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DAVE BRAILSFORD’S BRUTAL CHANGES AT UNITED! Ineos already seeing Issues at Man United | FUTV News

Manchester United latest news with Adam Stott! As Ineos prepare the biggest Overhaul in United’s History.




Forever United TV (FUTV) is a Manchester United Fan Content Channel, hosted and run by Mr Adam Stott! Adam is a local-lad and match-going fan of 35+ years, who’s love of the game (and his club) are unrivalled.

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Brutal is the word that’s being used to describe to David BS for’s plans for Manchester United especially when it comes to the hiring and firing side and specifically the firing side there are plenty of people apparently United over staff that don’t need to be there and when it comes to getting results he

Isn’t afraid he isn’t afraid of wielding the axe many Manchester United staff are having a little bit of a panic behind the scenes it would seem the United F financials are in for the last quarter we’re going to go through that look at the clear and obvious places within them

Results where Manchester United are failing it wouldn’t surprise you quite a lot uh the more and more coming out just being released now so in this video I’m going to just go through them live as they drop the first set of figures are out we’re going to look into a bit more

Detail as that comes through if it does come through while we’re live we’ll bring that up and we’ll talk about that where is United’s investment more important right now we’re hearing that is news for a brand new state-of-the-art training ground facility we’ll talk about the details of that as well most

Importantly please I want you guys to like the video so if you’re happy with that intro just give the video a like anyway we got loads more to get into so like it as well later on in the video subscribe be tuned for the first time it

Is Forever United TV I’m Adam let’s get into what is going on at Manchester United today because realistically looking at it I’d say today is a day about Manchester United the financial stuff like that where the Investments going all the players are out uh on holiday I talked about it I don’t know

If you guys seen the show I out regarding Alvaro Fernandez this morning going to have a quick look at that one give me your opinion on that loads of you have commented on that video already which is great thank you very much that’s what it is all about because your

Input on these videos your comments that go in on these videos actually get brought up and brought into more content on this show and that’s what I’m looking to do going forward as well if we can’t get people on we’re going to bring in the comments and going to make content

Regarding them because it is about a United voice United fan base’s voice not just mine and that’s what’s important on this channel so get your comments in the live section and obviously get your comments in below as well when the video goes up on YouTube so Sid brailford what

Is he doing what are his plans well Samuel luers from the menen has been talking this morning about how brutal Sid brailford is going to be when it comes to hiring and firing essentially putting people in positions in the football club where they should be and firing the ones that don’t really belong

There now top name on the list obviously is our friend John MTO now inos have said in previous interviews in previous conversations that they’re not uh they’re not for getting rid of Mero as as such they’re moving him on from his role I think he’s more important but he

Can still be at the club in an advisory role he has been there for a decade now and they are happy for him to stay be around they are looking and now reportedly looking into previous staff getting comments from previous staff there thoughts on how the club is run a

Full analysis of Manchester United we’ve gone on to that many of times and what it means but again former staff why is it former staff why are we talking I think they’re looking at it and then also are probably going down the road of why did you leave Manchester United as

This coincided with the downturn of the football club over the last 10 years I think this is the right way to go about it I mean brutal I feel will come once the analysis has been uh completed by S brailford and the audit as such which is

Being rumored but I feel like going down the road I’ve got talking talking to former staff members as well and finding out what they think regarding uh Manchester United why we’ve had such a downturn in in form on the pitch results off the pitch being left behind facility wise infrastructure wise maybe talking

To these sort of Staff members rather than people who are there now trying to save the job uh is a sensible option in all of this because let’s be let’s be truthful with it if you are a former member of staff there is a reason why you are a former

Member of Staff you could have left disgruntled you could have been fired they probably want to speak to people like this to find out who was doing the wrongs before was anything done on to W before and oh look at that there there’s a brew we didn’t even have to do a poll

Today guys kazzy’s in the house straight away with the brew a few TV forever Ah that’s the one get in there lovely but yeah I mean when you think about it like I just said then you’re going to get a bit more of a realistic response from someone who used to work

At a former employer I mean if you’re there right now as a Manchester United staff member in whichever role that you’re doing then you’re sat there thinking I’m probably in a little bit of trouble here when you look at it and the the whole picture of

It and the sporting side of things which any else are taking over I mean the commercial side of things and the staff doing that job there you can’t really complain how Manchester United pull these sponsorships and endorsement deals out their ass is just beyond me but they

Have got the right people and that is pretty much set in stone the issue has always been the football side of things so if you’re involved in this football team and this club and you’re part of the football side of things and the development on that side and everything

That’s going on then straight away now you you’re thinking I’m in a little bit of trouble here I’m in a little bit of trouble because the end of the day they’re coming in to take over this department and they’re going to want to know why it’s failed and if you are a

