Golf Babe

Playing Golf But Deer are in the Way

Jake attempts to break 85… solo

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Mood swingers we’re back and doing something kind of special today kick and Trey off the channel we’re just going to be playing by myself today yeah it was fun though we had oh we had a good run mhm what I’m going to be trying to do is

Breaking 85 but only nine holes so I’m going to try to shoot lower than 43 we’re in San Antonio yes we are Texas I travel so much work it’s hard to keep no we are on tour right now we’re performing so we’re at s Antonio Silver horn golf club going

To try our best it’s good horny first hole par five but it is uh a little skinny a little slender honeymoon season woo that’s a good start I was actually nervous it’s a narrow hole that feels great okay well it ran through the Fairway so that’s actually not that cool

Avoided some pretty nasty stuff but uh in a pretty good spot 175 going into a par five trying to take advantage got a seven iron here oh yeah well that felt great looking a little left somewhere down there I mean we can’t really see but pleased is flying I guess we’re

We’re in the thick of it we’re in Sasquatch country here found my ball I got a pitching wedge bump it up there as best I can that felt like I hit that a little too hard that that feels like I may not have a putter next shot okay this isn’t

Terrible I mean it’s still a birdie look all things considered probably smart to putt this chipping is fun but smart thing is to putt uphill right to left not going to read it too much cuz I suck a putting anyway okay not bad greens are fast today I

Barely hit that uphill for par right here here we go putting everything out today part of start I’ll take that of course I never played all right hole two looks like uh par 4 we don’t know anything about this course or the holes but I got a driver hope for the best

Uhoh man I hit it hard but it’s left okay it looks like it bounced in front of the sand and then over the sand I’m I know if that’s good or bad from the look of the tea box I thought it was going to be out of bounds but uh it’s

Just you can kind of see it’s just a dirt path so um we’re to play I mean I guess I don’t know I found my ball we’re in another hole so I’m pulling up a little GPS app here silver Horn Golf Course all right it says we’re 107 yards

That’s not bad I just don’t know where I need like a point of reference how did Harriet tman do it uh North Star I think it’s here yeah it looks like a Tall Tree in the app I’m not even doing this to try to be funny I just I feel like you

Really need to know where to hit it I think I have something picked out that I think is the flag I see something yellow and skinny so we’re going to go right here I hav think about the fact can I even get over this sorry a lot of

Internal monologue right now all right 52° send it high there we go I got that off the toe a little bit it’s might be a little short fun fun and little Adventure how about this we’re on the green uh definitely not expect that couldn’t see much but this is tricky it

Looks it feels like a lot of break this way so try our best sheesh that’s not great I was right about a lot of break all right not the best look for par but my drive wasn’t the best either uphill right to left a couple cups man not good to putting bogey well

Actually hold on bogey okie dokie looks like we got 360 yard par 4 and looks like it moves a little left hopefully there’s no water no way of knowing be okay okay that sounded like it could hit a tree there’s also deer foraging so that could have been them kind of

Chowing down on some branches I don’t know all right kind of got a good news good news situation found my bow nestled here on some rocks also uh this is just leaning up against this tree I don’t know what it is exactly kind of just like if Huck Finn did bouldering or

Something I don’t know if Huck Finn was wrapped up in CrossFit you ever SE anything like this Trey what is this that’s how uh people down here Mark the territory oh yeah this is covered in Piss they’re Tas okay I don’t know if I’m allowed to move my ball off the

Scary Rock but I’m going to uh cuz I don’t want to ruin my club unfortunately I don’t know if you can see but there’s a ravine down there so I can’t just punch this out I feel like I got to play it safe and play it lame and just hit

Something really short out here andess the car girl you know what car girls love to see 30 yard punch shots she’s going to love this you see that yeah she’s smiling play it saf I get up and down for par I got 70 yards nice easy 60° okay little short little shorty 5’9

510 with shoes on ain’t bad big old par putt up the hill can’t tell which way it’s breaking never good so we’re just going to aim straight you know I lied I thought it was breaking a little left to right should have aimed dead straight an idiot all

Right it’s kind of a tough bogey putt here why not you know why not feels pretty straight I didn’t get down a look at it but feels straight oh the Lipper well that’s a bummer I didn’t even play that hole that bad and I I got a double bog there so

Fall apart not on a good trajectory here par bogey double bogey see if we can make triple here this looks a little tricky pins tucked right by the the sand I got a nineiron 160 yard let going for the center of the green here well it was at the center and then

