Golf Players

Coach John Fields on the most important player he’s brought to Texas, hosting the NCAA Championship

On this week’s episode of GOLF’s Subpar, legendary NCAA golf coach John Fields joins Colt Knost and Drew Stoltz for an exclusive interview. The man at the helm of Texas’ golf program for the past 25 years talks his rivalry with Oklahoma State on and off the golf course, the most talented players he’s ever coached and how Texas became the host school for the next 3 NCAA National Championships.

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Well hello world welcome back to golf subpar with Colt no and Drew stalon Le we’re recording this Sunday evening it’s a rather difficult Sunday evening not only do I have to be up at 3:00 a.m. for a 3:30 pickup for the airport which so kind of you to offer to

Drive me I got you if I’m not there by 3:30 just wait longer I’ll trust me so very nice I’m heading to the Latin American Amer in the morning down in Panama very excited to cover that event once again but before we get to the golf let’s just rip the Band-Aid get

This out of the way another year another just absolute disaster for the Dallas Cowboys I mean I was so pump I was actually so confident going in everybody’s like are you nervous I’m like no I think we’re gonna absolutely destroy these guys like their defense sucks um they’re very inexperienced and

They just ran the ball down our throat once again the defense couldn’t stop anybody I don’t know what the hell happened since the start of the year we had the best defense in the NFL and then they just gave up a thousand points to the Green Bay

Packers oh god dude I don’t know I don’t know where you are mentally right now so I don’t know whether I just go in on you or if the wound is too fresh it ended like 20 minutes ago and if it’s still hurting too bad if I need to go easy but

God damn dude uh I’m with like I didn’t never thought the Cowboys were gonna win the Super Bowl this year I didn’t see that happening at home against the Packers they’ve been monsters at home all year Jordan love looks like a goddamn I mean Hall of Famer at this

Point um well when no when no one’s around your receivers within 30 yards of a receiver that’s there’s there’s a few there’s a few there that you or I could have made but uh he looked good and it started from the opening drive I was just like damn that was easy and they

Got b ball back I was like damn that was easy and after what is it 21 Z I was like this is a huge problem I actually bet on the Cowboys and um so I’m a loser too but uh nothing worse when you get in

A big situation and the and the D comes up soft you know what I mean the soft D we’ve all been there no one likes it and it’s worse when it’s on national tv as a guy Colt who’s had his team the team that he bleeds for the

Team that he dies for embarrassed on National Television I can tell you it’s not fun however I will say this would you have rathered this which was a pretty much a complete Beatdown and you knew probably from after the when they scored started the second half that this

Was probably done or would you rather have had to be close and Mike McCarthy ends up doing something stupid and you lose that way I would like Georgia game hurt but I was like they’re better we suck like we’re never going to beat that team I would have that would have hurt

Me if we’ have lost like a close one hurt me more yeah I I mean I would have liked us had a chance I mean definitely coming down the stretch I mean that getting blown out sucks I mean that thing was over in the first half it

Felt like I mean we got lucky to score a touchdown there at the end of the first half should have called false start we had to kick a field goal but disaster I I would have to think they’re going to move on from Mike McCarthy he’s gone 12

And five three seasons in a row but just can’t get it done in the playoffs and then you got a fellow by the name of Bill bich just sitting out there wondering where he’s going to go well people are talking like if if the Cowboys Happ to lose could he come here

And everybody’s like well they’re not going to lose they’re going to beat the Packers they might lose to the ners in the NFC championship game we throw that all out the window I wouldn’t be surprised to see in the morning if Jerry Jones decides to fire Mike McCarthy and

Bill bich will be on the phone very quickly I don’t got a dog in the fight I don’t really care I think it’s time to be done there’s a difference between like what belich did in New England they got like virtually they have very little Talent or Mike Vel in Tennessee you know

They got some but it’s not great and he’s been you know awesome in years past but it’s like dude this roster is like one of the most talented in the NFL and they do it during the regular season and then it gets the playoff time it’s just

The same every single year um I don’t know how you do it it’d be tough but um I feel for you I could rub it in worse I’m not going to because I’ve been there but it sucks it I know the feeling but you you die for your squad I respect

It I don’t I don’t jump ship I’m a Dallas Cowboy fan always will be you know I would I had very low expectations going into this year and then they were looking pretty good Dak had the best season of his career and then he goes out and he the first interception could

Have called probably pass interference defensive holding whatever the pick six was just disgusting I’m like what the hell was that like that’s you’re supposed to be an elite quarterback that was horrendous the guy was obviously right there and he returned it to the house and I mean him and CD looked like

They were arguing on the sidelines from the first possession what some behind the scenes going on they just looked like pissed and not friends from the jump I was like dude it’s one series like you know shake it off it’s still fine it’s 7 to zero like go get him uh

They looked off from the jump but I think that’s the big I think McCarthy’s gone if I had to guess I think McCarthy’s gone uh you can’t have this much talent not produce the big question is Dak for me like is it time do you

Jump ship on him too do you reset the whole thing thing there’s a guy up in Denver dog you can get him at a bargain we’re selling him out a discount he can come in there and you can ride you could ride with Russ uh maybe slide us some

You know we’ll take CD or whatever you want to package up in that deal but uh I think dak’s the big question I have stood loyal to my boys but if they do something stupid like think on Russell Wilson instead of Dak I’m out I’m not

Doing that I’m not saying they won’t do something stupid I I think you’re safe to not have Russ be in the in the Greater Dallas area next year just just a guess just a guess but hey it sucks there’s only one team that’s what I was saying we’re setting up for a very

Emotional playoff here high expectations it’s I’ve been there um but you don’t jump ship I respect it I took all the the grief and the from TCU this year too that’s what that’s what real fans do and you reload go get them buddy that’s my pep talk for you better luck

Next year we’ll see what happens um obviously my phone’s been going nuts all day Twitter all that that’s F over I’m like who’s y’all’s team leave me alone like go away there’s only one of y’all at the end of the year going to be happy listen especially these charger fans

That like toir me I’m like you guys suck y’all can’t beat anybody don’t even come chirping I me at least we’re in the we have a chance in the dance y’all got nothing yeah they’re kind of the same way a lot of talent don’t do anything

With it um but I will say this on on another subject my video is very clear here on the podcast tonight if you’re watching on YouTube and I just want to let you know I had to get a new iPad today because I was packing for Panama

Went to pull out my iPad download some shows charge it up well apparently I left it on the airplane on the way home from El Paso over Christmas so had to go out I had to go go out and get a freshie oh okay that’s nice little kick in the

Nuts you’re rubbing off on me bud rub off yeah dude we gotta stop we gotta stop going in on me I mean I do some dumb I own up to it all the time but my iPad’s been I got like I think the first vintage of that but I thought

