Golf Babe

GOLFING IN ARIZONA – Cart Confessions ft. @msswaggolf @freshfrombellairgolfpark9017

Swinging into Serenity: A Day at Bellair Golf Park located in Arizona ⛳️🌵 Join me on a journey through lush greens and desert landscapes as we tee off at one of Arizona’s hidden gems! 🏌️‍♂️✨

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✦All business inquiries: JANE.BUSINESS.PARK@GMAIL.COM

Oh my God you guys we’re driving to Scottdale right now 700 in the morning we only have 5 more hours to go I’m so excited I honestly cannot wait to bring you on this journey are you excited RJ yeah yeah let’s do it a few moments later why oh my

God we have like how many hours now RJ we four something like that 3 4 hours um yeah we’re going to get some coffee take a piss cuz I am about to piss my pants like right now and yeah I look and feel like so at this gas

Station and it’s crazy hot cocoa flavored popcorn cinnamon sugar popcorn cheese fix cheese fix fun fun fun cheese fix cheddar jalapeno popcorn these flavors are crazy it’s a touchscreen so I machine you guys like I may be delusional and tired and look crazy like this guy this should low ke is K right

You agree look at these flavors amazed Pringles Ranch I’m like so amazed you like you don’t look amazed at all you guys we made it here we’re at Bella Golf Course in Phoenix Arizona don’t know how I got here because I slept for most of the drive kind of not

Really anyway we have a special special guest we have the one and only actually no hi Miss Mariah also known as Miss swag go oh I love that on my socials yes so not a pro singer but basically Happ to be here close very close so very close to being a pro

Singer but closer to being a pro golfer we are here at belir golf park too which is where I do some events like coaching and then there’s all sorts of other fun events this course is super friendly for beginner golfers which is why we make it very familyfriendly and beginner

Friendly we have a lot of events on our top Tracer range to too and then other events that don’t require golf skills like cornhole tournaments trivia nights all sorts of fun things that everyone can come from the community and bring your families dogs kids super fun I love

That I need like fun things about the course and unique fun things we have a fake uh fox or coyote actually that everyone thinks is real other than that we just redid All the bunkers too so there’s a lot of white sand out here which is not common in Arizona it’s

Pretty common in California but not here in Arizona so that’s a fun little tidbit about the course um and then other than that our range is open till 10: p.m. so it’s lit up at night and we have top Tracer technology so you can see where

Your ball goes how far it goes the ball speed all that fun stuff MH I feel like it’s very like high-tech and I love the bar in the front too oh yeah the bar is fun we have a food truck out there so you can hang out we have happy hour um

And then there’s lots of games that top Tracer does too so closest to the pin challenges and like this fishing game too so kids love that one especially cornhole fire p HS over there it’s really fun yeah who needs Top Golf right yeah I’m so excited to play I think

We’re going to do like one hit each for about three holes nice um I think we should get started pretty soon what do you think I think so too but first though I need to get you something from the Pro Shop yay come this way let’s go

I’m so excited I love free stuff okay right this way yay I love this Christmas tree this is our golf shop we have a lot of merchandise in here love it especially our hats and our custom t-shirts so we do our own designs here in house and then we also have other

Brands that we collaborate with such as like bad birdie and then also um quite a few other brands like obviously our titlist are ping our strickson hats but I think you need a little bit of B swag oo I love that wait this is so cute thing will’ll match the outfit today I’m

Kind of like digging in the sky what you super cute right yes all right let’s let do this one okay I love it yay oh now you’re actually ready to play I’m ready to play yeah are you ready to play I’m ready to play are you excited to play

With me excited yes absolutely 100% I didn’t practice you guys on purpose on purpose because I totally had time to practice but you’re being great hands no we’re going to have fun that’s the best part about belir is that you don’t have to be good at golf to come out and enjoy

A round of golf that is true wow I you guys I keep prepare for this see told you Mariah’s going to show us the range real quick before we get started but I’d love to know how you got into golf yeah way so I got into golf um my dad always

Play golf so we would like Chip and Putt all the time go to put Putt and chip in the backyard highly recommend that Dad if you have kids please do that chip in your backyard don’t worry about the grass it’s not worth it golf skills are

Way better um but in Middle School my mom and really encouraged me to try out for the golf team and that’s what got me into golf oh really yeah Middle School School golf team then High schoool golf team and then college golf team so it was all about the team aspect and the

Community involved um yeah that’s really what made me stick to the sport so we’re here at the driving range at Beller Golf Park the range is open till 10: p.m. so we’re open at night which is great for people in Arizona in the summer cuz they

Get so hot during the day finally cools off a little bit at night we have power tea put in so we pour the golf balls into the power tea box I can show you that and then the tea just pops up or the ball pops up with the tea so

Actually pretty similar Top Golf oh and then the bar if you guys want to drink oh yes we have the patio go ahead no it’s really just like Top Golf which I really like it’s like it’s just like fun um like golfing made fun basically okay

So these power tees are pretty cool you get your bucket of go balls and then you pour them into this spot here and then when you’re ready you push actually just comes out naturally for you so you can hit your shot and it knows and it pops a new ball

Up for you and then you can change the length of the te and then request new ball if you didn’t hit the ball I definitely want to come back at night and check it out I feel like so much fun yeah so much fun it’s a great Vibe oh

And perfect for date nights I also feel like right absolutely I think we’re here on the first hole I’m so excited let’s go in the golf game like it’s such a dynamic swing that we do that it’s so important to prepare your body for that movement so I love what you’re doing

