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Josh Allen vs. Patrick Mahomes, Lamar vs. CJ, Bills Baptism (Full Show)

(00:00) Friday Headlines
(05:43) Mike McCarthy returns to the Cowboys and discusses his ‘Championship program’
(16:23) First & Football
(31:43) Spagnolia discusses how to defend Josh Allen and Brock Purdy says the playoffs this time are difficult
(40:15) Mahomes has his first real road game vs. Bills, Lamar discusses his playoff past, and Packers discusses Purdy
(01:02:59) More on Mike McCarthy’s return to the Cowboys
(01:16:12) Bosa discusses Jordan Love vs. Aaron Rodgers and Chase Young says Brock Purdy is the best QB
(01:27:33) For Real or Fugazi
(01:35:56) Picks for this weekend’s slate of games

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Yeah yeah welcome welcome welcome to a very special edition of the carton show that guy right there is David jacobe it’s a very special day for him this handsome guys the Super Bowl champion Mr Willie cologne why is it a special day come with me friends because over here we

Have gallons of blue cheese we have wings and we have the accont to keep Willie thin which has not worked all that well but a little bit later on in the show David jacobe will be sitting right here in the center of the studio and he will be blue cheese baptized yes

As on request of the Buffalo Bills Mafia so he can show the world he is a legitimate Bill’s fandom has been called into question and the only answer is baptism by blue cheese yes now the only answer it’s like jumping into the mob a lot of people think oh you do stuff on

TV it’s all fake you know the pizza is not real the wings aren’t real I’m just going to show you real blue cheese real chicken it’s not CH it’s not it’s not chunky though it’s all good smooth okay it’s absolutely legitimate that’s all so I also cold wow that’s

Disgusting I did not see that happening going at 7 o’ this morning but here’s what I did see happening it is divisional round of the NFL playoffs is time for Friday morning head let’s go do it while I got blue cheese and wing sauce on my hands on my

Face that handsome guy on the left not the fat guy on the right that’s lar Jackson that of course is CJ strout we got Lamar Jackson MVP and the number one seed Baltimore going against the young kids that can and that of course is CJ Strat out the Houston Texans just give

Me a little taste a little taste don’t don’t blow it on out taste go listen he should be confident but I’m still trying to scratch my head whyde one to three in the playoffs and in the four games he started he hasn’t scored over 20 points but but he’s an MVP right

Big football year he’s done a hell of a job now just C he do it in the postseason they paid him a lot of money TR yeah they did so can he delivered I remember that when Lamar Jackson was drafted they said to him on the podium

What is Baltimore to get out of you and he said Super Bowls is what he said so now he’s got his best shot to make that run a win away from the AFC Championship Game headline number two San Francisco yeah well I like the fact that both

Number one seats play on the same day of course they’re going to get up against the upstart Green Bay Packers in the last 36 hours Packer fans all got their internet service back apparently and heard what I said that San Fran is going to blow them out they didn’t like it not

Fans Not fans yeah what’s interesting there’s been a lot of talk about this Packers de again after Brock perto uh but can Jordan love handle the Niners def that’s really the question so for the first time this week a little trick in the oh wait what happened here Willie

I’m still here Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday you were the pack pack pack I believe in Jordan love I love Jordan love but he hasn’t played a defense like he’s about to play against obviously both the Ravens and the Niners are big favorites they are the number one seeds

They are at home of course uh Green Bay is going to try to replicate what they did against Dallas but like you said San Francisco’s defense is a whole different game so get into that game game number three of course who doesn’t love the Detroit Lions story right now and the

Detroit Lions not only get a home game they get a home game against to be fair a mediocre football team but a hot quarterback in Baker Mayfield yeah and a motivated quarterback cuz nobody’s giving this uh outfit a chance especially Baker Mayfield doesn’t matter how much you believe in him or what he’s

Done this year you don’t think he’s better than Jerry G so you got to watch out for inspired football players we like to break bones and winning Gam games two number one picks of course in that game going head-to-head Jared G trying to get to his second Super Bowl

Baker Mayfield trying to get to his first ever championship game a lot of good side service to that one and of course the final game and they decided yeah it’s outside yeah it’s 20 below yeah it’s another foot of snow let’s put the Bills game as late as

Possible cuz that’s good for everybody but of course it’s the Rivalry we all want to be a rivalry and that is Josh out and the bills at home slight favor by 2 and A2 against the Kansas City Chiefs and Mr all World Patrick Mahomes yeah I’m in a dilemma cuz tomorrow I

Have to actually go to an engagement while this game is going on so I may be the guy in the bathroom with I’m sorry about I’m sorry I have having a party I have to go to a part in party tomorrow while this gamees on it’s a no Miss gam

On Sunday yeah I mean Sunday excuse me fair enough if you want I’ll just keep calling you during the party well look we’re going to we’re going to get in depth on all those games all the matchups of course that you can look forward to a little bit later on of

Course we’ll make picks on those games and uh the big thing today at request of the bills Mafia David Jovi the self-proclaimed Bills fan will be blue cheese baptized live in studio on the air here on the carton show it’s not a gag it’s not fake it’s all happening

It’s going to be disgusting and I can’t wait to eat a wing off his face I can’t lie about ITC this get it’s something Jaylen Rose never did so I’m I am really looking forward to it uh we got some more Dallas Cowboy news coming your way uh with Mike McCarthy you said

Something that’s comical right after this all right we are back it’s the carton show as we get ready for teams that actually know how to win the playoffs can’t do a show without talking about the Dallas coww contract Mike McCarthy of course is coming back for another year good and amazingly had the

Cun to say this listen to Mike McCarthy this is crazy talk to me but he said it so we’re going to play it play the tape there boys we have established a you know a championship program it’s just not the world championship yet uh we know how to

Win U we know how to train to win we have the we have the right people um but we have not crossed the threshold winning playoff games and um and it’s extremely disappointing to be sitting here talking about it uh but you know I

I know how to win and and uh we will get over that threshold I have total confidence in it and and that’s why I’m standing here today no you don’t no what you can’t say he don’t know how to win ex excuse me okay uh we have we know how

To win we’ve established a championship program the world not the world championship champ yeah hey you’re the tallest T in the circus congratulations here’s like last time I checked uh if you had built the championship program his words not mine that knows how to win you wouldn’t be

Having a press conference talking about going into your fifth year of your contract uh as a lame dog cat coach you’d be talking about what do the Dallas Cowboys have to do to beat the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or something along those lines right but you’re not talking

About that cuz you haven’t built a championship program right but at the end of the day his resume does speak highly yeah it speaks to a guy that can’t win that’s what it speaks at 25 yes I understand he has doesn’t have he has a horrible playoff record and then

That’s all established he didn’t reach the mountain top but overall he has establish a program I think what saved his job was dax’s glowing endorsement on him and how much he’s progressed in that offense that’s why Mar let me put this in terms maybe you personally would

Understand better if I may cuz I think this exced where this is I think maybe this is this going to be very I think this is getting Lost in Translation okay Mike McCarthy is kind of like the guy that gets a lab lap dance every Friday but never gets

Invited into the champagne room okay now you understand what I’m saying yeah I get it okay he he’s in it but he’s not in it that’s the difference but you know he’s capable of getting there and I don’t know that he is because he’s now done four years in Dallas I’ve always

Had three great regular seasons again the only number that matters is the one all the way to the right he is one and three in the playoffs now I’m not even going to discount the fact that the one playoff win was against A 42-year-old quarterback who was done playing

Football right Tom Brady and the Buccaneers the reality is this you cannot tell Cowboy fans that you have built a championship program when you’ve never even gotten to the NFC championship game it’s this is he can say so many other things besides we have a championship and then he says I’m

Against this press conference he goes we have a championship program just not the world championship all the other teams who are legit looking for a head coach coach who aren’t compatible who aren’t competent who has done nothing during their tenure this guy in the last 3 or 4

Years has been money good right and then talk about what Dak has become Dak is a top five quarterback Sol be in his offense right and by the way this is his first year call in a plays it was kellar’s offense last year so now you’re

Talking about a head coach who’s done a great job of developing Dak the offense was easily humming at a high level they got beat up and I understand the green b game was a disaster it was but look how but look how that game started right about two penalties on the defense in

The first drive and a bad special teams uh penalty that was a sloppy football that was coach no yeah but play but I’ll give it to you this way I’ll give it to you another way I think most of America can understand I’ve said this repeatedly throughout this year if Mike McCarthy

Were the head coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars the New York Jets the Chicago Bears the Atlanta Falcons the New Orleans Saints he would no joke walk on water he would never take a dollar out of his pocket to buy a beer but the reality is that when you’re the head

Coach all the Dallas Cowboys whether we like it or not I’m not a Cowboy fan you’re not a Cowboy fan you’re not a Cowboy fan the Dallas Cowboys have the biggest fan base in the world they are quote unquote America’s team and you know they are the straw that stirs the

NFL drink just getting to the playoffs having great regular seasons well yes it shows he’s not incompetent correct he’s good at what he does but dude you can’t come out after an embarrassing loss to the Green Bay Packers in your building where you won 16 straight where you your

Average scores 37 points a game all positive all good stuff and then you get waxed by a 9 and8 football team that’s got no business being in the game and you come out a week later and you go I’ve built the championship program and

I know how to win I know how to win well when does the winning start and I’m not talking regular season I’m talking postseason which is the only season that counts when you’re the Dallas C but I also he’s he has acknowledged that he hasn’t met expectations but he does

Believe what he has on the Ross and he believes in his quarterback Dak Prescott I do think he’s a great quarterback I mean great head coach because he has won a Super Bowl before right even with the Green Bay Packers when he done in Grim Bay so he’s not talking like he’s never

Won before he has a Super Bowl he has playoff wins he’s gone deep in the playoffs it just hasn’t happened as a Cowboys head coach but it will which is why the Dallas Cowboy should not happen as their head coach well they he’s on the last year of his contract he’s not

Going to renew that contract well but here’s the problem with that jacobe and you could speak to this better than we can obviously when there’s nothing worse than a lame duck coach I don’t care what the sport is by the way baseball we see it all the time basketball mean lame

Duck lame duck meaning you’re going into your last year yes and I know it’s going to happen and I know we’re way ahead of ourselves but the first game the Dallas Cowboys lose in September next year or October the first backto back you know games that they lose there’s only one

Storyline and that’s storyline is going to be when is Jerry Jones going to do what he should have did a year ago but that was the narrative that was the narrative about him this year after that ners lost there were questioning was he the man for the job and that was what

Week six and I think he proved three months later when they got blown out by the Packers but he came out scor 60 points against him he’s not the guy he came out of our by week and went on a three game winning streak oh let’s give

Him an award but my point is when do we celebrate the good when do we celebrate the good are we just ignore it all hey Mike uh on behalf of uh the Pro Football Hall of Fame I want to present you with this uh uh replica Lombardi trophy you

Had a three against worst teams against the Rams the Chargers and the Joey bagad Donuts you go my I mean I don’t get you Willie cologne I don’t get you at all I understand when do we celebrate them it’s all B sorry sorry not good believe Vision title is not good they didn’t

Just get a last second field goal that on a drive and beat them they got whacked they were down 27 to nothing in the game I believe you celebrate wins you don’t celebrate ah almost ah we got that how’s it not wor though Craig because he didn’t get that thing

Meanwhile one other very story to get in All Sport no it’s not the Stanley Cup’s the hardest trophy to get you know that uh when does hockey start by the way did the see couple months it starts again well you guys let me know when it starts

Because I can’t wait to have Gary bman on uh and Wayne Gretzky of course joines every Wednesday during the hockey season real quick uh one other very quick coaching note that’s happening right now uh Justina Anderson who does get a lot of stuff right by the way uh believes

That bill bich is going to be introduced shortly as the new head coach of the hotlanta Falcons interesting makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever unless he knows that they’ve got some kind of secret plan there’s a quarterback plan like Dr doofen schmart style to go get a real quarterback to

Give him a chance to win I will say this bad division so he’s got a shot to win a bad division but going to Atlanta makes no sense to me at all for the greatest of all time yeah unless you believe you’re honestly a play caller away at I

