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AS Roma SACK Mourinho | Livestream

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Hello everybody this is uh I wouldn’t I don’t know if I can call it an emergency live stream I don’t like the term emergency Liv stream but I do know that um today was quite the eventful day and it’s still far from over there is uh still a lot that’s going to happen

Within the next few hours it’s going to be uh difficult for some emotional for some uh fulfilling for others uh I want to just ask you as I know that uh more people will be watching today uh there will be more reactions in the chat there’s going to

Be a lot of comments I just want to say please keep it civilized we can all agree to disagree in a civilized manner as I know that today’s situation will be viewed very differently so thank you everybody for uh joining me today again the circumstances are quite stream so I

Understand if uh if um some of you are more excited than usual as always please click on the like button and if you haven’t subscribed to our Channel please do so it really helps us a lot um to to grow an audience and it’s great to be

Able to come on here and interact with you so before I start to read the comments I wanted to just lay out all the facts for some people who may have just tuned in right now may have just woke up because they’re in LA or somewhere and uh and then I’ll get to

All the reactions and you guys can just let it rip in a civilized manner okay so I think uh first of all today’s events were completely unexpected because most media Outlets um seem to just scrutinize the possibility of uh of Mourinho departing the club with immediate effect

Uh most newspaper seem to agree that Roma um would not sack him because uh because it would be too costly for them and uh and seem to agree that Roma will plan something in the summer and just stick to Mourinho until the end of the season well that was not the case

So today’s news as always with uh with Roma with with fkins uh the news always come directly from the club once the decision it’s is made the decision is uh conveyed officially through the club’s channels and so first thing in the morning around

9:00 a.m. I you know I go I I start to check the morning press and boom there it is Roma announced Mourinho is leaving the club with immediate effect it’s a sacking uh he Mourinho did not file resignation Mourinho was sacked by Roma um the club felt that it just the season

Was uh derailing and it was there was still room for improvement and um and so afterwards we have the first name on the list is Danel de Roi to replace Mourinho now there is a lot of skepticism regarding this decision and we will get

To it later so I’ll try to uh make up for all the comments that I’m seeing right now pop up in the chat so if you if you feel a certain way about DSi returning please let me know uh and uh and so D Roi first name on the list the

Matter is done within a few hours as always Roma would not have sacked Mourinho had they not had uh any previous contact with with d rosi that was the case um around three or four hours later uh once Mourinho and his staff went to trigoria to empty their

Lockers empty their offices uh they made way him immediately for D Roi d rosi right now is at Toria and in about an hour he will begin his first training session as a Roma coach the roi’s only previous coaching experience goes back to spal last season um pretty pretty shortlived experience

Probably Mo most famous for calling up Raja ninan ninan going there and then shortly thereafter uh D Roi was gone so we’ve appointed a legend in the place of uh perhaps by status by status our greatest manager right so we appointed D Roi basically a newbie somebody who uh

Hasn’t even coached uh youth teams he’s got all the licenses needed he studied he’s been part of Roberto manini’s staff with Italy he had that brief experience in Ser B but that’s about it that’s that’s the Ro’s resume at this moment um we see Roma sit ninth in the table they

Have 29 Points in 20 games that is their worst points record uh since 2002 2003 at this point in the season that was back uh when Fabio Capello was still coach of is Roma so those are the facts um the rosi asked according to the mar of skyport the rosi even asked Diego

Pinto to to stay around stick around for a for a few months until the end of the season I guess that came from just the fact that he needs some support from a managerial standpoint from somebody in Roma’s upper management Roma are yet to uh name a sporting director that’s also something

That’s going on behind the scenes so those are the facts the ROI and his staff are uh right now at trigoria they’re signing all the necessary documents and getting ready to to begin training uh and they will be facing elas Verona in a few days time with around eight players

Missing so as you can tell circumstances are um are very bizarre and uh and I will now get to the famous chat and so guys any thoughts any questions please write it down the chat and I’ll try to to go back to it um let’s see hello everybody thank you uh thank you

Je thank you to all the patrons who join me here today if you would like to be a patron for the show you can be a patron for the show by going to romapress and support us there um hi Andy didn’t expect the sack of Mourinho

Right now but I wonder if he lost the dressing room now that’s the first question probably that comes to mind right when there is a when when there is something like this when something like this occurs uh especially with Mourinho again at Roma it always felt like U like

He had something up his sleeve and the management trusted him and the ownership trusted him at least there was that sense that hey he is Mourinho after all um I think majority of us thought that way given what we’ve seen in previous years in previous years there’s also

Been moments like this you know a slump here a slump there a a string of losses uh um so there can be speculation regarding the dressing room now from my perspective what I see on the pitch is players that are unable to react and respond to the pitch um so if you’re a

Player um you know such as um a player that is on the pitch for Roma and that behind the scenes in the in to the media says well I’m I’m all for Mourinho Mourinho is very important to me well that’s great but unless you

Show that to me the attitude um on uh on the pitch and uh you actually respond on the pitch um then those words are meaningless to me and and to me it felt like that it felt like we just got to a place where Roma were helpless now

There’s a there’s a difference between saying that and saying Mourinho needed to be sacked at this moment in time um I know that our good friend philipo Tempo and I also I site him here because I trust him always always trust philipo baura one of the few 100% reliable journalists philipo vura reported

