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Can Ross County WIN the Scottish Cup? – Season 4 Episode 17 (Transfer Round-up and Partick Thistle)

Peter Mackay is joined by Robbie Macdonald and Ramsay Banks as they delve into each and every transfer which has happened at the club, as well as checking out all the latest rumours which are headed our way.
It is set to be a huge tie in Dingwall this weekend as the Staggies welcome old foes, Partick Thistle, for the first time since THAT playoff game.
We hope you enjoyed this episode which includes exclusive footage from Derek Adams and George Wickens press conferences! As always, please follow us on social media @staggiesview and get in touch with feedback and questions!
Mon the Staggies 🙂

We got it across the only G it scor again Scot this time B Scot BR County are going to make history they’re going to become Legend he managed to sh big chance it looks like d h in h hello and welcome back back to the stagy vi podcast this is season 4 episode 17 and we are today looking ahead to our huge Scottish cup Clash against Park thisle as well as rounding

Up all the latest transfer news that has been going on in dingwell joining me today as usual it’s the Troublesome tuome from the wrong side of the cassic bridge it’s Robbie McDonald and Ramsey Banks Robbie how have you been this past week been good mate been good not had

Any County to ruin my weekend but glad to be back with you boys you know what they say another Saturday I’m beating for the staggies Roby what about yourself I’m not from that side I grew up 20 minutes away Point yeah good point but apart from that apart from

That you you reside in vaness now though that was my was in p7 it wasn’t my fault unbelievable but no apologies how are you mate me well apart from just preparing to Preparing and failing to slug you two off I’m doing pretty well but nevertheless boys since

We last spoke there’s been no football played for a change which is always good which means we don’t have much to moan about this week but there has been a lot of transfer action so you know the first first couple of weeks the transfer window was all quiet we’re getting a bit

Concerned but Derek he’s just been keeping us on our toes H and nevertheless now we’ve had a bombardment of ins and outs but before we bore you with our opinions we can hear from the gaffer himself I was lucky enough to be along at the press conference this week

So we will play in now everything he had to say about all the latest ins and outs so enjoy yeah I mean we’ve done three signings so far in loan Market we’re hopeful to confirm another one in loan either today or tomorrow uh and then we’ve got agreements in place for

Another two players uh on loan as well so we’re just waiting for the other clubs to either take in players uh to move the ones out and um we’ve just added strength and depth to the squad it’s important we do that and uh as I’ve said uh competition for places has got

To be good and the two other names that you have confirmed interally are you able to shed any light on that we C at this moment in time you know the one that um we have uh already here uh we’re just waiting on the paperwork being done

With uh a foreign Club at this moment in time and um we have the other two but they’re not here we’ve got to confirm that uh but um you know we’re hopeful of doing that probably next week um no we’ve we’ve obviously um looked at the goalkeeping department we’re given

Competition there uh defensively we have to do that as well which we will do Midfield strengthen that up competition for places uh in The Wider areas as well so I’ve looked at all the squad and it’s important for me to you know take in players that are going to add to the

Squad that’s already here yeah I mean Ben Fon uh was coming to the end of his contract and we picked up a fee for Ben so that was important to free up some wages for us and um Kyle Turner want some game time I was going to be able to

Give him that and he’s going to the championship and re throw us to together there so Kyle sort of longterm as obious still signed up for next year as well is that door still open for him to come back in next season potentially yeah of course you mean he’s he’s still under

Contract and we’ll be watching his progress you know that R thr I know Eli well because I with him at moram and he’s a talented player he’s here with us now with the idea of going back to Cardiff next season to go and play H first te football for him and he’s an

Excellent player George wickhams as well you know a really highly rated goalkeeper uh down Sou uh which is important and Brandon is a talent and um the Ross County supporters are going to you know see a talented player you know com to the r from Bingham City yeah in Brandon’s case I

Suppose you know is this a really good opportunity for him to to sort of have that breakthrough at senior level yeah we’re really fortunate to have him because he you know he’s he’s contracted to one of the biggest of the biggest agency uh in the world and uh you don’t

Often get a Tal like him to to come to your Club in a first loan and he’s one that um you can take the ball he can run with it he can open up defenses and score goals as well and uh I think that you know the three signings we’ve made

So far uh will help us we’ve made a force uh and he’ll definitely help us as well all these guys come immediately into the mix yeah if if everything can get right then the four of them will be involved in the 20 man’s sad for uh the

Weekend yeah yeah I mean it’s something that I’ve always uh liked to do and I probably spoke about it uh When I Was Here recently um I like to have a freshness to the squad um I like to have people looking over their shoulder and looking to see what’s what’s

Happening uh Comfort is not a good thing Comfort makes things easy and uh I need to get to people uncomfortable and uh you know pushing to to stay that team if you can get you know talented players in and loan we only had two loan SC high

Will night and we can do seven loans so and I will have seven loans here you know by the end of the window and obviously will one that you um you kept on as well was that one that you identified early on as being you know

Someone that you wanted to be yeah I mean will you know we’ve got will needs to um play games on a consistent basis and that means that put a run of you know 10 12 15 20 games together and if you look over his career he hasn’t done

That yet and uh that’s what we have to to get him to uh I’ve really been impressed with him in training and he’s improved uh over the last couple of weeks as well and he’s a front foot Defender he’s quick he’s strong uh and that allows us to play in a slightly

Different way going forward there’s been obviously speculation about yand Dand I think the club I’m right and saying the club has made it clear that you’re you’re not for letting them go in this window um are you to losing them in the summer Derek or you is that an open book

Hopefully or um that that depends in a multitude of things but in this window and we have had no offers for them at this moment in time we want to keep them and we will keep them in this transfer window unless someone pays money that you know we think that is acceptable but

Um you know from our point of view is a clear that I like watching and training and playing and want to keep them this forth signing is going that hasn’t been announced appr I appreciate to give to I think you said this one’s from a foreign

Club it’s it from a foreign Club but he is English so to take the departure tally of the club to five the first we should we’ll start off with the first permanent exit that we had um bit of a surprise I would say for most County fans Ben Pennington who’s been First

Choice left back under Derek Adams leaving the club he’s you know he’s he’s returned to his hometown signed for exitor City and and Derek Adams confirmed that we did pick up a fee for Ben Pon um you know but nevertheless as I said he was he was first choice and

Personally I kind of expected him to maintain that role and continue to be First Choice um but but how do you see it guys Roby what are your thoughts on pen and leaving the club I mean I am quite surprised there were Rumblings of it in the summer and exiter was the club

That were rumed to be interested in the summer so if it was to happen I would have expected it to be then but yeah it did seem that perington was very much Adams’s man I when uh I asked Adam the question after the karet game um obviously perington played under Adams

At Plymouth and it Adams did say oh yeah if I’ve not been clear enough then I’ll go to Ben and get him to sort of relay messages if I have to so um I’m not sure if it’s a case of uh Adams changing his mind and wanting something different or

Paring in wanting a new challenge but yeah I’m a little surprised but um it is the it is the position we’re most deep in we’ve got Harmon and Reed as well so hopefully it’s um hopefully both of them can step up in different moments but um