It drew so oh man I’m I’m hitting the ball well but not well at all at the same time really getting to know the course today once again uh very luckily found my ball we’re right here pin High just just give me a putt after this

One hit under it so that’s what’s going to happen that’s all right I’ll chip in from here for par chip in chip in watch this guys you didn’t believe me did you oh was probably good good chip good chip cuz I didn’t make it all right this isn’t crazy uphill probably 7

Ft woo all right back to uh we’re on their way back down down the mountain up to double bogy now back to bogy sorry to interrupt the video Trey what is your Vice of choice oh boy I probably I’m not proud of this I like to buy fish from Walmart make them

Fite I I was going to say Vice Pro Plus oh yes ball yes the ball we up this video to talk to you about Vice we’ve been proudly playing Vice for months now let me tell you every still suck below average shot you’re seeing in this video

I use a vice for it so is that change your mind beautiful uh I I play with the Vice Pro Plus yeah as do you I like to get these red ones cuz I lose M so much and you’re like people like why you playing with Road how is use this a spot

Yeah uh Santa used something shiny uh B and red wake up so click the link below in the description all the details on how you can get stocked up with the best golf balls in the game right now support the channel click it you’ve got the Vice

Pro soft Vice Pro drip they’ve got the if you haven’t been on their website go they have an entire like ball fitting part of their website so you find which one works for you go do it link down below thanks again Vice go down below

Get your own balls and uh enjoy the rest of this video while we Roo on Jake to goow with with VI yeah no more mustache it’s going away scorecard says this is a par 4 that’s only 265 but there’s no catch I feel like there’s no water just

Have fun I think is the name of the game here so going to hit driver see what we can do it’s going right towards that right green side bunker yeah I think it be in it but hey greenside bunker on of par 4 it’s not

Bad I’m a little bunker boy kind of see the the Dexter blood splatter here I think I landed on some grass then rolled down but sorry I sorry if that was distracting I got paired up with Dale Earhart Jr today so it’s kind of sucked

But nice good sand down here in Texas so just flop it up get myself a putt wow Jake yo I love Texas baby what a shot this is for birdie I should probably actually read this one uphill a little right to left go to your home you split

With the Jorgenson’s it’s a nice time share all right bunker boy birdie boy back on track all right momentum’s back made two putts in a row birdied it we got like five deer in front of me that fires me up let’s keep it going baby long Par Four here oh no oh no

Who knows the luck may run out may not find that ball gosh there goes the momentum I I I see how this looks I think I’m getting a little lucky today this looks a little sketchy but hand on the Bible this is where I found it I

Don’t know what this fence does or what it keeps in but it must have Ricochet it off of it this is untouched hand on the Bibles just going to try to punch out here I just I would kill for just a just a seven iron in the Fairway but yeah I

Got the hybrid punching out oh where’d it go you think it went left yeah I thought it hit you oh yeah there it is you see it yeah I thought you actually oh jeez what a mess okay it’s just on the other side of this weird

Fits luckily the fits is over dck you might would take cover this is ridiculous I mean okay there’s my shot man there’s a lot of Lumber in the way everybody look out here we go then again I mean I don’t really know why I did that I just punched out to

More trees that’s all right though come on Derek we find it jeez this is taking forever this hole all right I’m just going to put this up my anus and bring me up there I’m taking my medicine at this point I’m just going directly out into the Fairway I’ve never hit a shot

With a tree between me here we go little cart path sweet all right should just have a normal shot after that 123 best case scenario I get up and down for a six oh remember all that momentum I was talking about in the tea box that’s a bummer I

Got a 48° one my favorite clubs from Tacomo feels pretty good hopefully it’s the right distance nice yeah there we go I got a putt all right we’re back kind of this has been an adventure but here’s the plan we had downhill left to right I’m

Going to make this for six and then I feed that deer out of my hand it’s going to happen that was a pretty good putt that was makeable bummer still feed the deer seven I’m sorry want some he’s thinking about it dude I’ve never had an animal even think about

Approaching me like this come on Bambi yes get them coming halfway honey roasted peanuts Southwest won’t even give you those now Planters hey oh I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s a I’m a comedian come here no no no sorry he’s he’s the headliner not bad huh 14 g of protein in

Every serving so thank me later hey hey I just want to talk I want to shake your hand I want to shake your hand I want to shake your hand just hear us out our new extended Wy I feel like he was about he was like

