Upper Park Shift Review! Best Disc Golf Bag? Lightweight, Comfortable, Minimalist, Massive Utility

While avoiding the terrors of winter, join me on a comprehensive (and cozy) review of the Upper Park Shift. I’ve owned the Shift for nearly 2 years and have put this bag through the wringer. While the Shift has endured hardship like a champ, it is not without flaws. The minimalist, lightweight design comes with several unique drawbacks. At $170, this thoughtfully designed bag may be the one for you. Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!

Delicios for sure cheers hey guys so the high outside today is like uh 9° I am not going to be filming a video outside instead I’m going to bring you the most thorough comprehensive review of the Upper Park shift bag ever on the internet maybe um but I’ve had this bag

This Upper Park ship for about 2 years now so I definitely put it through its Paces when I got it back in the day I felt like not many people were using this um now I see it all the time on the course so it’s definitely picked up in

Steam and popularity um over the past year or so but because of its unique structure its unique layout definitely targets a very specific demographic talk all about the uh layout of the bag and the main components keep in mind this is I don’t think this is the most upto-date

Version of the shift I think they’ve come out with a more recent one like they do small updates the main components are all exactly the same as you can see it has a very open layout very non-trad tral where the main parts of the storage are actually on the sides

Rather than in the middle and by doing so you save a ton of weight as you can see these Side Pockets this is a really interesting like mesh material on the outside with some really strong elastics uh that keep the discs in place here and here two different compartments on each

Side four discs as well as three compartments in the the middle um with these fabric dividers that allow you to store discs uh in the middle as well as the side um and then you also have a pocket right here um which you can store discs in I

Have a dis in there um but it’s mostly meant for do hickeys and fiddly bits and this can fit a pretty wide array of water bottles this is a 24 o uh just you know standard water bottle fits in there pretty loose you can fit a much bigger water bottle if you so

Choose to do so um but first we will talk about the disc storage cuz that is probably the most important and unique aspect of the bag so right now in this bag I have um five discs in the center area split across the three compartments with these compartments in the middle

You can um fit probably six discs but it gets EXT extremely tight goes six Al together like they’re really hard see I’m trying to take this one out but like all the ones above it are coming with it it’s really hard to just take one out and then putting it back when there’s

Already five in there is very difficult so I don’t love that so I usually go five and that kind of allows them to breathe and fit a lot better and it’s a lot smoother when you put them in and take them out I typically put my Putters in mid-range

Type kind of the thicker discs I’ll put in the middle compartment here um you can put the putters and the thicker discs on the outside but it kind of limits you on the outside if you’re using Putters here so I find the putters bit better in here if you put drivers in

Here of course more will fit distance drivers tend to be thinner compared to the thicker Putters so you can definitely fit more drivers in here but then you’re forced to use the putters in here which really limits you over on the sides and these sides are really important for the structural Integrity

Of the whole bag um we’ll get to that later but um so usually I do about five in the middle console here and you can actually put in this like front pocket here I if you can see it super well um sometimes I will put uh a dis I’m not

Going to use as much in here it can get tricky though cuz um obviously you want to have this space to put um just like your your general things there’s not like a lot of space on the bag to put towels your keys your wallet whatever um just miscellaneous items so this is

Really like the main spot for those so it can kind of get in the way if you start putting discs in here also discs when you pull it out if your sides are really full it can be hard especially if it’s a wide diameter like mid-range to

Pull it out you’re kind of hitting those side discs so I usually I don’t put much um in the way of discs in this compartment but occasionally I’ll put one if I I really want one extra one um so in theory five to six here and then

On the sides on this side you can see I got three drivers in this top side and then two drivers in the bottom side I used to just do two and two but I really wanted a little more capacity these are only held up by elastic um which is a

Great design because it saves a ton of weight um because you don’t have like bulky unnecessary Neary padding on the side it’s just the bare minimum fabric on the side which helps out with weight but it comes with a unique drawback where if you max out the number of discs

In the side it’s naturally going to stretch out this elastic and once you start putting five in here rather than four it’s hard to go back and put less discs in um because it’s just going to be a lot looser um like when you get this bag brand new it’s going to be

Really tight to put anything in here and the more you put in here the looser these get and then it’s basically hard to then put less sticks in it later because it’s just going to be loose which isn’t the end of the world but um you know it can get to the point

