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Kings burned in Phoenix | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

Instead of celebrating a clean win and heading back to Sacramento with a 3-2 road trip to feel optimistic about, the Kings suffered a meltdown that had shades of old ‘Kangz’ teams of the past, losing 119-117 to the Phoenix Suns. How does the team bounce back?

Plus, we’re another day closer to the 49ers Divisional Round matchup with the Packers. How is San Francisco preparing?

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A ymx HD2 Sacramento the only station in Sacramento giving you local sports coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. Monday through Friday Sports Capital Casino conveniently located on 411 North 16th Street in downtown Sacramento the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the

Microphone he’s playing a song and he’s not playing songs on the microphone and then Bo with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call think we’ve got plenty of that I I just I’m always fascinated and and on if I’m being honest jealous of your phenomenal ability to

Maintain your composure in the face of terrible things now not to get too whatever but I I have known you for a long time so I I know that you have had many challenges in your life and I’m I I imagine there is a bit of latent perspective where you’re like it’s

Basketball dude you want you want real pain you want real challenges I’ll tell you a few but that I think is uh disrespect to I think it is even even if you didn’t have any real world challenges you’d had to you know go through over the years I still think you

Are far more centered than most I’m not obviously you were disappointed last night obviously you were you know too the cameras were on during the game yeah and or you know talking postgame yeah I think it sounded like it there was uh it was the timeout before the king’s final

Play and last night was shaping up to be a really good night like my the kings were kicking the hell out of the Suns my son I went and watched my son play his JV game they won he played well then the coach was uh sick for girls varsity my

Wife was making her coaching debut while my daughter who’s the little band leader this year the band was on stage playing you know like college style band you know whatever this really cool family event and then I left a little early because um I had I had gone by the store

Earlier and gotten some of those homemade pizza do that we’re into now and went home to play uh uh you know pizza maker pizza guy and uh was pizza guy I’m I no I’m actually the opposite of a pizza guy so I’m a pizza guy I watch his YouTube

Videos I’ve gotten pretty good not professional but pretty good at stretching the dough we have a little pizza pan so I get it all set then you know the game’s on and I’m putting all the stuff on I’ve got this beautiful like before it goes into the oven just this

Beautiful uh perfect toppings just it looks gorgeous and I’m I’m so excited to cook it kids and wife will get home I’ve got this whole method where I’ve got another one on the way you know be be Daddy’s Pizza Shack or whatever um I’m getting more and more

Angry as I’m making the pizza while watching the game and we just our old oven died and like about a month ago we got this new stove oven combo and one of the reasons why we’re sew pizzas now is uh it’s got an oven uh Pizza feature on it like this

Convection super high temp whatever so the oven’s at like 550 degrees it’s hot as it’ll ever be and I go in to put the pizza it’s on a pan just go all I have to do is put the pan on the rack and close the door and and and like as I’m

Going as the Pan’s going down into the oven it catches on one of the stove knobs and it was just it was comical speaking of cameras if You’ to watch because I’m like and the whole thing just falls into the oven upside down toppings and cheese everywhere I

Quickly grab the dough and pull this morphed dough ball out with sauce and cheese and crap dripping off of it and there is just 3 lbs of pepperoni sausage bell pepper cheese sauce onion Olive the May Supreme Pizza all all on the bottom of the oven just

Sizzling I can’t do anything about it the oven’s too hot I can’t reach in there and grab it I’m screwed so I just put the pizza I’m like whatever I put the pizza in I close the door I turn the little stove fan on and I’m going two

Minutes later I’m sitting there as the Kings have lost my entire house is filled with smoke all my fire alarms are going off my dogs are on the ground looking at me like what dude what and I’m just staring at the TV like it was it was

Like a movie I’m just I’m what am I gonna do I’m not moving I finally went and took the fire alarms down I you know it wasn’t one of those things where you could just air it out I took the fire alarms and know press the little buttons is the story

Funny yet like to you see it’s kind of funny one of those like when you’re like when you see in the movie the guy’s like pulling his intestines out and laughing at the same time like it’s a crazy I’ve seen that movie so many times what movie

Is that I don’t know I saw a cartoon um and then I make another Pizza I put it it’s fine everyone gets home like hey there’s Pizza on the counter why is it Smokey why is it yeah well I’d sent my wife the video in advance so she could see I’m

Just like I’m murderous right now like I I just I want to kill everything I I I am so mad you know I got home really Jason really I did the dishes had everything nice and you know everything was just it was such a perfect day that

I gotta say of all the like I’m not happy about the Kings by that would have set me off yeah it kind of did to the point but when I like I get rambunctious and out there but like when I’m really really really mad like really mad like throw

The video game cartridge mad no there’s a Step Beyond that and I just shut I I I shut down I just I get quiet like my wife knows if I’m quiet mad that’s don’t you got to leave me alone because I I’m just I’m I’m a mason jar

Overflowing ready to explode right just I I so I go upstairs uh turn on some old deep space n reruns get in bed early and then they all get home pizza well what I did though is when I took the pizza out you know I made sure to smoke it cleared out and

I I put the fire alarms back because you know you got to be safe and you know since I was done with the oven and I got to deal with it still today when I get home that’s my project today yeah so I set the oven on clean you know so it’ll

Selfclean what selfclean is for you not an issue I is the oven basically goes up to like 10,000 de and it turns everything into dust it’s hotter than a broiler it’s hotter than AO I’m almost asleep what I didn’t count on is that there’s still toppings in oh yeah more

Smoke yeah a lot more smoke more smoke than before and it’s like now like 11 o’clock I I had fallen asleep and I wake up and all the fire alarms are going off again and I sit there in bed and and hear my wife and kids like Fanning with

Pillows and opening up sliding glass doors and just waiting to see at what point or is my wife gonna burst in to get me it didn’t take her that long so I had to go because I’m the only one tall enough take down the smoke detectors again and I woke up this

Morning it got it but I’m I’m pretty sure it kind of caked some of it on the oven’s interior I’ll see and then there I saw that there’s still some uncooked pepperoni and Italian sausage that’s in between the the door hinge on the bottom so I’m

Going to have to get down and just like wipe that and it’s almost to the point I know this sounds terrible where it’s like are is there like a oven cleaner person like it would honestly be worth it to me to hire somebody to come out