Mean especially a rockstar at the quarterback position to land Bill bich and for that guy to come home I mean the only names I can think about too are either Justin fields or Kurt Cousins those are the guys you say man if those guys are now part of Atlanta Falcons now

Watch out b game I there’s also the possibility what let’s put this out there that nobody wants Bill bich like how many other interviews has he done I’ve been saying it you’ve been looking at me like I’m crazy how can you notest of all time it is crazy the last

Four years he’s stunk that the seven teams that we know have openings plus whoever else might have won in the next couple weeks Philadelphia uh would have no interest in bill bich that’s fascinating to me if I’m Bill belich and I do have that one year left which I can

Make Robert KRA pay me 20 million bucks I go find Jimmy Johnson’s Boat and I do sufficient that’s not the trend of the league every coach every ball Club Club right now is hiring young cuz you have to be able to adapt and former players exactly yeah it’s just interesting to me

This decision because it doesn’t seem like a natural fit and there must be a quarterback plan I don’t think that he would sign this contract unless he knows there’s a plan in place for a quarterback to well I think you also have again these a lot of these

Billionaires are getting old right and uh you’re talking about you wanted them too yeah you’re talking about an 80-year-old billionaire now uh who’s like I’d like to try to get back to a Super Bowl before you my heirs take this over and ruin it uh and that’s Arthur Blank the former

Founder of Home Depot but this this reeks of desperation on both sides I understand Atlanta wvil Bel I get that part of it I don’t understand why the greatest coach of all time would lower his standards and go play for allows the organization in a city that cares much

More about SEC football than it does the Atlanta Falcons right and the Falcons interviewed uh Jim harbar too so it’s like maybe they they love him and they love what he could bring to the table obviously his resume speaks for himself we got much more coming up of course we

Got the four big playoff games we will knock it down to four teams when the action is done but the big question now is can CJ strad go into Baltimore and continue the Cinderella run or is that Sage coach turning back into a pumpkin when that game is all said and done

We’ll get into that game right after this on FS1 welcome back to the card show so you got the the four game of course two on Saturday two on Sunday and just to give you an example of how hot a ticket it is in Detroit who’s not had no uh playoff

Game until last week in 30 years the get in price right now for the Detroit line Tampa Bay Buccaneer game is $642 that’s to walk in the door the average price is damn near $2,000 right now it is an NFL record for the divisional round of the playoffs and

That tells you how desperate and how dry Detroit has been when it comes to playoffs yeah talking about you know your first win in 30 years they trying to get it Wildside I don’t blame them but it’s Detroit you know yes I do want to say this about going to the stadium

There it’s great it’s downtown it’s walkable and if you get a bloody mary they give you a stage a St sausage a sausage that’s a straw it’s great okay yeah who says no to sausage sausage I don’t yeah yeah lik yeah obviously you can look at me I’ve

Never said notic I prefer Twizzler straws but STW STW stage I’m good with it uh that is also I’m being told the median income uh for family three you just try not okay time now for firstand football with the guy that in about what an hour and

50 minutes is going to be sitting right here uh as he gets blue cheese baptized on request of the bills Mafia to make him an official member of the Buffalo Bills Mafia we have three gallons of blue cheese and jacobe is going to be blue cheese baptized live on the show at

About 9:25 Eastern there you have it right there the wings are optional by the way we just brought that for you so you can enjoy it he’s got one Wing I are probably going to have a couple for any here’s first football now Jobe first football we start with the Lions

Quarterback Jared Goff he’s tired of people doubting the Lions in experience the lack of playoff success and uh he didn’t even get asked the question but he answered it anyway here he is I got the question a lot prior to this past week of how will these guys

Handle this big game and all these guys not playing in a big game before and I’m happy I don’t have to answer that question anymore because we want a big game and these guys can handle all this so it’ll be the same thing with this week is yeah it’s another big game it’s

Another playoff game and these guys have played in big games we just won a big game last week and um we’ll be ready to go yeah the lions are famously one of the least successful franchises in the history of the NFL especially when it comes to the postseason can any of that

Stigma that history affect the way they play the game I don’t think so I think that would have been last week I think and I think it was a tougher game for them also the Rams were playing better football to be fair and you have a quarter Super Bowl winning quarterback

Going against you who did have a great game you th for damn near 400 yards so to me I think that’s a very fair question a week ago had they lost to the Rams then that stigma of youo Detroit can’t be trusted Detroit blah blah blah

But now You’ gotten that kind of monkey off your back and now you’ve proven you can win a big game you’ve proven you can win a close game you’ve proven with all the pressure in the world on you you could come up with plays when you need to make plays remember

2423 every time Jared gof snaps the ball you’re talking about the three things that can happen and two of them are bad right so I think that lesson serves them very well and I think there are times I think us included forget that Jared G early in his career

Went to a Super Bowl like we kind of view Jared G no disrespect the way we view a Kurt Cousins or Ryan tanah Hill good quarterback had you know made the playoffs a couple times game manager but is he really a franchise quarterback and I think that’s the narrative that he now

Wants to defeat and I think he’s clearly doing that the great year last year got them to the precipice of the playoffs winning the division this year winning the playoff game which was essentially a pick them game against the Rams and now you’re going up against and let’s be

Fair about it while the baker Mayfield Tampa Bay story is a great story they are the worst team left in the playoffs that includes the Green Bay Packers you know the Tampa Bay offense is bottom 10 the Tampa Bay defense is bottom 10 in every stat across the board so to me I

Get what Jared G saying he’s like what else do we have to do for you guys to have just a little bit of belief and our ability to go out there and win a game in which we’re basically a touchdown favorite at home and we’re playing good

Football well I think that there’s also the notion is did they give it all they had against the Rams like how much do they have left cuz if you’re over they the tank in that game kind of 100% because you know the Bucks going into this nobody’s expecting them to win

Everybody thinks it’s going to be a thrashing so they’re going to be the more hungrier team if you’re Jared golf especially with the weapons you have you feel like this should be an easy game this shouldn’t be no competition however if you look at the Bucks defense led by

V and Antoine Winfield they got Playmakers on that side of the ball you know Todd B’s is the defensive mind the head coach you know he loves the blitz if you get after jerck go like the Cowboys did you know he’s going to throw you a couple he’s willing to turn the

Ball over but I think you’d agree and I hate when announcers say this like what are the keys to the game right oh scoring more points you know that kind of thing but I would say this if Jared gof plays a clean game meaning no fumbles no picks you’d be hard pressed

To find a way for Tampa to win the Eagles loss was so embarrassing because it was so obvious what the Bucs were doing on defense they’re coming after after with five or six rushers every single down and the Eagles had no answer for it if you’re Dan Campbell in that

Staff you see that game and you put together a plan for the Blitz and on the other side of the ball they have one of the best pass rushers in the game Aiden Hinson and if you look at that top they’re always putting the other quarterback Under Pressure that’s one

Thing that Mayfield did he just sat back and just laser showed all day yeah but if you lastek if you turn on the Rams game I mean G sitting in a pocket looking like he’s playing seven on seven nobody touched him but if you go back early in the year against the Ravens

When he got you know dog walked out of the building it wasn’t good so if you’re the buck and and and TOD BS you have a belief if we can get to him we got a shot fun both coaches are kind of defensive minded guys right and yet I

Think it’s the defenses that are suspect on both sides like we’ve seen Detroit you know noow on defense right uh we’ve seen Tampa get lit up on defense this year so it’s I I look I know the Buffalo Kansas City game has the most Intrigue

But this game could go yes I I don’t think this is a blowout out of the gate yeah I don’t think so either mov on to Second and football this game might be a blowout talk about the Texans and the Ravens and Deo Ryan first year head

Coach talked about his first year rookie quarterback CJ trout and what he brings to the team here he is he’s been the same player I think just his demeanor and how he’s grown as a leader uh has really really stepped up right big time fors and when we needed most I feel like

Just throughout the entire season now at this moment like he’s the leader that we need him to be he’s the player that we need him to be it’s uh demeanor right on the field off the field is exactly what you want out of a starting quarterback

This is one of the best rookie Seasons a quarterback has ever had in the history of the NFL what is it about strad that has made him so successful you want to go yeah for me it’s just his poison confidence at that being a rookie man

You talk about a guy they put the whole offense on his back and he hasn’t waver one bit and what you talking about what we talked about earlier in the year man he’s made a lot of no-name receivers super Stars right tank Dell ni Comm we knew Schultz was coming from Dallas but

There’s a lot of guys who are playing on a high level I even forget that Robert Woods is on the team right Robin wh is a hell of a receiver so the fact that he’s doing it with this Arsenal man speaks a lot of values and then we said it time

After time he would throw a couple picks right he doesn’t throw a lot of them I know he has like five or something on the season but when he throws them they give him right back the ball it’s not a situation where they got to calm him

Down and then Force the Run they put it right back in his hands and he’s explosive down the field with to me that’s the biggest thing this kid is one of the most confident rookie quarterbacks you’ve ever seen but he’s not [ __ ] there’s a big difference between the two

And like you said he throws a bad pick or throws you know misses a wide openen guy and a lot of teams would now like retreat a little bit and go all right let’s keep our rookie quarterback you know in the pocket let’s hand the ball

Off more you know we don’t really trust him yet but demo has trusted him from day one look they’ve been blown out in some games they’ve dealt with a rash of injuries to skill position players like Willie just said but you know they’re also and I’m using this term in a

Positive way dumb enough not to know better right sometimes you know you don’t know what you don’t know and you don’t care and while Baltimore is clearly the class of the AFC and it would be one of the great upsets in the history of the NFL if the Texans went

Into Baltimore and beat the Baltimore Ravens as 10o n and a half Point underdogs knowing that the Ravens are the best team in all football and manhandle everybody and have a top five defense and have a top five offense and the MVP and on on and on so in a weird

Way I can’t figure out how the Texans can win this game other than major lapses on the Baltimore side of the ball yeah and it’s the cavat right we talked about earlier in the week r r versus Russ excuse me right you talk about Lamar Jackson I think it was glowing

What he said we beat the Dolphins right we beat the ners just beat we smacked them up we were on a roll I felt this confid as I ever felt towards the back end of a season and it was all on me in this offense right and Val they had some

Significant injuries they needed the rest but you talking about 20 days off right CJ Str and the Texans they just beat Flack on the Browns and they beat him up the brown def so and D so that confidence going into a playoff game and that kind of that that stoppage man it

Hurts you right yeah I I do think Houston needs what they got last week and that’s a huge play early like you know their first play from scrimmage right n was Nik Collins 75 yard touchdown like what’s up we’re here what do you got right and I so I think if

They’re able to do that easier said than done obviously then I think they can at least swim in the same Waters but there’s also the possibility that Baltimore just comes out pop po po touchdown three and out pop pop pop 14 nothing what do you got and Marlon humph

For the Baltimore Ravens is out this game which is going to be he’s one of their top guys in a secondary moving on to Third and football another Underdog looking for an upset are the Green Bay Packers they beat the Cowboys last week they’re going into San Francisco to play

The ners and their Veteran running back Aaron Jones spoke about being an underdog I’ve been an underdog my whole life so it’s a role that I I love to actually be in uh you know you got everybody down you nobody’s expecting anything for you from you uh so you know

What what is there to lose you know uh we’re going to go out there and play our game we already set our standard we’re going to play to our standard and uh we rise to the occasion if if the upset is going to happen it’s going to happen

Because of Aaron Jones you need to keep the Niners offense off the field long drives run the ball is is there any chance that Aaron Jones could be the key to a Packers upset no they can’t win it’s like this is the one game like I

Wish your party was during this game so you wouldn’t miss anything like I don’t I know Green Bay fans woke up and discovered the show in the last 48 hours and I’m getting overwhelmed with tweets but to be fair Jacksonville did it to me

I won you know the Dolphins did it to me I won cincin the Cincinnati Bengals came at me I won like the Dallas oh I was pretty a fan of the cowboy sorry that it’s like who’s next right and on Monday I’m going to have to do a whole segment

