Golf Players

Sneak Peak New Fantasy Golf Tools | Lack of Golf Coverage, PGA Shotlink Problems

Pat Mayo & Ben Rasa discuss the Lack of Golf Coverage, PGA Shotlink Problems and issues with data feeds, and Mayo shows Ben some of the new tools coming at Fantasy National

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RZA and I went so long at the conclusion of the NFL DraftKings pick show we finally veered into PGA stuff because we both love to talk about PJ so I cut this part out for people who maybe don’t care about football and care about golf or vice versa it’s a very brief

Conversation we talk about the shot length problems data feed problems I show off some of the new tools at Fantasy National that Mike is working on they’re not live yet I’m still beta testing them to make sure that they actually work and that they’re fast and

Mike is working on the site well going through some things but you can get a sense of what the new site is going to look like and some of the different features that are coming along that way fantasy Mayo as always can I’ll have my research show coming out

Either on Saturday evening or on Sunday morning so you may as well get in now and hopefully you know you can use the tools to your advantage and win some money all right let’s get to it experience bman experience bman Experience bman experience experience oh yeah when you see the train of like the last place lineups you’ll know that there are lineups that’s always how it goes though I I’ve had a good couple weeks on drafting so I’m due to I mean I looked at my I looked at round one of American

Express although I have no idea if that’s it’s there’s I always joke about this not to turn this into a golf show no we listen we’re done football people want to tune up for football you know we’re going to talk about golf scoring if you just want to skip ahead

On the audio podcast and get to me Pete and brick you can do that as well it’s all time coded people you can figure this part out but this was a travesty uh as it you know what I’ll probably cut this into a shorter type show that’s that’s now I get two videos

Out of it genius Ros genius as we go through this but I can’t believe shot tracker was so bad like I’ve never this is what I expect from the corn fairy tour in Bahamas at one point Grayson had had backto back albatrosses on the same hole

In in shot tracker he he made an albatross on the fifth and then he played the fifth again and did it again uh there were fuzzy Dunlop was like winning at one point there were so many madeup players at the top truly madeup guys like I don’t I don’t know where these

Guys came from were these real players they they were one of the guys Jimmy Stanger who the hell is Jimmy Stanger no I thought his name was the oh is his name Stanger I thought it was strer I was about to make like stranger jokes

About him maybe it is um I know he went to Virginia because I had to look at this yesterday Rico huy Uncle Rico is it is it huy or huy which I would much I would much prefer huy these guys and then norin who’s just

There um nor might as well be like a Euro creative player yeah it’s it’s just Bor was up there too I saw that I saw buor up there I saw I tried to play semi Kawa did not work no who did I suck I I bet

Windam Clark and he was bad who’ you use in one in done H I have two I use Burns and I use baa I’m in one week but I am in first in your one and done I had Keegan you had Grayson yeah yeah yeah I was the one

Person who had Grayson no I I had Keegan outrights justum how many how many people are tied for first like what oh it’s a lot like what are you currently winning because you’d win 80k if it was just you but now that split between everyone who had an and everyone who had

Keegan Bradley what’s the number I think it said I think it was like around two grand I want to say okay so like everyone had those two guys yeah I think so interesting all right yeah H literally zero people had Grayson obviously you guys have a uh at

Stochastic you guys have like a golf projection product right absolutely yep you guys pull in like Strokes gain data and all that stuff like pay the tour the tour has up the data the past two weeks so I want it going to ask you about this I’ve noticed that I’ve

Noticed some like weird I’m like I’m like crafting my little jackass tweets and I’m like did this guy gain eight Strokes putting or am I just like making that up uh and I i’ I’ve noticed a little of that yeah so I was on they apparently it’s fixed now because we

Pulled in at Fantasy National Mayo as always the walkthrough goes with it oh mikees can I show you this please mik has done a redesign and I believe I don’t know if it’s going to be Live this week or next week um you can see oh look look at

Those brand new uh brand new icons here but he added this in like last second there’s more to go along with it uh so you have this View and you can also just like quickly go into card mode if you really need to know what these people

