Never Make This Right Shoulder Movement In The Golf Swing Again!

We work with students every single day that make this right shoulder movement in the golf swing, and it’s a KILLER! When our trail shoulder works in this manner, we tend to see an over the top golf swing pattern, steep downswing, right elbow getting high and back, and an array of shot shapes and strikes. Blake Cannon is back to uncover the fixes we used to get rid of this move from his swing and begin striking the ball at a professional level. Quit tumbling that golf club! We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback and thoughts.

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Learn to Swing Like an Athlete™ with Milo Lines Golf! My channel and coaching team will provide you with lessons and tips to help you play better at this game. Most of our content is filmed at the beautiful Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club in Gold Canyon, Arizona.

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Never do this with your right shoulder again in the Downswing hey everybody I’m out here at beautiful Superstition Mountain with my good buddy Blake Cannon and 5 years ago I watched you for quite a period of time making this rehearsal something like this yeah that’s about right and boy you were struggling yeah okay walk us through that a little bit

For what were you trying to do I was trying to keep the face square and stop the hook from happening okay so you’re trying to get rid of a hook I trying to get rid of the hook how were you trying to accomplish it what were you trying to

Do at that time what I was trying to do is get the club tipped out and essentially create a cut path and then match that with a release where the face wasn’t turning down very much so it would look you know I’d be trying to get

My left arm to work like this but trying to match it with a release that looked like that okay so from face on it would look like that and the face stays up so the club be getting tipped out in theory in my head it’s like well

That’s a cut path the face isn’t turning down and I’d hit it okay but then I’d get just a random hook you know every five six seven drives whatever it was and it didn’t even at the time feel like I created a a hook path it didn’t feel

Like a hook and that’s what was so frustrating and so I’m going to let you kind of cover why was I still hooking that golf ball at that time so here’s a really fun look back at exactly what Blake was describing on on the left we have Blake swing from our first lesson

And on the right we have a swing that he made I believe this was our second or third lesson probably a week to two weeks later what you’re going to see is as he changes direction see how that shaft now steepens quite drastically the club is tumbling out and

Over where in the after golf swing we’re going to see that CL Club shallowing out and staying more on plane so now it’s never really going to get outside the hands coming down so there you go it’s inside the hands and his arms won’t get so under

Him with the club tumbling so you can see how steep this shaft is let’s get rid of some lines you can see how steep that shaft is but how down his arm his arm is hanging where in the after that shaft’s going to be more shallow and his lead arm is hanging a

Little bit more out away not so much down under him so it’s not handle’s not dropping down in the club head tumbling out which was causing a lot of his issues yeah so what was happening essentially is ways we can close a club face so I can close a club

Face with twist y I can also close a club face by getting the club face to pass me y essentially what you were doing is you were letting that club face get past you yeah and Under Pressure you just when you wanted to make sure it didn’t hook you tried to really make

That happen harder made it hook more and it hooked Y and then you started hanging on and then you’d block it and then you get both ways and then you turn off the speed right Y and so that’s essentially what happened is because the club was

What I call tumbling the club is going this way too fast it’s not though the face doesn’t appear to have much twist in it it’s not stable because there’s too much of that passing you in that impact interval and it’s hard to manage I was I was under the impression it’s

Like well if the if I don’t roll my forearms down this way through the shot and I don’t twist the face how the heck am I hitting hooks but I did not understand that the club was passing me so even though the face actually wasn’t really that shut it’s just the lack of

Shling at the time was making the ball start start way over there and hook yeah show that from face on for everybody even though that face isn’t really shut in terms of what my wrist and forearms have done as the clubs pass me now that face is pointed way back over the starts

Aiming crooked the LOF starts aiming crooked so even if the face is kind of staying up I can still throw it and that Ball’s going way to the right so I was playing a a really tough game trying to manage that as I was releasing it it was

Just really really hard you’re still my coach 5 years later so it worked but the question is the trail arm I to say Trail cuz I’m a lefty and it confuses everybody but was working like this when we started and the shoulder was getting out covering

Over the top so what do we change we changed a bunch of things but specifically how do we change how this Trail arm and Trail shoulder shoulder Works different well we got the the trail arm loaded how we wanted it and then we basically got you to unwind

Using your pivot and that shoulder stayed a little more neutral but at the same time the the center mass of the club we let it shallow out and stay back a little longer which allowed you to turn into the golf ball and deliver a stable strike like this versus one where

You’re actually trying to throw it at it what should our Trail arm do if if so if our Trail arm is not going this way in a tumbling manner what should it do in my opinion athletically like if you were throwing a ball is I

Change for me what I feel like not what it does is I feel like once I get to the top of my swing arm’s pretty passive and it just kind of stays back that’s that’s the sensation but I like to see my if what I tell people is if you take your

Hand and you kind of window wash it but not actively so what I feel like is as I change direction my arm’s kind of window washing back this way that’s how I want my arm to feel as I move in the golf swing okay so it’s more of a reaction to

Other things going on 100% when I now when we first started working since because of what I was doing it had to feel active right for me at first but now it doesn’t it’s it just moves like it does when when I hit anything or throw anything or anything that’s

Rotational which is as I’m changing directions my arms working like this a lot more and I when you first said it I remember to this day I go huh I don’t do that to anything else I said that’s maybe I’ll stop doing it in golf

Yep like that was a good point you made in other sports you wouldn’t have done that you played baseball growing up that was one of the things I brought up 5 years ago cuz I’m a baseball player and you played baseball and I had you take a

Bat yeah I didn’t do that I didn’t tip it out how how does your how does it work with a bat in your hand well it kind of stood up and then as I changed directions the bat lays down and then it just kind of follows my center of mass around it gets

Perpendicular to my center of mass and gets swiveled around it’s definitely not going to go this way under any circumstan nor is it if I throw a ball hit a tennis ball hit a pickle ball you could see when you swing the the bat how your Trail arm actually kind of works

This way out in front of you as a reaction to what your body’s doing you wouldn’t actually let your arm kind of fall back and I also wouldn’t if I was hitting a baseball I wouldn’t drive it I wouldn’t drive my arms it’s reacting to

What my body is doing yes so let’s I want to see you hit one using kind of a baseball swing pattern baseball swing how I do it so something like this that’s pretty darn good it’s cuz it’s it’s it’s not that hard to move athletically from there it’s natural for me

Would it have been possible to to to hit that thing athletically with this atically no no it would be tough right theoretically possible to hit it not athletically though yes to kind of wrap this up put a bow on it what we’re really after is we’re we don’t want to see this Trail

Shoulder immediately going internal this direction we want it to work in a more athletic way which would be what like yeah it’s going to work more external like that yeah so and here’s the question does it do you feel like it ever goes this way at any point in your

Down swing you feel that way I don’t feel it actually do that ever I don’t actually feel it Go external either I feel like it stays pretty neutral and my arm just reacts to my Pivot and it might not actually even go external it might just kind of stay neutral there’s maybe

A little adduction so my my trail arm might have duct this way get a little bit but that’s just the Dynamics of me moving athletically and wanting to hit I don’t actively try to make my arm do much it just kind of reacts y hopeful

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  1. In the "after" the shaft is parallel and across his toes on the way down…….that's what you are looking for correct?
    Did Blake take from Mike M? It looks like the Mike M tip out "Nicklaus" release Mike promotes.

  2. Milo, why does Mike Malaska, who works at that course too (or did at one point), teach that tumbling move? Makes no sense

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