Golf Players

Part Two: Two offensive candidates complete virtual interviews with Tennessee Titans | RKW

6:20 – Why the Titans interviewed Thomas Brown
7:20 – Brent Hubbs
8:20 – Which QB should be the model for Will Levis?
9:20 – Aditi Kinkhabwala – Westwood One

Rkw is brewed by aan roast on 1045 The Zone talk involves as we do every Friday at 7:20 with theone Foster and Kayla Anderson I’m will bowling joined by our good friend Brent hubs of Brent have you been able to thaw out up there in Knoxville how are the roads

Looking for people making their way to Thompson Bowling Arena tomorrow oh they’re going to be all right um great no but they’re going to be fine on the interstate the side roads they’ve done a good job on campus clearing things out it’s going to be above freezing here

Today we had a little freezing rain last night but um it’s going to it’s going to get better throughout the day today here finally and uh nothing’s melting but uh the roads have been treated and they’re going to clear up so I don’t think anybody will have any real troubles

Getting into the Thompson Bowling Arena for what should be a good matchup tomorrow afternoon between Tennessee and the tide and it’s just incredible that there are Alabama athletes who haven’t transferred and will be in uniform uh tomorrow I had to get that little dig in

Bren uh I did see though the other day that Austin price was was not only in the building had a Courtside picture at the the Food City Center for Tennessee and Florida so I guess Austin price is he like picking guys up in ATVs or something like what what’s his situation

How is he so high-profile that he’s in the building he’s living his best life I mean they threw some rose pedals at him when he walked in I mean he was courtside at the Grizzlies in December he courtside at Tom at Food City Center um you know he takes helicopter rid

Wherever he needs to go I mean he’s he’s living the best life the rest of us are just you know we’re just doing whatever he tells us to do basic right that’s right good way to be uh Brent hubs Our Guest this morning here on rkw Brent

Let’s start uh with the local Prospect here in 2025 f-star quarterback George McIntyre Austin told us Tuesday I think Josh Hy’s ready to send snow plows to brenwood that way ba can go back to school and George can maybe get in the building and and make a commitment what

What can you tell tell us about that timeline and and perhaps getting an answer on that next week well I think it’s a matter of when they get back in school you know were they going to be in school Monday at Brentwood Academy or Tuesday I think that uh when they get

Back in school and can get things situated set up then I I think we’ll get we’ll get news from from George um I think George is done George is ready to to announce his decision he wants to do it in front of family and friends and Friends being guys at school uh that

That he wants to do around and and be a part of he just doesn’t want to you know just put out a social media post and be done which I certainly don’t blame him for that there’s some people he wants to thank and be around those guys and gals

To to to show his appreciation for them so as soon as Brentwood Academy gets in school I think we’ll get some news from from George MacIntyre and it’s supposed to be 60 that way I think middle of the week so surely by by no later than

Middle of the week we’re going back to school yeah when you look at his situation also man if if he who are the two schools that he’s down to two or three schools that he’s down to as far as you know Brent just before I speculate and think he’s all all or

Something like that what what are his schools and if you’ve talked to him what’s his deciding factors on committing uh this early well I I think his his two biggest schools are Tennessee and Alabama and obviously Alabama’s gone through a change but they brought in an offensive-minded coach and

Um a coach who did some really good things with with Michael penck you know at Washington and they throw it around a lot and so you know there’s some Intrigue there although he just doesn’t have that kind of relationship with Caleb dor and um you know LSU was the

Other school they’ve already got their quarterback for the class of 25 and I I think a big factor for George McIntyre is about relationships and it’s about a comfort level there’s a lot of places he can go and be successful because he’s a talented athlete with a with a huge

Upside and a real skill set but I think at the end of the day he’s looking for a place that he’s com comfortable he’s got trust in the coaching staff belief in the coaching staff and um you know it feels connected to those guys and I

Think Josh hpel um six seven months ago maybe eight months ago really made George a priority in that class of 25 and I think George you know feels that and understands that I think that’s why Tennessee um has been positioning themselves well and and in the minds of

A lot of people trending as a popular choice here the last six or seven weeks to be honest with you when you look at as you said a second ago bring hubs with with us this morning when you look at it a second ago you said LSU already has

Their guy I think he was the number one guy so far in this class and I’m not mistaken both him and George will be five stars I think they’re early right now with that um how does that affect a a school how does that affect recruiting have you seen trends of of schools

Getting high caliber quarterbacks bring more talent to the team too is that why it’s more important for those guys to understand if I commit to the school then I can also help commit and bring other high prospects to the university I’m going to attend also well I think

Quarterbacks come off the board early for a couple of reasons one is selfish right there’s only one football and there’s only one spot right nobody’s going to go somewhere where they’re you know five deep at at quarterback or four deep at quarterback I mean you know they

They don’t set that’s why there was a lot of high-profile quarterbacks in the transfer portal this off season I mean you look at Brock Vander from from down in Georgia I mean he’s not going to win the job there right they’ve got their guy and so um he’s looking to play

Elsewhere and that’s why he went in the portal so the these guys are looking um to to to get to kind of claim their spot early that’s why you see quarterbacks committing earlier than some other positions and then they do you know they do have an effect in peer report

Recruiting Because you know receivers are wanting to play somewhere where a guy can give the ball the guy that they believe in and you know all these guys know each other now through seven on seven tournaments and uh camps and all those types of things but I don’t know that peer

Recruiting has as much of an impact as it did five 10 years ago because of the emergence of nil I I think you know instead of you know a lot of people building dream classes like we’ve seen through the years you know everybody’s making a selfish decision I mean and

They should don’t get me wrong I mean it’s just one of those deals where you know they’re looking out for their best interest and in some cases for some guys that’s distance from home for some guys it’s been around you know other good players some guys it’s the coaching

Staff and the style of play and then for some guys it’s strictly what does my nil deal look like there compared to somewhere else and hey if I get a good deal for year one if it don’t work out I can always go to portal I go into Portal

Twice a year if I want to so um there’s a little bit more of that kind of decision making going on in recruiting right now than we’ve seen uh in years past obviously with the emergence of nil Brent hubs of vquest joining us this morning on rcade dub uh pending the

Weather this weekend like you had mentioned Brent uh obviously Junior uh day taking place what are and who are some of the guys that we could be looking out for uh some of these younger names well I mean you talk about I mean George has got supposed to be here this

Weekend uh David Sanders is high-profile offensive um tackle from over in Charlotte that is scheduled to be in this weekend as well that’s he is priority for Tennessee he’s priority for George McIntyre if I’m George McIntyre that’s where I’m hanging out all weekend long because I want somebody protecting

My Blind Side my front side and everything else because I I I think David Sanders has a huge huge ability as an offensive tackle and he’s a major priority um somebody else George has been talking to a lot it’s a wide receiver by the name of Jamie French

Who’s a former Alabama commitment who backed off that commitment um with Nick sabin’s retirement the new coaching staff coming in Alabama’s still in the pitcher there but he’s opened up to other schools um Tennessee is trying to get him uh at some point to town I don’t

Know that he’s going to be here this weekend but they’re trying to get him uh into town as well they’ve got a bunch of guys coming in um in terms of Junior Day visitors it’s a goodlook list now you know who knows if they all get here

Right I mean they’re right they may wake up and their mom and dad might say it’s too cold to get outside we’re not going um you know it’s a junior day that there these things are all over the place I mean there’s a bunch of those guys that

Talk about coming that end up not coming and and we’ll see um you know uh as to who gets there and and who doesn’t get here when it’s all said and done so we’ve listed a bunch of names in the war room but but we’ll have to wait to see

How many of those guys actually show up or don’t show up and again this is not the perfect weather situation for what you’re looking for for a junior day but hopefully they’ll have a good number of guys in this weekend yeah and some of these assistants also um taking time to

To go try to continue uh recruitment with some of the other top prospects in the country right now including uh including Edge Prospect Ari Watford I I know Tim Banks you said in war room maybe expected to be there in Virginia on Friday yeah they’ve been all over the

Country this week you know they have most some got out of town before the weather got bad and and have have gone and recruited they’ve been anywhere from St Louis to the West Coast to uh up to New Jersey I think and in DC Virginia Florida Georgia I mean it’s one of those

Deals now where everybody goes out for the week basically and and they they beat the weather out of town and um they’ve been on the road recruiting all week long and taking full advantage uh of the opportunity to visit with some prospects in a class of 25 and 26 and

You can now talk to those 25 prospects in school it’s not illegal like it used to be where everybody just conveniently bumped into them in the coach’s office the NCAA said look we can’t police that let’s just let them meet with them so um it’s not just going by and looking at a

Transcript at the high school they’re actually visiting with the kids at the high schools and spending some time with them and obviously some of their stuff in the state of Tennessee got derailed this week because of weather uh that shut schools down so they altered that

And most of their work has gone outside of the state of Tennessee this week Brent hubs of allquest with us here at rkw Brent it’s amazing we spoken about it before the talent in the state of Tennessee and how much that has grown over the years and specifically when you

Look at the quarterback position this time last year we kind of started talking about George McIntyre it’s weird thinking about 2026 but you got the number one quarterback in the country according to on three and Jared Curtis Who’s down the road from us here at Nashville Christian as well I know it’s

Hard to say the Tennessee job has gotten easier uh from a recruiting standpoint because Texas and Oklahoma joining the conference certainly does not make anything easier but in terms of acquiring talent in your backyard just how big of a difference do you see in the prospects available to Tennessee

Inate because I can never remember a time where you could go Marcel Reed George McIntyre Jared Curtis Kenny minchi I mean so many of these QBs in state Brock Glenn who’s starting for FSU in the ACC Championship I know I’m long-winded in asking this but you could

Go on and on Brent with some of these quarterbacks and it’s still just kind of mind-blowing to me well the quarterback thing is the one that’s just crazy kind of what’s popped up there because you I mean you think about in the state of Tennessee from a quarterback standpoint