We’ll we’ll see who Adams favor is out of the two that’s the thing we’ve got like as you say there we’ve got Reed and we’ve got Harmon like we’ve got you would say we’ve got three pretty at least adequate left backs like none of them if they in the team lineup are you

Thinking oh here we go this is going to be a nightmare I think all three are definitely good enough to get a get a chance in the Scottish Premiership and as far as I’m aware like a good we get a transfer fee which obviously helps but I

Believe Ben pton was one of the highest paid players at least that was rumored so if you’re spending so much wages on a left back when you’ve already got two in behind them you can kind of see the logic in moving them on and maybe giving Harmon or read another chance and

Reinvest in those funds in a position we maybe need more of yeah I can completely agree with you too I think although it was unexpected it’s like it’s not it’s far from a you know like Panic why is he left sort of thing I think it’s kind of

I kind of half expected a life back to move on I just didn’t think it was going to be him I thought it was maybe G to be read out on loan or Harmon obviously maybe getting a a move downside to what you would call a higher level but um

Obviously we’re talking about the two left bus we still got and we’re going to get into you know what we want to see in the team later on but you know not taking a specific opponent into account who would you feel Adams is going to go

To to be the first CH left back now I think he’ll go to George I think he’ll pick Harmon whenever we’ve subbed on a left back for Harmon or an for Haron for purington or in addition to Ping and Harmon’s always been the first choice Off the Bench and has has Reed even

Played a minute under under Derek I think so yeah you I don’t know if he has um yeah that’s a good point I don’t think he has actually I think it’ll be George but I think Reed will get his chance now that PT’s away yeah Josh is

Off like he hasn’t played at all under Adams but he has been off the back of an injury and is maybe like you know just easing him in a way but I don’t dep I feel like Harmon if Harman can get to the if Harman gets a chance and takes it if he

Gets to the levels that he did in like the end towards the end of last season where he was scoring goals for the club been like actually helping out the attack quite a lot I think that will probably win Adams over I think back in like back when Adams was in charge of

Once before he always did have full backs that the like to get forward especially left back like the Scottish C the likes of Scotty Mo or like Mark Fitzpatrick in the championship I think there I think hopefully Harmon if he could get to the same kind of playing

Style as I think he probably would fit Adam system but Reed’s a perfectly good enough player if not definitely I mean I would say the same thing about Reed in terms of being attacking and I think it’s kind of interesting that maybe they weren’t favored in the first place

Considering Adams is always talking about he wants to play on the front foot and even when we were playing a a back five in the first you know four or five games under Adams Pon was still First Choice which I think is one why it feels

Like this has kind of come out of nowhere in a way because he it felt like he was kind of getting settled into the team but nevertheless it’s one to keep an eye on in terms of who will be getting the starting birth a left back but speaking of unexpected transfers the

Next one I think you know definitely took a lot of County fans by surprise um one that not many of many of us were expecting a guy who’s who has played 23 times for the club since joining the summer um obviously it’s Kyle Turner he

Joined as I said just in the summer from parck thisle um and you know arrived at the club and many fans expected him to come straight into the team and sort of be be a key figure it’s not really worked out for him um you know he has

Played football he’s not started many games and especially under Adams he seems to have been completely frozen out um no matter what shape we’re playing um so he has joined wraith Rovers on loan at the end of the season bit of a bit of a shocking and unexpected transfer

Robbie yeah I would say so I think that it’s again like PT actually like when you sit and think but I don’t I don’t think Adams is Keen on him it kind of seems that way for the first few games he’s not going much of a look at

Especially the kind of inclusion of Max sheath over Turner was a bit of a that was a surprise for me especially when he when she first came in a few games ago I think that was pretty telling of what Adams thought of Turner I think Turner’s probably quite a Turner certainly seems

Like quite a fiery C character so I can imagine there may be a bit of a a clash there but he had has I can’t say like he’s been decent but he hasn’t set the world Al like for County at all since he’s come in I think there

Are he never really looked like he was going to become a main stay off the squad but having said that there’s certainly some Talent there and I think he has got a couple of goals for Cy so you would say he probably is the kind of perfect squad player but I feel like

He’s probably a man who thinks that he can he should be starting every week and I wonder if Turner maybe had a bit of a call in that one and he’s B he’s kind of forced himself out to the club where he’s going to get some football yeah Ramsey obviously it was a

Transfer you were quite excited about in summer I believe I mean just give us your thoughts on it and after that not necessarily gone wrong but what do you think’s kind of been the hindrance for Turner in terms of not being able to get the minutes he wants in I mean Robbie I

Think you got it spot on in that in our Squad he’s a very useful squad player selfishly thinking from a Count’s perspective but he need to be playing football player of his quality um he hasn’t really gotten going this season and I was really excited for this

Transfer as as you said just because I my Park May Oscar in my year every week telling me how good this Kyle Turner was um so he’s not really got going that much this season he’s uh had a few games where he’s coming as a sub where he’s

Had to play out wide he’s been shifted around positions a little bit he hasn’t really consistently started in one position across the season so it’s it’s a little disappointing but um I uh I think it was in that interview that um you played of Derek Adams I think at the

End of the season the door hopefully should still be open for for Turner yeah definitely I think it’s interesting to think about you mentioned there him being kind of shifted about I think that’s not helped him in a way when he first came into the team and

Maly was playing the the kind of four Triple Two or two10 I think that’s where he L best um and obviously he’s a great talented player but I was never overly impressed when he was asked to play in that deeper role I think it kind of didn’t suit him but I think what’s

Really not helped him is the for of danda and I think when you’ve got someone like yand danda playing in front of you in your favorite position it’s never going to be an easy task is it well that’s what I feel like the fact that Turner has been allowed to

Go makes me I don’t want to be too hopeful here but it’s making me think that maybe D is going to be staying I feel like if if Adams did have that thought D’s going to be away or if like there was any concrete offers from the lights of

Hearts are downside or even hibs mentioned this week I feel like Turner as a player you’d be try to do everything to make sure you’ve still got the squad as that back up to him so hopefully if Turner’s being allowed the chance to go out and play football

That might mean that D might be sticking around a we bit longer yeah definitely I mean we might as well just jump forward slightly and talk about D obviously as you said there some hibs rumors commentating on Twitter this week Hearts obviously we know about we discussed it

Last time Bolton been mentioned um you know last summer there was teams like IPS which Burham mentioned um but you know according to Adams there’s been no bids whatsoever forand as things stand um and he’s you know was asked about is he resid to losing him in the summer and

Kind of didn’t really answer the question I think we all know we’re kind of resigned to losing losing him in the summer it was a bit like the the Charles cook situation but nevertheless I think you know with no bids coming in and Adam’s quite adamant to hold on to him

Until the summer I think that’s quite a bold statement in terms of you know Adam’s being able to to kind of have that relation Rel ship with him and make sure he kind of wants to be about until the summer and I think that can only be

A good thing for us I we all love him don’t we well it’s first of all yes I love yand dander but secondly um it seems that it’s because we’ve set quite a high asking price so um first of all if it’s from a team down south it’s good