Where I kill all of you uh proverbially of course on the show like that clear what are we talking about that need an explanation Aaron Jones is not key to a packer upset the only way that the Green Bay Packers have a a prayer in hell to

Win this game would be Brock pretty gets concussed and throws three interceptions like he did against the Minnesota Vikings outside of some type significant injury or malady to Brock pie this is a no possible shot in the world that let me say that again that sounded off a

Little bit a live show and by the way and by the way I’m not drunk I’m not on drugs as far as you know are drugs oh they’re accusing me of he sounds like he’s drunk to be fair that was Monday show when I off a couple 40s to celebrate the

E Monday is kind of like the week whatever I’m good the Green Bay Packers cannot and will not not win this game and unfortunately for those of you who are now suddenly Packer fans on Twitter or X whatever the hell you want to call it your fandom came a little late where

Were you all year where were you you non-existent fan base cuz you know the reality of this particular Packer team they’re not very good and they’re going to lose by 30 against the San Francisco 49ers this is a non-competitive game I’m sorry but that’s the way it’s going to

Play out yeah you’re talking about where they’ve been well they were waiting on Jordan love he has arrived turn turning back on the tape last week he did a hell of a job with the football in his hand especially with that young receiver core at the end of the day Aaron Jones Is

Right what do they have to lose because there they have a playoff game to and a trip to the NFC championship game yeah I mean oh that’s nothing L your whole R was about young they don’t have it they don’t have enough to beat the Niners they went into the

Cowboy right Cowboy stadium and beat the Cowboys and beat them up handily if they don’t pull Jordan love out of that game he may drop a 60 Burger on that and by the way and I give them a lot of credit for that and blame the Cowboys for their

Role in that as well cuz they didn’t blah blah blah but at some point come on man if it walks like a duck it cracks like a duck it’s not a dog it’s a duck the Green Bay Packers are ducks and they’re going to get abused uh this

Weekend Saturday night against the San Francisco 49ers on Fox you’re going to make me pick the Packers back cuz for some reason you didn’t watch what Aaron Jones did on the ground in that game against Cowboys and you’re like you just don’t believe no I do believe in what they did against Dallas

Because Dallas is stupid and Dan Quinn didn’t make a single change to the game plan that’s not true made multiple adjustments didn’t work he went to man coverage to soft coverage nothing works all he did was soft that’s all he did in that game look for you for my sake as a

Fan with no rooting interest and I don’t gamble I’d like to see a good game me too but you’re not going to get a good game you’re going to get an abusement of the Green Bay Packers and yes I made that word up maybe I am drunk that

Amusement will be Craig’s Amusement I think going be a better game than you think are you sure you’re not drunk 40s left I mean it’s Friday Craig if they’re going to accuse me of drinking I might as well drink that’s where it goes we got much work coming up

The guys will give you official picks on all the games a little bit later on and we’re less than two hours away from the first ever there you go nice job upstairs the first ever blue cheese baptism so that my man David jacobe is fully accepted as a member of the bills

Mafia it’s coming up later we’ll get into that Kansas City buff game as well right after this all right welcome back to the Cardon show before we get into the Kansas City Buffalo game real quick University of Miami has a tight end his name is Cam McCormick why would I bring

Him up right nondescript tight end playing for the University of Miami well he is now coming back for his fourth no his fifth no his sixth no his seventh no his eighth no his ninth year did he go on a mission his ninth year n year he

Was in the same High School recruiting class as Justin Herbert Jaylen Herz and Nick Bosa he’s now in college for 9 years and Miami’s like yeah listen we love ARP guys an our roster now here’s what Mr McCormick looks like now yeah there you go that is a starting

Time of Miami he has he’s not aged well uh it’s the sun down there you turn your skin I mean what are we doing respectfully how’s that possible he got red shirt at once he got a couple medical green shirts said he spent seven years at Oregon

Yeah what are you talk what like what does that mean yeah um the big question is been first seven seasons of a career at oreg and I don’t want to be that guy that shir’s a tight end but I what what’s his academic load in year nine oh

Man manag I tell you what my son’s a senior in Miami uh he’s majoring in glass blowers mcmi is also a senior in Miami Senor I’m not even kidding kid takes glass blowing cost 75 grand a year he’s blowing glass he’s making he’s making bongs be honest but all there’s a

Joke there I won’t tell I felt it too he’s a sophomore all right man let’s go to Kansas City and buffalo like no joke there were kids playing uh in the Kansas City Buffalo game that that honestly years younger yo came out five years after mccormic did

From high school all right anyway Steve know the long time and Rockstar frankly defensive coordinator formally for the Giants been now Kansas City for seems like a decade I guess talked about how hard it is to guard Josh Allen let’s hear what spags have to say go ahead

Guys you know the size the arm the mental aspect of it um and then you add at add in his running ability to me when you put that tape on and he’s running and the way he makes people Miss at 65 and whatever he is to me is amazing I

Don’t I don’t know where youve ever seen that could probably play fullback in this league tight end right he could probably be an offensive tackle a defensive end a linebacker and be an all pro at all of them I mean I’m you know I’m really not kidding if he wanted to

Do that look it’s High Praise from a guy that’s been around a very very long time seen a lot of really good quarterbacks he’s also not stupid he’s not going to say it’s going to be easy stopping him plus you know they played each other five weeks ago whatever whatever it is

Now and while you could say that the game came down to the caderas Tony off sides that was a very competitive close game back in and fourth and the one thing about this game will I start with you is that there’s no secrets at this level like we know as the Kansas City

Chiefs everything the bills want to do uh with Josh Al and what he brings to the table and one of the things he brings to the table is what Kansas City is very familiar with and that is everything that happens Off Script and that’s what Mahomes is the best at right

And you saw that in the Chiefs win against the Dolphins play breaks down guys are guarded clock goes off boom then go get 20 yard Josh Allen does that as well yeah but at the end of the day he told us something that we all knew

Already right but what didn’t he tell us he didn’t talk about his arm his decision making right because he knows that’s where they feel like the Chiefs have the edge if you go back to against the Dolphins man spags did a great job

And I and I wish I had film to show it man and when Tu came to the line he showed single high safety so two was like oh one safety boom during the play they rotated to two high safety which what well what was the one Bugaboo to’s

Uh issue All Season taking taking away his first options it kept kept in a pocket holding on to the football which allow the dogs to go hunt and it took away his number one option Tyreek kill so spaxs knows all that I don’t care if you run you’re going to be

Josh Allen you’re going to be the wild Cowboy but I know if I can somehow force you to throw me the ball make bad decisions by disguising coverages we’re going to come out come out that game on top when you listen to SPS like the obvious thing is Josh Allen’s running

Ability and how difficult it is for him to tackle him especially if you’re a DB what has really fueled this bu Bill’s run has been James Cook like that that’s really what’s going to determine these games in the playoffs is how successful James Cook is cuz Josh Allen we know

What he’s going to do but James Cook is really what’s turned around this offense and I really think if be specs I think he’s going to have to have I would push back on one aspect of that and it’s been the big question on the bills all year

That we don’t know what Josh Allen’s going to do we know what he’s going to try to do 100% right know but the one thing we don’t know is are we going to get to Josh Allen at a week 18 needing to beat Miami to get into the playoffs

Has the number two SE down there somewhere there’s no one down there like I cuz and by the way that was two weeks ago with a chance to win the two seed and be at home I would say obviously did uh but we don’t know everything we’re going to get out of

Josh Allen against the Steelers last week even remember they made a seven-point game I’m thinking to myself Josh Allen is one bad decision away from tying this game yeah now to his credit he didn’t make that bad decision didn’t have that turnover obviously ran with

The ball and held on to it and protected it well you know it’s funny when you try to find the cause or reason for why one of these teams is going to lose on the Buffalo side it’s one of two things to me Josh Allen throwing interceptions or

That defense just being totally banged up and being abused and on flip side it’s Kansas City are they going to have a big drop in a big moment and how good is that run defense against James Cook 100% And I think right now one guy has

To pop off the tape I wish Greg Jims was here so we can get it put a team on your back moment if you’re Chris Jones this has to be your game you have to dominate the line of scrimmage you have to be an impact player from egap to egg back you

AAP you cannot allow James Cook and this Buffalo Bills offensive line impose their will on you you got to be the xfactor look there are people that’ll tell you you can disagree with it that this is the best Kansas City Chiefs defense in a long time sure uh now they

Don’t have the names they had maybe over the last couple years making super runs outside of Chris Jones but they are not a bad defense that being said we talked last week if Miami is going to beat Kansas City it’s got to be a heavy dose

Of atan moster they never did that never it never got started right uh buffalow is going to be very smart James Cook’s going to get 20 touches in this game either running the ball or catching it out of the B and they going to L on two

Tight ends you talk about King Kade and obviously Knox those guys have been big especially in the the playoffs so we’ll see what happens man but I think Josh Allen comes down to him is he going to be the wild Cowboy is going to be the steady Eddie at quarterback I got a

Weird question for you oh where do you think Ken dorsy watches this came from oh in his mom’s basement yeah in full Chief’s gear Chief’s gear red and yellow paint like because everyone says the same thing what was the you know what was the one thing that happened this

Year that took the bills from uh oh they’re not going to make the playoffs too now they’re hosting a playoff game in the second round of the playoffs it was the one decision to fire Ken dorsy and promote what’s his name right Joe Brady right and all of a sudden and then

Joe Brady goes we actually got a running back and we’re going to use him if I’m Ken dorsy I know full well when I watch that game on Sunday night it’s going to be and the best thing the bills did was fire kend dorsing but Craig you’re not

Lying but it was like a complete Torance yeah they fire him they went on a winning streak we got to take a quick break but uh Green Bay Packer fan just wanted you to know that and the way I see it I started the week off dring celebrating the Eagles

Demise against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I’m going to end the week drinking uh getting ready for the big San Francisco blowout of the Green Bay package we got more cart sh after this get him Craig oh yeah get it Craig Friday watch down the wings baby love

It all we are back it’s the carton show very special day here on FS1 because today is the day that bills Mafia have requested from my in Man David Kobe he’s going to be blue cheese baptized if you guys want to come back with me here we’ve got three gallons of blue cheese

We’ve got wings the wings are really just the auton here uh but will I just want to let you know that the wings are for real okay and coming up at 9:25 eastern time jaob is going to sit right here dead center and we are going to pour gallons and gallons of blue

Cheese on top of him so that he is officially baptized into the Buffalo Bills Mafia this is on request from the bills Mafia and it’ll make David jacobe an official member of the bills Mafia it’s coming up at 9:25 the wings are good Jobe and the wings are good good

I’m some that 40 at 9:15 just to get ready I got plenty of 40s I got plenty of wings and like I said three gallons of blue cheese will be dumped on Jacob’s head so that he is an official member of the bills Mafia because people are questioning the fandom and frankly we

Just can’t have that people question you answer with gallons of blue cheese that’s it that’s what we do it’s a blue cheese baptism coming up a little bit later on and while you’re doing that will and I will enjoy the wings at the company B all right let’s get to

Headlines right now uh we got all four playoff games cooking and job’s going to take us through it let’s go Lamar Jackson was asked about his confidence level going into the game against the Texans and if I was a Texans or a Texans fan I’d be terrified by his answer very

Confident very very very confident extremely confident yeah well Lamar has never played well in the postseason famously so do you do you expect that to change on Saturday yeah I think it’s a different team and a different Lamar Jackson uh whether it’s maturity whether it’s an understanding

Of you know how to play the game without getting hurt or putting yourself In Harm’s Way the reality is that you know the narrative on him which is similar to some other teams in quarterbacks in the league obviously you know the Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott is money good

As a regular season quarterback where’s the guy go now look different games they’ve played you know different opponents you know the one that stands out the most of course is 2019 when they were the number one seed and lost at home uh right so I think that’s the one

That he’s going to have to try that’s the demon or the ghost that he’s trying to you know put back in the closet with the other skeletons but man this is a different team you know we’ve seen it they’ve overcome two major injuries to starting running backs a major injury to

