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Episode 2: Mood Lighting | Lee & Hayley Overtime

You were with us last week. Why not do it all again? In this week’s episode, Lee and Hayley talk “hitting the Pentagon,” self-confidence and favorite guilty pleasure foods. In the Rapid Response portion, they dive into tattoos that somehow provide directions, stories from the bar and why in the world they wanted to be in television. Enjoy!

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Hello everybody and welcome to Le and Haley overtime it’s our second podcast oh my gosh episode two this one’s called mood lighting oh is it well it feels different in here well we have to decide the title last week I decided it you get to decide today’s episode episode two

Mood lighting yes hello everyone thanks to everybody who uh watched or listened to our last podcast here on the ksr platform MH and our friends with on three yes we had Tim Couch on last time he was our guest and we can’t follow that so we’re not going to have anybody

Show up and embarrass them yes yes no guest this week so sorry you just got to hang out with Leon I so so um one of the things that we did today we both went to hypnotherapy yeah we saw a hypnotist and he put us both Deb under yeah

Yes yes he did yes you’ll see that soon on the Le Haley show it was a place called live today hypnosis which I didn’t realize till he said it out loud I realized that I in my head had been saying live today hypnosis yeah well

Well it’s like a show I guess near the buffet in Vegas yeah in my head I was reading it like it was the name of a TV show so when he said it’s live today hypnosis I was like you sound so dumb right now that is not that is the name

That is the name anyway so yeah we met with a certified hypnotist Paul bishop and he put us both under to help us man had beautiful hair he had beautiful hair beautiful skin beautiful spirit yeah his hair though was honestly it was like McDreamy it was like McDreamy in the

Ferrari movie yes very gray maybe even better yeah it was awesome thick luscious locks oh my gosh I was hypnotized you really were we were halfway through the interview and Lee out of nowhere goes this guy’s hair and I was like we’ve already talked about it

It was awesome anyway I I don’t I do that quite a bit if I find some something intriguing about a person I’ll stop the conversation and comment on that like a physical thing yeah it could be physical could be anything but I’ll go I love this guy you do do that a lot

Whatever it may be or this girl’s well I don’t really use do do it to the women that much because in today’s society that can be misconstrued as a pass oh and I don’t pass what do you do I I Hold On To The Ball I hog what are you hiding under the

Table there beer really you’re of age no it’s a it’s a soft drink I just don’t want anybody to know what it is why cuz they’re not paying us oh my gosh you’re so stupid well no offense my friend Fielding would pay me I’d tell you what it

Is you make a bigger issue by hiding it if you just drank it who cares if you’re drinking it I drink like a president is that how the president drinks the last two oh those two they love it you know yeah Donald Trump is famous for his love of Diet Coke what

Does Joe Biden like um in Shore yeah I couldn’t think I was trying to think of Melix or mocs or but those weren’t what I was going what’s musix musix is a cereal I believe but there there is an old person’s drink that starts with an

M what is it metam musel the fiber and that’s not just for old people isn’t it no I think anybody that needs to have better bowel Health how’s your bowel Health good yeah it’s surprising oh God cuz you know I uh I’ll have I’ll have good days bad days some

Days I’m really surprised I was caught way off guard like a Pearl Harbor incident about a month ago okay I took too long at the mall no at Kroger and I thought thought I got time well I was that was an internal conflict or yes an internal conflict where your your

Sphincter is fighting so hard yes yeah how did it who won the battle well did you go to the bathroom in Kroger no I I was trying to make it home and then I you live near you’re super close to a Kroger right no I well I chose the

Marketplace so weird about you you’ll drive across town to go to the same store but a different version of it do you buy things in the marketplace side of Kroger no cuz you live but I like having the option I don’t care that I I

Don’t I just stay in my like two or three aisles meat soft drink and sometimes candy that’s hard if I had to say what three aisles you hit up at the grocery store it would be meat and soft drinking candy but I like knowing that

If I if I remember I need some sort of deodorant or hair tonic Lee they have all that in the regular Kroger go no not to the expanse that the marketplace does le the marketplace has like furniture and yeah more storage items clothing also detergent and things like that they

Have detergent at regular Kroger what do you think is not at well I I do look at the shoes at croger that’s how old I’ve gotten I’ve never bought any I look at the shoes I always think wonder if they’re going to pull something off could they surprise me today they don’t

I would never wear that unless they paid me when I grew when I was growing up there was a Kmart in my hometown that when I was a kid they had the most banging shoe section and I remember one time they had two pairs of shoes I

Wanted they had the knockoff version of the now repop Steve Madden black platform slides with the black band across the top and I wanted those and then some other strappy shoes and I went to my mom she was like grocery shopping and I went to my mom and I was like