Because you know the whole thing of Scottish teams outside the ugly sisters sort of rolling over for teams from down south and accepting lower offers it’s good that we don’t seem to be being low ball um I think I’ve I’ve always kind of said that I’d rather have six more or however

Many months is left of the season of him and then just let him go for free I obviously it would be good to get the money in but I don’t know we can’t have everything and with the way we’re fighting this season we really really need yand

Dander yeah D’s the difference in us going down or staying up he’s be worth a lot more to his staying the team he doesn’t strike me as a player who’s going to down tools at all even if he was maybe he’s G to get away he seems he’s a pretty professional character

From what you come across he doesn’t seem he’s not a player who seems to like throw STS for that on the pitch I feel like he’s a player who’s G to want to showcase his ability and like if he’s going to earn himself a move at the end

Of the season he’s gonna have to play with to get himself a decent transfer down to England I also think that if given that team’s now able to get him on a three and they’re not going to have to pay a transfer fee it probably means

That he can get himself more wages out of it if players if teams have more money for the transfer so maybe it will work out for D end I think ideally for us he doesn’t sign a pre-contract I think if he signs a pre-contract that’s maybe where you can see a player’s head

Turning Away We bit but I don’t think even if he does I don’t think that’s I don’t think he’s the type of player who’s going to be acting like that no completely agree hopefully if he does sign a pre-contract you could sort of look look at it as well if you’re yand

Well I’ve signed a pre-contract at X Club I can kind of get that out of my mind now and focus on County for the last months I’m here you never know but hopefully if he does sign one it’s not a case of well I’m going to be there next

Season I remember saying about sorry Ramsey oh I had nothing else to say I was kind of hoping someone else would save me there I had nothing else but continue I remember I remember Mal saiding about yakti how Maly basically said to him like we’ve given you an opportunity here give

Us everything for the last what like the last few months of your career and we’ll let you go for free like I think D’s probably seeing that as well like Dand was a player who was without a club after Swansea obviously and county or the team who have kind of given them the

Chance to get back and like put himself back in that window and kind of put himself back in the lmel we bit so I imagine D would be happy to kind of repay C’s fath especially by try keeping in the league I don’t think he’s not

Going to want a relegation on his CV anyway yeah definitely not I think I think we rounded that up nicely D but we do have one more departure to talk about this one although it’s a departure it’s quite a positive departure in my opinion it’s Adam McKinnon he’s found himself

Load move obviously was at BR in the first half of the season um didn’t go didn’t go on loan till quite late H in the summer window obviously was kind of told that he might be needed in and around the squad so had to hold off and

Then moved to BR on loan got some game time under his belt and now Championship side are bro have come calling for his Services it’s a great move for him isn’t it that’s an excellent move I think the the highest loan he’s had is montreos at

League one so it’s really positive to uh see him getting a a second tier move at this stage I think it’s it’s it’s exactly what um the club will have been hoping would sorry it’s exactly what the club will have been hoping for when they

Sent sent him out to B on that shortterm loan sort of put himself in the window for a um a move higher up the ladder he’s a player that like I believe he played well at mon troll as well he was a player that monroll fans kind of rated

Highly especially going off thei like socials and that so it was a move I think all three of us I remember saying on the podcast were surprised when they ended up at bro Rangers at the start of the window I think you would have been hoping during the summer that he would

Be able to get himself into a club like at least the level of League one if not a team like AR bro so yeah it’s only positive as long as he can get himself some game time and get himself into that first team for or bro I think it’s only

A move that’s going to benefit his career and you know just more more experience at a higher level playing men’s football is exactly what you need at his age I think he’s had injuries as well so um but that might have been part of the

Reason why he was at BR in the first place yeah obviously he was thrust in at the deep end of the weekend he made his debut Off the Bench just 12 minutes into their game U so he didn’t he didn’t get much beding in time uh our both picked

Up an injury and he was the one called upon so yeah as we said good move for Adam and hope he does really well and can come back and I think you know it’s getting to the time where he’ll be thinking to to himself that he can start

To push for a place in the squad and in the first team at some point but nevertheless boys that’s all the outs time to talk about the exciting stuff the transfers into the club first one we had on our hands was George wickins um a goalkeeper unan from fim he’s an England

Youth in Arsenal had a Lon at wildstone before um he was actually third choice last season and this season uh for f in the Premier League so coming from very good pedigree and we can hear from the the new man in between the sticks right now welcome to the tropical Highlands of

Scotland and when did you get uh I’m track of days um last Tuesday yeah split the journey up so definitely help but a bit of a slug and how are you finding things so far up here yeah really enjoying it it’s all obviously new for

Me and to come into a new environment in general it’s obviously it’s different but yeah the lads are brilliant the everyone’s been really weling with me the goal Leed a lot so yeah I’ve really settled in well and and yeah enjoying it a lot yeah I’ve had yeah about a week of

Training now so yeah yeah enjoying that and getting to know the lads obviously having players in front of you that haven’t done before and yeah just getting into it really understanding The Lads and and how it all works but yeah it’s going well uh I’ve spoken to the

Gaffa before hand a couple of years ago um that never materialized for reasons at Fulham but yeah had a really good chat with him back then a similar chat with him a couple of weeks ago as to how he works and and how the clubs run and

Yeah for me it’s a it’s a big pull and obviously not only that the league there’s there’s so much exposure here and some big games coming up and yeah just for me the next step is to S of come here to this sort of level and

Prove what I can do yeah I think for me the the 21s level is is good for probably a period of time probably when you’re a bit younger um and yeah like you said you play against some big teams and bigm and there is exposure in that

Respect but for me I’ve I’ve always wanted to not stay in that sort of level for too long because it’s not obviously as competitive as as your men’s football but yeah there certainly sort of positives to gain from that respect in that league but there’s definitely in my

Opinion going to playing men’s football is you’re going to learn so much more and get so much more exposure yeah is that why this move really appealed to you because you saw it as that opportunity to really kind of break into that that senior kind of environment

Yeah yeah massively I had had a taste of it a couple of years ago back in England with Wist which I I really enjoyed was a really good season for me and to be honest I wanted to push on then and and go on loan again but for reasons at my

Parent Club they wanted me to stay there and in the end there was plenty of sort of valuable lessons to be learned in being third choice last year at a club like Fulham but yeah for me I’ve never really been one to sort of just want to train without having something to to

Play for on the Saturday so to come here and to have that it’s it’s a massive pool for me and I’m I’m really excited to get going you mentioned a couple of years ago that you had Derek approached for your services and can you sort of

Expand on that a we bit and does it give you a we bit of confidence in the move that he’s obviously been keeping tabs on your your career yeah and that was obviously something as well when I had that conversation with him more recently

The fact that he has s kept TS on me ever since and shows that sort of faith for me that’s it’s obviously nice you want to come into somewhere where you sort of feel valued and you feel like they sort of want you for and know you well and yeah in having that

Conversation a couple years ago to then that to sort of be reignited again and and have another conversation with him for me was was obviously very helpful and a pull for me to to join here he just said that obviously this made me aware of the goalkeeper situation and

And said that to come in here and and give comp competition and obviously the more competition there is in in any environment I I like to think it brings out the best in in sort of everyone so yeah and for me that’s not something I’m afraid of is having competition and I’m