Earlier today on the radio that um that there was a batch of players mostly uh non- Italian players of the team who uh who personally complained to Ryan friedkin so vice president Ryan friedkin um about the way they felt on the the pitch given the lack of results in

Recent weeks uh a batch of players went up to Ryan friedkin who is regularly at Toria unlike his father father who travels a lot for business Ryan fitkin for the majority of of the year is in Rome and uh also at Toria watching over the team’s training sessions um

According to baura some players went up to Ryan fredkin and complained about uh about how the team felt uh and looked on the pitch so if there’s if if if that is true and I do believe that that is is true because when baura reports it it means it comes from something

Um then that’s that’s something that we’ve seen in the past we’ve seen it with fona we’ve seen it with d Francesco it’s uh it’s natural unfortunately it’s part of football it’s happened everywhere um and that’s why it’s so rare to see managers last so long because there is a bond

That eventually at some point in time can break and uh and and that I think uh if if if the dressing room was not there if my impression of the team looking helpless on the team is founded on something then a decision like this I’m not saying is

Justified because I I never think that uh is it’s Justified unless you’re I don’t know sinking to relegation whereas you should be competing for the squid but still um there’s something there 10 million budget sign free agent Club reject injury prone and expect Champions League football well Sati I understand where you’re coming

From because I think a lot of people have that um in this case I don’t even think that the reason for this for in this instance I don’t think the reason is that the expectations of Champions League football the expectations is is to get results which Roma have not been

Doing um because at the end of the day if you look objectively at 29 Points in 20 games that is a horrific result so from a results based perspective it’s bad now you may argue whether the expectations really was Champions League football and blah blah blah but if I’m

If I’m the president of Roma and I’m looking at the team and I’m seeing that Roma are just one point ahead of Torino mid season and still with a lot to play for now that is very Waring so but I understand I understand also that’s why I’m saying let’s keep it

Civilized because there’s there’s a little bit of Truth everywhere so if uh if I understand if you’re in happy with how uh Roma handled the situation but also the you know the framework within Mourinho had to work personally I think we can all agree that uh a cycle with

Mourinho King came to an end in Budapest and Budapest should have been the end for Mourinho at Roma and he felt it that way remember when he loses that final he gathers the players around him and he says to them I’m staying but I’m staying

Here for you and it felt like that was a decision that was that he forced upon himself in that instance that had it ended differently had Budapest ended in a win for Roma that would have been it for Mourinho he would have left Roma like a hero you know two European

Trophies the team celebrated all over Europe great that was not the case it did not happen and I think Roma Mourinho failed to recognize that moment he and instead of trusting his Instinct he did something that went against his Instinct and roma on the other hand should have known should have realized that

You can’t hope to build on that loss and they fa and they failed to to build on that loss they failed to build on that defeat a lot of their decisions after that loss were were completely wrong and uh and they failed to realize what made those previous teams under Mourinho

Special so The Natural end to mourinho’s tenure should have happened uh in uh in at the end of May that was not the case and I think honestly this is quite the sad ending for a manager who gave us so much and for a club that gave him so much in a

Moment where Mourinho really felt like you know after Tottenham it really felt uh it felt like nobody would take a chance on him in that particular instance and he here he met a team that he he you know he fell in love with the

Fans fell in love with him it was like a perfect marriage that that first stro you know if there ever was a coach who could have gifted Roma their first European trophy it was Mourinho It Was Written in the Stars and then unfortunately Budapest s sort of

Scratched that and um and I think it it it just it continued on and it shouldn’t have so this is this doesn’t sit right with me uh as well so when we lose against Verona who are we going to blame nothing else will happen now well it’s

Uh it’s pretty evident that um against Verona you will be playing without uh say manini without christante you’re playing without all the players that are still injured that are still on on away on International Duty ER so Daniel D Ro’s job right now is very very difficult given his this being really

His first major job it’s unbelievably difficult but nothing ends guys I just want to say this that you know no matter how you look at this situation it doesn’t end it doesn’t end for Mourinho Mourinho is still going to have a lot going on in his career and it

Doesn’t end for Roma you know it may change things may change but um the Ro’s appointment will be valid until June there is no uh there is no option to extend his contract as as as suggested earlier on by the media there is there’s no option so Mourinho is a temporary

Appointment um which gives Roma time to secure a sporting director and then plan ahead and that’s something they have to do as soon as possible um you cannot also I want to also add Mourinho by himself was a great communicator he was your PR person he was the guy

Calling up players he was the guy going up to the media fighting for for Roma in front of the media For Better or Worse again again you can argue you may have disliked that part about him fine but he was through his experience through his pedigree he was able to withstand a lot

Um I’m not sure if danela D Roi can so what I’m saying is if you’re Roma now you really need to show some support to Danel D Roi this is going to be a guy who’s gonna come into a a really scary situation and he doesn’t the general manager is on his

Way out the ownership are all looking to hire somebody that is still not there maybe weeks away who knows so if you’re danela D Roi um you need a person of support you need somebody who’s right next to you ready to take over if uh if

There is something to say to the media if there is something to say to the referees there needs to be some backing because it’s not the same as having Mourinho um Mourinho by himself he handled it for two years this year he was a bit shaky he refused often times