Where it’s so loose that it’s kind of just like flopping around a little bit makes it that they fall out easier um but not a huge deal and I think five is a really good middle ground where if you put too many in here like if you put six

Let’s just try six you will get to the point where it becomes really hard to take them out and just put them in like if I put six in here again you know I kind of need two hands I kind need to fin angle it so I

Find fives like the good middle ground for drivers specifically uh obviously it’s going to change a little bit if you put Putters in here um and then on this side I usually go two mid-ranges and then two drivers down here just cuz I don’t carry a ton of distance drivers so

If you’re keeping count here that’s five potentially a 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 is to me 15 is Max Capacity like if you put more than 15 in here it gets uncomfortable obviously if you carry one Putter and a bunch of drivers then you

Can fit 16 17 discs in here I think they adverti like Upper Park advertises is 18 disc capacity which I think is a little deceiving um I really I can’t imagine putting 18 discs in here that’s a ton of discs for the size and the components and the materials used 18 just feels

Unrealistic unless you’re literally carrying all drivers and you’re maxing everything out and you’re stretching everything to its absolute Max um which just makes things harder to put in and take out so personally I would not recommend if you if you’re buying this cuz you think you can fit 18 in I might

Look elsewhere because I really think 14 is the magic number and when I talk to other people who have this bag almost always I hear 14 is kind of that magic number if you don’t have these filled with discs like sometimes you know I’m at a hole and I just empty my

Bag I’m throwing in a bunch of discs and so let’s say we take these guys out the bag becomes super flimsy um like the discs and the sides are critical for the structural Integrity of the whole bag like it’s it’s really cool design because um it allows them to go really

Really minimalist on the sides but the drawback is that like this is going to if we take this out I mean the bag becomes very floppy it falls over really easy just something to keep in mind um that the integrity of the bag is dependent on the sides being full of

Discs so the middle pocket can fit uh a fair bit of stuff we’re just going to just shove some things in there to Showcase uh this just like a normal size towel yeah we got the disc retriever here we’ll throw in then we also have we’ll just try to throw in this fleece

Jacket there we go so you can actually fit in quite a bit of stuff I that’s a whole jacket plus a towel plus my retriever obviously this makes you know this more tight you can’t really put a disc in this pocket you know no big deal

To me um then we’ll throw the water bottle in there just to Showcase you can get everything in there um so this pocket I think is deceptively big um which is really nice because it’s like the only storage the only non-is storage on the whole bag is really this there is

One other place or rather two other places that’s that’s on the sides so the sides here have these small zipper Pockets uh this is good for like a smaller wallet keys you know I have a really small wallet so I have no problem fitting it in here but if you have a

Larger wallet they’re not super um wide they’re not super like tall so you might have trouble if you have a real thick wallet personally I carry all my valuables in these Side Pockets I’m not going to mess around and put my valuables in here because this thing

Falls over a decent amount that’s one thing that we’ll get to later on and when this thing topples over everything’s coming out of the center I mean this you know all your things are going to fall out so I don’t like putting any valuables in here because

I’m always afraid that I’m going to lose them I recommend the zipper pockets it’s really the only place that is like fully protected and you don’t have to worry at all about anything coming out and then for other storage do dads and do hickeys there is this top pouch here this I

Think I assume it’s for minis that’s what I put in there you can fit like three minis up here they never fall out it’s really like it’s pretty deep so they’re very secure uh that’s nice you also have this pouch on the side here it’s like an

Extra not really elasticy but it’s just an extra little pouch and I assume that’s also for minis let me gosh dang you so as you can see I mean it’s I think it’s it’s designed for minis I assume but um like when this thing is filled up with discs like you

Really can’t put anything in here like let me take one out and then try yeah so when I take a disc out and I go four up here then it gets pretty easy you can store a mini in there take it out but um if you have

This at Max Capacity I mean that thing’s not getting in there and finally there is one more zippered space and I’ve heard of other people using this to keep their valuables because it has this flap and this is nice to like protect these discs from the rain and stuff um I

Basically never use this flap I always have it tucked away in here it tucks very discreetly which is nice um so you never have to use it never gets in the way if you don’t want it to but there are these two zippers which form a continuous pocket here but you can you

Know zip one put your stuff in here if you want to which is decent you you can keep your wallet in here no big deal um and it zips the other way as well so that in theory you could have it tucked away in here and then use it from the other end