Sure for Ross as well that that will help him and he’ll see it in a positive way so I think for for everyone for the club and for the goalies it’s it’s just a positive thing for yeah for everyone really Ramsey uh maybe another sort of unexpected signing H getting George

Wickens in the door considering Ross lad law has become so established in the Ross County staks what’ you make of it I mean uh lad has always played his best football when he’s had competition from a Al loone from down south um it’s uh probably it’s probably a little harsh on

U on Russman R who’s because obviously at the start of this season um Maly will have told him it’s obviously now up to you to provide that um provide that competition um I think the last long keeper we had was jwood who got recalled

Early I think yeah um so L Law’s had a year now without that sort of if you want to call it that traditional laid law English loan competition that’s doesn’t really roll off the tongue but you know what I mean he’s had backer he’s had Eastwood he’s had Brewer May

Brewer he’s had um Duan um so uh it’s probably uh it’s probably one of those you never know as you said he is from really good pedigree you know fulam um trading in around their first team squad being third choice we could see we could see him

Have a quite a few first minutes as well if he turns out to be really really good but to be honest I I don’t see him displacing l law L law has just been that good so far yeah obviously you know I I would you know I

Get I get what you’re saying about the fact L Law’s played his best football when we’ve had a low KN but I would going to argue that the past year you know despite League our league positioning is maybe when we’ve seen the best delayed law and I mean especially

Towards the end of the season you can kind of you know place a good chunk of the blame of staying in the pr ship on his shoulders um but would you say that you know this game coming up on Saturdays not necessarily a good chance but maybe an opportunity for wicens to

Just go straight into the team considering it’s a Cup match Robbie yeah it could be I don’t think like Adams isn’t the we’ll talk about the Scottish cup a bit more but Adams isn’t the type of play the type of manager is going to play he’s not going

To down tools at all for the Scottish cup so I think if he if wickens comes in and Adams thinks that lad law is a better goalkeeper I think he probably will stick with lad law but wickens is certainly High he’s highly rated from what we see obviously six’ five which is

Ridiculous and it’s not like but it’s not I know you can’t just go off height because we’ve had plenty tallers have been Ms but you know 6’5 22 year old he’ll just be he’s rant to goal like you can tell I think like you were at the press conference yourself and you said

He was a pretty seemed like a pretty decent guy yeah came across really really well it’s quite confident as well I would say I thought you were gonna end that pretty yes answer is I’ll leave those comments to you I’m yeah James br’s not a mention for a

While true won’t be getting any more now this boy’s joined yeah so nevertheless George wickens in on goal uh and just a couple of days later we had our second signing of the window obviously with Turner and Ben Payton leaving the club uh freed up

A bit of room in the Midfield areas and the first midfielder who joined the club was Brandon Kella on loan from Birmingham uh a central midfielder uh someone who’s very very highly rated despite being just 18 years of age he’s made one appearance for Birmingham city but been playing for their under 23

Sides and seems to be you know incredibly highly rated as I said by their fans so quite sign in chaps yeah this this seems like sorry Robbie this seems like a really good one I think he’s I’m am I I don’t think I’m wrong in saying he’s more sort of

Attacking midfielder Yeah by what Adams was saying yeah yeah I think uh this is probably to take Turner’s place in the squad right now with fingers crossed we keep yand dander to sort of provide that competition come come on in matches even start if we can uh find a place for

Maybe deeper Midfield you never know um he seems really highly rated I think um it’s his first loan I think uh Maly always said it’s sort of kind of difficult for a player on his first loan which is you know obvious um but hopefully he can handle it I think it’s

A the first time County have signed a player younger than myself for the first team squad so I feel rubbish about this one I think the dream’s well and dream dead now but um yeah this this does seem like a a really exciting one and I hope gets um opportunities to prove

Himself Robbie how you feeling about K joining yeah he certainly seems like an exciting player going off the kind of reviews and the just the mentions he’s had from Bingham fans he’s not a player I’m going to pretend that I know an awful lot about I haven’t watched much Bingham

Under 18s football in the past couple of years maybe should have to prepare myself for this podcast but going off Adam’s got comments there Adam certainly seems like he’s a really excited player and he’s a I don’t know just whenever Adam whenever Derek Adams is sign an attacking midfielder I always just think

He’s gonna be a bit of a player he’s gonna he seems like a player who’s good on the ball and hopefully I don’t know just a bit just a little creative sport we do we do miss a bit of creativity especially when dander gets subbed off inevitably on the Arrow

Mark so hopefully ke as a player will just be ring to go young exciting getting a team and I just hope he’s better than Alex Robertson was yeah indeed and uh obviously the sightings kept on coming um and another Midfield addition someone who Derk Adams has worked closely with before this

Season in fact it is Eli King on loan from cter City one we spoke about in the previous podcast so he he’s been linked there’s been rumors uh and then then a couple of days before it happened Cardiff City page on Twitter kind of said yeah it’s happening he he’s on his

Way up kind of thing and we were just waiting waiting for the announcement waiting for that crown emoji to come on Twitter um but this is one personally I’m I’m really really excited about I think Derek Adams can’t speak highly enough of him and neither can card of

City fans and from what we hear they’re kind of feeling like after this loan he’s going to be ready for for their first team so that excites me a lot that’s a telling point I think that Adams coming out specifically saying that King is pushing to get himself in

Card of cities first even C like that’s no pushover I’m sure the Cardiff still have Aaron Ramsey in their squad like they do yeah team is like they’ve got they’ve always had good midfielders Cardiff especially in that for a team in the championship so I think if Kings

Kind of envisioning himself in that level he’s going to need to perform this season and going off what Moran have been saying about him he hopefully will be able to make the step up yeah Ramsey I’m not really sure how much I can add to what Robbie said it’s

Obviously um it’s always good to sign a player that’s that highly rated and also has had um a loan under his belt obviously at moram um it’ll be good it’ll be good for him personally to play in a in a different League system obviously in Scotland instead of England and and if

What’s being said is true and this is his sort of last couple months before right year in the squad um of cardi city is that is very very exciting yeah this loan kind of reminds me of the Charlie locken loan he was kind of coming in when he’s already been

In and around the first team and made appearances and kind of you know they they kind of at the time Birmingham were thinking that was his last loan before it was time and and at the end he did get a new contract at the end of it so

Again maybe it’s quite an attractive loan for for players like that so fingers crossed that that one works out and I think you know considering he’s worked under Adams before it’s probably you know he’s probably quite well placed to go straight into the stting 11 you

Know Adams has probably got a level of trust there with him already I would imagine but nevertheless does love bringing players around with him oh yeah yeah I know I’m surprised we’re not getting a Yan song going yeah or a Jordan slooh yeah still time still time anyway boys that that

Rounds up the latest Transfer News George wickens branding Kayla and Eli King into the club and since the last time we spoke Adam McKinnon going out on loan alongside Kyle Turner both of the championship and Ben Pinon exiting the club on a permanent deal to exitor City

So five out overall three in um and as we heard from DK Adams before this more on the way in he said that by the end of this transfer window we will be maxing out all seven loans um I actually had expected someone to be announced today

