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Gordon Ryan Discusses Future Plans | Extra Rounds w/ TJ and BMac

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We back here on UFC Fight Pass TJ desus along with bmac Brandon Mac Catherine and the King Gordon Ryan joins us Gordon uh some news dropping uh it sounds like the schedule uh of your uh you know competition dates is going to be changing for a a variety of reasons and

Let’s uh let’s kind of get into it what what what’s going on with you and and first off how are you feeling uh terrible super nauseous nauseous right now um but uh I basically I knew that when I did the 45 days of antibiotics before I have my tonsils taken out and

Had set me back but I figured that I made it through and I was okay and uh I I recently in like mid December started feeling really nauseous all the symptoms that I’ve had before and uh didn’t an endoscopy did some tests and my stomach has relapsed because the antibiotics

Just wiped me out and then I wasn’t showing symptoms uh until months later but the fungal infection and uh V material imbalance was kind of working its way back in because I did the antibiotics for the strep throat and uh it’s just it’s apparent to me now that

Until I’m 100% healthy my my body just won’t handle the workload that my mind is uh is telling it to and the camp like back to back camps is uh has been rough I I feel like I’m in the last two years I’m having six months on six months off

And uh I did a hard camp for Felipe that kind of shut my body down I got sick two weeks out from that and then uh I got strep throat and my body couldn’t fight that off for like a month and a half and it’s just my stomach is crushing my

Immune system so the camp after Camp is uh has been tough I mean it seems like this battle’s been much more difficult than any battle you’ve faced on the mat has the doctor talked about whether or not if if you just you know step away from training entirely do they expect

Your body to rebound if you’re not putting that sort of physical exertion and stress on it um I think it would definitely help I’m not going to stop training I can’t stop training I love training it keeps me sane uh but for sure uh the the workload

Of like hard camps hard competition just backtack uh camps you know doing three a day every day for the camps and making sure everything is perfect in the camp um because you know now it’s not just you jump in and compete for me it’s every match is the biggest match in my

Life so I need you know because of who I am so everything needs to be perfect in the camps and it’s just it’s you know it’s we’re at a point now where my I have like a good camp a good two camps and then I have this big thing where my body

Just shuts down for uh you know for six months like I did a hard round with meral and Luke I was finishing the pentac camp I peaked perfectly and then like and then I had that I got sick for two weeks then I had strep throat for a

Month and a half and then I had to have my tonsils taken out because it was colonized like it literally took me six months to recover from that camp uh and uh I just got a bunch of blood work back and test back and uh my immune markers

Are all off my immune system’s like crashed and I haven’t even really you know been doing anything because my rib has been hurt and uh it’s just like once your when your stomach is messed up it just screws up everything um so uh I have to uh just focus on that and I

Think for for competition Long Term I do think that it would it’s actually better that I do it this way instead of just being half healthy like I was at ADCC 2022 which I was just going to do ad CC 2022 and stopped competing but I wanted

To make everybody happy and I kind of just got cocky and got rolled back into competition right away I should have took a little bit more time to get healthy but if I was like instead of being half healthy like I was for ADCC I think it’s better that I just do the

Adccs maybe my I can handle one Camp I think you know a year one big camp and then just focus on being 100% on paper and how I feel just 100% being healthy um and I think that that would lead me to being able to do my

Body being able to do you know three four five six matches a year uh because right now what we’ve been doing for the last two years since I started competing again is just clearly not working yeah I mean obviously you mentioned your name and who you are and what you mean to

This sport I’m curious if that is sort of taking a toll on you as well because mental health can be debilitating to the body do you feel if you weren’t feeling that pressure that this would be resolved easier um no I don’t so it’s actually funny I don’t feel with competition and

Dealing with contracts and all that I don’t ever feel stressed obviously the subconscious stressed but I don’t ever feel stressed the one thing that I do notice for sure that affects my ability to handle stress is my stomach um like whatever whatever the literature says

And I actually want to do like a little like video and send it to my doctor because I’ve been reading the literature on it whatever uh literature they have that says that the that your stomach and your brain are connected um it’s not nearly as intense as PE as what is

Currently out there in the medical industry um the second my stomach starts to starts to disintegrate and starts to start starts to go south um as much physically as you feel you definitely feel it mentally like your ability to handle stress uh when like you’re constantly nauseous and then something

