Golf Babe

13x LPGA Tour Champion And Me…

In this epic collab, with 13x LPGA Tour Winner Brooke Henderson and Gabbygolfgirl!! Gabby and Brooke play 3 holes where they talk golf, life, and get to know Brooke. Brooke is also a 2 time major champion! I really enjoyed getting to know Brooke! You are not going to want to miss this video!!

Today I’m playing golf with Brooke Henderson 13 time LPGA Tour winner and two-time major Champion she’s an incredible golfer and an even better person I really enjoyed getting to know Brooke Please Subscribe and let’s get right into it I I’m I’m excited I’m I want to play really really well but I

Also want to have a great time at the same time so I’m like a little nervous a little bit just a little bit but I’ll be fine we can go from wherever I’m good with whatever yeah I don’t know um I played here like like an hour or two ago

And it was here and it was somewhere around here so all right this is part five part five he FL yeah so I’m getting like 300 to those trees yeah so it should be fine yeah so I think we can just bomb away yeah we’re here with Brooke Henderson we’re just

Going to play a few holes I’m really excited so you’re Canadian I’m half Canadian oh there you go perfect my mom’s from Montreal where are you from um Ontario is like Ottawa like hours yeah so do you speak French or no uh no sorry do you no no my mom does I took

French for one year and it was not good it was just not good so we’re not playing like a match against each other I just kind of want to talk and get pick your brain a little bit so here we have both don’t know where this hole is going

On so we’re just going to go for the middle of the Fairway out there do you want me to go first yeah you’re honor let’s see it all right here we go nice should be good there yeah beautiful so I heard you have a super long driver or something I used to yes

So I used to have 48 in driver um but last year they made new restrictions so the maximum length is 46 now so this is only 46 still pretty long still pretty long yes but I do miss my long driver it was unfortunate rule change bombed great Drive thanks so you

Take it back pretty far on your driver that’s crazy I do yeah I have a very uh unusual swing no I love it I think that’s so cool thank you yes when did you start playing um when I I mean I guess when I was 2 years old I started

Playing tournaments when I was five so you don’t want me driving he did not want me driving this place opens December 1st right or something yeah the 8th I think yeah it’s crazy so we’re literally like the first people to play out here and this is a gorgeous course too it is it’s

Going to be so nice like when they’re done all of it it’s be beautiful hopefully we get invited back yeah all right so apparently this hole is pretty long 280 280 hit my 3w so this new I have not hit this club out in the course yet I’m

Excited nice thanks that was Beauty thank you so you got the new stuff eh I know I love it how do you feel about it I love it too too it’s so good I I thought the ball flight was super super nice yes I I thought like you know with

Woods and stuff it’s hard to get up in the air but this this thing was great yeah it’s pretty easy and I’m I don’t know like my driver I’m hitting it so straight now yeah to love it you crushed that drive so that hole was what what

Was that like 480 something like that yeah I’m not sure exactly but got 257 left how far do you usually hit your driver like uh this past year I averaged like 265 that’s pretty far it’s pretty far yeah I lost uh I don’t know I’m looking to gain

A little bit but do you think that that uh cut of the driver a little bit probably yeah the shortening the shaft definitely uh made a big difference in my length um but I’m really excited about this new driver cuz I feel like I’m going to gain some yards back yeah great

Shot oh wind grabbed it stay right stay right stay right yeah you’re good there really grabbed it though didn’t it I know well I think also the lie was kind of like a little bit above your feet there 75 yards and I not bring a club that’s good I like the hustle I

Don’t think hustle just like I lost this I lost I lose and forget everything I’m going to go about a foot right here here go go mine’s good should be fine yeah shut thank you you good biry look the grass was like super clean like you

Really felt the fact that no one hit there like on the wedges it’s just like thick and it just goes right through the through the ground it’s crazy yeah I asked Nelly before do you like this shot where it’s like par five now you’ve got

Like 45 yards or would you rather an 80 90 yard shot I like getting it up as close as I can um I mean this one’s a tricky one cuz it’s not a great LIE there’s a lot of see you can see all the sand around so it’s pretty soft and then

My feet are in the sand so I got to keep them quiet and then to add on to it there’s not much room to work with here right um with this big mount it was kind of just the mistake on the 3-wood um Direction wise oh that was clean go I need the

Hill to help me actually bounced off the hill oh yeah you’re perfect pin High I’m sure you talk a lot of golf all the time but how’s like life on tour like talk about that I think people don’t really usually get to see like inside the LPGA

Tours uh players lives on tour what’s your favorite and like least favorite thing um I mean it’s really busy but it’s a lot of fun like you get to travel to a lot of different places and it’s cool cuz I get to travel with my sister