Um according to what Adam said but nothing nothing’s materialized so I’m thinking keep your eyes peel tomorrow whether this podcast will be out or not it probably will be out and we’ll probably have missed it um but from what we know um it’s a an English player

Who’s contracted to an overseas Club who will be joining Ross County on loan there been a few rumors on Twitter recently about Cameron borwick Jackson who was formerly of man united and Burton again he’s a left back so it’s not one that I would say is you know

Screamingly obvious I was hoping it was going to be an English Winger who was formerly of Watford and Crystal Palace but but maybe the less said about that the better I think Striker currently at Bayern [Laughter] Munich anyway so before we before we round up all the transfer chat out Lads

What do we still need and what do you want tell me Wingers I want exactly what we need I want we need a center back or five need a Wingers or three yeah we get a couple if we get at least two Wingers maybe that’s a bit hopeful one

Winger a good solid Center back that’ll be decent enough for me I think I think it doesn’t look like so far it doesn’t look like there’s much I know pton just kind kind of came out of nowhere so there is a there’s a chance but all the rumors about M have died

Down D’s gonna D’s just G to chirp away the rest of the window I don’t think time will just tell on D but it doesn’t look like there might be anyone really leaving in the next I’m glad you brought up maray because dundy have just signed

Curtis main up front yeah which I’m not sure about dundy United but it looks like fingers crossed the S Mario rumors might his his he’s another one his contracts up at the end of the season so that might be when we see Murray go away but obviously we don’t know

Umed signed that boy Al yeah that’s both Striker already so surely that’s not Sur both two decent Strikers as well surely that’s not going to leave them much money to come in for Simon m but yeah table ta uh one position it’s not really a pressing issue like it’s it’s not a it’s

Not a problem position I wouldn’t mind us see us um seeing us uh use one of those loans on a right back because if James Brown gets injured or suspended again we lose Conor Randall in the Midfield yeah yeah it’s a good shout I think I agree with you I think Wingers

That it’s got to be the priority um we’ve only got two at the club you know as think stting one has played barely any football this season um and I think yeah Center half obviously night and Gil stain is a massive plus Point um yeah I would say we definitely the center half

And the only thing that could maybe bring up would be the situation with Dylan Smith and the fact that you know is he going to be getting enough minutes to maintain a place in the squad you know we maybe look at a loan there or something along those lines

But that’s that’s that’s further down the line we’ll discuss that when we hopefully have actually signed the center half yeah said he thinks we’re gonna have one in one in in time for the part game and then two more next week yeah so yeah basically what he said we’ve got

Three agreed um one is at the club and just waiting to be announced and two are waiting for paperwork to go through so it’s going to be a busy few days hopefully I wonder I wonder if they’re just going to do a Jordan slooh again

You know when uh I wasn’t there but you know when slooh like we were playing cie and slooh was just on the center circle ready to take kick off without being in yeah just all the team I remember dods I remember dods was doing the sports own

Commentary that day he reading out the county team and he was going through the team and he just went I’m not going to lie to you guys I’ve never heard of this player he’s like no idea who he is no idea when he plays Jordan’s lose starting for Ros

County good times and that day he was class he was class against car that day sh could scored any goals but player get him back anyway boys it is Scottish cup weekend so before we delve into all the part this chat got we ice breaker that

Should have been done at the start of the recording but I actually forgot 35 minutes yeah so after well uh we we’ll get into that now boys so let’s just let’s just keep it basic let’s just go Scottish cup memories favorite games you know worst games favorite moments anything that

Stands out to you Robbie will’ll kick off for you soon as you’re the old man here old man I’ll take us back right to when I first started watching County I would say that by far my favorite scottage cup M has to be the Celtic game

In the 2010 Scottish cup run yeah I think that’s standard yeah that’s probably my earliest proper me I do remember I remember the quarterfinal away in Edinburgh I remember the kind of like I remember tiny little Snippets in that but I couldn’t say I remember like

Like most of my memories from that game are from the TV cameras but I do I vividly remember Martin Scott’s goal against Celtic and my dad just running out like we were standing like next to the staircase my dad just running out on the stairs like this like what on Earth

Has happened hand on head just could not believe that we’d gone two and0 up and effectively well that was basically confirmation that we had knocked out one of the biggest clubs in Scotland so I think that by far is my favorite Scottish cup memory Ramy uh should I I’m going to bring us

To least favorite I also going to do that this one is kind of specific um so in 2016 my uncle was having a stag do at uh Hospitality at County and it was County against dundy United I think I think it was I think the final score

That day was 3-0 to knock us out the Scottish cup and first of all I was human because I was a weak kid and I couldn’t go to County because obviously no kids it’s a stag second of the ball just watching the updates from home 3-0

It’s just not great hold on I’m going to double check this was a Scot if this is a leag if this is a league game but um we definitely lost we definitely lost to D United in the cup Googling it real quick but I think

The I think the cup might have been one I think we might have played them like two times in a row and we got beat twice in a row Rings familiar bells to Aber we lost yeah exact we lost three nil and we lost one nil I can’t remember which was the

Cup and which was the league but it was a Dreadful Dreadful and that was literally I’m sure that was the week before the Scottish cup the Scottish League Cup Final as well uh oh no this was in the league never mind BR yeah uh well researched podcast I’ve

Got a second I’ve got a second bad memory this I think this was also 2016 uh Jamie record went to clear off the line hit it against the back of Scott B it went in against l g at home so I don’t remember that I remember that game we beat L go R

42 I think I remember that game when let go rul took so many fans like actually reminded me that kind of atmosphere reminded me of when we played hibs in the quarterfinal in 2010 when you like the 2010 game against HS there was 1600 County fans at Easter Ro and

It’s just all hope when there was very very little expectation a game like that so that that was a brilliant brilliant day yeah one my uh my least favorite I’m going to take us to is more recent um Ramsey we were there H Livingston away in the wasn’t there you not I was

There we were at Livia way the day the train got that was in the league yeah being being too many badly experiences they’re one but Robie you know what I’m on about Jack B’s right wing that’s all it needs to be said uh Ben Payton left wing um

Sam up top I think when Samuel was bad so but yeah do it was Dominic Samuel as well Alex SP the whole game just hung and Charles cook running alone the to play fr think yeah just nothing special just an AB rotten game yeah and I rotten starting

11 um try to think who who was playing in the back the back line that game and I can’t remember for the life of me should I Google it I but yeah I ah could have been yeah I always thought dry Dale was okay you know you remember that header he lost uh

D United away to Nikki CL that seems to be his defining moment which is a little bit sad but oh well yeah if if he won that head he probably would have got a permanent contract he was he was okay like I okay so L LA Randall Dale Kane Ramsey Jake

Vulin Jack Burrows Roth Ben Payton bliss b and the Samuels who came on as Subs Harry pton and Jordan white we didn’t even I think we didn’t use all all the subs yeah I think that’s what that’s what was so annoying I think the fact we

Just like didn’t use any subs it kind of felt like we were just purposely tried to get knocked out at the Scottish cup the Fest back of the league we had three center backs and two goalkeepers on the bench wow there you go I think the lack

