Golf Players

“Need to perform even better than we did at Truro” | Adam Hinshelwood | Tonbridge Angels Preview

Adam Hinshelwood looks ahead to Saturday’s away clash with Tonbridge Angels in the Vanarama National League South.

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W fctv with Adam hinch with looking ahead to tumbridge Angels away in the National League South Adam we’re coming off the back of an away win at Truro City the 4-1 incredible result incredible day having the week to reflect on that and analyze that game what do you think was so particularly

Special at that second half um I just thought the the intensity the Gess that the the player showed um and some of the actual play was was really good like some of the goals was was excellent um we scored different kinds of goals goals where we pressed high and and goals

Where we just played through and some quick play so um that was that was a pleasing thing um and there was lots of good performances as well um but yeah it just seemed to seem to Jael and and work well together and um yeah we want to try

And maintain that um into into Saturday if we can yeah and on Saturday Tom Bridge Angels away as we’ve said we’ve met them on the opening day of the Season it was a Nikki wheeler winner late on what do you think was been learned from that one they’ve always

Been a really competitive side homebridge and a tough place to go what are you expecting from him no yeah like conf against J sides um few times now over the years and always been you know a tough game um whether he was down at Margate or now at tdge few few in Kelton

So yeah real real tricky games um don’t give a lot away they try and play as well they’ve got um you know lots of aerial presence as well especially in forward areas um and a couple of players that we we know um all about as well so

Uh yeah it’s going to be a real tough afternoon for us um we’ve got to perform even better than we did that true Ro to get anything and and that’s the challenge that we got to start setting ourselves um you know we’ve got ourselves in a good position in the

League um and we want to stay there so is it all about how competitive this league is that they’re 11th in the table and they’re only eight points away from us it really is a really Compact and competitive league no exactly that and um you know you can’t sort of take your

Take your foot off the gas and and let these teams um back in you know we’ve got to try and keep them even further away from us in the league cuz you know if they get a bit momentum and get on a good run then you know they’ll be

Looking to still have eyes for the playoffs themselves so you know we got ourselves in a really good position I to say and um you know lad of works really hard to get there and we don’t want to just throw away now so want be competitive we want to you know look at

Um the goals that we ConEd recently and see where we can improve um and at the same time you know we’re scoring scoring lots and creating lots of chances so we want to try and maintain that as well uh goal scorer we mentioned there from the previous game Nikki wheeler uh what do

You reckon with him do you think he might be back in time for the game um Nick’s going to be back for that one um his the last day of his honeymoon so he’ll be back Sunday so should be available Tuesday but it probably need a week’s training so you know looking more

Talk key for Nikki um van LC’s back now and got two sessions under his belt so he l a little bit U Molly Stark is missing tonight through illness so you know we got to look at look at that there’s a lot of illness in that going

Around hoping Michael class is now over his little spout that he had um yeah and just have a look um you we’re looking at one or two players whether they’ll be in in time for Saturday not quite sure yet but um you know there’s there’s a a few

Options out there uh that we’re pursuing and looking at at the moment and just to give us some more numbers and and and bolster the squad a bit um Greg’s still struggling with his groins um so I can’t see him featuring um too much on

Saturday either so yeah I say it was not a great deal back hopefully young Zach will be back training um tonight um say we B up the the numbers a little bit um but yeah him and one L hoping to have a full compliment on the bench uh for this

Saturday good new and obviously yeah a full bench last weekend still managed to get through that is that a concern for you at all that could stay that way if new people don’t come in no yeah obviously a day had his scan so we’re just still waiting to see uh the extent

Of that sort of damage and how long he’s going to be out um but can’t see him returning anytime soon he um swed up quite badly isn’t he um and then like I say Greg shouldn’t be too long time Nikki Willer be back for Tuesday if we

Need him one Luc is back now and i’ say there is a couple of options available to us as well um but yeah any more injuries any more um you know illness or anything then we’ve got to act quickly and and um you know get get players in

If if if we need to looking in he transfers wise um with Josh in go Jos EES do you think there’s any chance that that gets extended yeah well um I think it’s up after Saturday um so yeah we sit down tonight uh with kilo na see what

The the budget’s looking like and and speak to Southampton um see what their view is on it um and yeah just just just see where we are really um got good relationships now with Southampton and Bournemouth so you know there’s there’s potential for for for more loans there

As well so they’re the conversations we going to have in the next couple of weeks and stuff and and see what’s out there see what’s available but don’t think although you know it looked quite bad with only three Subs we was missing a couple of players as well so you know

We don’t have to jump into anything to host it at this stage but you know at the same time we want to you know keep our eyes open and if the right players come available then we definitely look to it

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