Mark Andrews who may or may not be back for them this weekend and they never they never stopped right it wasn’t like uhoh we’re going to you go back three steps to try to figure out our offense it was next man up which is a big

Ideology in the NFL uh and we’re just going to keep doing what we do and the reality of that is it works because number one Lamar Jackson bought into the Todd monin offense number two Todd monin understood what this guy’s Talent is which is different than most guys in the

League and he decided rather than change it and make them a plotting running attack team and then on Third and long hope that Lamar could make a play he was smart enough to recognize I’ve got a special talent let me use him and I think when you combine all those things

The maturity of the coaching staff who’s been to Super Bowls a guy like Odell Beckham who all the kids look up to like a flowers who’s been a great leader on that team and it just works and the funniest thing about it and rightfully so it’s a quarterback driven League we

Talk about Lamar Jackson we don’t spend a minute talking about the Ravens defense and if you don’t talk about the Ravens defense you’re going to wish you did because that is as good a defense as there is in the NFL yeah Le by mat beway you talk about the emergence of Calvin

No J DAV young Clowney on and on Maron humph who I mentioned earlier who will be out for this game a lot of these guys what they do and Patrick McQueen who we love on the show sry lineer cuz what he talked about there’s no gimmicks in them

Right they’re going to punch you in mou and they going to play physical football and so that’s the type of brand of football you need this time of year but I think in reference to Lamar Jackson man I think personally for me and we’ve talked about the time after time it was

The Rams game early in the season right when they were down and they needed they needed to come from behind in the second half it was this man that didn’t decide to put the game on his back by running the football it was but with him making

A decision I’m going sit in his pocket and I’m going to have explosive plays down the football down the field with my arm and with my my decision making so I think the maturation period for me is why I I believe in him and why I pound

The death to say believe in what he can do but also what he’s talked about his confidence level is so high because he knows he can do it with his legs and he can do it with his arm I don’t know if he you could say that in the past prior

To the contract and I’ll tell you something else yo don’t forget they added dvin cook to this roster and while dvin cook did not play in week 18 which is a game that obviously didn’t mean anything dvin cook has fresh legs the Jets didn’t even use them and he was

Coming off his fourth consecutive you know thousand yard season and here’s the one thing if you’re the Houston Texans and you’re now trying to game plan for the Baltimore Ravens and all your attention and focus rightfully so is going to be on Lamar Jackson he’s the

MVP of the league we all agree on that you have zero tape on how the Baltimore Ravens are going to use dvin cook so what do you do do you go back and watch week one when they starting running back went down the tour ACL do you watch the

Three games that Keat Mitchell look like a rockstar or do you try to figure out we know dvin Cook’s playing because they acquired him to play not to be a backup or depth guy how do you now game plan for something you have not seen them do

All year and the weird thing about this three-week layoff in which we’re trying to figure out the rest versus rust scenario which is I think a fair you know concern if you’re the Baltimore Ravens is they’ve had three weeks to figure out how to use dvin cook yeah and

They did it without putting dvin cook in a spot to get hurt so my gut is that dvin cook has now been firmly implemented into offensive game plan and he’s going to play a big role whether it’s against the Texans or whether it’s the AFC Championship game or the Super

Bowl I think dvin cook becomes an IT factor for this offense yeah and it Factor isn’t and I apologize and I’ll hurry up it’s not with just him coming out the backfield Darin cook can catch the football yeah you know I mean that’s the problem like that was the thing

About the Jets it wasn’t that he was just a great running back who can run between the tackles you put him out the slot or you do things where you can get him the football on the flat he can do he can get busy they just didn’t use him

In New York it’s is is baffling I’m I’m glad you brought up the running backs because they’ve always used three running backs all season long and now they’ve got Justice Hill they’ve got Gus Edwards who’s kind of like their goal line like you know third and one kind of

A guy and now what who knows what Davin cook is going to be for them another thing you did cig great job by you bringing up the defense like he needs more bringing up the defense because CJ strout is one of the best deep ball throwers in the entire NFL on passes

Over 20 yards in the air he’s 30 for 51 for over a, yards in the season but the best deep ball defense is the Ravens yes sir and we’ve got a graphic yeah look at that 20 yards opponent completes a percentage that’s one out of every five times five

Interceptions versus two touchdowns and the opponent’s passing rating is 33 just 33 on deep balls so this is really going to be can we keep stra from going deep D I tell you and the Houston Texans offense is not built on Dink and dunk and little five yard you know dig routes

Or they throw the ball down the field as much more than any football so you’re talking about what they do well now tank D not being here is crushing of course uh for that offense cuz you know you have one main option who’s become you

Know I mean a a great wide receiver and a threat every time uh you CJ strad Fades back but you’re right you know we talk about Lamar Jackson cuz it’s sexy and he’s the quarterback we don’t talk about a defense that is as good as the Niners defense as good as the cre

Cleveland Browns defense these guys are money good and that three weeks off it helps yeah I mean those dudes are well rested and they got a bunch of pro bowlers and all Pros on that side you talk about mat Beck Kyle hamton you talk about the linebacking court these guys

Can make it bloody and I tell you what if you tell me that it takes an offense a series or two to kind of get their sea legs back I could accept that talking about with Baltimore yeah defenses don’t need that because you know the defensive mindset let’s go it ain’t complicated

Like an NFL offense is complicated cuz they use terminology that’s mindboggling long and crazy the NFL defense is like seeall that’s all that’s it yeah I like that se ball seall getall what do we call what’s our play it’s the same one it was last time SE

Ball get third long what’s the play coach the ball yeah it’s simp yeah moving on to our second headline and another matchup this time between the Packers and the ners interesting sound here from Packers D lineman Devonte Wyatt here is what he had to say about your guy the machine

Brock pie he said the following and I quote him when you get pressure on py it’s behind them or overthrown or short here’s the good part it’s a guarantee we’ll get a turnover you heard that he’s talking about your guy the machine Craig are the Packers going to turn Brock py

Brock P’s put in some bad performances with multiple interceptions first I think could do that to even people in Green Bay have never heard the name Devonte W before I know he’s good but let’s be honest like Who’s Talking Now like guaranteed a turnover I know but that that’s that’s immaturity and that’s

A guy who’s never been there before that’s a team that’s never been in this spot with the current guys they have on the squad it’s also youthful indiscretion because the machine got the nickname the machine because he’s not bothered by anything he one AR crazy highs there aren’t any crazy lows he

Goes out there frankly it is the second coming of Joe Montana out there right of Tom Brady in New England it’s cool common collected and you just kind of said something under your breath that no one takes into account say it again I forgot what I said yeah say it again

Under Pressure Brock one of the best quarterbacks Under Pressure yes and why is Brock P So Good Under Pressure I’ll tell you why they have a great offensive line specifically the left side of it and if I’m under pressure why I can always dumped the ball off to oh that’s

Christian maccaffrey he’s the best running back in all the football and the best yards they have to the catch right or yards after the first hit when he runs the ball oh look I see Debo Samuel uh he’s wide open oh look I’ve got Brandon auk who no one gives any love

Who might be the one of the best wide receivers in football oh I got George K running a 10 yard button hook as we call it on the playgrounds of new relle New York that’s why he’s so good at it cuz no matter where he looks he’s got the better

Matchup against every defensive yeah but why is responding and he has to be careful right like he’s comparing the tape that he watched against the Browns and Ravens right which the two games pretty struggle like against the Browns pry had one touchdown and one interception against the Ravens he had

Three before the second half right so he’s saying like if so he’s saying we’re as good as that defense but you’re not like that’s a two different out the green B pack gave up 30 points to Tampa Bay at creen Bay two weeks ago right so

It’s again I appreciate it it’s good fod for guys like us it’ll have zero impact on the outcome of the game but after the game if Brock pie gives you you know a 24 for 30 380 and five ties at some point we’re now going to look for what

It Jaylen wat what’s his name what’s his name again Wyatt Wyatt Wyatt whatever name W Devonte Wyatt Devonte Wyatt I know I’m looking for him Devonte five tutes no picks you lost by 30 you have something to say uh I’ll never open my mouth again see

Exactly right you go moving on to our third headline and that involves the game in Detroit between Baker Mayfield and Jared goof here’s one thing I love about this match up Mr carton one of these two quarterbacks that were both number one picks that were Cast Away by

The team that drafted them is going to be in the NFC championship game what a great story either way this one goes say that again what a great story e either way it’s just celebrating the story it’s a Feelgood story it it’s an after school P special Baker can that look

Uh I’ve got great love for both guys I try to get Baker Mayfield here to New York I wanted him to be the Jets quarterback and by the way you’re not wrong with that and I got Abus for saying that you see why but I was going

To say I I know a Personnel in the building especially for the Jets man I talked about when Baker was coming out and during his interview process during the draft how they loved him like because though how spirited he was his belief in his ability and how he felt

Like he could change the culture man they were ready to draft him and then the Jets been the Dr yeah D Campbell told a great story yesterday about how much he respects and loves Baker Mayfield as well real quick you know he was also scouting him when Baker was

Coming out of Oklahoma going to be the first overall pick by the cland Browns and they were scouting other guys like wide receivers and tight ends on that Oklahoma team and those guys you know you need a quarterback to throw those guys routes so they can look good well

Baker Mayfield came out in flipflops and threw every guy routes even though he had his own try out the next day and Dan Campbell told the story there’s a lot of dudes who would have been like n man my arm’s sore I got to worry about me

That’s the baker always which why fans fall out of love with the med likes to pick on him because that bragado DOA kind of personality but outside of that one weird thing that happened with Odell’s father in Cleveland I’ve never heard a guy come out and say I don’t

Like playing with Baker in Tampa in Tampa they just speak glowingly about Bak Mayfield Mike Evans is like one thing I didn’t know about Baker is how cool he is so let me ask you this question he runs the locker room and I think that they go as he goes if he gets

A couple those like great passes early he gets excited he starts celebrating like that can build momentum with the team as a question yeah I think Detroit wins the game but I would not be surprised Scrappy if it’s Scrappy I would not Shock Me in the least but he

Does have two legitimate studs ad wide receiver and Godwin and Evans of course I’m just going to put this out there for future thought if Bill bellich takes the Atlanta job do you go get Baker Mayfield I don’t think he’s available I think the Tampa he’s under he is under a one-year

Deal yeah now you can franchise him if you want and then you got to give him like 45 million bucks for one year and obviously Tampa’s going to have to bring him back whether they beat Detroit or not but if they don’t franchise him and Baker played on a one-year deal 4

Million bucks plus incentives if Bill bch goes to Atlanta and we acknowledge he needs to go get a quarterback oh yeah he yeah and Justin Fields isn’t traded by Chicago are do you not try to steal a division Rivals quarterback to go win

With I think it be out I think it’ be a tragedy if you acquire bill bich in the one thing you know the one thing he brings in is Baker Mayfield I’m just it would be it would be a hard sell for Falcons just wait to see Baker Mayfield’s playing an NFC Championship

Game by beating the Detroit Lions you don’t think he’s going to be in demand you don’t think that guy gets a five year 100 million let’s see how he plays in this game let’s see let’s see what he looks like in this game all right that’s

That’s the point dear Zach I try to go out there be supportive and positive and I’m there with negativity every step of the way I just yeah you know you don’t like Baker Mayfield I don’t have nothing against Baker you’re a baker hater not a baker hater you’re not a baker hater

Baker against the Eagles is I heard true story his wife told me with all due respect they changed insurance companies because he hates Baker so much I’m like Kea no possible way like no for real this man hates Baker Mayfield we got one more headline it looks like yeah one more headline and

We’re going to go to Buffalo where my guy Deon Dawkins talked about how this is Patrick Mahomes truly first game ever playing in front of the Buffalo fans in Buffalo here he is no disrespect what years for Pat seven or eight s seven seven right he’s only been here

Once so he’s never been here simp simple as that Pat has never been to the bill stadium in full effect that’s right Patrick’s never been to the bill stadium in full effect he has never played on the road in the playoffs how do you expect Patrick Mahomes to perform in his