Of the lack of favorite moments from you is kind of showing how bad we’ve actually been in this competition I think we give away all of our cup like quality in the cup for that League Cup win yeah since since 2010 we actually haven’t really done much at all in the

Scottish cup no me and uh me and good friend of the podcast good Journal Andrew Henderson were’re talking about this at the press conference the other day when we’re like preparing for Adams to come in and we were thinking about the Scottish cup and like you said

Robbie we genuinely have done nothing in the Scottish cup since 2010 far but not by far because plenty of them but one strong Contender for my least favorite character game of all time let alone just in the Scottish cup was in January 2018 me and my dad drove down to K Marik

From is this young game and much like Rams was talking about earlier Jordan slooh this time we got to see another big Striker coming into the squad for his first start his name was inie fog and he was a absolutely hopeless so bad man one of the worst

Strikers there’s been a few there’s been a few contenders again but one of the worst Strikers I’ve ever seen at County I’ve got our Scottish cup uh history here if anyone fancies a bit of pain go okay uh 2023 knocked out on penalties in the fourth round by

Hamilton obviously 2022 knocked out by Livy 1 nil 2021 uh is a game that doesn’t count because it was in lockdown three want against C oh that bad that’s me just trying to cope with that result that was bad one nil loss against air United in the fourth round that’s stinking as

Well yeah that was in 2020 one uh replay defeat in the round of 16 against C on penalties that was a um that was a low point Park yeah that was the especially with mullen’s equalizer in the in the original game I actually think yeah in

Terms of favorite moments I think that m zek in the first game and also Michael gan’s goal to put us 2-1 up at C before I think it was probably Jordan white equalized but gine scored right down in front of the county fans away at C to

Put us two1 up with like 20 minutes ago that is one of the best celebrations I’ve seen and I like from County fans in that game but obviously it wasn’t to be in the end Jordan white scoring against County just doesn’t sound rights against us that’s we went down I

We played we played them six times yeah they they never managed to beat us within 90 minutes I know mate I remember they never beat us but they always B does we always like Scot he was brilliant yeah well no but thought to be fair you’ve named a few

Like losing the Cali twice and hamt but I still think I still think that K on game was the worst in a lot of them with just on Chris eagles billy mackai was playing left wing and then that game as well like we shouldn’t have even lost it because like

It was nil nil it was literally the car said minus 10 on the way down it was freezing it was like as cold as today and we played rubbish but so karic so it was fine and then in like the 88th 89th minute one of their players I think

It was that who’s the boy we always were linked with Ry Mckenzie was it was it Roy he ran in the Box goes past Chow slips slips goes down and holds his head like this being like Oh no I’ve just messed up the chance looks up and the

Referees point to the spot and give him Tim CH a red card for and it was Lee Irwin as well Lee Irwin who ended up playing for us scored the penalty and then our only really our only real attempt of the whole game came two minutes later from Anna mck who headed

The ball off the bar and it was to be fair it was nowhere I was screaming for the time it was nowhere near in but I’ve never seen a player so adamant in scored like I thought he was about to rip the ref’s head off terrible that name taking me

Back up I just have to point out that he got sent off for fighting one of his own players in Ireland anyway I’ll just run through some of our other results so obviously that loss against Killy render 16 against abin and I was half right in

2016 we did lose against dundy United uh in the scotch cup uh um St Johnston Hibbs Cali again what year that it was hold on it was a replay again this was 2013 oh that was a so that was the F the first game of that was the 33 you remember we drew

33 with him in dingwell and it was like Britain scored an 8 Britain scored like five to goal and then oh I think this was VI’s free kick I was going to just say that yeah yeah vigers it was vigers equalized about five minutes to go and then Britain

Scored a free kick in the last minute and we all thought we’d just beat CI 32 and then they went up and equalized story no I think it was for I think it was Richie for oh really it was that Adams butcher Britain foran trar that was like Peak Highland or

And then the replay I’m sure I’m sure the replay was the game I think Ross toley had the ball off his own crossb for County that was like his like home coming against kie you know he tried his hardest to score an goal the flipping little rat yeah I think yeah we’ve had

Plenty plenty lows in the cup but the highest the highest high that we’ve had in the Scottish cup was under Derek Adams so to go again so that takes us back to present day obviously as you mentioned Robbie Derek Adams the homecoming Scottish cup Park thistle making their retiring trip to

Dingwell looking for Revenge after we inflicted the worst result in their in their club’s history on them H just before the summer there obviously they’re doing all right this season Chris Duan in charge obviously he’s a club legend himself they’re sitting third in the championship on 36 points they’ve won 10

Matches this season which is not bad unbeaten in their last three um uh obviously their sides changed quite a bit since that playoff game but they’ve still got that core there and you know we know how much of a tough game they gave us you know throughout both legs

You know we looked you know no no one need us to go over this again but we did look completely down and out and we look done and dusted they had us absolutely on the bloody ropes um so you know by no means you know despite them being a championship Club is this

Going to be an easy TI L yeah it’s a big challenge we we obviously know from last season because the two clubs came up against each other in the playoffs and uh I watched them last weekend and they did really well against our bro you know they’re an excellent outfit they’ve got

A lot of good players and you know from my point of view it’s a club that you know I grew up with Donnie mckin was old kit man there my dad played for them and you know I used to have the the old part of thisle strip so it’s a fabulous

Football club they’ve got a good young manager uh with them and a lot of talented players in the squad yes of course and uh you know we’ve got to go there see here here and win the game they’ve got home Advantage um we’ve got a squad of players that have had a a

Couple of weeks rest from action um we understand that P to have played you know in that period but uh from our point of view it’s given us an opportunity to uh try and you know get players fitter and than you know that been out injured and who’ve done you

Know quite well in there a moment I will never forget is 30-0 down before D’s penly talking about a away yeah we were convinced I was so convinced uh did get a we Tri to away this season lovely day but there was no change in my mind that we were down at

That point but nevertheless they return Robbie are you confident nope I don’t go it’s right word hopeful I don’t think it is it it’s not a draw I wanted when the draw was made I thought that I never like draw top end championship teams we drew bottom of the

Championship last year and lost so championship is not a team that you want but they’ve not like they’ve been decent but they’ve not set the world this year like only with 10 out of 21 games in the championship isn’t that great a record I think they definitely are worse than

They were last season when they last played us but I’m not convinced that we are much better either so time will tell but I think I’m just hoping that they have a bit of PTSD a bit of some terrible flashbacks when they come up to D I don’t think

They’re going to be playing music in the Chang of rooms at all this time round and time will tell but I don’t I think Adams is a game that Adams will be desperate to win so Ramsey Park thisle are you confident or are you dreading it

You know what I’m feeling good I I I’m feeling good for this one there is no basis for me feeling good but I do I like you know what we have been shite in the cups we’ve been terrible in both cups um since we since we won The League Cup

Uh Derek Adams is back you know he’s he’s he’s Mr Scottish cup when it comes to Ross County um I feel like it’s time for something good let’s road to hamon you know soon come fingers cross yeah well I certainly hope you’re right so nevertheless boys it’s been a