They’ got two pairs of shoes I need thinking like she’s going to get them for me and she was like you don’t need any more shoes and I was like I’m sorry I think I just hallucinated I you said I don’t need any more shoes we go to visit

My grandmother like a week later I get my grandmother alone and I’m like listen there’s two pairs of shoes I needed Kmart I need you to get them for me she’s like what my baby wants she’s going to get we’re going to get it she

Added me to my mom so quick at the dinner table that night she said well next time I come to visit I know I’m headed to Kmart to get Haley Catherine do new pairs of shoes and I was like oh no really and what was the look my mom

Was like oh really and I was like what a great idea I want to do the same thing yeah anyway I did get both pairs of those shoes of course you did and I wore them a lot LED them slides those or like what is slides you wear at the pool no

You know what I’m talking about I don’t know what you’re talking about they were very popular in like the late 90s early 2000s black not slides like a atic slides they’re like platform black and you do slide your foot into them is the heel exposed yes your heel is exposed

The front of your understood the yeah well they’re back again what if there is an incident where you have to run Godzilla has shown on Shore and now we’ve got to run that’s the best example you can give good of me needing to run yes what if that scenario soon you think

I’m going to call you and go Lee you right about the Godzilla thing here and I have stubbed my toes yeah no I mean so you think I should work sorry my nose is like itching all a sudden let me just get one good itch in and we’re

Good here we go I just feel sorry for everybody watching on YouTube well sorry it was like itching and I kept having to rub it it’s like I feel like I got lint on there or something anyway um you think all people should wear Clos toed

Shoes at all times because of the threat of Godzilla well I just gave a scenario where you know everybody’s running and you need to go but you’ve put on stupid shoes and now you can’t mhm I see young men wearing flipflops or that’s really your you know and I hate that yeah I

Hate that anyway but I always think you think what if you have to defend your woman you’re walking with a girl and you’re wearing these little stupid flipflops what if a guy jumps you what are you supposed to do has that ever happened to you no because I wear a

Sensible shoe no has a guy ever jumped you yeah I’m prepared if they do okay you’re ready guy jumps me what do you mean okay I don’t mean like a pass like you complimented him in an interview and he took you up on it man you’re handsome

Yeah I’ve heard you say that that is something you do okay speaking of exaggeration have you seen this new trend on Tik Tok I would want someone to say it to me say what if if they felt overwhelmed by it and said good Lord you’re handsome what do you think it is

That they would point at like how about me I don’t think they what hope it is they’ve never done it well what do you but I would like it if someone did that’s why I do it I think it’s why why hide the compliment I love to compliment

People you’ve never complimented me that is not true you always say that name one time I don’t know because I’ve do it so often like I’ll always be oh you look nice today I like this com has nothing to do with me that’s you chose the

Outfit hardly you know I have a team put puts me together you have dressers yes like the Kings yeah my dresser um no speaking of uh exaggeration oh my gosh well I’ve got a pickle in my pickle I don’t want people to see what kind of cup this is so let

Me cover the brown the cup what is that an oil barrel what in the world yeah the price of oil is gone up anyway enjoy a tasty beverage with us yeah um it’s a new new trend on Tik Tok that I’ve seen and people it’s a new way

To describe like just something crazy like the it’s like everything’s already crazy and now it’s hit the fever pitch of craziness like in a good way people say they hit the Pentagon right and so I just now discovered this oh that’s what you say you say it like someone I saw someone

Use it as in like Taylor Swift her surprise songs were so good at one of her shows they were like the audience they had the Pentagon yeah so it’s you’ve one uped it yes it’s the next level they’ve taken that horrible tragedy yeah and turned it into a

Catchphrase yeah basically right yeah so anyway I feel like that’s something you could use because you like to exaggerate a lot why stop why stop at that tragedy what else do you want to go to oh man that’s a Pearl Harbor that’s a Hindenburg yes people already kind of

Say that they do I’ve never heard it one of my friends describes bad things as and that’s my 911 good God that’s not okay well pentagon is not it’s all the same but they’re not saying they’re just saying it in a good way like the extremity of

Something is so extreme cuz that was when 9911 was already really bad and then the Pentagon was like what yeah I think we’re under attack yeah I mean that solidified it and where were you I was at Disney World the senior center Disney World Senior Center no just I was

On my way to Disney World when it happened were you there or were you on your way I’m seeing holes in your story no I was TR I was stay off property and back in those days I couldn’t afford to be on property so you were in a tent

Next door I had to stay how does anyone afford Disney now I don’t know I don’t understand the average human family as why did I say human the average American family how save up for how long like I truly don’t understand like I feel like going to Disney is the biggest status symbol

In the world now I don’t know a lot of people poke fun at it but I love it I poke fun at it need to realize how much money it costs I’m sorry I was speaking I didn’t mean to interrupt you I love it both sincerely and ironically I I can do

