How I Increased My Club Head Speed with Driver (and you can too!)

I’ve been trying to increase my club head speed with driver for years! On tour it was about 113 max. Will today be the day I finally shatter my long term goal of swinging over 130mph?

In this live golf lesson, Steve Furlonger and I focus on increasing the length of my hand path in the backswing.

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β›³ Chapters
0:00 Introduction
1:30 What I am currently working on to improve my club head speed.
3:45 What I need to do to increase my club head speed.
5:10 When should a player be at their heaviest in the golf swing?
6:25 Pelvis rise is the secret to club speed.
7:53 Using data to analyze driver swing.
10:30 When is club head speed the fastest?
11:45 Lengthening my hand path in the backswing. πŸ‘ˆ
16:00 Trying to beat my swing record of 130mph. (Lots of swings) πŸ‘ˆ
18:20 Small change makes a huge difference.
18:50 Video takeaway. πŸ‘ˆ

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Hey guys so this is a super special episode over the last couple of years I’ve been on a journey to increase my club head speed to over 130 mph trying to hit the ball further than 340 Ys now I’m only 5’1 and I weigh 75 Kg so pound-for-pound I need to do some

Very special moves with my golf swing to be able to generate that much speed and hit the ball that far so in this video with special guest Steve fer longer we traveled all the way to Germany to work with some of the most high-tech equipment available to be able to level

Up my potential to create that power and go on this journey to see if I can break my personal best you certainly don’t want to miss out on this one let’s get stuck in so it’s pretty much I’ve hit warm-ups with 7 I and got to 108 I got 109 but I

Thinned one head speed um and then I think I’ve hit about 20 20 drives now slowing it started at 117 or 118 my first one was okay and then now I’m at to that was it like 123.6mi path and Direction everything like that so yeah so this is where

You’re at currently with the journey then from what we did last summer mhm so what you’ve done this year with Steve y so talk me through a little bit what you’ve worked obviously where we left it last year was kind of working on that initial movement that kind of up that

Down that explode up yeah tell me how you got on with that for weeks after you would have done some training and then obviously what’s come next with Steve without a doubt distan has improved massively accuracy has improved massively based on everything we worked

On last time and almost to a te of what you said was going to happen I was short and wide I think I was playing when I used to play it was like just getting to 113 now then I think we maxed out at 124 yeah we were around 24ish weren’t we and

Then we started at 118 I think and that was me kind of right then with that shot trying to get a feel for what I have been working on this year it’s been a year since we touched base and then since then I did do some work with

Giuliano yeah and we were following on from everything that you were talking on just it’s such a difference between me with my eyes and my sense just going yeah I’m doing it enough and then getting one of my mates to also tell me at the same time so we maxed out at

129 and ball speed was 191 okay uh that was trackman outside probably after about 40 minutes and the feels that we were getting more than anything were clubheads staying on the ground as long as we can which even then I just know I wasn’t doing enough y from here I’m then

Pushing not back I’m going up up up as much as I can and then the bit that I they’re kind of the two main things that I go out and play with swing it as fast back as I can because I know my ratio that we were talking about last time was

Way off yeah uh the bits that I’m still struggling on that I think that we can use today to get me to 130 would be the whole pushing down and exploding up okay because I never whenever I do that I just literally feel like I’m back there

Yeah and I never feel like I’m pushing off it’s almost like I’m staying in flexion and then push off my back foot Y and like don’t get me wrong everything about my driving is so much better but I reckon I’ve still got at least four or five in the tank to get

132 133 yeah I agree we’re going to use mobile phone okay we’re going to use new app mhm we’re going to look at the data on the app the motion to coach app okay so it’s a product that I’ve been developing since I’ve last seen you yeah

So we’ll be able to get vertical forces on the mobile phone we don’t need a force plate okay so we’re going to use the phone to get your vertical forces something that you and I have discussed on our journey didn’t we we were talking about what we could where the little

Gains are going to be definitely vertical force is a big one yeah I think we were at like 140 at the start when I met you last year so vertical forces is pretty much how much I’m pushing off the ground and 140 what is that a

Measurement of that is so that is 140 that’s 1.4 times your body weight as a value of force going into the ground when you’re at your heaviest 200 lb ripped animal so one time yet like that so 1.4 so I really wasn’t when I’m at my

Heaviest in my golf swing is that when I am going back down into the ball it’s going to be around halfway down we see it with the fastest players around shaft vertical long drivers earlier than that we have seen it a bit later but generally if I take the rule of Thum