While since we’ve done a starting 11 for the upcoming match so I think it’s time to get our heads together if we manage not to argue too much about a back three or a back four this week and we might actually make some progress and get a

Good team um just thought about g a pre-warning i don’t want any of that do we have enough players for a back three uh back just about we go it’s gonna be a B for it’s Smith back and his Balwin no I don’t think he is and also don’t know if bals was

Suspended and no one else knows either I I think I asked about every single person in that presser and I asked Jack Michael as well and yeah no one no one no one’s got a clue hope the club though before message him situation message him

Yeah we’ll do it actually do it he might reply when we’re recording so ask was he suspended the weekend himself yeah yeah to be fair it’s worth a go yeah as long as we don’t have a Queens Park s situation like last time they anyway are we are we watching are

We want Ross laid law on the Nets we are oh I am I think yeah I am as well Robert yeah I think so I think did you actually message Jack Baldwin I think it’s harsh to I think it would be harsh to get rid of Ross Le law

No you’s gonna patch that question what’ you say did you actually message Jack Baldwin no of course not well to be yeah okay whatever anyway backk four or back five back four back four yeah gota be uh let’s just let’s go from right to left

See his left a bit of a talking point Robbie talk me through your back forward from right to left uh back for from right to left we’ll start with James Brown and then will Knight and gaale Ryan Leak and George Harman decent Ramsey any disagreements

Nope none same for me uh I think Harmon is the favored left back um he was when pingan was there um obviously he was the favorite sub left back when ping was there I think now will be bu up to starter I think we’ll see Reed off the

Bench at some point which will be good because it’s been a we well I think it was abine at home was his last game when he got that nasty injury um and I think yeah Brian leak will nighting I think even if Baldwin isn’t suspended um I think it’d be it’d be

Harsh to leave leak out and I think night Andale is be has has been in better form uh than Jack even though he is the cover star of this podcast yeah I think I completely agree I agree I think suspension or not I think you know maybe a short spell on the

Sidelines could maybe rejuvenate Baldwin a bit um I think he’d probably be inclined to agree that his form’s not been what at once was um but yeah I think I agree but if it changed I wouldn’t be you know all through just hard you know say if Reed was to start

At left back I’d be I’d be more than happy with that um in terms of Midfield and shape what what are you guys thinking nothing sure I think are we thinking it will be a a two and a a two and then a one or so to speak a two and then a

Dander yeah I I think it’ll probably be a like a like a four Triple Two To be honest think it’ll be like two wi 10s kind of thing that we played against har imagine he’ll probably I imagine he’ll go with dander and Sims to start I I just I

Struggle to see him chucking any the I could be completely wrong but I struggle to see him chucking any the you Bo straight away I don’t think straight away I could see him playing King straight away I think I think King comes straight in then King come straight into

What king and D no King and uh King and allise sitting oh King sitting is king oh is King on holding mfield yeah more so he’s he’s an eight oh okay oh okay yeah okay King allardice D but then again Randall we don’t really know the situation on allardice or Randall they I

Don’t think too keen on Rand City he didn’t really he didn’t shed much detailed light on that during the week either he said that you know the guys who are out are pretty much going to be out which makes me think that allardice is still going to be out R we know wasn’t

Out through injury but we don’t know why he was out he was unavailable so he could be back but that kind of with those two out it kind of leaves us quite short in the middle I don’t think he’ll play but what’s the story kak he’s still out injured still out okay yeah

Kakin oh man never again really is my word I it’ll be it’ll be king and L D Sims White and M Robbie the thing I love about you is that you don’t mince words know maybe maybe he could find a bit of form under Adams and but if he

Plays anything like he is kind of anything like he was playing before his injury shouldn’t have even get a look in with some of the midfielders we’ve got now fair enough yeah each their own say that like I don’t agree did just I remember his highlight last season was assaulting a Killy

Player fair if he did that again Prett much anyway I think I’m inclined to agree with you Robbie in terms of the the midfield for I think if we just park the players who are like we think aren’t available just to be on the safe side and I think

I would go Loui and King I think sheath was decent but he’s not he’s not a holding midfielder and he was bypassed a lot in those two games that he did start when he was on the ball yeah I thought he looked good but he’s not come B

Enough to play in that deep rers I feel like it’s quite obviously they’re completely different profile but it feels a bit similar to when Turner played in that deeper role it’s like yeah he’s quality and he’s got technique but he’s not really go he’s not power sheath could not tackle really in

That deeper role which he need to do but I thought his reading of the game was really good I thought he made a good few decent interceptions obviously we were rubbish like against Aberdine we were terrible but I think that’s one of the things I noticed about sheath in that role I

Would I in an Ideal World we would not see him have to do that again ever but I thought his reading the game was quite good I thought he managed to intercept quite a few dangerous looking balls that said we did get cut through like butter

They ended up in behind our defense so many times but every time that happened it wasn’t really Chief’s fault I don’t think yeah I think he didn’t disgrace himself um but like he said nobody played well so there’s definitely a cause for debate but I would I would go

Lunian King I think if you agreed ramsy yeah nice and then Sims and D I guess is could be debated that Henderson had minutes off the bench against Aberdine uh and was one of the only players in the team who managed to must up a shot

On target H despite only being on the park for about three minutes um could he be checked in during Adam’s fanes him maybe obviously a I hope what you would call a Winger by trade as well might he might fancy him because of that I just remember being when Henderson was

Breaking through at St mirin being so jealous because he looked like he had like you know he had such a high ceiling and obviously the reason he came to us is because not because he wasn’t good enough for them they just changed their system he didn’t fit and it was time for

Him to play first team football and I I hope I I hope we get to see him in this last stage of the season I think he could genuinely be really important I remember Andrew Henderson uh said to me I think he was at the friendly against n

Before the season he said to us in full confidence oh yeah Henderson is a better Crosser than dander yeah so I think Jay Henderson could be really important for us he was certainly a player who was good for the scum last year like especially in K’s cup run he

Looked like a player who was putting in decent deliveries and that so I don’t know if I think surely surely if you can perform at that level in a championship you can at least make it I know like I know that maybe contradicts what we’re talking about Turner earlier

But surely if you could if you’ve got that kind of attacking progress in the championship surely you’re able to transfer some of that into the Premiership I think it’s a good uh sort of game to to introduce Henderson to give him his first start I think yeah obviously we want to go and

Do well in the cup um and we want to go as far as we can but I think there has to come a time where people have to be given opportunities if we keep it the same and keep it still especially after the result we’ve just had then I think

We’re probably doing something wrong especially as you guys have mentioned the quality we know he’s got if we just kind of waste it then you know what was the point buying him what was the point bringing him to the club I think against a lower league opposition I think it’s

Time he got to start and I think whenever we’ve seen sort of short flashes of him I have been really impressed so I think I would probably tip him to start and no disrespect to Sims because I think he has stepped up to an extent but I think the lack of

Wingers we have obviously Dan doesn’t on to play on that that left hand side no one’s going to come near him I think it’s time for Henderson to to get a look in yeah I remember when uh it wasn’t common knowledge that Jay Henderson was injured and we were at mother well away