I mean you’re talking BJ Coleman from Chattanooga years ago um you know there’s just not been a ton of quarterbacks uh who have come through there’s been some athletes who played quarterback I mean Cedric Wilson was a quarterback but nobody do nobody believed he was going to be a

Quarterback in college same thing with Jan Jennings there was some athletes who played quarterback but in terms of guys being true quarterbacks I you got to go BJ colan you gotta think Chad Pennington there was a kid in Upper East Tennessee that ended up at Wisconsin played a

Little bit uh but there hasn’t been a nearly what we’re seeing now at the quarterback position um so that that’s certainly different in terms of talent overall it’s a little bit of a catch 22 one there’s a ton more talent but the talent does not have direct often times

Doesn’t have hu often times does not have huge ties to Tennessee because they’re a transplant family business brought them to town uh they didn’t grow up necessarily you know with generations of vol fans in their families like you would have had 20 years ago uh but there’s more talent to recruit from the

O the other result of that talent and the the the base of talent in the state of Tennessee and the accessibility to the state of Tennessee is schools from around the country are recruiting Tennessee whereas years ago I mean you might have to deal with Alabama coming across straight lines and you know

Kentucky might come down now now Oregon’s flying into Nashville to spend two days recruiting right I mean sc’s coming in um all those things are coming in and then when you surround the footprint of Tennesse Georgia’s better Alabama’s been on a run so in some ways recruiting a Tennessee’s e easier

Because there’s more options in the state of Tennessee and in other ways it’s harder because it’s more competitive in the state of Tennessee for those kids signatures than it’s ever been Brent the other side of that man is uh business is booming too and a lot of

That and I if you could speak on the fans uh participation in this too because UT released their uh revenue from the last fiscal year last year and it was uh over $200 million for the University I know we get toxic as heck on social media and other fan bases hate

Us man but how big of an accomplishment is that for all of All Nation not just the university but the fans that support in Tennessee out of state and everywhere else that’s not a small number no it Life’s good when you’re winning right and you look at where Tennessee’s been I

Mean you know they they sent two teams to the College World Series last year at baseball and softball um they went to the Sweet 16 in both Sports and basketball they went to a New Year’s 6 in football uh swimming had a great year

Tennis golf made a run I mean you can go on and on that’s why they won the all sports Trophy and um you know I think that Tennessee has done a really good job of marketing themselves as an everything school I think you go back to president Randy Boyd and Chancellor

Plowman and what they’re doing to attract instate kids to come to the state come to the state institution whereas previous administration said they didn’t want Tennessee to get bigger they wanted it to be smaller they were happy that they weren’t the biggest school in the state when when MTSU

Passed them years ago that’s not the belief of this current Administration they want the state institution to grow so it’s gotten some more options I won’t say easier but but they are focusing more on instate kids and making sure that they have an opportunity to go what

Does that do that drives up the opportunity for donations and um that helps you in in the state with various funding and different things like that then you look at something as simplistic and fans didn’t like it but but I heard this from a bunch of people at at

Tennessee in this Administration when they first got here they were blown away and dumbfounded by the fact that if you made a donation for football season tickets you had an option to buy basketball season tickets without making a basketball donation well they’ve changed that they’ve separated those if

You want a basketball season ticket you got to make a donation now that’s a difference of about $13 million a year into the budget and so that helps you get to that number Nanny white wanted to be at $200 million uh in revenue and in in his budget by 26 and 27 he’s

Obviously you know gotten there faster and it’s because of the of the success that you have had on the field and you’ve had on the court of play and Tennessee has continued to have a good year so far this year and uh we’ll see what that looks like as uh the rest of

The spring goes but I think there’s a lot of excitement about where they are baseball and softball wise Golf and everything else this spring Brent hubs of vquest our guest every Friday here on rkw brentor hubs where you can find the best info covering Tennessee on the

Market uh Brent we appreciate the time and just know that if you ever need to cheer up or make Ramone Foster smile or happy at all just shoot him a text that another Alabama player has entered the transfer portal as one as one who’s the number one quarterback according to on

Three just did for 2024 and Julian saying I I’m telling you here’s an interesting thing and I know you guys are up against it we gotta go but here’s one of the interesting things I think schools have to look at moving forward how much better would Alabama situation

Had been if Nick Sabin had waited until February 1 to um announce his retirement because all these guys going in the portal would not have had a chance to go somewhere for the spring semester they would have been stuck because school would have been start had started

Already I think with the portal that’s something people are going to look at moving forward with their calendar and I think schools are also going to look at promoting within to try to preserve of their roster which Washington elected not to do and that’s why they’ve got two

Dozen guys in the portal right now as well it’s crazy maybe Coach K was right all along do the retirement tour get all the frame pictures and basketballs and footballs and go on your Merry way great stuff is always with Brent hubs of aest Brent thank you thanks guys appreciate you yes sir

There’s Brent hubs with us this morning uh we’ll hit that headline when we come back Alabama had a handful of five stars and now they’re Will Smith in an empty living room now next hey it’s Kayla Anderson with Farmers Insurance uh the Ingram agency they are

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Edition of rkw brw up by a and Rose 61573 7145 hour number the breaking news from ESPN’s Pete thel Alabama freshman quarterback Julian Sean the top ranked quarterback in the country according to on three he is in the on3 industry ranking as the number five player in America Ramone Foster just has the

Biggest smile on his face he will be entering the transfer portal before ever taking a snap for the Crimson tight the problem in this guys is that one of his other finalists was Georgia so again like Alabama’s getting weaker but Georgia and Texas are getting stronger I

I’d much rather deal with Georgia fans than Bama fans all day I would Georgia fans seem to have a little bit more class like Bama fans were birthed into this because of Nick Sab to me like you actually thought you were good enough to stand on your own as a university when

It was essentially more less just the coach that you had that’s what gets me about it and I’ve seen Tennessee fans and fans of other other bases fan bases not Tennessee fans necessarily but people that were born into this go search for Alabama to be their team because they’re winning I know everybody

Loves a winner but I think this is a a tale for everybody to recognize like unless you have that type of foundation you’re as good as that Foundation is in college the same way that Coach K was at Duke or any of these other legendary guys it does on the college level

Resorts to the actual coaches and the culture that they have they’re more than any other sport I feel like I think this also shows that you know perspective from these young kids that are actually playing for these coaches and just this generation like their their perspective

On head coaches is a lot different from maybe what the national media seen and others are seeing right because to me this looks like these kids that had um you know signed on with Alabama thought that they were going to be coached by Nick Sabin to to them this is so so

Drastic of a in terms of a a different type of Coach what they assume at least or they’re not impressed with you know Washington going to the national championship this past year obviously they didn’t win it but that’s still an accomplishment in terms of what kin dor

Has done but that doesn’t matter like that for what I’m seeing right now players at Alabama who are high recruits um High SES like they’re out and they’re not even giving it a chance yeah Brent hubs brought up an interesting point should Nick Sabin have waited to announce his

Retirement yeah I think he should have I don’t think he could though I think he should but I don’t think he could I just think it was at the point where he crossed every T and died at every eyee so much that there was nothing left for

Him do other than move on it it is interesting that the worst thing to happen to Alabama was making the college football playoff over Florida State genuinely this was the worst case scenario you don’t get a championship out of it you don’t even advance to the national championship game and now

Players can leave you but you can’t add anyone because of the schedule around college football this is what it was always going to take to change the arithmetic of the way things work in college football was Alabama getting the short end of the stick that’s just the

Way it goes right when the blue blood program of the last 15 years gets the short end of the stick because the calendar of college football is royally messed up like could not be worse for all parties involved that is when you actually get change happening in the

Sport and I would expect it to happen now where this will not happen in the future where if a Coach leaves after the playoff and all of this transpires that you know teams can’t just go open season on a team without their without them having the ability to add Talent back and and

To add to that too I I I vividly remember you know us changing coaches where players went to Alabama players went to Oklahoma players went to Louisville players went all across the United States to other teams and and everybody made it seem like the University was bad you know I think this

Again it should open your eyes that un University are really based upon their coaches the next coach that you hire after a guy like him leave is very crucial to your success and see and now this this latest five-star leave tells this late in it also will I feel like

Kaylin dbor is probably on campus and has had a conversation with them somehow somewhere yep and he still left I me let that sink in the best scenario for Alabama competing in 2024 was promoting Tommy ree to head coach and it’s exactly why Ryan day was

Promoted at Ohio State it’s why when Jim Harbaugh leaves in a couple of days or in a week Chiron Moore will be the head coach of Michigan like that is now the new way to continue what you had and not have a mass Exodus promote your top assistant well at Alabama Kevin steel

Retired and Tommy Reese just happened to be the OC with Nick Sabin at the time of him retiring like the ideal scenario for Alabama was Lane keif and Steve Kean heck even Bill O’Brien who’s a who’s been a head coach before being the OC when he retired this is the worst case

Scenario for Alabama nor Dames was in a promotion from in-house Marcus Freeman yep and they kept most of all their recruits did they sure was yep yep 61573 7145 I’m surprised too that Washington didn’t just promote from within themselves for the same reason but but it’s also to you that same point they’ve

Had conversation with the players on campus right you’d expect yep absolutely coming up uh we’ll reset the headlines Titans making a couple more or one more request and finishing up two more virtual interviews plus the Chicago Bears set to interview their offensive coordinator candidate what that could

Mean around the league coming up at halftime of the show what’s going on 8 o’clock good morning from the 1045 The Zone Studios I’m Robert Walsh big news from yesterday the Los Angeles Chargers completed their interview with former Titans head coach Mike Vel Chargers have also been in

Discussion with a couple other coaches Stanford head coach former Stanford head coach David Shaw who also interviewed with the Titans Bengals offens of coordinator Brian Callahan Leslie Frasier and Jim Harbaugh and a late news dump last night as two more coaches completed interviews one in Tennessee the Titans completed their interview

