Golf Players


Missin Curfew Episode 250
Recorded at @HallPassMedia | Presented by @DraftKings

00:00: Show Start
09:05: OBs at Arrowhead
13:38: DraftKings Bets – Football Talk
24:15: Uppys World
28:20: All Star Talk
38:05: Labatt Blue
38:10: Get this guy a beer
46:20: Milk Carton
49:20: Back up the Brinks Truck
52:00 Around the League


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Draft Kings

Promo Code: CURFEW


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What’s missing curfew it’s when you kind of play guilty but you show up how nice is a green light on the road though no practice tomorrow no plane just go Scotty Upshaw in the C and he scores scor you laughs a little bit of fun and obviously a lot of hockey talk you’re

Listening to missing curfew fad F my man welcome back fell how we doing buddy things are good nice to be back in the studio nice little lunch at golf stream today uh I kept it light yeah you did a little uh I wanted to go with the

Breaded do Soul why did most expensive thing on the menu um I wanted to stay light it was my first meal of the day like I said I text you after I left uh this raw Strength yoga class which always kicks my ass uh talk about releasing toxins when you get out of

There I bet sweating like a mofo um but no it was uh it was nice A little little uh catchup with our boy Tom dhy and uh what can I say I had a little seared tuna speaking of a ketchup best fries in Orange County huh oh I I said that is

This the best fry yeah that’s the best fry in Orange County it is they got the dipping they got the catchy and then they got that nice little like spicy mayo to dip it in they’re deadly I’d like to say that another place would give them a run for their money but I

Just oh yeah crack Shack crack Shack you ever have crack Shack Fry I I’ve had crack Shack on door Dash a few times yeah it’s nice fry tough to say it’s tough to uh put a fry up to a fry when you get it door Dash though you need it

Come right out of the kitchy you do um do you like are you a skinny fry guy a steak fry guy a waffle fry I like depends fish and chips I like the thick fry yeah like in Ireland with the [ __ ] uh balsamic vinegar on there The

Malt vinegar wow talk about tasty I got to turn my mind that’s a patio Brian move but he just does the normal vinegar just salt you ever have chip trucks back in Fort Mac in the summertime you head down the chip truck and grabb the chips

And you ever have those like a chip Truck Yeah like an ice cream truck with chips do you guys know what a chip truck is Max no we I’ve never heard of that okay so yeah back hole shout out to the Rutherford family they had the best chip

Truck you mean Port Hope has a chip truck in the summertime okay [ __ ] chip truck so this old truck this old like um like like a mail truck or something they would turn it into chip truck shaging wagon yeah legs are dumb and dum this shag chicks diging um yeah

You go down there great french fries those thick homemade ones you’re talking about oh yeah vinegar salt they’re unbelievable fry them right up get in that canola oil and just let them eat I’m going to see if I can Google chip truck here just so you can get um

But yeah great fry great fry nice uh nice eye candy in there too not talking about dessert golf stream buddy I’ll tell you what at Prime real estate listen we’re going to get into it in uh in upes R because you know you you’re you’re back but um you go in that golf

Stream it’s it’s always busy and I’ll tell you what these people in Newport Beach they don’t care if it’s Monday anything that ends with a Y they’re going to have a cocktail at lunch I hear you one time this guy had a riye and he was drinking a [ __ ] dirty Martin at

11:45 I’m like what’s the rest of his day look like yeah Life’s good what does his day look like God some people just have it all here right they don’t have to show up to the studio and [ __ ] with you they just go and get drunk at

Noon I I just thought a big ribey at noon and a dirty martini I’d be heading right for Big Canyon toilet right I mean like you’re definitely going have a workout after that new PA short you’re like I’m not going to hey I’m looking for R frinkle and then do a pair of

Shorts um you’re not going to play pickle ball at 3:00 after you have a riye and a couple dirty martinis at golf stream are you no you’re not no and we’ll get into the football but I will say I had a nice Cassidy Burger yesterday dude and that was at 1:00 the

Game here started the the bills Steelers game was on at 1:30 here so I I made sure you know got my boy stos in town I made sure I was getting over there with a good bar seat and that [ __ ] cheeseburger was coming hot off the grill before opening kickoff yeah would

You have a Pacific to wash down wife Cold Stone IPA right off the tap and then because we sat next to this beauty this guy Hammer guy guy’s a good guy he’s a Newport Beach Legend Hammer Time used Legend I I guess so he’s been

Around since the 70s this guy oh wow I don’t know max if you know this guy hammertime Max lives down in San die Cassies is where you’ll find him yeah I know so this guy used to be uh the vice president of mtown Records back in the

Day like the guy’s he’s big time and he’s got great flow he looks like uh he could be either playing in um you know Guns and Roses or could be like a wrestler like he kind of has that go-to you know he’s got wide range anyway sat

Next to him good guy we buy him a shot of papy papy vanwinkle papy what’s that shot called o it’s I just go with Jamon $150 shots what $150 shot and Cassidy’s listen Cassidy’s you bought a dude $150 shot it was you changed Bro you’ve changed listen $150 shot I split mine I

Didn’t need a full one50 bucks 150 poppy vanwinkle that didn’t go on the company card did it oh [ __ ] I lost my company car I need a new one mine doesn’t I was using it too much mine doesn’t work I the the the the strip the magnetic strip

We used it too much it just don’t work I know um hiyi I just want to show you what a chip truck looks like see that chip truck oh wow and then see the chip it’s like uh what do you call Food Truck Yeah food truck you sell chips in there

Yeah exactly I should have said food truck but it’s just selling chips that’s by the way Burg dogs burgers are dogs these guys think chips down here are are potato chip Ruffles yeah no all dressed no they’re [ __ ] fries back on yeah so yeah but we call it good old F fresh cut

Fries I guess I call it chip truck so um but back to the shot $150 shot yeah and I mean tasty so this is at 145 too I had to go and um you know I won’t say where I had to go after that but I I did it

Went home and uh God I want to know where he went no it tell me off the air eh well yeah for sure but I’m a responsible adult but you we had a couple beers and a shot in a burger afternoon on Monday you know Martin

Luther King day it was it felt like that was the day to drink there’s you know NFL football on all day and uh yeah so the so these these guys drinking at lunch they’re kind of on to something I mean listen it’s a Newport Beach way

They love cocktailing um I got back this morning I’m we’re going to get into my my uh my Journeys through the Midwest but I’ll tell you what I I got I had some bad weather in Dallas so I had to reroute my flight through Phoenix this

Morning I had a middle seat from uh Phoenix to San Ana I know it’s only an hour flight but middle seats should be outlawed like they they should be free people shouldn’t have to pay for the middle seat it it’s it’s unhuman it it’s just like and this guy beside me I don’t

Know who he was or where he was coming from Fon two [ __ ] winter jackets so they had the one on his lap then we take off and now he’s trying to take the the jacket so now now he can’t get it off right so now I’m I’m like that drives

You crazy oh my God so now I’m like this he’s all up in my personal space and then what does he do with with the blinds fires it open now the sun is beating in my face I’m trying to watch The Joe Rogan show my I’m looking at

This guy like what is is he thinking yeah so finally I say F like can you put that thing down like you know so he finally put it down I mean it’s just it was an hour of torture I like I guess I’m soft or spoiled or whatever but like