First ever road playoff game in perform better than that these wings taste I tell that well G that look and by the way when he did play there was that like Co or something and there no fans no F we never played there I’m sorry that’s disgusting um look I don’t care where

This game is I know Patrick Holmes is going to perform I’m not concerned about Patrick Mahomes I agree with what that guy said which is he’s never had to do it on the road which is just cuz he’s been so damn good they’re always at home

Number one and number two he has no idea what it’s like being here uh look every place to Kansas City Chiefs go with Patrick M homes you got 80,000 people yelling screaming against you so he’s felt that before he’s just never felt the Buffalo playoff crowd before like

I’ve said the last two months on the show I’m not worried about what Mahomes does I’m worried about what everybody else like can’t city does I’m worried about their defense stopping the run I’m worrying about guys dropping balls in big spots that’s what I’m worried about

And the other thing if you’re a Bill’s uh Chiefs fan I’m not saying you worry about it but it’s got to be on your mind even in the game against Miami a game that they really dominated from the first whistle to the last one this is not a 30o game Kansas City Chief’s

Offense especially on the road this year so expectation you can’t go out there and say oh Kansas City is going to run it up they don’t run it up against anybody they played each other you know a month ago and it was a lowest scoring game that either team had a chance to

Win in the other final of five or six minutes I think that’s exactly what you get if there’s a blowout and I don’t think there’s going to be one it’s the bills blowing them out I don’t think Kansas City can go on the road and blow

The bills out short of you know Josh Shon ploting at throwing a couple pick sixes I don’t see I’m glad you brought the last matchup because at the end of that game we all remember the cadas Tony call but I’ve never seen Patrick Mahomes

React in the way he did at the end of that game he lost his mind like I’ve never seen Patrick Mahomes this mad remember when he did a handshake with Josh Allen he was complaining about the call like I it was so out of character and I feel like

There’s a part of Mahomes that sort of wants to make up for what he feels like he was well that was also did the culmination of his frustration the weeks prior to that you know with guys dropping balls and cosing them games and on top of that you also got to

Understand like you’re 100% right and I know Dion D is a great kid stud offensive linan and he’s he’s really kind of R he said no disrespect he’s lock he’s rallying bills Mafia like I’m not afraid of bills Mafia they’re known for throwing uh you know snowballs and

Dildos on the field like that that sorry yeah I me you know you seen the footage I don’t know what you’re talking about but goe but at the end of the day man it’s it comes down if you’re the Kansas City Chiefs of one thing can Kelsey be a

Factor in the Red Zone can this this outfit especially led by Patrick Mahomes be more efficient on third down you know he’s going to make the plays that to need to be made but Josh Allen I don’t trust the special teams they got the big injury right right you talk about the

Run game obviously you got James Cook but overall it’s this defense that scares the hell out of me well it’s the the bills defense is missing their linebackers they’re on AJ kin their third string linebacker that’s where Kelsey e second one of the main concerns is Kelsey over the middle because the

Middle of that defense is absolutely decimated this is a little bit like the Dolphins game in that way that they’re they’re playing second and third string players on defense and almost yeah I think this is also the biggest uh game for coaches that exists this weekend

Like you know you know you have you know two G you have Baltimore’s favored by 10 points right San Francisco’s favored by 10 points the lions are favored by a touchdown this game comes down to really the X’s and O’s and who makes the right call in the right spot because it’s

Going to be a close game uh throughout no matter who wins it this is not going to be a 10-point game I’ve noticed something this week yeah you know why I’m leaning bills I know the Willie sort of Leaning Chiefs you’ve been kind of switzland on this thing all week long

All week long you haven’t really you haven’t of you oh it’s going to be close I don’t it’s going to be a blowout you haven’t really be kind of on the fence this about this one US you’re like Packers are going to blow out there’s no

Chance they win oh the are mad at me we you never got to pick I’ve got I’ve got a pick you got and I’m pretty uh [ __ ] sure about it as well [ __ ] sure and I’ll give it to you at 9 o’ this morning teasy now that being said I want

To acknowledge one thing uh there’s a elementary school in Westchester County New York and they do a thing with their kids there it’s called like I can do it list and you named three or four things that you think you could accomplished and it’s a good thing for the kids and

At the end of of those three or four things you also put out a little thing of where you see yourself working right a lot of kids say I want to be a cop I want to be a firefighter I want to go to the Moon well there’s an elementary

School student in Westchester County New York his name is Jakey Edelman and Jakey Edelman wants to work for the carton show oh Jakey welcome aboard I don’t think Jake knows we have a meeting every day at 4 in the morning may wings filled in the five things yet

But he knows the ultimate goal work for the carton show and the good news is that I’ve got an opening for producer so there’s a chance uh Little Jakey will have a job here uh this summer so nice he also has to remind Charlie I know if

We can throw it up to throw the graph head back up well he has temple in an hour so that’s yeah I I did see that Sundance Brian’s going to Sundance Film Festival this kids going places Brian’s going to Sund temp yeah you got to go to temp it’s it’s a

Boug and it says there stev’s at Coachella so we got we got much more card show coming up we are just over one hour away from the first ever blue cheese baptism on national tv as my man David Jacobi earns his stripes as an official member of the

Bills Mafia with a blue cheese baptism it is coming up in just over an hour right here on FS1 and the face all right welcome back to the cart show we got eight teams left by first Super Bowl one of those teams is not the Dallas Cowboys Mike McCarthy shocked

Like everybody else he was asked to come back for one more year as head coach spoke in in in tongues that make no sense whatsoever see if you can make something out of this here’s Mike McCarthy yesterday in a defiant press conference go ahead we have established a you know a

Championship program it’s just not the world championship yet uh we know how to win uh we know how to train to win we have the we have the right people um but we have not crossed the threshold winning playoff games and um and it’s extremely disappointing to be sitting

Here talking about it uh but you know I I know how to win and and uh we will get over that threshold and I have total confidence in it and and that’s why I’m standing here today well look you only got one more crack at it because you’re

Not coming back for year six if you don’t win next year but what’s fascinating about it is that might be one of the most egotistical press conference for a guy that has not gotten the job done in the postseason I’ve ever witnessed like I almost can understand

Why Jerry Jones kept him around because despite all the facts flying in his face about why he should be removed as head coach to the cowboys that we’ve talked about over and over and over again that guy is going to look you dead in the eye

And tell you I know how to win I just haven’t yet I’ve built a championship program I just haven’t won a championship yet and I know exactly what it takes to get there I just haven’t done it and I’ve been here for four years like that is either one of the

Most delusional press conferences you’ve ever seen or you got to applaud the guy for being that arrogant and have that much self-belief yeah and I’m going to applaud right you got Applause of course you are yeah it takes confidence and at the end of the day you talk about this

Is a offense that scored name 30 points a game Dak Prescott had 36 passing touchdowns CD lamb 135 receiver why would he think he has a winning proam because they haven’t won they haven’t won a Super Bowl they no no no no they haven’t even won a divisional playoff game forget about the

Super Bowl because the Super Bowl is like me wanting to date uh Carmen Electra in her prime sure right oh it’s a wish who fa is that it’s a wish but when I had a chance to do it what happened I Mike mcari The Situation all see we asked what would be considered

Success for the Cowboys and we said NFC Championship period stop and they didn’t even make the divisional round and he says I know how to win I know how to win all right you won one Super Bowl with the Packers and some would say probably should have won some more some would say

That Aaron roggers was really the the engine behind that Super Bowl and this this this to me is very interesting because he’s in the last year of his contract I don’t I can’t imagine aside from a Super Bowl championship that he comes back and coaches next year no I

I’m with you on that I guess you can make the argument get to the NFC championship game play a really good game lose on a last second field goal and you’re like all right we’re there we we got over the hump deal but yeah I’m

With you on that um this is again why I said yesterday and the day before that Jerry Jones has lost his fast ball he has it Jerry Jones is like the cuddly Grandpa you want to leave your kids with for the weekend cuz you’re just going to

Butter them up and buy them stuff and there’ll be no discipline whatsoever but as a dad he was the guy with the whip and the belt coming out when you know you farted in front of him right I have some experience with that that being the

Case like this to me is is all on Jerry Jones Jerry Jones has been convinced that despite having no tangible evidence to the contrary that Mike McCarthy is the best man for the job because remember this would be the most covered opening in the NFL because the

Coverboard is not bare there’s seven pro bowlers on that roster right now and that doesn’t include Diggs who obviously went down at the tour in ACL so I’m saying to myself if I’ve got seven pro bowlers how come my head coach couldn’t win a wild card game in my building

Where oh by the way I was the most dominant franchise in all football at home and all ask you’re correct in all that but nevertheless Jerry can’t afford a regression in Dak Prescott especially after the year he did you can’t bring in a coach uh a Jim hallo or Bill bich and

Watch that go the other way the fact is they’re going to only get to a Super Bowl let by Dak Prescott and Mike McCarthy they’ve had their best year this year you can’t negate that I think jery right now say hey we’ve got this far with you one more shot if you don’t

Have it you already know that we do not we’re not even having a meet you know you’re done so put the faith in the big fella you you’re two games away from going to the Super Bowl you didn’t get it done was a bad day to have a bad day

But all nothing next year one thing I think is interesting to keep an eye on is if Dan Quinn gets a head coaching job which it looks like he will he’s interviewing who that defensive coordinator hire is because if find Mike McCarthy I’m really interested in who

Jerry Jones picks for that spot because that could be who he is grooming to replace Mike McCarthy well there’s an easy answer for that it’s Rex Ryan I mean that’s the guy I would bring because that also lights a smoke and a fire right under Mike McCarthy’s ass

Where you need to be uncomfortable this year now you’re probably uncomfortable anyway cuz you’re a lame duck coach with only one year left but you got to go out there and get a guy who’s done it like you can’t be one of these 35-year-old Wonder kid kids from the SEC or the Big

10 or something who probably going to become coaches but you got to go out and get a guy who’s got a pedigree of leading grown men into battle in the NFL and while I know Rex Ryan makes a lot of money on TV I can also tell you as a

Fact Rex Ryan desperately wants to get back into coaching and maybe going to Dallas as the defensive coordinator and still Mak it a couple million bucks a year is the Avenue for him to get back into it and my gut and I have not talked

To Rex in a long time we used to be friendly I’ve not talked to him in a number of years I don’t think he turns the job down no Rex is extremely smart and what he does really well he makes his his ball players not only great ball

Players he makes some legendary ball players especially with some of the you talk about his resume with Ray Lewis on and on and on but overall Rex 100% you get Rex Ryan in that building LED with McCarthy that’s a dangerous coaching du so and by the way and ego wise and

Personality wise yeah iton works because don’t forget this past year you know Dan Quinn coached the team to the Super Bowl as the head coach McCarthy wasn’t threatened by it at all and he knew full well that if things went South people would be clambering for Dan Quinn to

Take his job so my gut is that Mike McCarthy as you saw in that delusional press conference you know is absolutely [ __ ] Shore and not concerned at all about anybody else in that building and at the end of the day as much as it is about Dak and it’s about winning it’s

Also about Mike McCarthy not taking a step backwards man because you can’t put out the offense the offense output you did this year and then have any food bars next year you got to figure out what’s going on with this run game toy Tony per has to be better and you got to

Get more out of your tight and by the way I would fire Dan Quinn if he doesn’t get a job well I think he knows he’s G yeah I wouldn’t bring de someone’s got to pay the price for losing to the Green Bay Packers and if it’s not going to be

Mike McCarthy it’s got to be Dan Quinn I I don’t know how Dan Quinn survives forg the Dolphins drove down won the game on them the Lions drove down and just because of the ref messed up won the game on them and the Packers just did whatever they wanted that’s right you

Know what I have some questions for you guys I’m good let’s go get your chalkboards I’m going to ask you some questions about the upcoming games you’re going to write down the answers on the chalk board ready yes sir go start here with this which Underdog this

Weekend of the four games is most likely to pull off the upset which Underdog is most likely pull off the upset Bill are favorites you got you can choose between the Chiefs the Packers the Texans or the Bucks oh yeah this is a this an easy one