You gonna say it crashed on you um it I’m shocked they didn’t uh no one sent it to you dude so they showed it’s at Sky Harbor in lost and found probably I’m guessing but like I can’t fly to Panama without an iPad so and what do

You do when you go into lost I lost an iPad like yeah we have 32 which one’s yours it’s the one it’s a screen got a little button on the bottom dude and the the screen saver is just the generic one got it yeah yeah just give me two of

Them actually so that was neat that was a fun purchase to make today but let’s get to the golf the Sony Open um an exciting finish that Golf Course always seems to kind of produce that three-man playoff Grayson Murray Keegan Bradley and Ben on Grayson Murray just flipped

The scrip in the playoff made an incredible birdie and regulation when he had to lay up hit Stone The Wedge from 0 yards Keegan Bradley failed to Birdie the 18th which I mean the two part fives out there nine and 18 are pretty gimmies nine is ridiculous it’s the easiest in

The PGA I mean I think it was averaging like 3.67 or something like that today they went through Russell Henley’s like last 15 I don’t know what it was 15 times playing it he hadn’t made worse than birdie in the last like five years basically I mean it’s 500 yards and with

The wind direction the way it was it’s straight down wi today the guys are wedge in I’ve hit eight iron into that hole you hit bombs dog so it’s a pretty easy one but you got to take advantage of those part fives Keegan Bradley’s gonna be kicking himself not buring at

Regulation obviously the playoff as well when he hadit the perfect t- shot and had five with in pulled it left didn’t get up and down but I mean Grayson Murray looked like he was dead like this thing’s about to be gifted to Ben on this is why you don’t quit s Hoops the

40-footer and then you watch Keegan Bradley Miss and then Ben on misses what a four-footer to extend it just shocking um but congrats to Grayson Murray his second PGA Tour win first one in seven years obviously A lot’s been made about everything he’s gone through off the

Golf course but congrats to him on a huge win gets him in the Masters all the Signature Events um that’s a that’s a game changer for him yeah it after the third shots on the playoff hole it looked like it was going to be a one hole playoff they just looked like it

Was going to be B on winning the trophy and not Grayson Murray but I go back to just the end of regulation with Grayson those two bunker shots he hit on the up and downs on 16 17 where he virtually hit him to kick in those were unb

Believable shots and then to to be forced to lay up on 18 which is such a tough little awkward drive but he took his medicine he didn’t try to do anything weird and jam it down by the green hit it just inside 100 stacked that big big marbles there to go to the

Playoff and then damn you had don’t have to do it again except this time laid it back a little further and hit a bad wed shot and then run it ran it in the hole his uh his postgame interview was pretty emotional if you watched any of it

You’re I’m sure pretty much everyone is aware of his story his struggles with alcohol and things like that and it’s kind of like a Grayson Murray 2.0 and Co like you know even going back to college like Talent has really never been the the question with Grayson Murray it’s

Just like the off the course stuff can he keep it straight and things like that and I mean I know it’s early in the year um we’re only two deep but he looks good he’s the swing looks really really good and it’s kind of like a sleeper guy that

If if he’s got everything in line off the golf course he’s a guy with big enough talent to clearly not only win but win multiple times possibly out there this year yeah he smashes it I mean his ball 183 miles an hour he kills it but yeah I mean the talent’s always

Been there he’s just you know had his off the course troubles but seems like he said eight months sober now so good for him um congrats on a huge win that is uh I mean it’s going to be first trip to the Masters and those Signature

Events are huge I mean that’s just free money free points and he’ll continue to climb up the world rankings up the FedEx Cup points list so congrats to him though once again Sony Open I mean 7,000 yard Golf Course 17 under playoff I mean not crazy low scores um they had some

Rough they had some wind it laid down a little bit today but um that one’s always fun to watch it’s just a cool golf course like so many different types of guys win there but it always seems to be like there it’s close at the end

There I rarely is there like a runaway oh it seems be like playoffs happen all the time you see you know Hideki with the whatever it was three-wood or fivewood on the 72nd like it always has a really really good finish it didn’t have all the stars in the field um that

A lot of the tournaments have but damn it puts out a good tournament man it always seems to have some drama um do you want to get to chz reevy now or do you want to wait till the game Let’s do let’s um let’s do it now dude I

Feel like we’re we’re in the we we we’re taking you’ve already been taking a ton of today I’ve been taking it on Twitter a little bit uh about the chess deal so let’s just go ahead out get out in front Okay well first off I did take

Russell Henley this week and he miss playoff by a shot thank you Russell well well played missed by a shot be there like that we both we both took chz re he’s a dark horse and he went out and shot 66 on Friday but ended up missing

The cut by by Two Shots should have been three if Joel Damon would have wiggled in a footer he he made 17 guys very happy but chz R we hyped him after he just dominated over at whis barck in our Pro scratch event shooting 1700 on his

Own ball would have won on his own ball and of course we hyped the out of him then he goes over there misses the cut so sorry to everyone out there um we apologize but look I mean we saw what we saw and he went over there and he didn’t

Play good this is why we should keep this information to ourselves from now on I’m starting to think that nothing that happens at whis Brock matters anymore although Chad’s like one of the few guys like I said last time when I’ve seen this in years past and just crazy

Good golf for a few days leading up to him leaving to a golf tournament like it’s tended to carry over into the golf tournament but quickly were we informed that it uh in fact did not carry over and it was by the way freezing cold tipped out Tough Golf Course at Whisper

Rock and then it uh it didn’t translate so we’ll eat the on that sorry we try to give you a little inside scoop apologies to everyone that bet chz and we may have to uh reassess what we see behind the scenes doesn’t always work out so I I put a little picture out

There of you and I from media day out of the WM Phoenix Open fantastic black and white picture we look for it was extremely sexual borderline not suitable for work that picture apologies you open that at work but I did say you know best caption wins a playing lesson with you y

Or some birdie juice merch which my wonderful wife Natalie chimed in and she wants to know if she won and since I actually have no one to put it out there and I get to decide I decided that she did win and you have to take

Her to play golf you know what for her by God I’ll do it a couple couple hours alone with Natalie you know really peeling back the layers I feel like we can make a lot of progress in that I’m more of a sports psychologist coach than

You than I am an X’s and O’s you know technical guy like that and I feel like Natalie she there’s a lot to be learned in a couple hours my girl so yeah tell her to just text me or FaceTime me better yet I’m more of a visual guy have

Her FaceTime me and we’ll get the details together do you have a winner though because there there was they were flooding in by the way and I was only looking every so often but would come in like crazy did you in fact pick a real winner I’m going to pick a winner

Tonight we’re going to send some birdie juice mer out I’m going to go through them since I don’t need to really break down any cowboy film or anything like that I got plenty of time on my hands before my 3:30 pickup in the morning but

Yes I will pick a winner we’ll DM you or send you a message on Instagram or Twitter and get you some birdie juice merch but that that was a lot of fun there were some good ones there were some inappropriate ones but um a lot of