With Houston offensive coordinator Bobby slowick we also learned this morning that they had a virtual interview with defensive coordinator for the Lions Aaron Glenn and in Carolina Panthers completed their interview with bucks offensive coordinator Dave Canales for the head coaching position but it wasn’t just interviews happening yesterday some

People were hired there some people is Bill O’Brien as he was hired to be Ohio State’s new offensive coordinator he spent last year with the Patriots as their offensive coordinator the move comes with a potential shift between the off Ohio State program as Ryan Day sought out an experienced coach that

Would allow him to give up play calling duties for all your foundation repair and waterproofing needs visit usstn breaking news at once on your home for the Titans involves that’s is 1045 The Zone hour number three in the second half of your Friday morning starting right now

From a warm and cozy studio looking out at the snow globe of Music City and the snow globe of humble Hendersonville where the wildlife are flocking to Ramone Foster crib they said wait a minute we get a live studio audience for an episode of rkw brooded by E the rast

Count us in and you can count yourself in to the best coffee in Nashville if you stop by 8th Avenue Charlotte the Broadview at Vanderbilt or if you are flying out of Nashville Tennessee stop by the airport and get some aan rast coffee you can find your favorite retail bag in every

Local Kroger and Whole Foods as well 615 737 1045 streaming live on Facebook live YouTube Twitter or twitch twitch pleas thank you so much D you gonna let Kayla beat you man that’s right if you’re gonna be that slow you better get on it it is Friday and Kayla

Anderson is successfully acting like it and moan moan brings all the Doe’s to the yard is that uh accurate I don’t know yes they are the real question is where they baby daddies at Bert that’s the real question where is the Dear baby daddies at man do they just Leave that is right a beautiful morning in Music City USA and a beautiful morning to hear this song as always uh there is a life altering thing that’s happened to me this morning not to be dramatic when have I ever been traumatic never the immaculate grid comes out at

7: a.m. now instead of 8: a.m. whoa crazy before Bert’s awake well but Bird’s always awake what do you mean I’m autopilot remember at 8 a.m. is when he really wakes up we establish that yes yes yes that matter have been a day I wasn’t here when we

Established that okay I didn’t remember that he’s back officially now he’s back he’s up yeah it’s 804 okay all yeah that works okay alive and kicking back he’s got to prep himself for this weekend lot on true man honestly I came in here and there was so much stuff to

Do that I had forgotten that my anxiety riddled body was uh about to fold but uh I’m glad that you brought it back and now I can just creep back into my uh little ball underneath this desk back here perfect are you going B you know

What I had uh someone gave me the opportunity to go to the game this weekend and I just could not make it work what so if they get to the AFC Championship I will uh I am going to try to make it work okay all right if if

They get they will that’s the don’t say that see I can’t I can’t I can’t do it see I’m it’s okay okay do it it’s okay if y’all do it but like it’s like since like week three Cheyenne’s like they’re they’re going to the Super Bowl they’re

Going to the Super Bowl shut up don’t jinx it bat voice is the most disrespectful thing you’ve ever said about sh well I mean she she the same person that yell Scoreboard when you’re up three nothing in the first quarter she’s just not the best sports fan she doesn’t

Understand she doesn’t get it I’m trying to bring her along I’m trying to teach her but like I told you this morning when she slipped on the ice because I told her it was there uh it’s my fault most things are my fault because you

Said it was there I I’m actually the one that did it I don’t know if you guys knew or not but I’m a wizard yeah my wizard name is Robert Frost not the poet so it’s my fault that the ice was on the stairs that’s my fault I apologize did

Y’all have to memorize Robert Frost poems in school too I did but I couldn’t I I could I could give you like the forest path poem maybe if I tried yeah no ber Bert man listen man why do we as fellas okay when there whenever they

Mess up and you know who they are we take responsibility for it Burton no she should have been more athletic enough to not slip and fall on the steps ber she should have not taken uh she should have taken the road taken if we’re still quoting Robert it would make all the

Difference it would make all the difference we were in sixth grade and we memorized that we were told like oh students remember this years and years later and we come back and still recite it I do not remember it at all it’s okay though uh interviews this morning for

The Tennessee Titans Brian Johnson according to Ian rap report the Eagles OC is scheduled to interview today Titans had interviews last night with Bobby slowick and in the afternoon with Panthers OC Thomas Brown an 11th interview scheduled this morning with Stanford head coach former Stanford head coach David

Shaw yeah big time they’re rolling through these things man uh inp person’s already been set up already with one of the candidates I wonder who’s the second iners to drop here in Nashville uh that’ll really tell us where it’s at especially if they go second offensive guy I would imagine somebody who’s

Already interviewed already right yeah I mean of course it’ll be that but I wonder will it be an offensive guy will this fan base be in an uproar if they drop a defensive name somewhere they also well and that’s going to happen so you know I know there’s a lot of Titans

Fans who they they’re hearing the word defense right now and and putting a pillow over their head right now because they don’t want to necessarily hear that in terms of being a head coach but it it is probably going to happen I mean there’s not in terms of him hiring a

Defensive minded guy but they’re going to get some second interviews and there’s going to be some defensive coordinators in the mix I also want wanted to just uh remember if because again this has been just a wave of interviews Ben Johnson the OC for the Detroit Lions has not been interviewed

Yet right okay I just wanted to make sure that that was uh not something we skipped over but yeah so Aaron Glenn the defensive coordinator has been interviewed possibly we see him move on to the inperson interviews but Ben Johnson still not a name we’ve seen that has actually been interviewed virtually

Aon Glenn has not been interviewed yet oh Glenn hasn’t either okay so the Titans have interviewed Brian Callahan Mike Kafka Antonio Pierce Mike McDonald Dan Quinn Thomas Brown and Bobby Slow was he requested though Aaron Glenn okay got so seven Downs so far again I ran through that quickly so interviewed so

Far Brian Callahan and he has been asked back for a second interview then guys who have only interviewed ones that have not been asked back yet include Mike CFA the Giants OC Raiders interim coach Antonio Pierce Ravens defensive coordinator Mike McD Donald Cowboys defensive coordinator Dan Quinn Panthers offensive coordinator Thomas Brown and

Late last night Texans OC Bobby slowick uh one note on that too just for fans and for all of us who are confused and just overwhelmed by all of the information Jim Wyatt does a good job with a breakdown of every candidate at Tennessee and at the bottom

Of each of those articles he gives the note of everyone else who was interviewed so far too so he has the running list going that’s official from the team on everyone who has interviewed so far also there could be in his mailbox he said there could be some

Additional names and maybe one of those were David Shaw was David Shaw that we heard of today I also would not hate to see a guy like bucks OC Dave Canales who is Ramone Foster’s pick I would like to to see him get a chance to at least

Interview I mean the work he’s done with quarterbacks has been really incredible yes 100% man I’m waiting to see if where his name’s going to serve for for said I think he set up or he just had the interview with Carolina and uh possibly Detroit so we’ll we’ll see

What happens with that uh it’s the same names though but it’s all good quality I think this is a good quality crop of uh young coordinators and coaches that we don’t know a whole lot about former Cardinal said coach Cliff Kingsbury expected us talk to talk with the Chicago Bears today and

Reporting that he is a quote strong candidate or Caleb Williams is expected to receive strong consideration to become the Bears number one overall pick and with those two words put in Inc Justin Fields trade value just dropped but strong consideration for Caleb Williams to be the Bears number one

Overall pick if they’re talking to Kingsbury and if we’re getting strong consideration tweets on January the 19th uh I think that two might have just become a three uh in addition to maybe a first I mean they’re not getting a top 10 pick for Justin fields at this point though after

No that’s bad business when everybody knows what you got going on right now right it’s just like us discussing rable before he was actually let go like you’re talking about a trade if he was going to New England which proved not to be true right then you also say to

Yourself why would I trade for him on the fact that he has to agree to it too so yeah there’s there that’s very finicky with this time of the year speaking of players on the way out with new coaches Scooby writes in at Ramone Kaya will what are the chances the new

Coach would want Derrick Henry back I would say zero to 5% yeah yep yeah I’m I’m I’m right there no higher than 20% will that’s where I’m at with you so we’re in the same odds essentially yeah I think they’re moving on from just any type of similarity to

What this offense has been or what you want to say has probably not been and Derrick Henry has been great with what he’s been able to work at and work with but I think he’s looking too to go to a destination maybe where he can win a

Super Bowl in the next couple of years and he said that on the bus in with the boys podcast he would have loved to win one here obviously but now he’s got to kind of look out for himself as well so I could see him going you know in

Another place next season so my thing is is on the Dereck thing one I know the fan base not thinks he can last a long time but how long do you think Derek can actually last at the rate that you’re asking him to you know because I just

Looked up Frank Gore’s stuff his last four years was 96 61 722 599 and 653 yards that’s a role players role right yeah at this rate I think he’s got one more season as a full leading the NFL and car’s rate now with being a 1B he’s

Probably got three or four more good years I would say yeah being a you know Dalvin cook Melvin Gordon playing that game of I I think he’s going to bounce around teams and and Chase a ring as he should and AJ and the FM Bank chat

Writes in and says that is a false narrative we don’t even know who the hire is nonetheless who they are going to want uh listen to Derrick Henry and bust him with the boys and tell me again that’s a false narrative because when he says how important it is for him to go

To a place where he feels like he can win a Super Bowl uh the Titans could bring in Prime Bill parcels and I would still not say that they have the best chance of going to the Super Bowl next year so yeah no it’s not a false narrative fans can make whatever

Narratives they want about players they love and don’t want to see in other uniforms and I appreciate y’all’s appreciation of Derrick Henry but at some point just because you don’t like that he’s going to leave doesn’t mean we’re making false narratives be smarter than that respectfully yeah 615 737 1045

Uh big discussion coming up next about the quarterback position and about Titans QB will Levis who is the comp that is best case scenario for the Titans for Le for Le we’ve heard Josh Allen we’ve heard other guys around the league who do you want will Levis to