To to do postmatch media appearances he didn’t want to engage uh anymore and I understand that he asked a number of times to have a bit more presence from the club Roma were reluctant in fulfilling that and uh I just don’t think that will work with d rosi d rosi will need backing

Um so let’s see um it’s sad to to see Jose leave but The Show Must Go On everybody must give full support to Danel and believe in him fora yeah absolutely who do you think we will get in the summer as next coach well today the media reports were about uh Antonio

Conte I uh I don’t know how true that can be obviously I was very skeptical when initial reports talked about Antonio Conte as a midseason appointment because um Antonio Conte does not join a team mid-season he’s made that clear enough it hurts to hear about the wh if of a

Europa League win it had so much importance oh that that night is unbelievably important and like the Champions League semi-final it’s a beautiful moment because you see a team really rally around the coach after the after the game and sort of you know try and make sense of a painful loss um but

It also fools you into believing into in something that this team is not and I think Roma overestimated uh that that team yesterday they overestimated the the the thought of what you know of what happens of what can happen later what they can achieve what is their objective what are their

Ambitions they overestimated that they made a number of mistakes because they underestimated the importance of somebody like Nea Matic they failed to recognize what may made their defense tick last season um with Chris Smalling out the whole defense lost its stability um and and they continue to build around

A core that maybe has given enough you know maybe the likes of Pelini and christante are not the way forward I’m not saying that I’m saying these are considerations that you as a club have to make when you when you reach a Europa League final you lose it and you have to

Understand where are we going from here you know so the main thing this tells me is that they were never going to extend now they had to determine what made best business sense well I think they they they were very reluctant to extend Mourinho simply because um Mourinho I

Don’t think had clarified his plans prior to say uh December right we lose against bologa that’s when Mourinho publicly announces that he wants to continue with Roma uh until then there had been no contact John from my my colleague John from Roma press also reported on it um that there had been no

Contact between the Agents of Mourinho and roma as as far as November December so there there was on both sides it seemed like what do we do and I think in with on the end of the fkins what won out is uh is paying attention to the team’s results and the team’s results

It’s undeniable guys whatever faction you represent whatever faction you you you are behind the were not good enough now you may argue that the team is not good enough it’s fine but at the end of the day coach and team it’s one big thing right so everybody’s has to be

Held accountable um minutes ago Pao dybala and U and leando Paredes who arrived that for training at Toria they were uh greeted by fans who said hey now without Mourinho you have no more excuses and it it’s only right it’s the same unfortunately the same thing

Happened in 20 8 2019 right with d Franchesco he leaves who do you hire in that moment uh claudo Raneri why because he’s the only coach willing to step into that reality at that moment in time it’s the same thing right now it’s just that you bringing in somebody who’s very un

Inexperienced um fredkin made correct decision by firing Mourinho but chose the RO but choosing the rosi is the problem well again um I think the circumstances here are so extreme you are never going to find a long-term replacement for muo uh at this point in

Time so if you think sacking him is the correct decision at this moment in time you also have to take the good and the bad you have to also take into account that for example uh Igor Tudor so probably the only high-profile manager out there that you can bet on long term

Would not be interested to walk into this situation um you have no sporting direct director you have a number of players who need to be sold you have a number of players who are here on loan until the end of the season you have no uh plans for the

Future you’re yet to determine what you want to do this summer it’s a this was a lost cause for any coach so Daniela de Roi coming back is very romantic um because we thought it will H it would happen in the future we did just didn’t

Expect it to happen so soon um but the fact is if you sack Mourinho now the options to replace him long term are extremely limited perhaps impossible uh yes in retrospect the Europe Europa League final loss was an ious moment flew so close to the Sun and didn’t see the feathers were melting

Away and we slowly losing altitude that’s brilliant brilliantly said um it it really was it was a moment where Roma should have had a great instance of clarity they should have seen through that loss they should have said listen it’s bad we’re hurting but this is what we want

To do to improve instead they said let’s see if we can stretch this let’s see if we can get lucky enough unfortunately that was not the case it did not happen it didn’t pan out um hiring uh Danel D Roi is a lowrisk PR move that’s it well

It can be a high risk if it if it if it doesn’t if it doesn’t work out it’s a very highrisk move I’m in the faction that is pushing for a new hair product for and thank you so much Alec always paying uh paying compliments for my hair

Uh Michael do you see Roma going into total rebuild mode my apologies if you already answered this joining l no absolutely Michael thank you and uh it’s no problem if you guys have some questions that can be repetitive it’s fine um I I do see Roma going into rebuild

Mode because the wage bill is uh is is horrendous and the wage bill is horrendous now because the the the results are just not there uh you cannot be the third most expensive roster in the league and have only 29 Points to show in 20 games that is unacceptable

And you have teams like Monza and bologna and even Torino who I mean for majority of the season have been outperforming you that’s scary that’s the scarier realization that I think really got to the fkins um I do agree the rosi is a PR move to sort of calm

The waters try to get the fans still on their side right because hey Mourinho filled out the stadium he sold it out his presence was very important to to the majority of home fans um so any other coach except for Daniel D Roi would have had would have seen uh the Olympic