Both I can live both those worlds that was kind of fun yeah mimicry what are you I’m not going to do that almost had you I thought about it I was like no speaking of Lee hit me so hard right in the puss right in okay now

That’s one my dad calls his mouth I was going to say you’re sure that he call your dad just make that up was that a thing people say thing it came from the 30s call gangster thing to say I H you right in the push oh like you push your lips

And at you right in the push yeah oh that’s where it came from I guess I don’t know the first time we ever threw that out because I’d never heard it before I think we were on broadcast I think we were and I literally nearly I

Was like well we fit the Pentagon this is so extreme no I couldn’t believe it I was like what are you saying and he was like I mean your face doll I was like what hit you right in the puss anyway um what do you mean I hit you when did I

Hit you oh I did we’re in the interview I apologize I’m sorry thank you I was waiting on it I didn’t hit you I touched you but I didn’t mean to I was expressing myself we were in the middle of our interview with these certif hypnotist asking what all it’s going to

Entail very serious thing about helping people use hypnosis to quit smoking or have less anxiety or lose weight and Lee decides to expand and expound upon his topic and we’re sitting next to each other he flings this hand out and hits me so hard in my right breast and then

Just goes oh did T-Rex arms and was like oh sorry anyway goes back to and the hypnotist thank God he had the decency to just pretend he didn’t notice that I took actually right right what he suggested that to me earlier in the day that’ll make her

Sleep anyway Noah did that to me noad days uh last year one time on a shoot and it doesn’t you know it happens it’s like hitting anybody anywhere it’s fine you going around offering it up he acted as if he had accidentally beheaded me

And was like Hey I am so Sor I hope that we don’t have he’s a nervous Nelly yes but anyway I forgave him promptly you I will not have you ever been accidentally hit in the Bojangles yes not accidentally when’s the last time sometimes you if you’re with a uh Person of

Interest uh give me your best shot is that what you do that’s your pick up whether you’re dating or you’re in a relationship of some sort I I and I really want to communicate to the women folk if I may okay we’re listening you may have a fella in your life that is

Affectionate in a physical way where he likes to rough house and I mean that within the confines of innocent play I’m not talking about anywhere near abuse but like he likes to hey wrestle a little bit or he likes to tickle you a little bit you know you know find a sof spot

And a make you go woohoo you know you want to you there’s a lot of guys like that stuff you know they want to what are you talking about well I’m getting to it so guys are you talking about in the bedroom no it could be anywhere you’re

Just hanging out and you just want to start could be in the bedroom but it could be it could it could be at the Kroger okay but you know it’s just well I consider that play and I also consider that you know uh Small Arms

Fire okay what I have seen in the past and have been told by other gentlemen I’ve talked to about this sometimes women women will go nuclear why why why not just you know give them the business hit him in the puss whatever you got to do but don’t go

Nuclear what are you talking about do the things where you go to the Family Jewels who’s doing this to you all the time all these time I’m trying to just leave church I have an old lady so if you’re dating someone you like to like tickle yeah like you’re playing around and just

Watching TV and Y are stop it and then they end your life essentially like why would you do that we’re not at that level why did you escalate to nuclear war do you understand my point yeah why because it’s an easy out know game play

Over you could be in a bar fight with a bitter enemy men understand this okay and we’re throwing punch you can’t though because you’ve never been in a fight but you’ve got the right shoes for just in case and you’re throwing Jabs hay makers uppercuts all of it the whole

Thing yeah body blows yeah you’re giving them everything but men have an understanding I’m not going to punch you there unless gent rules yeah life or Defending Your Life that’s the only time you’d ever do that why would you there’s a level of respect there we don’t do that

H well maybe any guy who does do that is kicked out of the club because there’s some guys who I remember in high school running around a flick a fella I’ve flicked a fella well for me and I guess like I know I’ve been in those situations where

It’s like you’re res in PL but sometimes you just want to be over you’re like quit and the Surefire off switch is a little jibber jabber in the jib and jabbers that is uncalled for you started it with the tickling men don’t understand this they don’t don’t

Understand cause and effect I’m sure we do if she here’s the thing I I’m not I’m never going to hit someone and destroy their manhood but it’s an easy W just a little flick here a little jab there no I’m not going to punch a guy in the

Crotch why go there at all he’s not doing that to you what what so it’s not the same and no obviously it’s not it’s just it it I think it’s too much I have watched a lot of action movies lately and I think you’re right in every action fight scene they’re not

Kicking each other in the crotch by the way I Saw The Beekeeper did you yeah that was good with Jason STM yeah no I I wasn’t completely satisfied with the ending I’m not gonna give it away but overall it’s what it is it’s a Revenge flick and I like I like Jason St