That middle seat that should be a free seat what was there a minute went by where you didn’t think you should start drinking or gu I can’t handle this here I guess I could have done that give me a goddamn Jack and Coke Coke I thought about just

Like going full like Hulk and ripping the other seat right like I was just in like I just I I felt so just like I had a guy here and another guy I’m sure they wer no you should never sit in the middle seat I I give you [ __ ]

Sometimes you know the company car gets abused it gets almost tortured by um by first class tickets but yeah you shouldn’t sit in the middle someone should get up and let you and I was thinking I’m here complaining they probably when they saw my big ass coming

For them he probably thought no there’s not a worst feeling out there I’m just going to say when you when you have that seat open next year and someone walks down the aisle that you don’t really want to sit by and they just you look at

You and you go [ __ ] [ __ ] I might just well as leave this plane I mean you you you always got the bounce of anytime I travel with you back in your single days you get like the hot chick that sit beside you I get the guy that’s like 270

Sit beside me but L I came in there was one guy the guy in the aisle with two jackets there he double double jackets there double Jackie he’s coming from Phoenix to S what the [ __ ] did he need two jackets for they weren’t leather right they were big one was a big one

And the other one was like a uh yeah like yeah yeah it’s not perfect so he was sitting there with his jackets and then I come in and he and I go right to the seat I say hey fell hopefully you know if it if no one sits here I’ll

Slide over but I think she’s a full bird and you just kind of okay so this other like kind of little guy comes sits beside me he gets his little iPad he’s reading and the girl in the section over gets bumped up to first class which

Opens up that middle seat in that row so I was like ah I was one bounce away from having that empty seat right she a girl and the empty seat well just so that she went up to First Class she must have had all the points like you have with United

Or whatever and she went up to the front scored up to the front up she went I might get up there I don’t get escorted um D let me ask you this did you make it home with that jacket though what’s that did you make it home with your KC jacket

My kcy jacket’s back in Kansas it’s back there nice jacket it is a nice jacket yeah a little OVO hat the OVO hat was a nice touch was a nice touch yeah I mean it’s it it was it was freezing I’ll be honest with you but listen if you’re

Ever out there shout out we’ll start with these guys cuz you teed me up let’s talk some football up dog coldest game in the history of Arrowhead so I had this trip planned with MC Miller for like a month I was supposed to to take

Her to a game earlier in the year and you know some things came up and I I canceled a couple times and you know I just like Hey listen if they you know I kind of surprised her I said listen I got tickets we’re going to go to Kansas

City you know it’s going to be a great weekend this was like a week ago right then I look at the forecast and she’s like uh it’s supposed to be pretty cold I’m like how cool and then I check it I’m like and then you know how things go

Right on on social media it’s like coldest game ever it’s going to be minus 30 people are not going to go well listen up dog it didn’t scare these Kansas City chief fans away they embraced it uh people showed up at 9:00 a.m. and what they did I actually

Thought of aall a lot of these people they made like a little tent and they had like a heated propane tank with a TV and so like they had their little inside thing and they all had their camell hunting gear on Missouri right hunting gear goggles they were hammered I mean

Walking in this place you would have thought it was September and it was 80° out they were cheering and drinking I’m like we better get going here like we’re but I had heated everything heated socks heated long johns heated shirt heated gloves where did you plug them all in or

I plugged them all in before I went charged them all up nice no batteries yeah the battery goes right in them oh nice yeah well wow just when I thought bringing waterproof socks to Ireland for a trip was going a little extensive that’s impressive Mel show it to him

He’s the one that told me about heated socks I said fell didn’t you yeah I have a set of those in ASP yeah I went I I went back gu I text him I said I went skiing with you you have some heated socks right he said yeah I do so then we

Went to the send you the pair no I went to the store and and uh Bass Pro Shop by the way not cheap the ones at the ski ones $100 each yeah my outfit cost more than tickets by by the time I added it up I’m like my outfit here is cost they

Given tickets away for a while there right yeah they dropped big time Big Time plummeted but good ticket 50 uh yeah nine rows up was awesome where was Taylor Swift Taylor Swift was sitting behind me uh in the suite with mahomes’s old lady and Kelsey’s mom and these

People in Kansas City they’re great fans but some of these [ __ ] whatever you want to call them we’re trying to take a picture of Taylor and blocking our section I’m like yo I’m trying to go get a hot chocolate here like get stop taking her picture she’s just sitting

There like let’s go damn and the only time you ever see the hot chocolate line longer than the beer line the hot chocolate line was like they need like a Ramen Placer or something yeah place to get some noodles yeah hot noodles what would you do for some Itchy Band there

Or something I don’t even know what that is it’s like those noodles in the package or you just put them in the boiling water with the salt and the noodles and you just crush it I would have gave anything for some warm soup yeah yeah but these Kansas City fans

They embraced it and I would say this the guys on the sidelines that had to bring those big jackets over to them these guys they were the hardest working MVPs of the game it wasn’t Patty Mahomes it wasn’t rice it wasn’t Kelsey didn’t have a great game but these guys upie

Like they just St the jacket pick it up they got to put on the defensive guys bring it back like I was right there on the sidelines I saw all the [ __ ] that was going on to keep these guys warm it was crazy and Chris long text me and

Longer was like how was that game I’m like honestly buddy I had to heated everything my nuts were warm up was all right how is it to play in one of those games he’s like dude I played in one that wasn’t quite as cold as that but he

Said it’s just a mind [ __ ] leading up to the game like just an absolute mind [ __ ] so you bet the house on casy you you told us boys this is this has turned the lights out the Dolphins were staying at my hotel and I was coming back from the

KU game which is unbelievable environment shout out to Joe dearco a former alumni KU listen I’ll be I thought about this campus like cool little campus I was thinking of us back in the day we we could have had some fun at that KU campus uh so I come back and

The the the the Dolphins are getting ready to come on the bus so I’m like ah we’ll just hang out the hotel a little bit and I saw Tyreek hill come down and I think it was more set to running back and like literally Tyreek went outside

To get on the bus and then ran back in the hotel and was like I I he was kind of that far but he’s like ran back in was laughing I’m like I text you boys right away I’m like these guys they don’t have a chance like it they I kind

Of felt bad for them almost to a certain extent except for I had so much money on the Chiefs yeah it started off I mean they they’re just they’re built for playoffs and built for cold weather and M is like he’s been there back to back

Back to back yeah right so all these guys I guess they’re playing in uh you know wet suits that he go surfing in here like Patty Mahomes had a cut off wet suit under his under his gear I guess oh wow yeah I wonder why it keeps

The body keeps the body he in so that’s what these guys are playing yeah yeah but that was the lock of the that was a lock of the week and draft kingck signs everywhere uh it was unbelievable experience up dog um let’s talk about some bets baby DraftKings fell out how’

You do talk to me talk to me listen I had a parlay from Hell Obie I had a 17 parlay that I started off with Michigan winning the um the national championship and then I went in I took the Texans I took the Chiefs okay this is

Sevener think I took the Packers and I told you about this I took the Lions no I actually took the Rams and they covered for me and I had two last legs on Monday to finish and I kind of got cold feet early in the

Week when I put this bed in I took Pittsburgh at plus 10 and I got cold feet before the game and I it was a it was a $100 to win 7,900 bucks okay that was my odds it was great odds yeah so I had two legs left and I went into that