Good ones as well of course well we’ll uh we’ll make a point to do that more often throughout the year we’ll try to get some good stuff out there give away you know do some free giveaways and things like that but um yeah props to everyone thank you for uh participating

In that and that yeah we got some nice Black and Whites from that thing dude it’s amazing how much better everyone looks in black and white from now on might make this show black and white okay perfect be throwback show yeah um all right well let’s get to our guests

This week one of the greatest college golf coaches there’s ever been that there currently is down at the University of Texas you know they keep saying Texas football is back well golf has been back coach field has done an absolutely incredible job down there in Austin coach the likes of Scotty Sheffer

Jordan SP Bo hofler and we’ve learned his sneaky MVP Cody Gribble thanks thanks to him for coming to University of Texas he apparently changed the program around but this was a lot of fun you know they’re going to be the host of the NCAA championships out in San Diego

The next few years he uh he’s in the process of getting the college world golf championships Foundation together but a lot of cool stories from coach fields let’s get to it here’s John fields on subpar all right our guest today has built one of the most successful

Programs in all of college golf he’s been coaching in the college game since 1988 he’s won two national titles three-time college coach of the year and without him guys like Jordan spe and Scotty Sheffer would be scrubbing hooks at their local mun University of Texas men’s golf coach John Fields how we

Doing coach I’m doing great thank you for having me on col Drew I’m I’m so excited to be on golf sub subpar this is so awesome and I I enjoy listening to you guys all the time well we appreciate it very much and congrats on all the success you’ve had at your incredible

Career coming up on 40 years in the college coaching game can you believe that no uh I I I heard a quote the other day and it was just really quick it was just it goes fast doesn’t it and it was actually by Lee Travino he was talking to Arnold

Palmer Not in either one of those guys categories but he said that that Travino or Palmer was about to end his career and that’s all he could think to tell Arie to break up the kind of the tension or or the emotion of the moment and he

Said it goes fast and it does it just it’s amazing how fast Our Lives go but we’ve had a lot of wonderful things happen and and over the last I don’t know 15 years um post Cody Gribble Cody Gribble is really the one that changed

It all for us but long story short um it has gone extremely quick hold on I I got I got I gotta go back to the Cody gri I thought there was another guy that changed the program but I yeah because I know Cody Gribble very well obviously a

Winner on the PGA tour uh what did he do to change things well as you know Co being a Dallas guy you know he was in my opinion when we when we got Cody Gribble to come to Texas uh we were still a little bit in

Flux we the time frame 2005 67 8 prior to him arriving had been substantially difficult we had built a golf course and opened our Golf Course UT Golf Club in 2003 but the years preceding that 20012 2002 I kind of took my eye off the golf

Ball uh that being the program because I was worried more about that Golf Course than I was about recruiting and not to say that we didn’t have great kids we did but we weren’t at the level in that 200 5 6 78 time frame there was a lot of

Reasons for it and really it was a time when Doos dods my boss had he wanted to make a change uh he he certainly could have done that but the blessing for me and my wife Pearl was that M Brown’s program at that time 2005 national championship and then 2009 appearance in

The national championship Rick Barnes our basketball coach was in the middle of a huge run and had just come off the final four in 20 05 and AI gito uh had WN a couple national championships in go in baseball and and so Doos just was like n let’s not worry about golf right

Now so anyway I kind of survived that moment but when Cody Gribble came he was not only a great golfer he was a great person and he was the right guy at the right time for us because he was also as great a recruiter as I’ve ever been

Around Rick Barnes told me a long time ago your your players are either your best recruiters or they’re not and there’s really no in between and so when he came that just changed everything he was a man’s man people like to be around Cody that helped us get Jordan spe

Jordan spe helped us get Doug gim and Scotty Sheffer um Scotty sheffler and Doug gim helped us get Bo Hustler and Gavin Hall Gavin Hall and Bo Hustler helped us get the cooe brothers and Cole hammer and it’s it’s been pretty pretty wonderful ever since but the family tree or the

Success tree kind of started with Cody Gribble shout out Cody Gribble shout out I didn’t I didn’t know it was going to be a a complimentary story to Cody Gribble there but I love that that’s awesome to hear don’t feel bad about that middle 2000s era either coach feels

That was a TCU SM SMU era down there t you had your hands tied you’re up against Monsters you know what I mean I want to go back in time though a little because we’re going to get a ton of your coaching stuff but you had a stint

Playing you graduate from the University of New Mexico and then you go I believe play over in Europe for a year or so tell us a little bit about the coach John Field the player coach John Fields the player had Big Dreams and aspirations but I’ll tell

You I was not nearly the player that either one of you two are or or any of the guys that I’ve coached to be quite honest with you now my teammates in college were Kurt Byam Tom Byam and Tommy armor III amongst others uh and and Tom Byam became a

Great player while in college Kurt Byrum is probably the best athlete other than well really was the best athlete I’ve ever been around and Tommy armmer III was an unbelievable talent and I think a throwback to Walter Hagen because he enjoyed life so much but in the meantime

Was a great player and super confident so I was fortunate to be around some seriously good players I wanted to try my hand I didn’t get my money together quick enough to try to get into the PGA Tour school so I threw it together and

My wife and I went to lamanga Spain I got through the qualifier there uh you just went to the final stage at that time and Europe made it and then played the entire year of 1983 we played in 27 tournaments in nine different countries and we spent way more money than we made

I didn’t enjoy it as much as I should have I was stressing and wanting to be a player but the one thing that that that that really sticks out to me uh from my time in Europe was um my wife was my caddy but we were hanging around somewhere in amongst a

Bunch of caddies and there was this caddy named Silly Billy back then there was a lot of guys that were had nicknames and and uh you know Tim Heron’s first caddy was Harpo and um I asked him why why why do you call him Harpo he says because he doesn’t say anything

Coach so anyway but a lot of the caddies had nicknames and this silly Billy he said what do you want to do with golf John and I’m like well I want to be really successful I want to make a good living and maybe give back to kids someday maybe give them opportunity that

I didn’t have and and he said well you better be careful because you might just get what you asked for and he’s kind of a philosopher type caddy you probably been around some that are like that but anyway he was exactly right I I’ve had

Success in the game of golf I’ve made a pretty good living and I feel like I’m giving back to kids every day so here we are it isn’t the way I thought it was going to be but that’s that was my European tour experience I was going to say like I

Mean as a player I mean none of us really have plan BS we always think we’re going to make it we’re going to make millions of dollars travel around the world win tournaments was coaching ever like in the pitchure at all no what happened there was is uh

After we spent all the money that we made I I had a friend in Southern Arizona in Yuma Arizona at a golf course called Desert Hills that was a head pro there a guy named Roland rowski and I was going to work for six months and