For me the team Mo I know the bills are favored by two and a uh two and a half right yeah the team most likely to pull off the upset and I don’t well yeah why not Tampa Bay oh Tampa Bay Tampa Bay most likely uh to pull off the upset I

Know where he’s going I know where he’s going I know where he’s going I don’t have to see it I know where he’s going where am I going Craig you’re going with the Kansas City Chiefs going to be predictable right what you eras it why

Youas it I did not is that allow what do you got go go come on man are you going to be silly do you not want to the Willie you not want a Little Love in Your Heart like what are we doing a oh you’re Mak a love one nice moving on which

Quarterback is most likely to have more than one turnover which quarterback is most likely to have more than one turnover spelled p d y if you curious okay just if you’re curious p r d y okay uh all right you want me to go first yeah go for it all right Baker Mayfield

Baker yeah Baker Mayfield most likely to have more than one turnover cuz they are going to going to throw the ball and throw the ball and throw the ball and I think that could play into that secondary’s hands uh I would say GF is second but Baker Mayfield most likely to

Have a couple turnovers you read my mind I’m going with jar I’m going with Jared go bottom line yeah you put pressure on him he’s known to kind of throw the ball to the other team so we’ll see what it looks like you’ve seen his fiance yeah

Smok okay just ask just asking which team is most likely to win in an absolute blowout oh easy oh this which team which team that’s easy San Francisco yeah it’s not even going to be competitive we’re going to say to ourselves how did that Jo team get on

The field against San Francisco and I tell you the other it’s going to happen you’re going to have everybody in Green Bay going maybe Jordan love’s not the guy you know I can’t trust Jordan love in a big spot he just got abused by San Francisco this is I can’t wait to watch

A blowout I look I know from a fox perspective I hope it’s a close game to yeah oh this 40 nothing out of the gate would be great ah I’m going with the RAV Ravens I think they put a whooping on the Texas Texas have no idea what’s

Coming at him they have 4 d lining out this game the defense is riddle with injuries so here’s an interesting one which coach is most likely to cost their team the game a which coach is most likely to to clock mismanagement some bad bad strategy why do you have Todd BS

Highlighted on the right that’s so disrespectful yeah Todd BS where he knew yeah why got black guy bull remember he doesn’t see color all right most coach most likely to cost their team the game Mike McCarthy yeah that’s D I think that’s the answer I

Think it’s is it not not M no uh I’m G be honest by way t t BS is coaching with less Talent than anybody else so I would necess to be fair what do you got I got Dan Campbell oh like f punt goes wrong I

Can see Dan Campbell’s a Tak he’s really aggressive time after time you know when he does on fourth down he’s going for it it may cost or like jobi said on Monday we’re all watching that you know the Detroit Rams game and it’s like fourth

To n from their 30 and like is the pun team coming out yeah fake pun there was like a fourth and eight they were on their own 40 and it was like is jar gos on the field yeah what’s going on here final one which one of us

At this desk is most likely to fall asleep before the end of the building man what time does that game start 6:30 on Sunday 630 on Sunday oh come on early show Monday oh man we all know who it is that’s not fair we all know who it is

It’s just whether or not Craig R name that’s the only question that’s not fair the only question is whether or not Craig writ his own name that’s not fair you can go first go ahead well I got I got jacobe what because he may be way too drunk before the game and absolutely

Crashed before the kick up oh no no no no I’m I getting baptized into Bill’s Mafia I did the right away I said me I said me I mean 50/50 I see the second half Sour Diesel it’s a it’s oh look and I’m the guy in the

Graphic I tell you on halim he’s be like how many milligrams were in there yeah if it’s more than five I’m in trouble the disrespect that Craig Carton and Todd Bulls get from our own production staff frankly is very very Jakey get Jakey in here he would upsetting to me

They told me we had something I was going to show you go on a break but I honestly I forgot I know what it is all right there’s one question you didn’t ask there it is that’s yeah well that’s the answer which which wagons are we most likely to gratuitously put on yes

I’m not sure I just to get home to her early she’ll be at the game don’t worry she’ll be at the game absolutely she’ll be with Eminem uh all right listen we we got much work coming included we are now less than an hour to go from the first

Ever blue jees baptism as bills Mafia has sent us an edict that chobe must be baptized in blue cheese today where else his fandom is frazi and speaking of frazy coming up in a little bit for real or f gazi plus much more on the four NFL playoff games this weekend Lots cooking

On FS1 yeah one of the great Parts about the NFL when you get to the Elite 8 the final eight you start hearing little stories that W in public before one of those stories involves the Baltimore Ravens and their uh their snack eating habits out there in Baltimore there’s a

Story out there right now that the Baltimore Ravens consumed 75,000 Uncrustables uh during the 2023 season uh for those of you who don’t know what Uncrustables are they are little uh P packets almost like a peanut but you know like Wonderbread and inside it’s U peanut butter and jelly yeah yeah which

Is the greatest sandwich of all time by the way Mount Rushmore sandwich iand and they would do 75 thousand of these bad boys during the season Willie thoughts carbs matter that’s all you need carbs man you got to eat it up sugar and carbs

You got to do the show I’ll be yeah no problem do you put it in the microwave Jobe no I do not M toast it you toast can’t microwave bread buddy yeah by the way the carton showell has gone through one crustable not even not even uh this

Season just just one oh it’s an uncrustable sorry we’ve gone through one but I’m going to work on you got beer to wash it down we’ve never had food in front of you for this long without you eating it yo the best thing about the UNC unable the best thing about the

Uncrustable is it’s playoff time it’s War pain time let’s go it’s time for battle oh man except it looks like I’m favoring the Kansas City Chiefs yeah oh well where did you learn that make that San Francisco war paint right now the best theob got first and

Football D the coach moving on to First and Football let’s start with the 49ers who you just mentioned and their pass rusher Nick Bosa he compared compared this year’s Packers quarterback Jordan love to the previous Packers quarterback Mr Aaron Rogers and um let’s see if he’s paying him a compliment or

Not and they have a lot of the same guys from the past really good teams they’ve had and um a quarterback who does exactly what he’s coached to do which Aaron Rogers is Hall of Famer and unbelievable but he kind of went out outside of the realm of of coaching and

And uh sometimes it’s it’s good when you have a guy who who does what he’s coached to do interesting do you think that’s a little shot at Rob there I think both hit a gummy before that yeah by the way he was in the same high

School class as a ninth year tight end of Miami um that being the case I it sounded like that was a shot at Aaron Rogers it did right and that Jordan loves harder to defend against because the coaches have a plan and he tries to execute their plan whereas their times

Aaron Rogers goes totally Off Script and it doesn’t always work um that’s how I took it like that sounded like a guy who’s trying to say positive things about Jordan love and used that Rogers to prop up Jordan love or he’s saying that Jord Love is a robot and

Predictable okay and and I think when you understand what and meaning like you don’t have to worry about him going off script and making a play like Mahomes will Josh Allen will or iron in his prime and it calls the question Love’s lack ability to adjust right because that’s one thing quarter quarterbacks

And head coaches and OC’s and DCS have to do you have to be able to adjust so if you feel like if you take him out of his game what does he have next you when you know Aaron Rogers he can say everything we scripted is not working I

Got this and he can go Rogue and win you a game right to be fair though you’re you know you want your young inexperienced quarterback to do what you tell him to do unless like if everything breaks you know down and you’ve got a choice but to scramble and make a play

You want them to do it but you also try to teach young quarterbacks we you know we’re good at what we do just follow the game plan and it reminds me real quick of demo Ryan this past week when there’s a video that’s out there now of him telling you starting quarterback with

The pick six you know against Joe Flaco exactly what to do and he did it and got the pick six you know so coaching means something right but this but this time of year as much as we talk about X andos and schemes it’s Gem of instincts right

You got to be able to trust your instincts and then you trust a guy in his first year starting that quarterback his first run in the playoffs to do right now if I may I there’s one I can’t listen to anything you’re saying I didn’t hear anything you said this

Entire it’s San Francisco war paint not jelly on your face yeah no no it’s not jelly it’s San Francisco war paint let’s go uh here’s the deal I think you hear Joey Bosa and I’ll tell you what I hear reading between the lines they ain’t worried about Green Bay he ain’t worried

About Green Bay at all and he’s not worried about Jordan love that dude’s going he feel like he has a better quarterback but not s he’s like we we got Jordan love like we’re good on defense I don’t care if Jordan love listens to the coaches doesn’t listen to

The coaches the one dude we ain’t worried about is Jordan love that’s what I took also said oh they have a lot of the same guys they had last year it’s like uh no they don’t actually they’re all rookies last they didn’t make the playoffs so I don’t know how

Complimentary Mr BOS was trying to be he may talk about the old line but he definitely hit a gummy before that interview moving on to Second and football interesting Nick F’s teammate Chase young said this about the machine Brock pie he said Brock pie yeah is the

Best quarterback in the league do you believe that chase young believes that I think he better believe it hell yeah that’s why B is talking and I’ll tell you something else like could you imagine if Chase young came out and said yeah our quarterback’s pretty good but

You know he’s no Lamar Jackson you have to think your quarterback is the best and to be fair there was a good period of time when he was playing as well or better than any quarterback in the league I if not for obviously that three- game stretch which was part of

His resume this year you know I think he would have fought Lamar Jackson for the MVP I think it was a tight race uh up until then uh but look you know Brock Pie has been as consistent as damn near any good quarterback in the league and

He had even he remember he had to endure for a couple months oh it’s a system thing it’s got nothing to do with Brock pie it’s a plug-and play Sam Darnell would be just as good it’s nonsense as you know this better than anyone you could the greatest athlete in the world

And you put him behind Center and all of a sudden with stuff flying at him from every different direction and defensive coordinators faking blitzes and stunts and you know one high two High manto man brackets I don’t care who you are that position is the toughest position in all

Of sports period stop and you have to acknowledge the level that Brock pry has played at since he got the job uh two a year ago and that cannot be argued and as much as you want to like I guess cheer his success you also got to understand that he’s recovered from

Everything that he’s fault from so you talk about the three game SK he turned that around and he turned into an MVP candidate so I’m I’m okay with BR P I think he’s a damn good quarterback it’s just a matter of can you go out the way

Now yeah and listen that three- game stretch not to relive history you know he got him at the field goal range against the Browns you know Moody misses the kick all that’s not on him right the game against Minnesota he got concussed his two interceptions came after the

Concussion and of course the next week they got roded by the Cincinnati Bengals and that was everybody that was a collective failure that was their most embarrassing game and since then other than the Baltimore Fiasco they’re unbeatable yeah yeah but well I going to say this talk about even after the game

Against the Ravens what was gloning especially Fred Warner came out and said I don’t have to tell that young man nothing because the way he prepares and the way I know how he went back to that tape and dissected it and say oh I was the reason I made bad decisions I was

Press and so they believe they believe in him solely because how he reacts to bad situations they know he’s confident know he’s going to be present and he’s going to get the job the personality thing like this is a kid during the buyer week was farming an houra with his

Girlfriend right this wasn’t a kid that was at you know live 11 you like getting like doing his thing you acting like an idiot on TV like this is a Cool’s a cucumber kid he might throw a pick in this game it’s not going to face it

That’s the thing about Brock p is what I loved about him so much is how consistent he was and just how calm and how just reliable he was but in that three game kid and that loss to Baltimore like there is a little bit of

Like a Dr Jacko Mr hide thing with Brock pury if you look at the numbers oh yeah Graphics Graphics the Brock party in wins and Brock party in losses is like night and day touchdowns and the interceptions and the turnovers and and these are just how overall season I got

The overall season but the wins versus losses splits are they’re dramatic they’re almost like Josh Allen like it’s like there’s like two different Brock parties because he really showed me something during in that three- game stretch where I was like is this is this the BR party that I’ve been watching

Right but also remember so in that I think most quarterbacks probably have bad splits when you talk about losses versus wins when you’re on a really good team but I would also say this the one thing you never heard and this is interesting because on a lot of teams