You are a member of that staff then your your head is on the chopping block it is on the chopping block so you start to have a bit of a worry I would be worried even more if I knew that people that I used to do the people that used to do my

Job were being interviewed by the new proposed owners of of Manchester United or the people who are running the sporting side that control my job I inos uh in other words so I would be really crapping my pants if that was the case

As well so I just look at it now and I go okay again more Good Vibes and more good noises coming out of what is going to be happening when inos do cheat charge but at the end of the day again it is all heay and we do need

Some talk we do need some walking to come alongside this this talking right now so for me I just feel like the noises I’m hearing and I’ve had many of debates with you guys in the comments and stuff like that are all good uh I want to see this sort of thing

Happen I want to see a full breakdown of what has G on at Manchester United before the old the old staff members and people that used to work at Manchester United I think is a fantastic idea and I think it will really out some people who are actually at the football club right

Now so I look into that and go yeah very very clever I like I like the sound of that I really do uh aash with the Super Chat says MTO is getting the very expensive boot too I don’t know if it’s very expensive he’s obviously taken an awful lot from Manchester United himself

He must have been paid well you would have thought he would anyway give the video a like guys please as well while you’re at it I did say I would uh give you a bit of an update on the likes not good enough so like the video again

Please everyone and yeah get all your comments in uh let’s actually join the comment section right now actually I’m going to go to the poll quickly first of all because I just wanted to reuge this again obviously this was a big topic when the Takeover was taken over but I

Put a poll up in the chat today saying uh where should the biggest investment be from inos uh training ground ult Trafford are planing staff PL staff and Old Trafford are taking preference right now uh 38% say Old Trafford 36% of you are saying uh in the playing staff so

Investment in the squad investment in the squad that is good yes we do need to improve again I’m going to go down the road of I honestly right now because we are so bad I think it’s the perfect opportunity for Manchester United and the fans just to not worry about who’s

Coming in we’re not going to get anywhere quick definitely not this season so full concentration has to be on Manchester United’s Exodus of playing staff rather rather than what’s coming in let’s just wipe it clear and so far so good in a way I wasn’t happy I’m still not happy with the alvario

Fernandez deal I think Manchester United should have had more of a buy uh a buying clause for Benfica that’s the only thing I didn’t like about that deal uh he’s getting the number three shirt which clearly shows that he is going to be playing for Benfica I would have

Fought anyway I’m assuming there but obviously if you’re getting one of the main one to 11 shirts then you you are going to be a big part of that team if he plays 50% of the games from now to the end of the season then they will buy

Him for just over 5 million quid 6 million euros that for me is the only bit I don’t like cuz it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a win-win for Benfica again they’ve managed to convince United to bring Alvar Fernandez back from gadoo he’s on

Loan he was on loan till the end of the season this wasn’t a problem so we brought him back we’ve done all of that and all we’ve done if this player takes off which we know he’s got the capabilities of doing so then we’re only getting what 5.2

Million yeah we’ve got the buy back Clause but surely you can grab at least 15 to 20 million there if he’s done well if he’s done well and he’s going to be part of that Benfica team then you want them to be paying a decent fee if he

Doesn’t do well and he comes back yeah so be it you’ve not lost anything you still got a young player that might actually do well back here in England but you’ve not safeguarded s for me I don’t know what the buy back is for United as some reports were around about

30 million euros why is it so much for us and so less for Benfica it makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever to me how we didn’t get more out of that initial one but yeah going on loan we have got that option to bring him back

It’s not the end of the world I just think we should have got more out of that buy on for Benfica and that feet should have been more than 6 million United’s financials are being brought up continuously uh I read a good article today regarding ten hag’s influence on

The youth team and I noticed this straight away last season and watching the youth team just interviewing uh the likes of ban as well and the dialects and the conversations and communication from ten Haag to the youth team and you can see how he’s influenced the youth team from his days

At Ajax and the communication from youth team to first team and what he had there he has put that in and you have to praise ten Haag for that you do you cannot say that he hasn’t worked well with the youth team managers they’ve all

Biged him up uh I think he’s seen the opportunity straight away I mean the first season he walked in he was coming into a a club that had the fa youth Cup winners and he’s reaping the rewards of that now like we’ve said previously on these videos but I feel like that step

Up now to the first team we’ve seen Mayu and gacho make it uh over the last couple of Seasons Cal’s come through as well obviously Mari forson is there as well for Manchester United we’ve seen re Bennett step into the subs bench as well for the first time so we have got and