Then go back to Europe I’d made just enough money to be able to go back and anyway what happened there was I um I I ended up really enjoying teaching and working in the golf shop so I decided to get my Class A PGA membership which was

Going to take three years and in the meantime we got pregnant and my golf career essentially was over but I got it out of my system which I think a lot of guys in college have to do before they uh go on to do something else and that’s

What happened for me I got my class A in the PGA of America in 1987 Dwayne Knight my coach at New Mexico took a job at UNLV about the same time so I had kept in contact one of the byproducts of turning pro was to to go out and raise

Money and I don’t know if either one of you ever had to do that col you were a US amateur Champion so you probably had people throwing money at you but but the truth is I didn’t so I contacted a bunch of our former donors and alumni and they

Helped fund my European tour experience and but it was the same guys that helped me get the job because they knew that I was going to work hard and and and then I took Dwayne Knight’s place at New Mexico and the rest his history wow that’s awesome yeah that raising money

It’s a different uh experience when you get out there and you need some help and all of a sudden people are investing in you but you take that job in 1988 I got to imagine at the time you didn’t think you know over three decades later you’d

Still be in the game but starting out in New Mexico as a young guy like you know Austin is one of the pre-eminent places you can go now you’ve built that thing into a monster how hard was it to get kids to commit to go to Albuquerque well I didn’t know any

Different and I always thought we had a great place because we had a great Golf Course the championship golf course at the University of New Mexico and I hit it out of the park right off the bat got seriously lucky what had happened I had played in some grapefruit events uh

Those are kind of lower line underneath the underneath the uh even mini tours for that matter but the Yuma open was one of those tournaments and the guy that I was working for in Yuma at that time because I shifted gears I went to another Golf

Course called NCA Del so and I worked for a guy named dick Walters and Dick had been the assistant golf professional at Yetta Country Club in Minneapolis well he started in a junior program Tim Heron and so Tim Heron and his dad had come down to play in The Yuma open the

First year I was paired not knowing that I was going to be a golf coach uh the first year I was paired with his dad Carson who is a really fine player and then the second year I got in the hunt to win the tournament and lo and behold

I was paired with Tim Heron so when I got the job I’m like I’m recruiting that Tim Heron for sure that guy can play and I could see it with my own eyes he had kind of a magic move at the bottom of his swing where he hit the

Ball straight and long and he he wasn’t the Prototype you know his nickname in high school was lumpy and uh and so we got lucky because Arizona State looked at him Steve Lloyd Arizona State buddy Alexander at Florida but they weren’t particular interest so I threw the

Kitchen sink at him a full scholarship and whatever else that I could do at New Mexico to kind of entice you know we we did have great history because Brad Bryant had gone to school there our program had finished top five multiple times in the NCAA and so I felt like we

Can go get this guy and we got Tim Heron and that’s really his career and my career had the same trajectory we got I was so fortunate to knock it out of the park with him and then Brian cortan who is now became a PGA Tour member for a

Year but now he’s the coach at Texas A&M he was in that first recruiting class that’s awesome I mean lump is one of our favorite people we’ve had him on the show he’s fantastic I love the comparison of Tommy armmer I third to Walter Hagen that was that was great but

I want to know a little bit more about Tim Heron in college I mean we see him now he’s got one of the best Personalities in the game what was he like back then same um he he was a little Moody and he was extremely fiery um he um he had

A gene of competitiveness that I’ve really never been around um so inside the ropes he is fiery competitor that wants to win badly and causes him to maybe have a bad day now and then but on the other on the other side of the equation outside the

Ropes he had a unique ability to enjoy his life to the fullest he still does that he’s got three great young boys one of them playing at the University of New Mexico now and then his wife is fantastic I always told him I said I

Think you’re going to be a great dad he goes why did he say that coach because he was you know he was enjoying a libation now and then in college and and of course he smoked in college too which you can’t do these days but you could

Then but they had the Tim Heron rule by the way uh when he was smoking he had to step off the golf course so him and another guy from Fresno State would go out of bounds and smoke a cigarette and then come back inbounds and and shoot

Under par and so one time my ad said you need to tell him to quit and I said okay I’ll do it and I said hey Tim you need to quit and we just left it at that that was I told him I told him dude he told

Me he told me when you were at New Mexico you had an Olive Garden budget you went to Texas and you got a Ruth Chris budget that’s that’s pretty too we ate a lot of bread stets their bread sticks at in next oh my God there’s no one better

And I just played with baby lump by the way Carson who at New Mexico and he is a hell of a player too Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but staying on the recruiting stuff for a little bit coach now you you go from New Mexico you go to

Texas Texas never really had a problem recruiting some of the top talent in the country uh has the addition of nil made it easier or harder to get those same type of kids you’ve always gotten well for the perceived halves if if you first of all if you work hard as

A golf coach no matter where you are you can have success in my opinion but that does mean that you got a if if you’re at a place that maybe would be considered a not a power five Conference team but let’s just say a mid major or maybe even

A little less than that you you can have success but you absolutely need to work extremely hard and you need to maximize every little asset that you might have uh today things that were perceived as cheating or under the table are now right on top of the table and that’s the

Nil and so for us it’s been kind of a godson because it gives us another opportunity maybe another arrow in our quiver if you will to to have success because now instead of just scholarship you actually have an opportunity to tell them that let’s say you know one of the

Big things that you need in in your life is to be able to fund your summer golf well nil can do that and from a collective perspective and now you’ve got Taylor Made Nike Callaway and shoot titlists that that can write contracts for these guys in college and

And give them another Revenue source that that makes their world just a little bit better I think it’s fantastic to be quite honest with you and we are utilizing it yeah it’s it’s crazy I mean you see Gordon Sergeant the stud from vanderbelt was in a bunch of tiess

Commercials then all of a sudden I believe he showed up at Augusta with Nike shoes and a Nike glove on and I’m like oh okay I have a feeling I know what happened there yeah I think he had a seven fig reason to to jump out there in those

Nikes God that’s different does it make it trickier coaching kids in the sense that like now some of them are making more money than guys working at the schools in some cases for sure I I don’t think so to be quite honest with you I and and I’ve been fortunate because I’ve

Been around two of the best players that I’ve ever played at Texas we had had the same thing happen in the 70s with Tom Kite and Ben khaw but we had Scotty Sheffer and Jordan SP and if you ask me today none of that would make any whole

A whole lot of difference to either one of those guys neither one of those guys plays for the money they both play for Success they both play for the competitive aspects of this game they love the game but I’ve seen him in other formats whether it’s on the basketball court and ping

They they play for competitiveness and so I I look for that I look for guys that are super competitive I don’t think it’s really about the money it might be for Mom and Dad because maybe that helps them fund the Summer Golf and maybe that

