Golf Babe

ROOKIE Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – 7th Anniversary Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is the playthrough for Rookie division with various wind for the 7th Anniversary Tournament. Playing from 1st tee.

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Hello everybody welcome to this playthrough for rookie division with various wins before we have a close look at all the content make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications for those of you that do

Want to take the next step in your game and improve it even more scan the QR code that is here on the screen or use the link CLT you can find in the description down below that will take you to our platform where you can find all our premium guide checkpoint

Challenge tour play and tournament play last but not least the info box on the right hand side gives you the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also at ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to

Follow it if you don’t want to but there is always a plan behind it so let’s go to holdall number one number one we are going to go straight down the fireway using our extra file here using a quaser or a navigator is definitely a preferred choice and what

We’re doing is off the data wejust Max plus 20 with our extra mile after we have made the adjustment we do send to the ball to hit perfect and we do want the ball to get as far down the thway possible without risk rolling too long into the rough we do

Play on a very flat fire where there are no real risks here even if you go into the rough you will uh have no problem reaching for the green into using the thorn here on the second shot here you can play with whatever short iron you prefer to play with all

About finding a spot that gives you a consistent first bounce and sometimes that is on the farway before the green sometimes that is on green so we do make the um the setup leaving the ball guideline slightly short we are making the adjustment that is with an elevation that is minus

10% after the adjustment we do sent to the ball to hit perfect and a perfect ball here will have a good chance to drop it’s not gim me but it has a very good chance to drop for hole number two we are going to move

Up and do a rough bump and here you can play with literally any ball you can see that I’m setting one Back Spin and having then the ball guideline through the hole a slight little gap between the top of the yellow ring and the edge of

The rough light adjust is going to be Min plus 20 and and one once we have adjust justed that one just we just when we have adjusted I’m going to send it the ball and it perfect the reason we go for the rough bump here is to allow

Ourselves to play with the sniper because playing on the fireway before the rough and sound is going to limit to what you can do because you’re most likely going to be in between clubs for hole number three here this is going to be a very difficult part five

To get anything else than an eagle on here I do recommend that you play it for an eagle and anything better than that is going to be just seen as a massive bonus two and a half bar Top Spin two left spin my intention is to bounce over

Roughen the th there by the corner and here you can see that I’m playing with a e3 ball what I would like to say though is that if you have the possibility to play with a power four or a power five ball that is going going to be miles

Easier for you to lock in the eagle I understand though that you have to have obtained some P5 balls like the berser ball from the free golden shot or that you have purchased a special ball at some point in the video you can see me

Play with a P3 Ball but you will see the second shot how difficult that will be to get any sort of I mean close it’s going to be by the green obviously but it’s going to be difficult now on the second shot the big dog as a club we do

Want to have as much distance possible power possible on our club because here we are going to want to use as little Top Spin possible but as you can see as well with a P3 ball we are going to have to use quite a bit so once again using a

P3 ball is not ultimate here a P5 B will definitely make you reach much further down the farway and give yourself a much better look at the Eagle but now we are smart we are going into the rough uh and roll out now very lucky to that actually

Being on farway because we um because that is what we want to be we want to be on the green or on the farway to get ourselves the eagle whole number four we are going to play with our sniper and here we’re going to play with a muling ball and the

Reason for the m ball is to allow ourselves to not pull in between clubs if we do have a Tailwind we are adjusting Top Spin and Top Spin to get the ball guideline into the hole adjust is going to be Min plus 10 here in this particular wind

Angle once we have done that we Senter the ball to hit perfect the the hard part with this part three that needs to be said is that if you do hit some bad Gres here you might put yourself in a spot where you will clip the rck and then maybe roll up

Onto the Fringe on the side it is a quite finicky R three the and it’s called The Hourglass um in you know in layman’s terms so it’s h it’s a p part three but you need to catch the groove correctly have the ball gu line correctly then this could be an absolute brilliant

Chance for an hole in one or it’s just going to be a simple Bird play take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament text guides for expert and a master division for the seventh anniversary tournament it’s honestly unbelievable that we have been playing

This game for so long but we keep on making guides keep on improving players um players play and having fun in the game scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to Via the link in the description Down Below have in mind that

You can play with free to playay balls and pay balls and follow our guides and get some success in my opinion having a guide makes you save money because it will uh take away the need of doing those extra practices spending those extra ball and spending that extra time

That otherwise have to do to be competitive and get to the weekend round so once again get to the weekend round in an easy way and compete for the top spots with our ultimate tournament text guide scan the QR code or use the link in the description down below

For hole number five depending on what type of club and ball you have the possibility to use you can either go directly onto the small farway there to the left or you have to lay up on the right if you have any sort of Tailwind

Or a club with a lot of curl let me explain the thing with a lot of curl there a little bit later here in this video but if we do have some tailwind and a P5 we can go with all the Top Spin bounce into the dra the roll as close to

The green possible this will leave a short wedge which obviously is going to be easier to drop than a short iron or a long iron if you do have a lot of curl on your Club combined with having at least six bars of Top Spin so like an

Apocalypse in a decent level you can go and bounce on the right side farway to bounce it over the water up towards green second shot if we make it over there is going to be a fairly simple wedge here you play with the wge that you feel the most com comfortable with