Just be like can you just make this look like new again I don’t I don’t want de because it’s going to make me angry just cleaning it because I’m going to be going back to what happened last night and I’m sitting there this morning just looking at the oven and the dead

Pizza and the fact that the king’s lost last night and the way they lost and it’s the second straight time they’ve had this heartbreaking loss and 74% of people pulled say that this was the woe which seems to be we need to actually get that sponsored I don’t know

What sponsor would want to attach their name to it like a funeral home or something but that’s kind of dark by the way well no that was the word no grandma was the worst loss of the Year Dave but it’s getting a point where we’re doing it so often we have to

Uh we it’s like we should get it sponsored and then our job today Jason is to come in today and what make sense of it try to explain it break it down I actually think there’s some explanations for yesterday love you for it yeah cuz I I would love

To be educated today CU all I can think about right now is like here’s my detailed analysis they’re all stupid like that’s my analysis they’re just dumb buttholes that’s my anal that’s it dumb but smart whatever the opposite would be uh during for 42 minutes yes smart mouth holes yes yes

Smart mouth cloes yeah then they get dumb yeah actually that that was my analy I had a dream last night I don’t know the player but it’s like a player was on like yelled at me on Twitter was like do you even like this

Team all you do is yellow bow I was like no I don’t I don’t like it I don’t like I don’t like this stuff it gets to me and then I have this existential crisis where I go why do you care so much about this it’s basketball they’re better than they were

Two years ago they didn’t move to Seattle we have a spanking new Arena they could win the championship this year and we won’t care this is like the crap Tom Morton tells me when I’m on the golf course and I can’t hit a damn golf ball I’m on the sixth hole he goes

But if you birdied four of the next 12 holes would you even care about what you did I’m like no and if Prime Pam Anderson swooped in was like hey you’re the love of my life here’s $10 million I’d be like oh my God the the fact that

I lost a toe isn’t that big of a deal but this this is reality man wow that was a really good analogy it super was so what I’m dealing with is is our team fraudulent are they a fraud are they the Dolphins are they the Cowboys except the

Cowboys at least have won a title are we like are we like the fraudulent Lions is Mike Brown good I don’t know because I think he got panted last night badly like with underwear is gross like where you’re embarrassed I want to see him do a laptop explanation of how you blow a

Lead bigger than any team is blown in over a thousand games we have that stat so when we get to who’s hot and who’s not oh did I that you’re talking about yeah is that in there yeah okay we may talk about that stat prior

But that’s fine I I feel like we could put that stat out every segment in be okay did I not put in a third topic this morning I thought I did weird we might have one we have a special guest oh yeah well now it’s going to be a guessing

Game for you okay we’ll take a break then when we come back we’ll lead it off three guesses as to uh what topic three is but I can tell you the first two was last night and Mike Brown’s pockets are a little bit lighter so is the wind

Column we’ll do all that next you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it Keegan can he do it yes there’s number 11 Keegan Murray Keegan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a

King’s franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports act hi I’m Henry Winkler my eyes are very important to me my eyes connect me with things I love I loved my late father-in-law dear he always lit up a

Room but his vision dimmed with age he had age related macular degeneration or AMD and since partnering with a pelis I’ve learned there’s an advanced form of the disease called Geographic atrophy or GA his struggle with vision loss made me want to help others know about ga’s warning signs for some straight lines

Seem wavy like when looking at a door frame for others blurry or missing spots can make it hard to read or see Lov ones faces many have trouble seeing in low light making driving at night difficult GA gets worse over time and cannot be reversed if you’ve been diagnosed with

AMD and notice vision changes don’t wait talk to your eye doctor about GA today learn more at gawon that’s let’s do it leading off the three top stories in the morning huge news this is very important here’s cut number one box now yet to put it on the floor

Against Booker scream from sabonis goes to the left angle down to three down to two he has to lift up his shot is blocked by Kevin Durant Durant in transition ready to launch a three this Trace will go crazy if he makes it and they’re going bonkers in Arizona man yeah

Well thank you G man for describing the action yeah they went Bonkers yeah they did they went Bonkers in part because that’s something that they um aren’t used to seeing as the athletic was writing this morning they’re they’re like six and 22 and trailing after the

First they’re one of the worst the Suns fourth quarter teams in the NBA until they meet the Robitussin of the NBA the Sacramento Charmin who uh were outscored 3521 in the fourth 3323 uh uh 28 in the third had a 99.9% win percentage it’s a fun graph to

Watch it’s it’s like a it’s like a ski ramp um yeah and really sorry had to get that loss out of my throat um you know there’s a lot of things to look at but the but but probably the key is this Frank vogo made an adjustment

And Mike Brown and his staff didn’t know what to do yeah and the players yeah none of them knew what to do one team was focused and educ and knew whated something new desperate sure Absol they were desperate but it worked I’m all about giving credit to

The Suns that’s fine as long as we don’t use that as an excuse no 100% credit to the Suns um but you had the Kings out there just completely pantsed they were completely leaderless they were there were there was no it was everybody basically crapped their pants didn’t

Know what to do and they completely shut down and and and and and it’s a disease and it’s recurring and it you’re either blown out or you blow leads um you’re missing free throws late and there’s a you’ve got guys like Dame Lillard who it’s his time he rises to the occasion

He’s made for this moment you have guys like Kevin Durant who outscored the kings in the final few minutes and did everything from blocking shots to disrupting Damonte sabonis to uh stealing and passing and you have guys like that that are proven winner Championship mentality players and then

You have the the hasb the also Rands the the ones that if they’re betting on the horse tear your ticket up because they’ve got this this loser loser stink on them and whether this is a loser stink that can be overcome through education and time great maybe that’s the first question I

Have because it’s not on the top my head are there other teams that or or or players that we can think of that have gone through you know multiple years of losing like this in terribly chokey ways and like how’d that work in O2 when the king’s

Choked against the Lakers did they well I guess the injuries didn’t help but sorry I’m thinking this through right now because they were really good the next year um but they were never the same and I just feel like this I know it’s isn’t that every team like one team

At the end wins so when they don’t win at all something went wrong so then what is but I’m trying to understand I don’t mind I well I mind losing but if you go up and you’re throwing Haymakers at each other and you lose and you just run out