You know even with quarterbacks that have some playoff experience you would have heard it there was never a single story or anonymous source coming out of the locker room in San Francisco where you know we’re going to think about benching Brock p you know Sam darnold’s

Going to get a crack that never happened now whether that’s because of guys like Fred Warner or Bosa or even the offensive weapons they have which is interesting because those three games are ugly and he was a big part of the ugliness in those three games and it was

Never a story and the world we live in today there was going to be one guy who chirps to a report and says you the we don’t believe in Brock pury anymore and it never happened which tells me the other 52 men in that locker room respect

Him and then now they have the graphic ready great well let’s show here it is wins and losses Brock P it’s interesting to me because there’s is a stark difference it’s a huge difference especially when you look at the turnovers 10 turnovers in his four

Losses and three in the 12 wins yeah and the key to that is that guy protects the ball as well as any starting quarterback in the league they also have a great defense so they get a lot of short fields on offense which is also a part

Of it but he’s on look I think there’s one other aspect to Brock py we don’t talk about enough obviously you guys all are typ a competitors different than the most average human beings which sets you guys apart right this is a guy that had his Super Bowl dream robbed from him on

The first series of the game last year against the Eagles in the championship game and while he is a relatively inexperienced quarterback in that he’s only in year two he’s got three playoff games of experience under his belt and he had a chance to go to the Super Bowl

Taken away from him no fault of his own and if you don’t think there’s a fire burning under that kid’s ass about getting back to the championship game and being healthy and winning it then you don’t know anything about Brock pie here’s what I do know we are about 30

Minutes away right now from the first ever blue cheese baptism in the history of FS1 bills Mafia demanded it we will deliver jacobe will become an official member of the bills Mafia at 920 25ish right here on FS1 we got much more football coming your way we’ll get picks

Coming up and thoughts on all four games right after this that hurt that was a chest shot that hurt that’s David Jobe right there 25 minutes or so away from the first ever blue cheese baptism that guy right there won a Super Bowl his name of course is

Willie cologne time now for a little segment called a for real ory all right big man you ready to rock let’s roide all right number one Mike McCarthy will win a Super Bowl with the Dallas Cowboys for real or for gazy I’m going to say for real oh God you got to

Believe I love the UN Comm how can you not believe you got to believe out of five tries he’s finally going to get one of them right High poent offense 29 game Dak CD defense we got to get W so what you’re saying now is next year as we go

Into the 2024 25 season with a Super Bowl in New Orleans that will be broadcasting live from Mikey Mack and the Dallas Cowboys are winning that Super Bowl I about them Cowboys Craig hard that’ll be good for Ratings you want driven on that one KOB or no no we

Know he’s not to I don’t think will believes that by the way I don’t think McCarthy’s coaching the Cowboys by Thanksgiving next year but I wasn’t at this season fire that’s all right let’s go to uh number two there are big rumors Justine Anderson Fox’s own reporter has

Bill Bel damn near done uh getting the job in Atlanta to take over the Atlanta Falcon so if that comes true bill Bel will make the Atlanta Falcons Super Bowl contenders right away for real or fugazi fugazi who’s his quarterback they don’t have one right now their defense is

Subpar let’s say I give you Justin fields or Baker Mayfield for real or fugazy fugazi I still don’t believe in him n n games of 500 with Tom Brady no this is you as much as I dislike Bel Che a personally but I have a reason to you

Have no respect for Bill Bel look don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining I know who he is the bottom line how about I just don’t piss on you in the beginning yeah yeah I get it I get it I get it not fooling me all

Right that took me a second but I got it okay number three Baker Mayfield will be the most sought after free agent this off season for real or fugazy fugazy uh why why would you set up because he won a playoff game in Tampa and a division

Title in Tampa and one of the worst divisions in all of football and crawled into the playoffs no against the Eagles team that was ready should even got on the plane they were done before they got on the plane no B mfield has had a hell

Of a year he will get paid somewhere if not Tampa uh but no I don’t think anybody’s running after big I I feel like I’m glad you brought up the plane in the Eagles cuz the reason they got on that plane cuz it was just closer to

Mexico you know what I mean like but go down to Tampa we’ll pack for Mexico reroute it it is a very it’s a quick shot to cut to uh to Cancun logistically worked they decided to play theot was done before they got into playing yeah here’s the real quick

Thing on Baker Mayfield even if they lose to the Lions right if you’re Tampa you have to bring him what’s the number though like I know I know it’s like the greatest fan base in the world but they there are 880,000 people that do go to those games every single Sunday and they

Do care about the Tampa Bay Buccaneers how do you how do you sell that fan base on we’re not bringing them back well how do you sell your fan base the future’s bright with Baker Mayfield cuz you want to play the present’s bright with Baker Mayfield see how he plays we were

Learning a lot about Willie colog today he loves Mikey ma he hates Baker and he has no respect for b square uh number four Lamar Jackson still has to prove himself with some postseason success before we start regarding him as the greatest quarterback of a generation for real or

For Gaz yeah for real you paid him like a Super Bowl quarterback now he has to go win a Super Bowl bottom line and look you talking about one three in the playoffs you know in a four games he started in the playoffs hasn’t scored over 20 points he’s spotty at times but

We talked about the emergence in the maturation period we saw this year now he has to deliver bottom line and he has to do it against the Texas team with CJ stra who is one of the hottest teams in all NFL so so we’ll see what Lamar got I

Love how we found the two highlights that make him look like he’s a terrible exactly I’m just waiting for him to leave touch get sack he’s probably up by 28 these games during these high but I think there’s there’s very little difference between him and Dak Prescott when you look at the

Playoff numbers but but we sit there and criticize Dak Prescott all day every single day and Lamar does have to Pro like I think if Lamar Jackson was the Cowboys quarterback now look two MVPs sets him apart for sure but I think the point you’re making which is a good one

If he was the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys we’d be saying yeah it’s all great two MVPs big fing deal what’ you do for me in January much like we say without the MVPs about Dak Dak had probably the second best year of his entire career statistically and what are we saying

Can’t trust Dak Prescott I’m not giving him $200 million so that’s a very very good point let me go to number five here yeah great all right yeah everyone’s on board that’s cuz they know I’ve got Uncrustables here oh that’s what it is I know it is Brock pie is the best

Quarterback remaining on the NFC Side Of The Ledger for real or for Daisy I’m going to say for real I I do believe so you talk about let’s just look at the guys that are left you’ve got Jordan love you’ve got Baker Mayfield Jared g

Go I mean that says I mean if you paid attention to Brock Pon what he’s done in his career the two years that he’s been in the NFL he’s been damn good so yeah he’s better than all them as right okay let me let me double down on that Brock

Pie is the best quarterback remaining in all of the playoffs way fugaz say I’m going say fugazi Lamar Jackson honestly yeah or Jos Allen Pat M Lamar Jackson kidding yeah he’s four he’s probably fourth why does that make me so mad why did I get mad at the questioner I don’t

Know why I got so mad about that by the way if you think it really is crazy like if I was a free agent quarterback or if I’m one of these young studs coming out man get me to the NFC yeah like the road all due respect you had to Dak in Dallas

And what Jordan love has done know year one Jaylen Herz last year obviously taking the Eagles if I’m a quarterback that wants to get to a Super Bowl and I’m looking at these guys behind me do I want to go through Lamar Josh and Pat would I rather go through

Baker like the AFC is a different ball game right there absolutely is all right and the final one here um close yours jacobes what’s this David Jacob’s bills phandom for real or fugazi any fan that has a dress like that fugazi what are you talking about you look like he just

Stepped into like a gift shop what the hell is this no we’ll see we’re going to find out in about 14 minutes when uh we have the set the stage set for jacobe to get that blue cheese baptism so jacobe I assume you want to say your fandom Is

For Real there’s we’ll find out there’s no coming back we’ll find out there’s no coming back find there’s the blue cheese there’s the wings I will give you one piece of video if you guys have it uh to support Jacob’s fandom a number of years ago he did attempt table drop attempt

Well the problem with this video as we’ve said before is you kind of jumped up to the table let me let’s video as opposed to dropping I asked to go on the Jeep and they just said it’s not my Jeep you can’t go the Jeep so I said fine

I’ll go on the cooler but look at this this is table jumping in Orchard Park boom and and you did it went down it went down yeah well that’s why Bill’s fans have said you need to be baptized in blue Chiefs today so that we know

Your Phantom Is For Real it takes for my family Griselda and the bills Mafia whatever you ask of me I will deliver if you call me in the question I will answer it with gallons of blue CH well it’s coming up in about 10 minutes we

Got all four games we’ll break them down for you the guys will give you picks and then before we scaddle and get out of here it is the first ever blue cheese baptism it’s NFL playoff weekend right after this on FS1 hi welcome back to the carton show we’re getting ready for the divisional round of the NFL playoffs so let’s get started right away boys yes Ravens and Texans and Lamar Jacks who does have a lot to prove of course in the postseason that’s the last like little bit for that

Resume he’ll have two MVPs he’s won a playoff game but if you remember back in 2019 the Lamar Jackson Ravens we’re the number one seed got upset at home and now we’re all saying to ourselves can you trust Lamar Jackson in the playoff game this has been a totally different

Year here’s Lamar Jackson talking about how confident he is and I can tell you this he’s very very confident but are you guys confident in Lamar Jackson continuing what he’s done the entire regular season yeah I’m confident because of his decision making right and and a lot of people talk about armed

Talent he already has that but what I love about him is his ability to stay in a pocket and deliver the football his mechanics his poers all has taken us a notch uh in the right direction and so for me I believe in Lamar Jackson but he

Just has to be able to do it and that’s the bottom line but it’s the same thing like it’s the Dak Prescott thing right and while No One Compares Lamar Jackson to Dak Prescott we talked about this about 20 minutes ago it’s probably pretty fair good comparison because

Great regular season success and nothing but playoff failers and then last year let’s not forget what was the narrative Lamar Jackson unwilling to come back you know at 90% or 80% with the knee injury they go to Cincinnati damn near beat the Bengals Hunley is quarterback and now

People are questioning who is Lamar Jackson gets the money has the MVP regular season but it’s all for not if they get upset at home by the Houston Texans part I’m glad you brought up the narrative because part of the narrative about Lamar Jackson is also he doesn’t

Have the weapons it’s been Mark Andrew and like Hollywood Brown for so long you bring in Z flowers who’s been explosive you bring in Odell Beckham Odell Beckham with with two great catches per game in the playoffs earns every penny of that contract that he signed they they’re developing likely now they’ve got

Andrews potentially coming back they’ve got 17 running backs they use this season like he has the weapons around him now yeah I’m telling you everyone’s sleeping on dvin cook because dvin cook hasn’t played a single snap yet for the Baltimore Ravens they acquire him once

The Jets let him go dvin Cook gets his second shot at St him and obviously making a run to a Super Bowl and I’m saying to myself man they haven’t used D cook at all he hasn’t gotten a carry he was he wasn’t active you for the game he

Was on their practice squad and I convinced I have there’s a tarp from cheese so I AP that but I it’s almost like the it’s almost like Dexter season three murder this is like what Mr Wolf has in his I gotta be honest I’m not comfortable on it I know some people

That that being the case when I look at you know Lamar Jackson and the addition of dvin cook he’s the unknown right he’s the guy we’ve never seen in a Ravens jersey they lose Keat Mitchell they lose I always block his name Dobbins week one with the torn ACL and if you’re the

Houston Texans you know about Lamar you know about Zay you know about obj maybe the return of Mark Andrews you know the coming out party uh for lively uh likely there your backup tight end but there’s a guy who’s an all pro running back who’s fresh and we haven’t seen yet yeah

But more so we talk about the head-to-head matchups like he he outplayed Brock per let’s let’s be honest he and he outplayed Tu so now if he’s playing at that level with the weapons of Mark Andrew who supposedly played who knows what happens you talk about Davin cook fresh and ready to go

Within that offense I mean this this is a juggernaut led by that defense man this is going to be a different team this time of year that’s the thing is we we always like to talk about offense cuz sexy and they score the points but this Ravens defense will just shut you all

