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BAMA STILL BURNING!!! 5-Star QB Leaves | LSU Celebrates!

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Matt Moscona continues to react to the roster turnover for Alabama following the retirement of Alabama head coach Nick Saban.

You found it your home for the best content on your favorite team the fighting tigers of LSU do us a favor subscribe to the channel leave your comments below and be sure smash that [Laughter] like H I want my music Muse give it to me right now I don’t want to wait any Longer ah I don’t know if I want this I don’t think I want this I want O Fortuna again I I thought this is so I figed you might so so much better you know we talked about it yesterday we workshopped it a bit and we’re like ah

Maybe we’ll go with Disco Inferno burn baby burn a little more upbeat no I don’t want that I want the absolute Savage nature of o0 fortuna to serenade the bleeding ears and bleeding eyes of all the bammers out there Muse yeah we’re getting to a muse I don’t know if you saw what

Happened today I I don’t know what happened well I was doing morning scone today and people started dropping into the comments hey Bama lost another one another one Caleb Downs like that wasn’t enough yeah he gone Kaden Proctor yeah he gone hit me with another one another

One you know you know who you know who bailed on him today who you may not be a recruiting fan if you’re not you may not know the name Julian Saiyan but he was a consensus fstar quarterback the number one quarterback in the country who just a few weeks ago signed with

Alabama who was in class last Wednesday the first day of classes when Nick sabbin announced he was retiring Julian saan said bye-bye another one ah had a babe Julian more bam teers baby oh my goodness now they’re left with Jaylen milro and Ty Simpson and we saw how Ty

Simpson played last year oh I’m sorry they got a transfer quarterback from Washington to come in and the funniest part of all of it is these bammers are out there trying to convince themselves why the kid Mack whatever his name is Yeah Austin Mac right sure him is actually a better

Option in Tuscaloosa do do they know that kayin dbor got Will Rogers out of the transfer portal to play quarterback at Washington this year yeah not mac oh that’s true yeah not sett on that gu mm- but he’s good enough for Alabama now my goodness gracious Almighty and you know what

What every time I see one of these bammers hit the portal you know what I do I hit him with the uh with the Jim Carrey gift right yeah him bouncing smiling good good you don’t have that one handy it’s okay I don’t need it there’s plenty to laugh at

Anyway well Muse they’re taking notice sitting at my desk earlier today got a text from a buddy who happened to be listening to wjx that’s jock FM there in Birmingham thre man front was the show my guy landram Roberts and I tell you what man Pat Smith one of the

Founders of the fine bomb show creators of the fine bomb show uh they were talking over there about Julian saian this morning and you know who they brought up in the middle of their conversation who’s that little old me Give a listen you think he would

Leave LSU to go to not or to not to Notre Dame but Michigan I mean if Michigan is willing to pay him $ 11.5 million or $1 million I I I think he’s in play I mean you had Matt musona a month ago said that if Michigan comes

Open Brian Kelly will be interested and he would take the job that’s what Matt musona I mean Matt’s tweeting out gifts left and right you know laughing at Alabama for all the players that’s leaving so maybe LSU will be looking for head coach another one Birmingham radio mentioning my gifts laughing at Alabama

Players entering the portal my guy Chris maror on Twitter at ver funquest yesterday when I crushed Alabama for celebrating getting the offensive lineman right the transfer lineman guy from Washington oh yeah the lineman that just got dumb trucked by Michigan well he only visited though right you know what Chris maror did he

Put together this graphic over at Saturday down south highlighting 49 sacks Allowed by Alabama this year the most in program history basically and he puts it side by side saying that Alabama allowed more sex than Oregon Washington Georgia and Michigan combined basically Alabama fans right now are denigrating Nick sabin’s team to

Prop up the guy from Washington that t bringing in they are on full effing tilt bro do you understand you have Alabama fans crushing Nick saens Alabama to try to prop up a transfer offensive lineman from Los you got Birmingham radio mentioning my gifts it’s everything I wish it is

Everything this is everything and you know what I keep getting hit with oh excuse me you know what my Elation has come to tears of from laughter now tears of joy have become tears from laughter Oh well LSU ain’t going to be no good I don’t care

The two are not mutually exclusive if LSU goes 0 and2 next year which they won’t but if LSU goes 0 and 12 that will not minimize one iota the amount of Joy I will feel every time I get to take one of those whipped cream pies and smack it

In your face every time you lose a game you hounds tooth bums kick rocks you losers enjoy your pack 12 offensive line good luck finding a quarterback I’m going horse again yeah I can hear it oh no that’s okay you did it on Friday this week so we’re good this m

