The Downfall Of Dynamic Discs (Deep Dive)

The Future Of Dynamic Discs May Be Bleak…

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00:00 Intro
00:18 No Bias Disclaimer
00:36 Downfall Of The DD Team
01:03 Gavin Rathbun
02:04 Danny Lindahl
02:48 Silva Saarinen
03:23 Macie Velediaz Drama
04:18 How Did We Get Here
06:13 Jaden Rye
06:38 Data Points That Back Up DD’s Downfall
07:52 Potential To Be Bought Out?
08:19 Conclusion

Credit: @dynamicdiscs, @discraftdiscgolf, @KonaDiscGolf , @jt.rye1
#discgolf #dynamicdiscs #downfall
Tags: #signing, #contract, #breakdown , #dgpt

After Ricky’s announcement with DD it looked like things were going super well it was going to be like that next error for dynamic but it seems like things were flatlining with so many players leaving let’s go into what is really going on and figure out the numbers

Behind Dynamic and if they do have a good future or a bleak one and a little disclaimer is that I’m from Kansas I’ve had countless events sponsored by Dynamic so if there’s any player that has a remote sense of bias it would be me but ultimately I can’t

Say I have a strong favoring for dynamic I don’t really them in any particular disc I generally like to put with wardens and judges but other than that I would say I have no true affiliation with any Dynamic Discs all right so to break down who all is leaving first we

Have Chris Clemens obviously clade was doing something a little bit interesting changing his name from DD kemade to DG clade obviously we knew he was probably going to leave he did eventually leave and joined Discraft and obviously this is going to be a decent blow for dynamic

But all in all if this was the only player he lost it wouldn’t be the worst because he really hasn’t had the best of Seasons recently so his true value to the company may have not been that big but this is just one in a line of many

Next up in probably a much more tragic turnour of events we have Gavin Rathbun who if we recall just a couple years ago was getting top 10 top five finishes week after week it was looking like he would be a top Contender but after a terrible shoulder injury he had to have

A lot of recovery he still isn’t back to fully recovered and it seems like he still doesn’t know his future in disc golf he actually just posted thank you DD for the past 2 years of support I’m not sure any plans for the 2024 season I

Know I’m not done with dis golf quite yet but I know if worse comes to worse I have a whole year to get my body and mind on the same path so while I don’t necessarily fully understand what that means it does sound like he’s going to

Be gone for the year and potentially might pull a Heather young and just drop out of the sport entirely it is hard to say I just don’t foresee him leaving disc golf altogether because he truly was a top Contender and I would really hate to see him go but as is the case

With sports injury is seemingly inevitable for some so if you just can’t ever be fully healthy then maybe you are just not fit to be on tour even though that would be so tragic it might be the case but again just two players but then next up somebody that means probably

Actually more to the company Danny lindall and in a very interesting turn of events he’s actually becoming a videographer at Kate AKA Kansas State University my alma Moder and I definitely did not foresee this happening and being the media producer for dynamic and producing probably some

Of the best dis golf content in the entire industry with the number one video series being the physics of flight which was basically everyone’s foray into the sport and was able to explain the basic concepts of disc golf so so well and with him leaving it definitely

Sends a sour taste in everyone’s mouth because he truly is probably one of the nicest people that you ever see on disc golf YouTube but like he mentioned and his going away video things have changed with DD he didn’t necessarily mention any bad things but just the trends felt

Like he was not really fulfilling himself so he had to move on to something else and then going back to the players we have Silva sarin who is honestly probably one of the best fo players in the entire industry right now and the fact that Dei lost her is

Definitely a big blow for the future of dynamic because she is definitely an upand cominging player winning five EUR tour events last year and getting sixth at Worlds but not only that she has one of the best distance shots in the entire game easily throwing over 450 ft she is

Going to be a contender for top five finishes week after week if she can continue positive trajectory which it definitely seems like she is going that direction because she is just crushing it week after week and only being 20 years old and already crushing she is

Just destined to be a top tier player but then we have of course the foo drama with Macy valadas if you were not aware she was given a certain offer from DD that was presumably pretty small she shopped around with other companies and then just felt like you know what I’ve

Been happy with DD for the past couple years I think I will just go back and tell them I’m only going to do 10 events uh because I’m pregnant at which moment they came back with a lower number which ultimately was not even enough to sustain herself on tour which

Effectively means that she is a unsigned player for the entire season of 2024 and while there are definitely a lot of opinions on whether or not this is even like okay for DD to do this ultimately while the Optics are definitely really bad there are probably no legal