Afternoon game yesterday Buffalo and I said I’m hedging I’m doing it Buffalo’s my my squad Allen’s my squad Allan’s my guy $3,000 bet I put on on uh bill bills okay smoke and I took it at plus 9 and a half so there was a chance that if it

Was by 10 I could win that and maybe this par this parlay from hell would actually push it but I’m sure it would have ended but anyway so thankfully I did that the gods helped me because it was the only game I missed Tampa ended up you know covering against the Eagles

And it would have been one hell I would have been buying dinner here at missing curfew for a long time if I win that one yeah um but anyway I I did good I I didn’t lay a lot of cash on each game I was just following this parlay and I was

Having fun doing it but what a great way to enjoy uh you know the the Wild Card Weekend it was Onre listen bro I’m I I I I never hedge I I would never ever hedge like that’s just me personally it’s not a like the smart play is to hedge like

Unless it was like millions of dollars or something right like like even last year like with Vegas going to the finals I didn’t hedge it 17 grand I didn’t hedge it now what I should have done last year in the first round was when the ABS and bees were both playing in

Game seven I should have hedged it the other way cuz I went all in and got smoked so that kind of bit me but I I’m not a big hedger I don’t know I want the thrill I’m going down with the ship or I’m getting the [ __ ] high of like

There’s there’s a way though that you just cut your risk but you still take a profit yeah no that’s the SM way to do it yeah yeah but a true Gambler would say unless you’re risking a lot of money like $100 to win the seven is is is

Great odds just let it roll but I’m like but you know I’ve been on a cold streak so I do need to take a at some point well listen talking about a victory the Packers pack what a call by you I I forgot Eric Jones was back I tried to

Pick him up on waivers back in our fantasy and Loops got him for me so I should have known he was back but Max you were right man remember like months ago I said the Cowboys and you’re like well you’re right Max the same old

Cowboys UPS what a call by you dude I did not see that coming I took on the chin I think the Packers have uh I they have it cut out for him this weekend in San Fran but um yeah All Odds were on you know Dak Prescott to have the

Pressure obviously the coach McCarthy you know do or die there’s some uh there’s some changes to be made no big d right now he’s clean out his office right now there cleaning out his office yeah Jerry’s saying see you later man they just hadn’t lost a game

In almost two years they lost the home opener two years ago to Tom Brady and the Bucks and since then they hadn’t lost a game at they had the highest scoring offense um you know you mentioned in the group text Packers over teased I was

Like that that might be the BET and I was like n no Cowboys are going to roll them I lost first half second half and the game I I had him game first half and then I doubled up in the second half and got smoked yeah Jordan love man that guy can

Make yeah he’s got a he kind of looks like pretty a little bit like the way they throw the ball back foot confident I mean he’s got a gun it’s just whether or not like you know in the playoffs everything’s so magnified and whether or

Not not he can handle San Fran D and the Way San Fran’s going to just punish their you know they’re going to shove it down their throat it’s like you’re going to get the if if you do get the ball a lot it’s either going to be off kickoffs

Or you’re going to be pushed way back and you’re going to have to go the whole length of the field and it’s whether or not he can back back that up that’s a big game they just played a statement game a game for the ages but now it’s

Like what do you got yeah and they’re almost like the thing that scares me cuz I got the Niners and the Ravens and the te’s to go to Super Bowl or parl I love that bet or future bet the Packers almost now that scar me is like their quarterback’s making it rain he’s

Spinning it and they’re almost so young that remember when you were young you didn’t even know any better yeah you’re like [ __ ] it bring it on let’s go what do we got to lose you you mentioned that um the Packers right now are 2500 plus

Plus 2500 to go all the way yeah couple hundred bucks five grand that’s going to be a great game yeah uh Josh Allen what a stud shout out to Bill’s Mafia I mean the snowstorm we could they couldn’t leave their house for 3 days they go to the game they’re

Throwing snowballs everywhere that was a lock too we should have put everything we had on that one Josh Allen’s a beast um I want to give some love to a guy that we got to know Matt Stafford I mean I know they lost what a great atmosphere

That incred that guy’s as tough as they come man I mean he the Brazilian he was out cold he got hit he was there out bring him in the tent two minutes later he’s back slinging it I’m like this guy is a [ __ ] beast and talk about

Slinging it from all different areas of his body throwing him off back foot he’s throwing him sidearm he’s he’s that was a back and forth battle I you know what you know watching the lions come out like that an incredible atmosphere my boy Bizzle was there shout out to Bizzle

Saw that um Eminem I mean the atmosphere was crazy love to see a game in there but at the same time I’m like semi cheering for the Rams I I’m like you know can they get a game at Sofi everyone’s like nope don’t you know how playoff football works I’m like I didn’t

Know they were their last seed but it’ be great to see a playoff game maybe roll through Sofi anyway um well they won a Super Bowl there yeah they did they did but anyway I was just saying like could the could the Eagles come in and play

Maybe no yeah but the Rams were just they’re an exciting team that that na or whatever the [ __ ] oh the rookie receiver oh my what’s his name Nuka nakaa that guy is gonna boys we are gonna watch this guy play for the next 10 years so there was a cool clip

Between Sean uh or what’s the head coach’s name m m MC mcy and GM and mcvey’s telling the GM in the fifth round I love this kid his toughness uh the way he can make plays after he catches it listen and that’s what he does man he goes up and gets this ball

And like the way he can make plays after the catch he’s he’s a stud stud and they asked him how he got so tough and he was the youngest of five brothers he said my whole life I was just getting beat up I was on the bottom of the pile I had to

Realize how to get off the pile he’s a stud man but I want to say this about the Lions there was this one season ticket holder the Lions haven’t won a playoff game when they won the playoff game there wasn’t text mess Ming up that’s the last time they won a playoff

Game there wasn’t text messaging yeah it was the first game in 30 years playoffs right this guy’s been a season ticket holder for 66 years and that was the first [ __ ] playoff win he’s ever seen I think or something like that they showed him in the stands but they hadn’t won a playoff

Game since text messenging was invented yeah got to me was like ho man yeah we’re 40 yeah I mean [ __ ] yeah it’s crazy 30 years not a playoff game CRA been the longest time in any Pro Sport right the team’s gone that long without making the playoffs without winning I’m not sure

It was a stretch it was a long time coming so I love Dan Campbell good on you boys yeah good on you boys and then last but not least what a way to finish off the super bowl or super Wild Card Weekend ah Baker Mayfield was making it

Rain and the Philadelphia Eagles are out and Larry flowers when are you jumping in this snowbank right this guy you telling me he’s going to jump he said it if they don’t win by double digits I’m like fella AJ Brown’s out hurts his fingers in one their defense is it was

Like just a joke um but listen I’m happy for Baker mail f up though yeah yeah it was an incredible game good atmosphere at home listen I I got I got cold feet when I was watching the Highlight he was watching the pregame on you know ESPN or

Whatever was it ESPN last night I think yeah and anyway they all picked [ __ ] Tampa I’m like God damn it so then I’m thinking go against the odds here you know it’s Jaylen Herz I’m sure you’ll get it together they were just so disappointing I can’t remember