And I said really loudly where’s Jay Henderson and he was in the stand behind us yeah I think I think Sims will start but if I was picking as we are for the Stagg V 11 I would give it to Henderson yeah well that us all agree

That’s the Midfield filled in so two striking spots um we’ve got a choice of five now actually we can go for broie Samuel muray white or Wright who returns the club from a city obviously it’ll be probably quite unlikely that he would be chucked straight in um but who would you

Be inclin to pick as your front too I you know what for a cup game you want players who can come up with like big iconic moments that you’re looking you’re looking back at it you know it’s a cup tie you’re looking back at capti 5

10 years you want players who can give you like like something in a Flash and a Jordan white and Alex Samuel can give you that 100% but I think we’ve been waiting for we’ve seen it from Murray like some great goals from him we’ve been waiting for broy to come in and

Just do what he did against you know the likes dundy United last season is that he’ll give you like he doesn’t even need to take a touch heeld run onto It Whack goal I think that’s the type of thing you’re looking for in a cup tie I agree

I this is the this is a good team to give broy a run out against and see if he’s see if he can get to those levels that he was at when he signed this time last year I think Adams kind of HED at that as well and the fact that obviously

We’ve not had a game these past few weeks and he said s he’s focused on quite heavily is you know getting players up to speed and I feel like that comment was probably quite aimed at a and broy considering what he said about him a few

Weeks ago and the fact that he was Miles off it um so I think if we were gonna see broie come in and start it was it’s probably going to be against this I think you’re right I think it’s a better environment especially a whole match you

Know hopefully a good crowd behind them is better to do it now than you know leaving him on the bench for another few weeks and have him further set back back I think we signed broy to come in and be the star man the big hitter time to see

It I think get him and Henderson into the team and Les kick that’s what I think well said the other Striker guys sorry us and sorry listeners if you can hear meowing my cat screaming at me GNA be S Mar is it yeah agreed I think especially after he’ll be having

Flashbacks to uh the the second leg of the playoff bombing down that right hand side see some more of that he could scare them I mean we know what he’s got he’s got raw pace directness and I think if you know if we’re really going

To trouble him I think his skill set is massively going to be able to do that if that team’s up to scratch if that team plays how they can do there should be no trouble from part but if we if if all those players play for their abilities they should be

Able to tear them apart yeah fingers crossed well the sty view starting 11 the team that we would field against the visit of Park thisle Ross L long goals a back four of Harmon leak night and Gale and brown followed by a Midfield of Loui debut for Eli King

In the center of the park D on the left former scum Jay Henderson on the right as Robbie PU H and Mar and broy up top which is to me a tasty team it’s a damn good team indeed it is so boys that concludes the Scottish cup so to finalize that I’ll

Ask you got got to get a prediction from you hit me uh 43 inste of 3 three my two n county decent I’m going to keep it simple I’m just going to go 2-1 County hopefully our last minute winner we’re all feeling pretty confident um and at

The pressor so is Derek Adams H he actually mentioned the words win the Scottish cup I believe so we could hear a bit more from him now yeah I think it’s really important I think that um you know for the supporters uh finances as well it’ll help us but you know to

Get through to the next round and whoever we pick up uh if we can get there uh will be you know hugely important and we’ll be here on on Saturday trying to do that if the snow stops and obviously last time you were at the club you successful running the

Scottish cup as that side do you like to try to emulate I would love to yeah we were a championship Club at the time and uh you know we went and beat the likes of HS and Celtic uh on the way to the final against L United so it was

Something we would we would love to try and do and win the Scottish cup well adds to round off the podcast this week we finally have two questions from the listeners no way no way yeah believe it or not guys we don’t have like we only have so much time chill

Down but sorry we’re always B yeah that was a bit SAR mate um so we we’ll get them answered first question comes in from Sean comell good friend of the podcast and a man who’s currently stepped up to be an SLO at the club which is fantastic news H so

He’s this is a great question by the way so he’s asked us one player past their present in their Prime who you could realistically sign in this window who would it be realistically yeah so not like not so not like like oh de bruyne in his prime

Okay like someone who’s let’s let’s make it someone who’s been at the club who you could take back in their Prime and sign them Yak decent answer Scot B we’ve all gone for a center half I was gonna go Andrew Davis a player that could just throw

Themselves in front of the ball yeah I was like someone who just loves heading kicking the ball and like just I just remember even even like even in uh the last season where Andrew Davies was at us and he was so injury-prone I remember like the one or two games he would come

Back in he just realized how good he is and like how how much of a difference it makes having a center half who’s like just a big brute and I would love if I could think if could take anyone back for like this current Squad I think Davies would fit right in I

Agree another question from another friend of the podcast the the friends are providing today it’s actually stagy view member and gby expert Jack Howard so he’s said to us with it being Scottish Cup this weekend it’s a chance for clubs who wouldn’t normally play each other to face each other so he says

What a Way day in Scotland would you like to do that you haven’t done already another cracking question we trip up maybe Jack Jack folks could got some scan nice night at the hers I that would be a fantastic I would like I’ve never done

Or broth I think or broth yeah maybe not in January it might be a bit might be a bit chilly just now but or bro I think is a ground that will definitely have to be visited and brein city as well I’ve never never on breing obviously they’re

Like quite far down the pyramid now like I think it’ll be even I can’t imagine that they’re in the Scottish Cup this week are they but they might be Bucky famed for yeah that’s true but famed for their big hedge I don’t want to do Bucky

Away buy is Bucky is one of my favorite grounds I I love Bucky but that day was one of the worst of my life yeah I think for me in terms of way is shamefully I’ve never done air so I would quite like to go to air I was

Quite quite famed for the tennes and I agree with you Robbie are both meant to be cracking um surely a good couple of boozers Etc down in our broth so yeah one of those two I would say I was gonna say SP Spartans I think Spartans Ramsey sorry

Anything to get to head oh that’s that’s that’s your that’s your area mate but I think Spartans up and coming they’ve they’ve they’ve gone viral a few times having like a really good crowd so I wouldn’t mind getting down there it’s nothing to do with enra I assure

You there there we are boys that is it the Scottish cup is upon us we’ve we’ve covered it in some detail and we’ve covered every single transfer in and out and I assume in classic fashion as soon as we stop recording this we’ll probably have like two or three announ tomorrow

Which is going to ruin this podcast but nevertheless thank you boys for joining me Robbie Ramsey has been a pleasure cheers mate that’s indeed we say can we just say we would we would have had a tweet of the week but turns out County fans are really lacking part of this Janu

Season used to try a we bit funnier then maybe we’ll get get that segment back because we really really struggling for nominations this week yeah we were he’s not wrong get up the game up the game anyway if you would like to send us in some questions we would really

Appreciate it two as a record for like the past three months so we try we can try and get it to three next week that would be groundbreaking stuff bad that about that comment I made if you if you left completely Justified it was justified yeah need

Said thank you for listening this far I genuinely feel quite bad about calling yous out yeah as Ramsey said thank you for listening we’ll be back after the park thisle game to review that one and preview the big task of C away hopefully with some more new players in the squad

So we’ll see you in the next one thanks for listening take care okay

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