Helps them uh not you know get into hawk or or or you know have to use credit cards and all that stuff and and that’s the truth and reality but one other funny thing about nil these guys are having to pay taxes now yeah things they

Never had do before it’s like what is this in the mail from the IRS oh my God I got to pay 10 15 $20,000 in texes yeah that’s what happens when you make money that is exactly right can I ask a real quick question about that is there

Anyone at the University of Texas or other schools like coaching kids on that because some kid a lineman gets 50 Grand to show up and play football like oh my God I got 50 Grand I got a pretty good idea what I do with 50 Grand when I was

20 years old and it wasn’t pay taxes do people coach them on how to like handle this I think that’s another one of the blessings that is uh pertinent to Collegian Athletics right now is that you basically coached these guys let’s say 10 years ago and and there’s crash

And burns I won’t use any names but normally it was these great running backs or great quarterbacks that would have made a tremendous amount of money coming out of college but had not been coached in any way which meant that not only might they invest in bad Ventures they might also actually

Have people take advantage of them and those people are out there they’re Predators but today the way our Texas One Fund is set up and there is so much education for these guys and what when it comes to their own money they actually rather than fall asleep in class they’re they’re actually attentive

And listen listening even an inner city kid uh understands that there’s a better way to do this because there’s been so many crash and burns to answer your qu question Drew absolutely the University of Texas and and our competitors out there are doing a way better job and an incredible job

At educating these kids about their monies that’s that’s great to hear because that is definitely a concern all right some big news here from subpar we have officially launched our own YouTube page make sure to subscribe at golf subpar car on YouTube check out this week’s video uh like subscribe do all

The stuff Colt we got some cool behind the scenes stuff coming and uh give you a little outside look at some of the stuff outside the studio so please like Please Subscribe you’re the best listeners in the game we love you back to the show well you mentioned Scotty

Sheffer Jordan spe we obviously know those were Camp Miss guys they were going to go through college get on the PGA tour and dominate but some of the people you’ve coached Parker Pearson Cy uh David goset Brad Elder who I knew from growing up in Dallas was an

Absolute stud Cole Hammer Bo Hustler Matt Rosenfeld another one is there one of the players you coached that maybe you’re surprised didn’t have the success at the pro level well I don’t think you’re ever surprised the first thing that I look at from my perspective it is kind of like what a

Doctor looks at it’s called the hypocritic oath which is to do no harm uh because we are blessed with some of these great competitors great players we we’ve worked really hard to create an environment that might attract them to come to the University of Texas so I

Don’t want to do any harm I I let’s just start with that like a baseline but I also recognize for sure how difficult it is to make a living on the PGA tour and that being said I recognize that not everybody’s going to make it so I counsel them all the

Time um to just be great people and to work really hard and if you do those two things people are going to want to help you in your lifetime and uh if you treat people good and you work hard chances are you’re going to have success now you

Need to live a nice life and and uh not tear your own body down but the bottom line is is that uh not everybody’s going to make it I I think some people are going to have success from time to time uh and then maybe it it goes away for other reasons

Um one great teacher Rob Ain who’s in uh Memphis Tennessee who worked with David Toms and work with David goset he was having dinner with our team this is goly probably 18 years ago somewhere in that neighborhood and um he he was looking at the guys we had

A good team and we’re we’re sitting there having a really nice dinner and he said let me tell you something you guys would this birthday meaning you know whatever birthday was going to be like whenever they were born maybe in the mid 80s or whatever at that time uh he said

There’s only two guys with this birthday that are going to make a living and actually have a career out on the PGA tour and and that’s for one of the best teachers in the world and meaning you you need to work hard get your degree go to school treat people

Right take care of things work hard da d da you’ll have a good life maybe in golf most likely not yeah that’s an interesting way to put it it’s like Scotty Jordan those guys seem like slam dunks and they turned out to be slam dunks but you just never know because

There’s a list of names that were just like those guys coming out of junior golf that didn’t make it let me ask you this question because you Colt just mentioned tons of the studs that you’ve had go to the University of Texas can you think of one kid during your career

At Texas that you really wanted really wanted bad you thought you had him and he ended up not coming to Texas one that stings four sure and it happened twice so that was Hunter Mayhem yeah and and Hunter chose to go to USC kind of out of

College and I I I would say that I did not do a great job of recruiting him I was kind of distracted with some other things I don’t even know exactly what they were at this point in time but He Slipped Away didn’t just slip away from

Me slipped away from Mike holder as well at Oklahoma State state so after about a year of Southern California and maybe an accident on the freeway and some other things Hunter decided it was a better thing for him to do come back to Dallas Oklahoma Texas somewhere in that

Neighborhood so I was recruiting him really hard once he once he put his name out there that he was gonna that he was going to depart and got a release from USC um I started recruiting him really hard and so we got to the NCAA Championship and it’s in at Duke and I

Only had an individual that Year John clout who made it as an individual and then Oklahoma state was there but I’ve been talking to Monty his dad uh Monty Montgomery or excuse me Monty Mayan Monty Mayan and and Monty told me that you know after the NCAA you come on up

Here and we’ll we’ll see what happens but coach holder’s recruiting him so you two are the ones that are in this so I’m like okay that sounds great and so John Cloud played really well in the NCAA he made the cut for the first time ever

That I know of Oklahoma State missed the cut when that happened I think those guys signed their cards Mike holder left them with his assistant got on a got in a taxi got on a plane went straight to Dallas landed at the Mayan house and basically told him I’m not leaving here

Until you commit to Oklahoma State well he did he did that evening and I called Monty and said hey how’s things going I’ll be seeing you on he goes coach don’t bother uh Hunter’s going to go to Oklahoma State and I’m like well wait a

Minute you told me you told me that that I was going to get to see him afterwards he goes I know just one of those things it’s coach holder was just so compelling and wonderful and Colt I don’t know if you had or either one of you guys got

Recruited by Mike holder but he can sell ice to Eskimos and he did I I was always terrified I’m with you I did not get recruited by him but uh I actually ran into him at Ari out in Las Vegas a few years ago and we played some Blackjack late into the

Evening he absolutely loves to compete and uh Mike holder I have tremendous respect for him and I really appreciate him as a college golf coach he was the the first of the modern coaches that went out and recruited and worked really hard bottom line is he just had a 20year

Start on everybody else and he dominated so it’s fun to be around him but if you were with him and the black check table there are stories about him doing that and he he enjoys going out there and competing and that’s what he does for

Fun it was a it was a lot of fun to sit down and talk with him I’ve never got to really like have a conversation with him um until then but it was great you mentioned there was two though so Mayan was one who is the other guy that got

Away there’s been so many you in my business if you recruit Five Guys you might get one the hunter Mayhem thing hurt but the the next one was Casey whittenberg figured that was that one hurt like no other because we had done such a great job with David goset and I