Happens that’s stressful and it just makes you twice as nauseous um so I feel like when I’m healthy my stomach is fine I never get stressed about anything like I’m doing $100,000 bet matches with Felipe I’m doing all kinds of crazy stuff calling my submission I actually

Like to put extra stress on me um and so that I can perform and so I can live up to that uh but when my stomach starts to starts to give me problems like the ability to handle stress is definitely uh is definitely decreased which you know everyone has stressful things in

Their life so you just deal with it um but I don’t think that I don’t think that competition is stressful and I don’t think that the mental aspect of it is what is an issue because I’ve been doing this forever it’s where I feel comfortable I just I think it’s more of

A physical issue and just getting healthy and just telling my body to deal with their workload I’ve been doing this for six years been telling my body to just shut up and take to work and it’s just been not listening at all for this you know since I started having these

Issues so I think that once and for all just trying to get back to a point where I’m 100% healthy and can compete again uh I think is probably the best for Longevity if I’m looking to compete until I’m 40 years old Gordon yeah what do you think what do you think this

Means for the sport overall I mean like we’re potentially losing our our greatest athlete or one of the greatest to ever do it arguably the greatest to ever do it like what do you see for the sport as a as a whole moving forward with you off the scene yeah well you

Know it’s definitely definitely an issue I think one of the big that’s one of the big reasons why I want to try my best to at least do a camp and compete a ADCC because that you know every ADCC this sport Grows by multiples um so you know I think that uh

I think that me you know not competing for the time being is definitely you know number one it does present an issue because I’m the biggest star in the sport but it also gives other star also gives the sport uh and other stars time to grow so I think that we’re going to

See new stars coming up you’ll see have Nicholas come up you’ll have you know a lot of these these new guys come up uh who have uh who have been winning for a long time at Black Belt but now it’s really their time to shine so I think

We’re going to build more stars in the sport which obviously the sport needs and I’m going to do everything I can uh you know whether it be commentating whether it be breakdowns whether it be showing up at meet and greets and doing stuff I’m gonna you know do as much as I

Can to push the sport forward because this is the sport that I love and this is the sport that is important to me so uh I’m GNA do everything I can whether it’s on the mats or whether it’s off the mats to really come in and uh and to

Help push this sport forward but i’ I’ve last two weeks I haven’t been able to get out of bed and I’ve just been laying in my bathroom for three and a half hours a day dry heing and I’m just thinking what am I doing like I just no amount of competition success is

Worth what I just went through for the last three weeks uh so I’m just trying to get healthy now it’s my main priority and then hopefully once I’m healthy I’ll be able to come back and uh and compete you know four times a year or so who do

You see taking the mantle with you off on the sideline I think it’s going to be pretty hard to take Mar out you know he’s got he’s got the looks he’s got the overall Charisma and he’s got the ability to win okay those are those are the three

Biggest things um he’s a very handsome not All-American but you know he’s a very handsome guy he can speak English pretty well now uh he’s got Charisma he talks uh he does his kind of own thing which is unique and then uh you know he’s beaten he’s recently submitted

Kanan and and Felipe in the uh without the ghee in the last six months and then he won that GP uh in the ghee I mean it’s going to be it’s going to be hard to beat Nicholas uh and so he has a strong brand now he’s with us he’s

Building he’s building a stronger brand you know we’re helping to promote his brand he’s helping to promote ours uh and we kind of you know we all have this uh this synonymous brand now um that is a is goingon to be a Powerhouse going into ADCC so I think I think the front

Runner has to be Nicholas at this point uh we saw Marly really shine on the FBI stage you did a great job in the commentary Booth with me and and Brandon um what do you think about the fbii platform and we we’ve seen multiple rule sets and changes there uh did you like

The way the last fpi came off do do you think they should stick with that would you like to see any you know changes with the rules I thought it was really good um and you know FBI has been amazing Fight Pass UFC has been have

Been amazing I was just talking to tety yesterday I’m like I really owe you guys one because I’m so upset that I had one match for you guys and I didn’t submit my opponent so I definitely need to come back at some point and do a match and

Like put on a show um I think the last fpi was the best one um but I do I definitely do think that they were a little bit too uh strict in the stalling calls they were too quick and if I’m saying that they were too quick on

Stalling calls it’s you it’s it means they’re too they were too quick on stalling calls because I’m a big advocate for stalling calls um but uh you know there’s going to be there’s going to be pros and cons to every rule set but like you can’t have a match