Ramifications of this decision but to add on to all these people leaving Having DD effectively just not support one of their players really leaves a sour taste in everyone’s mouth and it really feels like DD is just leaving their players out to dry which even if

That’s not the reality it feels that way to the community at large which will certainly bring negative effects to the future of growth for dynamic which leads us into the question how did we even get here well if you recall last year obviously we had the huge Ricky contract

Which was again 4 million for 4 years along with K getting 500,000 for 4 years and obviously we know that Kona has a lot of struggles with her cancer she has a lot of mental struggles she’s ultimately just not really been in the game much and according to her post she

Has just recently been able to be clear for putting so if she can only putt then I think her play for the next couple years will probably be non-existent for like the pro tour but with that said the reason why people were buying her disc was more so because they connected with

Her not necessarily her amazing play and it almost might be a point of connection to have somebody that is battling thyroid cancer because you can certainly empathize with how difficult that battle may be going on to basically the face of DD Ricky and everyone is probably

Thinking wow this is like such an insane deal I really hope it pays off for them because 4 million for really any no matter how big you are will certainly be a huge ttin in your pocket and it definitely seems like DD thought they could afford this no problems but with

The decline of disc golf sales I am sure that DD is selling a lot less than they thought they would be and I bet that their budget for player acquisition is way way lower than you might think and while this may be kind of a loose observation it does seem like people are

Buying Ricky’s disc less and less as compared to Simon or Paul and they definitely prefer other people seemingly than they have ever had before so while there’s still a huge base of fans for Ricky the number of people buying saki Slammers has certainly declined at least in my perspective of the entire industry

So it seems like even their top Pro is probably under sign what they expected to get and it really makes me wonder how much can Ricky truly support the entire ecosystem for DD obviously they have kind of felt like the main state for dis Golf and it feels like they kind of have

Relied on their Laurels for so so long and they really have not done too much to really expand the company and this is kind of the Pinnacle of that moment it doesn’t seem like you can just continue to do the same thing again and again and expect good results you really have to

Pivot to see what the market is doing and DD does not seem to be doing that I think their marketing hasn’t been that good I think their player acquisition has been kind of abysmal with really the only Pro signed with him being Jaden Ry who does seem to be one like the coolest

Guys I’ve ever seen throw he is a th4 rated I believe and actually just won a turnament Waco with his last round being 1048 rated and definitely feels like the new era of disc golf with just like a lot of dancing on his social media and it definitely seems like a funloving and

Positive vibe but that does seem to be kind of like the anomaly for DD it doesn’t seem like that kind of presence is represented anywhere else and to really back up those stats I have a couple of data points first one being the market share at infinite obviously

There has been a lot of Brands coming up in the industry but with that said this still is a very staggering stat with DD having 9% market share in 2018 going all the way down to 3.2% market share in 2023 and to me this certainly signifies

A huge down Trend in the future of DD at least in online sales but then for a totally different optic we have the ultiworld fandom survey which surveyed thousands of players and they actually rated DD A 5.6 out of 10 being one of the worst rated companies in the entire

Survey and while there was a bit of an uptick for people that were from Kansas this honestly is just not a great look for DD and it definitely seems like the public perception is just not that positive now what can we truly attribute this too it is hard to say it feels like

They’ve become pretty stale I would say the only good things they’ve done recently is the Supreme plat PLC I think their Lucid plastic is is good but I wouldn’t say it’s like Far and Away the best but it also feels like not only does everyone seem to dislike Dynamic it

Also feels like everyone kind of hates Emporia itself so it’s almost like metaphoric for how the decline of dynamic is equivalent to the decline of Emporia it almost feels like the bygone erir of what disc golf used to be which makes it very very hard to see good

Things for the future of dynamic unless they hard pivot into a totally different company but they are owned by house of discs so it does potentially seem possible that the entire company gets bought out by a different brand and maybe latitude even though I don’t really know how that would work but it

Does seem like the potential for 2024 or 2025 where it does get acquired because it seems like there are just so many negative factors going for DD right now that I just cannot foresee positive growth for the company so it definitely feels like it could be a situation with

JZ where they just could not afford their expenses and they have to get bought out by a larger company only time will tell but with that said what do you guys think about Dynamic do you think they still have great plastic you still like to throw them you don’t really care

About who’s sponsored by them because you love their plastic or are you on the flip side where you do kind of value like who is on the team and if it truly seems like everyone’s leaving are you less likely to buy Dynamic I would love to know because honestly it does feel

Like to me I basically never buy any DD disc because there is just so many great disc out there on the market and DD just does not feel like it’s doing anything radically new or fun or interesting so be sure to comment down below what you guys think thank you so much for

Watching I know this is kind of like a long lengthy video but there was a lot of things to break down here and I hope that I explained it well but with that thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe Wild Runs signing out peace


  1. Just a rough patch, they'll recover, but I'll be honest, I've been removing more of my DD discs, and adding in more of the Westside and Latitude Molds. I do love my Wardens. DD just feels like a different company now, without the Bjerkas family, Rusco, Bobby, Robert, and now Danny all the players that have left, it's just weird. My entire bag is still Trilogy and I don't see that changing anytime soon, but it still feels weird what's going on over there now.

