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Transfer show | Sancho returns to Dortmund and Phillips latest!

Join us for the latest transfer news, on a day where Jadon Sancho’s return to Dortmund on loan was confirmed. 

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Hello BBB fans it’s Jaden here I just want to say Happy New Year and I’m so glad to be back and I can’t wait to get started see you soon we can’t wait to get started either good evening welcome along to the transfer show now the s Sancho deal is

Done we’re going to break down the numbers and analyze who’s the biggest winner Sancho brucia Dortmund or Manchester United plus a busy week at Tottenham continues Eric Dyer is in Munich to complete his move to Bayern ammer expecting confirmation of Ru drasin move to Spurs at any moment and we’ll be discussing

Bournemouth Striker Dominic sani’s future is he a player in demand We’re going to start though with Jaden Sancho of course and that return to Dortmund so mark it is done run us through the numbers yeah it’s taken some time for that man to seal his exit away from Manchester United he last played for the club at the end of August but

Finally today confirmation that he’s a bruer Dortmund player for the next six months at least we want to keep an eye on you talk about the numbers Mike and they’re significant as well because he was one of Manchester United’s highest paid players so the fact that he’s now

Off the wage Bill may be significant for Eric tenh in this transfer window if he were to recruit new players so bruss of Dortmund are contributing a guaranteed £3 million pounds for his wages but of course that could change depending on how successful Dortmund are in the Bundesliga and the champions league and

The extras and add-ons could equate to another £3 and2 million as well so the total package depending on his success and the club’s success could be around 6 and5 million that’s what it will cost brusso Dortmund which for Manchester United would be seen as potentially good business because that would in include

All of his wages and a small loan fee but a lot of this depends on how successful he is and they are all right yeah now I posed this right at the top of the program who is the biggest winner out of all of this so Mark who’s won

Well everyone will claim that they’ve got the the best deal in this scenario um let’s start with I guess Jaden Sancho who initially will say this is great for me I’m going home he said he was going home he was going to be able to play

With a smile on his face he was going back to somewhere where it had huge success 137 games in His Four Seasons or so at bruo Dortmund before with 107 goals and assists there that was why Manchester United spent in excess of7 million to secure him therefore he’d be

Saying this is great for me I’m getting my wages I’ve had the big money move and I’m going back to somewhere where I can play my best football brusso dortman will say this is brilliant for us because we sold a player for in excess of7 million and now we’re getting him

Back for at the moment three and a half million it may be 6 and a half million but actually we’re getting a superstar someone we know can do the business for us and contribute to our season for a tiny fraction of what we sold him for

And only some of that money is based on success so they’ll both be looking at thinking this is great for me all right so how will Manchester United spin this Michael well firstly they’ll admit that this is not ideal but we have to remember this Fallout was from the

Summer was it maybe a week or so after the summer transfer deadline the valuation right now for him transfer wise is significantly lower so the loan is the option if he was to leave Manchester United I think the key as well for Eric tenh har this Fallout it

Gets him out the door it we know he isn’t part of the squad at the moment until the end of the season it stops reporters like Mark and I asking Eric tinh har every week have you spoken to Jaden Sancho it lets them concentrate on the second half of the season now I’m

Sure Manchester United fans weren’t too happy either saying I’m home I’m home I’m home with Dortmund and I think many United fans may say well some will say look he didn’t get enough chances some will say yes he did have enough chances he didn’t do enough what interests me as

Well for Manchester United they might look at it upstairs as well with sjim r Cliff you know and Gary Neville mentioned this the other week you know it’s a bit of a test for Eric tenh har over the next few months what will Manchester United look like when jayen

Sancho’s loan expires yes at the moment I can’t imagine him in a Manchester United show again how much does football change in not just I mean in six months Mark you know everything looks so different in six months Michael isn’t isn’t that exactly the point you’ve just

Touched on it there mark you said oh Sancho he’s he’s won the lottery everything’s going his way he’s going to be back at Manchester United in a few months he’s already given it the big one I’ve come home when he’s gone to Dortmund his contract is what another

Couple of years so actually he’s not a total winner is he because it could go very wrong for him the next six months will be key for him individually how he plays in the Bundesliga how he takes to going back to his old side but of course

Potentially as things stand he’s got to go back to Manchester United now he could be going back to a very different Manchester United to the one he’s leaving there’s no guarantees that Eric tenh hard will be the manager for the start of next season we know that inos

And S Jim RAB Cliff have gone into the football club they’ve got overall control of the football side of Manchester United and of course we’ll be spending the next few days weeks and months assessing the structure the Personnel the way they recruit the money they’ve spent the business they’ve got

And the players that are currently at the football club and the money that they’re earning so therefore jayen Sancho could go back to Manchester United it could be a clean slate a blank canvas and an opportunity with a new manager to go right here I am this is