Danang go let’s not forget Danang go they got five good Academy players there that could really prosper and the fact that now we are looking at getting these buyback Clauses on our youth players and some of the youth players are actually fetching some money as well now where we

Didn’t get anything before I think this is praise to where at ten Haag and what he’s done and how he’s changed the culture within the youth system as well so good good good vibes there as well and if he can work with any us and enhance that even more then it’s all

Good for Manchester United now the next thing which is interesting newswise uh coming out uh today or maybe yesterday mainly was the Prospect and this is why I put the poll up of Manchester United and a new state-of-the-art training ground now conversations are being had uh with a golf club in nutsford I

Don’t exactly know which one it is I’m not a million miles away from nutsford I used to play a lot of golf actually but I don’t know which one that is but the prospect of that is it’s great if Jaden Sanel comes back because it’s not far away from

Where all the players live makes complete sense to actually put a training ground where the players actually live because it gives them chance to actually get there on time not saying that they don’t there’s just a few players that might or no excuse is what I’m saying there but state-of-the-art training facility is

What was being reported last night from Mike Keegan uh and a golf course which probably and we’ve seen this happen with many of golf courses I’m not going not saying United coming in and flexing muscle and just kicking him out I think they would have made them a generous offer and I just

Feel it works well environmentally as well for that patch of land doing my bit for the cars and everything like that and the green side of things it’s not going to be turned into a big estate or flats or anything like that and you have to look at it as a

Positive that United are looking to actually try and get back up there as one of the big guns we need the best facilities and I talk about that now simply because of what I was just saying regarding the youth team and the youth team being part of the positive well ten Haag

Has been here at Manchester United and the youth players coming through he was lucky like I said to coming at a time when we was having on the on the back end of a good spell but for the integration the communication side and how close knit it seems now

Between the youth and the senior squads I think it’s really good and tag has played a massive massive part of that when I interviewed like I said I’ve spoken to the under 21 coach I’ve spoken to the under 18s coach spoken to the head of the Manchester United Academy

Nick Cox as well and he says ten Haag is all over that youth team like literally every single day communication talking styles of play watching I’ve seen ten haaga altringham well I’ve been satting the stand watching a Manchester United youth Team game he came and watched the

Game at altringham football club he was there in the stand just below me watching he is fully invested in developing the youth and this is why you would just love him to get it right in his signings because he’s done so much good work behind the scenes with

The youth players and stuff like that on that side and developing some players from the youth coming through and saving the club let’s not kid ourselves a bleeding Fortune if Mayu and Gan atual develop to their full potential then think of them positions and how much

They would cost in the modern day Market they would absolutely be off the scale so he’s done a lot of good there his signings that have come in that’s my biggest problem with ten ha and the players that he plays but he has done good I’m not going

To ignore what ten hag has done good in this I’m not one track Pony and fully ten hag outs everything he does is bad because it’s not the truth it really isn’t the truth and you have to give credit where it’s due so there’s a balanced argument for our manager I do

Believe this side of things is where ten Haag has really prospered and I think the club have reaped the benefits of it let’s get into the chat anyway uh sorry Adam avaro has not played any first games that’s why he is so cheap no Graham completely wrong sorry my man uh

Manchester City sold a reserve team goalkeeper for 25 million having played no football at all Manchester United when a player is already out on Long gram and then forced to come back and terminate that deal you negotiate a better deal than 5 million I’m sorry mate that isn’t on and I am overruling

You on that decision gram sorry uh I hope you all lik Gram’s Cameo on the player ratings the other day as well he did rather well didn’t he I thought so myself but on that one he’s wrong I’m sorry and he won’t mind me saying him I’ll telling him that it’s

All banter don’t worry guys I’m not having a go with him uh stop paying ridiculous transfer fees and pump up extra into improving the training ground leave Carrington uh by the way as a Chris you mean leave carington as in move away from it and just let someone

Else take it move to a different destination let me know on that Chris because this is apparently what we’re talking about and what is happening like I said guys I’m going to keep you up to date with everything that’s coming out of uh the financial side of things as

Well I’m just going to double check that no update has come out uh let me see uh nothing quite as yet so I’m just flicking through now no we’re all clear on want that so I’m going to bring that up in a minute anyway but yeah I’m going

To get through some of your questions so guys in terms of Manchester United Moving training ground if we were to fully invest a big chunk of money are you okay with that if it’s going to develop the women’s team the youth team on all levels down and the Manchester

United first team is it what Manchester United should be expecting to have for being such a big Club are you happy with that if that cost us say 200 million to develop a new training facility are you happy with that investment is that good for you or are you no that’s not the

Priority we need to start the playing stuff out first and stay relevant actually within European football let me know what you think guys uh that is part of that poll as well so if you want to add your comment and put that vote in the poll I think it pretty much sums it