Of time I can handle that when you just collapse mentally right when you’re making mental mistakes and I count free throw misses as mental mistakes especially when you’re a 90% shooter or you’re an All-Star point guard when you just start missing everything and collapsing and you can see the body

Language and the look on their faces and they’re all lost and and and again I don’t know if Mike Brown and Company were playing in a really hardcore game of Shoots and Ladders in the final five minutes on the sideline I don’t know was where they

Shooting marbles I I don’t know what was going on but Frank vogle all credit to him and all credit to that team for playing desperate and meanwhile the kings are playing like the team that won the championship last year and as a dynasty is just kind of cruising around yeah I

Took it as the Kings I mean there’s is a saying like played not to L like the lead was so large so comfortable the odds as we said it’s a historic loss 99.9% chance of winning you I mean that’s they found the0 one and I don’t even think honestly Dave until about two

Minutes to go that Phoenix thought they were gonna win it’s like Phoenix was like ah man we’re gonna lose by eight and go shoot if we played like this you know the first three quarters we would have won the game yeah you would have but then they just kept going and the

Kings went from I mean the frustrating thing for me is I was was about to say if the game went as it was that was one of their best games they’ve played yes and then the last six minutes they completely self-destruct up until halfway through the fourth it was one it

Was like a signature win yeah like the ball movement is precision sharing it I mean the assist by quarter I’m like wow they’re going to smash their season high for assist that’s a great indicator and then it just kept shrinking and then they’re throwing the ball in and at any

Other time in the game would Darren just let the ball roll up like that it’s like no you playing not to lose go attack the game and yeah they got confused with the small lineup didn’t know how to handle it and then Phoenix flooded the floor with Shooters and those guys started to

Make them and turnovers it just it was a 100% self-destruction are are you guiding us towards and I I kind of like it are the are the Sacramento Kings like playing the prevent defense of the NBA that’s what they did a little bit at the end and then this didn’t know how to

Handle you know the small lineup and I know we’ll hear some audio from Mike Brown later more teams will try it felt a little bit like what the Warriors did to the Kings I mean they went small in that series and look it went seven it wasn’t like the kings were mess the

Entirety of it but this last six minutes what Phoenix did either the Kings couldn’t figure out how to work through sabonis they even took him out for us for about a a possession or two and I went wait this is the counter I I just felt like the Kings couldn’t figure out

How to handle it at all and uh the Suns exposed that you know I shut everything off last night am I seeing this right did Fox not talk to the media again is that I don’t know I mean we only aired post we only aired Mike Brown he might

Not have unfortunately when they’re on the road we don’t have a lot of other outlets I would believe it but I don’t know because while I was gone I remember wasn’t it Keon Ellis up there was only one yeah and that was a home game that’s

The one that got a lot of grief should have soft man it’s not dear that I’m talking about the whole team you throw a Keon Ellis up there after a loss that’s s that’s just that’s soft S A WFT that’s just soft do your job talk to the

Media that’s just soft man that is just all right cut number two cut number two the f is what it is uh my partner Rochelle she’s upset with me because uh you know I was going to splurge and take them yeah I don’t care he was uh he’s

Going to say he was going to go to the Ritz Carlton and uh now he’s not I just Mike Brown it was funny when I watched it live and no you know what you don’t get no I hope you don’t go to the Ritz Carl no Mike you don’t go to the Ritz

Carl you go to Motel 6 wow no offense they’ll leave the light on for you they’ll leave the light on for you so maybe you can draw better plays in the end of the fourth quarter that’s that’s that’s that’s what yeah Mike got fine 50k so he forgot how to coach yes wow

I I I hope that let me be clear I love Mike Brown you know I’m so pissed I love Mike and I love dear and I love this team so much they’re so damn frustrating because I know that do seem like you love them I I

Do I do love them I love this I love these guys you don’t love them enough when they win you hate it when they lose yeah I I think that’s fair I think I think it’s it’s almost like uh look if my kid not not that you know these are

Grown men but I’m trying to make an analogy here if my kids do something Chris is getting ready if my kids do something wrong or they there’s a big difference between you did it wrong and you don’t know better or you couldn’t do the thing because you’re not good enough

Or studied enough or athletic enough whatever it is but you’re trying your best there’s a difference between that and you’ve done this 500 times before you’ve made this mistake 50 times you know better than this you’re so much more capable than this and you’re there’s a huge difference and that’s my

Anger towards them they’re I believe my anger comes from my maybe I believe in them to they’re better than this they’re stronger than this they’re they’re more professional I’m talking about media appearance I’m talking about that really really pisses me off when you throw Keon

Ellis up there to F you throw Keon Ellis up there to face the music multiple that wasn’t the first time they’ve done that either they did that earlier what is that that does not instill go up there Superstars do it all the time I’m not saying LeBron and others don’t take

Night I get it but the real ones those are the ones that are up there I don’t care if you’re Solen so what if you get you worried about getting fined you make freaking millions of dollars a year take the fine you’re the ones that that face the

Music so anyways Mike Brown’s not you know you got find 50 what whatever cut number three cut number Three you guess what that is it’s somebody screaming um scenario yeah what’s the scenario guess the scenario I’ll say it’s sports related yeah okay because it sounds like one of two things if I didn’t know any context uh someone just like opened a door and oh my God a cobra okay or someone’s

Burning like they’re they burn they burn so it’s not those it’s sports related as Chris said that can’t be any sort of a Call of something are you sure about that what do you mean can you play it again please what do you mean a call of something something think like a playby

Play couldn’t oh I see okay what else could it be is that is that it almost sounds like a podcast are freaking out about something I have no idea The Rush The Rush PS it back there and now Murphy Murphy throws the pass across and that Puck’s gonna go out of

Play here and that’s gonna for that sequence right there 925 Le I apologize if I just uh I just damaged your ear drums there just it went right over the mesh right over my head so uh I just I apologize for that I’m sorry everyone’s few people looking at me I’m

Fine just I’m fine just you sure oh my God as I apologize for that one right there and for saying oh my God I shouldn’t be saying that I’m sorry just okay I’m just trying to catch my breath here just okay just all right as we’re back to this thing Rush here with

It smooth smoth so this is a guy calling a hockey like minor league hockey and the puck sailed over his head Halifax Max versus the Sydney Rush so that was him reacting to a PT going over his head I wonder why his Sports CER didn’t go very