Look like but because it has pictures it takes longer to load and everyone knows that I just like to kind of mess around with what’s going on of course you know Mike’s probably working on it right right now as I go through just break you’re just breaking it so you can look

At it in this view as well and then it will like load in the tournament results recent results and then show a bar graph of all of these things um so I I thought it was a pretty cool view because some people like to look at it this way

Instead I mean yeah you can see you can go to tournament H or you can go to like their basically if you click on this it goes to tournament history or you click on it goes to recent results and for this bargraph like this is past 24 PS but you

Can go like click on opportunities gained instead you can see how they like Trend in that area as well um over timeck so yeah it’s a cool mode moose really likes that mode I still like the spreadsheet mode because I’m a loser like that who likes to see what the

Actual numbers are but there’s a a cool feature that we put in right now so don’t steal this in the next three days please uh Spike percentage so I want to go past 50 rounds and this is something I was thinking about for particularly draft King scoring but maybe head tohe heads

Or Showdown something like this it’ be the equivalent of like 90th percentile outcome like when you’re running projections anyway yeah um but Spike percentage you can set it to what how many strokes per round you actually want to see so I have like everything baked in right now uh of my American Express

Model let’s just go to like regular Strokes gained that’ll make everything easy when we load that in um and yeah and now it keeps up like whatever your mixed condition model rank is at all times it keeps in whatever your current model rank is at all times

Of the stuff that you’re looking at so you can sort them both if you want to and make it really easy to add but Spike percentage because I just want to look at putting like who are the guys over the past 50 rounds how many times do

They gain over two strokes putting per round over the past 50 rounds Sheffer 2% so that’s fun and the leaders are 33 I guess he only has six rounds Taylor mon Wilson fur Wilson fur isn’t he up there this week probably he is he’s minus six through 18 holes no

Problem uh yeah Taylor Montgomery gains over two strokes putting per round 30% of the time yeah the cool thing about something like this is yeah you’re gonna get the Taylor Montgomery because he’s an amazing putter but you’ll find a couple guys that aren’t the best putter but

When they get hot 20% that’s see that’s super actionable oh your boy uh toast your favorite Finn oh wacky valami yeah he’s oh not playing well it would be funny to put this in so you can let’s I just want to try this out because I I’m

Still kind of like beta testing it to make sure that everything works and doesn’t work because it’s not completely cleaned up yet so I maybe I shouldn’t be just showing this on a show as we go it’s all deadly uh I’ll go to Strokes game putting and I’m gonna add that from

This I want to see if that takes now no it doesn’t I’ll have to I’ll talk to most about that cuz I want just the spike percentage in there so if I can get Spike percentage but you can see like instead of having to name everything it just shows you all your

Conditions now you want to go through it um but yeah in terms of the spike it’d be interesting to see Spike percentage versus like actual Strokes gained over that time because I think that you’re right that’s the who is a known shitty putter from this group oh Pearson cie there is Matt

Wallace is Matt Wallace bad I don’t know never makes a putt he hasn’t made a putt when I’ve used him in the last well Matt Wallace is at 18% on that on this list so he’s like top 15 he’s the same as Eric Cole hadwin and all those guys and

I wonder if we just go to total or average and we’d look up Wallace he’s a slightly above average butter typical yeah that’s how it works anyway I thought that was uh it’s one of the things that I’ve really wanted to work on recently and uh I that’s one of

The tools that I think will come in handy and being able to do that live like but that becomes the hard part like we’ve been trying to do all this live stuff for a while but hearkening back to like the shotlink data like when you get the wrong shotlink data from the source

That you’re legitimately ping into the six figures for in order to have on your site and it’s wrong I I get like if I was using a product and the stats were wrong I’d be mad at the people like me who like help run the site but there’s nothing we can

Do my Mo to go they told us to go scrape data to get the right data which we had to do yeah that’s suspicious like what are we doing here yeah what are we doing yeah that’s a so with like almost to go back to the leaderboard it might not be

The pga’s fault that this is happening somebody’s fault it’s somebody’s fault but it might not be the person that you think that it is like what the PGA isn’t in charge of this shot link is in charge it seems like shot Link’s having problems right now