Turn into and how does that color the Titans interviews with potential head coach candidates our thoughts on that next it’s Ramon fost for Hiller pluming Heating Cooling and electrical here’s the cool thing about Hill man they’ve been here in business since 199 and they are a family- own and operator business

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Folks that I trust at happy frany rolls on and rkw brewed up by Athan Rose streaming live at 1045 The Zone TV and immediately after the show ends wherever you download podcasts Apple Spotify Google Play 1045thezone decom 615 737 1045 what is the comp for will Lis we

Love throwing out Josh Allen seems like any big quarterback who throws a lot of picks but also throws a lot of touchdowns sidearm gets compared to Josh Allen is that the best comparison for will Levis or is it time to look elsewhere for a different comparison I’ve got one short-term QB and one

Long-term QB that I think the Titans should make will Levis become starting in 2024 but I’m curious first what you guys think who is the best comp for will Lis uh Kay you want to go first I’ll go first it don’t matter to me on this one

I I have Min in it somewhat lines up what do you want to do rock paper scissors for it Kayla oh go for it you spoke first go for it all right for sure uh for me I think it’s shortterm and long term for both of them and not to

Say that his talent is what they thought this guys was or should be but right now with what his team is doing it looked like it’s in that trajectory and that guy for me Trevor Lawrence oh interesting Trevor Lawrence shortterm because it’s the exact same pathway that

He had to deal to now Vel wasn’t an Urban Meyer or anything like that but Vel was also let go the same way his rookie head coach was let go in Jacksonville had a losing record his rookie year so does will Levis as a starter right they made they are making

Changes to build around will Lans the same way they are trying to with Trevor Lawrence I think Trevor Lawrence and will Levens possess some of the same things as far as their mindset about the game they want to be Playmakers they have strong arms they are very athletic

You got to tell them time and time again protect yourself and they both for the most part have had somewhat of turnover issues although leves is more of him just trying to be a superhero Trevor Lawrence falls on the back to me of him just trying to do too much at times or

Somehow he can’t hold on to the ball when he’s been sacked so I look at their situations if if you get them a defense with Tampa I mean not Tampa Jacksonville is building and if you get them weapons and it look weird when they went out and

Got a suspended Wide Receiver right or a tight end that that looks to be a stud coming down the pipeline in the very near future right when when you view those things when it comes down to what Trevor Lawrence has done for Jacksonville as it stands right now he’s

20 and 30 as a starter but you also have to look at that situation and say that was because they had a bad record under Urban Meyer and he’s still young and growing I look at his career and say Trevor Lawrence is probably who he lines

Up most with and should be ke competing against for a very long time if he does the stuff he’s supposed to Trevor Lawrence very interesting I like it not what I would have thought but I I don’t mind it it’s a yeah does it make

Sense you did a good good thing in terms of laying it out like that cuz I wouldn’t have guessed that but how you how you kind of put that on there I I’m like okay I see that appreciate that I do some cool stuff every once in a while

You’re always out of the box and I appreciate that because I I’m probably more in the Box on this but I want to I want to explain why I believe this still because coming out of the draft like we’ll said he was compared to Josh Allen

A lot really the physical stature of him you know a bigger guy a taller guy physical guy which we’ve all seen from will Levis since he’s gotten the nod in terms of getting the start here in Tennessee like this is a guy who plays with a lot of passion he uses his his

Body sometimes a little bit more to his Advantage then he should but I’m okay with that if you learn to use that your body and use your legs in the right moments and know when to slide and I think that’s what you are able to get

From will lus last year like he can learn from those moments that made you scratch your head a little why I still kind of compare him to Josh Allen and in terms of what Josh Allen is doing now is with the right people around Josh Allen

I feel like you could be a quarterback who is going to be able to lead your team to the playoffs and I feel like Josh Allen with all the ups and downs he’s had in the past with you know having great play at moments but then the interceptions have become an issue

Since Joe Brady has been promoted to offensive coordinator I feel like they’ve had this offense clicking a little more than in years’s past right they’re on the same page a little more and you look at what Josh Allen does he’s he’s relied on to do things in big

Moments and I think quarterback will Levis here for the Titans will have to do the same thing if this team is going to get to a Super Bowl I think you’re going to have to rely on will Lev to be in those big moments and to make plays I

Also like the fact that you’re what you’re seeing out of James Cook there is similar to what you could see paired up with Taj Spear and will will Levis Taj Spears and Will Lis in the future with you know having the help of a guy like

That that’s so versatile who who can be a pass receiver uh who also is obviously going to run the ball here and we’ve seen such good things out of him I think that duo like we’ve seen with cook and Allen this year could be really beneficial too to what this team could

Do in the future I like it I definitely like it and I think in terms of his Mobility Josh Allen from an athleticism standpoint is the best comparison for will Evis I mean Mike Keith said it on our show last year before the Titans played the bills Josh Allen is a single

Wi tailback from back in the day who in 2024 plays quarterback best way to describe him I’m going to go I’m going to have a little bit of a cop out here but I promise you bear with me it’s going to make sense I have a shortterm

And a long-term aim for will Levis and in 2024 guys I’m going to throw something out at you I’m workshopping this opinion and the more I dive into it the more I think it makes sense the best case scenario for the Tennessee Titans in 2024 is to be the

Green Bay Packers Jordan love is my short-term comparison for will Levis MH my long-term comparison is Matthew Stafford on the quarterback that I think think will Levis needs to turn into and I have a one specific reason why in 2023 on passing attempts of more than 30 plus yards the top three quarterbacks

Share something very important in common number one was Brock pie 31 passing attempts of 30 plus yards number two Matthew Stafford 28 passing attempts of 30 plus yards number three Jordan love 27 passing attempts of 30 plus yards what is the one thing those three quarter backs have in common they all

Come from offenses derived from the Shanahan McVey and laflor coaching tree and I think that is the direction the Titans are heading when you look at the candidates they’re interviewing and you look at Rand carthon’s experience in San Francisco that is where the Titans are heading they want to be Silicone Valley San

Francisco fun entertaining analytics driven offensive football Jordan love to me is the short-term comparison because look at all of his weapons that he had at his disposal this past season when he was second in qbr over the second half of the Year Aaron Jones at running back

Is the comp for Taj Spears people that have talked about Taj Spears over the last year and a half when you speak about him they say we think he is a younger Aaron Jones that is as good of a comparison as you could make for what

Taj Spears is coming in as the 1A running back for the Titans in 2024 but look at their top four pass catchers starting for them this weekend when they go to San Francisco to take on Brock pie K Shanahan and San Fran Romeo dobs seconde wide receiver out of Nevada

Davan Wicks rookie out of Virginia jayen Reed rookie out of Michigan State and tight end Luke Musgrave a rookie out of Oregon State guys there is a scenario for the Titans next year where you are throwing if your will Evis to all first and secondy year weapons in your offense

Josh Wy at tight end jaka cono in his third third season trayon Burks in his third season maybe DeAndre Hopkins I’d say that’s a toss up right now until we know who the head coach is and then whoever else you are able to add in free

Agency or in the draft at wide receiver as well so you think about a team that has all young players has a Young unproven quarterback who this time last year we didn’t know what Jordan love was we had no idea he was going to turn into

This best case scenario is in the second half of the season the Titans get hot because will Levis is the guy in the first and second year weapons they took risks on turn out to be good I know I’m rambling and I’m long-winded here but again bear with me Matthew Stafford

Longterm to me makes the most sense because of the Liam Cohen and the Shawn McVey connection and if Liam Cohen is on this staff next year it’s because a the Titans want to take will Lev’s junior year extrapolate that over the course of an entire career and they want to

Recreate what Matthew Stafford and Sean McVey have had in La Matthew Stafford is mobile but not a runner he’s not quite Josh Allen in the way they use him but they roll him out of the pocket he can throw from different arm slots the sidearm is there the Deep ball is there

When Matthew Stafford is at his best it’s because the Rams are running the football well they’re accurate in play action and he is bombing the football down the field to those wide receivers that is where Matthew Stafford is at his best I think will Levis and Matthew Stafford is the perfect one toone

Comparison on who they want him to be yeah down the road you’re saying a little bit growth and maturity and everything yes 100% the the other thing that you’re too from I think all the teams that we’ve brought up is balance also yeah it’s not just heavily relied

Upon the quarterback in their arms I think all of us mention the weapons that both these offenses have and not just that the defensive side of it too Green Bay to your point will about saying uh about Jordan love being the guy to is also supported by a

Defense they have balance on both sides of it so when you’re talking about building something that’s sustainable as far as these teams go and these quarterbacks and how you support them the same way that we Rave about how good a coach is the coaches are only as good

As his players the quarterback is only good as his Supporting Cast too and you mentioned those running backs on all the teams that we have you mentioned the wide receivers that you don’t know this is what a quarterback to me shines in all of these moments right here is if

You can get those wide receivers to your point about Green Bay they leading wide receivers jayen Reed Romeo Dallas Davian Wix and Christian Watson the true test of a quarterback is if you take those names that nobody knows a household name and you make them household names quarterbacks to me that’s where the

Biggest check mark is made how many guys did you get paid and you look here in Nashville okay real quick how many guys have the quarterbacks in Nashville gotten wide receivers paid I mean the only one that’s gone elsewhere and gotten paid is Corey Davis

With the Jets here we go was Ryan tanah Hill that got it and then AJ Brown went somewhere else and got paid but again that wasn’t even free agency that was a trade that after the trade was made then the contract was signed I I wanted to

Bring up too because I like what you’re talking about with Jordan love the one thing that I’ll I’ll say about that in terms of Jordan love and the growth that he’s been able to have that opportunity to grow as a quarterback and that’s so rare in this day and age it it really

Does make you wonder how much did he really get out of that with being the backup for the those what three seasons right I I I think because we’re seeing him now so much more mature uh and he’s it’s not like he’s 28 years old it’s not

Like he wasted his whole career behind the bench how much do you see from a guy like that that actually got to learn a little bit under a guy like you know Aaron roders will Levis got a little bit of an option in in or a chance to do