You know following a team so closely um and them having such a good season last year a team that just folded so bad SE last seven games they lose six you know AJ Brown not playing that hurts him that hurt him big but like just the the D you

Just said it the D they missed so many tackles I’m like are they even trying I feel bad for like [ __ ] Kelsey and those those old linemen that but even the old lineman got worked this was that the best Old Line in the league they couldn’t run any anything yeah they got

Stuffed a million times all those little screen passes that went out boom stuffed they had nothing nothing that was you know Buck legit too I mean they you give shout out to Todd BS they were bringing the blitz they were bringing the house at Herz up dog I remember when you play

Like you know you go you going into playoffs and you used to like the old saying like you can’t turn it on can’t turn it off right boys like and there’s teams I went on where we were humming going into playoffs other teams where we kind of limped in birds were one and

Five in their last six or or lost six of their last seven at the bucks won five of their last six so I was like that momentum means something like there’s something going on that Eagles dressing room that we’ll we’ll probably never all know but to me their team was just they

Lost I I text Loops before the game I said who you on he’s like I’m lay I’m I’m you know sitting this one out and I S it out yeah I know he’s like listen I I want the birds to win but like they suck I’m like I know and I didn’t listen

To him um unfortunately flowers drag me in the mud yeah he’ll drag you a lot of places I can’t believe Lop say off he did yeah he’s getting mature uh great weekend of football up dog I can’t wait next week for the division rounds uh it’s the best time of

The year right now the next weekend two games on Saturday two games on Sunday it’s going to be unbelievable so we had a good first week though I was yeah the only but I lost with the Cowboys and the only one you lost was was the Eagles

That’s it Boom baby yeah yeah we’re back stay hot we’ll be right back at miss curfew welcome back to Mr curfew man upie world party time excellent he’s off the wagon I’m off the wagon how was it first of all as your you know one of your best buddies and your business part

I’m proud of you for doing that than really proud of you bud I needed something to do OBS as you get older you’re like you want to challenge yourself I needed something to do we get drunk every night eh and it’s not a bad thing I mean for all you guys sitting at

Home at night when you get home from work and you’re you know you got your kids and they’re driving you nuts and you know whether you’re dealing with the Daily Grind and you want to have a bottle of wine or two it’s not it’s not that bad yeah it’s fine but at some

Point like you know if you’re a guy like me I you know I still wish I was playing but I’m not and then you know I wish I would yeah still even after that shellac you took it as you still eight to I two um no listen you know you always want to

You always want to be in shape I I I miss a workout here I do some yoga here it’s whatever but I’m not like I’m not completely where I want to be you know but this was a good way to challenge myself and you know I posted a little

Picture on the Thursday we aired our fellow Friday show Friday I said stay tuned to hear what the 72-hour fast was like right ton of people ton of people hit me up how’ you feel wow I had a buddy do that wow I’m thinking about

Doing it where should I get some info on it like so so to everyone out there you know who who follow us and who know you know about life force and what that that that adds to your health but this 72-hour fast complete reset for your mind body gut energy

[ __ ] still still not using that um no but but what a great way to like you know hit the reset button and not like take a month off boozing yeah you don’t want to get you know you got a fell tour coming up here so you could

Take a month off thought no but in all seriousness it was tough day one day two completely tough day three never felt better came in here in the morning with you before your flight you know maybe a little struggle in the morning but then like boom yoga boom sauna jump in my

Pool which is like mid-40s right now um and and what I say now is after this reset you know I want to eat good I want to not eat ice cream every night which I I usually was now I’m just a couple Frozen grapes and maybe a cookie but um

You know I back on the sauce Friday golf I had two Tequilas and what was your first drink back it was a uh it was called the up dog it was the it’s the reposado soda splash of the ginger ale so that was that big can your first

Cocktail back yeah that was at about noon and then I had another one on the turn yeah and then after do take long though after like I took 30 days off you remember I did 30 days and I remember I got I think it was at Friday golf too I

Had my first drink yeah I was hammered by whole seven pinned yeah so no I wasn’t really that uh no it took a while but by the time I got to a restaurant with Christina I sat at the bar um one oldfashioned one glass of wine then I

Was like by the time my filet came out I was I was crossy so that was what five drinks yeah not bad over the course of 10 hours how was the old a restaurant we used we used to We There was a stretch there and you went there every Friday

For about a year yeah there still still mad respect in there for the fellas that table right in the lounge a nice table I sent our girl came me a little message in Jordan who was out of town I said listen I need a table for two they said

It’s busy and buddy I went in there three people deep at the bar to order a drink totally tons of cougs cougs everywhere yeah tons of cougs yeah if you’re looking for a good coug bar in Newport any restaurants your spot there if you’re coming down from British

Columbia or Alberta you’re on a little work trip and you’re a single guy yeah he the unless anyone’s new listening to this podcast they’ve heard us talking about the cougs at a restaurant before yeah there was yeah no I used I haven’t been in the a restaurant in a year and a

Half I supended myself maybe maybe I’m maybe I’m due to go back there for a for a cocktail good cocktail stiff ones anyways up dog proud of you buddy up world party time fell tour let’s get after it here um DraftKings baby DraftKings is going to be uh sponsoring

The skills competition um again so we’ll be there getting some content hanging out it’s a great night for us just to kind of go down and see some people around the league that we don’t normally see but last year we left Florida we were hung over but there was a little

Bit taste in our mouth about the skills because we thought it’s just you know it’s missing something you know and I I’m not saying guys at the NHL are listening to Mr curfew but I think we might have stirred the Pod here because they’ve changed it they’ve changed it up

First of all there’s a million dollars on the line now for these boys like that will get the boys to tighten their laces back up the brings truck you’ll see some boys getting you ask for that in cash I mean imagine being at the All-Star game winning the skills competition and

Having a million dollars just to go out in Toronto that night and be a complete sidh how much would you spend 250 I mean I I would spend a lot I would spend a lot yeah I would I probably spend a lot I I would go buck Diddy give 250 to

Charity spend 250 that night and then throw 500,000 in Bitcoin or whatever ethereum yeah uh I don’t know anything about that stuff but I mean listen I think this is a good idea about the NHL I think a million dollars for these guys a more competition incredible and

There’s aou but by the way just because I know you’re going to jump into something but that ain’t going to [ __ ] um that’s going to move the needle where guys aren’t going to sit out guys are going to want to bring the heat right well they don’t have a chance

There’s only 12 guys that get in now so one the rest of the guys that don’t and is it fan voting I think it was fan voed or is it just we know who the 12 sickest players are there’s one or two that are

Going to be on the mix right but look it on look at it up there on your computer yeah well didn’t we have I think it was I think it was fan voted in for the for the skills competition there something we probably should know but listen up

Dog we talked about some new events they got a one-timer challenge which I can’t wait to see it now I’m wondering if these goalies got to get in there for the one-timers because I’m sure they don’t want to I don’t know if it’s going

To be how hard it is or trying to pick a corner but I think a one-timer challenge is a great thing so round one is going to be fastest skater hardest shot stick handling and a one-timer challenge um and then round two will be an NHL shootout and there’s like a

One-on-one thing and then offs course but I think this onetime challenge man I can’t wait to see these guys lean on it I some nice [ __ ] one one T’s butt these guys love one offseason shoulder surgery after I Fe feed you so much so listen the uh the 10 of the first 12