Cuz she Cates for me that’s probably the best part it is the best part yes um and we room together so we’re together like all the time 247 but uh no it makes it really nice oh good pot thought it was going to be good yeah I did too I was like that’s

That’s that’s a great pot right there all right let’s see I mean I think this is inside right let’s try and make this one get in there oh did not see that coming did not see that coming but it’s all good too good birdie looks though yeah that’s all that matters right eventually

They’re going to fall if you keep can I see that putter yeah that looks really nice is that new so it’s new I’ve never been Fit For A Putter and we’re going to do that soon which I’m excited about because I just literally just look online and I’m like that one seems nice

Looks good that one looks good do you like a blade or a mallet better I prefer a mallet but the last couple weeks I’m like I think I want to give the blade a try again yeah I personally like the blade like I don’t dislike the Mallet I

Just I feel like it’s hard see I putt trying to keep everything I don’t even know if this is right but like I try Putt and I try and keep my putter straight the whole time like without any Arc and I feel like and I could be wrong

The Mallet helps me arc that’s really interesting if that’s how you feel with I don’t know it feels like I guess because it’s so like it just reminds me of just that motion so I’m kind of like just keeping every like I I feel like everything’s super straight even though

It may not be like yeah no but whatever works right I like the left hand low too though oh yeah that’s that’s another thing that I don’t like I don’t know I’ve always been kind of like piecing I never had like a coach really so I’ve

Just always kind of gone off of like feel have you had a coach like growing up or yes so my dad’s my coach actually that’s same thing my dad’s my coach as well was he like an actual coach or he’s just your coach uh he’s an actual okay

So that makes sense my dad’s not an actual coach I think there’s a bar three up here if I’m could be yeah we’re totally lost I don’t see a pin on this hole at all yeah there’s there’s no pin up there that’s nice go for the middle

Of the green yeah then figure 191 to the middle of the green that’s you want to see Brook said that on tour the yardages that they play around is like 6,500 and then for Majors you said longer yeah yeah know it’s pretty good Majors yeah majors are longer and then some of the

Smaller events are a little bit shorter so you get a nice mix what do you think the hardest part like obviously there’s a ton of girls coming up you know with just that are so amazing and you guys are so amazing but what’s the hardest part of being on tour like probably just

Staying sharp you know week after week um cuz when you’re out on tour I mean I played around 25 events this year yeah I played more when I was younger but 25 now I feel like you know just to kind of keep that high level for that long is

Kind of difficult um especially when every year the talent is getting stronger right so just kind of staying mentally sharp I think it’s the biggest thing I AG oh there’s a pin little downwind okay so pin to the front I’m going to play this with a downwind little back stop playing at 157

158 get left it’s a good swing wind gra it oo that wasn’t what I was expecting all right good shot great shot thanks right there what would you do in this situation if you were chipping this would you hit like a mid shot a high shot or are you going to

Like bump and run yeah I’d probably try to hit a little bit lower of a shot yeah um try to take the apron out of play so carry the apron but then try to run it after that yeah it’s a little bit uphill too so all right wow this is a real face

In front of me I’m going to go about 5T out right so really right to left oh sit down I mean you played that really well but you did exactly what you wanted to so you I know I don’t know how putt thanks so as a player do you

Read putts more than like your sister who’s your cat like does she do yeah we kind of join forces um and do it I try to get like the initial read yeah and then kind of just ask her her thoughts um and then sort of combine them stay right there

Stay oh what a butt that’s two lip outs yeah good job out the last hole too all right not exactly the hole you want but it’s totally good you got to keep positive attitude looks really far maybe let’s shoot that 383 all right so we’ll play from here 383 into a stiff wind

Yeah yeah that’ll work I’m going to guess you’re going to hit it a lot further than me so probably going to take your drive but yeah that’s perfect perfect line absolutely smashed all right you show me the way on this shot okay I’ll shoot it again from here just

In case the angle makes it a little different oh 25 oh wow perfect oh that sounded so good it’s right at the pin too okay good shot we got to look at it yes for sure it’s good swing get right stay right there get right oh little long wow

It’s not what I was expecting but all right we got to make this one want out uh either way doesn’t matter do you want me to go first or you want me to go last well do you want to make it first then yeah whatever you want no whatever you

Want do you see anything in it um I don’t know you know better than I do but I think like left Edge yeah I think that’s pretty good get in there broke a lot on you yeah all right I think I also pushed it a little bit little outside

Then yep yes good that was pretty much a stand on birdie she birdied it herself I needed your help three holes we scrambled on the last hole pretty much a standal and birdie by Brooke it was a great team effort yeah it was I showed it the line

A little bit I kind of helped just a little bit though for sure for sure we had a great time Brooke is amazing 13 time champion on the LPGA Tour two majors absolutely incredible I had a great time with you I had such a blast

Thank you so much see you guys next time subscribe


  1. Gabriela, You should take your ability to get the top female players to play with you as a huge compliment. It looks like many of the top players think highly of you. They probably think you will be joining them on tour before too long. I guess I am not the only one who thinks highly of you and your talent. Best Wishes for the future. David White.