All up training ground Old Trafford playing staff where’s your priority as we’re talking about training ground and stuff like that and developing the youth I’ll see if that influences the vote as well je where did that come from my god oh I was so on the chest that one excuse

Me wow that came out like a shot the blue my God right I’m okay Jesus anyway uh need to leave Carrington says Chris thank you Chris for coming back with that comment uh start fresh somewhere else United seem to have uh Habit of Clinging On To

The Past yeah that is a good point that one actually Chris yeah it is like just let it go let it go see what you can get generate sell it wise someone else might want to take it do you know what I mean you might want to rent it out maybe we

Could finance a new trading ground facility and pay for it by financing Caren out move across you know what I mean it’s possibilities are there for United to make money from Carrington whether it be selling renting do whatever and then make a new one uh gra

Has come back at me again Adam City can do it because they are successful United can’t demand that we agree to disagree yes mate but I Will trump card you on Alvaro was already on loan you can get more than five million mate I’m telling another 10 million we’re not talking 50

Million here we’re talking at least another 10 million that’s what I think we could have got for that easily and then we’re talking about balancing books because when I come into the financials in a minute you know exactly what I’m saying about that extra bit of money and

How we can actually come in line with financial fair play as well every little bit remember we’re bringing a man in about marginal gains 5 million is not enough I’m telling you now we didn’t need to let him go from Gard so that’s my argument on that one it’s too low so

Stop it I win any top cats start out a training ground make it the best in the world doing that will entice world class coaches very good points from Top Cat one there that is exactly the sort of response I wanted to hear think of it as a positive the best training facilities

There is in England is what United need to be building right now that will give you somewhere to bring players in it’s like Jude Bellingham walking into Carrington I mean we had to roll in beding Alex Ferguson to try and make this deal happen and we still didn’t get

Him if you’re rolling in a young upand cominging Prospect like Jude Bellingham in the future to the single best training facility in the country which is what United should be doing then it’s a different ball game alog together you’re all of a sudden making that Player thing oh hang

On a minute if this is what they’re going to do with a training ground and this is how they’re going to develop all of their youth players they’re going to bring in the best staff the best facilities everything like that I am looked after here for the rest of my

Time at the football club it makes them want to give more cuz you’re getting so much from the club the player wants to give more back I just feel like the standards of the club have dropped so much in so many different areas and aspects that it just it feeds into the

Mentality and everyone just accepts the lower standards and that goes from the staff at the top of the club coming down to the coaching no disrespect again but they don’t even know it’s happening coming down to the coaching coming down to the training ground the first team

The results on the pitch I mean I’ll say an example of it was ten ha when he first came through to Manchester United he walked through the door at Old Trafford whoa Manchester United this is it questions start getting asked in press conferences ten ha answers them Manchester United need to be winning

Every single game in competing for every single tropy quote unquote ten ha’s words interview this season another year on on we overachieved last season by getting third in a trophy they don’t realize it’s happening and it doesn’t get if you don’t set the bar high you’re never going to be able

To compete and ten haen saying what he said this season was the one reason why I started to doubt him as well as the plays he was picking on the pit he’s picking players on the pitch and then coming out with comments like that for

Me is a massive red flag it’s like there we go we’ve got him first season expectations surpassed well done you don’t just say oh we’ve overachieved and then just fall down the next season as soon as you say we’ve overachieved last season then players automatically in their minds are thinking we’re not as

Good as what we was last season we just overperformed one of them lucky Seasons it feeds into the staff the players the coaches everyone above it’s like oh we made a profit this season 5 million that’s all right we’re doing all right now no it’s not you want to get 10

Million 15 20 you want to keep it going up and up and up you don’t stay still Manchester United have Stood Still for the last decade just living on the memory and the history that Sir Alex Ferguson s m bosb and everything this club have built and they’ve just been surpassed by

Everyone everyone has walk pasted them because they’re in hellbent on improving Manchester United have not they just had the arrogance to think they can stand still and I’ll say it again you can say it’s just a passing comment and it’s a ridiculous comment Adam but again the

Standards were set when Ed Woodward came out with that stupid comment in the first season when David Maes took over from Sir Alex Ferguson we can do things in the transfer window that clubs can only dream of well now you’re behind everyone Ed and you’re not in a job anymore

Standards don’t let them drop don’t let them Flo don’t let them fall below the bar and you will continue to go forward Manchester United just have an arrogance about us that we have an expectation and a god-given right to be at the high table of European football constantly

It’s like the Super League that was the arrogance of these owners we are one of the big six you’re not won the league in a decade you idiots so how are you one of the big six it’s like saying we had as much argument in that debate as Spurs