To put stuff in and not have it fall out the other side so cool design I literally never use it because this like larger space in here I always have filled with stuff so there’s never really a way for me to just put something in here but that is

Technically another zippered space for valuables which is good because the bag is so light on on that um type of component another note on storage I find that when I put my bottle in here sometimes it gets blocked by items in this compartment especially like my disc retriever for instance like sometimes my

Disc retriever or other items will almost get like wedged so that they’re protruding into the water bottle space the water bottle space is separated by couple pieces of fabric there um but it’s really flimsy in here so it’s easy for stuff to get kind of stuck and wedged and then it’ll actually block

Your water bottle from going in the whole way again not a huge deal it’s easy to just kind of you know mess around in there adjust those water bottle goes in fine um that’s just something again to keep in mind um normally this bag comes with a strap

That comes around Buckle yourself in I took it off immediately when I got this I I see no reason to have uh like the front Buckle strap thing I’ve never seen anyone else use it the straps are extremely adjustable so when I put this on it’s like securely on my back I never

Have issues with it like flopping around on my back and because of that I’ve never seen a reason to have the front straps that go over here um I mean I could be I guess if like you live in a really mountainous region and maybe

You’d want to Buckle in I don’t know I don’t get it I don’t I don’t see myself ever using it never seen anyone else use it I mean I could be hiking up a mountain and I still wouldn’t use it like it just to me it doesn’t make any

Sense but um you know it’s there easy to remove if you want to remove it so it’s really no big deal now as I’ve alluded to a couple times the best part about this bag and the main selling point is the weight it is extremely extremely light we’re going to wait here we’re

Going to take out all our stuff first and just weigh it naked nice bissex fer so I have it at exactly one lb is extremely light I mean that’s that’s hard to do thank you Bass Pro Shop for sponsoring this video next week if it’s still cold we’ll do the most

Comprehensive review of The Bass Pro Shop fishing weight ever on the internet perhaps then put some discs back in cuz the discs are honestly the heaviest part of the bag which is really nice load her up we’re going to weigh it with 14 discs keep in mind the weight originally was one

Lb oh yeah so now we got about 7 lb fully fully decked out with disc so yeah I mean the bag itself weighs basically nothing in comp comparison to the discs which is really cool how they were able to design it this way uh let’s also

Throw in our other dads got the water bottle this is 24 oz we got our disc retriever also put our towel in there put our Bliss back in there and we we’ll put a mini put a mini that one G mini oh yeah that is right on the money 10

Lb uh you can see me struggling it’s cuz I’m a disc golfer so the weight is unparalleled probably the lightest bag versus capacity that you could possibly do while maintaining the backpack style and not being like a satchel bag a couple things to note about the padding it’s really nice thick comfortable

Padding as I said I’ve had this back for 2 years the padding still feels brand new but one thing with the padding um which you may or not be able to tell on video is after 2 years of use it’s very very lopsided um I’m right-handed I

Always pick up my bag on the right side and as a result this whole right side is like bent Inward and the left is like bent outward you can tell that the structure of the back is some type of wire frame like it’s nice and it’s pretty hard it’s stiff and the padding

Makes it really comfortable um but because it’s that wire frame it allows it to kind of deform like this um but with that said when it’s on my back I really can’t tell at all that it’s deformed especially cuz you know I have this so it’s pretty

Tight all the time on me and it feels great so even though it is deformed and Visually it’s not the most pleasing thing in the world functionally it’s basically the same as when it was new which is nice another component is we have a carry handle here as well as a

Carry handle here um I don’t really know why there’s these two separate handles this one even though this is like the main one that’s thicker and it’s got this really comfortable padded grip here half the time it like falls down into the disc so I’m basically never using

This handle cuz it always just kind of flops in so almost always using this handle which is perfectly fine I don’t really care I mean this one’s really thin but I use it constantly and um it’s held up perfectly seams look great you know the stitching looks great still

After 2 years so even though this is thin you don’t really have to worry about it breaking at all um really the materials hold up very well on the bottom um it’s got this almost like rubbery material I believe it’s waterproof I can never feel water in the

Bottom of the bag which is really nice cuz you know if you keep valuables in this part here obviously you want it to be protected from the water if you set this down um damp ground um but this does a great job of protecting the contents of the bag from the outdoor

