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Dutch Mantell on Mr Kennedy Getting Screwed Over in WWE

Dutch Mantell on Mr Kennedy Getting Screwed Over in WWE
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Legendary wrestler, manager, commentator, producer and booker ”Dirty” Dutch Mantell (WWE’s Zeb Colter) brings his definitive takes on the latest news in the professional wrestling business as well as the most entertaining stories from years gone by to the podcast airwaves.

The Dirty Dutchman from Oil Trough, Texas has worked almost every single major promotion and wrestling territory in the United States over an illustrious 50 year career, including WWE, WWF, WCW, NWA, SMW, TNA, USWA, UWF, OVW, Impact, Georgia, Tennessee, Knoxville, Kansas City, St Louis, Florida, Memphis, Houston, Detroit, Mid-South, Kentucky, Mid-Atlantic, Dallas and even more – and that’s not counting Puerto Rico and Japan!

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We’ve got two more questions left on the script we might as well ask them both Zella first off when the podcast gets started back up uh we’re going to ask this I hope Dutch is feeling a whole lot better my question is what kind of interactions did Dutch have with Mr

Anderson slmr Kennedy while he was on his TNA run thank you guys for everything you do and I watch and look forward to every podcast episode uh Mr Kennedy did he did well I liked him good worker I liked him good interview and his uh he would just come to the back and

Say what you got we give it to him he said okay he’d go work on it come out get in the ring do his job no no problems never had any problems with the back never had any problems with anybody of actually a a pleasure to work with like that

Guy I remember at one point he used to come out with a t-shir that said pro wrestling is real and people are fake who did Kennedy SL Anderson that’s an old One he actually I’ve I saw that shirt probably 10 years before that so everything in wrestling is stolen anyway we’re worse than Comics we see something that’s one comic sees another comic tell a joke he’ll go and he’ll change it around a little bit but he’ll change it

Around to fit him or it becomes his original I forgot the comics that were going to sue each other for stealing each other’s jokes I think that is about stupid but I don’t know if they they won that or not uh what’s your next question

Uh I just wanted to ask about Kennedy a bit more uh in 200 I don’t know 20027 2008 in WWE seemed like he was heading to the top and then I don’t know if he accidentally injured somebody like Randy Orton but I think he he fell a

Foul of the wrong person other than also I think he was he he popped for steroids as well at that time and it just go no I think it was Orton I think Orton had he had heard a couple guys doing something and I think Orton complained you know Orton could hurt

People too if he wanted to but I think something happened with Randy Orton I think he went in there and laid down the law that he and not working with him and instead of Randy Orton just taking him out they they just took Mr kenardy out a ball of

It so that announcing and com down the aisle I actually kind of like that but I don’t know whose idea that was but that was actually the best part of it he was a ring announcer he was he was good too yeah he had more success in TNA he

Would become a two-time TNA heavyweight champion uh I don’t know any last thoughts on Mr Kennedy’s booking or just performance or anything like that you want to finish off the show on well Mr Kennedy is he had a clean slate with me and I never heard of him the the thing

With him and Orton or when he left ww e or whatever it was then I heard the same thing you did but he never said anything about that to any to anybody I mean I never heard the story from him or whatever happened but he had he was getting ready

For a good run and then that happened funny little bitty things in WW F and E can get you gone and sometimes it’s not the guy doing something it’s this running that mouth saying the wrong thing about the wrong person at the wrong time and then

It getting back to the to the source of course whatever happened here had to get back to vence because who was the guy I may have told this before Brad Maddox yeah I told you that story right he said Pricks on a PR and it was a dark

Promo and Vince had just hit him in one of the moods he was sitting back to the go position and I I was sitting in there too and he went did he say Pricks because I didn’t say nothing stay in my Lane somebody said yes sir he said

Pricks and and then he told the guy I think his name was I think of a minute it’s not corano he told corano he says when he comes back fire him then he come back and I saw corano take him down the hallway and talking to

Him and then I saw him he had to leave the same way and then about 10 15 minutes later I saw him walking down with his bag he was leaving he was fired didn’t take long not right he he was like the he was like the

Co-promoter on on on air he would do something like that him and some girl they weren’t using him well or it was kind of a but anyway that’s how he got going uh just to finish off on Kennedy y Mr Anderson unfair is unfair unfairly impacted his

Career he did thing well when you get fired from WWE where you going to go I mean he was probably making even before the big contract he’s probably making or he could have made 200 maybe more but back in what year was he fired

Say 2009 here I think so I had it in 2008 in my head for some reason but around that time well anyway that’s a pretty hefty job to lose just like that and uh yeah it it did impact his career what’s he doing now I think he’s got a wrestling school out there