Well well he’s gonna because I instantly thought of boom that’s where boom goes to the dynamite guy is today uh he’s going viral that’s uh that’s a re you know the thing is is that natural you ex you can’t come back because that that is your real reaction yeah he was the

1940s cartoon version of the housewife lifting up her whatever they lifted up when there’s mice on the floor screaming on the chair that was actually the first call from gymnast Hello friends all right I needed that thank you that was a there pet cleanser we’ll uh cuz honestly it sound like he was

Getting burned yeah that actually might be you after dropping the pizza into the bottom of the oven and I honestly I’m just proud of myself I didn’t just reach in grab it out of anger just it’s burning SK I come in I don’t care I don’t care anymore I just

Got this big club for a hand coming and it’s just melted together with pizza and pepperoni although it would be better than that chip you gave me uh Chris did you try it yeah Lord what was your taste uh not bad but what’s the what’s the

Flavor uh I said I thought it was a t a Taki so like some sort of Milder Taki maybe enculada Taki that’s a good poll cuz there’s definitely taco seasoning type stuff in there um well I said first it tastes like a taquito but then it got

Really spicy I’m gonna go with Chris and say enchilada okay it is sweet chili dragon is the name well I believe the Dragon part man I felt that I think Chris can handle spice a little better than I but yeah that Fel I felt that in

The old es saw fugas uh we’ll take a break when we come back I won’t read what I wrote down on the paper but we’ll talk about the the Kings uh we’ve got audio and uh all kinds of fun and excitement I see you all on the YouTube

Chat thank you for Rolling In for Kings H it’s Anonymous where we are unfiltered and vulnerable and uh we just need to hug each other you can text us at 9163 39114 you can call us at 18009 2140 it’s Carmichael David Jason Ross Christopher L we’re right back check out the golf to

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We’re continuing our trip tour Which is far more uh we have three a day for the rest of the week yeah you you’ve I like how you’ve rationed them that’s good um I would say I don’t think today’s a great day well it didn’t start well

Because uh pregame you gave me some sort of like it looked like a little mini Taquito sweet Dragon chili that was terrible Takis you never had Takis before yeah fine but I’m still burping it up okay um I didn’t like it that was my least favorite of the

Week uh Chris have you tried this yet no okay let’s go uh every year by the way Jason’s brother brings him all kinds of exotic flavored chips and twice a year birthday Christmas so here we go this is uh chip number two for the day you probably know the Brand L

Mhm I don’t know is this like ketchup yeah I didn’t think it was very descript it’s not it’s it there’s definitely like a tomatoey Barbe not a lot of smoke like a light smoke but I don’t think there’s any I just I don’t think they hit on

This one what from what the title very I wouldn’t say Bland it just doesn’t grab you I don’t any guesses I kind of like where Chris went like a like a a light ketchupy flavor with maybe a touch of cumin but I don’t think so I’ll go with I’m gonna go with Chris

Again he had enel last night yeah they’re not terrible they just I I could see myself eating a bag of these and going what what I just do the correct answer is Buffalo chicken dip I don’t really or chicken buffalo dip I don’t know which way they ordered

It I’m not getting the buffalo sauce it’s not that there’s not that much heat on there’s a little little I mean very minute I don’t hate them I would eat them if there was a bag in front of me I would eat these well there will be later

They’re just not they’re better than the last ones yeah okay those were lame there you go right Chris I like them you like them favorite so far Tomy ask for more of those the Takis or this one wait the takis are your favorite so far or

You just being you no I mean like I guess I am being me they are I can’t help being me well the Kings couldn’t help being them yesterday we think maybe that oh just informed we have one minute left in the segment as we as I try subconsciously to not talk about this

Team well here you go ESPN did the work that’s why I was taking the picture uh and the final eight minutes and 15 seconds of the fourth quarter the kings were out scored 32 to8 the suns were 11 to 14 the kings were three of 13 uh the

Suns were at 79% from the field the Kings at 23 the suns were six of eight from Beyond The Ark uh the kings were one of five uh the Suns made four of four from the free throw stripe the kings were one of two the Kings LED 109

87 uh do the quick math that is 22 points with 815 left yeah and the one that thing they left off there which I would be really curious of most of the night the suns were turning the ball over the kings were not I know the Kings had eight fourth quarter turnovers I

Think they had six in that stretch I mean just some that were just ridiculous and again back to the self-destruction in the game and I I hate to um end a segment like this because this is actually a full segment conversation but you know yesterday when we were

Screwing around about like would you how do you think we’d feel about Draymond Green last night’s game made me want a guy like Draymond Green on this team and if you’re out there go no no he stepped on Dem SP I I’m not indifferent to that but something some toughness something

Someone that’s G I’m not saying if Draymond Green was on the team last night the Kings would won would have won but I will tell you this if Draymond Green was playing for the king last night I would bet money with that lead they would not have won now the question

Is would they have gotten to that lead with Draymond I don’t know yeah but I’m just gonna say if green was playing for the Kings over the last 815 against Kevin Durant especially I I would bet my house that the Kings would have won last night because somebody on the floor would have

Said no not happening sorry and maybe that means Draymond Green would have peeled off somebody’s face and eating it like a Takis but whatever technical foul right is that probably flagrant too if you peel off somebody’s face skin and eat it in front of them is that a

Flagrant too off is that clear intent to injure were you in the key or not were that’s a great Point did you establish position with your face did you have one arm down or you vertical did you have the 4 draymond’s draymond’s at the podium afterwards show the laptop of the face

Coming off when we come back uh Mike Brown was fired we’ve got tra rumors what Mike Brown was fined not fired sorry read it wrong and uh we’ve got a a possible trade in the works uh and that will weirdly affect the Kings even though they’re not involved in it if it happens

And uh hey you know what always great to have your name in the news with Harvey Weinstein we explain what that was next the 49ers earned the nfc’s top seed on the first play of the game CMC Dino M join all of our shows the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross

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The non- combo or the late combo with Katie but I swear the last time I gotta go back and look at the schedule I swear the last time I was on we talked to them when I was here we were having Jim Les try to explain away or help us with

A really bad loss no I was and I told that to Katie too I said I think every time you’ve come on they’ve played Tuesday and had a really bad loss and last Tuesday so it’s not that long ago gave up 47 in the first to Detroit now