Where I’m going to give Manchester United my best or of course things could change but we don’t know in football things can change very very quickly and Manchester United will certainly be one of those clubs that right now could look very different when Jaden Sancho returns Michael if you’re a Manchester United

Fan are you going to take kindly to one of your most expensive signings in the history of the club saying I’ve come home and he’s gone to a club in Germany uh probably no I probably not and it’s not gone well I mean there are are some

Supporters I’m sure will be siding with Erton hog siding with the player but I think they’ll all agree this has to stop you know this has to stop there has to be some kind of finality something has to finish and it has done he’s back at barusso Dorman if

He’s saying he’s come home look players say things they say and in a way you know what we talk about winners and losers he has one he’s gone to a club he’s got we always say Well done to players young players going abroad it’s not easy they’re human beings right I

Remember my first at at University CRI me eyes out it’s but it’s it’s tough it’s tough moving away isn’t it but he’s done it before he knows the place and he I suppose he does feel like he’s home to an extent but look I think the key for

Manchester United in terms of the club not just the supporters more the club for now he’s out of the door I think the funny thing is as well all three sides will claim they’ve got the best deal Manchester United will look at this and say we’ve lost someone who was a high

Earner there was a real problem there with the manager he wasn’t at the training ground with the first team he wasn’t in the canteen eating with the rest of his teammates and we’ve got rid of this problem and therefore we’ve saved that money on the wage bill bruy

Dortman will say we’ve got a great player for a very low fee and he’ll say I’m getting all my money and I’m going back to where I belong and that’s where all three sides will say this works perfectly over to you Jaden yeah absolutely okay all right that’s jayen

Sancho Manchester United let’s talk Tottenham Michael uh R’s draggers in how close very close I’m waiting I’m excited for a potential welcome video Mike I know there was maybe first fans worried earlier maybe because they want the confirmation there was worries a few days ago about Bayern Munich’s late

Interest but it is a matter of when the announcement will be made nothing to worry about expecting it today I would certainly think so uh I think there might be a situation where um confirmation from Gena and the Jed Spence loan deal but an poster Cog will be absolutely delighted because he’s

Mentioned to myself and my colleagues over the last few weeks and even months Mike we need a Defender and he you know he’s not moaned because there’s been injuries but he’s he’s he’s basically said this can’t drag January is difficult Tottenham don’t usually buy players early in January this is a big

Sig in a real positive one ahead of a huge game on Sunday so we wait for confirmation stay with us throughout the evening on Sky Sports News we’ll get that confirmation hopefully for Spurs fans in the next few hours of of course who will and what about Eric Dyer going

The other way where are we with that one do you remember last Friday Mike and I and I really did it was an eye opener it was an eyeopener for everyone Mark wasn’t it because look this is a good move for Eric Dyer you know we saw how happy he

Was it wasn’t a great few months for him he was extremely professional but look how happy he is and you know what Mike I’m going to say it now he deserves it because he’s how many players do you get in the Premier League now that play the

One club for about 10 years yes he doesn’t particularly fit into Ana’s system yes it’s been tough what’s the reward one of the biggest clubs in the world Bayern Munich and I’ll tell you what it could just work out for him he’s a very very intelligent Guy moving to

Another country will not be a problem with him he was brought up in Portugal so he will love this we know he’s going to about to meet one of his best friends in football Harry Kane and I tell you who else is happy as well Tottenham because they’ve got £ 3.4 million for

Him and he’s run his contract runs out in the summer we talk about every un happy I’m telling you now Spurs will be happy and Eric D will be happy and I’m sure all Spurs fans will wish him the very best yes so Spurs doing great

Business dragas in in the door Eric Dyer out of the door how impressed are you with the business they are doing just at the moment Mark well it’s funny because every single Premier League side at the moment seems to have this word linked after their name ffp that’s not been

Mentioned with Tottenham because they’ve been run so efficiently and sensibly we know they never go into the market and spend huge sums of cash and recruit loads of players they’re always very sensible they’re wise and they’re very clever and astute with the money that they do spend they didn’t spend a great

Deal when an POA kogu went in there over the course of the summer but they’re obviously seeing the start of an exciting project an exciting team and they’re thinking well this could be the manager for the next four five six years he’s starting a real journey now so we

Need to back him and show him our faith by giving him the right money in the transfer window to get the right type of players you look at the players that are coming in obviously rison’s only 21 so he’s at the start of his career and a hugely exciting Center back teos are

Different type of players only 27 but a lot of experience as well and the fact that you get business done nice and early that shows that actually we’ve got a plan we’re going into this January transfer window with a plan we know what we want to do we’ve got our top two

Targets executed and sorted by the 11th of January and therefore by the end of the window those players are going to be up to speed they’ve been in the the building they’ve learned about the manager they’ve understood the tactics and they’re going to be ready to go and