Attendance dropped drastically not d rosi d rosi even if fans are against this move even if fans don’t like the fact that he is being tasked with such an important job so early on they will still show up for him that is something that I’m sure of um but I do think that

Appointing D Roi until the end of the season means one thing that you’re going to make uh an important appointment in the summer if you hire a sporting director now and you appoint somebody long term in the summer it means that you are going rebuild mode um Roma will

Be slashing those wages I I I definitely see that happening uh because right now they are paying the price of having a lot of players who make a lot of money but don’t play so guys like Chris Ming Renato Sanchez spat Sola I mean right there you have what uh 12 million in

Wages so right there that’s 12 million so imagine the team will destroy Verona we’ll see midfielders playing with freedom unafraid to receive and turn with the ball best thing that could have happened getting rid of Mourinho okay Crystal I know your comments from some of our videos so um you you know very

Extreme Viewpoint um I doubt that the turnaround can be so quick uh I I I hope it is I hope that this team responds well to disappointment um and I I do think that it’s still going to be important emotionally it’s going to be important that transition from having for example

Somebody like christante or manini guys that were trusted by Mourinho to see Mourinho gone but then have the figure of Daniel D Roi somebody they’ve worked with previously either at the club or with the national team um that is very important to keep the focus the focus

Was not there over the last weeks the focus is not there and and filipo baur’s Report which I mentioned earlier on of of a batch of players not being convinced of what Mourinho was doing uh when they he was putting them on the pitch just shows that there was something there were

Cracks and and that’s why I I was very worried by his recent press conference the one he did right before Milan and the one that shall be his last appearance for Roma um because I thought hey here’s a man who seems helpless who feels like he can do much more with this

Team uh and again you can argue in favor or against that um you can say hey there is more to be done with these players or you can argue just not good enough um so guys I’m very happy that we have such a record-breaking audience because uh hey

Today is a very eventful day I appreciate everybody tuning in it’s just it would mean a lot if you could just click on the like button so that we can get even more people involved that’d be nice so if you haven’t already click the like and if you haven’t Subs subscribe

To our Channel this is where you can find uh all episodes of the Roma press podcast on video format and you can also uh find these live streams I usually schedule them a few hours in advance so if you click on the little notification button you’ll get notified anytime I schedule them

Um I thought D Roi would deny this job um until he felt ready what is this this feels like a panic sacking and Pinto leaving makes this all even worse is this like what juu did with Pio well it’s not because Pio arguably had a little bit more experience then the rosi but

Um but Pio was long term for you D rosi is not and D rosi knows it he knows the situation and D rosi was here when in 2018 2019 he sees claudo raner re reappear uh in an emergency situation he was here that was his last season for

Roma he retired shortly afterwards um so he knows what the situation is he knows that this is a moment of need and yes you can say this is a panic reaction and a PR move a PR move to keep everybody still more or less happy or at least if

Not happy in support you know because nobody’s gonna turn back turn their back on danela D rosi as long as D rosi is on the bench the fans will continue to support so um let’s see I have to say I’m gutted really the love and symbiosis between the city and

Manager was so unique oh absolutely absolutely um I really failed to recall I really failed to recall a time where there was this much connection between coach and fans what Mourinho did for Roma was amazing in and of itself off the pitch just by looking at the

Dynamic um he was first of all he was taken back by how fans just graciously welcomed him um and recognized his status as the the greatest manager to walk through the the gates of trigoria you know looking at his career looking at his pedigree and um and then it he took it

To another level the way he represented these colors um on several occasions also obviously in those European finals uh it’s it’s something that put put him above head and above everybody else in terms of recent managers I just don’t think there’s been a lot of managers who were able to read the

Room so well like Mourinho Mourinho was tapped into this reality since day one and that made the difference so you can argue that even when things were going bad on the pitch that compensated and it compensated and it went on for those two years even in those difficult moments

That support the fact that he would you know he would go under the court of asud and applaud the fans and the fans would give him a standing ovation even after a defeat that would he did not take that for granted and roma fans did not take

That for granted so I think that was something that kept the team going this season it did not it was not enough I felt like even there there were cracks um the support was undeniable all season long but eventually the results get to you and if the team fails to embody what the

Manager wants to convey to them then you got a recipe for disaster um I am from India started following uh Roma due to Mourinho fell in love with the passionate fans but now will with Jose gone time to leave I understand I I I don’t think um I don’t think you’re the only

One now that Mourinho leaves will the referees change their St stance on Roma no I don’t think so if you if you are new to this go back to fona getting a red card against Keri go back to God knows how long so see what happened to Mo uh H see what

Happened to Manchester United and Tottenham with all the resources they have and see what will happen to Roma with no resources oh are you are you sorry are you putting a curse on us I don’t I mean the reality is the reality and again Roma stays you know whatever

Happens the club stays so I understand that people want to follow a manager and that’s totally fine by me but um but for us who you know who uh cheer for a football club the club stays no matter who goes through it so sacking Mourinho while he has the

Support of fans and the kurvas risks the club to go the way palota did even if Daniel D the ROI Shields as a PR move well I think um I honestly think if you start turning on the club right now I don’t want to I

Again I want to keep it civilized but I don’t think it would be a good thing to do right now um the fkins have invested almost uh over 900 million euros into the club they took the club in a really difficult moment and they’ve given you the possibility of seeing the likes of