Did except we’ve got more history but if you go off modern day football United don’t belong in the big six they don’t Manchester United are there through their history alone and Nostalgia that is what we are we’re looking and living in the past training ground in these facilities is the first

Clear sign that inos have got the right mindset to take United forward what inos and S David raford and S Jim radliff have been saying Hell Ben on getting success on the pitch not about profits not about margins not about actually getting money out of Manchester United

The money that we make the profits we make automatically go into improving the on field and the results there that’s what’s important for inos if they build a state-of the art and it will be the best in the country they have to make it the best otherwise it’s pointless doing

It you’re going to have to top Trump City and Spurs and Arsenal’s training grounds uh and everyone else is in the country it has to be better otherwise it’s pointless doing it then that is a clear sign they are they are driven and they want to be back at the top

Manchester United have to have the best of everything there are things that they can do now that they know our a guarantee to take United further it is the training facility it is the Recruitment and the structure of how we do transfers and how we run our football side of things

Without without any doubt that that can be done they can Implement that straight away if he wants to invest his money he’s got the extra money to invest and it can be in a training ground go for it s Jim get it done and you know what you

Will win over a mass majority of the fan base that are doubting you straight away it doesn’t matter what players Manchester United bring in as long as they are structured properly scouted properly I mean know what actually this came up last night actually and it was the

Overlap I was watching it with Gary eville uh obviously had the full panel on Keen right Scott and carroo were on it as well and Gary nille made a fantastic point when he said you look at all of Manchester United’s old signings and you look at the signings that didn’t

Cost a lot and how massive they were for the football club and it’s like they all they all said like managers brought players in and you looked at them and you went oh maybe not maybe not but he said some of the Manchester United’s alltime best players I mean you they

Talk about the van persy the vonis the Rio ferdinands players like that that come that are bought in for big money you know automatic fantastic player but the gon PS the the Manu viices Sola Ron jonsson Peter schmeichel all of these type of signings that are Absolut that

Are up there on the list of Manchester United legendary status good scouting that’s the first thing that Ian Right Said in comment to it in response to it he went that there is good scouting bang on the money absolutely bang on the money and United

Have fallen away from that and it is and it all just come down to structure cuz the main conversation was about who should be the final say how who should be the man at a football club that has the final decision on players that come in Gary Neville and Ry Kean said it

Should be sporting director Ian right I mean he was brought up with arson Wenger who run everything uh and Arsenal have always he’s always had that he said it should be the manager Jill Scott said the manager but she did say on her side that that was

Looking at it from the women’s side of thing where that is predominantly what happens it’s different in the men’s game and Jamie carrier just said lit on Al it’s both yes they should be dialect from the manager but sporting director is the one that does everything the

Example was yugen klopp did not want to buy moalo he wanted to bring in the I can’t remember the German forward is’s now playing still at Dortmund I can’t remember his name someone in the chat will tell me in a minute he wanted to bring him in but his transfer committee

Said no it’s moella he fits your style of play better now one of the leading greats in goal scoring statistics and probably is going to go down as one of the top 10 Strikers in the Premier League era uh without shadow of a doubt that’s what that brings it’s what it’s

What’s needed and that’s where I go back to the brutal side of uh to David raford and what he’s going to bring to Manchester United it needs to be it needs to be cutro unfortunately to get United back there’s so many Johnny K lately’s average people at Manchester

United that are just not fit for the job and I don’t mean that in any disrespect and I don’t want to see anyone lose a job but if you’re investing this amount of money into Manchester United and your sole purpose is to bring success back on

The pitch you need to be brutal you need to be ruthless and these people need to go and you only have to look at Manchester United’s Financial stats which I’m going to bring in right now actually uh quarter one accounts are out record revenues for that 3mon period up

To 9% up 9% to 157 million means club made a profit when excluding investment in players this is from Lor whw the athletic so Manchester United made a profit when excluding uh expenditure on bringing players in Manchester United uh spent two 23.3 million but net loss of 25

Million when signings are factored in that is exactly where Manchester United are right now it’s like yes record revenues and like we said the commercial side fantastic but you only have to then look into Manchester United’s wages and let me just bring up uh actually

I’ve lost my page where it was with that one bear with me a second guys uh one second one second come one second where is it where is it where is it uh the wage structure at Manchester United is the one that actually uh scares me to death God’s sake

Adam bear with me one second guys I’m going to get it up now I did have it here right okay let’s get into more of this now so there’s more come out so post record uh first quarter revenues 157.18 wages up 9.7 to 90.3 million due to signings and Champions League