When the shaft is vertical from a face on video view okay that’s when you should be at your heaviest with the vast majority of that Force under your left foot as a result Force precedes motion so the timings are super critical here yeah okay if that’s not done at the right

Time okay we’ve got a problem because it’s late usually for most people so then if we increase the force we increase the problem because we don’t address the timings we were talking about this we talking about this so many players are just like I need to swing it

Faster faster faster yeah but the reason they’re usually doing it and then getting slower which was my problem because I didn’t know when to do it yeah yeah so we’re looking at that we can use the mobile technology so even in your own pocket you can get the technology

You can see when you’re peing your vertical forces we use that to see when we’re getting there we need to get you north of 200 two times your body weight as a force into the ground we’ve got to get you above 200 200 ball speed and 200

Amount ofce so then if we get that amount two times your body weight into the ground at sha vertical we know that we then have enough time to move into impact and the big thing what I see and measure with all of the fastest players is Rise is pelvis rise is pelvis lead

Side rise and pelvis middle rise so that’s what we were working on uh that explode up was a a general term icoin explode up which we talked about but I want to go into more detail about it this session because we’re going to measure it we’re going to improve

Increase it yeah and effectively when we get you the fastest your feet are going to be off the ground at impact which they certainly are at the moment okay so if we do that then as if we say that’s an advantage a move that we’re going to

Use as a speed advantage or advantageous yeah we’re going to need to do that when you push for Speed we’re going to need to push into the ground and move around away away from the ground as much as possible let’s go with we’re going to Baseline current FS measure current FS

So we’re going to capture so then we’ve got some data to to look at and we show the guy people watching where you’re at currently with the fills off the back of last year and then we’re going to ramp that up we just hit a couple shots I’m

Going to do well we’ll start off cuz the way we do things with motion to coach is I’m going to get you to do a body scan so we can actually just kind of measure you and get the right data into the system oh sticking tea sticking tea bit of

Friction Okay cool so start off with just getting a body scan so getting your vitals into the system so I’ll hold your Club you’re going to stand in a pose for me I’m just at the front of the force plates and you’re going to stand feet level with the hips hands up

In this kind of surrender position shoot me so looking forwards 3 two one go finished we process our information in the cloud so we need a good connection we’ve got Wi-Fi here says super fast speed that goes to the server processes comes back so we now got your avatar on the screen

Okay which audience can see yep and we’re ready for capture Old Fields same Fields oh yeah just a baseline yeah yeah I definitely there’s zero push-up happening okay absolutely zero so that’s what yeah and that one to be honest felt faster and felt better in the back swing but then just got even

Slower in the down swing because I literally didn’t feel anything underneath my front foot that was certainly a better shot I’ll tell you what though so much more more that doesn’t look accurate but it feels way more accurate that was a definitely a better shot super narrow

Narrow yeah so as I get down this is something that I was trying to get rid of because might change of Direction I have very very mobile wrist and I tend to get a little bit cued here and then as I get narrow that’s where I always

Feel like I’m going to hit down um is that going to decrease or increase my likelihood speed well look we do need that right arm to straighten we do need to release those angles we know that some of the longest are get in obviously from a grip standpoint they’re

In strong position they tend to get very cued what would look cued at the top that can get their swing length what looks like the Sha pointing down there b their back or behind them they’re in this position they’re not losing it but they’re very good at getting it out at

The right time yeah so what we what we observe what the data that we’ve got support sers this we know the fastest reach their fastest hand speed they reach Peak speed yeah around P 5.5 So Below left arm parallel just below left arm parallel and sha parallel or

Horizontal yeah so that then comes back to okay the upbit that we worked on before is really important High stretched yeah down heavy yeah and then from there off the ground I think I’ve got the timing I I think the one thing that I’ve improved the most which has

Made the most difference was swinging back faster instead of going long low and slow because was causing me to drift off and stay too far down with my body that just swinging it faster and more vertical that’s if I was being honest the one thing that I’ve done the most

Since then would be just that but I have I still don’t get the Sensation that I’m going high enough which you can tell us and then also down enough so here interesting um I mean we got two swings captured actually so we had one one that

You was over 200 you was about 220 but this one here you was down at around 210 so from this app today we see that you’re higher than what we had I would like we’re going to try and see whether we can on this app get that up cuz you

Did have it at 220 which is how much I’m pushing off that’s how much force into the ground 220 2.2 times yeah your body weight so it’s improved a lot it’s 220% looks like from here we’ve got over 200 yeah but it doesn’t look like it’s affecting the