Mourinho and dybala Lukaku whatever your stance is they’ve contributed to that you can argue that it’s all Mourinho well Mourinho is there in the first place for a reason um to just this Miss this so quickly for this things will turn out you know nothing ends again you

Change you evolve as a club Roma have to learn their lessons they have to operate more smartly they have to be able to navigate all the restrictions they will face new restrictions which will then eventually be lifted um they hey who knows maybe you qualify for Champions League football maybe you don’t qualify

For Europe uh at all um it doesn’t mean that everything’s ending you know there is life after Mourinho there is life after d rosi it goes on I blame Anthony Taylor where well don’t we all don’t we all um it was really bad what uh what Anthony Taylor

Did was the priv US of a really fairy tale ending to the whole Mourinho tenure I think that would have been so magnificent to see Mourinho go back to Rome ride the bus one more time with the Europa League trophy uh see the fans celebrate see the city explode the way

It did on the day that we went back with the conference League trophy uh unfortunately Anthony Taylor chose to be a prick Joseph wage bill needs to be reduced to 70 million a year from the 110 million big job by the next sporting director oh it’s it’s huge and already

This is already an improvement over what we had in 2021 because in 2021 we had over 70 players under contract and uh and you had guys like alesio ricardi costing you a million a season so it’s uh you know it’s really it’s uh but that’s what I’m

Saying the club evolves because you have to learn your lessons so the Mourinho tenure in my opinion it’s still a success despite the poor League record the the league record is not good but if you look back at these years I’m sure that people will look back on them the

The way they do when they look back at the years of Fabio Capello they remember that these things matter in the long run you know um but as a club we also have to face a reality that may have been unsustainable with Mourinho here despite him saying a

Number of times that he would be willing to work with younger players to see this team you know change shape to see less players less veteran players less players on loan more guys from the youth sector more uh you know prospects who may not give you an immediate response

But are a good long-term option I don’t know how it would have been able to to be sustainable for for for Mourinho in the long run I just don’t know so as a club maybe now you change strategy and that’s fine too the Roma changed strategy by going from fona to Mourinho

Obviously it’s night and day so again you move on you you keep going um do you think D Roi will use Prima Vera players well it depends on the situation I think right now D rosi will want to have uh the full support of the most important players in the team and he’ll

Try and build on that um he’ll try to hey he’s gonna meet Brian christante the guy who he said he wishes he had a 100 players like him right so no that’s it’s it’s important at this moment in time for everybody in the locker room to

Really rally around D Roi D Roi is not that much older than nman Matic was last year okay so um he’s going to be like a teammate of theirs uh and the team has to Rally around him because they have to know the reality that he comes from and

The reality it comes from is being a staff member for the Italian national team more or less that’s that’s his experience right there so um I don’t believe the rosi will fill the stadium does anyone remember when the tifosi hung manino of him and Raja

In the streets no but Nino this is a very particular situation here anybody who would have come in would have had the support D Roi being here so early on and him becoming the manager of Roma four years after retiring is huge it’s huge especially given the circumstances

Now of a team that is low on confidence technically questionable and in a bad position in the league table um this is this is a situation that requires D Roi to be supported and I’m pretty sure that he will be uh he will he will get the backing how horrific is husar’s contract

Looking right like right now well I I do I actually think that husan is still a player who can give you a lot so I don’t I would not write off somebody like a because hey maybe he comes back from afcon and maybe D Roi finds a way to to

Involve him more I think husse right now is our the least of our problems Adam um I I’ve Shen after spending Aon will not achieve trophy anytime soon well thank you and good luck um I can believe we are here again Andy no coach no technical director inflating roster po

Results well it’s how it goes guys it’s Sports unless you are uh a rich club that also has you know the a clear grasp on its future um say like Real Madrid you’re really never facing these issues you know um you have to build from the

Ground up and sometimes you just have to burn it all to see it rise back up again so I wouldn’t it’s sad for me it’s sad because I was I was so uh excited when Mourinho was appointed and I’m so thankful for what he’s done for us and I

I continue to repeat how uh how important it is to have him leading us um really just even from an image perspective um but it this is no drama it’s it’s it’s a Natural Evolution when it comes to football it’s just what happen happens you know sometimes it

Goes your way sometimes it doesn’t um B is the new danela D Roi imagine being coached by your Mentor yeah that would be that’s that’s another good thing right we’ll see guys we’ll see there is options it’s not like one could question the technical quality of this team fine

But to say that you have no options out there it’s false there is options there is a number of options even Mourinho himself said it a number of times uh this season that hey this year we’ve got a lot of options in the Midfield we have options here we have options

There we’ll see um doesn’t mean that we we will see a a drastic change but perhaps even just a a steady rise in confidence and in attitude that would be an improvement over what we saw in the games against Lazio or Milan where the team just looked flat and uh and the manager

Looked like he had no grasp over it anymore and that’s that’s unfortunate um so we will play 4-33 with the rosi but I think uh I don’t know where that notion comes from because at spal he played with a three-man defense ah I meant low risk for Daniel D

Roi more so than the club the club still has a lot to play for but for him it’s a chance to make a name for himself or be in the same shoes he was in yesterday well I don’t know because this is you know it’s a big moment for him I think a