This microphone is falling apart you’ve yelled in it too much it’s Tad enough it’s tapping out just like all those recruits at Alabama oh God can you give me the end of the clip again just where they talk about my gifts yeah just give me that again I

Want it one more time I got to we got to go cuz I got to talk to delinger tweeting out gifts left and right you laughing at Alabama for all the good job that’s what Matt musona I mean Matt’s tweeting out gifts left and right you know laughing at Alabama for

All the players that’s leaving so maybe LSU will be looking for a head Coach I don’t care if Mickey Mouse coaches LSU next year you make Donald Duck the offensive coordinator let goofy coach defense wouldn’t be much different from last year oh yeah well don’t care don’t care just sitting back here just sitting back you know what with every lost LS you

Has I’ll kick my feet up on the table pour me a little whiskey sip on it and just Revel in your misery it’ll make it all taste smoother they don’t know what to do they have no idea this is so unfamiliar to them it’s so oh I never want it to end oh

God let this never end oh Muse what will happen in 20 years if bamama still stinks am I still going to be doing this in 20 years yeah 100% oh I think you’re right cuz it gets better every day like with each passing day it gets better I think you’re right cuz

The Melt gets stronger oh who’s going to be next somebody I mean you know come on Crimson Tide roster who’s next who’s next I got the Itchy gift finger I’m ready to tweet it again I don’t know man the five-star quarterback who’s been on campus for a

Week that may be the creme de creme he didn’t even take a test yet Matt and he’s out the door what two lectures maybe he’s gone goodbye oh man Bama Pama is burning this is the most fun I’ve ever had in radio hey thanks so much for watching

Please leave your comments I’d love to interact and be sure to hit the red subscribe button below after f with after fur [Applause] you you


  1. it stung for a little bit till I DID SOME RESEARCH ON Austin MACK the 6ft 6 high 4 star that has been in his system for a year and has four years of eligibility remaining bama is stacked 4 deep in the qb room no worries WHATSO EVER HERE . Look who is visting here this week end than look them up on here .we are just making trades so to speak and filling in the holes with a few Washington kids this weekend . the guy bought a 4 and 8 team to a national championship ship game IN TWO years. ALL IS GOOD IN TITLE TOWN

  2. I'm waiting for the football season to begin, and bamar loses games, to laugh, poke the bear and other fun. That's when reality sets in and the pain really hurts over there….

  3. Let’s be real Alabama has dominated the SEC including our LSU tigers for years and as satisfying it is to see the end of the dynasty I really hate to see it go down like this. I feel for Bama fans, it’s not fun to see all these players leave

  4. Such a loser program. LSU has to have disaster strike to compete. Losers will always be losers as evidenced by LSUs record vs Bama.

  5. What happens if Alabama beats LSU this upcoming season? What happens when Alabama proves it has the better coach and still has better players even after all this? We're gonna have to mail O2 canisters to Matt's studio to keep him from accidentally hurting himself

  6. What’s funny bama will still best l s who don’t matter the talent you got look at texas a&m this year roll tide

  7. How do I LIKE this post a 10000 times? Lolololoolooolool. Love it!! Matt, keep em coming and don’t ever stop, four years from now, keep em coming lolololl

  8. I mean it was stupid of Matt to ever mention the Michigan bs with recruiting going on considering BK himself shut all that down. LSU has shown they will spend whatever it takes to build the staff up they’s 0 chance they’d lose BK so yeah that was silly of Matt.
    But it is hilarious that a Bama radio show is bringing it up lol

  9. Matt needs to take lessons on being manly, this giddy schoolgirl enthusiasm is embarrasing, granted he is not a masculine athelete but a sissy reporter and puts it on display here.

  10. lol they got a 6,6 4 star qb the coach decided on a different type of player but the opposing fan bases are hoping and praying Alabama is done lol pathetic

  11. And I thought I hated Bama! Lmao😂🤣🤣. Matt, let's hope Saban leaving does set back Bama a few years. Now, all we have to do is beat Oklahoma and Texas on a regular basis. For every silver lining in the clouds today, there are always darker ones on the horizon tomorrow. But, a good hearty laughing spell for a couple of years (maybe) is well deserved when it comes to Bama!

  12. burn baby burn couyon Matt couyon I never seen you laugh so much in all these years watching and listening to you rock on bro

  13. I find it somewhat embarrassing – love our LSU but dancing on Saban’s grave/departure (for me) lack’s a little class.

  14. Karma is a bitch ! Defiantly going to laugh my ass off when Bama beats your ass this year and to see what your excuses are. You and Georgia are two peas in a pod. LMAO

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