I wish I knew sooner about STRIKING my irons..

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Guys this video could be gamechanging if you are struggling hitting your irons we’re going to be talking about some Universal adaptions that all golfers can use to absolutely pure their irons it’s certainly something that I wish I knew about the goal swing much earlier and before we dive in if you are

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Improve your game so let’s talk about two key ideal that we want to be seeing on how you can strike your irons purely and also how you can bring them together connect them just so you can become the very best golfer that you can be and I’ve also got a great drill and

Visualization that you guys can use at the range most of you may know this but if you want to strike an ey you really want to Pure it ideally that club needs to be dis ascending through the point of impact so that means the angle of attack

Needs to be moving down this club needs to be moving towards the Earth connecting with the ball Before Bruising or taking a diva after impact this doesn’t have to be like crazy steep you don’t need to be hitting this ball down to the other end of the world but having

A slightly descending blow is very much preferable now it’s not as simple as just moving that club down at the ball because the club doesn’t work like that it moves in an arc at the bottom of the Swing now if you imagine when I’m stood

Here that the bottom of the arc is right where that ball is so that would be a sweeping motion we might catch the ball quite clean so what we want to do is move the center of that Arc slightly after the ball more towards the Target

Now what you can see here is when that happens the angle of that Arc through impact is now moving downwards with the club which will be brushing the ground after the ball this is how you take divot but how can we connect the arc to what the body is doing well very simple

The center of the Ark is connected to the center of my body which is pretty much where my sternum is here now if at impact I manage to move my sternum slightly ahead of the ball you will notice that the center of That Swing Arc is now moved just after the ball now

Technically the swing Center it’s just here it’s just to the left of the sternum but if you think about it from the center of your chest this is going to make things a lot easier and let’s be honest it’s not going to make that much difference now many golfers understand

That they need to move a little bit of weight onto that lead foot that they need to get kind of on top of the ball that they don’t want to be leaning back but what this often leads to is golfers making this kind of movement where they

Just slide towards the target they throw everything this way now that might get you ah head of the ball but it can also lead to other issues but to get this feeling there’s a great drill that you can use the first thing we need is an imaginary soft fruit or vegetable Karen

What do you think soft fruit or vegetable peach peach I do like a nice Peach so this is what I want you to imagine okay you’ve moved up to the top of the swing and gosh darn it somebody has placed the peach under your lead

Heel now what we want to be getting the feeling of is moving down putting pressure on that left heel to squish that peach to make it a former fruit to turn it into a puree but apart from creating a wonderful accompaniment to cheese and cured meat making this move

Will enable you to get your swing Center over and Beyond the ball think about it this way I moved up to the top of the swing and I want to squish the peach just look what happens to my body it moves down and towards the Target and remember my swing Center where my

Sternum is I’m at the top I Squish and all of a sudden that has moved forward without me even thinking about it my arc has shifted more towards the target as well so to the top and squish that pach that was a great strike actually the second thing that we need

To understand is that this swing Arc it isn’t just one Di dimensional you can’t think of it from just this face on angle you have to move your perspective around to this position because as well as being down and up this Arc is also tilted so it moves around the body now

This is important because what a lot of golfers do to try and get that downward strike with their irons is they move their hands miles ahead of the ball they really try and force this position but what this can do is it can force the Arc rather than moving around on this nice

Path as it moves around the spine angle shoving those hands Miles Ahead can actually change where that Arc is moving now having a little bit of chaffing at impact with the irons I’ve got an aine here that is desirable but like I said we don’t want to have this kind of

Motion so rather than thinking about pushing those hands Miles Ahead simply think about a more natural way to move the club as you come through we squished the peach now with the hands try and feel like they’re moving more around the body in this direction rather than here

Now what that will mean is as you come through the ball as those hands move around the body they will naturally get ahead of the ball you don’t need to try and force them into this position if you can get the hand path following the natural Arc that the club wants to make

An impact we’re going to be in this position so we’re going to squish the peach and then just allow those hands to move around the body let the natural Arc achieve the successful strike that we want I really should listen to my own advice I think I should subscribe to the swing Quest

Channel okay everybody thanks for watching hopefully Tak my glove off you’ve enjoyed this video if you do want to continue your swing Quest and your improvement in this beautiful wonderful game make sure that you check these videos out here they’re all about how you can strike your IR even better


  1. Not only do you produce substantial quality content but you also present it in such a pleasant and entertaining way that it’s always a pleasure to watch!

  2. This guy is giving tips for 15 handicaps and above. He needs to have some advanced videos for better players. These are for people that have no idea about swing mechanics and ball flight rules. Dopes like Micah Morris benefit from this elementary teaching.

  3. Great video, i've worked alot on straightening that left leg and pushing down with the heel.
    Have you got any advice on releasing the hands through impact? I struggle with too much wrist hinge at impact and getting a decent launch angle. My 7-iron launches between 10-15 degrees.
    Thank you for all the great content!

  4. Pete just explained a concept that I keep getting ads for and won’t tell you the answer unless you buy a program for like $193😂😂 definitely deserves the follow

  5. Hey Pete

    To help us lefties, could you start referring to "front foot"/"back foot" and so on when describing moves? Having to flip left and right sometimes makes me make horrible mistakes when practicing from your advice

  6. Hey pete, everyone talks about that weight on the lead foot but no one says the weight distribution on the back foot, and I feel this is where it goes wrong as too much weight to the back foot on the back swing and you’re screwed as the motion to get back that weight distribution to the front foot will impact a smooth swing path through the ball…do I squish the peach on my back swing? 😅 would be good if you could talk through this part ❤

  7. I'll have to try this at the range before I play tomorrow. I might not get too deep into it until I practice off the course.

    Good tips. I might want to squish the orange though, a peach might leave a pit in my heel ;D

  8. I got tickets to the good good desert open, only got em cause your gonna be there, ur def the best on youtube. Not sure y more ppl havent realized that.

  9. Useless trying trying to create something that doesn't exist. People just hearing themselves speak as if they know what they're talking about

  10. The best part of this video isn't even the actual lesson… its Peter laying down on the ground like a schoolboy 😂 You're awesome, Pete

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