Them I like righteous anger I love righteous anger there is no better feeling than when you’re furious at someone and you know you’re right and you got him nailed to the wall me what she was the only lady ever took care of me oh Felicia Rashad yeah she was the only

Lady ever to kill me how many times you gonna say that I don’t know until I finally find it trying to find it there you gotta find it like Jason St where’s he from he’s from bville I don’t know where’s he from England where is he from from England

English look it up hey Siri where is Jason Stam from he’s from shybrook England what is that England I’m from sh it’s in derish Jason say there anything above this level here it’s always down here it’s always down here yeah always it’s very breathy it’s very and you know his

Wife I’m going to count to three are they married I don’t know if they’re married but they’ve been together a long time Rosie why you calling him his wife well I thought girl I guess I mean his partner I think there may but they may not be I mean it doesn’t matter whatever

They’re long-term Partners they have two children together and they’re in a relationship Rosie Huntington whle the supermodel she had has a YouTube channel I’ve watched a bunch of her stuff she’s just lovely I never understood why is it you ladies love makeup tutorials it’s just

Fun I mean how many ways can there be to apply stuff to your face so many ways really but usually my take on makeup is like usually the way you learn the first time is going to be kind of the way you do it the rest of your life

Like you can make some changes here and there and swap a new do you learn that is that is there a seminar do you watch your mother do you figure out on own I watched my mom growing up and she kind of showed me how stuff works but then

When I was growing up there was no YouTube there was none of that I looked at magazines celebrities like pictures of them at award shows and stuff and I looked to figure out how they do that yeah or then like go to the makeup

Counter and ask how to how to do and the celebrity you were looking at B Arthur no back in the day it was Britney Spears and Britney spars alone I was always looking at her makeup um well that explains a lot yeah what what don’t don’t this podcast is not a safe place

For any Britney hate she is a lovely Dynamic beautiful human being yes she’s all there that’s my off limits person don’t you dare disparage my just so we understand the rules we can make Pentagon jokes make a J say anything about Britney what do you mean you

Didn’t make a joke about the Pentagon I’m not saying that what happened in the Pentagon isn’t horrible and I didn’t start it who started it on Tik Tok I’m not doing this again I didn’t start the Britney thing uh no no I got a dad not

Me I’m not the one locked her up in a conservatorship those that are listening on the audio version we just held along stare at each other and held our hands out like are we Square we’re good anyway um okay well so today at the hypnotherapist you said you want to work

On um eating better eating better more more discipline than anything just dis really you want now let me ask this you wanted to kick in the pants I was asking the question do you mind like I’m still in the middle of the question new our editor is off screen and he’s listening

And he’s even was like what he’s sick of the way you treat me okay no I was asking the question in the middle of asking the question you said I know when you’re about to be redundant though I’ve known you for 10 years seems longer anyway say it

Again what the it Prov proved my point no go ahead no I was going to ask you this cuz you and I gave him generic soft topics for television yeah okay but while you were being put under uh did you think maybe I should give him some

Hard-hitting stuff to really help me oh yeah I did too oh yeah I thought that as well yeah I thought you know what I may come back here and give him some real heavy lifting to do put that in my noodle yeah let me see if I can fix it

Do you want to know I’m gonna open up a little here do you want to know something sad yeah and I kind of knew it but I when he said it it made me sad but also kind of like oh one of the things when he was hypnotizing you me because

My main thing was I want to be more organized and just sticking with goals and things because I can be bad about starting something and never finishing it yeah so one of the things he said was in order to do that he’s like think of a

Time in your life where you felt really confident really proud of yourself and really really happy and I couldn’t think of a single time really you couldn’t go back no he said go back over your whole life and I was like I couldn’t think of a single time

Hey I felt under pressure because we were filming it for the show so I didn’t really have time to think but B I was like I don’t know and that is something I do struggle and this may come as a shock to people I don’t know just

Because I seem so outgoing and stuff but I struggle with self-confidence a lot of the time feeling like I’m not good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or funny enough or just enough really and so that made me really sad and I do think part of it was I was under

Pressure and felt like I I got to think of something but I couldn’t think of anything but I was like oh man I need to work and that’s one of the things he said he can use hypnosis to work on his self-confidence building those that internal dialogue there was not a moment

In high school over there Friendship High School or when you were at Middle Tennessee no I’m sure there is well like I was homecoming queen in high school I know that I felt great that day but I don’t know now looking back I’m kind of like did I that was a long time

Ago I guess I did I guess I felt pretty realiz great I was homecoming queen too you were yeah in a mock vote yeah oh they wanted to school the last time I felt truly confident in a lot of scenarios see I didn’t feel confident in high school

Yeah I was the shortest guy on the basketball team I couldn’t get the girl I wanted yeah I it was just thwarted at every turn I felt like a villain like I’m at some point I’m going to get all you guys the origin story yes one time one of my friends did