Elements it also has these Four Pegs here I believe the newer shift bags have a different Peg design but the pegs work really well I’m not sure why they change them exactly you know it keeps it off the ground there’s also this velcro spot on the front of the water bottle holder

Not a big patch guy so I don’t typically use it but you know that’s nice if you want to personalize your bag uh we also have these two rings which can be good for if you have like a towel or something like a bag tag or something um

That you want to hang off there so the bag also originally came with some elastic pieces so that you could basically bundle these up keep them out of the way I’ve since lost those um doesn’t really make a huge difference to me they don’t really get in the way but

It is nice that they come with those originally and I also want to take some measurements here just so you know exactly what you’re getting into uh when you buy this and how it’s going to fit on your frame the height from the very

Bottom to the top is just shy of 18 in longest the widest point not including the straps on the bottom it’s it’s uh just short of 15 in so U pretty small profile overall and finally I do want to talk a little bit how the stitching and the quality has maintained over the

2-year period let’s just find some of the biggest spots of wear so the tops of these straps are kind of what you would expect to wear out the quickest um because you’re constantly you know putting it on taking it off but they’ve held up really well

There is a little bit of frang that you can see here but otherwise I mean it looks brand new uh there are spots of fraying down here and there’s actually a hole that’s developed at the very bottom of the strap guess it’s probably because these straps are stitched onto the

Larger strap right here so probably just from putting it on and taking it off this has kind of developed a bit of a hole it’s really not a big deal and after 2 years you would expect a little bit bit of wear um and this is probably

The worst of it little bit of fraying on some of the elastic Parts but overall the elastic is held up great um better than expected honestly got the bottom obviously the bottom is going to get beat up a lot um there is a hole developing right here but there’s still

Fabric protecting it so it’s not totally exposed yet then just minor minor freay points these plastic pegs have held up really well no chunks taken out no deformity yeah so that’s I it’s impressive honestly cuz I I literally take this out and use it you know almost daily um

Especially you know in the summer and the nice parts of the year I’m constantly dis golfing and I have a a cart that I use sometimes as well but this is my my main daily bag that I’m taking everywhere so the fact that it’s held up this well

Over the past couple years is really uh really impressive so overall I’m really happy with the bag they retail at about7 7 I believe uh they’re on sale pretty often though I think it’s a fantastic deal if you think about other bags in that price range this is kind of

Competing with the smaller grip and Squatch bags if you were looking for the lightest bag possible this is it if you’re in the demographic of maybe you have a a bad back or you play some really long courses courses with a lot of elevation change I think this is

Going to be better than the comparable small bag bags at the price point and that’s coming from somewhere where I used to own a grip bag and I wanted something lighter and the difference in weight between this and the BX is huge it’s a enormous weight and comfort difference I’m not someone

Who’s has a lot of like pride in the bag and the company that they choose to support with the bag and know some people online get really passionate about like grip versus Squatch versus pound versus Etc I don’t really care and um and you know to be fully transparent

I’ve considered getting rid of this and going that step up to the pound bag the pound rofus and I still might do that but that’s a huge jump in price those rufus’s retail at over $300 whereas this is almost half basically half the price actually so at this price point I mean

This is amazing amazing bag I will say 14 discs the obvious drawback the low capacity it’s a little too limiting and I really would prefer something that can hold around 20 discs because if I want to go do field work if I want to test out new discs for reviews and videos I

Want to do then it can be tough to have this limiting capacity but generally um even for like tournaments you know 14 kind of gets the job done most of the time I don’t really need more than 14 um generally you know and that’s wanting the 20 discs isn’t a

Necessity for me it’s kind of just a luxury so um with with that in mind I think this is a good bag for me even though I might step up and get the pound Rufus eventually which even though I’ve not tried one of those just because of

Testimonials of other people um you know the rofus does seem like a step up in quality and you know the whole bit but at the price can’t really beat this Upper Park shift so I think that’s pretty much it I can’t really think of anything else to go over for this bag if

You like another bag if you think there’s a good competitor this bag let me know because I’d be curious maybe to review it uh compare it but you can’t really go wrong with this it’s just great just a great bag um it’s not sponsored you know not sponsored by

Upper Park so I don’t really care if you you buy it or not you know and I appreciate you guys watching till the end really means a lot that you watch my videos have a good one see you later

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