Somewhere just reading according to Kennedy Orton also persuaded John Cena to complain about Vince mcmah about Kennedy’s in ring performance which prompted mcmah to release Kennedy from his contract so apparently C and Orton both ganged up on him H I know I hate to hear that because I think that was

Unnecessary but I did didn’t do it I had nothing to do with it stay in your lane but but the the ultimate Act of it being completed was done by Vince and Vince was coerced not coerced or coaxed into this by Cena and Randy Orton the two to top Stars at the

Time so he either he either pacified them or or kept Mr Kennedy so he didn’t have much of a choice Either


  1. No offense, but it seems like EVERYONE held the TNA World Title, especially in the 2010s. It got to be like the Southern Heavyweight title, in Memphis.

  2. Kennedy massively didn't get screwed over in the WWE. If anything he was massively overpushed. Below average in the ring, below average look and usually quite boring. The saying his twice thing was fun but that was all he had, the rest of his mic work was tedious rambling nonsense. Especially the way he delivered it with a weirdly permanently bobbing head. His fans were very bizarre as well, you'd constantly hear from them about how ll the WWE should revolve around him but he never did anything that remotely deserved that level of booking.

  3. Sounds like he stole that saying on his T-shirt, Kat Williams will be on all these podcast saying wrestlers stole his jokes !

  4. it was in a match against orton. Kennedy hit Orton with a normal suplex but Orton landed on his head/neck and after the match when they were back in Gorilla, Randy was incensed and both Randy and John Cena went to Vince and told him that Kennedy was reckless in the ring and Kennedy got fired soon after

  5. what if Ken Kennedy comes back at the Rumble & Screws Randy Orton out of the title & then they both enter the rumble & eliminate each other.They had Real issues Just like Orton had with Kingston And they used it for a Great angle .

  6. John Cena tore his peck during a hip toss to Mr. Kennedy. He also would get injured every time they tried to push him.

    Agreeing w Dutch & the British guy, I still think Mr. K got a Raw deal n his termination.

  7. I liked Kennedy but the problem in the WWE was that he was a Glass Champion. Every time he was ready to move up he'd get injured, and every time he got injured the writers and management had to change storylines and schedules. After awhile it just became too much hassle.

  8. Mr. Anderson had his best run in TNA even becoming World Champion. One of the most unique gimmicks. But didn't exit well.

  9. How they treated Ole and Arn's nephew is unbelievable. Look at how they are treating the young Steiner boy today as well. WWE keeps repeating history with most of these legacies. Only the Orton and Dibiase boys got all that nepotism.

  10. of course vinces ass-kissers lied. ~ but also i read from him or some source that said he was "unprofessional looking and wanted him to stop chewing gum".

  11. Loved Kennedy as he had massive charisma and cut great promos, Cena and Orton were always dull as fuck but hey, they were Vince’s top guys I guess

  12. Dutch never worked with Ken outside of his TNA Xplosion match in 2003. Dutch left TNA in 2009, Ken debuted in 2010. Ken left TNA in 2016, Dutch returned in 2017.

  13. There’s more to the story of why he got released and was NEVER invited back. EVER!
    Just think about that for a while.

  14. I really think Randy and Cena were afraid he was going to take their spot. The guy was RED HOT! And he could run his mouth on the Mic and convincing in the ring. He was a super miss.

  15. Thank god vince is gone.Not wanting wrestlers to use the term wrestling and wrestler, really? It will take 20 years maybe never to fix what Vince did to wrestling.

  16. Kennedy hit a back body drop on Orton, Orton cried, asked Cena to back him up and they both went to Vince to complain about Kennedy and he was fired soon there after.

  17. I have a "prowrestling is real; people are fake" shirt from back when Kamikaze Ken (top face) wrestled for ACW out of northeast Wisconsin. It was Mike Mercury (top? heel) merchandise, as I recall. Still … Kamikaze Ken/ Mr Kennedy/ Mr Anderson is a local boy dun' good and forever has a spot in the NE Wisconsin Hall of Fame and one of my top ten, despite having never seen any of his matches once he made it big. I mean, he's no Horace the Psychopath, but …

  18. Kennedy should have been the top guy. Instead we got 20 years of Cena and Blandy Snoreton because they thought cool moves mattered more than personality. If Kennedy can't do a move, then don't do it. Do something else. You don't sacrifice a money maker like Kennedy just because a snooze fest like Orton complains.

  19. That was pretty lame– just a word from 2 guys convinced to fire Mr.Kennedy? What if they were jealous? I wonder what The Undertaker thought?

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