Mushrooms I don’t condone illegal drugs and she doesn’t either it just was a one-off and she the next day when she had sobered up while she was high she wrote a note to herself in her Apple notes I’ve made her read it to me like a hundred times it

Says something to the effect of it’s perfectly it makes perfect sense it’s to complete sentences but the basics of it is it says is this the beginning of my villain origin story right if it’s all going wrong would anyone even notice it was something to that effect but the words

My villain origin story was where her brain was when she was high on shrooms sure and I I’m going to text her and ask her for that and I’ll read it to you do I know her yes you do okay yeah and it is so she was like I don’t know why I

Did this here I and she was like at a bar with a bunch of people and friends she said I was having a great time but I must have gone to the bathroom and like I got to write this down I’m thinking these thoughts right now but I thought

When I was and and again I had to fight it cuz he was he was putting me under you said on the way you were like he’s not going to be able to do it because I got to stay Lucid to do the show I can’t

Do comedy and be under one minute in and I see Lee like well no I gave into it because it’s like well this poor he’s so Earnest you know he’s he’s he’s he’s real at itly he’s a practitioner he certified and I didn’t want to sit there

And blow it up with jokes the entire time we had enough funny so I thought well let’s try it out but then all a sudden I thought well I still got have some control here and then when he was getting me to relax all of a sudden I’m

Like oh good lord it’s working I can’t lift my arms yeah I gotta fight it and I fought it when I knew you were under it was the drooling and the farting yeah well no that was before that was before sorry he said get really relaxed

You’re like all right yeah um but it was interesting it was really cool it was very relaxing also this week we took sound baths we did we did some lot of like kind of maybe alternative medicine type things um I found that relaxing that was cool yeah we went to the sound

Healing c a lady beats on a bucket it’s not a bucket it’s a crystal Bowl well bucket Bowl whatever okay but anyway it makes a weird humming noise it sounds like feedback sometimes other times it’s beautiful yeah and then uh the tones put you to sleep it was really really

Enjoyable what did you like more being hypnotized or the sound bath well and both of them we don’t have a full we did like abbreviated versions of both and we were talking we’re there to make jokes but I do want to go back actually probably to both yeah I would the hypnos the

Hypnotist would probably I think I could get into that I need him to suggest a few things for me to start saying no to some people what he did with you sounded really good because your main thing is you want to stop just eating junk food and just be healthier overall what he

Did for you was really good I know but I’m saying no I cuz I was in the room when he was doing your session I was in the room when he was doing your session Lee this isn’t a competition I know I’m just saying what he did for you was

Really good he was giving you you gained stuff from it too though because what I was about to say is that I gained stuff from listening to what you said I thought it was a great representation oh because what he described to you was a

Fork in the road and to the left is following the diet pattern you’re on now which is eating unhealthy for a year he said now but you can apply that to anything in life yeah he said or come back and feel the relief of now knowing you that year hasn’t happened he said

Now go a year down the other path and I just thought that was really good that’s a great way to stop negative behaviors that are hurting you right to Envision a year ahead because it’s so easy to keep doing a bad behavior the mindset that we all have like Diet culture anything is

I’ll start on Monday diet starts tomorrow and even if you start but I am going to Vegas this week and you’re like okay even if you start you’re like well what’s one more time who cares I can start tomorrow I you know I’m going to Vegas yeah I don’t want to start now

Well you got to weigh in when you get back no I’m just kidding you don’t got to weigh in anyway um um you know the fittest people on Earth don’t weigh themselves yeah because it’s not all tied to yeah chasing the numbers on the scale is ridiculous I think a better

Measurement is how you feel and how you look a great measurement for me is how my jeans fit when I pull on a pair of jeans in the morning and I’m like oh I’ve been eating a lot of apples this week or if I pull them on and I’m like

I’m got to suck into zip these babies up I’m like too many ters well the the shame and in the mistake I make was when I got to my ideal weight I thought I’d sustain it so I invested a lot of money in wardrobe and now all I have to wear is

That Peak physical condition clothing that now looks like an exploded can of biscuits yeah why did you throw away you were just so confident how was that wh it I knew how to be healthy but then life life comes yeah and it whips you hit you right in the puss right in the

Puss and then you go oh I’m sad to let me eat something the lobster mac and cheese but I I was serious though today when I said I think a lot of my problem is I grew up so poor yeah that I was hungry a lot and now I just

Eat you mentioned comforts me and then I you know I can that that’s what I cope with mhm and it’s not that I’m obese or fat but I’m certainly out of shape and I’d rather just lay there and eat and cope instead of doing what makes me feel good