Gearing up to just like Ram me all right I’ll eat him got a few holes left at this point I’ve accomplished everything I want to accomplish I’ve got pretty much every number possible on the score card I have a three four five six and

Seven and uh I almost fed a deer so at this point it doesn’t even matter I got a seven iron 175 yards here deer’s in my he’s taunting me he’s in my ey line now he knows I wonder if the deer’s ever seen a hole in

One that looks pretty close I I can’t see looks real close but I mean that’s directly in line with the pin that’s hot I hope it’s close holy cow golf give it and take it away I thought I might have been 6 in away I didn’t see the ball in

The green I thought I made it it looks so good from back there and I just flew my seven iron 25 yd long golf sucks just kidding I’m fine I’m going to I’m going to chip this in that is crazy though I mean wind was in our

Face oh shoot chunked it I suck again stay focused here par all right at least it’s a tap in tap in bogey you know I wonder if I if I would have gotten a hole in one if they would have let me just spray paint a

Huge green circle on the green I wonder if that’s what the last guy chose like all right you can buy everyone around or we can let you have the spray paint can for 10 minutes there we go bogey two holes left I was looking on the GPS

Looks like there’s I don’t know if it’s water some Ravine there’s something like 250 yards out there so I’m going to hit a four iron here stay out of the bunker or get in it who cares at this point it landed in it I saw sand fly so

I doubt it just magically bounced out of it maybe though dang it 160 yards and I mean I’m just I’m one with the deer at this point I mean we have a beautiful symbiotic relationship hey he’s eating my peanuts I came back to get a club and he’s

Eating my peanuts I told you we have a beautiful relationship what does that deer and my wife have in common eating my food when they said they weren’t hungry H yeah then they scre you off I don’t feel like I’ve addressed in my ball did skirt out of the sand so that’s

Kind of fortunate and also you talk about the line of fire I I I would hate to kill the only deer I’ve ever become friends with but we got to sling something around here which is not my specialty dear God let me miss these deer when I hit this

Shot oh I slung it I actually slung it around wow I don’t know where it went because it like I didn’t think I would actually like successfully like mac Bower like sling that ball around but I don’t even care fired up on that I guess I can’t eat these anymore here you

Go oh man that was fun you know I’m not scoring very well this hasn’t been the prettiest round of golf but I hope you guys have been entertained at least let you say a little par here up and down looks all right okay didn’t really roll out nice

All right quite the par looks like it breaks quite a bit right at the end of this and it’s downhill it’s going to be a miracle if this goes in they also said I couldn’t feed a deer out in the wild and they were right cuz I never

Actually fed that deer it was CGI bummer I tell my brain that it’s a downhill putt but I don’t tell my arms and that’s the problem I always hit it long all right uphill let’s do your thing there we go at least I made that

What was that bogey not bad okay all day today I I’ve been having trouble putting myself in good positions so kind of been my downfall but hey let’s in strong here drive around a part five here we go I got more deer in my line of sight you

Just can’t get rid of him here good keep them around I think that’ll be pretty solid I don’t really know where the hole goes but cool we’ll see okay kind of blocked out by this tree so I’m going to try to take a a wedge and hit it over the tree

And put myself in a good position I hope ooh just barely got over that was the perfect Club nice dang it just just missed the Fairway still not bad really not too bad of shape not too far away it’s got a little 60° short sided pin here no

Problem took a little grass with me I think that was the distance just uh pulled a bit left got a birdie putt shout out to the short par five Here it’s downhill you idiot stop putting so hard when the putt is downhill I never learn never learn it’s all right finish strong here got a random guy joining us he hit his a bit long so it does break on the way back bummer just took a massive divot 6 in from the

Green there it is bogey well didn’t accomplish my goal today but after kind of playing one I didn’t play great there wasn’t a single facet in my game that was great today but also I think it’s going to be tough to do this at a course you’ve never played before so just let

Us know what you’d like to see in the future have big plans uh this next year to do much more long form golf break Heat series let us know get yourself some Vice balls baby swing on


  1. Love the pacing in these videos, and always great to see an upload. Good luck on your tour – looking forward to watching more golf vids in between!

  2. Hope this doesn't mean will be seeing less of Trey on the channel. Even though I'm a big fan of Jake's, I don't think I woukd continue watching the channel if it was only him

  3. What about playing with random fans? I live right by Silver Horn! That could be great content or a complete disaster lol.

  4. I was very entertained the whole video! Jake’s jokes were actually hilarious and he handled the video just fine! I wouldn’t mind more content like this

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