Golf Players

Coach John Fields puts together an all-time Texas golf team 🚨 EMERGENCY 9

The Emergency 9 is our weekly segment featuring 9 fun questions that allow our listeners to get to know that week’s guest a little bit better. Up next: John Fields.
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We got to get to the E9 with you real quick some fun questions for you before we let you get out of here and we ask this to everyone and I have a feeling you’ve already mentioned this guy’s name if you could if you could be someone

Else for a day other than yourself who would it be just one day you get to walk in their shoes maybe my CER when he flew to mcken Texas Butch that but that interview with I’ll tell you who it would be it would be Ben kencha oh nice

And and the reason it would be Ben crenchaw we we had him come talk to the team a long time ago and and he was sitting at the top of the table and and I said hey Ben before we get started I I’ve got one question for you because

These are all University of Texas student athletes that are in front of you he goes what’s that coach I said did you have a good time when you were at Texas and he he kind of dropped his head and put his hands like cued his face and and then he came

Back with this big smile and he goes coach I had a great time in college yep I don’t know what that meant but it sure sounded pretty good and the guy it broke the ice and uh Ben crenchaw has always been the coolest guy that I’ve ever been around he’s awesome love that

On the course off the course all of it um yeah all right coach I’m gonna start you off this is GNA be a tough one here and you can defer if you don’t want to if you don’t want to hurt any feelings but if you were going to put together an

All time since you’ve been coaching at Texas starting five based on their games at the college level not necessarily how they turned out as Pros who would it be well I’m just gonna I’m going to rank him because you got to start with Jordan spe impact player you’ve got to go with

Bo hustler because he was the Fred H Haskins Award winner which is the Heisman Trophy of college golf you got to go with Doug gim because he was also um he W he was the Ben Hogan Award winner which is the best amateur college golfer combined for the year and then

You’ve got to go with Scotty Sheffer because he’s so dynamic and then the next one up I only got Brad Elder for a semester so I’m I’m going to he he’s my backup and he’s the guy that uh love to compete as well but I got to put Cody

Gribble in there because if if I don’t have Cody Gribble I don’t have anything and and I’m not talking to you guys today so thank God for Cody Gribble I sh out Cody Gribble some good Pub today no I thought Gosset would be in there for

Sure you got good options by the way good options you can put a couple Love David too yeah yeah what’s what’s Wild is you know growing up in the Dallas area where I did I mean Matt Rosenfeld was the man the guy and it just I mean it shows you how hard

Professional golf is just didn’t make it but he was the guy I remember when we go to tournaments be like oh God he’s here this is a problem yeah yeah he’s really good really good player you had a lot of good ones there’s no doubt about that I

Actually had that question down as well so I’ll go to the next one obviously y’all’s biggest rivalry in football U the Red River Red River classic who’s the school you hate to lose to the most in golf oh for sure it’s Oklahoma State I figured that with Ryan hibble Oklahoma with Ryan

Hibble is is next but but Oklahoma state has been really the driving force and the energy and the Synergy behind my passion for this game and that’s Mike holder again yeah he’s set the bar and you guys have been going at it for a long time and we’ll probably continue to

Do so all right I’m going to ask you coach what’s the most strict punishment you’ve ever given out for a player for sleeping through a workout missing a team meeting any sort of disciplinary matter yeah that’s interesting I I had two players probably don’t want to name

The names but um I had two players kind of get into it one time and uh I and and it was on the road at a tournament and when you coach in competitive guys there’s always the possibility that somebody might get outside the box just a little bit

So these two guys went at it when we came home I told them you know what I’m going to make it tough on you guys for the spring semester you’re going to have to qualify to qualify in other words you’re going to have to you’re going to

Have to play in your own qualifier to get to the qualifier both made made them much better the other thing that I did is I made them do everything together I made them go to workout together if one drove one morning then the other one had

To drive the next morning I made them do I made them eat together I made them the only thing they didn’t have to do was live together but everything else they had to do together and I I got that from my dad because my dad always felt like