And it’s work out angrily it just makes you feel good in different ways but then you need to think of the short and longterm effects too I don’t think about that okay well I’m saying maybe you should and that’s kind of what he was saying too but now here can I say this

For you okay yes you said you couldn’t remember a moment when you’re confident but I will tell you when I’m in public and people ask me about you and espec especially women okay they are shocked to learn all your secrets that I tell them what what yes they you I do lack confidence

Why are you telling people this I’m drunk are you serious get out of here don’t try to shake my hand talk about Britney no no people will go oh she she is so wonderful and life must come to her so easy easy she’s just on top of it

All you know they say all these things and then I take a swig you say she’s got you fooled no I I say no no she’s like anybody else who has self-doubts yeah no yeah I got I got issues I got problems I got pains no um I read it’s not a bad

Thing I’m saying but I think a lot of people are stunned to know that you’re insecure about certain things oh yeah no and I’ve had people say that to me before um cuz I’m my lifelong anxiety suffer and I’ve talked about that on previous on our TV show but on other

Podcasts I’ve had especially like whole mental health episodes um and that has been a lot of people are shocked by that because they’re like you just seem so off the cuff and fun and happy all the time and you do live TV how can you be

Anxious and do live TV and I’m like I don’t know job though that’s different it is but the average person wouldn’t be able to do it and I do think that my anxiety does help me be a better offthe cuff TV personality yeah cuz your mind

Is always and self I’m always 10 steps ahead I already know what I’m going to say in 10 seconds no matter what happens I’m already there so because you you have to figure out the problem to the uncomfortableness you may be feeling so you’ve got all these targets chosen

Already as whatever I’m saying right now this is why you and I are us is because I saw the same thing that I have is as you’re speaking I’m not really I am listening but I’m more about targeting the opportunity yeah to find the punchline to make the joke MH it’s the

Way the comic mind works yeah it’s always trying to solve the puzzle of phrase Association and how do I make what you said funny that’s the way your mind works now you do it for a different reason because you’re is that a can of Ginger soda between your legs are you

Just excited to see knew it I knew it um last question on this topic and then we’ll get to our um staff submitted questions which again send us any of your topics that you want to resp may be from a a listener or a viewer oh good okay send them to ideas send them in it can be any topic you want to talk about if you have a question or concern or not concern we’re concerned man we’re concerned if you have questions or anything a topic random topic you want us to respond to email those to us but um right now we’re

Going to do our um viewer submitted or staff submitted ones but before that what’s your favorite guilty pleasure food guilty pleasure food mine is Captain D’s I recently saw someone post about it and I was like oh my gosh I haven’t had Captain D’s in forever and

When I tell you I used to crush so hard on Captain D’s when I was a kid and I’ve got it on my brain I’m going to be in that drive-thru at Captain D’s pretty soon what’s the food that you feel like oh I know this is terrible for me but I

Don’t care White Castle I was doing comedy in Frankfurt because my career has skyrocketed and uh I stopped both nights at the White Castle it was near the venue I went into the drive-thru and got me two big doubles loaded with cheese and I know they’re not good for me

They’re so good though they’re tasty I may get one now no I’m hypnotized I can’t good luck to you you’re ready for some questions ready for some questions these are the first time we are SE first one comes from our producer Bridget I I remember this okay she texted it to us

So we did get a sneak peek at this one all right what is Bridget if Bridget wants to know worst time or worst experience at a bar does something spring to mind for you for you yeah several but for me um let me think about this well no can’t share that one it’s

One that just recently happened but I can’t share that oh no was invol our attorney yes always this isn’t a bad story but this is a bar story that Springs to mind when I my first job in television was in Bowling Green Kentucky at wbk and me and some of

The other on air girls we went out for drinks on a Friday night and a man the bar was absolutely packed we somehow got a booth and we’re sitting there um and it was my favorite bar there called 440 um and I don’t think it’s there anymore but anyway a guy

Comes up very inebriated and then just goes hello girl we were like hello and he was like are you Haley Harmon from the morning sh and I was like yes and he was like I really want to give you this and just hands me

A $20 bill and I was like oh sir I can’t take your money and my other friend was like the hell she can and takes it and holds on like we’re buying around to drinks I’m sorry I don’t know why and he just gave it me was like just love

Watching you so next time you see Le and I in public if you want to give us hard cold American tender I’ll take it well I’ll take it or you can V more I’ve grown up I’m more mature now I will take your money I I here’s a horrible story I

Went to go see my buddy dead air dentist play guitar well actually I like to show up when he’s done so I can enjoy myself okay but uh he was at an establishment and I thought I got to go to the restroom and I’m walking in and it’s a

Tiny one seat restroom and a gentleman walks out and he goes it’s hot in there and I thought temperature- wise yeah what is he no the Vince he meant something else had happened it’s hot in there as in that’s the way you know the EPA would talk to each other about a nuclear