Qualification so that there Manchester United from the year before because all the players take a a pay cut if they don’t reach the Champions League so everyone got their normal wages which sent it up by 99.7% with new players being brought in that there is obvious sign that we are

In some form of control of signings at Manchester United or wages at least but then you bring in the fact that wow we’ve just lost Ronaldo’s wage we’ve just lost David de gea’s wage I mean Jesus what’s there like it’s just under a million a week man what was it before

Exactly my point exactly my point uh there is a story just coming out guys uh Kaz just sent it through to me now according to reports in Spain check this one out Manchester United are plotting a shock 130 million venicius Jr signing okay love that one uh no that

Won’t happen that definitely won’t happen uh but yeah no I’m just going to say straight out right but we got to have a laugh aren’t we as well on this show we have to have a have our Giggles as well but what I’m getting at really in terms

Of the United financials is how the club was run before uh a complete disgrace really that signing of Ronaldo that didn’t need to happen alongside the signing of Jayden Sancho in that same window and Rafael veran so in Ed Woodward’s brainstorm of a summer under Oly gun

Sola and this is O gun Sola being a yes man is Manchester United took on three players in the same same window and that wage Bill alone for them three players was upwards of 1.2 million a week in that window and then we had the catastrophe of that season and everything that went

Wrong in that season with Alon Sola this is the structure that Manchester United was this is the structure that inos are trying to change I completely am I’m I’m completely on board with anything we just passed the 100 like Mark guys as well thank you so much uh I’m completely

On board with everything regarding the training facilities coming in I think that is a massive massive statement for Manchester United it really is and I think they justes need to go in all in on that straight away that will be a that will be a statement let’s just say that would

Be a statement from inos and Sim R Cliff that’s putting United back on the map that really is and some would say oh it’s not changing anything on the pitch though is it we’re still not bringing the right players in we’re just going to have the crap players playing in the

Best facilities and training the best facilities aren’t we well no it’s not it’s about attracting the best that’s what it’s about uh let’s just go into a couple more bits on the financials that are coming now samel lur is saying 25.8 mil loss for the period Premier League clubs can

Afford to lose uh can afford a loss of 105 over threeyear period under the profit and sustainability rules so basically what Samuel luer is saying regarding them financials there is Manchester United in one period have lost 28 sorry lost 25 million this is just for a quarter this isn’t a season

So the three-year period you’re allowed to lose 105 million United have lost 25.8 million in a quarter of one of them years so you can see the issue that we’ve got and why Financial fair play is really hampering Manchester United right now we need to be doing better on the

Pitch that is a clear sign as to why Manchester United need restructuring and why the glazers have allowed someone to come in and buy part of Manchester United like inos because the commercial side like it said there revenue is fantastic commercial side fantastic but the way that the club has been run under

S under uh Richard Arnold merto woodwood Jord all of these people it’s just completely overshot all of the commercial Revenue so the glazers have brought in your sin to work on the sporting side of things to try and make Manchester United profitable on that side if we can balance that with what

The commercial side is bringing in Manchester United should never ever have a problem with financial fair play but it does coincide with success and the reason that in AR to Jim mcliff are saying everything is hellbent on bringing success on the pitch for Manchester United ultimately their

Shares in United if we start doing well are still going to go up so yes I am fully on board with them their initial let’s just say first five years is going to be Manchester United we are just putting a big outlay he said he doesn’t care about making money he earns enough

Money already in his day job let’s be honest in five years Sim mcliff is going to be passing 75 so this is much pretty much like his swans song in a way isn’t it so in five years everything that they’ve done they will be looking to actually seen a little bit of success

That therefore will bump United’s price up if anyone did want to come in uh for Manchester United it won’t happen while the glaz are there because they’ll be making money anyway still then they’ll start to see profit as well everything is hellbent towards making money at Manchester United but you’ve now got

Someone else soon who’s trying to make money through the sporting side of things and that should be the difference and that should ultimately be everything that is needed at Manchester United going forward the football we don’t care about the commercial commercial is great on top of football success but when

There’s no success on the pitch and the football’s crap no one gives a toss about the commercial side of things because it’s showing no benefit unless United are up there challenging in the Champions League generating these commercial revenues generating this match day Revenue because we’re in so many

Competitions then it counts for nothing for what the commercial side does cuz the books don’t balance it’s exactly why now we’re losing the wage of Rafael Varan we’re going to cut down casmiro probably end up letting him go in the summer that whole wage bill is going to

End up coming down and down and that is where Manchester United can affect their books they can we may have to take losses on transfer fees but investment in the youth the infrastructure Manchester United theya probably not going to be competing at the top table for transfer fees uh and like we said

