Golf Babe

Police Meet Woman at the Door after She Hid for YEARS

On August 6, 2022 in Florida, sheriff’s deputies were preparing to serve a felony warrant on a woman involved in grand theft. The woman had been evading police since 2019 by providing her sister’s identification. This is body-cam footage of the events that followed.

Footage on Body Cam Watch is for educational purposes only. All information has been supplied by local law enforcement agencies and is considered by law to be public information. The subjects in these videos are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Body-worn camera footage has been edited for length and in accordance with YouTube community guidelines while maintaining a journalistic focus.

On August 6th 2022 sheriff’s deputies were preparing to serve a warrant on a woman involved in Grand Theft the woman had been evading police since 2019 by providing her sister’s identification I’m I’m G be on La 3 I don’t have stand stand by the garage you just walk up with the paperwork

M like you have to give it to her so it’s just you and I’ll wait tillu btim ay hey lcia here yeah um well who’s is there a female here yeah can I talk to her I think I’m getting the name yeah she just I have to

Fill out some paperwork from an inant i her a couple weeks ago okay yeah just have for me okay what name you the name yeah might have said it she’s like I I don’t know but I said there a female can I talk she said yeah she comes out just grab her where

That right here hey how you doing hey you were involved in a battery couple weeks ago yeah I just have to have you sign some paperwork for me yeah can you just do on your car here cuz I don’t have a tank it was up yeah you got to war stop stop stop

Resisting stop resisting get St what what are you doing name put your name put your hands what are youing stop resisting stop resisting you doing what are you doing stop resisting what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing we know your true name you Shia you for your doing

Stop resisting what are you stop resisting you have warrs for your rest why you’re hurting me well you’re resisting I’m resisting okay we told you stop resisting you’re hurting me okay well if you qu you’re hurting me please take it apart please you’re hurting me

No you’re going to jail for what war we know your name Shia let me go please but you’re hurting me up well if you would have resisted okay not please put with some other clothes like no up here no that stopped when you that stopped when you

Resisted us we need to check these CU up yeah this one is loose get her readjusted stop put your hands behind your back I don’t understand what put your hands behind your back for your rest but I don’t understand but why are you stop oh my God

Gosh stop resisting so we can fix it cup grab grab it so I no when you resist you get zero breaks you guys stop push me didn’t even stop he speaking like no as soon as you saw us you tried to run back in the house

How did I try to run you ran after me like what are you talking about oh my god well you have Warr for yourest going can you stop M you’re already in handup so stop not going go for her bro I don’t understand what they doing stop you

Stop I’m not going to go anywhere why are you guys so strong you’re hurting me stop you’ve given your sister’s name multiple times you have warrants fore arrest you know about you’re on probation out of Miami the gig’s up you got away with it for years you can’t get away with it

Anymore right hand coming around and she wanted to change her clothes too I K go like this to get it I don’t have nothing you’re going like that you’re going like that try up when you when you fought us we don’t give any breaks I’m bra fro truck please i h on

The sports bro I don’t have no weapons on me I just got off from work oh my [ __ ] god man can I Le turn around no she’s searching right now I there’s nothing on me oh wow stop let stop screaming at me don’t scream at me like like I don’t understand why you

Have warrants relax you stop moving around stop moving around keep moving around like should be a prayer call service here switch over there I don’t understand what they’re doing there’s nothing on me like you can do a search there’s nothing on me I just wanted to change my clothes not

Changeing you’re not changing when you just fought us well when you fight us you don’t change clothes yeah yeah’s nothing bro I just got off from work my why you leaning back like that cuz my back hurts I just got off from work there’s nothing on me well a

Female is searching you there’s nothing there’s nothing on me there’s nothing I just C out of my house I just got off from work we’ll search you again when we get to the car if you have anything on you when you get to the jail we pull

Your car up there’s nothing on me camera yeah yeah okay just pull my car with the back camera hey just hey call me call me when you get I don’t know your number I don’t have anything I’ll come down there can I come down there and give my information we’ll

Get that you can try yeah everything’s fine that’s that huh that she has warrants that’s all I don’t understand what’s going on you know exactly what’s going on you keep giving your sister’s name because you have warrants right so this shouldn’t be a shock to you okay you’ve been hiding

Your warrant since 2019 you’ve gotten stopped multiple times you keep giving your sisters information every time you get stopped there’s a reason you give your sisters information because you have warrants like let’s be an adult I had to do all of this let’s be an adult because

You’ve been hiding since 2019 so what maybe I don’t want to be found you ever thought about that like seriously now you’re found I haven’t done anything I don’t get in trouble up here like what’s the problem well you’re going back to Miami it’s hurting this what I’m trying

To it’s hurting me you’re not understanding fing handcuffs and they’re properly fitted you keep moving around it’s going to hurt sit down my back I’m not going to go I can’t go anywhere I just want to sit down well you haven’t proven that you’re not going to do

Anything so I’m a ho I said you haven’t proven that you’re not going to do anything so rest why hold I just want to sit in my back we’re getting we’re we’re put you in the car second put you in the car in the

Car can I put my shoes on get your shoe I’ll get it I will get it let me put my shoes on it like let me put my shoes on what the [ __ ] yeah grown up come on let’s act like an adult sh I just want my shoes I said I would get

It get in the don’t want to you got to go to jail really don’t work get in the car in man I can’t do this get in the car now let be an adult I I work too hard everything I have in your car now I work too hard man

I can’t take this away from me get in the car now please let’s treat you like an adult come on [ __ ] just whack the [ __ ] on yeah yeah I’m good


  1. I dont understand…… to be a productive member of society………………. don't worry,you can change in jail while your enjoying your sweaty bologna sammich.

  2. Very sad she needs help mentally. She sounds like someone who has been spoiled her whole life and never had to face punishment. I'm praying she gets it together

  3. Every time i was getting arrested all i said was "I don't want to" and they let me go. 😂 weeeird. Must be my white privilege. 😂

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