They end up winning by 21 I’m like thank goodness yeah um but then now we’ve got this one to discuss with Katie what was oh gosh I now I gotta think because I think it Charlotte was it Charlotte that we yeah because that was the whole I I

Thought Katie wouldd make excuses and we actually had a really good combo about it had a lot of Wes this has been the year of the W and that I remember when we were talking about that you were saying kind of like there’s probably no

Way to get as far as record I said yeah but it would be a different way and you were right this one was I mean the last two I don’t know what the not that I want to go back and look it up but I bet when the kings were up four

In Milwaukee in overtime with 18 seconds left and Malik going to the line that had to be in the high 90s yes had to be up four with the ball 18 seconds left yeah it may not be as high as 99.9 but it’s 90s easily easily High 90s when you

Are you’re up four and you have a 90% free throw shooter going to the line I mean what a swing from if you complete those two as they should have yeah you’re four what four in one on the road four in one and a season High 10 games above 500 instead you I

Mean you lose on the on a great shot by D but still awfully painful and then last night self-destruction and it just makes you question everything by the way uh in case anyone’s wondering about it uh I did ask if the last night was the new wodi and

Uh 79 % said it was yeah it’s always going to be and I know they the most recent thing yeah because Milwaukee was really painful and it almost was like oh this was way worse than Milwaukee you I mean capture what we felt in Milwaukee and it’s someone like yeah that was

Nothing no that was significant and then now this is the new one well because they’re like you said Jason they’re finding these different ways yeah because it’s like okay you lost it home to this terrible horrific team in Charlotte or you went into Portland and they had won since the

Truman Administration and you lost to them but then you choke in overtime on your free throws and you lose to Dame time that’s a different way of having a terrible loss and then you last night had a historic yeah historic loss and I which is really too bad because of the

Of the other of these two the most reason because the Portland one they didn’t play well the Charlotte one they obviously didn’t play well there’s a bunch of those where you’re like man why are you down 50 at home to Minnesota or to New Orleans they played really well

Against Milwaukee and really well against Phoenix but it doesn’t matter if that’s the end result and you let that slip away twice maybe we should maybe maybe honestly maybe we should put a banner up 2024 Sacramento Kings played really well kurur is going to use this stat by the

Way but I don’t care this is the stat of the year for the Kings the suns were down 22 with 810 left it’s the biggest comeback in the NBA since the bubble teams facing deficits of 22 or more in the fourth quarter we’re o we’re o and

1,244 now that doesn’t mean we’ve had 1244 games play I just want to make sure we all understand there are 1244 incidences of teams being down 22 or more in the fourth quarter and the kings are the first ones to lose it hasn’t happened since August of 2020 again the

Bubble and by the way that’s just the fourth quarter like I’d really like to you know the whole like well when was the last time a team was up 22 with 815 left or 20 or whatever it was with 815 left in the fourth quarter that’s a full four

Minutes I’ll bet you can go way back beyond the bubble for that Mike Brown was F 50 Grand yesterday I thought we’d have a conversation about is that really fair honestly I think he should have been fine 100 Grand now like honestly yeah now now after the L now after the loss

Double the fine yeah I see it be 25 I think the computer the laptop the video surveillance added an extra 25 they did not like that no no I did I thought it was F I thought it was great yeah Mike Brown was up in my coach Power Rankings

After that now bottom sudden drop kind of like the uh win percentage last night that’s that’s where that’s where he and the staff are um Indianapolis in Toronto you may have heard yesterday according to uh Shams trania or or Shams chanz whoever was filling in yesterday for uh for Mo on

The prea and post said I I don’t blame him I mean it’s it’s not an easy name um sakam to Indie is the uh is the thought um and I believe three first round picks along with like buddy hee and a couple of friends are involved D nothing crazy coming from Indie side

Than those picks Messiah jurri always gets what he always gets his value now this could very well although now it’s a little closer but they I think if they got it done like this morning he’s probably debuting against the Kings but even you think that’s a little too tight

For Medicals and all that it happened today no I don’t think there’s any way he’s playing tomorrow all right well not lied it doesn’t affect the Kings at all so make it happen now uh I’m with yeah because then yeah well honestly isn’t that how it’s going

To go they’re going to not have Tyrese Alberton they’re going to be light because three of their players have been traded to Toronto and siakam’s not there yet and the then the Pacers will come in and win by 12 and we’re going to hear about all their legs are you know it’s

First get back from road trip that’s how you think uhhuh uh finally as I said before nothing like having your name and Harvey Weinstein together a Tennessee woman has filed a federal lawsuit accusing James Dolan the head of the of MSG uh the Rangers and the Knicks of

Pressuring her into unwanted sex nearly a decade ago while also facilitating an encounter with Harvey Weinstein who she also claimed assaulted her says she was 27 and working as a licensed massage therapist when she met James Dolan in fall of 2013 while on tour with the Eagles uh

James ‘s band JD and the straight shot opened for the Eagles during the tour I’m not making any of this up this is all alleged uh anyways I won’t go into the uh sorted details you can read for yourself and obviously everyone is innocent until proven

Guilty however if if if if uh James Dolan is found guilty of this uh that’s going to be a very interesting decision for the National Basketball Association who has gone through I wouldn’t say recent but in you know fairly recent situations with Donald Sterling uh with Robert Sarver and James Dolan also

Considered one of the worst owners in sports uh they may have a decision to make there as well so keep an eye on that story we’ll take a break when we come back our weekly visit and once again let’s get on the couch and uh visit with former Sacramento King

Current UC Davis men’s basketball coach Jim Les I want to ask him about these guys not facing the media I want I want to know what he says about that as an ex player and as a coach and as a a person a parent a son a brother I don’t know if

He’s a brother or not but uh Jim Les joins us next last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers

Plus we got to light the be newo are Steel by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the bean team sack toown Sports and Sack

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88253 all guests come to you from the falson lake Honda hotline falsom Lake Honda your onstop Honda shop from the power business technology to Sheba Studios your home for Kings basketball for over 25 Seasons no look B to Weber down the lane flying Jam there’s your

Pray of the night right there inside is saon a two hand rip a brilliant pass from dear Fox khtk Sacramento K ymx ht2 Sacramento sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the

Microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 9163 39140 it’s the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right one hour down three to go Ka will join us at eight we think always on