Disaster had a train derailment hot there that was I don’t know what was going on in there where it came from or what happened but I started to gag as I was relieving myself oh just trying to get through it did you go alert staff oh there’s no

Point what you could just have to torch this place I would have gone to there was no saving it oh it was that yes it was that hot interesting his description of hot I would have been like it’s bad in there yeah I didn’t know what it

Meant I went H if I was him I would first I thought oh I love to be warm oh my God maybe it’ll be nice in there no oh that’s aw all right here’s a submission okay this from our photographer Caleb okay uh talk about the point in your life where you wanted

To pursue a career in broadcasting oh that’s a good one villain An Origin story I’m not sure he knows how to spell pursue cuz he spelled Percy me see how do you spell pursue p r is that pursue yeah okay sorry that threw me off

He spelled it p e r s maybe i e no I think he’s I don’t know or maybe u e I don’t know about the time Le tell us about the time in your life you want to Percy a career um I don’t know when I didn’t

Kind yeah same I kind of always knew I always I I grew up loving the news and I knew that I wanted to do something in TV I just thought that would be so great so I went into college and I’ve told this story you may have heard it before on

Other mediums but I um yeah I knew I wanted to do it so I went to Middle Tennessee State University um because they had a great broadcasting program and I the first day of my very first class I got absolutely terrified uh because I guess they try to weed out

Everyone that wants to be on TV um and I didn’t just want to be on TV I wanted to do journalism and stuff and so but I was scared at how many students there were cuz I was from a small town where there were 60 people in my high school

Graduating class suddenly I’m in an intro to media class with 500 other students and I’m like I’m going to be up against all these other beautiful I’m thinking of women all these other beautiful women for the very small number of local news jobs that there are

I was like there’s no way I’m going to do it that’s where my probably where my self-confidence first went like oh I’m not you know Big Fish Little Pond anymore little fish big pond now and so um I actually changed Majors for like a semester cuz at the time I was a

Pharmacy tech and I thought well I could be a pharmacist I’m smart enough I could do this great it’ll be fine it’s not what I want to do but I’ll make good money it’ll be fine I I uh then continued working at the pharmacy and I

Was like well my feet hurt from standing up all day I guess I’ll take a stab at broadcasting again so that’s how it happened and then I changed my major back and there we go and then the very Professor who was actually the dean of the College of communication who um Dr

Dennis O’neal He had actually just passed away a few months ago he what was it murder I got my revenge no he was the one that scared me in that intro class he ended up becoming my mentor yeah because I he was like my adviser or

Something and he ended up being one of the most valuable influences on me in my tenure at MTSU and in the communications program he helped me get my internships he helped me um they we had a live show that we produced interviewing the president of the University um and I

Auditioned for and he help me get it and yeah he ended it he scared me out of the program and then he molded me into who I am now that’s what a leader does yeah that’s what I try to do with our staff yeah scare the crap out of

Them make want to leave and then mold them into a tight unit that’s right now once you get angry with this statement can I tell you something so you’re so good at what you do when it comes to uh being a news reader you’re good don’t just saying news

Reader already is rude yes yes because you may be the best I’m not kidding talk show host when it comes to doing what we do in the country I don’t know that there’s any girl in America that could touch you with the wit in the witty reparte the whole package nobody is as

Good as you are in the country in the country which country well I didn’t say which country the People’s Republic of Monaco well gosh thank you and I have I know that sometimes I feel like I just I know you’re good and I’m being honest you’re a good news reader journalist

Whatever stop you can be I appreciate the compliment but you don’t have to dog my previous career when I journalist Reporter news anchor you’re good at that thank you don’t say newsreader and then in air quotes for those of you listening he did air quotes around the word

Journalist well you know how I feel about it about journalism yeah where is it well you’re not allowed to watch any documentaries ever again I love document because that’s like long form journalism yes nope sorry that’s what I love you dog journalism you don’t ever get to

Watch a documentary again see I told you should get mad I’m just saying you can compliment and not be mean about the other thing no but I I well not being mean about it I gave you a compliment I said you’re good you’re saying I was

Good at that but maybe my talents were wasted just doing that obviously cuz you’re the best at this well thank you very much I appreciate that sometimes I feel like as a woman it’s people don’t like it if you’re confident that’s another reason I think my self-confidence is down because

I also feel like it’s perceive negatively if a woman feels good about herself and so I need to remember that’s okay I need to feel good about myself all right one more question and then we got to wrap this we got several okay well let’s go then uh we can finish

These we’ll we’ll we’ll go quick uh this is from a Al Al Works in production here at the TV station Al is the nephew of Shey green okay that’s true oh wait that is true yeah shaky Green’s a famous comic yeah he’s dead but uh manscaping yes or no yes all