Where a guy just dominates the guy for the entire regulation and then he gets like one stalling call and he’s down going into the overtime so I think that the the stalling calls should be a lot stricter than they were when I did the fight pass because they were virtually

Non-existent uh but you know happy medium between when I was competing uh in that December card and the last the last one I don’t think they should be as strict but I think they should be pretty strict I want to know so outside of your own team let’s let’s think about outside

Your weight class outside of your own team team who do you see stepping forward as maybe the pound-for-pound number one in the sport H I think uh I think M’s very good I I I I really do like M you know he beats bigger guys he beats smaller guys he beats all the

Guys at his size um so you know mik’s he rarely loses M’s hard to beat um I think Mikey is up there as well um but I think I do think Mikey if he wants to establish him self as a number one pound-for-pound guy he has to he’s won

No worlds he’s won worlds before I I think he has to do ADCC um and I I recognize he’s a little bit small for that weight class um but uh you know he can’t just be fighting MMA guys you know in in one which you know I think I think

It’s a place for that I think it’s great um but I think if he really wants to be the the number one pound-for-pound spot I think he has to do ADCC and I think he has to fight the toughest guys at his weight and maybe you know a couple weight classes above uh

I had one more but I forgot could you see somebody like a Kate or a tyo in that spot as well yeah those guys could definitely those guys could definitely be an issue um you know they they again beat guys bigger smaller same size um yeah they’re they’re definitely up there

Uh I had uh I had someone else but I’m just completely forgetting but I think those are those are pretty good uh picks as far as as far as the best guys out there so Gordon obviously you’re you’re going to be taking some time to try to get

100% healthy what are the next couple of steps for you over the next few months uh so right now I actually have a joint call with uh the league Conn clinician at way to well and my stomach doctor which I’m going to do right now to just review the full scope of test

Ways to well did a bunch of tests and then my my stomach doctor Dr rabar um at La integrative uh GI and and La uh he did a bunch of tests so right now we’re going to hop on a call uh with those two and come up with a plan you know we’re

Going to review all the test results I have like 75% of them but a couple just came in uh we’re going to review all the test results and then go over a plan of action to kind of get me back in in working order I just started uh my antifungals like strong antifungals

Again they put me on different ones and uh after like two and a half three weeks like just not being able to leave my bed essentially uh I’ve been having some relief now so I can kind of move around and you know do a little bit but uh it’s

Definitely it’s definitely not great so I’m just looking for a plan of action and exactly what foods I need to eat what medicines I need to be taking what you know protocols need to be following to get 100% healthy and then uh hopefully hopefully we’re back on track

And back to uh back to competition soon enough the mistake I made last time was I I said I was to to come back for ADCC and then I said I was going to just do ADCC and then get healthy and I got too confident and I started ramping up the

Workload and I started putting my body you know through the ringer again and it just crashed on me so I’m gonna attempt to be smart this time and and do the things the right way and get 100% clear get all the tests back and you know have

The tests be normal and then and then go from there


  1. Steriods cause Hormone disruption, studies show bidirectional influence on signaling from gut to brain aka MOOD CHANGES. like he just said . Google it for the idiot commenters

  2. meregali taking over new wave, and hes even worse of a personality than gordon… he literally makes gordon seem tolerable.

  3. Gordon is pretty good at jits.. but we just want to see who beats him first, then we're done with him. He'll have his health to blame, sure, but ultimately his story has nowhere to go but down, unless there's a big change(mma, cjj, transitions lol). Bummer for him, but I'm tired of the story.

  4. Long-term Grappling on sweaty mats give you skin infections. Doctors then prescribe antibiotics. Gordon took too many antibiotics. It killed his gut flora. His stomach can't tolerate anything anymore. Im sure PEDs only make it worse.

  5. His got teh looks the charisma and the ability to win they are the three main things ……………..AAaaaaaaah I’m dead. Lololol god love him he’s so cringe

  6. I bet all the juice he takes doesn’t help his condition at all. He needs to just go cold on all the roids and let his body naturally produce testosterone too.

  7. They should try natural remedies before the antibiotics for him, atleast for a little while. Oregano oil etc can be potent against candida, mixed with other things that hit it from different angles. without ruining the natural enviorment

  8. the roids are destroying his guts….sooner or later hes going to develop some type of cancer because his body is compromised

  9. I honestly feel like if he got off the steroids permanently his health would be a lot better but he wouldn’t be as good a athlete

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