Time doesn’t matter where it’s the first or the fourth quarter he’s always uh engaged former Sacramento King current head coach of your UC Davis agies heard right here on sack toown Sports Jim Les Jim it’s Dave and Jason good morning Dave Jason good morning this is a bad

Trend we’re starting here I’m coming on after some tough losses we were uh we were discussing that at the end of the last break because I I was gone last week and I I remember the one before I was worried about you by the way you know because our last conversation you

Were not in a good place no today coach yeah yeah so we’ll we’ll talk you down well let me let me ask you something that uh this is this is now going to uh NBA veteran gymless um you know game aside and we’ll get to that there have been multiple instances

Where after these types of losses uh I know of at least two earlier instances where the only person that faced the media was Keon Keon Ellis and last night uh none of the none of the Stars faced the media granted it was a road game where you stand on that and of course

Understanding they’re pissed off too but I don’t know man that kind of irks me a little extra yeah it’s it’s it’s understandable and we’re all competitors so you know we kind of get caught up into you know the moment and the frustration and the emotion but I I just believe that it

That’s part of your job that’s part of your responsibility and uh the media the fans they they want to hear those thoughts and those emotions and you you you have to be able to you know reset and you know and and and I get where sometimes you’re going

To maybe take a little bit longer uh to to to get on the stage and and talk but I I I do think that’s a responsibility that we we all have to live up to whether we’re coaches or we’re players uh and uh if you’re going

To sit up there after a big win and you play great and receive the the the the accolades and you got to be able to sit up there and take the tough questions talko with Jim Les here from the fome lake Honda hotline coach also kind of a

Generality too it’s going to connect to the last night’s uh you know collapse for the Kings unfortunately but from your playing days from your coaching time when you’re in a situation similar to what the kings were in where it’s unraveling and they can’t get out

Of it I mean when you’re a player Andor a coach and you’re kind of feeling it and you think maybe it’ll just stabilize and normalize and you’ll just get through it but you don’t I mean of course we’re all going to second guess but how do you try to fix that when

You’re in it when you’re like man we just can’t stop the bleeding well the one thing we talk about quite a bit with our team is um what is your identity and and then rather than when things start to go bad and and it’s a normal reaction you know when you’re

Dealing with really good college players you’re dealing with with professionals is they want to take it upon themselves to you know stop the run or to to change the fortune change the momentum and sometimes that that then feeds on itself to put you in a deeper hole versus you’re buying into the

System offensively defensively has to be greater in those moments of adversity uh and we gota resist the temptation to go out on our own and and and it’s not from a selfish uh standpoint it’s from a hey you know I’m going to take it upon myself to stop

This run or stop this uh issue that we’re dealing with and that tends to put you in a deeper hole so we stress get back and back to our identity get back to what we know is important to us that allows us to have success and I need all

Five Guys on the floor buying into that on both ends of the floor coach Jim Les joining us and and this is a coach question now because from an outsider’s point of view and I always try to acknowledge coach I’ve never coached I’ve never played I’m just a fat guy on

The radio but it looked like our Kings coaches got panted last night and and what I want to say specifically or ask you is in the fourth quarter the Suns mixed it up put Duran Center uh they were desperate and the Kings had no answer are there situations as a coach

Where another coach will do something and deep down inside you’re like oh my God I have no idea what to do yeah that that and it’s the worst place to beat because uh you know there there’s timeouts and you you have a lot of eyeballs looking at you going we need

Some anwers we need some would you step in here and uh and and then you go back and watch the tape and you’re you you’re you’re as disappointed you know in yourself in those moments where you feel like you know because the worst thing a

Coach can feel is I I can’t help my guys you know get get through whatever it is they’re trying to get through and you know it’s that that’s a tough call for the Kings because sabonis is so important to them on the offensive end and his his ability to handle the ball

And make plays and the the the five out motion offense so dependent upon his playmaking ability which is you know obviously awesome uh and then if you take him off the floor because you want to you want to have better defensive matchups it’s a it it’s it’s a tough

Twist that that you got to come to grips with and not an easy problem to solve you know the other part of this too there there’s so many mental things that you guys have to do as a coach or players to too and to have back-to-back as difficult losses as you can have

While playing some of your best basketball too it’s you know as a coach are you trying to highlight that confidence and say look this might be as close as they look to you know a top fiveish team in the NBA but also in the same sense you had two of the most

Difficult losses including a brutal six minutes you know the psychological part coach what what are you trying to highlight there yeah I I I think it’s a little bit of I think you have to be measured in your hey we are doing some really good things and sometimes that

Last you know 100 yards of that mile run is the toughest and sometimes to get over the hump from feeling really good about yourself and being successful and having the result you want to uh playing really well and then all of a sudden you’re you’re brutally disappointed that

That that last 100 yards can seem like for ever and it’s you’ve got to be able to judge your team of hey we we can compliment them here and show them some of the good things and what put us in a position to be successful throughout the

Game but you know we we got to hit home some of these other issues uh that we’re dealing with you know on the defensive end of the floor to be able to come up and get stops or maybe change a lineup and now we’re going to maybe have to change our

Defense uh but you know I always think it’s important uh and and I’m sure this is Mike being a veteran guy you know he’s tapping into the emotions of his leaders uh today and he’s going to talk to them before he talks to the team because those guys

Will give you a good pulse beat of hey this is what the guys are thinking this is what they’re feeling and here’s how we should approach it and I’ll be honest with you later in my coaching career I’ve been more receptive and thank God I’ve got a great step

To you know there’s days I want to come in with the film and just you know have a blast session of this is what we’re not doing this is why this is a problem and and and try and correct it and I’ll be talked off the ledge and and we’ve

Walked into the gym and played whiffle ball uh and just totally taken their minds off of it and where they’re thinking they’re coming into maybe a buz saw that they’re now all of a sudden in a relax environment and and then we’re just going to have a deep discussion

About the game versus the the video so I I think there’s a lot of different ways you can handle it and and part part and partial to you you’ve got to know your team and you got to know the right buttons to push at the right times you

Know you’ve been so kind to come on and and like you said we’re in this strange rut where you seem to come on after these horrible terrible losses uh don’t want to let you go those we’re almost out of time but got to ask you about the

Aies got got to ask you about uh your team and uh things seem to be uh you know not not they’re never perfect I I would never say that to a coach but I I would imagine you’re please so far with how The Season’s gone well I I I I