Lot of people will be watching um I I do agree with with you from the perspective of a player that returns to his Boyhood Club this is huge uh at the same time it’s so huge that it may be too too Grand you know hopefully not hopefully he meets the moment

Hopefully the club are able to to stand by him uh Mourinho did very well he was sincere in his work I agree we are C and we will go back to where we belong I don’t okay I don’t know I don’t know guys I maybe I don’t read football the way some

Of you do um I just don’t see the tragedy in it unless the club is relegated I don’t see a tragedy in this it’s it’s what happens um a manager loses loses the control of the lock room or loses the the way of conveying something on the pitch and and you have

To react to that um perhaps you could have waited until the summer the club felt it was time to to to make a decision whether that is whether D rosi is the correct choice in this moment I guess from an emotional point of view great and then comes the pitch and the

Pitch we don’t have answers um DSi plays with 352 in spal will it be 352 now for Roma well I’m I’m not I’m don’t believe that he will drastically change what has been going on in terms of tactics not I don’t think so um oh wow there’s a lot of comments I’m

Trying to get through them quickly so um different opinions on mourinho’s constant fight with the referees but I think his absence on the sideline after expulsions spoke volumes to ownership Mia in big games like Milan I don’t know if that was the big problem this season Mourinho wasn’t on his best behavior

This season I just think think it really comes down to the fact that the the team stopped showing up I don’t know what happened after Atalanta but in the derby it was there was Mourinho was on the sideline in that game and it was like he was not there there was no communication

Between them and the players kept arguing with each other and they and they did the same thing in Milan they they continued to argue with each other there was no semblance of play there was no organization zaleski was running away from his opponent you know it seemed

Like nobody knew what they were being asked to do and that’s that’s that’s unfort that’s that’s what happens uh that’s what happens um does this mean we are throwing in the towel basically saying it I hope for the best no I don’t think so I mean

Is it hail Mary to appoint uh an inexperienced uh coach who used to be a player just to keep the fans at Bay probably but I don’t think we’re folding in the towel um I think had Mourinho stayed and sort of we saw that the the

Club are happy with just cruising by and uh and hope and you know hoping for the best that would have been folding the towel here there is still an attempt to just squeeze every last drop um out of this out of this theme and then in the summer it’s going to be a

Revolution there is no more to be done with these players says Eddie Christan is bang average pigini is bang average manini is bang average Jesus spatola is bang average if you fire Jose you have to fire them too well I’m as I said before I think there will be

Considerations made in the summer with regards to what do you consider your core and that’s what I mentioned the previous episode I said there is no there is a feeling that there is no identity because who is you know one of the most alarming things about the match

Against Milan which I did not comment on on the podcast because it was happening as we were recording was that Andrea Bellotti spoke to the media Mourinho wasn’t allowed to speak to the media because of his suspension but FY did not speak to the media he never speaks to

The media um Pelini did not speak to the media manini did not speak to the media Andrea Bellotti spoke to the media a guy who up until a few days ago had been linked with a move away from Roma now to me that is mind-blowing that somebody

That hardly plays for the club this season after a good start he’s barely seen any playing time was asked to go in front of the media and comment on Roma situation it just blew my mind um and I think that is something that speaks volumes of who are the leaders in this

Team what is the core who are the core players what do we do in situations that require somebody to step out in front of the media and discuss what’s going on because belotti is the last person that should represent you in these situations uh so that really stood out

To me and I think it absolutely Taps into this lack of identity that I felt in 2018 2019 I felt in 20132 2013 and uh and I I’m feeling now um correction Andy Pio was first assigned as pra team manager and then promoted one month later technically the rosi has

More experience comparison yes you’re right Joseph I immediately remember that after I said that um but with p I think from the start there was a feeling that uh juu wanted to to build something long term and it it didn’t work out for it they wanted to go in a different

Direction right uh they wanted to appoint somebody that would take them into the next era you know it was the time when tago mot was starting gilardino was starting and Piero from that generation also started to do it and I felt like youu wanted to go in a

Long-term Direction here R are very clear it’s until June and then we appoint somebody else with Mourinho gone do you think we have a CH oh first fkins uh can redeem themselves if they picked up lucha in the summer well luchano palti is coaching Italy in the summer so I don’t

Think that’s an option will with Mourinho Gan do you think we have a chance at making a Deep Run in the Europa League if we get somewhat healthy but we would have had a chance to go deep into the Europa League as well with Mourinho uh I I honestly I

Don’t know and I said on the podcast um we’ve been through it we’ve been to a final we’ve felt how it much it hurts and uh we’ve seen that the payoff is not great if you lose the payoff is there if you reach top four so if you have to

Attempt to accomplish something this season top four it is in my book Mourinho respected Roma in the summer he did not leave when he got a big contract we should respect him I think um I think there was respect but I also think that there came a moment where there was just no

Dialogue and you can’t have di you can’t have a healthy workplace if there is no dialogue um so you can argue if there is a lack of if that is a symptom of lack of respect but I just think that this is a situation that needed to be settled

Way before that there should have been a face- Toof face between management and Mourinho in the summer they did not have that Mourinho went out of his way he made public the news that he had received offers from Saudi if you’re Roma in that moment you asked to meet with him instead Roma