Yesterday with brm weight 100 million that’s never going to happen for Manchester United I just feel with what we’ve got like Waka it’s the only reason I wanted to talk about it because we know what we have got and we know what we can offer it won’t be 100 million it’

Be more 60 70 million everyone knows that everything need to sell because of financial fair play themselves United can obviously then off uh balance off a little bit with maybe a player and cash and make something like that happen this is where we have to be clever so whereas

100 million I totally agree with everyone else that will never happen and a lot of people just read the thumbnail and the title yesterday uh before they started commenting uh and I get it I do he’s not worth that he really isn’t but can Manchester United break that deal down

To work for them yeah of course they can and let’s not forget branoy isn’t going to demand High High wages so when a whole package of a transfer it is doable for Manchester United but only if s Jim gets everything right and structured in the right way that’s why it’s so

Important and hopefully that’s the context that you guys need to everything on all the shows that I actually do I look behind the scenes and bring up the information that’s been put out there and try and work out what can be done and what is obvious it’s obvious to me

It’s obvious to us uh if it is then there is ways that the club can get around it as well so that’s where we’re at with it anyway but let’s get into some comments quickly uh please give the video a like guys keep liking uh G says of course uh

The stup has to change United crapping money uh stup we gave Bruno a stupid contract plenty of stupids in there 250 a week uh for not being able to take a car our free Kick the Bruno hay is back in the chat uh Chris says we lost 70 million last

Year this is where we’re struggling it is we’re losing money every single year and financial Fair Play It’s like with like the budget for this summer guys honestly from what I’ve been told and we’ll get some more information on this again tomorrow don’t forget tune in this

Time tomorrow for uh my exclusive with another journalist uh who is in around Manchester United a lot we’ll talk about that tomorrow but uh yeah we’ll get some more information on that Domingo says My worry is uh is great talk but training upgrade will mean a longer lead time before

Success well this is like we said he going to take an awful long time for Manchester United to get back up there we don’t want quick fixes anymore Domingo do we we just want to see signs of improvement we’ve fallen so far behind and this is how desperate it is

It is completely desperate at Manchester United right now the glazers have run this club Beyond into the ground it is literally hanging on right now from collapse cuz Manchester United standards have dropped with it and without standards you cannot earn and you cannot be successful but the glazers don’t care

About that all I’ve seen is that that share price just hover around safe lay fluctuating up and down and they’re happy with that they are happy with that it was why they needed the super league and why we are where we are now I saw highlights have done his first match on

The weekend he took one corner and put it right on the penalty spot which resulted in a headed shot yes Dobby nice one Donnie honestly I’m not taking the Mi I do hope he does well I really do uh because it would be beneficial for

United and would add a bit more money to the uh coffers as well because they have got a buy on option as well Frankfurt be very interesting to see if he does uh if he does well there and actually is bought by Frankfurt start bringing through youth

Uh yep totally agree with that one Adam it’s not that I hate Bruno it’s just that he looks so average he can’t keep the ball or do simple pass I think his time is up and no one looked at the first half of Bruno’s performance where he put rashford through about four times

Again I don’t understand how people can bring up stats about Bruno but then not bring up the other side of the stats it is it’s mind-blowing but when people have got agendas and people try to be not saying you have G or anything but it’s like when you

See something and you make your mind up about something you cannot look past it it’s like with rashford for me I was praising him and then he came back and I seen that celebration I’m like f off I don’t care mate I don’t want that attitude I really don’t he did well in

Them periods in the game dropped off in the second half I was trying to be positive and then he goes and throws it in my face so that side of it see you later real life not got time for that in a player at all especially not without standing uh just

See yeah more news on foro palestri actually outing or being not so much outed at United but club now fully expected him to go out on loan it looks like that Grenada deal has happened maybe this was involved in the whole Grenada losing Alvaro Fernandez and then

Was offering pestry to them just so we could make that little bit of a loan and maybe a little bit of cash off Alvar Fernandez I don’t know 150 likes is pretty much in the back thank you very much guys and we are going to wrap up

That video there do join us later on guys we’re going to be a little bit more interactive and get more of your thoughts uh later on at 6:30 tonight guys but yes unless anything breaks at all through the day I will see you then have a great excuse me have a great rest

Of the day everyone and 6:30 is the time I will see you all again later on thank you very much for all your contributions comments likes shares and if you are tuning for the first time new subscribers if you’ve not please do it now thank you so much everybody I will


  1. Brutal there is only one way Brutal means anything is when you have got rid of the glazers half of United football team an most of the staff an that would be Brutal it would be excellent now that not going to happen that is the meaning of Brutal 😅

  2. If Jim the Rat starts to get results the value of the club will rise. Thus, the Glazers will want a lot more money for their shares! Will the Glazers need to to let go of control if they're becoming richer with every season?