The way down as CJ stde likes to throw the Deep ball guess what Ravens one of the best teams in the league I also think sometimes it’s hard to take you seriously on your face for a segment earlier and I wasn’t taking seriously I I would say this though uh sometimes we

Over complicate outcomes of games because we remember what we saw last like the low hanging fruit wow the Houston Texans wow that offense oh they embarrass the Cleveland Browns right blah blah blah blah blah this ain’t that complicated for me the Baltimore Ravens are different this game really shouldn’t

Be all that competitive but it’s time now for you guys to make your picks as of right now the Baltimore Ravens are still favored by 9 and a half so that’s the spread you guys are going to use if you are going to wager obviously wager responsibly don’t bet more than you can

Afford to lose and if you lose an early game don’t throw money on a late game just because chasing bets is a bad idea nine and a half who I think they cover easily I think this is a blowout I honestly yeah rookie quarterback one of the best defenses in the league Lamar

Jackson coming out party this is a blowout yeah I agree with Jobe I think he’s going to be ugly very early I I think it’s going to be a blow out from the do I don’t see the Texas doing anything remotely good to comeb back the

Ravens all right let’s go to game number two this of course is the other number one seed you’ve got the San Francisco 49ers against the upstar Green Bay Packers this week was interesting for me because been on the pack all week Green Bay Packer fans discovered Twitter this

Week and apparently hate our show why because I said the Packers would lose to the Cowboys got that one wrong and now I’ve kind of doubled down and said they’re going to get waxed and shellacked by the best team in the NF C same deal n and a half Point favorite

Before we get to our picks you’ve even convinced yourself Mr BRAC over here that somehow someway Jordan love and Aaron Jones and the Green Bay Packers are going into Santa Clara to beat the San Francisco 49ers but you don’t get to break this game down first because I

Want to hear jov’s thoughts first and then I’ll hear yours the only road map for the Packers to be successful in this game is using Aaron Jones if you if they can keep that off offense off the field limit the number of possessions in the game they can keep it close and maybe

Jord Love could pull something out in the end I don’t think it’s going to happen but that’s the only that’s the road map for them to be successful I think sometimes you guys not you but you guys uh talk about Aaron Jones like he’s a second coming of Jim Brown they better

Te he’s had 100 yards the last four games yeah he’s been moneye tack so goad so walk me through before you give your official picks uh nine and a half point spread BR C Brandon auk Christian McCaffrey Bosa young auk Debo KD but tell me how Green

Bay is going to go in there and take care of business I’m waiting well I’mma tell you because I thought I told you last week what they were going to do going into Dallas and the whooping they was going to put on the Dallas and they delivered Jordan love right now with the

Intermediate throws his ability to make things happen off the play action from the neck up being poison the pocket the Run game with Aaron Jones this young receiving Court these defensive line who did a great job with for doing the Run game for the Dallas Cowboys I’m going be

Honest and I know BR P’s money good against the blitz I know all the weapons CMC Debo Bren a George KD I love him love him love him but at the end of the day yeah I’m an emotional person at the end of the day the nine and eight

Packers are going to do what you just told me the Texans can’t do in Baltimore but I did tell you what they was going to do against your 160 at home Cowboys and they put a fing on them go pack go let’s get to the official picks now

San Francisco favored by N9 and a half this is the Saturday late game of course you can watch it on Fox fo jacobe they tell me you go first who you pick in with the spread Green Bay getting nine and a half against San Francisco ners

Are the number one seed they’ve been the best team in the NFC the entire year they’re going to win the game but they’re not going to cover I’m picking the pack they get nine and a half points I’m picking the Packers to cover by the

Way which is the one out all you lunatic Packer fans have and and I already know what going to happen if s FR wins and doesn’t cover I’m going to come in here drinking cold 45 and I’m going to I’m going to be grying it all the way home

And I know exactly what I’m going to get well know you were wrong about the blowout we gave them all they wanted youo we’re next we’re a year away you going to lose but you get to make the official pick go ahead the official pick I’m going with the cheese hits I’m going

With the Green Bay pack I got the Packers in this young outfit what La floor with this defense that’s motivated to stop the machine I put a question mark Cuz I was undecided up until this point you undecided was extrem I know Graphics great job I

Failed you right I get that but overall man I’m Going Green Bay has no idea yeah I I just figured out the light bolt with all now I’ve got to ask the question cuz America needs to know because you know this show of course is based on credibility yeah yeah are you picking

Green Bay to win the game or you saying like Jacobi said which is fair they’re not going to win but they’re not going to get blown out they cover CU America just cares about the spread go ahead yeah I got the winning yeah winning outright outright your money lining the

Green gra said has no idea and now he said he’s got the pack winning out coming to me right now what happened in the last five minutes I said I’m emotional guy I pick with my heart he’s been sitting next to a play to wings for

Two hours and hasn’t been allowed to eat him that’s true all right let’s go to game number three Sunday we’ve got the Detroit Lions look they hadn’t won a single playoff game in 30 years now they’re looking to win their second play play off game in as many weeks Jared G

For the Lions favored by 6 and a half over Baker Mayfield and Tampa we’ll get to the picks in a second you can go first here though Willie uh can you conjure away where Tampa takes that show on the road and beats Detroit in front of 880,000 mad fans yeah it’s going to

Be tough but I think if for Detroit to lose this game it’s going to be have to be self-inflicted right it’s going to be jarro go throwing at least two or three picks give the ball to bacer Mayfield He he’ll connected with Mike Evans hopefully this defense you know is a

Blit sappy defense led by to B they just get after golf but uh that doesn’t happen I think the Lions mop them up chob I think the the blitzing of the Bucks really caught the Eagles by surprise even though they did the entire first half they didn’t make any

Adjustments in the second half that was a complete mismanagement by The Eagles but they put it on tape and I think that the Lions have seen that all they’re going to be ready for the Blitz and G is going to have a big day and I think that

One thing that gets overlooked is the pass rush of the Lions they’ve got a great pass rush top 10 in all the major categories and Aiden Hutchinson is an absolute game Wrecker in his second year I think he’s going to put a stamp in this game and also not forget the big

Knocks on Baker Mayfield is being consistently good two weeks ago they didn’t score a touchdown against the Carolina and he was banged up that was a nine nothing game right and obviously there’s some calls late that took points off the board for Carolina last week he

Was money good to be fair against a team that had quit the Eagles had no interest in being a Tampa and he took advantage of it it’s going to be hard pressed to go to Detroit because Detroit knows what’s up and they’re at home and it’s 880,000 people and they are the better

Team and last night Lions have a run game right like wish the the bck struggle against against the Eagles I to tell me we got to hurry up here let’s get to the pick on this game officially Tampa getting six and a half Jobe who you taking I think the Lions win and

They cover I’m taking the Lions here for the reasons I Detroit in the NFC championship game are they playing a division rival or they playing San Francisco we’ll get to that on Monday who you like I got the lions in this one yeah I got the Lions beating the Bucks I

Don’t even think he’s going to be close are you sure do you want another question mark you got final game of course for the weekend and it’s Patrick Mahomes Kansas City Chiefs on the road for the first time in his career they’re Underdog that’s never happened before

And here they are plus two and a half against the Buffalo Bills Bills beat him about a month ago obviously there’s the questionable call uh cadarius Tony and all that nonsense Kansas City demolished Miami the bills took care of business against Pittsburgh break it down quickly

Yeah I got the listen you talk about what the Chiefs do well right is they show up and they’re going to show up in Buffalo they’re not scared of bills Mafia I know they’ve had the drops they’ve been inconsistent but this is a different team playoff you’re 11 and

Three all time two Super Bowls MVP and Patrick Mahomes you know Andy reens is going to have something drawn up spazz is going to be he’s a mastermind this time of year with drawing up blitzes again after opposing quarterback I think Josh Allen is actually in trouble this

Game all you know I’m going pills here and the reasons are you sure you should the way you but I think one a couple things we need to hit we know what Josh Allen can do on the round right I mean and when they need a third down Josh

Allen will get you there Josh Allen will move the ball through the air it’s their defense with Russo and Oliver I think they’re going to be able to really confuse Mahomes and get him out of the pocket and make him do his weird running throwing stuff he’s going to have a

Couple turnovers I think the defense is going to be here the linebackers I’m concerned about they they’re on their third they’re on their third string linebackers and Kelsey eats right in the middle with those linebackers we’ve already put it up there prematurely but there you have it jacobe is picking the

Buffalo Bills laying two and a half against the Chiefs I would say you this before you make your pick this to me is a game between Pacho and cook whichever one of those two guys has the better game that’s the team that’s going to win who you picking bigs I’m going with the

CH wow how can you doubt Patty moms he’s money good and I understand all the issues I just talked about the Raiders but one thing you know Patrick mes Patrick Mahomes does well he doesn’t make the big mistake he’s not going to go Rogue and throw across the field into

You know a sea of DBS he’s not going to do that so I got my guy Josh Allen do yeah but I’m telling you when you break the game down Mahomes is going to do what he does J I think this is a game and I don’t think weather’s a factor at

All both teams are comfortable playing in cold weather and windy and snow and all that stuff but you know the Kansas City Chiefs didn’t need PCO that much against Miami and they came out throwing the ball the Buffalo Bills because they were just a better team than Pittsburgh

Didn’t need James Cook to have that huge game I think both teams have to rely on their ability to run the ball in this game and to me whichever one of those teams runs the ball better whichever running back has the better game that’s the team that’s quarterbacks are are so

Dangerous with the ball they can score at any time with their legs or with their arms that running the ball can keep that quarterback on the side but I like Rashid rice the way he played last game he used money so so just for the record this is what we have AFC

Championship game chobe has the Buffalo Bills going to Baltimore against the Ravens you have the Kansas City Chiefs going to Baltimore against the Ravens on the NFC side you have the Detroit Lions going to San Francisco to play the ners you have the Detroit at home playing the Green Bay

Packers for the third time this year and you remember what happened on Thanksgiving when Green Bay went into Detroit and came out touchdown touchdown game over just like that now as you know the whole buildup of today’s show was David Kobe becoming an official member

Of the bills Mafia let’s go back in time a little bit and see the Genesis of his journey towards becoming a member of the mafia what do you mean now become Greg you’re completely delusional about his current abilities so came from my house Jobe life stop you’re scaring me

Remember the guy you guys better cover too you better cover Bill commit to Catholicism you’re baptized that guy is going to be happy uh so here we are Jacobi Bill’s malier reached out to us and said we appreciate the fact that we have a guy

On national TV who’s a fan but his fan was called into question I understand primarily because you’re not from Buffalo n uh you didn’t grow up a Bills fan and when you did jump on the table you kind of jumped up on the table and the table didn’t break right away a

Little fasy according to Bill Mafia so they reached out to us and they said here’s the deal he could be a member of the bills Mafia but he’s got to get a blue cheese baptism to be an official member of the mafia just just like members of the bills Mafia they’ve all

Had to sacrifice some of them are jumping into pits across the street from the stadium on LSD and cocaine and marijuana that’s fine but I’ve been it’s been questioned and you answer the question with the blue cheese baptism so I am doing this for Bruce Smith Jim

Kelly Steve C Steve Caster GIS Zelda and you know what screw you Taylor swi bills are going to win the game and I’m committed to the bills Mafia and this is how you do it get baptized by blue cheese you have stuff in your front

Pocket do you want to take it out no like your wallet ID any of that stuff that I’ll take it for you wait SC all right so I think we need a countdown for this so I think we countd down from five uh this is our attempt to

Make you an official member of the bills MAF give me the blue cheese he got stickers on it five four 3 two what oh yeah W oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah hold on one second it’s not done yet there you go and I think the appropriate the only appropriate way to

Do this uh to my dear friend Mr Willie cologne my ear wi will you want a wing buddy oh yeah yeah I have grab a wing I’ll grab a wing there you go oh it’s so good yeah so good I want more is there more yeah yeah you want

Another one yes there you go there you go there you go oh there you go well it is now official what what is official exactly um you’re sorry Christine by the way that’s a team player right there really just want the W 20 David jacobe un official member of the bills Mafia

Is like a rebor


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