Right what is your answer I agree okay yes yeah cuz you get waxed every month what it’s not every month we’ve talked about this on it’s every two weeks it’s three weeks uh which you’re welcome for that what do you mean we booked a segment on

This show where you had to get a Brazilian wax because you lost a golf bet because you cled me wrong you gave me an eight iron Le I don’t know the difference in them okay you did it on purpose the only thing I know about irons is that they get they

Get wrinkles at of stuff you said hand me an iron you’re lucky didn’t hand you need a five iron which celebrity would you choose to be your best friend I think this comes from the weather boy Dylan goday Dylan goday meteorologist on ABC 36 yeah uh one of

Our very good friends which celebrity would you choose to be your best friend I kind of like Gosling I like that guy yeah Jason Stan be a good guy to hang out with in case there’s a fight I mean the answer everyone’s going to hate is I’d say Taylor Swift I think

She’d be we’re you can’t go anywhere with her though Gosling you could go go everywhere with her yeah but you got to have an Entourage Beyond her I’d say Emma Stone I bet Emma Stone would be so hilarious yeah even Jennifer Lawrence maybe oh I’d hang out with Jennifer Lawrence Netflix and

Chill he learns what it is and now he can’t stop saying it uh okay Lee pick pick a tattoo for Haley and then you pick a tattoo for me what would I pick for you are we going to hurt each other and embarrass each other for the rest of

Our natural lives we don’t have to where do you want it you want it prominent if I got a tattoo I might right on the face I might do my face no I might do like my inner wrist or I might do somewh you don’t see a lot

Like maybe butt my my butt my butt no I might do like the inside of my foot like kind of the inside heel under the ankle bone maybe right there so if I have on shoes you can’t see it sometimes I would do the upper gum you’d have to raise my

Lip to see it and who would raise your lip who would be like I got to see somebody if they’re thinking about buying me we look at it okay if I was going to get a tat yeah what what what tattoo would you make me get or what do

You think would be a good tattoo for me I would give give you your alliteration the Double H mhm I’m gonna get my own initials tattooed on me all right how about this way up with an arrow in case in my old age I get well

Looseing it so I look down like I was I was thinking more of a navigational Beacon but whatever oh for for whatever for whatever okay could be a surgeon and you want yours on the inside of your upper lip yeah now I don’t know where

I’ll put it well pick a location you can put it wherever you want I want you to have a tattoo I don’t I’m not a tattoo person I’m not against them they’re just nothing I’ve ever considered because I’m too indecisive well if I’m getting one

I’d like a sleeve you want a sleeve if I’m going to get one let’s go for it I want to sleeve I think sometimes I think that’s pretty cool if you’re sitting there you know Flex a little bit when do you sit there and flex a little bit I

Don’t have a sleeve there’s no point you would though your your amount of flexing arms would shoot up a th% if you had a tattoo mhm Bridget must be exhausted from all the flexing she’s doing with all her tattoos no um well what is it you’re getting a sleeve you want a

Sleeve no it doesn’t have to be a sleeve you can put it wherever you want okay I’d get yours um maybe on the inside of your bicep right here okay and it would say behold behold all right uh oh if you could kiss any person who

Has ever lived on earth who would it be Paul Newman yeah done done a thousand times done I think he is one of oh I was gonna say and a close young Paul Newman oh young Paul Newman yeah young Paul Newman like C era yeah secondly was Robert Redford yeah young Robert Redford

Those two oh sorry the funniest lines ever in cinema history is got enough Dynamite there Butch so love that the Dead Pan delivery Paul no it was Robert reford delivered to Paul to Paul Newman because he over he put too much dynamite and blew the dag on train card all the way

Up so good got enough Dynamite there Butch MH I didn’t realize I felt that way but I that came to mind immediately I was like oh Paul new okay who’s yours uh who oh what who who was it’s it’s uh Frank Sinatra’s girl uh what is her name he had a couple

Of girls yeah I know but the one he really loved CU he oh what is it it’s on the tip of my tongue just Google it okay boy and it’s a it’s a oh it’s a uh is it a Gabor yeah what is it AA Gabor Ava Gabor

You look at the photos of Ava Gabor you talk you can see why the chairman of the board was chasing her around she ends up screwing him over with some guy Italy or something like that and he got Frank Sinatra on his knees and you see her and

You go well yes I see it Frank Francis Albert Sinatra my goodness yes Ava Gabor okay even the name Ava Gabor you’re hitting syllables that are just decadent yeah every yeah everything’s very rich very filled with sound filled with pronunciation Ava Gabor all right there you have it thanks

For listening or watching today guys we appreciate it this has been the Le and Haley show overtime watch listen subscribe whatever you we’ll be back next week findan Haley show uh weekdays wherever you can get us yes follow us on social media see you next week

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