Participants are already named by the NHL okay boom Pock McKinnon Leon gidle McDavid Hughes Matthews COV Neil andur shocker Pon and kale mcar okay the fans have the last word on the final two voting January 18th could be logged in on NHL /bo so wow who are the next two

Guys uh nander and no NE is in the baral maybe or Mar is Marner in there marner’s not but you can’t have three you can’t have three tronto those guys don’t need the money either eh I know none of these guys this game need the money though

Throw like Nick Felino in there get Brady K Chuck in there my vote for Brady get Brady in there yeah hey Bar Beauty ah Barky barky’s nasty Sam Reinhardt we’re going to talk about Sam later but listen I think I I I got princy doing some digging I swear we came up I

Thought we came up with the one-time we we said a onetime challenge would be great and I think I said a two onone draw or something like that but I love that they’re thinking outside the box here a million dollars for the boys is going to get them going um it’s going to

Be fun upy we’re going to be there like I said I’m looking forward to taking it in and seeing how hard the boys actually dig in there for the million bucks and then obviously the All-Star jerseys came out beibs designed them you’re a stylish guy terrible what’ you think not I

Thought they were bad I mean it’s just yeah Reinventing the wheel with the the logo and the yellow is not a great color I I don’t know your thoughts like there’s four different colors they all look like just the a kid like got control of the of the markers and I’d

Like to go old school I’d like to go back to the to the black and or yeah the gretz war the Smite division [ __ ] Wales conference whatever it was called slashed logo yeah with the Stars around the top let’s go retro let’s go back to the old ones where Gretzky and Lemieux

And those boys were like the black and orange that’s what I would hope maybe if it’s in Philly someday they’ll do that but wouldn’t it be great to see wayne come out on the ice and like Lemieux come out on the ice and do a couple two-on-one drills like McDavid and wait

That’ be sick yeah I’m sure those boys got things to do what if like each player got to bring out a great and they got to do something with the guy like what if Wayne was passing like coer off the I mean I think you could probably

Talk Wayne andero into passing but I don’t know if they want to do a two-on one with those Bo [ __ ] do like the trick sh cont a two onone with McDavid Tire skat hey gret can you do the Michigan yeah gret is like ah I’ll just be up

Here in the you know NHL Suite uh but yeah good be sick though bring those bring the boys back yeah I mean listen anytime Bieber’s involved in hockey like we said here I I think it’s good we’ll see how we’ll see how they look when

They’re on the ice but I I’d like to go back to the old school like I said and then there was a clip of this kid Seth Jarvis I I guess somebody got hurt or something open up and he was like no I got my trip to Mexico already booked

Which we joke about but there’s some seriousness to that [ __ ] that I want un’s in one of those 12 guys and he’s got a chance to go for the mill right you got to break him off a piece right I mean that break is so

Important and now I mean you got it you had the bye I never got a taste of the bye thank God probably wouldn’t have came back I would have been out shape for sure but that break is so important it was always tough if if you’re not if

You’re not McDavid and these guys that are you know know you’re going to go every year like and once you do it once maybe I guess going one once would be a big deal but if you already have your trip booked and you’re kind of being an

Injured guy that to replace I don’t think many guys want to do that do you I know I wouldn’t I know but it’s the All-Star game you got to go one time one time you got to be a you know what if you have the chance to do it you have

To do it yeah because then you’re you’re an All-Star forever bro that’s true they can’t take that away from you speaking of Allstars we got some All-Star coaches here shout out to our boy Rick toet oh best team in the NHL right now the Vancouver Canucks number one in the NHL

Incredible he will be coach of the Pacific Division and our boy bonesy Rick bonis will be coaching the central vision and then your boy Jim Montgomery and the old vet Peter lulet have been named but I’m so happy for talks man be good to see him um well deserved

By would have on DraftKings would have been if you said Rick talken and Rick bonis would have been the two coaches represent reers representing the paciic it’s uh you know I think anytime Canada uh can the Canadian team or teams in this case are having a great year and

Get to be highlighted and showcased at the NHL game which happens to be in Toronto too it’s incredible these guys they were welld deserved going to wear some sick suits to’s going to have that head nice and shaved up he’s ready to rock and roll man yeah I will it’s been

A while since Talk’s been in All-Star game but he’s been in a few yeah it’s it’s going to be such a great weekend and uh I saw something on social media Matt sundine is going to be back in town so uh I’m going to try to get a hold of

Matt and see if we can uh meet up with him but you know besides the weather it’s going to be chilly but to have it in Toronto the the hockey Mecca there’s going to be so many alumni there uh you talk about you know making gret and Mar

For the skills cop there are goingon to be so many Hall of Famers Legends hanging around you know it’s gonna be great and uh why not just uh Spill the Beans now we have you know I spoke to Ty Gretzky this morning and last week um but gret’s basement in Toronto Canada

Popup experience with all Wayne’s um memorabilia and some amazing uh things that he’s he’s collected over the years and that his folks have collected um we’ll have details to follow but that’s going to be Friday afternoon of the allstar game we hope if anyone’s there fans check it out come check out Wayne’s

Stuff and we’re going to sit down and have a little bit of a you know chat powow a little powow there I mean listen anytime there’s 99 involved in anything yeah we’re going I would say it’s probably pretty pretty sick um listen fans voted in I just want to give some

Love to the Canucks Nation we’re all Canucks Pon Miller Brock B all got voted in good on you Vancouver yeah big time van gets a lot of like you know when when things are going bad the kuck fans are hard on you but when things are

Going good and I’ve been saying it now these guys have been unbelievable they go out vote for them get them in I think that’s unbelievable last thing for me here on the All-Star game is I I get it there’s there’s four divisions right which I just think they should go back

To Western Conference versus Eastern Conference 60-minute game five on five and I think the million dollars is up for grabs for the game to or I AG there’s something yeah it allows more players to play with different guys whole West bring the whole West versus the whole eastest and this is no

Disrespect to the goal cuz a lot of my goalies bailed me out throw too many goalies man there’s too many goalies I mean two on each team I mean that’s a that’s a quarter of the [ __ ] league and and we’re missing guys that could be coming in oh like they’re take like for

Example cam Talbot’s having a great year and he’s the representative for the Kings y i no disrespect to cam a great guy I’ve heard like I’d rather see Kee there or copar or dely you know what I mean I just I just think to me personally there’s too many goalies

Maybe they rotate teams like these guys don’t care I mean you have an extra chance a million bucks cuz you got to play on both teams yeah I wonder that get does a goalie have a chance to win the mill I don’t know but there’s look there’s like there’s eight goalies there

Right they make enough money skoles yeah especially when you’re doing your DraftKings lineup man they’re all like pricey they’re all you know how much are those guys they’re all expensive or pricey yeah they’re all like 10 G’s 10 yeah 10,000 minimum pricey uh but anyways congrats to all the allstars uh

The city of Toronto we’re fired up to come there up dog it’s going to be an absolute time it’s sneaking up on us here fella flights are booked rooms are booked let’s go dust off thex baby yeah yeah let’s order some new ones up dog

Get this guy a the Bat Blue fella it’s time baby presented by laat Blue Light the pristine pilzner enjoy your beers together so you can live life to the power of we always enjoy responsibly beer laat USA Buffalo New York get this guy a laat blue I got to