Right now just like practicing that rotation in getting your back loosened up too like we don’t really want to swing with our back at all but it’s good while we’re stretching to really stretch it just in case you really go after it and you do use those back muscles more

Than you intended it’s good to have them like fresh and relaxed first hole yes all right I’m teeing it up tee my ball up a little bit higher on this one cuz I don’t feel warmed up yet and I don’t want to accidentally hit the ground um

But the general rule thumb is to have half of the club face covered by the golf ball nice sounded so good yeah that might be on the green W on the green oh it went past the green oops it’s okay at least we’re close enough cuz I definitely

Don’t think I would have drove in the green I only drive like maybe 200 hopefully we’re not in the bunker because hopefully not that’s not my suit oh no also the putting not my strong suit so if we can get it to land here I think that’ll look really good rolling

Down to that pen that looks good so good oh my gosh I’m going to teach you how to call the geese over to you it’s called the geese dance and you just kind of like lean in and you just blend in with the birds and they won’t even know you’re

Coming actually I think he knows he looks serious no they all know okay actually maybe let’s not go towards the birds so our putt here here I always like to look on the other side of the pin at the at the putt to see which way it’s going to break cuz sometimes you

Can’t see it from that side like different angles and things and then put it oh oh I definitely played it way too far left here it didn’t break as much as I thought it would and I thought it was a little more uphill yes you did actually par so you

Played college golf where did you play at I did I played at Arizona Christian University here in Phoenix so I came now from my home state out here to play college golf and I fell in love with Arizona and stayed great oh where are you from you’re not from Arizona I’m

From Indiana originally okay okay yeah we are on the back nine we started on the back nine today sometimes we just tee off on the back nine at Bel golf park and that’s fine um so we’re on whole 11 it is a parser and it’s a

Little bit shorter so I need to make sure I know the yardage this is just what we call a rangefinder and it tells you exactly how far away the pin is so the flag is 10 yard oh I left it a little bit open or it could have been aimed that way

Sometimes that happens okay well we are looks like chipping we got a nice little Chip Shot that looks so good it it oh no it rolled too much again oh my God go in money and that’s why she coaches you guys what are some like really fun

Activities that people can do when they come out here there’s so many that’s why I love it here it’s so warm um we don’t have the beaches per se but there are quite a few lakes that you can go to here um and like Lake Pal for example is

So cool and it has um like it kind of looks like you’re on Mars because the rocks are so red um and there’s like a lake right in the middle of it um so it’s kind of cool of course Mars doesn’t have lakes but I’m just saying the rocks

Are red Sedona is also another place that’s known for Red Rocks it’s beautiful yes I love um and there’s so much to do so many hikes that you can do um and I think my favorite is that like even in the city of Phoenix which is

Like I don’t know last I check was like 7 million people or I I could be way off on that but a lot of people um and there’s still like mountains in the middle of the city so you can like go from your apartment and then like a mile

Down the road is like a hike that you can spend 3 hours on and get away from like come the city life a little bit so that’s my favorite about Phoenix um are you seeing anyone dating can I ask like dating question what’s do relationship stuff

I am married yeah I have I don’t wear a ring because of my golf glove but I have a tattoo for him um so yeah my handle is Ms swag golf because my page is just about golf not about like my personal life outside of my dog I love posting

About her all the time yeah she’s so cute um but yeah he also is like a teacher so he’s not on social media does not want to be on social media um so I never post with him but I am married and then the MS is just cuz it’s also my

Initials so I’m want to make about girls like at you know girl golfer and empowering other girls to play golf um but yeah that’s that’s where I am married but the MS could be misleading I love that 138 I love this yardage actually oh really yeah oh that’s amazing they’re all

Around that looks so good that could go in oh my God we’re a little long oh we’re okay wow right that was amazing though good job I hit a little bit far cuz I’m just so strong the prot you guys this is very downhill so I have a few

Options here when I looked at it from like the cart I grabbed my pitching wch cuz I was planning on doing a nice little Chip Shot a little low shot let it kind of roll down the hill but now that I’m up here I see that it’s so

Downhill I don’t want to do a pitching wedge cuz it might get away from me so I grab my 56 instead and then of course there’s the option to put it but it’s later in the day and I there’s a lot of friends to get over here so I don’t

Really trust that the ball is going to leave this area with the putter so I’m going to use my 56 and like treat it like a putting stroke but let it kind of Bounce Over The Fringe and then roll out let’s see oh it had a little bit of

A bounce to the right but that could be off the green if I didn’t play it right so I’m glad that that worked out oh my gosh oh that was so good that was so good you did great and none of this was edited true pars three Pars in a row we

Met our goal none of it was edited really well okay it was edited all the shots were real all the shots are real we did not redo a shot we did not redo I’m just kidding we have dinner you guys we have finished um thank you so much to

Belir um golf part for letting us come on here obviously thank you so much for also just being a part of my channel and just like helping me get four three parts yeah three parts you’re amazing Jane you’re actually really good at putting too some clutch putts that takes a strong mental

Game so thank you for helping me get three pars actually you were kind in clutch you’re so sweet you’re so sweet uh remember you guys you can find Mariah um on her Instagram I’ll link it on the screen I’ll link it down below thank you

Yeah and then B Golf Park too we love to have new visitors so come out and visit us um and Jane thank you for being here today too you made it special here today thank you well that’s the end of today’s video I will see you in my next video

With that being said I like to say by birdies by birdies Yeah by birdies by birdies add the count of three okay ready three 2 1 bye Birdi


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