This New Disc Golf Company is COMING AFTER Kastaplast!

In this video, Alex tries out a new company based out of Europe called Exel Discs. They are a high quality premium plastic that is comparable to Kastaplast!

You can buy the prototypes here:

Thanks for watching! Stay Reliant!

What’s up guys today I am going to be throwing some new prototype discs from a new company that’s based out of Europe powergrip sent these to me and the company is called XL discs Exel it’s a bunch of prototypes and what they say is this is supposed to be like coplas rival

The plastic quality like the K1 I think is what the that super nice one that everybody just like goes crazy about this is this might be the contender five prototypes they’re all named that I’m probably going to butcher so sorry so it looks like the Nyla prototype is

3202 the havu approach is supposed to be 4400 so like make3 md1 then we’ve got our mid-ranges the twah I don’t know I’m sorry guys twah toi TW High I’m going to go with twah is 4403 so it’s supposed to be like a rock maybe

But it like this thing it’s like a doy tilt is what it looks like I threw it once in my backyard and it was kind of nasty then we’ve got the kto Kanto prototype mid this is a 5502 so this is probably closer to Like a Rock 3

Rock kind of a little slight Dome on the wing and then pretty abrupt it’s got a bead on the bottom so that’s kind of sick then the Fairway they sent me is the Puro so Puro I know people outside of America roll their RS Puro Puro so this one

Is 76 ne12 it’s pretty windy out here today got a stiff tail on the whole one I’m going to play white to white for every stroke over neg five that I get I’ll give away one of these and I might lose them all because I should I’ll I’ll

Shoot a couple under so if you want to win one comment which one below and let’s get after it hole one par three these are all super short 200t I’m going to start with I’m going to so I’ll probably throw multiples on each hole but I’ll count my first shot as my score

So I’m going to start with Anila I really hope somebody corrects me in the comments cuz I’m sorry 3202 supposed to be a little stable got a stiff tail so I think I’m going to put it a little flat I think it’s going to be overstable so

And that’s a Tailwind skip in oh that’s so far yikes the one that I’m the most excited about to be honest is the twah the overstable mid it’s 4303 I need to look I need to write them on the thing cuz I can’t remember 4403 so it’s just

Like the wing on this thing is just a tilt like a little curved but I think the thing that’s going to save it is it’s got a slight uh slant on that part of the wing if that makes sense and a tiny bit of Dome as far as plastic so far like the

Feel it feels like a really good like stock sine star like right in line with that stuff you give it a little little forehand flight here that could oh that’s so far actually I was about to say that could go in but that’s further than the other

One 440 so should be pretty straight Tailwind again so I’m just going to try to put it flat oh throw it in the air that was so bad if you want to pick these up make sure to use the link in the description it doesn’t really like I

Don’t get Kickbacks or anything but it helps them to know that if they bought them from me or from this video we’ll give a the little putter a bit I guess oh my gosh get down that might be a bogey on hole one it’s not exactly how

You want to start a uh 200t hole a par putt from 20 ft nice I’m going to blame that mutt on the fact that this is a super premium plastic that’s not for putting but it’s really not that we all know that that was just a bad po hold 2 260 I’m going

To go with the one with the kto it’s like the rock 5502 5402 put it flat got it right to left heads up I’m not I’ve never said I was professional that’s another par look yikes the havu again I want to see how that one and put on Hiser out here a lot

Of Heiser yucky got a little look for the two here got a stiff tail I think I just give it a high bid on take my par if I miss oh hit the metal dang I think it’s another twah on super stiff headwind um I’m going to make sure to keep this on

Heiser cuz that’s I always pull over on my shots all of my friends are watching me over there that’s okay yeah that could go in the basket get down oh thanks I almost aced in front of my friends how cool would have that been I’ll throw a second one up the middle I

Want to figure out the havu the havu is the approach 44 put on a little bit of Hiser up the middle I’m throwing them in the ground man yikes threw a good shot in front of my friends and then a bad shot they’re going to make so much fun of me