  2. Wow, Gabby.. you hold your own golf wise and have a maturity WAAAY beyond your years in terms of interacting with your idols.. You are very impressive and I have NO doubt you will be a superstar top 10 golfer in the future.

  3. Jeez I just love gabby golf videos she’s the best on YouTube on golf videos please subscribe to her and give her the like button

  4. Great video Gabby. Brooke and you looked like you enjoyed your game. I really enjoy these colabs wit LPGA players because we never get to know them and when they play with you, we get to see their personalities.

    Now we know why you are so nice – half Canadian.

  5. How have you never been fit for a putter? Literally the club you use on every hole unless you hole out.

  6. I just heard LPGA let a mentally ill man qualify for LPGA . Better find new career ladies. 😂 What a joke your letting men play on ladies tour .

  7. Thanks Gabby, I met Brooke after an Ottawa/Orlando flight at March Break 2014 at the baggage carousel, she is a lovely person, I told her I couldn’t wait to see her on the LPGA tour and she has exceeded expectations. She is the most successful Canadian golfer. We are so very proud of Brooke.

  8. Gabby – Brooke’s longer backswing just makes it easier to tighten the angle from left forearm to wrist on first move down – but you don’t need that – you already have that move naturally!!!!!

  9. Good start to the season for Brooke at the Hilton. Great video, nice to see the LPGA players in a relaxed atmosphere.

  10. Did you really team up with tailor-made? Great move great company and also another great video.

  11. Love the collabs. 3 holes is a great length for a chat and video. Thanks Gabby and Brooke! ❤

  12. Hey Gabby, love your content. I know you read these so I wanted to advise you on something. Not a huge deal but typical 'scramble rules' say that when the ball is in, that's your teams score for that hole. So in this video when you barely missed the putt and proceeded to tap it in while Brooke was lining up her turn, if you were in a scramble tourney you would have taken her shot away by tapping yours in.

  13. Wow Gabby, you've done it again. Brooke a great golfer is such a nice person. First Nelly now Brooke. What i was amazed with is how at ease these ladies were. Your interviews with them both while you played good golf was like you were a friend of theirs. This made it a comfy watch. Well done young lady, keep going the way you are and you'll be even more of an influence ongirls out there. You're an inspiration and so lovely with it. Next thing you know, we'll be hearing your accomplishments being called out on the first tee. Definitely going places Gabby, enjoy every moment. ❤

  14. It's so interesting watching the interactions between you and the pro's. You're so adorable and it's easy to see how much you love the game. I think your spirit is infectious or inspirational to them as their prowess might be to you.

  15. Geez Brooke outdrove Gabby with like 30 y on Hole 1. But she has a longer driver. Anyhow, it tells how good the pro's are

  16. I'm really enjoying seeing Brooke play these days. Great golfer and a wonderful addition to the leaderboard on the LPGA.

  17. Thanks Gabby for the Brooke video! Any chance you got to play a few holes with Charley Hull? Every time I watch one of your videos, I feel and hear some great parenting coming through, great job Mom and Dad!! 👍👍 0:01

  18. That was so interesting. So much to unpack as that was a great interview. It was also fascinating to see the difference in Gabby's shots compared to Brooke's. Gabby's stroke play is so clean and smooth but when Brooke hits it there is that sound on contact that is distinct to top international players. Power yet control. Comes from hard work, a lot of game play and experience. I believe this is what Gabby will one day achieve and we are lucky to be allowed to travel this journey with her.

  19. I was wondering since Brooke likes the 48" club but must now use the 46" due to rule changes, does she ever still use the 48" in her non-tour golf days? I was asking because in this video she used her 46", which in my very humble golf opinion is the right thing to do. Sure, it might be fun to get those benefits from the 48" when you're just out there swinging with the buds, but for a pro, I would think that everyday on the grass is another opportunity to train with the tools you need to master so why not "Train as you fight"? If you have to use the 46" at work, wouldn't using the 48" develop muscle memory and techniques not in tune with the 46"?

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