Body so we want that value to stay over 200 MH but I need you to get your feet in the air yeah at impact just doesn’t look very powerful yeah so we want to go jump so I want to try and go as high as high as possible yeah our hand path so

Our length of hand PA is 182 cm back swing length is 182 so if we if we can get this higher yeah this is speed movements now yeah right so we’re now crossing the line to actually produce speed I would like you before that as a

Product of or what’s going to enable you to get higher I want a little bit of side to side a little bit of shuffling I then want a heavy light heavy so I’m pushing almost really flexing down with my I want you to go down so I want you

To be priming so I want a left right almost mini stomping yeah a left right and then I want a down and then I want the biggest highest up that you can get so fast as I can go down up as fast as I can go as fast

As you can go good okay so let’s get this hand path as long as we can back swing so stomp stomp stomp heavy light as high as you you can go as fast as you can go off we go fin good this is to get the back swing

Longer give us just from a so we’re applying Force to the handle along the path of the hands yeah that’s called linear work so we could either keep the hand path in its original state which is 180 cm and try and apply more force or we can make the hand path

Longer okay that will create more Force for us as well longer by trying to get the butt as far as I can up as up you can yeah up as I can so I just want to have a little look at that value so we’ve gone from 180 to 200 CM

We’ve gained 20 cm in hand half length really yeah so that’s going to give us effectively more work we’re going to get more Force to the handle because we got a longer track but I just didn’t use it at the right time well at the moment we

Are not focused on impact we’re focused on getting you in a higher further away from the ball position at the top stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp up leave the handle leave the club stretch and go yeah don’t go up with the handle at the say I almost want you to stretch away

From the handle this is what St May yeah so it’s almost like so hold it there so if you’re stomping stomp stomp stomp stomp yeah like that yeah so I want that going up then that’s going to help you then get this moving faster and if we

Get it moving faster is going to allow you to get it to longer a further away position purely just on the speed and stretch stomp stomp stomp lift and then move the club beautiful good it’s better okay what was the hand path length on that hand path length let’s have a quick look

So because I would have been really really low numbers before because I used to stay down chest stay down facing the ground and get very narrow with my arms at the top then I’d used to hang back and that’s why I was really struggling with my driving so this is feeling that

My chest is fully extending as much as I can right left right down up go oh that was better whoa that was better excellent so I want to visualize that one I think that’s got to be higher so I mean we’ve gone we’ve jumped up 40

Cm in hand half length which is huge yeah yeah so it’s massive it’s over 20% of your what you was doing before an increase good lad yes sir one 125 good so we’re growing we’re building we’re building and this could be you know a 20 minute session this gradually Rising increasing

Increasing yeah this is good so we’ve stayed at 123 we went up to 124 we’ve now broken 125 one two six my man six we’re getting there six so getting there can we get if we get this to 127 I’d be delighted with just this first stage here cuz then

We’ve got to push for that final threee with our next drill and our next movement stomp stomp stomp rise oh that was centered that was centered you’ve done this before so we know that you can maintain these sessions for this period of time this is

Faster than I got when I was here last time and we haven’t even done anything about actually increasing the club head speed and impact it’s literally just trying to get this is just we have achieved that from making a small change to what I was been working on the last

Year and it’s already made it way more consistent and we haven’t even got and I’m only 4 Mile Away there and 4 Mile Away there from getting my PB and this is back to force proceed motion all we did a lateral component and a vertical component a side to side a heavy to

Light and then take that club as far back as possible as fast as you can okay all right side to side down and up and go side to side down and up go was the first time I actually saw that was the first time I actually saw

My club head I reckon I’ve got way more in the tank no okay so right great we said 127 this stage no no no no no we’re not we’re not cuz I want you to get the next bit cuz the next bit has got speed

In it the next bit’s got three or four in it as well okay so this is my record well that’s TI my record this is amazing yeah from what we’ve just done with that pre- swing Force yeah to give you the ability to make the club go faster to gain that

Stretch to get the club further away from the golf ball yeah so can simply then we got a bigger track to get speed built up on yeah y y y and that’s actually like I honestly hit that off the Sha we still got that good ball speed


  1. Great for a top level player like yourself . How does the average golfer with 95mph clubhead speed gain some gameable speed ?

  2. Epic bro! You do a great job articulating feels and provide such a good example of how players should communicate with their coach. 130 in no time!

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