  3. A large proportion of top players wages are actually made up of performance bonuses. They haven't been performing (winning trophies, scoring highly or keeping clean sheets) for ages so they won't be earning a full wage, for example, 10% cut for not qualifying for ECL!

  4. I have had a theory for a while now as to why SJR and Ineos were so desperate to get a foot in the door at United so please hear me out.
    Ineos could never afford to buy United outright as it stands now BUT with Ineos owning the rights to the Shale Gas that currently sits untapped underneath our Carrington Training Ground. It makes total sense for Ineos to push to relocate the training ground which, if the relevant licenses to extract the Shale Gas is obtained, could result in billions of pounds of profit for Ineos to invest back into United and purchase the rest of the shares from the Glazers 🙏. I understand that my theory depends on whether the Government can make a decision on allowing Fracking 🤔but if they did allow it then Ineos's profit could be astronomical. Just a theory! I was against the SJR/Ineos buy-in because I didn't think the had the funds needed for what is needed with the stadium project, the debt and the infrastructure improvements required, this could change that.
    My second point is regarding your feedback on EtH's involvement with the youth. If you remember in the first few years of SAF's reign there was a mass calling for his sacking but the Board stuck with him because they said "We can see what he is building with the structure of the club and the youth" which is similar to what you are reporting about what you have witnessed and heard with EtH.
    My final point is that I 100% agree with you that, if the reported figures are correct, we are totally undervaluing Alvaro Fernadez. I think he will be an exceptional player and Benfica know it. It is a good idea to insert the buy back clause but the selling price shows just how incompetent our negotiators are.

  5. We 100% need to invest in the training facilities and ground… but for me the debt needs to be removed first… it's crippling the club. We're talking 100 million a year servicing that garbage… clear that, or significantly reduce it and invest in the infrastructure too. But I think we'll continue to opertate under it and it will continue to hamper our progress. Surely Jimmy can pay it off and owe another 20% of the club?

  6. Kudos to the Glazers for making United so profitable, despite the persistent shortcomings on the pitch.

  7. I would hope we spend the money on Old Trafford and training ground. We must sell these players first that shouldnt be there and reinvest then.

  8. All this cost saving is important but how much are we actually saving by getting rid of youth/fringe players and sacking Vera the canteen lady(whose on min wage and been there 26yrs!)….. getting rid of a big earner like Rashford would save more than 20-30 small savings combined!!👍👍👍

  9. It's all ballox even Everton are passing us out with their brand New State of the art Stadium. And we are on about upgrading Old Trafford lol its like polishing a turd. It's Old and needs knocking and building a New Stadium. Brutal my arse ill just name Liverpool & City if they bought Anthony ok Kloop and Pep are not stupid but just say they were as Stupid as in a dream as stupid as TenHag . They would get rid of him asap enough is enough but that idiot Ten Hag is making himself look more stupid if that's possible maybe Not . But he keeps playing him 😂😂😂

  10. Adam, it’s seems most united players spend more time on social media than on the training ground. I am tired of this group of players.. Rashford celebration says it all

  11. Let this sink in. The glazers picked Radcliffe because of the shale gas investment. Not content with turning Utd into Dogshit they are now going to poison the supporters water supply.

  12. Imagine if Alvaro Fernandez was a City, Chelsea or Liverpool player? He'd be going for 20-25m…..Another embarrassing and financially shocking performance from our joke board….When can we start directly blaming INEOS for this type of mismanagement and take it away from Murtagh??? Keeping overpaid dross and GIVING away promising talent is not the way forward ffs….

  13. United’s pre-tax loss of £32.8 million follows combined pre-tax losses of £182.2 million for 2021-22 and 2022-23, totalling £215 million.

    Although United are allowed to make significant deductions for Covid losses, the academy, women’s team and community projects, the losses present challenges relating to the Premier League’s profit and sustainability rules (PSR).

    Under PSR rules, clubs are allowed maximum losses of £105 million over a three-year period

  14. Adam, the thing with Burno is his age. At 29 he isn't going to get better, better to cash in now and say thanks, than let him become a blocker. Rashford is also at his peak and I would cash in on him too. They haven't torn up trees for us but maybe another club will see them as the final piece in their jigsaw. Any money we get can then be re-invested to replace the ancient defence and the holes in the squad. We have enough wingers and attacking mids not to miss them, you need a balanced team not one or two top players and hope they carry you.

  15. First order of business once INEOS takes full control is to sack every person on the transfer negotiations team.

  16. Anthony Martial is the one player who SHOULD be exiled and people are more upset than Jadon Sancho being exiled, says it all about this fanbase

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