Golf Babe

Also why I can go to target and he can’t say nothing. Work smarter not harder ladies. #golf

You know what my favorite day of the week is Friday you know why that’s when my husband goes golfing hear me out he leaves to do his whole like I don’t know how many hours of golfing okay and I hold down the house but when this man

Comes back he comes back happy okay marriage is stressful Parenthood is stressful you need to give each other space to go out fill up your tank so you can come back and be happy for one another because that happiness spills over to the rest of the family let your man go golfing


  1. This only works if you also get that time though, in the average relationship from the stats women don’t get that time! Talking to the wrong crowd lmao.

  2. Ok but do you also get an entire day where he takes care of the kids and everything at the house so that YOU can fill your tank?

  3. Okay but the issue is most men expect to be able to maintain their hobbies after children and marriage while their wife “holds down the fort” alone for hours but these same men never return that favor by “holding down the fort” while their wife goes out for equal amounts of time to enjoy her own free-time. That’s it, that’s the issue. Statistics literally prove that married men get more free-time than married women. Women are just expected to devote all their time to the house and children but don’t you dare expect your husband to do the same because then you’re being a ball-busting, “nagging” wife. & hey, if this doesn’t apply to your husband then that’s great but it does apply to the majority of husbands so your post telling women they need to just “let their husband go golfing for hours because at least then he will come back happy” is extremely short-sighted and contributes to the continued mistreatment and lowered expectations of women.

  4. I have to ask, what is your tank filler? Because it only works if you both get the opportunity!

  5. I agree…as long as each partner gets time to do their thing. The problems come when he goes golfing, but you when you go to Target it's for groceries with kids in the cart, not Starbucks & candles.

  6. This only works if he is actually out “golfing”… most men aren’t. They are screwing their mistress.

  7. Yes, BOTH partners deserve to have time apart from each other without worrying about the house and in full trust that your partner is not messing around or anything like that. No matter how much you love one another you need to have a life outside of each other and be apart from one another too.

  8. Agreed but this only works when both people in the partnership can have their space and also contribute to the household!!!

  9. My kids and I fill my husband's love tank ❤️ we go to eat and listen to live music together every Friday afternoon

  10. Totally agree! My partner and I have separate hobbies, and hobbies we share, friends we share and separate friends! It’s great because when we come back home after doing our own thing we appreciate each other all the more ❤

  11. Let me tell you…that is how I feel about my federal holidays. I am a single parent and I look forward to those days off without my kiddo so I can just GO and do whatever I need to do, whether it's chores, exploring, or even see a movie! However, now these public school teachers are getting the holidays too, and I am NOT happy about it. Come on!! You get summer vacation, Thanksgiving and Christmas break! Give me my child free MLK day back, please!!

  12. Same thing with gaming. My husband games and sometimes we do it together it's fun together or alone and it helps with stress ❤

  13. Love this message. But, sometimes men forget that it goes both ways. Sometimes mommy needs some time off too. And most of the time they just think about their time off and not that it should be a give and take.

  14. I love being alone with the kids. When my hubby is around, I feel like i have to take care of another child.

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