They really it’s a tough it’s a tough scene this is where live comes into play all that live money this is one of the things that if you’re if you’re going to sell your soul to live and get them and put yaser on the board the become the

Chairman of the board with a new merge tour whatever it is some of that money needs to be allocated to stuff that and I get why we can’t see every shot and we don’t get shot tracker at every course because it’s too expensive but now you have a guy who’s just like writing

Checks at least put some of that money to this yeah we should be getting like golden drones attached to every group like I don’t want to hear it uh so me yeah like I said I’m not gonna get into live stuff but get me good shot

Tracker that would go a long way in me paying attention because I never pay attention you could do that and like I think we’ve talked through like different versions of this over the years that I think you could have a radio feed that that is like kind of

Like following the players that you want that I think people might be into it’s not as good I mean just put a camera on that guy’s hat or something well he’s doing the broadcast then you’re good to go then you can watch it or it would take more course scouting

Because I know a couple people who like go and work for shotlink and go do all this stuff and they’re like yeah you know sometimes the facilities don’t have like the right power grid for us to go to or like wifi in the area because it’s

So remote is so bad that like stuff doesn’t correlate like it needs to be a certain speed for us to upload a certain speed like just little things that you would never think about from any of that but if you could set up like poles on the course like there’s trees on the

Course anyway but set up like skinny poles with either drones or some sort of like fish fisheye camera like for certain segments all the way down like if you had one on the 100 yards down on the right hand side and then another 100 yards down on the left hand side or

Attach them to trees or whatever and you had like three of these cheap cameras up the Fairway well then you could almost like comp together a live shot and then just have a bird’s eye view of the green and like kind of the surrounding areas it doesn’t need commentary it doesn’t

Even need sound just I can click on it hey what’s going on the 13th screen boom there’s my guys what’s going on I like squint a little bit and I can see it that would be yeah I mean it doesn’t seem I don’t know what I’m talking about but it doesn’t seem that

Complicated that seems complicated to set up because you would need to scout all the courses but that’s like the Rinky Dink cheapest possible version of what you can do although if you had bad Wi-Fi at the course then none of that would work oh you get if they can figure it

Out I’m team figure it out yeah I I don’t I mean I guess I guess some of these places are a little like remote I guess you could say I I never think about stuff like that to be honest um but shot tracker is rough right now you

Can’t even sweat this tournament this is an unsweat tournament well as I was telling you the and I think you noticed it too I was talking to someone else and they noticed the same thing like numbers like content wise like it was hard to fill though like the listeners league is

Never hard to fill it was hard to fill this week numbers for the shows like downloads views they were just down versus last week and we won money last week usually that means a big boost like hey Pat one money like let me tune in to

See if we can ride a heater or something like that now people were like this tournament it’s terrible yeah and then next week’s Wednesday right but it every turn like that becomes a problem because people don’t understand that it starts on a Wednesday I I actively told them like

Make the listeners League smaller next week because there’s going to be 50% of people who don’t realize that it starts on Wednesday no matter how many times that we say the farmers’s insurance open starts on a Wednesday people will just inevitably tune out now if I didn’t work

In content and someone told me that and I was just kind of a fan I would probably tune it out as well and just kind of forget but Sentry Sony AMX Farmers should all start those first first four tournaments of the Year all start on Wednesday all start on

Wednesday just and then we get to Pebble when there’s no football then we can start it on Thursday yeah yeah like why is that so hard it’s not uh yeah it’s true I mean on Sundays I’m just not thinking about golf even like I caught the last couple

Holes just to see my soul ripped out and that was about it like I didn’t it’s just hard when football’s on your guy Grio helped me win 10K or 5K well that’s good he rarely that Rio and helping uh don’t normally go together that’s I had a pretty good week

Too but that’s nice yeah I mean he I I I don’t think I’ve ever won like that size of a gpp before so I was like all right let’s roll actually no I won the pme open one time that had five no that only had like 3,000 people in it so winning a

6,000 person tournament I was like Hey here we go Grio baa Poston benan all the guys all the guys who stole my money all those years finally paid me back starting to Chip Away we all right RZA uh thanks for being on man of course anytime experience experience


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