Thought Casey being from Memphis thought I was in the right shape so what happens there same thing okoklahoma St before they put restrictions on the NCAA uh Mike holder had a a deal with netjets or actually with uh gosh darn was it netjets or somebody he had a

Fractional share with he’ raised a bunch of money you talk about working hard that was one of those things he did but he raised a lot of money and boom Pickins was helping him and so he had a fractional share with a with a jet

Company and he he sent the plane down to Florida um Tyler and Tyler golly I’m blanking on his name but Casey whittenberg and Tyler Leon were going to the lead Academy and and he sends that jet down to him and I hear that they’ve

Had steak and eggs on the way to uh on the on the way to Oklahoma State and steak and eggs on the way back and I called on that Monday after the visit and case he said I’m going to okl State he said coach I thought I was going to

Go to your place I really did but I just can’t turn my colder down I’m like man he got me again private jet private those Leon boys are great dudes too uh by the way but they are let me let me all you talked on the guys you missed

Let’s talk about the guys that did go to Texas you’ve had some studs Colt mentioned them get and this might be an obvious answer it might not be an obvious answer but day one showing up on the campus of the University of Texas is there a guy that stands out that you

Thought this is the most talented kid I’ve seen since I’ve been here well up to date that would have been Jordan Speed and and and for two reasons and I’ve always said this if if a guy turns up to UT Golf Club and he Parks his car

In his parking lot the first time and he walks to the golf shop and everybody to a man everybody as our members everybody in the staff everybody knows who that guy is that was Jordan Speed that was the first guy that we we ever had on our team that everybody knew two-time United

States Junior Champion was in the third to final group or third yeah third to final group in the Byron Nelson and played with um golly the eventual winner he it just amazing how good that was and um I I’m there there’s no question that that he’s that guy yeah no surprise I

Met him that week at Byron Nelson when he was 16 and stayed in contact with him ever since and it was just it’s amazing I mean he is just so talented can get it up and down from a trash game if my life’s on the line I need somebody to

Get a ball up and down from a tough spot it’s probably going to be him me too it is it is special but you had so many great players obviously the goal each year for y’all at the University of Texas is to win that national championship and I know y’all are a huge

Part of that national championship going forward now with it being out at Omni Lacosta in San Diego you’re going to be the host school we are and it’s an odd way how we got there but basically the way it happened was um everybody really enjoyed greyhawk it

Was a great venue uh but very hot obviously about 110 degrees Desert Golf Course Target oriented and the fans had to stay on the cart pth so it was not a great Fan Experience from that perspective they did everything the staff there did everything they could to

Make it really nice but the the venue wasn’t going to take golf to another level and I happened to be watching the 2017 Walker cup at La North and I was walking around with Jeff Shackleford um who had helped Gil Hance uh redo La North and got some Kudos because of it

And I was walking around with him on just talking about different things and I say hey wouldn’t it be great if you could have the National Championship in Southern California on more of an annual basis as opposed to you know sometimes you’re here sometimes you’re there he said yeah where where

Would you do it and I said well how I I know the Rollings they’re they’re big donors in alumni at the University of Texas they’re philanthropists Maybe they would think because they own Omni Lacosta that that was a great place he goes yeah but that that’s dated that

That Golf Course is dated you you couldn’t really have a championship there anymore they they had the Tournament of Champions there for 30 years up and and then six or seven uh World match plays there and uh but but that all ended 2006 2007 so anyway I

Said what what if you had Gil Hance do it and he said well you did that maybe it could be a great course and and that’s the idea that myself Mike holder and Chris Del my ad floated with the Omni team and Bob and Blake rolling they

Like the idea we were going to have San Diego State host it because the college team has to host the national championship like in baseball in Omaha kraton University hosts the national championship there so anyway we were going to have San Diego State host it they said they

Would do it but then they found out it was going to be a neutral site unlike greyhawk because for instance we played Arizona State for the National Championship in 2022 they had played golf there 81 times that year we had three or four rounds that year on that

Golf course and so anyway uh everybody kind of wants a neutral site and so Delante said well if San Diego State’s not going to host it we so that’s how Texas ended up hosting it and then what I did from there is I part of the reason that we wanted to do that

Mike holder pointed it out he said there was basic three or four reasons one would be the Rollings Legacy for college golf that would be one two you would be able to have iconic shots on the Golf Channel that people could equate to the same venue on an annual basis and maybe

Build a real following for men’s and women’s college golf maybe have 10,000 people out there someday watching college golf three you you’ve got the weather and you’ve got the ability to now have records that that you can compare on an annual basis and then the final one would be a best practices I’m

Sure you guys do something like this with with your podcast because it’s become so great and that is that you do best practices okay that this particular year is over what did we do well what didn’t we do well what do we need to add all those different things and so the

Compound effect of that over a 10year period would be that we could have this extraordinary Collegiate event that people are now really drawn to it’s compelling the match play is compelling and that we would have a property that would be magnificent and I believe that’s going to happen at Omni Lacosta

Yeah it’s going to be great obviously Southern California is perfect for it but with that you’ve helped develop the college World Golf Championship Foundation to help set off some of the cost because listen going to these nice places it’s not cheap for the college programs no that’s exactly right I I I

Took it to another level because I I knew that the gold standard for a standalone permanent site was the College World Series in Omaha with that being said I researched them we connected with their driving force force which is the College World Series Foundation it’s been in effect

Since 1950 nobody even knows that 73 years and now they’re a revenue sharing partner with the NCAA which means that they are a very successful entity so we checked in with them and then as a result we developed What’s called the college world golf championships Foundation people say well why World

Well if you look at the NCAA Championship today both men and women it’s a world game lvic alberg for Texas Tech out of Sweden I mean this guy is magnificent but we have players from every part of the world South America Central America South Africa Africa Asia Europe the

Balkans the Switzerland Sweden all all of them all represented in the NCAA Championship and they’re the two best amateur golf tournaments in the world so we need a funding mechanism because you can’t just think that well Texas is so into college golf that they’re going to pay for this

On an annual basis and you can’t think that Omni Lacosta is a business they don’t want to pay for this on an annual basis they would if they had to but it would be preferable to get all the golf world to feel like they could be part of this NCAA

Championship in 2018 Boon Pickin underwrote the national championship at carsten Creek in Oklahoma to the tune of a million dollars Johnny Tyson did the exact same thing in Arkansas at the blessings it’s not cheap to run these events at a tour level that’s what we

Aim to do we want to give the kids that are playing in this event the the absolute best experience that they’re ever going to have in college golf and for most part other than maybe a US amateur which you won co uh this is probably the Pinnacle of their golf

Career and so we owe it to them to give them the best opportunity to have an unbelievable experience on a great venue that’s fantastic so for people listening can they if they want to get involved and chip in can they do that where do they go to do