Really like our team uh you know sitting at five and one in our league which is good for second and uh we’re right behind San Diego and right behind Irvine and we play Irvine this Saturday 2 pm at uh the ucu uh Center on campus and if

You want to see a great heavyweight college basketball game we were at their place two weeks ago it went into overtime it was a one possession game and you want to talk about a coach having all kinds of emotions after that game and reliving all the decisions you

Make and and plays you call uh but we uh we have an opportunity to get them back in our place and that’s it’ll be virtually for you know the the tops of our league so uh Elijah pepper who’s one of the best guards in college basketball

Plays for the agies come and check him out and and and UC Irvine is a heck of a basketball team so go to ucdavis and get your tickets and come watch us we should have a a great crowd students are back on campus it should be a good

Environment we do have to go to Fullerton on Thursday uh prior to so trying to get a road win in the league is always tough and challenging but uh I I like our team and U some of the things you’re talking about Dave and Jason are

Things we dealt with just on Saturday we we an overtime game against one of the teams uh in the lower end of our league Bakersfield hadn’t won a league game coming in and man they played their tails off and uh you know the kings are dealing with situations we’re dealing

People aren’t overlooking us people aren’t uh people are getting up and ready to play and you’re going to get team’s best shots and uh there’s a mental preparation and and and mental thought process that we have to change and develop uh in order to be hey you’re

Up in the upper e line of this league uh teams are taking swings at you and they’re going to be up and ready to play for you and you can’t look at their records you can’t look at anything other than uh this game and what we did the

Night before two nights before where we stand at St has no bearing on that contest so we got to be ready to play and that’s our job as coaches to get them ready the five- one Aggies hopefully six and one going into this weekend I love how you described it a a

Heavyweight bout a slugfest going back and forth going to be a fun Saturday uh out there on campus coach and we’re following along we’re proud of yall appreciate you talking us off the ledge your Insight is incredibly valuable and uh well well if I if I don’t start producing on these Wednesday mornings

After Tuesday night games you guys can shove me I appreciate you coach we’ll talk to you next week thank you all right have a good one thank you that’s that’s J less he’s a good egg yes he is he’s a really good egg and he’s been there and done

That uh and you mentioned uh you know since we’re talking local I know we got a break here uh you mentioned uh we talked on the phone yesterday and uh I I I love the idea uh you know we are live and local one of those advantages as we

Can focus on that the uh uh Sacramento Hall of Fame ceremon is coming up here pretty soon and uh you go online and look at the list of candidates there we are efforting a couple of those to have on in the next week or two and always

Good to celebrate uh one of our own including one that um chaperon to field trip when I was in junior high so uh oh that’ll be did you do anything inappropriate I don’t think so you don’t think so maybe the story will be told differently might be one of the few

Times we have a guest on and I call him Mister yeah just cuz you know how that goes with people you they’re always going to be Mister no matter how old you are uh we will take a break when we come back three for madness we got to get our

Energy up for the last uh hour two hour two and a half hours whatever it is what better place to get that energy up than American Energy wo this’s sing the whole thing 0 is what you’re paying for a diagnostic on your agac which I might need for smoke inhalation after last night’s Pizza capades it’s a $99 value so just to spell it out for you this thing that people normally pay $100 for is now free

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You know either a this is wrong or B nothing’s wrong good job Ido two thumbs up 916520 9990 your American Energy and American Energy making the uncomfortable comfortable we’ll take a 15-second pause when we come back three for madness brought to you by fire Wicks the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a

Hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right down to the goal line he does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown CC you can hear all of Christian

McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question one coming up next we’ll look back at last night’s debacle why cuz that’s what we get paid

To do and we’re here because we like you Katie coming up at 8 A.M we think yeah first game first show back from a road trip legs will be a little tired a lot of front rim three for madness brought to you by fire Wings Chris for question one was this the woe

Woi worst loss of the Year well I’ve made a list okay I’d be curious so it all started back on the 1 of November Jason at Golden State Clay Thompson 17-footer less than a second left swoo that was the worst loss of the year but you know they go out on the

Road they’re GNA it’s going to be an easy road trip they’re they’re going to get healthy out there they’re they’re finally playing some oh my God they lost to Houston twice by a combined 43 that that became the woes how could you do that to hou Houston they’re terrible no they weren’t

Uh then uh you have New Orleans uh twice oh they lost by 41 combined in that one then you come home and you get a little chance for some revenge and an opportunity to go to Vegas and just a just two wins away from playing Tyrese halberton and the Pacers

In the final and you get smoked at home that was the WOD he got Boston at home no Tatum no Horford I think know somebody else no is it okay well porzingis porzingis did and the Kings got trashed at home trashed that was the new Woi until they went to Portland who was like four and something and uh they lost to Portland by 17 well that’s fine fine yeah was you know all right well you know we’re we’re woing oh and then they played charlot which is like the second worst team in

The NBA or third worst and they didn’t have anybody including uh lamelo ball Charlotte beats him at home okay well you know what now it’s now that was the wodi until Revenge time part four New Orleans comes into town they were up by 50 at one point at gold one Center

They end up winning by 33 willo they go out on this road trip now they were down pretty decent to Detroit but they won they play Philadelphia with no Joel embiid and get smoked doesn’t even make the list then they choke late Miss free throws up up what was it up three up

Four inot with Malik monk the 90 perent are going to line 18 seconds left 18 seconds left he misses first time in NBA history by the way a 90% free throw shooter has missed two free throws with a team up four or more in overtime with

18 or less seconds left left and they lose I don’t know if that’s true but it sounds true that was the new W Loi until last night when the Kings do something no team has done in almost, 1300 chances they blow a 22. fourth quarter lead so that’s number one because you

Kind of did it in chronological order so did like did does the other one p like I I I have four from your list that are candidates to me cuz do I mean they’ve lost what 18 17 times the Houston I’m throwing out the Golden State one I’m

Throwing out I didn’t throw that one out you didn’t throw Golden State out okay that made my list I feel like I want to throw all the New Orleans ones out because they’re just better I don’t have that one on my list any of them Charlotte charlet at home

Yeah I have golden state no order here just I put down of your in the order you’re doing it Golden State Charlotte Milwaukee Phoenix Golden State Charlotte milwauke so not Portland on the road I mean it’s bad yeah yeah yeah I got you um and there’s a thread I