I think that shows the impressiveness of the way the club has operated over the last week or two and they said goodbye to another longterm and Mike Hugo laice on New Year’s Day went to lafc D Eric Dy and Hugo laice would be significant earners at Totten Hotspur and what a

Replacement they got gram Vicario he’s in everyone’s team of the season so far so the recruitment is going well so far Micky vanen could be back Sunday Teo verer to me is a risk-free loan that’s Fon his participation in the Asia cup we talked about Manchester United Sunday uh

Ahead of Sunday we talked about Tottenham what a Super Sunday we’ve got Manchester United against Tottenham no Jaden Sancho of course those two will be there they look ready make sure you’re ready it will be a really entertaining game Manchester United Tottenham always is a good game oh and it should be this

One even more special than usual right we’re going to take a break coming up after it we’re going to talk Newcastle we’ll also hear from Vincent company on his plans for the window and he wants to get busy and we’ve got news on Dominic salanki as well why would you go

Anywhere else see you in a Moment Hello again this is the transfer show and Mark’s got a line in what have you got Mark yeah significant for brenford fans because they’ve made a signing in this January transfer window and very similarly to Brighton they use a lot of data and metrics and they have a really

Unique recruitment system and structure so any players that go there normally quite young players the ones to keep an eye on because they do really well and they confirm the signing on their official website of the young tur turkey under 21 International Unice emra conak from civor uh this is of course subject

To International clearance as well he’s put P pen to paper on a deal that will keep him in London until 2029 with the option of a further year but he’s a young 18-year-old midfielder and Thomas Frank has got a new player in the building whether he’ll be with the B

Team first and then potentially the first team we’ll have to wait and see but they always have a pathway right through so another one to keep an eye on okay um I just want to recap the top stories today they are significant Jaden Sancho completed his loan move from

Manchester United back to berusia Dortmund we’re this close to confirming Ru dragas in at Spurs of course Teo verer already in the door Eric Dy the other way Michael are Spurs is done now I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re done Mike I think their longterm Target would potentially be another box tobox

Midfielder ideally homegrown gager uh there he’s someone they’ve liked and admired for some time and he’s he’s someone Ang POA cogu likes a lot but maybe some it would down to Chelsea I think but I I wouldn’t I wouldn’t say defin on that one that’s that’s but definitely a homegrown box tobox Midfield

Um but look you know what Mike if Spurs fans were told maybe a few weeks ago they were going to sign uh back up forward and the top Central Defender Andre py wanted in the second week of the window ahead of a big game on Sunday

I think they’d be very happy I mean because everyone gets excited about deadline Day deals don’t they but sometimes your best deals are done way before I know there’s excitement on Deadline day but if they’ve got it done it means they mean business and they’re ready to go you get excited about every

Deal Michael I want so I want to talk Newcastle um big news coming out of Newcastle which will affect their transfer business Mark so tell us yeah it’s something that’s been backed up by Eddie how actually because they’ve released their financial figures for 2023 22 season today and there are

Obviously a lot of details with regards to what they’ve been up to we know that Newcastle at the start of this journey they’re looking to spend money they’re looking to win the Premier League within 5 to 10 years and of course that’s a long project we know that Eddie how has

Done an incredible job since he went in there they’ve spent a lot of money in the transfer window but the underlying numbers will not come as a surprise to some people at Newcastle but some of the fans might be slightly disappointed uh because they lost in their latest set of financial figures

73.4 million which works out around £200,000 a day uh and now we know that under the ffp rules you are allowed to lose money and it’s offset by the money that the owners put into the football club and of course the commercial money that’s driven as well there will be some

Good figures to come because they’ve had Champions League success they got to The League Cup Final last season they’ve been brilliant they’ve been selling out St james’ part week in week out the commercial revenue is up as well but of course that means the money going on

Player wages is up and of course the spending in the transfer window is up as well now ffp has done over three season periods now the final year of the Mike Ashley era where the football club Club was run very tightly very very carefully every single penny was scrutinized

Before it went out the door is a part of the current ffp three-year season uh where they look at the uh the numbers but of course that’s going to drop off and the two seasons we’ve got now are the most recent season where they’ve lost2 200,000 a day last season where

They lost2 200,000 a day it’s going to affect what they can spend now the CEO Darren neels has been speaking as well and he says every player has a problem price so therefore it wouldn’t shock me or surprise me if Newcastle had to sell one of their big stars between now and

July to make sure they meet their ffp demands Eddie how has said it week in week out ffp is a big factor at this football club they’re growing it they’re building it it’s going on a journey but that takes time you need the money to come in before you can start spending it