  2. 5+ years I have thrown trilogy, primarily DD. Prices go up, shipping times slow all the while promoting an overbuilt and over advertised new warehouse. Clash discs have some amazing plastic, time for me to move along.

  3. Response based on DD discs that I own and mostly bag through not all at the same time.

    I find this video to be very "suspect." I am responding because in my supreme "judge" ment, there is a lack of the real "proof" that DD is one the verge of collapse. How can DD get any "justice" in this forum. Pretty sure the "deputy" would arrest me for the "vandal"ism that may result from such an extreme "verdict."

    For whatever reason I mostly bag DD and Innova with a little bit of Latitude 64 thrown in support on Mr. Happy faced Fuse fame, Johnathan.

    Some of the discs I bought because I thought the name was cool or funny. Bought my friend a truth just so I could say you can't handle the truth when he shanks it. For similar reasons I bought him a Genius from Discmania so I can say nice shot genius when throws a particularly good or bad shot. Here's hoping DD can turn things around soon. I'd hate to see them go out with their final legally themed disc being named the Bankruptcy. That would be criminal and Emporia deserves better than that.

    P.S. all the best to Ricky and Kona and please do something nice for Macy. A shame they lost so many good FPO players including Holynn Hanley, Valerie Mandujano. and Page Shue, I think all to Discraft in recent years.

  4. There is false information about Silva Saarinen. She played for Exel Discs last season.

    What got me into throwing and buying Trilogy and DD's plastic, was the DD's media team back in 2016-2019. They had great content and I liked Bobby, Eric, Robert and Anthony. They had also great content with their team players which represented pro's signature discs. DD's biggest mistake was to let go of their media team, I wonder what happened inside the company when Bobby and Robert left.

  5. I imagine 2024 will be their strongest year yet. Ricky out there killing it, Latitude cranking out beautiful plastics like crazy. I would lever throw dynamic, but It’s obvious they are on top of their game currently.

  6. I am a trilogy player and for me, it just feels like there is other options for every slot that DD has. Atleast for my level of play, where Glide helps me.

  7. I'm the same way, I haven't bought many DD discs other than some Ricky ones. Speaking of innovative, shoutout to "ProtoFlyte Discs" in OKC, who is going to be releasing a prototype, CNC cut disc instead of injected. Their idea is it will be more consistent flights from disc to disc. Who knows if it will be good or not, but I preordered one in support for their innovative thinking.

  8. Great video, lots to think about for DD going forward, I hope they are listening too, because they have fallen off my radar when I'm shopping for new discs to try.
    My bag features DD heavily, with the Warden, Marshal, EMac Truth, Verdict, Justice, and Felon, their discs are high quality, I love the plastics, and have no intention to change these unless DD tanks in quality or availability. I would attribute all of that to Danny and his tutorial videos, just exposing me to their brand while I was learning and building my bag, and my trying to reward them for producing that useful content. Never once have I cared what the touring pros throw, because I realize that will never be me. It has been a while since I've had DD marketed to me through content that I care about, that is YT videos by @Latitude64, @FoundationPodcasts, @BodanzaDiscGolf, @SimonLizotte8332, @RobbieCDiscGolf, @OverthrowDiscGolf, @thediscgolfworld, things that are fun or relatable. I think Infinite has probably made the most profitable move this offseason with Bodanza, and look forward to seeing more sponsorships like that. Simon brings value from his fun content and likeability, not his rating or wins.

  9. I love the royal lineup, I bag a lot of trilogy disc's, but the acquisition of them by house of disc's. Put a sour taste in my mouth. Nothing good happens when big companies buy the smaller companies. They are only looking for profits. Instantly, the price of the monthly mystery boxes went up, the amount needed to spend to get free shipping went up. Then you have contact issues with players. It doesn't seem like the company is what it used to be anymore.

  10. A bit too premature. If rick goes out and wins a major or multiple elite series, which is very likely, it will boost their sales again.

  11. as a Ricky fan, I wish they would fold them into Latitude or other house of discs brand. Take the top molds and plastic and call it.

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