But I would recommend one thing and that is is to give yourself the wedge that gives you the best ball guideline because having a good ball guideline will truly help you uh maximize your chances of dropping um Eagle perfect ball rolls up the green and we are dropping a nice Eagle for and

An eagle here in whole five all the mistakes is uh I mean we have three part FS of the Glenn Monarch state that is really difficult and the only thing that we’re focusing on from the first te especially with lowlevel clubs is to get ourselves the eagle in

The easiest way possible now playing with a power five ball here would at least make the drive much easier it’s not really going to make the second shot much easier but at least getting over to this path that we’re getting to is essential for making us getting fairly

Close to the green in two Max plus 10 on the drive using Max overpower try and click the rough on the other side second shot we do have our big dog and here we you want to use two right spin or more if you have to like the more right spin

You have the better it’s going to be and what we’re looking for is to adjust Max with no elevation and then we’re going to go Max Curl to the right again the more curl you have the better it’s going to be you can go for some sort of a

Power play meaning like you you are aiming much further left and then you can kind of like slice it or hook it I don’t remember really what’s it called when it comes left to right and then you can get the ball to Green but that

Requires a lot of skill and I would not attempt that if I do if I wouldn’t know exactly how to play the numbers with the club that I’m having now it putting ourself for a wedge and the wedge here now it’s not going to be a gimme um and

Um then I mean now you see me going for a dunk and obviously you can go for a dunk as well but it’s going to generally be a wedge and that’s what I’m focusing the most on and wedge plays just like normal try to play with a wedge that do

Have a good ball guideline to help yourself get that ball in the hole this is uh part five that you will see more birdies than that you will see albatrosses like by by a mile there’s going to be very very few albatrosses here and the only time you can actually

Get an albatross here would be if you do have some good clubs and balls otherwise it’s very easy to do what I’m doing there getting a poor execution on the third shot and then all of a sudden you do have a you do have a bir on a par

Five number seven we are going to bounce over the water and the reason we’re going to bounce over the water is because I do believe we have more control with this type of play rather than trying to go for a rough bump above the water now obviously if you feel like

Going a bit more aggressive going for the rough PMP above the water is not wrong it’s just a different way of attacking the hole that may be a little bit too aggressive especially if you are playing from the first te with lower level clubs I’m playing with a minin

Ball here just allow myself to be able to play with a sniper um in Tailwinds if you do have a headwind you can play with a navigator a quaser if you was so like but otherwise it’s a minin that is the ball to play with it bounces on the

Fireway we have some Top Spin lands on The Fringe rolls up the green and we’re dropping nicely dead center for the ho in one mid plus 20 is what I’m using as my adjustment for hole number eight you can either play on the left hand side or the

Right right hand side the most conservative way of playing the drive is on the left hand side it also offers a really good chance for a drop because what we are doing is that we’re playing just straight up the left hand side leaving ourself um short IR towards the

Pin now if you do want to go frisky and aggressive you can go with a club that do have a lot of curl together with a power three plus ball and actually try to just get this ball to Green you can most definitely go for the ho in one

Even though this is a part four but again you do need to have some decent clubes or like you do need to have a decent driver and also a decent ball to use so here using a quazar I adjust Max plus 10 and then the ball will bounce on the

Farway and land nicely and be perfectly positioned for the second shot the second shot you can see would Diva more or less a straight tailwind and that is as easy as it gets when it comes to a short tant so what I’m doing is what I’m checking where Min Club is and I’m

Checking where Max Club is and then I go from there so you can see here now with my thorn I play with no spin now obviously having a better ball guideline with uh short with our short turn would most definitely be more helpful but we do our best with what we have no

Elevation on the second shot we have no uphill no downhill and then it’s in the end all about the speed and that’s where the ball guideline comes in from if we do have a good ball guideline this shot would have been so much easier than what

It is now it’s still easy in my opinion in terms of getting ourself a chance but the drop rate will obviously be less when when we don’t have a good ball guideline dropping this one still Center pit for poll number nine what we are going to do is that we’re going to use

Two left Spin and one Top Spin with our Titan and our extra mile when we have set set up the position we are adjusting Max plus 15 and once the adjustment is done we are going to use all the left curl that we can and what that means is

I want to use half a ball of left curl if you do have more than that don’t use more than that because we do not want to risk rolling into the rough there at the top or would you want don’t want to risk the rough in the bunker on the left

Either because this is unfortunately a part five that where the pain is standing there isn’t really a chance for an albatross here if you’re not trying something really strange or weird of t such as like a power hook or something like that but that is not something

We’re going to do on the second shot our only intention is to get as safe as possible to either on the green or On The Fringe G just lock in the eagle thank you so much everybody for watching this play through 4 rookie division with various wins if you do want to improve

Your game even more scan the QR code here on the screen or go directly to clashy Via the link in the description down below last but not least hit the thumbs up subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications those three things will help the channel

Immensely thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in a gold Clash game


  1. Golf clash is rigged and tournament play is stupid it suggest that getting low score is better than winning the match but you are matched against someone anyway!!!

  2. Anybody mind telling me, how do i fugure out wtf min +20 actually is?? This info does me zero good wo knowing what to do with it. If wind is 3, playing with 100% accuracy club, min +20% is how many rings?????

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