Stink EG one hopefully I don’t give them off wave to you or for your case hopefully I do pull four par 3 370 it’s right over there I’m going to throw the Fairway driver the P there’s a BN it’s a bunch of European discs so I don’t know

How to say any of them so everybody’s going to make fun of me all my friends are here and they’re going to make fun of me anyways that’s so high yikes at least the camera caught [Laughter] that they’re clapping for me that’s so kind going to go with the the for the approach

Shot [Applause] so yeah boo that guy this hole is tough It’s a par three and it’s like super long hopefully I don’t get hit by a frisbee I’m just going to make the spot real quick not go to even yeah nice she’s an animal you’re an animal thank you thank you guys all

Right whole 5 245 white to white is just right there straight ahead I’m going to throw the twah on forehand I know I’m butchering this I feel like a dingus saying these cuz I know I’m saying them wrong but I’m going to throw the havu as

A second shot cuz I want to figure that one out little oh that was a lot more turned than I was expecting what the heck there’s a slight headwind but I felt like that was a pretty good forehand up the middle on a touch aiser okay that was was just a

Terrible shot it is a prettyy stiff headwind now that I’m up here but I didn’t think that it should have turned like that cuz I put it on Heiser and for the numbers I would think that it would hold that maybe flip a little bit and

Then fade but it like just kept turning and then slowly panned out see if I can’t get a birdie here real quick though sit oh dang that’s fine so was just formatting my card to like get rid of some of the old stuff cuz I was out

Of storage on this Focus up real quick I was out of storage and so I like deleted and it was like all with this date of the last shoot that I did and then I panicked cuz I couldn’t find the other footage but I still had

It so that’s sick hold Sak 245 right there you want to play something stable on Heiser on this right Gap um I’m going to throw the Nyla as my actual shot and then the Kanto as my second for fun I think tournament play is at the Nyla like St stable to overstable

Putter oh the wind killed that skip forward oh that was such a good throw that was like right on line of where I wanted it I’m going to try to put this one a little flat maybe okay that one I put it on anheiser which is fine but with a Tailwind it

Just held it didn’t get the full flight can’t really make a fair flight analysis of that so my bad there’s not really a good run to this cuz I have to put it on and if I want to give it a run I’d have to keep it like nose down

So is that or I’ll probably just kind of lay it up yeah that’s a par whole seven I don’t I think the play is the nil but for you guys I’m going to throw the havu trying to pull it from left to right here if I can get a good throw

With this I haven’t thrown this one good yet miss miss miss miss a I’ll throw the nil throw it flat that one’s nice that Nila like I I threw it on tiny bit of Annie got a SL slight right to left and it still just went straight and then started to fade

At the end the plastic quality on this stuff is really nice it’s I felt a couple castto plast discs cuz I’ve got some buddies that throw them and it’s right up there with feel like kind kind of soft a little bit a little malleable a little tacky but it just feels like a

Nice disc so I think they’re going to be sweet um again if you want to pick them up check out the link in the description right so the havu is like super flat on the top and then it’s got the like a nice round rim and a slant like slanted

Wing at the bottom I think it’s like a slightly less deep P2 I know I didn’t like the new p2s from this Mania because they felt so deep and it felt like I couldn’t get it out of my hand like I just grip blocked everything um I like

This one a lot actually so far oh get down golly Alex well you guys are guaranteed some discs that one’s in a dang all right in a tough spot I shouldn’t I should have actually ran that I gave it like a half bid and they needed to actually run it ver is for

Par nice still an egg one you guys are guaranteed like two unless I Ace and then Ace like the 500t hole all right jumping over to hole 17 I’m going to throw the twah on Heiser on this right side hopefully get it close cuz I don’t want

To give away all of these discs that would I do but I don’t you know what I mean oh my gosh came out of my hand so fast probably throw the Nila and the Habu on this hole as well that’s what I should have done dang that vanila is

Sick I like that one a lot havu go in go in oh I hit the tree right next to it luckily this is a shorter hole so like I’m not super punished but I got to give this a bid put a little Annie spinner inside Gap

