Golf Players

Min Woo Lee Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Min Woo Lee Swing Analysis Slow Motion Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Min wo Lee is an absolute baller he bombs the driver you talking 190 ball speed but he does have a few unique things in his swing particularly he early extends quite a lot which is really uncommon in today’s teaching and with a lot of tour players it’s a move

That a lot of the greats have done Jack Nicholas being one of them but it’s really not gained a lot of popularity and it’s almost demonized today in modern day Golf Construction so we’re going to have a look at minwu swing and see what he does

To generate that power and have a little look at the early extension so we got down the line on the left and face on on the right so if you see from setup very neutral setup pretty neutral grip um just very textbook done a great job with

His coach there now if I put a line on his rear will start to see how he does actually early extend in the back swing as well as the down swing so let’s take him halfway back you’ll see he does a great job of keeping the club outside of

His hands very wide if we look from face on really really wide and I want you to also look at how stable that right hip is in that takeaway there’s not a lot of lateral move there and look how wide he’s got he’s got a little bit of wrist

Set there just loading the club but lovely lovely takeaway position and then we’ll move halfway back let’s bring him up you’ll see minwu does take the club quite quite up and out away from his body and you’ll really see that at the top of his swing his hands I know this

Camera angle is a little bit funky but his hands are quite in front of his chest where you see Mo most coaching now is popularizing getting those hands a little bit deeper I’ll just put that line back on his but and then as we take

Him back halfway back I want you to look as well look how stable that head is staying really great rotation from the neck as he rotates into back swing going to set the club nicely they got that 90° angle look how little those hips have moved in terms of rotation and in terms

Of how they not move laterally off the ball and that head stayed really nice and stable just get rid of those lines just a lovely position for creating oil he’s also got that thorax over to his right leg so he’s although he’s keeping stable he’s still getting

Behind the ball which is great for driver so if we bring it back you’ll start to see now how Min Min wooy sorry starts to lose a little bit can you see that on the but you can just see he loses that line there now that isn’t

Actually sort of a back swing move it’s more him starting the down swing and really pushing through that lead toe and we’ll see this more on face on so we’ll look at the static position firstly you’ll see really nice wide hands wide Arc there great for generating power look how stable that

Right hip is how he’s moved beautifully into that right hip how he’s got a little bit of thorax over that right leg just a great powerful position it’s very very textbook and and notot lot a lot of guys will have the flexibility to get in that position but this is where the magic

Happens for MIM wo in terms of speed what I want us to look at is look at this lead arm look at the thorax look at the pelvis watch now so as the club or the hands are still moving back back there can you see how the belt

Loop is driving down the thorx is driving down see that down down down he’s creating a tremendous amount of torque and stretch shortening cycle through that midsection but also I want to take note of this lead arm so look at the shoulder joint and look how it barely moves but then

Look how the hands have moved quite a significant amount now it’s only subtle but what he’s doing there is he’s loading all the fure and all the muscles in this lead shoulder that create almost a slingshot effect that that’s going to allow him to really Propel this left arm off his body

And create a tremendous amount of speed can you see that it’s hardly moved but all the rest of his body is starting to move in transition and it just creates a tremendous amount of stretch around that shoulder joint now if we also look what it does is look at that

Trail arm you’ll see how that trail arm starts to disappear under the left now what that’s creating is that shallow motion that’s really talked about and if we look from down the line You’ll see how that shaft will start to move down this way you see really drops that right

Arm is working internally and really creating a lot of shallowing and a lot of lag now what you’ll see from minu Lee here is look how much he’s early extending now he’s really really early extending a lot and it’s not something that’s really talked about in terms of

Great players who do that move but I can assure you a lot of great players a lot of major winners including Jack Nichol plus the best of all time arguably do that move so it’s demonized a lot in instruction now but I mean you’ll see

From minwoo here he does it a lot and he is a phenomenon and he generates a lot of speed but look how much that club now shallows is lead wrist if we look at that we’ll move into flexion again all these little things are adding up to

Create a great amount of ball speed considering he’s only you know he’s not the heaviest individual I mean he’s quite tall but he’s quite wiry so he has to use all these little stretch shortening Cycles to create a lot of speed so you see how that wrist starts

To move into flexion in the down swing really start to shallow you’ll see how early extends quite a bit and that’s primarily because if we look at the toes you can see how he’s very much onto that lead toe and that lead heel is elevated

So if we zoom out a little bit so we can see from face on and down the line You’ll see that he moves that shoulder starts to move it now and then look at that lag you’ll see with a lot of great players who shallow it really nicely

That right elbow will be a lot lower than the left it’s a great move to shallow the club you can see from face on sorry down the line how it is a lot lower now it’s a great move like I said to shallow the club a lot of people who

Are steeper that right arm will be a lot higher higher now what I want you to take note of as well in that stretch shortening cycle that we’re talking about look how look at his belt buckle here look how it’s almost facing the ball look at his chest so again we’re

Creating tremendous stretch shortening cycle through the body he’s creating it through the wrist as we talked about through the lead shoulder and it’s all adding up to a tremendous amount of power you can see from down the line how those hips are now clearing they open

Already not a lot of guys can do that not a lot of guys can bring it down bring it down just when lead hand hits that pocket and you’ll see there I mean just look at the amount of lag he’s got in his wrist it’s a huge amount of of

