Golf Babe





Anthony’s Instagram:

What is up you guys welcome back to my channel I back with another video and today as you know by the title I’m going to be reacting to my ex’s Tik TOS it’s going to be a pretty serious video today but yeah let’s just not waste no more

Time before this video starts can we get two likes and two comments I know that’s going to be pretty hard to get due to what the video is I know we could get it two likes and two comments please and let’s waste no more time let’s get into

It all right let me go to her page real quick should we go from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top before we get into this um I don’t care what she does we’re not together I honestly do not care doesn’t

Affect me we’re going to get into a little situation where I draw the line so let me start screen Recording I don’t really have much to say about that not really uh let me read the com comments real quick mom hold on my mom’s calling me my mom’s calling me hello I’m so sorry you’re going through whatever you’re going through I hope you’re doing fine and I just want to say

I love you and to keep your head up and to keep doing you love you bye like I’m telling you like really none of this none of these videos are going to affect me let’s get to the next one let’s see let’s see let’s see no cap bro I like

Siza like her music’s pretty fire but um yeah I have no reaction to this um there 177,000 comments let me see what they’re saying um no wonder why anon’s was posting all that depressed stuff guys I’m not depressed I really am not depressed I honestly don’t care after what I seen uh

What was it yesterday or two days ago I seen this one video two days ago there’s literally no chance of me ever getting back together with her and you guys will see why you guys will see why all right next Her caption says I got a babysitter for the night I feel like that’s the dumbest thing ever because it makes it seem like I wasn’t like watching my son I feel like that caption was like unnecessary I mean that’s why I commented on there like I’m the babysitter

Because I feel like she’s trying to indicate that her baby daddy wasn’t watching her son so she had to get a babysitter for the night well that’s not the case let me react to the next video because all right let me see the next video Let’s just read the comments um

Let’s see ship so do I a Ship many things can be done in 20 minutes for sure for sure I feel like I really can’t read these comments because like I feel it was going to make me look dumb if I read the comments so probably shouldn’t read the comments no yeah not

Really not really yeah so I’m not going to read the comments [ __ ] that cuz it’s just going to make me look dumb if I read the comments I don’t know I feel like I’m not really reacting to these I mean I’m telling you just I just don’t

Care honestly honestly I really I really just don’t care I’m not just saying that let’s let’s react to the next One I mean yeah I don’t bro I swear to God I can’t react to these like I really have nothing inside like to react to them oh sorry guys I’m not even reacting to these like I’m just watching them I’m just watching them and you’re just

Watching me watch them okay I’m going to try to react I’m going to try to react okay it’s just cuz I I just have no reaction to them I’m just Like okay let me just tell you this right now speaking from somebody that can’t dance they can’t dance for [ __ ] I mean I think that was a pretty good reaction somebody tell me why Bella is the same high as Fabia let’s react to some more real quick some more some more

I’m going to say the best for last the thing that irritated me honestly I’m a pretty chill guy I’m pretty chill pretty chill like I I have no beef with nobody no beef with nobody honestly I still have no beef with nobody but there will be a situation that’s taken care of

Let’s let’s start reacting to them okay okay let’s go to the next One okay next one next One I will give you the world baby girl okay let me see I feel like I’ve been wasting time let’s let’s start getting into It in this video he added me and like I ain’t really chipping over that because I added him already but let me see let me See I mean all I got to say is that’s some cheap ass flowers that’s all I got to say cheap ass flowers they don’t even look real real to be honest they look kind of fake regardless if it’s real or fake them [ __ ] just look cheap this is

The part where I draw the line like this is the part where I draw the line so Bella went on with luth’s stream which I knew she was going to go on the stream I didn’t watch the stream cuz like I said I don’t care what should be doing but I

Knew like if there was a situation on the stream that talk about me I knew that it would pop up on my feed because everything be getting clipped and [ __ ] this is what I woke up in the morning which irritated me I had no issue with

This guy until this popped up on my feed and then that’s where I draw the line number one this [ __ ] ain’t even funny like I can take a joke I’m pretty humorous this is what I don’t [ __ ] with and for Bella to even entertain this

[ __ ] then this is why I I would never take her back in my life due to this video right here let’s get into this right now you have a question are you going to be would you be a man step up and be a step daddy for H yeah yeah hell

Yeah see that’s where fa you [ __ ] up right there cuz this sh is not funny and I could take a joke I know where you live when I see you bro I’m going to give you a big hug let’s even read the comments under that video Let’s let’s

Look at him all right so one of the top comments is Belle’s weird as [ __ ] for entertaining this like come on girl if Anthony was talking about giving Noah a step mom already You’ be crying on here and I like that comment because that’s just facts like let’s read the next

Comment crazy how the comments are mainly bashing Bella but Anthony has been linking up with different girls for how long and Bella finally links with one guy see that’s not the problem that’s not the problem at all the problem is not that she’s linking with one guy I’m telling you I don’t care

We’re broken up Anthony has been linking up with different girls okay see for me personally I’m literally just collabing literally we’re making a video takes 10 seconds that’s it I go home somebody said man I hope Anthony’s new girl would say the same thing about Bella she would

Be a better mom for Noah see I wouldn’t even let that [ __ ] slide if somebody was to say that number one I’m not even looking for relationship that’s not even a focus of mine and I wouldn’t even like let some [ __ ] like that slide at least Bella sticks to one guy and not