There stay up oh that was so bad I thought the wind would keep that up dang last hole still sitting egg one I am going to go with the Puro for the uh t-shot with how flippy it flew on that first on whole four I think I’m going to

Put it on Hiser I got a left left to right I think it’s going to flip and ride to the right with this wind um kind of similar to like the first drop of the stock sine fds a lot of turn and I think I think this is accurate to the numbers

Heiser kind of at that left tree hopefully if I can commit to the shot I mean I meant to throw it a lot further left and higher but it still didn’t that flew pretty good I was pretty happy with that n I’m going to throw it on like a

Hopefully an anheiser see how it fights out in this wi that wasn’t very anheiser it was a lot and I was up but that’s okay that was okay okay the one that I have yet to figure out just got to be smooth Alex oh oh

Oh that was gross that was such a sick flight these are all honestly pretty sick that was the first good shot I had with that one had a left to right so it held it over but it was pretty sweet I’m going throw the kto on in kto I have a

You can tell him a dad uh anheiser hopefully flexs it I threw it on anheiser wind held it over obviously it’s pretty stable like straight for mid-range all right I wish I had thrown the P like I threw the I think that’s the havu I don’t remember this is not a good spot

For me it’s a really bad spot I need to go get the blue one the twah just going to lay it up I want to keep one of them sit nice taing in I am going to go back over the ho one and throw the Fairway I’m going to throw them all one

More time for you guys cuz I want to make sure that I get some good throws of all of them but like I shot an egg one so I give away four discs so I’m going to keep the conto it’s the beaded like rock 3es one kind of doy but got the

Fairway which is the ne neg 21 76 ne21 havu 44 the twah which is 4303 and then the Nila which I threw this the best of all of them but I don’t really have the slot in my bag covered I have md1 and then I have

Md5 so um I’m probably going to keep this one comment which one you want below and then I’m just going to go over throw the rest of them if you want to see that stick around all on backhand smooth Hiser it’s got a pretty stiff tail start with the nil [Applause]

3202 that was a lot of Hiser but and a Tailwind so obviously it’s going to make it a little bit more stable try to throw him a little flat maybe than that havu 44 oh now that picture that with no fade at the end and I think that’s exactly how that

Disc is supposed to fly that was sick that was I mean outside of the other shot that I just threw with it that was really good I’m going to try to throw the twah flat as well I like that one a lot I don’t think it’s quite as overstable as the numbers

Let it on but it is still nice kto like a rock oh my goodness yeah I’m I’m keeping that one you guys can have the other ones oh it’s pinned that’s 350 Tailwind bur going to put a tiny bit of Hiser I really just want to see if it’ll still turn in this

Tailwind okay little bit of flip up there I put on heer go in the white basket oh that one’s pretty nice too it’s a Tailwind so I think it would have flipped over a little bit more but with how I threw it I think it would have

Fought back at the end so pretty nice on the giveaway it’s going to be us only so sorry but uh comment which one you want below thanks for watching stay Reliant


  1. Exel is a company from Finland.
    Tuohi(pronounced "too-oh-hee") is Finnish for birch bark
    Nila are the "growth rings in wood"
    Havu means "coniferous", ie 5 needle pine, white pine trees
    Kanto means tree "stump"
    Puro means "stream".
    Love the way that Tuohi flies, love to win it.

  2. The Tuohi looks interesting! super unique design for an approach disc. would love to try it out.

  3. First time watching one of your videos, enjoyed it. It’s nice to see disc reviews from someone at a similar skill level, don’t get me wrong, I like watching Simon, Drew, and the like rip discs, but that doesn’t represent the flight I’d get from a disc. I feel like I have a better understanding of these discs from this video than I would from watching a touring pro throw them. I can’t decide which disc I would want on the off chance I actually won, and I do love a surprise, so that’s my choice, mystery disc. Look forward to more videos.

  4. I'd like to try the Havu, I like slow, straight to understable discs. Honestly though, the whole lineup looks interesting, you had me at the comparison to Kastaplast plastic.

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