That well right now they can con connect with me um we’re we’re a brand new entity so we’re establishing our website but I would tell you this um it’s it’s called the college world golf championships Foundation Inc within a month we’ll have a website within that month we’ll we’ll start organizing but

If you want to get to John Fields you can all you got to do is go to Texas and or and uh you can get to me with my email and just say hey I want to help college golf but we’re we’re going

To get out and and uh get people excited I’ve already talked to a lot of tour players they’re excited about it I think the the unique aspect of our sport is that people do want to give back and I think we’re positioned in a nice way col

You and I talked about this you have the Ridder cup you have the solheim cup you have the Walker cup you have the Curtis Cup for women and then you have um the President’s Cup but we’re the only other major match play event that I know of

And I do think that we have something that that could be extraordinary it’s already really good but I think it could be extraordinary and I think the college world golf championships Foundation is going to help make that happen that’s awesome man congratulations on getting all that together we just give out your

Phone number at the end of this interview don’t worry about it people just reach out to you direct straight line straight shot that’s going to make a huge difference though seriously so congrats on that and I know Lacosta is going to be a great host and everyone

Involved at Omni we got to get to the with you real quick some fun questions for you before we let you get out of here and we ask this to everyone and I have a feeling you’ve already mentioned this guy’s name if you could if you

Could be someone else for a day other than yourself who would it be just one day you get to walk in their shoes maybe Mike holder when he flew to mcken Texas Butch that but that interview with I’ll tell you who it would be it would be Ben

Crenchaw oh nice and and the reason it would be Ben crenchaw we we had him come talk to the team a long time ago and he was sitting at the top of the table and and I said hey Ben before we get started I I’ve got one question for you because

These are all University of Texas student athletes that are in front of you he goes what’s that coach I said did you have a good time when you were at Texas and he he kind of dropped his head and put his hands like cued his face and and then he came

Back with this big smile and he goes coach I had a great time in college yeah I don’t know what that meant but it sure sounded pretty good and the guy it broke the ice and uh Ben crenchaw has always been the coolest guy that I’ve ever been

Around he’s awesome love that on the course off the course all of it um yeah all right coach I’m gonna start you off this is g to be a tough one here and you can defer if you don’t want to if you don’t want to hurt any feelings but if

You were going to put together an all time since you’ve been coaching at Texas starting five based on their games at the college level not necessarily how they turned out as Pros who would it be well I’m just G to I’m going to rank him because you got to start with Jordan Ste

Impact player you’ve got to go with Bo hustler because he was the Fred H Haskins Award winner which is the Heisman Trophy of college golf you got to go with Doug gim because he was also um he W he was the Ben Hogan Award winner which is the best amateur college

Golfer combined for the year and then you’ve got to go with Scotty Sheffer because he’s so Dynamic and then the next one up I only got Brad Elder for a semester so I’m I’m going to he he’s my backup and he’s the guy that uh love to

Compete as well but I got to put Cody Gribble in there because if if I don’t have Cody Gribble I don’t have anything and and I’m not talking to you guys today so thank God for Cody Gribble I shout out Cody Gribble some good Pub today no I thought gossip would be in

There for sure you got good options by the way good options you can put a couple David too yeah yeah what’s what’s Wild is you know growing up in the Dallas area where I did I mean Matt Rosenfeld was the man the guy and it just I mean it shows you how hard

Professional golf is just didn’t make it but he was the guy I remember when we go to tournaments be like oh God he’s here this is a problem yeah yeah he’s really good yeah good player you had a lot of good ones there’s no doubt about that I

Actually had that question down as well so I’ll go to the next one obviously y’all’s biggest rivalry in football U the Red River Red River classic who’s the school you hate to lose to the most in golf oh for sure it’s Oklahoma State I figured that with Ryan hibble Oklahoma with Ryan

Hibble is is next but but Oklahoma state has been really the driving force and the energy and the Synergy behind my passion for this game and that’s Mike holder again yeah he’s set the bar and you guys have been going at it for a long time and we’ll probably continue to

Do so all right I’m going to ask you this coach what’s the most strict punishment you’ve ever given out for a player for sleeping through a workout missing a team meeting any sort of disciplinary matter yeah that that’s interesting I I had two players probably don’t want to

Name the names but um I had two players kind of get into it one time and uh I and and it was on the road at a tournament and when you coaching competitive guys there’s always the possibility that somebody might get outside the box just a little bit so

These two guys went at it when we came home I told them you know what I’m going to make it tough on you guys for the spring semester you’re going to have to qualify to qualify in other words you’re going to have to you’re going to have to

Play in your own qualifier to get to the qualifier both made made them much better the other thing that I did is I made them do everything together I made them go to workout together if one drove one morning then the other one had to drive the next morning I made made them

Do I made them eat together I made them the only thing they didn’t have to do was live together but everything else they had to do together and I I got that from my dad because my dad always felt like whatever I do to your brother I’m

Going to do to you and so I felt like that that’s the toughest thing that I ever did but it turned out to be absolutely wonderful for both of them well I think beautiful you can share this because I got this story from one of those players and I was told to ask

Ask you if you ever saw a fight happen at the Texas Tech golf course but I’ll let you choose if you want to say it or not that was an almost fight between Scotty shuffler and and Bo Hustler yeah and that was because first of all both of those guys

And I’m gonna say this in a nice way are oversexed in the competitiveness Department right so that’s just a way of saying that but Bo Hustler was into his game dramatically he was playing his match we were playing this match play against Texas Tech and Scotty sheffler it

There’s there’s nothing worse on this planet for him than to lose to anybody in anything so anyway they both hit their shots on a par five off the T and I’m walking with Bo I’m really not walking with Scotty but I’m kind of paying attention to Bo like a c

He walks by this goo and he looks at it and he for whatever reason he thinks that he’s out driven Scotty by 15 yards so Scotty doesn’t think anything we walked right past the ball Bo looked at the C ball and Scotty hits his shot we get up to

The ball B turn now and he looks down he goes this is not my ball and you would have thought Mount vvus just went off like like the uh we had a volcano 15 yards below us and Sheffer got so mad when he figured out

That he’d hit the wrong ball he ran up to the green 260 yards on a dead Sprint picked up the ball ran back threw it at both feet Bo goes ahead and hits the right shot then Scotty has lost the the hole now and that he just lost a hole but he

It’s killing him and so now they’re jawing against each other on the way up and finally on the next h on the part three I told Bo I said we are not going another step further until you apologize to Scotty for that what do I got to

Apologize to him for he’s the one that hit the wrong ball and I’m like because of the way you walked up to that ball and recognized that it wasn’t your ball but it was you made made a mistake and it caused him to make a mistake say

You’re sorry so he Scotty’s like walking by he goes I’m sorry like that and then we went on oh it’s beautiful I asked I was Bo was at my house the other night I was like Hey we’re having coach fields on you got any good stories he goes just