Different girls like Anthony does haven’t y’all noticed that I I’m going just say this once again I’m not dating none of those girls we literally just made a video for content and that’s it everybody’s talking about me reposting it everybody sorry about me reposting it

And I reposted it because that has to be like the most [ __ ] video I’ve ever seen in my life so I want you guys to see what I’m seeing because I would even think he’s dumb enough to say some [ __ ] like that I’m going to just stop reading

The comments at this point and for Bella to be smiling about this [ __ ] smiling about it entertaining it that’s the most disrespectful [ __ ] if I was in this situation I would never let this [ __ ] slide number one Noah doesn’t need a stepdad Noah doesn’t need a stepmom

That’s disrespectful to me and if it was the other way around it would be disrespectful to her even after I seen this [ __ ] I wouldn’t even [ __ ] think about doing this [ __ ] back to her would you be a man step up and be a stepdaddy for yeah hell yeah Fabio Fabio Fabio you

[ __ ] up that’s where I draw the line bro I don’t care that you’re talking to Bella I don’t care that you’re with Bella I don’t care about all that but when it involves my son bro that’s just not a joke I’m not going to let that

[ __ ] slide I know where you live bro so when I see you I’m going to give you a big hug I need to see apology in my DM within 24 hours bro 24 hours I don’t even know why you think I would let this [ __ ] slide ain’t [ __ ] sweet over here

Especially when it involves my kid all the other Tik toks you made with Bella I don’t care I don’t care what she does I’m not with her bro I don’t care when I see you it’s on S that’s just crazy that you think you could say that and get

Away with that [ __ ] and in case you think I’m capping of not knowing you where you live bro don’t you think when Bella takes my car to your house that car is not Advanced enough to have GPS on the car and Bella didn’t tell me where you live bro she didn’t have to

Noah does not need a stepdad he has his dad his dad’s in his life and I have not even brought this up to Bella at all haven’t talked to her about it because that’s how disappointed I am to that I had to see that I’m very disappointed in

That and that’s crazy that she she was just smiling about it thinking it’s funny I would never ever cross that line cuz I know that I know how she would feel if I was with a girl bro and and we were talking about stepmom um her being

A stepmom I know damn well she would feel some type of way I know damn well she would be pissed about it I pissed to the point where like I’m not even going to say nothing to her cuz there’s no point in saying nothing to her for five

On I know where you live that sh will get taken care of I mean I’m going to give you a chance bro I need to have apology in my DM within 24 hours from me dropping this video who even knows if that apology would even work bro because

Who knows when I see your stupid ass face I still might want to [ __ ] hug you that is the end of reacting to my ex’s Tik toks thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate you guys’ support and until next time guys I’ll be back with another video

Peace bro this guy [ __ ] up for real this man [ __ ] up that has to be the most dumbest [ __ ] someone could ever [ __ ] say


  1. I get what ur trying to say, it was not good for that guys to say that and Bella to sit there and smile abt it, BUT. let’s not forget the fact that bella has been crying flr hours and hour’s after the break up, so i understand if she is trying to find her own happines agian and i’m super happy for her but i think that the guys crossed the line.

  2. Why do you have girl have different girls in every video and better wait? No was better than you, and that's why she has a new boyfriend and I already know that you wanna fight her new boyfriend, but I already know he's gonna win and you know I think he's making a song for you. I think I heard in one of the videos. I'll peace bro.

  3. After I saw the comments on this video, I laughed all the people that said that he’s the bad guy started saying that Bella is the bad person now so I’m very happy at this video. I expected this

  4. nah you butthurt asf 😭 aint no way you out here lyin talm bout “jus a collab” you straight up delusional😭 wtf wrong wit having a step dad? if y’all not together, ITS BOUND TO HAPPEN, fuck is you mad about ? Bella is his mom n u are his dad, having a step dad isn’t about takin shit from YOU, you are making it ABOUT YOU

  5. there’s a reason why it’s called STEP dad, he ain’t say he tryna be his DAD, you MAD ASF LMAO talm bout an APOLOGY, FOR WHAT? FOR BEING WIT BELLA? ARE YOU STUPID😭😭😭 you are SO MAD that you lost her n now you tryna make sum outta nun cause she got a mad that treatin her right 😭 get a life anthony

  6. Honestly it’s definitely a bummer that bella and anothys relationship didnt work out in the end, hopefully things go back to normal and noah dosent have to deal with having multiple home’s growing up. Also, personally I think bellas just hanging out with some new dude to make you jealous I mean bffr his haircut is hideous. I got respect for Anothy.

  7. Bro mad respect for Anthony tho like that’s real messed up that Bella really found it funny to say that like that’s mad crazy.

  8. I've got mad respect for Anthony. he had every right to be disappointed. that's his son and he is an awesome dad and you can clearly see how important Noah is to him 👇🏼 copy

  9. But he’s acting like he didn’t do the same to her bc he did that vid and said take a look at my gf like y’all stop fr but they were a great couple😊

  10. Off brand Anthony and he a rebound and bro he’s mad disrespectful u good Anthony keep doing you ❤ there both a 🤡 friends

  11. I am sooooo sad because i don't want them to break up and i have not watched them in a long time because they where not post ing and no wonder why they weren't proposing posting

  12. I don’t like how at least on screen Bella dosent take care of Noah very much and anothy would give the world. I can see the pain in his eyes sorry anothy.

  13. Bella so weird bro Bella fans are sticking up for her and doesn’t get it and dumb asf

    For Bella Fans:🖕

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