That here behind Ryan tanah Hill he was thrown in pretty quickly six games in but I I do always wonder that and I don’t know if we’ll ever know like how much was he able to really fully develop as a quarterback and honestly you can make the argument too real quick raone

That yeah the best comp for will L is when Ryan tanah Hill was dealing as the quarterback of the Tennessee Titans like will Evis has spoken about that just in the leadup to the draft that he admired Ryan tanah Hill and and I think that was the best case scenario for Rand carthon

And Vel and Amy Adam Shunk was you’ve got a year of tanah Hill to allow Levis to take a red shirt year maybe even a second one if you wanted to if Ryan tanel had been good this year you probably would have brought him back in something short term in 20124 obviously

He wasn’t great he couldn’t play behind this line the issues are well documented but I agree with you Kayla that that is that would have been the ideal scenario is Levis sits for a year plus behind Ryan yeah and and and Kayla you mentioned you know as far as Jordan love

Concerned uh it’s not like he wasted away you’re right here’s the thing too about all of those those quarterbacks is it it’s about three years and here’s the thing we can’t microwave their development as fast as we wanted to there will probably be a little bit of a

Drawback with him you know you’re going to see more veteran like things for him you expect to see more veteran like things for him in year three just looking at Trevor Lawrence’s career so far rookie year is is very freaking similar to where will Levis was yeah Trevor Lawrence over 17 games his

Completion percentage was 59.6% if I’m not mistaken will leves is about 58% 58 Y the second year jump for Trevor Lawrence is 66.3% with over 4,000 yards uh passing and that’s the year last year they won uh the AFC South he had 25 touchdowns and eight eight

Interception this year’s a little bit of a drawback Dro about a half percent at 65.6% % 4,000 yards but here’s where he he had a step back and I think that’s where you got to grow and mature a little bit more as a quarterback he has this year in 16 games because of

Injuries and he didn’t complete almost every game well some of those games either in this 16 out of 17 but he had 21 touchdowns and 14 interceptions that interception number going up right there is is what became more bothersome for him but also when you win the AFC South

When you get good you think you’re supposed to do more you got to let your weapons grow for you in these moments like that and I think that’s where Trevor Lawrence has to grow and I hope that’s also where will Levis when he gets better and gets the offensive

Coordinator and and and weapons around him that you realize just find your guy let them work for you and take whatever’s in front of you you ain’t gotta be a hero every single time that you’re out there and I think that’s what Trevor Lawrence failed to this year

Which also uh I think correlated to his injuries too well yeah I I AG agree Ramon I think the injuries had a significant uh reason on why he maybe took a step back maybe he was even trying to do too much with those injuries right and so I don’t think you

Can just take this year and be like oh this is a quarterback who’s not going to move in the right direction I just feel like he’s been such a tough player in the past had never missed like a game at Clemson he had that mindset now we’re in

The league like this is the big boys club you got to learn that when you got an injury sometimes you got to just take some time off so it doesn’t get worse yep absolutely it is just interesting too you talk about the the herob ball thing too and and for Trevor Lawrence

How much of his career will forever be tainted by Urban Meyer like how many of the issues he’s having now are because he had Urban or is this just maybe him not being as much of a camp Miss Prospect as we expected uh that that first year was

Terrible they went three and 14 that first year and you got to think about this that first impression people always bring that up right as far as his growth and development and getting behind and under that stench right there may take a little bit longer that’s the reason

They’re question Peterson and and and uh Jacksonville right now because oh it’s supposed to all be cured yeah doesn’t happen that quick I think too the the last point to make on that and why I like the Trevor comparison is the Titans could go on a spending spree the way the

Jaguars did two years ago this off season when they brought in Christian Kirk Z Jones and cin Ridley all at the same time and Evan Ingram I mean there’s a chance you could add you you could go the Packers Direction and have all first and second

Year guys or you could draft or you could uh you know uh assign all of them but I like all I like both your comparisons they’re good good stuff coming up uh more news this morning that just broke on who the Titans will interview today details next

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FSA funds and call them now at 61524459004 rkw is brewed by Athan roast on 1045 The Zone 615 737 1045 is our number coming up at 920 ad kinkabwala of CBS Sports and Westwood one will join us she will be on the sidelines with Mike mayo and Kevin

Harland for Westwood 1es coverage in Buffalo of Bills and Chiefs we’ll see if ad can or cannot confirm if she will be jumping on a table before the broadcast on the weekend or shoveling snow you guys see they requested more snow shovelers in Buffalo okay again yes bunch of Beggars

Golly you a billion dollar no I’m kidding that’s I think if you volunteer to go uh shovel snow you get at least that’s the way the Packers operate I know the Packers will give you tickets if you come help shovel snow uh Buffalo was off from $20 an hour oh dang I’m

About to quit go over Buffalo go over there for the weekend earn some more money dang hey uh station I can’t come to work Monday oh why not oh I decided to switch jobs and shovel snow for the Buffalo Bills I’m a shower nobody shovels the wagons like the Buffalo

Bills Jonathan Jones is CBS Sports tweeting this morning just a few minutes ago the Titans will talk with lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn today okay okay there we go big time we talked about that today we were like we know they had requested to talk to him but

Has he gone yet here’s your answer so you’re wondering maybe if Ben Johnson will be the next one to check off their list in terms of that uh virtual interview that would bring them down to three candidates left whom they have requested and not yet spoken to no doubt

About it and also to be noted adid King Kabal who’s joining us at 920 knows uh Callahan very well and also said to me that she’s very impressed by Thomas Brown and I’m sure there’s others that she uh is very fluent with also especially if you’re talking about AFC

North guys too so we’ll see and she’s covered everywhere so I definitely pick her brain on some of that and had a very interesting article too about what type of Coach to hire um talked about uh Bert’s fan bases Coach man be interesting to see what she thinks about

That wow out of the defensive coaches who do you think think would make the best coach of the defensive coaches the Titans have asked to speak to I’ve learned the most about Aaron Glenn just recently just because of you know we had pton on from AD toz Sports

Detroit I thought he gave good perspective in in terms of the leader he is um and obviously some people will look to the numbers and say it hasn’t been spectacular in terms of their defense but I think he would be one of the guys on the top of the list and then

Mike McDonald like McDonald is one of the other ones Dan Quinn would be the other right yeah I Dan Quinn’s he’s an Al for me will I I feel the same way as you do he’s probably nine or 10 on my list which is probably why he’ll get hired here

Because my betting odds are all wrong at all times um but um Aaron Glenn is the one that sticks out the most to me um and just selfishly honestly it’s just me I’m tired of the retread with coaches watching them get hired give us a bunch

Of hope and then they fell again um I I I kind of want to see somebody else take a stab at here and build this thing up yeah me too yeah I would say Mike McDonald is maybe the defensive coach I would like the most in terms of just what he’s been

Able to do there and his uh experience uh within that Ravens organization I mean he’s kind of been raised in the two gold standard teams in college football and in well really three when you consider his Michigan experience and his Georgia experience having been around that building and having played there

And then Baltimore and the way they acquire talent and just the process in which the Ravens hit on so many of their draft picks over the years and the legacy of ozie Nome that continues in that organization that it is the way to sustain success in this league and and

That to me is my first question to Mike McDonald in the interview with him is what have you learned about acquiring talent and scouting within the draft from that organization because they do it better than anybody it’s fair I think you learned a lot from your time in in a

Winning organization and you could say oh well he’s only kind of been in one spot but it’s a spot where they’ve been so consistent and even learning from the experience this year with you know on the offensive side of the ball like changing that offense a little bit um

With with that hiring and I think like that’s what you want you want somebody who can maybe come from a winning culture if you’re going to take a defensive guy I think that could be the bonus for Mike McDonald is you just know like that experience is

Invaluable the one thing I this crop of of of of candidates is by far I think far beyond almost any era in this recent coaching hire it’s some good people coming out of yeah there are and the the cautionary tale I think we need to tell

Titans fans is that if the Ravens give up 30 points or if the Texans score zero points like do not base your thoughts on the Titans hiring a head coach based off of what happens in the divisional round of the playoffs and I think that’s even

Still fair with Dan Quinn that like Dan Quinn is not a bad candidate because the Packers shredded them in the Wild Card round he’s not the best candidate because he failed in Atlanta and what’s to say he’s not going to fail at his next stop too because it hasn’t really

Been that long since he failed last time right like I just get wary of like oh Bobby slowick and the Texans had such a fun game to watch you know bring him here like you you are looking at 0.1% of a guy’s resumee and it’s important right like it

Counts the playoffs doe and how you perform on the biggest stage but it is maybe 1% of the entire criteria yeah I agree 61573 7145 more of your reaction and phone calls we’ll uh review something interesting Brent hubs had to say ear earlier this morning about a five-star Tennessee Target who is

Scheduled to commit next week and what it could mean for the BS moving forward in the class of 2025 uh noteworthy stuff from him that we’ll recap we’ll reset the headlines around the league where Mike verel is talking to teams and has interest from three teams specifically

Details on that next as hour four begins what’s going on just it ain’t even 9:00 yet you’re just before it at the 1045 The Zone Studios I’m Robert Walsh big news from yesterday Los Angeles Chargers completed their interview with former Titans head coach Mike Vel Chargers have been in discussion with former Stanford

Head coach David Shaw who also interviewed with the Titans yesterday Bengals offensive coordinator Brian Callahan Leslie Frasier and Jim Harbaugh all in the running for that Chargers job we got a light news dump last night as two more coaches completed their interview in Tennessee we had one last

Night and a couple announcements today Bobby slowick uh Houston offensive coordinator completed his interview yesterday we learned today that David Shaw Aaron Glenn and Brian Johnson Eagles Offensive Coordinator would also be interviewing with the Titans in Carolina the Panthers completed their interview with bucks offensive coordinator Dave Canales for the head