Give some love to our buddy Alex Kor killer killer made his return to Tampa I heard a rumor that he had a nice nice number on the board nice number ni uh the boys obviously didn’t want to take it cuz they stumped them 5-1 but which

Was your lock of the night listen uh to the Tampa Bay Lightning I thought it was classy you know they gave him a real good you know you see a lot I love the video bro you see a lot of these video tributes now to guys that didn’t do a

Whole [ __ ] of a lot where they played this guy deserved it two cups y um like I said we’ve got to know him it was tough for him to leave but when they’re offering you six bananas a year you say hey hey cop and the boys I’ll see you in

The offseason totally but I thought it was great the next night he goes in and scores a gamewinner against the cats which [ __ ] me on my parlay but anyways killer get yourself a blue light until a Tampa Bay Lightning join him because I thought it was classy up dog my man

Shout out and get this guy a Le Bat Blue Light Mark Andre flurry bro 552 NHL wins I got to give this guy this is insane 0 shut out against the Islanders on Monday pass Patty wall for second place all time only trailing Mr Marty broer himself first win since October 3rd

2003 was his first ever win sorry and uh I mean he’s only got what aund and I don’t know he’s got 140 victories away to catch Marty bder which is pretty insane when you think about that but he ain’t G to catch um it’s amazing flurry

Well what a career great guy uh you seen the videos that circulated yesterday especially on miss curfew uh him calling out the the start of the game for the the boysa wild boys love him he’s got a smile on his face every day great family man so congrats to Mr Mark Andre flurry

Yeah best style of any golender I’ve ever seen to but yeah keep going he’s he can still kick two up dog I mean he’s not going to catch Marty but he’s got some good hockey left if you want to plays and he did some good stuff on TNT

Last week with Biz and the boys where you can tell what kind of guy is because everyone loves him loves him yeah so get him a blue light and speaking of another Legend Sydney Crosby 26 gools on the season big fella and 20 apples to add

For 46 points buddy for the first time in a long time he’s on Pace for a 50g goal season and to you just brought it up to me today CRA he has not had one when I saw that whole career with a career high of 44 goals in 16 17 I mean

Sid’s a machine um you know Pittsburgh’s fighting to get in but he I mean listen this guy is if you still I bet you if you did a survey of the league and said who’s the best 200 foot player still Nate McKennon would get some votes obviously Conor but I still think when

It comes down down to it Faceoff dzone low just responsible and look at like you said 26 and 20 46 and 42 the guy’s 35 years old 36 years old what would a vkin do right now for 26 snakes oh yeah hey he’d be right there he’d be he’d be

Knocking on that door I mean but Sid’s like you’re right he’s noticeable every night he moves his feed he wins battles he’s up and down the ice he’s power play PK face off that’s that’s the sign of Just A True True hockey player yeah and

And good guy you know good guy and and just keep going say you’re good for the game and Pittsburgh like I said they’re battling it an up dog and last but not least here get this guy La Bat Blue down in your old stopping grounds there where

The old vitamin D is just they’re just handing it out that no tax nice cars they riding golf carts Sam Reinhardt seven games with either a power play goal or a short-handed goal which I thought was [ __ ] pretty juicy and he’s one back of Matthews he’s 32 goals

Ma like you think about Matthews every time I turn on ESPN or whenever he’s scoring a goal y well Sam reinhard’s doing the exact same thing and another thing about Rhino drunkest guy I’ve ever saw Coachella to you had an absolute shift um but listen he’s a free agent up

Dog oh man timing is everything wow I I I just listen I think this kid you know coming out of Buffalo going there again this is a feather in cap to Paul Maurice uh Bill Zito their GM Chucky everyone 32 goals man one behind Matthew what kind

Of price tags he do we got a our boy back there what kind of price tag what’s he making right now he’s about to be making is he making four and a half maybe I can look it up here at cop friendly stand by S it’s more about what

He’s going to oh well that’s why it’s like you know what a what a bargain to have him on your squad this year it’s you know right listen he signed a twoyear 7.3 back in yeah so he’s making he’s making six and a half he’s got one

Year left at 6 and A2 oh listen he’s going to be making [ __ ] 13 yeah he keep to I mean if he wins the rock yeah now for me this is like when you start getting up to those double digits right 10 or more and I was nowhere near that

Right Not Gon to give Sam Reinhardt that much money listen it’s the hardest thing to do in the NHL score goals right you would agree back to back to back back more than yeah yeah but do it can’t just do it one year for him with Ryo yeah

You’re right I think like I think 10’s a nice number for him right like I mean the fact that we’re we have to have this discussion of s Reinhardt making $10 million is not I know and it’s incredible he deserves it all he’s going

To the net I said I said two months ago young kids watch how Sam reinard goes and stays in front of the net with the new rules cuz he’s reaping the benefits of it and I’m only saying if if he keeps this up and I still think DraftKings

Asked me right now who you want I’d say Matthews is going to win the Rocket but if he somehow nibble takes down Matthews and scores 66 goals like you know we got a long way to go I get it I I mean is he not worth is there not

A team out there like the Columbus Blue jck I I don’t know who needs scoring I don’t know there’s teams out there that need scoring obviously to me what I’m saying is I would stay in South Florida if I’m him get a nice number there it’s

A great place to live and what more importantly what they’re building there yeah yeah so rhyo I know you want to get paid you’re going deserve it but I just think it’s a great spot for him plus 550 on DraftKings for him to win the Rocket

Rashard right now if you you looked at this I want to say three weeks ago when he was still kind of right there with Matthews he was like plus 2500 like it was like he can’t keep it up but wow has he ever and it’s you know

We’re halfway through the year and it’s All-Star game coming up and and listen you talk about dogs days there’s there’s not many dog dayss down there you know you liveed off Los olis if you if you can hold up and feel good it’s South Florida with that nice Sun like iy was

Saying vitamin D and they’re they’re they’re rolling they’ve lost two straight lately but they were rolling hey like you said he goes to the net man he goes in that what’s McDavid have for goals he’s plus 3,000 right now I don’t know is he got 25 20 he can get

There he’s not going to win the Rocket rard I don’t think his his goals are down from last year I do know that I love how he asked me goals this year how many 16 yeah yeah he’s stck he’s down but I mean he’s just huming not B odd so well Kyle

What is he how many points is he be behind COV for McKennon for the art what’s he that win the Art Ross he’s got 57 points um COV he’s got almost 45 goals I think let’s check what’s McDavid to win the Art Ross is that there on DraftKings well he’s

Plus 275 right now to win the heart okay what about the scoring uh it it doesn’t give the unfortunately cutas at 72 points 72 points what’s McKinnon at 70 I got Nate to win the heart I got him at start of the Season yeah he’s plus 210

Yeah I got him at better than that the start they’re humming man they are absolutely humming but Ryo keep it going all those boys grab yourself a blue light we’ll be right back at Mr curfew it’s milk carton time up dog first and foremost I don’t want to pile

On the San Jose Sharks here but I kind of do because they cost me money about a month into the season where they decided to go on a winning streak but I’m begging you in San Jose please take the teal helmets off on the road you don’t need to draw any more

Attention to yourself I agree you guys are so bad and I feel for the guys there cuz I’ve been on bad teams I was on a bad team in Tampa one year I was on a bad team in Colorado it sucks I feel for the players but just put white helmets

