley um so he got 11 on that one Mason tough go with Kevin Hayes uh but we appreciate you joining us with this one stay on the line though because if nobody can beat the blues Mason uh there will be a tiebreaker uh so Mason got

Three Kevin Hayes got 11 let’s go to Daniel Daniel how are you doing good doing good all right man you understand the rules or you need me to explain it to you one more time I think we’re good all right Daniel so you are going to

Name as many golf courses as possible so you’re got 15 seconds to name as many golf courses as you can 3 2 1 go oh Cloverly Spencer T austa Pebble Beach uh Saw Grass uh gayway national uh and Brier uh shoot uh Stone Wolf Stone Bridge

Uh all right that’s a good round there Daniel you got nine golf courses he was rattling them off there in a little bit he did what I would have done I got to the St Louis golf courses and then I just started naming every golf course I

Could in St Louis see I would have gotten like two and it would have been like austa Pebble Beach and then end of the run if I was Mason I would have said tiger woodsil and been like yeah I’m out on this one all right Daniel it was a

Hell of a round let’s see if Kevin Hayes can guess more than nine golf courses in 15 seconds B Old Warson Norwood Hills uh Old Sandwich fers Island fine Valley Maran The Grove uh Floridian Metalist um he got 10 did I count that right that’s what I you guys as well okay okay

10 was the difference in this one Daniel so stay on the line for us and we’ll see what this looks like at the end of beat the blues so that is it for Kevin Hayes we only were able to do two with him so now Robert Thomas jumps into the

Conversation so Kyle is going to have an opportunity to beat Robert Thomas Kyle do you understand the rules I do all right Kyle so your category here is things you bring on a road trip name as many things as you can bring on a road trip as possible 3 2

One go water Powerade Gatorade Propel peanuts Twix stickers Kit Kat Butterfingers uh cooler firewood charger phone navigation system all right 14 strong that’s what I got I love the running through the candy bars cuz that is such a smart idea and the drinks water Powerade Gatorade that’s

How you do with that bringing them all yep all right Kyle you’re going up against Robert Thomas who of course knows plenty about road trips let’s see what Robert Thomas can come up with in 15 seconds things you bring on a road trip uh shoes socks underwear clothes uh toothbrush iPad phone charger

Headphones deodorant we giv him clothes after he named all of the clothes is I think we give it to him I had him at I had him at eight if you don’t give it to him nine if you do give it to him regardless not a good showing by Robert Thomas as Kyle

Pulls out the victory with that one 14 of them Kyle congrats on that one buddy thank you a lot of R show awesome well stay on the line for us Kyle we’ll get all of your information and then we’ll take that and you’ll get the signed

Kevin Hayes Puck and two tickets to see the Columbus Blue Jackets on January 30th so that’s uh our beat the blues but there’s eight more weeks of this we’re going to do nine whole weeks of beat the blues here on BK and ferrario so make sure you tune in every Thursday uh with

Our beat the blues segment next up will be Oscar sunquist next Thursday have an opportunity to win a signed Puck from Sunny you’ll go up against them and a pair of tickets to see the edmon Oilers on February 15th oo the red hot Edmonton or I’m not even going to check may not

Have lost before then either I’m not even going to check the text line right now because I know what the text line is probably saying that we screwed over Mason and Daniel giving them tough conver or tough topics and then through a road trip one at Kyle I’m not going to

Look at it because you know what I wouldn’t even have mentioned it Dems the cards Dems the cards and it was a good showing although Daniel almost had that one I was impressed with that so big shout out to our friends at Comfort Experts uh your independent American standard heating and air conditioning

Dealer appreciate them being a part of our beat the blue segment this season again Kevin Hayes signed Puck and two tickets to the Blue Jackets on the 30th go to Kyle next up will be on the 25th to take on Oscar sunquist and a pair of tickets to see the Edmonton Oilers we’ll

Take a break we’ll come back and hit the BK and ferrario Rewind next here on 101 espm they are St Louis it’s BK and Ferrar live from the car shield studio on 101 ESPN let’s run it back with a daily rewind on BK and ferrario brought to you

By Gloria LOM your home sold guaranteed realy selling your home begins at Gloria hasthe [Applause] all right let’s rewind it here on BK and ferrario with Tanner Hendrickson and Bradford Bruns I’m Alex ferrario if you missed anything today from our show you can check it out afterwards on our

Podcast page 101 ESPN .c it’s presented by Dost and auto Cent had a good conversation with Evan Dr at the beginning of the show talking about the Amazon deal with Bal Sports and kind of where that is headed gave us a really good information on that one and a

Better perspective we also talked Blues hockey with Joe Vitali which Joe will be with me tonight for our First Community Credit Union pregame starting at 5:00 against the capitals 6:00 puck drop with Chris Kerber and Joe Vali and fellas we’ll rewind it with that um we talked

With Joe and asked Joe about this stretch of games the next 21 going into the trade deadline the next 10 taking on some tough opponents and the blues sitting Five Points out of a playoff spot three points from being the sixth worst team in the National Hockey League