Coaching position but it wasn’t just interviews some people were hired as former Texans head coach Bill O’Brien hired as Ohio State’s new offensive coordinator spent last year in New England with the Patriots being their offensive coordinator the move comes with a potential shift within the Ohio

State program as Ryan Day sought out an experienced coach that would allow him to give up on play calling duties for all your foundation repair and waterproofing needs visit usst breaking news at once on your home for the titans invols this is 1045 The Zone

Three hours down and one more to go beginning your Friday morning on rkw we are brewed up by aan roast where the Titans have two more interviews yesterday virtually and have scheduled two more today Aaron Glenn speaking with Amy Adams trunk Rand carthon of the Titans organization today and David Shaw

The former Stanford head coach the all-time winningest head coach in the history of the Cardinal added to the list as candidate number 11 with 11-year NFL veteran Ramone Foster with Kayla Anderson Robert Walsh sh will bowling 61573 7145 is our number streaming live on Facebook live YouTube Twitter or

Twitch and Ramone Foster is muted once again on Zoom I’ll say it myself or maybe I will not Kayla Anderson beating us to the punch and continuing the Legacy that Don Davenport created years ago on 3hl a streaming experience unrival in Nashville and Beyond wait it’s Dolly’s birthday real quick oh I

Don’t know I don’t birthday like you do look at that sorry had to give her a shout out Ron’s still muted on Zoom if we can uh remedy that I’m not muted oh there he is you are muted there he is so I should just do all of the

Stereotypical Zoom things is everybody here or do you want to we want to start we wa to everybody’s on the meeting all can everybody see my screen okay everybody have a good all right here we go all right we’re gonna finish early I’ll give you five minutes back all

Right thanks so much guys okay all right oh Donna I think you’re muted okay what you you okay thanks so much I don’t miss the zoom days let me just tell you that me either I’ll be real with you I do not miss him at all either we did a whole

Season with Titans interviews over Zoom like it was so wild we did so wild uh well it looked like a lot of uh like a lot of locker rooms across the league are getting it back now though the inperson stuff I did hear that was a

Major gripe of most media was they were afraid they weren’t going to get the locker room access back and some have still somewhat have it limited but um hey you do what you want when it’s your business right do what you want when you popping yeah buddy Mike Vel met with the

Chargers yesterday that’s interesting it comes down to a Michigan man and an Ohio State guy for the future mentor of Justin Herbert the game to me if I’m Mike Vel that is the job that I want and if I’m any candidate the Chargers are number one in terms of most most

Attractive Landing spots for head coaches you sure you sure about that yes I am but the Chargers don’t intrigue me as much I have two reasons Justin Herbert that’s the reason it is he he is by far by far the best quarterback available to pair your career to and bad quarterbacks get head

Coach is fired in the National Football League Justin Herbert is an elite quarterback if everything is right around him so so what you’re saying is the quarterback is the biggest draw right that’s the biggest draw that would be a draw fan base doesn’t fan base doesn’t bother you lack of support um

The idea that you are what are they after SC after the Rams after um the Lakers you’re the other team that doesn’t bother you as a coach that’s fine no not at all okay I I would say it’s not it’s not off the list for

Me and if you’re Mike Vel I I think this is interesting too it just so happens to be that he’s now emerging in terms of uh not necessarily a favorite for these jobs but he’s starting to get interviews and he was mentioned I believe uh also interest with having uh the Seahawks and

The Falcons per Adam schfer that’s correct so I think between all of those jobs I think that bill bich is going to the Falcons but again I’m going to stand on my notion of why not if you’re the Falcons if you’re interested in Bill bellich I know he has Super Bowls but in

The past three years we’ve not seen the same type of Bill bellich head coaches we have when Tom Brady was there why not do something similar in a younger guy like Mike frabel uh I get the Arthur Smith tie and maybe that’s too close for comfort right this early on but I

Wouldn’t count out the Seahawks either I I I feel like they’ve got a really really nice organization the the management is intact there I know Gino Smith isn’t the long-term answer but you have an opportunity to possibly draft a quarterback this year so I would look at

That too because the only thing with the Chargers I love the quarterback situation guys but the cap issue is the only thing I have an issue with there doesn’t matter to me yeah I’d rather have cap trouble and Justin Herbert than have a lot of money and not have Justin Herbert

Personally of those jobs though I would um Carolina’s the worst one I would take although they probably give you blank canvas to work with chargers ain’t high on my list and I respect your your your uh stance on it though two will with Justin Herbert I just question their

Their operation and involvement has been uh they they’ve underperformed and maybe that was their former coach so I’ll take that for for what it’s worth where does Vegas fit into that discussion I know Antonio Pierce is probably the guy there but according to spot track they’ve got

$43 million available to them and you do have the opportunity to bring in your own QB and kind of Do Your Own Thing there it feels like Vegas is always going to be the free agent trade candidate quarterback landing spot because Mark Davis always wants to go

For it and try to find a retread guy that’s going to make sense there like he just did with Jimmy Garoppolo yeah Vegas is um Vegas is a good destination they got everything that you want they got the indoor they got the facilities they got ownership that wants to win immediately you know

You can go do that until your point you can go get the quarterback of your dreams too with this staff um they have a history in which winning is G has to be on the Forefront of what they want to do I like the idea that you can build

That team up better than you can um in your ways the Chargers I’d actually put the Raiders job ahead of the Chargers game to me I mean the Chargers job in my opinion you get the West Coast without having having the West Coast bills too yeah and look Las Vegas is becoming a

Sports Hub I didn’t see this 10 years ago in any way I mean you get hockey there like that’s saying something and they support it there now you’ve got the NFL team you’re getting Major League Baseball like that is becoming a sports hub for sure and a place where you can

Win um you know there the aces the women’s NBA or uh WNBA team won a championship so I think it’s a good place to go right now in terms of sports and the money is there the only reason why I’m not saying a lot about it and I

Know we’re not hearing maybe more candidates being brought up there is because I really do think they’re hiring James Pierce I I think they are Antonio Pierce Antonio Pierce I’m sorry yeah Antonio Pierce like I think that that’s really why not a lot of people are mentioning other names but I think you

Know vabel would probably be interested in that destination as well halay you say James pierce the go balls got to come yeah there we go interesting so uh there’s a story on Yahoo sports about this from Charles Robinson on Executives and people around the league ranking openings from least to most attractive

That I think is interesting Jory Epstein and Charles Robinson writing this yesterday afternoon one to seven openings where do you think the Titans rank on this list four what article was this will Yahoo sports Charles Robinson and uh Jory Epstein writing coaches and Executives pick the League’s least to most

Attractive openings five number six out of seven oh man yep number six out of seven okay they say Carolina and Tennessee are both coordinator hires for head coach openings one ped executive said neither will get someone like Harbaugh because of how the owners have been all over the place wow I almost

Said Harbaugh and Vel obviously Tennessee fired Mike so you can cross off the experienced head coaches who already know what they’re doing from that place what a weird job that is one executive says to Yahoo sports and I know uh the athletic also ranked it uh six out of seven yesterday Mike Sando

The athletic well sorry Yahoo has Chargers as the second best opening and the commanders as the number one opening and Washington I think is a valid answer because to me it’s two because it’s riskier because you’re going to draft your quarterback immediately upon getting the job and there’s risk

Involved in that however I think those are the top two openings and then it’s everyone else yeah I’ll be honest I can be cocky about it I was cocky about saying that I um I thought the Raiders job was a little bit better because I

Think when you when you go to a place like that the expectation lays itself out for you and most coaches are going to believe that the guy that they pick that’s going to be their franchise quarterback is going to be be the one that walks them to a Super Bowl too so I

I get those number that number one and number two and Washington’s front office now is completely changed so we’re going to see how that looks as far as how they rebuild themselves back up yeah I think the the unknown of Josh Harris is the owner in Washington is why

I hesitate to make that number one we don’t know anything about him and it’s all new like the whole front office is new and it’s like that might work in certain places but will it work in a place like that like there are question mark still um I know it’s kind of you’re

Starting a new but sometimes that’s not perfect for every candidate so it’s also got to be the right candidate who gets that job interesting this Yahoo post about the Titans when they write more about this and uh where you can find it uh one executive in the

League was pulled as saying Amy fired a damn good coach and leader what else was Vel supposed to do how much more could he be than that moves like that are usually some politics inside the building ding ding ding or some kind of problem between a coach and an owner

That should be the first warning light about working there I think you can have those issues and also clean it up on the back end right that like I I there’s some truth probably in what he’s saying sure that to me is someone from the outside looking in yeah without the full details

Of what happened mhm and again that’s why people inside that building are primary sources and people outside the building making speculative remarks around the league are secondary sources and that to me is something written based on secondary sources because when has Amy Adam trunk made a decision like

This that ended up being the wrong one right and look sometimes you don’t have to take sides I love how everybody wants to assume that like we’re taking sides the national media it does seem to take sides a little bit with Vel in this situation but I look at the situation

The more and more that has come out about it with Amy Adams Strunk and Mike Vel is I think it was probably the best decision just for both of them at this point of the of their careers and as as a an owner of this organization like Amy

Had to do what she had to do because she didn’t see the vision a lineup with Rabel anymore and for Vel I feel like he can get a fresh start somewhere it doesn’t mean he’s not going to be a good head coach do y all forget he won here

Too like I think it’s funny like people think taking sides has to be the issue I think it might been the best thing for both of these people the last thing I’ll say about to is that coaches don’t worry about oh what if I get fired prematurely that’s not the brain chemistry of

Someone who’s confident enough to put millions of dollars on the line who probably put their bodies on the line as a player like people always in the coaching profession will think I’m going to be the I’m so good I’m going to be the one to fix it and succeed like the

We are mere mortals and Ramone not really because he was a pro athlete for 11 years in the NFL but like us mere mortals think about like do I really want to go to this situation what if I get fired by someone who has a track record of firing people quickly I don’t