Trusted him they said okay whatever you want you know if you’re staying great they never went and meet met with him to discuss a long-term future so so both sides kept each other in this uncertainty that uh is never good especially if you want to compete for something so does anybody remember what

Change uh what change Virgil Van djk brought to what I don’t understand it uh there’s too many spelling mistakes my friend I’m sorry I can’t read a comment that has that many spelling mistakes Mourinho had God uh what can change tactically at this point players trained certain way

For two plus years and an experienc manager I want to see more entertaining football don’t think this group can do it well right now I don’t think the fkins are aiming for entertaining football they’re aiming for results they want to see them this team pick itself up I think from an objective standpoint

This is a a a semide decent moment the the opponents that you’re facing right now are approachable obviously Roma are dealing with a lot of injuries and and players being gone and then we have that terrible uh trip to Saudi Arabia um for whatever reason that friendly on the

24th is a nightmare in my book and the last thing that the club should be doing right now um with upcoming 10 easier matches plus two home matches versus Top Four rivals reason for J sacking sacking beforehand well yeah you can argue that that this

Was sort of the the last moment that the club could take such a decision so Andy will the rosi bring his own management yes FTI and all of mourinho’s Staff members are gone salvator FTI is no longer on the team D Roi has has his own

Staff members uh yes the Slate has been cleaned um D rosi is at trior right now the the training session will about is about to begin and and with a whole new staff best thing is was was the full pool Stadium every single week yes Paul

H Paul obviously one of our good patrons and somebody who regularly attends games has to be amazing to even you know to to have been able to enjoy even the the the the more disappointing displays or at Le or for example with the Lesser sides

Right so with cremon you got a full full packed Stadium same thing for for Balo or slavia praa no matter who it was bromma always filled the stadium up and I don’t think that is bound to change at least for for the next few weeks with

With the ROI how much do you know about spal and Danielle D Roi play style Andy I do not know anything but that his record is not the best yeah his record is not the best he inherited a very poor team uh I think I gave up watching after

Two games it was it was horrendous and um and in fact masim Modo the man who replaced him was not able to save them and now they’re sitting um near the bottom of seriai it’s not looking good good for um our good friend uh Jo

Tacopina or is he still owner of spa I don’t know he’s the ASAP Rock’s lawyer I believe um how do you reckon that D Roi will have the team set up any indication I believe it’s at least in the opening matches it I I expect him to

Continue with a 352 you just you don’t just walk in and uh and completely alter the way a team play it takes time it takes time especially when you’re just a few days away from from playing against H Verona and it is a must-win it’s a mass TN

Absolutely mon mchi damaged us until today well this is It’s how it works right there are decisions that cost you in the long term and and the Munch’s card blanch which was really palot first and major mistake was and the more costly one the the one that cost him his

Tenure was giving card blanch to mchi uh Roma might probably uh crawl back to its whole unfortunately this will definitely divide the fans again I I think it’s a sh it would be a shame if this split up the fans because this is the exact moment when

You should be a fan and when you should be supporting the club so I never I will never understand this idea of hey something is not going my way I’m going to turn my back on the team what’s the use of it this is football it’s Sports

You either win or lose so by default you always face moments like these it’s not the first time and it’s not the last time so um I don’t know maybe I’m I’m the weird one here um High wages is not the perfect indicator Tammy Smalling Sanchez dybala War how many minutes they have

Played this season no absolutely that’s that’s that’s all correct and it all contributes exactly to a situ sitation that Roma must resolve as soon as possible um is it true free tickets are available for future Roma matches in order to maintain sell no what the hell are you talking about come

On or at least I haven’t read anything um despite everything putting a new coach at this moment can play into our hands because the next series of matches not so difficult and can encourage to finish the season plus minus on positive note to me the only

Thing that matters right now is not even to see this team playing champagne football just to see this team breathing again which is not something they’ve been doing over recent games and that is something that really pains me um because you always want to see a team

React and roma showed no fight when they went down to Milan they looked helpless even when they scored that one goal on the penalty you never really believe that they’re going to come back into it let’s see this change can play out similarly like this Jose o change at Manchester United

With the next games are fairly easy to grab a lot of points and gain some confidence after a tough time there is no there is no uh there is no excuse now for the players we all know that this is not a decision that uh that everybody

Likes this is not a popular decision this is actually very unpopular decision from what I can see opinions are split and opinions will be split a lot will a lot will be said throughout these next few months we have to see what uh what D

Roi does from my end I can only say that I’m grateful for Mourinho brought to the club I’m sure we’ll get into this in the next podcast episode that we will record later tonight with John um eternally grateful for what Mourinho did whether uh a change was deed right now I still

Don’t know it’s still tough for me to say because I’ve I’ve seen these situations in previous seasons and somehow we’ve always been able to come out of it but I perhaps this was different perhaps things behind the scenes did not feel the same way as they did uh in previous years and obviously

You have to add to that uh Thiago Pinto leaving the club so there is this you know there’s General sense of uncertainty with regards to that direction the club are heading in after this season and uh and and those are questions that are all valid so it’s

Fine but at this moment in time I just want to conclude this live stream by saying if there is a time to support a club it’s in these moments when there is a lot of uncertainty and results are not going your way um it’s the most