On please like Carolina does it too which I don’t love I don’t ask much but can you just please put white helmets on the road because it’s just you should have two helmets in the NHL right especially in the summertime yeah you need that second helmet in the summer

Just to mix up a little bit Yeah I think they all do right everybody but the Carolina Hurricanes and the San Jose Shark have white H what’s on the road wow well let’s figure it out come on I I hate it I hate the teal are terrible the teal

Are terrible Sil Silvers are not great in Vegas and you know I guess it’s Carolina wears what red on the road they wear red on the road I don’t love that either not but they’re a good squad so if you’re good you could kind of get

Away with it but when you’re San Jose and you’re just trying to get through the end of the season here let’s put some white helmets up just give it a try if anyone’s out there listening from the Sharks let’s see what it looks like with

The white come on see if you can put a couple jumb Joe did it back in the day with the white I wonder what Joe thinks I want if anyone says sees Joe Thor ask him what he thinks about it but to me it’s mil cart time enough with the teal

Helmets and up dog some good news here we’re going to take a guy off the milk carton uh Max Patcher ready guy’s been hurt for feels like forever uh two ailles was it two Achilles yeah same one but really bad injury really tough listen I give this guy a lot of credit

For comeing back he’s played six games he’s got three points for a Washington Capitals team I’m just happy to see him back man yeah of course incredible I didn’t even know where he played yeah um but good for him I mean he was a hell

Of a he was a hell of a goal scorer and incredible player and nice to see one of the uh you know the Vets good vets in the league be back healthy and playing again absolutely good for him because I thought rehab had been hell and he’s

Made enough money that he could have been like you know what I just I’m going to rehab so I can enjoy my life I don’t really want now he’s never want to stay on the cup maybe that fuels him but I hope he succeeds and you saw it last

Week Patty Kane kind of went to the boards a little I haven’t heard n it looked a little tricky man looked like was it could have been a lower body hopefully it’s not a nothing crazy hopefully it’s not his knee or or his hip but you know he he did fall

Awkwardly in the in the boards it looked to me when I saw his hip it says Patty Kan to miss some time with a lower B injury so that that’s good news it’s not like out and definite but I mean he was playing for a guy there’s nobody come back from that surgery

Right and we talked about this but no it takes a minute man it takes a minute for the for for the load like to be you know game after game after game but he’s kept it up I mean he’s played what 15 games he’s he’s right there he’s been

Effective he scored some great goals an incredible breakaway goal last week so you know thinking about him he’s been great he looks good Le better with Patty Kane and he looks good in that uniform too so sure does uh that was a mil carton fella uh brings us in to back up

The Brinks truck fella back it right up time it’s in Chicago they’re backing it up listen we’re on this podcast and a lot of times we complain about these young guys getting contracts at the end of the day we want everyone to get paid but this one is so welld deserved Nick

Felino two years four and a half bananas a year he goes in there he does the right thing he sticks up for the young Superstar he fights he hits great in the room I mean I’m so happy for this guy man so happy for him what a deal OB what

A deal and like if I’m a GM around the league I’m a little bit bummed because I was probably looking at the deadline like how many teams would love to add Nick Fel yeah right yeah well it’ll cost you know now he’s not going anywhere at

That I me and his you know and another guy not too far away from from what he’s doing with these young players Jason Dickinson I play with him in Vancouver for a little a cup of coffee two years 4.25 I mean he’s got 14 goals he’s

Having a career year but again you just you can’t just you know fill your lineup with with no-name guys you got to have these guys that know how to play and win face offs and fight and skate and these guys uh you know that’s a lot of money

Listen I thought I don’t know Jason Dickinson yeah I watched him play for Travis Green 4.25 for Dickinson wow I I thought this guy was out of the like on his way out of the league yeah like in Vancouver he was really bad really bad

And for him to go there I guess it just shows up you like opportunity right how how you embrace you go to Chicago you know you’re going to be bad but you got you’re going to play in situations you’ve never played in but very rarely

Do you go from making you know a million bucks to making two years 4.25 as like a good you know character like fill in Guy totally I mean it feels like they just give extensions out now throughout the year a lot easier than when we played N

I saw this deal for Dickinson I was like I was on a one-year deal in Colorado and I was lighting it up I was having a great year just into the new year I was having a great year no one ever called me for extension my agent didn’t even

Jerry and Steve it didn’t even I was like like I didn’t even think about it either I should have maybe like I I know I just feel like they’re handing it out in Chicago like they did this summer and they are again and I mean they stink but

They they you know they need these guys I’ll tell you what they they stink so what do you just go find you know whether it cost but but where are you finding a half of a Nick Felino this summer for two million bucks you’re not you’re not

Finding Nick Felino but this Jak like Dickinson I don’t know if I would have been in a hurry to give him that deal I I felt good for you some over in backs right now maybe there’s a chance 14 goals is a lot but I mean I I guess you

Need veteran guys there but Nick Felino congratulations fella uh hopefully he gets back sooner than later uh last but not least here I miss a curfew up dog around the national league uh I want to start here my boy Gabriel lanis Cog it was so good to see him on the man just

Out there working the Ed good St I said listen stick handle in the biscuit I text Kyle kef right away because Kefir is a beauty he loves Landing I mean he no one seen ly gr more than Kyle Keefe like he saw from a 19-year-old to what

He is now and I said I don’t want to get excited here but like what’s he’s like he’s just he’s obviously easing into it and and I’m not getting but it was just nice to see him and as a guy who’s got the Colorado Avalanche in a future at

Plus 900 to win the Stanley Cup if they could ever get 92 back healthy for playoffs I mean you know and I want to say this actually um the big train there NuSkin yeah um is that you say Valerie NuSkin nushki I call him the big Russian train listen he was having an

Unbelievable year 22 goals uh I I thought thought he was past whatever he was dealing with so I just want to wish him all the best uh as an xavs guy and the guy who watched a lot of Abs game he’s been playing unbelievable up dog so

I hope he gets the help he deserves yeah uh it’s a big loss for them lein still out uh Byron’s been banged up they’re banged up right now but to see Landy out there good Style eh he’s got great style um I wish he’s a guy like I I I look up

To a younger guy wish I could have had a chance to play with him um you know big fan of our podcast and big supporter but um it’s the the Colorado Avalanche and the league we need those young guys in he he’s he’s been a guy that’s um that

These young kids look up to that that you know we’ve had unfortunately out with a couple years Serious injury and I I’ll touch on the nushin too is is that get this guy the help he needs now because you know look forward to him coming back as a better you know a

Better guy clear you know clear um addressing the things he needs to address and then have him back for playoff playoff time last year missing him in the playoffs was a big loss to him why they didn’t really make get past the Kraken and and right now um you know

We’re one big family so you know the guys in that room probably really uh you know really understand what he’s going through and and getting him the help they need is is the right thing yeah well said and I I I thought he kicked it just the way he was playing he looked

Big he looked healthy he looked strong they were in Toronto I’m I don’t want to say was do you think he would have been Toronto like it fell off the wagon CU easy City to fall off the wagon but it was just obviously I’m joking but yeah no it’s where there smoke where