Think coaches think that way like these alpha male dudes that made millions of dollars throwing catching and hitting people with footballs don’t think about how they’re going to get fired they’re thinking about how they’re going to win a Super Bowl there y coming up next CBS sports reporter and sideline reporter adid King

Kabala will join us she will be on the 104 The Zone air waves this upcoming weekend as the Bills take on the chief’s courtesy of Westwood one we’ll get her wardrobe plan handling a buffalo playoff game in January and we’ll get her thoughts on a number of AFC North

Candidates for the Titans opening and her initial reaction to Mike Vel losing his job here in Nashville all that more with ad D King kabala coming up next rolling right along in hour number for in a Friday morning edition of rkw brw up by aan roast and we welcome in one of

Our very favorite guests you see her everywhere you hear her everywhere you can read her work as well on adid King Kabal is stopping by for a Friday conversation what’s up ad how are you that was a heck of a plug thanks so much my friend

Absolutely you are welcome and uh again uh plug what you are doing this weekend because you are uh uh going to be in one of the coldest places in in the world right so I thought Kansas City last week was brutal I mean and I’ll be honest

With you I was crying even before I got through the parking lot like literally crying tears coming down my face I was so cold and now I am rewarded with Buffalo where apparently they’re going to have had 70 inches of snow by the time Saturday gets here in this one week

And I think it’s going to be about 12 degrees so but I won’t be on television I will be on radio on Westwood one so if I am wearing a ball of clava and totally bundled up and look like Ramone Foster did back in the pittsbur Steelers days

Um Ron you never wore sleeves though did you were you one of those weird guys that insisted on short sleeves see you call us weird that didn’t wear sleeves we were the majority for the most part you couldn’t wear sleeves come on now you you know what this so Tyreek kill I

See Tyreek hill run out to warm up and I’m like Tyreek where are your sleeves and he goes I don’t need none and he says I’m tough and you know what I said Kayla I said I’ve had two babies I know how tough I am amen toeless to prove

That I’m top that is awesome really I don’t know but anyway I’m I’m of course excited not only because my son is a member of Bill’s Mafia but because I love those fans I love fans that are loyal and have been waiting forever and you know Dion Dawkins made the point

This week that Patrick Mahomes has played in Buffalo but never in front of Bill’s Mafia and that’s a totally different experience it’s a good point uh it is a great point and it is going to be a fun one so you hear AI now on our Airwaves then you will hear her this

Weekend as well on our Airwaves courtesy of Westwood one with Kevin Harland and Mike Mayo uh ad I have to give one little plug uh locally real quick as well that I went to school with Dawson Knox for six years as well and we graduated together so uh tell them I

Said hello if you see him because he will also be one of the uh I say this friendly Dawson I know his family’s probably listening one of the idiots probably not wearing sleeves as well well those tight ends they’ve certainly been having some fun up there

So you and Justin were buddies is that what you’re talking yeah we went through seventh grade through senior year of high school together and uh yeah good friend he’s uh wow I had friends up there my like principls and like teachers go up there from time to time

Great family one of just one of the greatest guys uh that I know all right well all fair you’ll have to give me a little nugget that I can drop in the broadcast that if his parents are you know I should this is terrible though

Guys because the game is on CBS which is my home so it’s not like I can say oh listen to the radio instead of watching CBS maybe they should keep the CBS on camera but listen to Kevin May and me on the radio absolutely yes yep that work

All right so are you stressed about this head coaching thing or are you like super excited new well we were gonna ask you the same thing ADI because we spoke about Mike varable job security as a hey let’s throw this in at the end maybe this is something that could happen

Right at the end of our last conversation but we didn’t think this was going to materialize until obviously things get louder and louder and then the Sunday the last game of the season it’s okay crap this might be a a legitimate thing that’s happening from everything we have learned about this

Fiasco here in Tennessee ad uh what stands out to you the most and what was your initial reaction to that news uh shock I was wrong was I not wrong because when we talked about it I was like no he’s one of the best coaches

In the league which he still is and his players play for him and unfortunately if your boss you know coaching is in a lot of ways like the media industry and it can be subjective and if someone doesn’t love you anymore they don’t love

You anymore so I am sure I spoke to in fact a former coach who had talked to Vel that very night I am sure that Mike Rael is going to land in a place that he wants to land and if he doesn’t he will not have a problem waiting for the right

Fit because he knows exactly who he is um I I am sorry there’s six inches of snow here in Pittsburgh and my daughter apparently does not want to bundle up which she is learning from her son just like me growing up a no coat I uh you know I just

Am I’m I I’m curious about the direction that the Titans will go in now and and you look at this list of candidates and will you mentioned that I wrote on and the piece that I actually wrote was why don’t special coordinators get more of a look

Why don’t special teams coordinators get more of a look and you look at John Harbaugh and the argument I made was that nobody else touches every other player on the team nobody else every single time he’s coaching on the field is coaching 22 guys at a time like think

About it the tight ends coach has three guys over on the side the running backs coach only has a few nobody else needs to know players on both sides of the ball nobody else has to adjust and account for roster changes and figure out people’s special talents command a

Room all of those things and so I see these young coaches you know like let’s talk about a guy named Bobby slowick who’s done certainly put in his time I mean I met him a dozen years ago when he was in Washington in that great Mike Shan on that great Mike Shanahan staff

He’s done tremendous things with CJ strad and the Texans offense this year but there’s a piece of you that’s also like okay so he’s been an offensive coordinator for one year that makes you ready to lead a team maybe maybe and Thomas Brown is a guy that it’s funny

Ramon he walked into our room and I was like oh my gosh he’s Mike Tomlin all over again he has no indoor voice he’s very strong in his principles just like Bobby is and please I’m not knocking Bobby slck in any way but it’s just we’re kind of

Looking we’re always looking at the same things and I’ll refer to a line that John Harbaugh gave me said every head coach in some way is a unicorn you have to be very every successful head coach is a unicorn in some way so if you’re looking for the next unicorn why do

These owners keep looking where the horses are and it feels like in this hiring cycle so many of the candidates are kind of similar someone who ran a really good offense and was a really good play caller I like that the Titans are mixing it up a little bit I love the

Idea of David Shaw everything I’ve ever heard about David Shaw is that he’s a great leader of men and in many ways similar to a Jim Caldwell um I like that Aaron Glenn is getting some looks because I love what he’s done and the way that players play for him and uh the

Experience that he has I think in Tennessee the fact that coach Rabel was a player for so long and knew exactly what those guys went through and knew how the ecosystem of a locker room matters so much all of those I think are valuable things but again not to cut out

Anybody who wasn’t a player in the league I’m just getting myself in trouble can somebody cut me off so I can stop talking for a little while it sounds like your daughter was trying to you know well like the problem is is that when you talk you sometimes are

Saying well am I backing myself in the corner and how is do this sound right here I mean you guys do it for a living every day do you get over it at some point are you kind of like I’m not really worried No and and you you have

To ad because that’s the thing when you do this for a profession as a job career um stuff has ever changed in the same way that it changed very fast on us having a conversation with raela safe I can’t see the idea of him getting fired

Most people I think we had Vel hot seed at a two or three which is not hot at all heck the stove just turned on right I have to ask you adid from a national perspective H how did you view Vel as a coach you know that you said and almost

Everybody else has said when it comes down to these head coaching candidates leader leaders of men you know and then you look at Rael you say the same thing you said the same thing about the other candidates right that you’ve somewhat talked about what does it mean and why

Couldn’t from your perspective or how could you understand brael being let go here in Nashville as a part of that too so that’s such a compound question I I’ll say this I think that you know it’s funny I talked to Coach cower Bill Cower who of course

Went a Super Bowl with the Steelers and is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame I talked to him last week and he said to me 80% of we were still talking about the Special Teams thing because coach car was a special teams coordinator but he said that

80% of coaching of being a great head coach is motivational and 20% is tactical that it’s really not about the scheme that the bed best head coaches are not slaves to schemes they’re thinking about players and putting their players in position to succeed and everything along those lines and when I

Sit here and I think about Mike rabbel I’ll give you an example from the last game that I was at the Titans obviously had won that phenomenal game against the Dolphins that really signature win for will Levis Monday night they come back they’re home and they’re playing the

Texans who are starting Case Keenum and as much as people say oh there’s no such thing as a hangover there’s no such thing as a letdown it is a real thing right like it is a real thing and I think that Mike Vel sort of picked up on

Where his team’s energy was and if you recall very early in that game there was a fourth down deep in their own territory and forgive me because there’s been a lot of games since then I want to say it was like a fourth in two at like

Their own 26 something like that you guys know what I’m talking about right yeah this familiar okay thank you Kayla so anyway vabel on the sideline goes for it and in a vacuum you would think that’s just such an insane move but it’s not he wanted to juice his team he

Wanted to juice his players he wanted to get them fired up and he felt like they needed a little something and the Titans converted and that to me is a moment where your head coach is reading the room he’s reading his players he knows what his players need Beyond just a

Great play call if that makes any sense are you with me or absolutely Into The Ether no you you are making complete sense thank you Kayla so I just I think that coaching is not only about you know how often are you blitzing what are you doing with your safeties are you um

Running the ball this percentage of the time on first down it’s not just that it’s knowing what gets your guys going it’s knowing how to get your guys going it’s knowing when they need to be gotten it’s knowing who needs to be disciplined in a certain way and who needs a you

Know a little extra slack today it’s all of those things and when I look at Mike Vel and I especially think about last year when he really had no wide receivers those teams played hard at least from my perspective right like you guys are there every single week you

Know better than me but from the outside looking in it certainly Feels Like Mike Rael teams play hard they may be not as talented they may not have all the pieces and I’ll go back to you know not having any wide receiver ones a year ago

But um they play hard and that to me is a testament to the coach DD kingle ball CBS Sports and Westwood One Our Guest ad and I agree with you on that and I think what fans are really frustrated with here was just I guess the last two years

Losing Seasons they they didn’t like a lot of him in terms of like his coordinator uh I guess hires or promotions and so I think it goes deeper for the fans uh but you do see in a head coach and that’s what they’ve said here with Amy Adams drunk like they still