Difficult time to be a supporter of a club and uh you know I understand if you follow this team only for Mourinho I understand that your Viewpoint is hey hey losers time to go back to irrelevance but I think to the fans of the team this is uh this is this can be

Be a very good moment as well um because if Daniel D Roi works out that’s a great romantic return to the club for him and if it doesn’t nothing ends things change you plan the future that’s the most important thing for Roma right now is to choose uh uh an an experienced sporting

Director that knows the situation knows how to deal with these restrictions that we’re facing uh and together with the CEO together with the with the with the owners can plan uh a future that has some long-term benefits um and a future that involves Roma uh still remain

Competitive and uh and have a clear identity because I think that’s something that we’ve been lacking this season as I mentioned before something broke after Budapest and it never came back I think so I think we will end it here guys um the next podcast episode should be available tomorrow uh in the

Meantime if you haven’t subscribed to this Channel please do so uh and uh if you would like to support what we do at Roma press um for the website for the work that we do on social media for the podcast for this YouTube channel you can become a patron at Roma press

And you can support us there it really means the world to us so guys hold on tight don’t lose hope this is you know this is not the end it’s not a tragedy and it can actually be exciting site to see Daniel Danielle D Roi one of the Great Club Legends

Standing on our Sidelines you know so at least try and seek the positive in what you initially interpret as negative in the meantime as always I wish uh Jose Mourinho the best of luck and uh we’ll see each other real soon so until then guys thank you so much for joining me

Today until next time ciao


  1. I hope Daniele likes ballposession football and tries to build something to the attacking direction. This "3-5-2" defensive kicking and hoping has been taken too long. Welcome back DDR and best of luck. Forza Roma

  2. Bye Roma! "So called" Mourinistas wish you good luck.
    Ah fuck that.
    I will support Feynoord WITH PASSION! ))
    Anyway bye. You are good pundit.

  3. In my opinion, taking a “bandiera” like DDR, and making him the coach carries to high a terrible risk. He might succeed, but if he fails, the risk exists that he gets burned terribly by the fans in Rome, and a man like him does not deserves that.

  4. As a Mourinhoista, I just wanna say thank you for the news & podcasts over Jose's tenure. I will miss listening to you guy's as this is the last podcast i will watch. Best of luck 🍀

  5. Missed Livestream again! Ugh! Anyways, greetings from cold Indiana. My thoughts on Mourinho getting the sack are this….After watching the team the last month it was like being involved in a stale relationship. It's time to break up, even if their is no real fault in it. It's just not working for either party. As for DDR, it was predictable he would be the stop gap measure with Ranieri unavailable. I hope he does well but it's a tough situation and hopefully he will be given support until end of the season.

  6. Hello there,

    for me it's quite paradox, that Jose got the sack in this situation. I will wait for the name of players to come out, but I can't imagine, that one of the main players (Dybala, Lukalu, Macini, Cristante, Bove, Pelligrini shouldalso in that order of importance to the team) was against him.
    It's quite a shame for me, because the situation isn't as hopeless as it seems, with Top 5!!! Points away and the europa league redempetion way open.
    Yes the squad semed low on energy, but that's because a lot of guys have to play always (we went into rhe seasom with 3 cb for a back 3 formation).
    The suqad plannimg can't be calles out on Jose.
    In these hard circumstances (FFP limitations, squad quality, history of da Roma) Jose did an awesome job in my opinion.
    He got word class caliber players (Dybala, Lukaku), promoted more youth players than no one ever before (with Zale & Bove starting), got a marketing boost (the youtube channel alone grew from 300k to 1.2 mil) and a international trophy after 60 years!!!
    He balanced the FFP account and some star players like Zaniolo & Miki were never really replaced for him.
    Quite a shame, that even with all this, he couldn't finish what he started.
    But I have one important thing to point out:
    Jose's love for Roma and the fans was real, he experienced a lot, but the way he was treated by the fans, was something he won't forget.
    The were the main reason he wanted to stay. They seduced him, to try sometging different.
    You can say that Jose changed for Roma, he showed something different at Roma.
    In the end, it doenst't matter anymore.

    I'm a bit heartbroken that he won't get the farewell from the fans, that he deserved in my opinion. If Anthony Taylor wasn't the refere Jose's tenure would have been epic.

    Jose conquerd Rome and lived all of the Roma experience.
    Veni, vidi, vici and than getting stabbed in the back by some players (as it seems) like a true Emperor.

    It was a pleasure for me to hear your podcast, I really loved your jokes and funny discussions.
    Stay well and the way you are.
    Thank you for everything.
    Daje Roma.
    One mourinhoista at his last Roma Press Podcast.

  7. Mourinho, no matter what happen anytime in the future Roma and Roma fans will never ever forget you,
    You were Mr. Special, You are Mr. Special and you will stay Mr. Special, despite your absence, we truly ❤ U from bottom of our hearts ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  8. I hope DDR do well at Roma but I fear he will become a Pirlo. Wish DDR all the best as the new coach of Roma. Thank you Mister for letting Roma have trophies and competing in tournaments again.

  9. This was a project Mourinho,it hah to come to an end.
    What keeps on annoying us are people who knows nothing about coaching saying technically this or that.
    If Roma reach any final in the next 5years,I can eat my head.

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