Lag there it could create some issues for him he might get a little bit steep on the driver at times but just a great position for power and look at that b it’s almost facing back you know his belt buckle here is almost facing the the target which is just a tremendous

Amount of flexibility and not a lot of guys can do that now the problem that you might encounter is if we look at this just from a biomechanical stand point so if we look look at where those hips are pointing so they’re pointing around here and that chest is pointing

Here there’s a tremendous amount of torque created through the lower back but potentially so we could see as minu ages that he could cause some issues Patrick Cay had a similar sort of thing he had a very a real stretch shortening cycle or X Factor stretch as it’s

Commonly known in the golfing World between his thorax and his pelvis and that created some issues around his back so minwu I’m sure he’ll be hammering the gym but that could cause some issues if the core musculature is a little bit weak and he can’t control specifically

Around the lumbar spine so that’s one issue that he may encounter but then we’ll see as he brings it down look his look at his toes his heels way way off the ground that’s what causes that early extension that right knee is really driving out but I mean it’s such a

Powerful move I mean most guys just can’t get into that position look how much shaing he has with the driver it’s why a lot of guys are quite confused he plays quite soft shafts in his driver because he needs the help with the spin but I mean it’s it’s quite like John Ram

In a lot of Senses how much lag he creates and how much those hands are in front of the club at an impact now I just I I love this move I think they can do a little bit of refinement on it just to protect his back and with with the

Short irons especially or the irons I think this move could create some issues the amount of I mean if we look again look from from here look how much he early extends there so there’s a potential that he could get a little bit heel sided present present the huzzle a little bit

With the irons so that could cause some some issues but this move will will really help him be a great driver I think so and you know from if you look at anything the Strokes gained if you’re a great driver hit it long and far you’re going to be a great great player

So let’s just take him a few more frames through you’ll see again look how much he’s on his toes still on the left hand side you can see on this newer swing this is a this is on the left from around um 2023 summertime whereas this is when he’s got his Lulu Lemon

Sponsorship which is more 2024 and you can see how he’s definitely worked on getting more through that heel here you can see how he’s still much on on the toe he just plants the heel down now but you can see he much earlier onto the toe

In this newer swing in 2024 now really great extension through the ball again this is another concern for injury for me is look how long he keeps that head down for so it’s a lot of strength through the neck going to guess he’s left eye dominant really common to see

That look how long he keeps it down just a lot of strain that’s going to cause through the cicle spine look he’s still head down especially when you’re creating such speeds that minu Lee does do you know I bet you he can clock up to

130 135 ball H Club head speed which is a tremendous amount of strain to put through the body but then he’ll really get up through that pelvis and post on his left side and by what I mean by getting up through on that pelvis look

At the belt loop look how much it drives from setup it drives down down down down and then up you can see how much movement there is through that pelvis and that helps him generate a hell of a lot of speed I think this guy is going

To be around for a long time provided he doesn’t get injured and he’s a great great talent expect big things for him in 2024


  1. Good, but the over use of the word early extension has caused it to lose all meaning. Back Extension by definition is related to the angle between the femur and spine. Usually when you extend, or stand up out of posture, your butt cheeks move away from their starting position (goat humping). But that's just a correlation, hip positioning is not what actual extension is. Is that space between his cheeks and the red line caused by him actually extending his spine, or moving his weight on his toes, or something else like too much right side bend and forward sliding? The next word is "Early". So did the angle between his spine and femur change in the downswing and was it done too early? Brooks Koepka extends like crazy through his downswing, but his butt stays on the starting vertical red line and he keeps his spine angle.

  2. The term Early Extension is too broad of a term and often over used. Yes he comes of that wall with his butt but if you were to compare his address to say Adam Scott’s address, his but is a good 2-3 inches further back with maybe a touch more knee flex. That’s really where I see is so called “Early Extension” coming from. He doesn’t loose posture, he doesn’t slide like a Nicklaus. I’d say the way the 2 EE are 2 totally different things. Nicklaus slid, Woo doesn’t but rather just sets up further back with his pelvis and moves slightly up into a good impact spot. If woo simply set up with his hips over his heels, not behind them, he wouldn’t EE. If he didn’t have the EE with his current set up he’d have to manipulate a bunch of things, he’d probably get that trendy head dip move many young player have from excessive lead hip depth & decreasing his spine angle, etc. maybe I’m old school but I prefer to see the spine angle stay relatively the same at impact as address rather than decrease or increase with a fairly steady head. Of course the head can rotate some with the swing & move a touch but idt the excessive hip depth & head dip will be taught like it is now in 5 years. There’s a happy medium in basically everything in the swing and of course every swing is like a finger print(different), the amount of side bend needed for some of the newer swings we see with tons of lead hip depth isn’t good for the spine similar to how the opposite of getting real EE where the spine gets basically compressed but there’s a godly locks spot where all things are ideal. It’s funny how many changes I’ve seen in golf instruction over the past 30 years or so. We always think we now know what the best way to swing a club is but it always changes, trends come & go, then come back again, on & on.

    Another thing with his trail foot coming up is lessening the amount of torque that would be on his lower back and lifting the trail ft can cause EE depending on how the pressures shift but can also help increase the lead hip depth. The trail side needs to come off the wall if the lead side is going to get back on/through it.

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