Whatever I do to your brother I’m going to do to you and so I felt like that that’s the toughest thing that I ever did but it turned out to be absolutely wonderful for both of them well I think beautiful you can share this because I

Got this story from one of those players and was told to ask you if you ever saw a fight happen at the Texas Tech golf course but I’ll let you choose if you want to say it that was an almost fight between Scotty shuffler and and Bo Hustler yeah and that was

Because first of all both of those guys and I’m gonna say this in a nice way are over sexed in the competitiveness Department right so that’s just a way of saying that but Bo Hustler was into his game dramatically he was playing his match we were playing this match play against

Texas Tech and Scotty Sheffer it there’s there’s nothing worse on this planet for him than to lose to anybody in anything so anyway they both hit their shots on a par five off the te and I’m walking with Bo I’m really not walking with Scotty but I’m kind of paying attention to Bo

Like a caddy he walks by this goppo and he looks at it and he for whatever reason he thinks that he’s out driven Scotty by 15 yards so Scotty doesn’t think anything we walked right past the ball Bo looked at the goall and Scotty hits his shot we get up to

The ball both turn now and he looks down he goes this is not my ball and you would have thought Mount vvus just went off like the uh we had a volcano 15 yard below us and Sheffer got so mad when he figured out that he’d hit

The wrong ball he ran up to the green 260 yards on a dead Sprint picked up the ball ran back threw it at both feet B goes ahead and hits the right shot then Scotty has lost the the hole now and that he just lost a hole but he it’s killing

Him and so now they’re jawing against each other on the way up and finally on the next h on the part three I told Bo I said we are not going another step further until you apologize to Scotty for that what do I got to apologize to

Him for he’s the one that hit the wrong ball and I’m like because of the way you walked up to that ball and recognized that it wasn’t your ball but it was you made a mistake and it caused him to make a mistake say you’re sorry so he

Scotty’s like walking by goes I’m sorry like that and then we went on oh it’s beautiful I asked I was Bo was at my house the other night I was like Hey we’re having coach fields on you got any good stories he goes just asking about

The time me and Scotty almost got in a fight at Texas Tech my God perfect but I’ll tell you what those are two Warriors you want to have those guys playing for you promise oh you think which leads perfectly to my next question who wins in a fight between

Both Bo Hustler and Scotty shler oh no I’m kidding you don’t have to answer that one coach that’s a battle of the Titans they’re both 6 fo three big boys but I would say at that time Scotty sheffler was the athlete so I wouldn’t want any part of Scotty Shu Bose leaned

Up Bose leaned up nice he’s had a nice fighting weight right now he is looking fantastic and I’m I’m praying and visioning for a great year for him yeah he is uh very Dapper all I’ll give my next real one what do you dread hearing more more the Boomer Boomer Sooner fight

Song or the dad of a junior golfer coming up to you telling you why you should recruit his kid Boomer Sooner that’s shocking to me actually I bet you hear the other one more often though all the time yeah hey coach got to take a look at my kid all right

Correct 80 already my last one I’m gonna need you to help me with this because I just thought of it because we went over a few of my questions during that but early on probably 2003 or 4 you had a really good player that was a little bit

Of a bigger boy boy at Texas can you remember can you help me with that name it just came to me he was a stud are are we talking about Jonathan Vegas yeah thinking it wasn’t Johnny Vegas uh he was the guy you beat in the semifinals at the US amateur and broke

Our hearts easy easy match that was no it was before that cuz I was probably a I was a freshman in’ 03 God it’s going to drive me nuts and he was a thicker guy a thicker guy had a funny golf swing Jason Harwick yes Jason Hartwick that is

It that guy was really good by the way all right we’re going to go Jason Hartwick and lumpy have an Olive Garden bread stick eating competition who could take down more uh for sure Heron because Harwick would would be looking after his weight and Tim was not worried about that at the

Time that is perfect Tim needs those bread sticks that stop up the liquor you know what I mean he needs those I we’d be in the car guys hey guys where do you want to go eat I’m like we’re going to Olive Garden I love it

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