Want a leader of men and that is why I feel like vabel will get a job somewhere else uh where do you feel like a guy like him is going to end up if there is is the right place out there right now I don’t know and I think that I say

That because it feels as if there’s still some dominoes to fall does Jim Harbaugh go to the Chargers does Bill bich go to the Falcons and it’s almost feels as if those two change the state of play in a lot of ways and if not you know the Chargers are the

Chargers are in cap hell yep they’ve got five players locked up with all this money and they’ve got all these questions about you know is Bosa going to be healthy and what do you do with these wide receivers Keenan Allen certainly coming off of a phenomenal year but definitely aging Mike Williams

Definitely aging khil Mack who is a force but of course a lot of money um but you’ve got a quarterback you’ve got a quarterback that in some ways has underachieved a little bit but maybe he hasn’t been set up the best ways he certainly has all the talent um

And the demeanor to do it so you would think that that’s certainly attractive and it’s La it’s California did I just call them San Diego the Chargers I just Chargers we do it all the time okay thank you H Vegas I’m almost I’ve always gotten over the Raiders thing but I did

Refer to them as Oakland the other day too um Atlanta I love that defense I love love love that Atlanta defense and there’s a lot of tremendous leaders of men on that defense and I think if there’s anything we’ve learned you need internal player leadership too um but they’ve got a huge

Question at quarterback and that certainly killed belich the last few years yep and you know so I don’t I uh I I don’t know that I can tell you what is an ideal fit because there’s also I mean how much how much say is Fel going to insist

Upon and does he have the ability to do that I’m very much of the mind and it’s easy for me to say this because I’ve never been in this position but I like a separation of powers I like a head coach who is a CEO head coach who hires

Trusted people to call the plays and such on defense and offense so that he is available to every unit at all times I like having a general manager who is separate of the head coach so that there are a Personnel check and balances and that there’s genuine debate you know it’s

Funny John Harbaugh and Eric dasta to me are such a great pairing because they know how to argue and I think there’s a real skill in knowing how to argue with someone and maybe you feel so strongly about a and the other person feels so strongly about B and you can fight it

Out fight it out fight it out and think the person who wants be is totally wrong but still leave with respect for each other and I think that that’s so important right and so like when one person has all the power I just I don’t

Love that you know like in the city of Pittsburgh we’re talking about this a lot right now does Mike Tomlin get so much credit for doing whatever he’s done with this roster well Mike Tomlin has as much say over this roster as anybody else so like chicken or egg right like

This is a bed of his own making in some ways so I don’t know I mean not that Mike brael is listening to me but I would tell him sometimes it’s nice to have a GM that you can trust and believe in and hey last year in Ran I mean ran picked

Seven guys that all contributed in some way so a smart GM is not necessarily something holding you back it might be someone who makes you better yep it’s great Insight from adid kobala who is everywhere uh reader on CBS will link that article uh she mentioned

As well about the Special Teams coaches and and the Insight in that I think is noteworthy and and interesting there uh and uh this this is the first time you’ll be able to hear her on the Zone this upcoming weekend as Westwood One coverage of Chiefs and bills will be

Right here uh adidi stay warm enjoy it and uh thank you as always great stuff thanks so much for having me guys I can’t wait to be back when it’s warm and and when they have a coach right think warm thoughts you know what’s so funny

Actually I was at the NFL Network when Mike brael was hired and I was the person sent for Mike rael’s opening press and I remember you sitting in that room where they used to have press conferences ADI I remember that oh you do I hope I was friendly you were you

Were great remember that my cameraman my cameraman got in a fight with my producer I remember that and then I remember interviewing Vel in the practice bubble and my producer had us like sit on a table because if we stood it was like way too jarring and um Vel

Looked a little menacing because he was so big see these are very good mood that day these are the kinds of offseason stories that we will be disc when the Titans have a coach and there is not playoff football and 70° going on so stay tuned for discuss how to make a

Good live shot and how to an interview so that the new head coach doesn’t look menacing next to the 5 foot three I love it I love it reporter de thank you so much have a good call this weekend awesome thanks so much bye guys bye

There’s a d kabala with us Westwood One coverage of Chiefs and bills 515 Sunday night on 1045 The Zone great stuff she’s the best I just love her cuz she’s she’s real like she’s just going to tell it how it is and she doesn’t need to

Apologize for any of it like that she’s been around the league like I respect the heck out of her I do too coming up we’ll wrap up the headlines get to things we missed uh notable piece of conversation from Brett hubs earlier this morning we can get to as we wrap up

The show in the week next it’s rone Foster for United structural systems when it comes to large home repairs a lot of time we homeowners pretend we don’t see the warning signs we’re afraid of what we’re going to hear this is especially true with waterproofing and foundation repair it

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Is a company to give you that they have an attitude and culture and that that’s a reason why they keep their employees year after year so when somebody comes to your house they’re going to have experience and what they’re doing they’re not going to oversell you on

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55 wrap it up the show on rkw brewed up by Athan roast Final Call for phone calls at 61573 7104 Vegas odds on head coaches have been so prevalent what about Vegas odds on Buck Rising showing up to work today oh 5050 or what we I would say uh yes is

Plus 500 I have inside information so I don’t know if I’m allowed to uh if I’m allowed to bet on this but I have not been asked to stay for The Bu Rising show so I would assume that he would be in studio today but he could still slip

On ice on accident I don’t Kayla please me with a good time I’d like to go home of course not get hurt no yeah you want to film it if that happens oh no if I slip on something I’m definitely getting hurt I’m only slipping somewhere where I can make some

Money I got a I got a lawyer friend and every time every time I talk to her I ask her what do I need to do to make you my saw Goodman how do I scam somebody into making I don’t have to work no well

You are a lawyer you are are Ron slay’s lawyer yeah technically I haven’t passed the bar yet but uh still working on that maybe you could say paralal you’ve been to plenty bars but you haven’t passed it yet hey now I know y’all hate me so much I’m so

Sorry hey that is that is freaking hilarious man I’m a fall where I know I can get paid if that ain’t the realest thing ever I absolutely love that man goodness sakes um maybe pay attention to the UT Knoxville Student Portal today uh five star lineman might show up in it

Later today how the heck do y’all know how to search these things man uh sources no I mean it’s public info like the the UT student you don’t have to have a student email like I’ll go look right now utk student portal and see if zance heard the five star lineman from

LSU has popped up yet I would expect that to happen over the weekend uh so far there are 1 two 3 four five six people in the UT system with the last name herd and none of them are Lance or zance so far so still waiting but I

Would expect Tennessee to add the number I believe eight player in the on three transfer portal rankings this weekend um we asked Brent hubs about five-star quarterback George McIntyre who is expected to commit early next week and how important his recruitment will be at Tennessee’s Junior Day this weekend and

Brent hubs had this to say well I I think quarterbacks come off the board early for a couple of reasons one is selfish right there’s only one football and there’s only one spot right nobody’s going to go somewhere where they’re you know five deep at at quarterback or four

Deep at quarterback I mean you know they they don’t set that’s why there was a lot of high-profile quarterbacks in the transfer portal this off season I mean you look at Brock Vander from a from down in Georgia I mean he’s not going to win the job there right they’ve got

Their guy and so um he’s looking to play elsewhere and that’s why he went in the portal so the these guys are looking um to to to get to kind of claim their spot early that’s why you see quarterbacks committing earlier than some other positions and then they do you know they

Do have an effect in peer report recruiting Because you know receivers are wanting to play somewhere where a guy can get the ball the guy that they believe in and you know all these guys know each other now through seven on seven tournaments and uh camps and all

Those types of things but I don’t know peer recruiting has as much of an impact as it did 5 10 years ago because of the emergence of nil I I think you know instead of you know a lot of people building dream classes like we’ve seen through the years you know everybody’s

Making a selfish decision I mean and they should don’t get me wrong I mean it’s just one of those deals where you know they’re looking out for their best interest and in some cases for some guys that’s distan from home for some guys that’s been around you know other good

Players some guys it’s the coaching staff and the style of play and then for some guys it’s strictly what does my nil deal look like there compared to somewhere else and hey if I can get a good deal for year one if it don’t work

Out I can always go to portal I go into Portal twice a year if I want to so um there’s a little bit more of that kind of decision making going on in recruiting right now than we’ve seen uh in years past obviously with the emergence of nil so there’s Brent hubs

And if you missed any of that conversation from 7:20 you can check out the rkw podcast SE tramone Kayla and will wherever you download podcasts go to hour two and that entire discussion is there interesting stuff on guys recruiting their friends and how that’s maybe not as meaningful as it used to be

Yeah that athletic article you sent to us I think is more gave so much Insider information on how this stuff works these days and uh if you love the school the kids will go to it there’s no other way around it right but they do have to

Consider what nil is because a lot of the time these young men don’t come from great financial backgrounds and that always plays a part in it too Heck if you telling me I can get 15 here but I can get 25 over there Mom and Pops is

Probably going to appreciate the 25 a month instead of that 15 yeah it’s crazy how we have seen college football change almost every year it’s just a little bit different right it just continues to evolve in its own way and I’m sure this isn’t the last time we’re talking about

How you get a guy to a school right I mean money getting your your your word out there with your players the the head coaches matter I mean now it’s the whole package baby mhm mhm so that is the show that is the week Titans head coaching search continues Aaron Glenn and Brian

Johnson scheduled to speak with the team today David Shaw the 11th name requested to speak with the Titans interesting to see what we learn over the weekend I would guess at the very least we hear of one more call back interview next week yeah of coaches who are not currently in

The play offs I guess if you’re a Titans fan you’re cheering against Bobby slowick and other guys you want I don’t know this upcoming weekend back at it again Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. we’ll have all the latest from the Titans coaching search stay safe on the ice out

There and listen to these words of wisdom as well from Ramone Foster you must remember good people all time your Twitter fingers and your mic is always hot

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