And Joe said it the way I feel this is your season right here he said 10 games I’d say it’s 20 games but your season is here in front of you if you don’t go on a win streak of six or more games you’re

Going to be a seller and it sucks to say because there’s still a lot of season to play but Doug Armstrong is a very honest man when it comes to this team and unless you put together a 6 seven8 game win streak you’re not going to be able

To pick up pace with all of these teams that sit between you in a playoff spot yeah I the next 10 games determines it for the blues and like if we’re just being honest I think Doug Armstrong’s probably decided we’re probably sellers at the deadline I think the only way

That he like looks to add this deadline one is if it’s something that helps them in the long term uh for this team like if for example and I’m just using this as an example because we talked about him before if they think they can acquire Jacob chman for something

Reasonable and sign him to a contract extension maybe they do it because he pairs with Colton prco then in the long run and I’m not talking like the next year I’m talking like next year and like five years beyond that uh and they they have to win basically probably eight of

The next 10 uh to like make it to where maybe he looks at bringing in an addition that’s I wouldn’t even call it a rental but like a middle 64 that’s got like maybe one more year of term they’ve just been in a tough spot and they

Played pretty well like I I hate to make it sound like we’re like man they’re just playing awful no they’ve been really good under Drew banister problem is is they just continue to just kind of float around that 500 Mark and what is it they’ve never been three games four

Games four games 500 and though they’re playing well all the other teams like we’ve talked about Edmonton’s won like 10 in a row Seattle’s won like eight of the last 10 you start to just kind of trickle your way down the standings to where now you look up you go and there’s

Four teams above us even though we’re just five points out so let’s say that they go 5 four and one in their next 10 games that’s going to be 11 points for you and that puts you at 55 on the season 55 would be good for a wild card

Spot but that’s with the understanding that Edmonton Nashville don’t do anything to keep you in the wild card spot but five or 55 points put you six games above them that means they’ve got to win three of their next 10 to go back into the same position that you’re in so

That’s the type of ground we’re talking about if you go 10 and0 well now you’ve put yourself sitting with 66 points and now you’re talk or 64 points and now you’re sitting in second place that provides a bigger gap for you to say you know what we’re doing something special

And I think it’s also internally you can’t really invest in a team for the rest of this season and I don’t think they’re going to do it no matter what I think you could go 40 and0 the rest of the season and not invest in the future and trade those assets away

But unless you put together a 10 or 11 game win streak like they did in 2019 then you’re probably just going to St Pat it’s if you get out of it or you play sub 500 is when you trade pieces off but if you’re Doug Armstrong I don’t

I personally don’t think they would have I think they still would have sold off pieces in 2019 if they didn’t do that 11 game win streak I think that 11 game win streak forced Doug Armstrong into the sense of yeah we got something here and that’s going to be the same situation

Here for the St Louis Blues and it has to be a statement as you have said a run that is undeniable along those lines because if you examine too closely the state the relatively weak state of the middle portion to the bottom half of the Western Conference standings looking at

That for too long can give you a fairly big you know Gap there as far as FAL false hope is concerned so that’s the conundrum you have too well they also get Adam godet tonight so we’ll see what that looks like juggling up the offensive lines that seems to be like

For the now what Drew vanister is trying to figure out and what doug Armstrong I would imagine is trying to figure out like do we have offense on this team or is that our next goal because our top n looks like yeah because last year we

Felt like they were trying to figure out like what’s our defense look like we remember at the end of the season they were bringing up Matt kessle Tyler Tucker Cali Rosen was getting more playing time they were figuring out what the hell they had on defense this feels

Like the next 10 to 20 games is going to be trying to compete but what do we have offensively Joe said it they figured out what they had in some of those minor league guys mcran Sammy bla alexandrov’s getting the the call tonight but now

It’s what’s our top nine look like do we have a top nine or are we going to be focusing on that this off season yeah and I I think it’s going to be interesting to see what to me I’m interested to see what the Hy Shen and Kyrie line Looks like because we’ve

Talked about it this week I Bron Shen’s going through it this year I I don’t think he’s just fallen off of a curve agreed and he’s no longer the whatever he $6 million player on his contract I think what’s happened with brayon Shen is he just does not have the Wingers

With him and I think by them moving kyou down in the lineup I think it’s twofold I think it is one trying to add more depth to scoring throughout the lineup now you don’t have to now you don’t just focus on the top line you have to focus

On kyus on the second line and I think two it is to see if he can be the guy that can kind of get brayen Shen going yeah well we’ll see what that looks like tonight again puck drop with Chris kerver and joa T at 6 have your pregame

Festivities starting at 5: again you can check everything out on our podcast page 101 presented by dobs tier and autocenters also you can check out our YouTube show up on our YouTube channel at 101 ESPN STL presented by air Alliance team tone and I will be back

With you tomorrow gr Francis will be in huge thank you to Bradford Bruns for helping us out while BK was out on vacation we’ll be back with you tomorrow from centine Community Ice Center and we talk plenty of Blues and C here on your home for the blues 101

Espm open up your 101 mobile app for your chance to win free tickets to see Billy Joel and sting one night only on Friday night September 27th at bus Stadium

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