Asking about the time me and Scotty almost got in a fight at Texas Tech God perfect but I’ll tell you what those are two Warriors you want to have those guys bling for you promise ah you think which leads perfectly into my next question who wins in a fight between

Both Bo Hustler and Scotty shler oh no I’m kidding you don’t have to answer that one coach that’s a battle of the Titans they’re both 6 foot three big boys but I would say at that time Scotty sheffler was the athlete so I wouldn’t want any part of Scotty sheffler Bose

Leaned up Bose leaned up nice he’s at a nice fighting weight right now he is looking fantastic and I’m I’m praying and visioning for a great year for him yeah he is uh very Dapper all I’ll give my next real one what do you dread hearing more the Boomer Boomer Sooner

Fight song or the dad of a junior golfer coming up to you telling you why you should recruit his kid Boomer Sooner it’s shocking to me actually I bet you hear the other one more often though all the time yeah hey coach got to take a look at my kid all right

Correct 80 already my last one I’m gonna need you to help me with this because I just thought of it because we went over a few of my questions during that but early on probably 2003 or 4 you had a really good player that was a little bit

Of a bigger boy at Texas can you remember can you help me with that name it just came to me he was a stud I are we talking about Jonathan Vegas yeah thinking it wasn’t Johnny Vegas uh he was the guy you beat in the semifinals at the US amateur and broke

Our hearts easy easy match that was no it was before that cuz I was probably a I was a freshman in ‘ 03 God it’s going to drive me nuts and he was a thicker guy a thicker guy had a funny golf swing Jason Hartwick yeah

Jason Hartwick that is it that guy was really good by the way all right we’re going to go Jason Hartwick and lumpy have an Olive Garden bread stick eating competition who could take down more uh for sure Heron because Hardwick would would be looking after his weight and

Tim was not worried about that at the time that is perfect Tim needs those bread sticks that sop up the liquor you know what I mean he needs those I we’d be in the car guys hey guys where do you want to go eat well I’m that we’re going

To Olive Garden I love it that’s awesome well Coach man we really appreciate you sitting down with us congrats on everything with ncaa’s the college World Golf Championship Foundation where we looking forward to seeing what y’all do with the NCAA but and also congrats on all your success you’ve had an

Unbelievable career but it was a lot of fun sitting down talking with you well it’s been great for me today I I really enjoy talking with you guys I remember you greatly from college Golf and amateur golf and professional golf and I’m I’m so thrilled where golf is even

Though that we’ve got the live PGA Tour thing going on golf is in a great place and I’m looking forward to these next few years and you guys are going to be a huge part of that thank you so much thank you coach we appreciate your time

Keep up the good work my man all right thanks so much hook mornings that’s right all right that was coach John Fields The Head Golf coach at the University of Texas what a program he’s put together down there like I said Jordan speed Scotty Sheffer Bo Hustler I

Mean the list goes on and on they’ve had so many great players come out of there they have incredible facilities but congrats to him I loved hearing pretty much everything’s like who do you not like the most who who drove you crazy Oklahoma State Mike holder I was like I

Kind of figured that was gonna be the answer but those were some great stories he shared dude holder is like the Darth Vader of college golf and I mean that in like a great way it’s just like he kind of set the bar and like you I thought it

Was really cool asking coach like look you get a ton of talent who are some of the guys you really wanted but missed on and pretty much for the most part it goes across all sports like what Texas wants what is what Texas gets typically right like they they land dudes but like

Going back to the hunter Mayhan thought I had him the Casey Wittenberg story and things like that man it’s just I mean just goes to show you how good coach holder was to build what he did but John Fields man like as a TCU guy you’re kind

Of and Co probably you for SMU too you know a little different with you growing up in Texas and being the Texas fan but you kind of just Tau in not like like you hate Texas like period like you know what I mean they are pretty much the the

Big program in the state but like then you get to know coach Fields you’re like I can’t all right I hate him for everything else but not for golf because he’s just such a class dude man like he’s such a good guy and he runs such a

Good program and by the way like almost everyone that’s come through that program is is a like a great kid like a kid you’d want to be friends with you know what I mean I got tons of friends from UT and there’s very few that slip

Through the cracks and like ah I don’t really like that guy he just seems to recruit the right type of kid kid too yeah he’s had a lot of talent down there and Shout Out Cody Gribble for all he’s done for the program down there I had no

Idea about that but really cool but best of luck to coach Fields University of Texas on hosting NCAA out at out in San Diego um go check out the foundation see if you can help in any way to get that thing going but they’re doing a lot of

Great work out there and their facility down there in Texas I mean all pretty much if you want to recruit the top dogs nowadays you got to have a sick facility they’ve got one of the best in the in the country down there in Austin I also

Have a short course the spe 40 by the way guess Jordan decides to build a golf course for him no big deal but U this is one thing I think we’re going to start doing a little bit talking to some of the college coaches a lot of fun to to

Hear about recruiting you know who they missed out on you know who they thought was going to be a stud who might not have turned out but I know we’re set up go down to Arizona State and their incredible new facility down at Papo sit down with Coach Matt Thurman here in a

Few weeks but I’m looking forward to this I like seeing the behind the-scenes stuff um with this College athletics especially with this nil and everything that’s going on yeah and especially with guys like fields and Thurman who have coached so many great players and do such a good job even like current day

Man like it’s cool to hear some of the guys that you know maybe they brought on a kid that won that big of a recruit now he’s on the PJ tour just getting a little behind the scenes look and Coach Fields I mean how lucky was he to to

Land lump to get paired in that tournament with a great lump lump in college dude I would I mean lump now is a 10 I just played with his son Carson a few weeks ago and lumps got a little banged up Wing right now so he’s in this

Big ass cast and he came out and just had a few pops ran around I was like dude like just hanging out with lump is the best but young lumpy would have been um a sight to behold because I don’t to breaks too much excuse me Mr Heron you

Can’t smoke on the golf course it’s against NCAA rules okay perfect I’ll just walk out of bounds yeah uh I’m not on I’m on I’m in this dude’s backyard so what do you want to do and then Coach is like yeah you got to tell him to stop

Smoking like what you do I told him to stop smoking okay yeah I did it check the box yeah lump just keep being lump all right well since we’re doing this Sunday night because I got to get up so damn early and fly down to the Latin

American Amer uh we don’t have any gambling picks for the golf this week but we’ll get them to you later this week um so sorry about that but we’ll make sure we’ll give you some winners Russ Rey been playing really good here at the Rock lately I don’t know if we

Mentioned that but look out for him all right well you don’t have to look out for the Dallas Cowboys because they got to do the rest of the year their season is over another disappointing one um kind of ruined by Sunday but always fun to spend a little time here with you

And all of y’all but thanks so much for listening we’ll talk to you on next week Subpar


  1. what a great idea for the college golf championship. they could make it like a mini WMO with the colleges

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