So therefore Newcastle fans that are expecting a big money signing in January and loads of money spent like previous windows it’s probably very unlikely to happen they’ll be looking at loans more so than permanent signings I have to say that surprises me does that surprise you given they seem to have been doing

Everything right they haven’t gone crazy with major signings they’ve built slowly and and performed are you surprised that actually they’re still having to look after the pur strength I suppose it’s the rules what what Mark’s just you know laid out Mike and you know what Newcastle fans will look at and say you

Know what when this takeover happens when you sign Kieran trippier the first player through the door in a couple of years you’re going to be in the top four and this season you might be a little bit down that you’re just above mid-table so and maybe a little

Realization and a little bit just to say this is going to take a long time but ultimately you know Darren Hills is very highly respected they all love Eddie how they’ve just had a big derby win they’re in good hands look at Chelsea spent over a billion pounds and and where are they

At the moment they’re at the start of a journey and a process and you can’t just go and spend loads of money and have success it’s something that you have to build gradually and even then there’s no guarantees and that was one of the things that really sort of raised my

Eyebrows when they were linked with Dominic salanki in this window because a Dominic salanki is not only a top class player playing really well he’s the highest scoring Englishman in the Premier League he’s got 12 goals in the Top Flight with a goal in the cup as

Well but the price on his shoulder if Bournemouth were to sell him which they don’t want to would be in excess of 80 million Newcastle don’t have that type of money and you’ll speak to the Bournemouth owner who’s a very wealthy guy and again another club that’s run

Very sensibly and sustainably they will not entertain any offers for their prized asset he’s the the jewel in the crown at Bournemouth he’s had a brilliant season under andon Rola and when you look at what he’s done and where he’s come from and the situation that Bournemouth are currently in no

Chance he’ll leave as of now they have no had no formal offers or contact with regards to Dominic sanki despite what’s been reported in terms of newcastle’s Interest okay that’s interesting so looks like Newcastle are going to be quiet Vincent company though is hoping he can add to his Burnley Squad this

Month they play luten tomorrow night they’re 19th Five Points from safety there’s there’s a big chance we do something you know that we strengthen on a couple of positions I I I want to just manage expectations in terms of I think what we can do at this moment in time

Um it’s probably going to be difficult to do the the the the real immediate game changes but we can I think always use a little bit of uh extra strength in the squad just in case something happens as well and and players that we think at

This level can uh can can can help us should be able to help us yeah so Burnley want reinforcements to stay in the Premier League right I’m going to run through a couple of names we always run out of time on the show mik uh Michael Aro danjuma what’s going

On with him we can’t have a transfer window without talking on outand jumer can we I mean but look it’s a player highly regarded around Europe now leyon we understand are ready to sign him on loan remember he’s with Villa roale that’s his parent Club but he’s currently with Everton so they need

Everton to agree to that whether they do we’ll wait and see obviously a lot of big games coming up in the Premier League and a Cup replay so that is very much a wait and see Mark David drro for farer yeah was it on loan at Union

Berlin recall by Chelsea s interested in the striker so it looks like he might be heading back out on loan after coming in on L okay uh Hannibal Mark we’ve been talking about Hannibal throughout the window what’s going on there yeah Manchester United still in talks with

Seeva we know that there was a passing interest from Everton as well but at the moment it seems like Seeva are in the driving seat it will be a loan with an option in the summer and Manchester United triggered that extra year on his contract as well so they’ve got a little

Bit of security the talks continue between the two clubs very quickly before we go we’ve been talking a lot about Tottenham do do other clubs need to do some business to keep it because if Tottenham get into the top four someone’s not going to get in the top

Four so do do other clubs Michael need to do something I think every club would probably say yes it’s whether they can or they can’t as Mark has laid out with ffp it’s you know it’s directors director football head of recruitments have the their jobs are just as

Important now as the managers slhe head coaches it’s so important to get these deals right we just saw Gabrielle Jus potentially returning from injury does that stop Arsenal even thinking about bring a new striker in we will see so much to talk about at 7:00 with the

Transfer show we’re back Sky Sports News back after the break with the rest of the sports news we’ll see You


  1. I said years ago the Pogba move would be bad business, proved right. I didn’t want Sancho for the same reasons: I knew he wasn’t the answer and it would be bad business. Proved right again. Spending big money on players that leave for little or nothing is just our way and that’s not the manager’s fault. It’s persisted under several managers for years now.

  2. Dier will definitely be happy, Bayern won't be happy in a few weeks when they see him play😅

  3. How is selling Dier for just over 3 million good business?

    Radu has already talked about leaving and Spurs being a stepping stone.

    Laughable analysis

  4. If ManU can get half the transfer they paid back after this loan they should bite the hand off the team offering it.

  5. Sancho didn't fit the Ten Hag tactic in the first place. He went on loan, but he'll do better than he does now

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