There smoke there’s fire up dog I know every time I went to Tonto I mean I was I had something lined up yeah totally right I had something lined up uh Edon Oilers tonight we’re recording on Tuesday they play the maple leaves tonight it’s going to be a great hockey

Game up dog we sat on our podcast and said these guys are going to go on a streak let’s bet it well we missed it because they won 10 straight uh new team record they never won 10 when gretz was there that’s impressive that’s impressive to me I find that shocking

Was that just because of overtimes and no team ties and shootouts or must have been crazy that graty didn’t win 10 in a row with the oil it’s like they had a tie eh they had a tie for sure yeah they they just took one night off every 10

Games because they won a lot of hockey games a lot of hockey games um something about new coaches with these guys hea did like new girlfriends they all excited they ex block yeah like he’s got the boys playing hard playing unbelievable I can’t wait to watch that

Game tonight do you think they can keep it going I mean I wish we would have been betting them like 10 straight I I knew they were going to snap it off yeah um you know what it’s a confidence thing and and Conor McDavid is playing extremely gifted hockey right now and so

It’s it’s it’s one of those cases where heads up you he’s going to go just walk you and dance you and bury one behind you yeah did you hear what uh dry setle said probably a couple weeks ago about you know being restricted fre unrestricted fre coming up he said I got

To take care of myself and Conor’s got to worry about him obviously we want to finish the goal here but I was like I love the honesty because that’s the truth like they want to win a Stanley Cup for the ERS fans I’m sure they they love those fans of passionate fans but

At the end of the day Leon Drell has got to do his best for him and 97 is going to do it best for him so I love that he was completely honest about that and he’s a year away from it next year is his last year before his UFA I know but

I just thought it was like a little tickle maybe just to be like hey boy does he sign a one-year ticket in Edmonton for 15 just to stay but how do they even work that in the cap like just to stay one more year with Connor and then I think he’s going to

Sign with the LA Kings I think copar is going to retire and dry cell is going to come in making $13 million how are you we liveing in manad Beach just’s going to be a member up air [ __ ] I me to come on bro we’ll help him

With that I uh and last but not least around the national league here Conor Mard this guy loves hockey he’s already back out there with a bub creature he’s creature of hockey you called it buddy you said he’d already be skating and I thought maybe take some time off kid

He’s already back out there Luke Richardson said he was licking his chops couldn’t keep him off the ice now listen I broken jaw you know that slows you down a little bit but if I was hurt I’d be like okay listen I going take a

Couple days I take a week well you got to go on the liquid diet so that’s that’s good for you yeah yeah you just need those scissors in case you’d have too much to drink I remember Aaron Rome broke his jaw he always had those scissors that he had just in case oh

What do you mean Aaron R got in a fight downtown Portland knocked out Cole and uh I was with him I was in the hospital with him the whole [ __ ] night and uh yeah they wired his jaw shut and he had these little scissors scissors what to get the food in so like

If he’s puking ah you got to cut him I’m sure they got better technology now he’d have a pair of scissors like that if he like worst case scenario sniff he was wired shut oh [ __ ] tough tough injury yeah he chirped the wrong fisherman down top and these guys waited for man they

Waited for him and kick the [ __ ] right out of them we were banned from going out downtown after that I wasn’t thrilled about that really um so when do you think Bard’s back you got that bet with Lop yeah yeah like I think he’s back uh he’s he’s

Going to miss his four weeks four weeks so you’re taking the under if I said four to six you’re taking under like he’s back maybe four at the max kind of thing yeah but he’s going to be back with the bubble and he’s going to be you

Know they’re they’re going to use him back there but I’d I’d say from it’s been what a week I’d say he’s back in in under four weeks from from now he’s going to leave that bubble on the rest of the year isn’t he he’s back by Valentine day it’s the it’s January 16th

He’s back by February 14th does he leave that bubble on the rest of the year yeah uh yeah no no no if if you’re Kyle Davidson you are you not just like leave that on for the rest of your kid it you know what I think the bub I think having

The bubble on it hits your jaw more I think like a little shot to the to the chin with the with the bubble on I think that [ __ ] it up more than just taking the glove there yeah I know listen if the kid came to front of that with me

And that bubble I’d push that bubble right into his chin but totally they do that you know and the guys the guys will respect the fact that he just broke his jaw like you’re not Conor Bard comes down on you now and he’s going wide on

You you’re not going to Elbow him up in the up high why not why not a little respect Factor Why not well I don’t know you do I would [ __ ] I would [ __ ] rough him up I would have put my I like kid don’t come near net I won’t touch

You but if you come the net I’m going to get you and listen people listen to this podcast we love your effects and some people on our social media about me always about you know the game listen I’ve had some players text me and you no need for

Names class world class players Stanley Cup champions good guys being like they can’t watch it the penalties So Soft this and that so I don’t know I just think uh I just think you’re going to keep the stinky glove away from Conor Bernard’s face for

A bit when he first comes back well I’m not especially you’re playing the Hawks you’re up four nothing early it’s like do I need to [ __ ] you know be the guy like elbowing this kid as he comes up to well listen if if you’re asking me as an

As a defenseman so if I’m on the ice with him I’m worried he’s going to dangle me to begin with right so I’m thinking I’m going the I’m thinking going in the game okay this kid’s coming back from a broken jaw I don’t want to end up on Sports Center with Steve Levy

And the boys so maybe when he comes in that the first time I may punch him in the bubble and be like hey kid you [ __ ] come near me again it’ll be even worse next time so now I limit you want to be on Sports Center for that no I

Know but now now I don’t have to worry about this kid dangling me totally right I don’t want to end up on the highlight real this guy putting it through my wheels so if I punch him in the face early with the B maybe he doesn’t come near me the rest

Of the game you know what I mean I it’s one way to look at it I think it’s a great way to look at it yeah yeah don’t you get S over there don’t you get I miss watching you play hockey buddy so much I miss Hey listen I watched you

More than you I you were still the league you were my favorite playoff player I almost got an Upshaw Jersey so uh up dog great be back with your buddy I mean what an outfit we didn’t even touched about your outfit look at that outfit what’s that T-shirt it’s sick

That’s uh Johnny V that’s nice Johnny V tarp you still get the NHL discount 40% off bud yeah yeah see you guys out there if you want to a little code let me know up dog if if we could get the bu my receipts from over my career I’ve one

Much money I spent at Johnny V it would blow your mic how many of the jackets you think you still got I got my one winter one and I got a couple like that when you got on there is that Johnny V up top too joh it’s a full Johnny it’s

Actually full Johnny V yeah are you going to get some new clothes for the All-Star Weekend oh am yeah I am I just don’t know what yet listen I’m looking for a three4 winter jacket like that’s kind of like a platty kind of black like you know I’m look like a charcoal I’m

Looking for that so if you see one charcoal 3 like like a 3/4 like uh with some patterns on it Johnny Be bust out the cart Max all pass me to Kyle thanks buddy back there that was missing curfew Fellas


  1. you the and chichlet boys should do a pod together at the all star game ! think it would be so awesome yall together telling stories and stuff…two of my fav pods collabing would be great

  2. You guys mentioned Crosby never scored 50 goals in his career..he scored 51 in 2009-10..just FYI

  3. Million dollars for rich people to get % wow and people are starving and freezing shame on you nhl people stop supporting this money sports boycott it and show sporting world what it takes to survive

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