Mean when people ask oh is it like to honestly I don’t want to say that this sounds funny now Boston didn’t bother me like I I don’t know I I didn’t have the same angst that others did didn’t mean like hey that was fun um Golden State

Milwaukee Phoenix hurt I mean those were wins that were right there the other is like when you don’t have a chance to win you’re just embarrassed and and frustrated and to me I thought Charlotte was their worst collection of 48 minutes like that they could possibly it was the

Combo playing a really bad team and you could have won even up to the last 30 seconds Charlotte was giving them the game they were and they lost like the kings were awful that night the other games like what’s frustrating to me about Milwaukee Phoenix and Golden State

They actually have really good minutes in there it doesn’t matter when you lose so I don’t know that would be my four but last night was historic so it feels like that’s the one even though I don’t always want to be well it’s the most recent one right but that was

Pretty historic in a wrong way I I think you’re helping me land on an answer I think it’s like dying man like okay so each time in each instance you got killed oh you’re dying multiple times I’m saying like it’s just different ways of dying like oh I died

Because I got shot in the head oh I died because I fell off a a cliff onto a cactus either way it’s the end same end result right but like they’re just different ways of a ter like yeah last night was the woi but so was Charlotte at home it was

Just a different way of dying they’re finding like these new interesting ways and I’m I’m stuck thinking what’s next like what’s the ne is the next one that like they’re up 40 is the next one that they they Miss they go like two of 30 from the line I

They’re gonna another buzzer beater something like that anyways yeah it was number two question two are we breaking the records for woes yeah I know we’re running out of time here yeah I don’t remember because part of it being the worst loss of the year is expectations when you win 18 games in

A season you don’t have worst losses of the year they’re all lame because you suck um but there’s expectations worse part of it being the worst loss is you know there’s choking against a good team like they did last night but there’s also the Portland the Charlotte the the

Ones where you absolutely should win those games it’s all going to come into into play at the end of the season you know when it comes to seating uh we’re going to look back on a lot of these and go well we could have been the T um but

We are I I don’t remember a season especially we’re not even halfway through right where there’s just been this much this many days after where you’re like what the hell dude yeah it’s here’s my exam I mean I don’t have a a case like yeah Dave remember 2018 when

They I would say they had 20 of these I I don’t have that in my head what we can’t do is you just can’t put yourself emotionally right back into those situations like here’s a game you’ll probably remember uh home game to Brooklyn I don’t know how many years ago

It was a g1c where D’Angelo Russell basically like it was about a 20-some point lead and Russell by himself won the game and it was like there was probably a 99 something yeah an unthinkable loss that um but you can’t like I don’t it’s not drawing the same

Kind of emotions as well last night just happened and we just saw it we just watched it so um but this year there’s so many you’re right people wonder why Kings fans have such PTSD why why they’re on Twitter when we’re up 25 going you know what I want to do as an

Exercise one year maybe we’ll do it next season and it’s gonna be hard to do but you and I should pick another team not to cheer for instead sure but try to follow them the same way like if we pick the Atlanta Hawks just I’m grabbing a team and we watched all

82 I wonder how common our threads would be where you go how did the Hawks lose to the Rockets tonight you know who the Rockets didn’t have you know I don’t because we live it with the Kings I just wonder how it would be with another team

If we’d have the same kind of feeling okay but it can’t be the Hawks okay I mean I don’t know we don’t have to do it now but we’ll try that number three question three why why in God’s name do we subject ourselves to this make it make sense and

Can I first say that not we shouldn’t I shouldn’t say we why should you say we because I don’t feel you don’t terrible all right well if anyone’s wondering yeah I wrote that um and this is your own therapy question it really is because I I tell you this

Is the honest feeling I have look and you said at the beginning of the show that you appreciate that I I have a different I don’t know I we have a different perspective on this yes not mine’s not right yours isn’t wrong whatever it’s just how you have to feel

How mine is wrong I’ll admit that but I’ve told you this before too um if this team was I don’t know Detroit this year yeah I promise you I would have this feeling tomorrow night when fresh or Mo and fresh get the CRA like like it’s

Just a new night I’m happy to be at the arena yeah the Kings may lose by 40 but I’m like yeah like I might see something awesome I might I don’t know I get that I’m so frustrated with the last two losses but jump ball tomorrow it’s like

Here we are what are we gonna see tonight another triple double they GNA go for 40 assist are think lose by 80 like I don’t know and I can just turn into the next game and and appreciate that and see where it goes also knowing that I could have

Another stab to the heart coming but also hey that was a great win or just sometimes the game gets through and you’re like yeah he lost by eight or won by 12 I like yeah I don’t think I’ll remember that game much after this week because they’re not all memorable

Yeah okay that’s me that is you I’m jealous but you just I I don’t understand I can understand being frustrated with loss totally yeah why don’t you enjoy the winds enough because I think you know what hold that thought let’s take a break I

Have an answer for this okay I think I I think I just had an epiphany okay and I want to share it I want to be vulnerable I don’t want to be chicken like they serve at fire Wings 21 different flavors to choose from no I got an answer I’m going to

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Ourselves to this make it make sense after Jason gave his answer I think I got mine we’ll we’ll discuss that just two minutes the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right down to the goal line he

Does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c MC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports the venue set families coming in from all over it’sa with all the

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On select 4Runners Toyota Let’s go places offer available through TFS to buyers with premium rated credit excludes hybrid Z 13124 all guests come to you from the falson lake Honda hotline falson Lake Honda your onetop Honda Shop the only place in the morning to get your sports fixed live and and local the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross why is my highlight not playing is blocked by Kevin Durant Durant in transition ready to launch a three this place will go crazy if he makes it and they’re going conkers in Arizona why’ you play that I I needed some sort of a pallet to to help answer your question that

Green CH is my guess what’ you say green chili is my guess actually you told me what the answer was Smokey chili queso that’s yeah chili in the name yeah those are actually top two for me we were we were trying chips during the break that Jason’s brother brought okay so why

Yeah why do you not enjoy the wins as much as you’re not enjoying these losses but you just you sinking them I’m going to answer that and I’m going to answer that in a broader sense as to to the question of why why why do we subject

Ourselves to this make it make sense you not we me you’re right there are times there are many times when I when I think like about the Sacramento Kings and my life and how much so much of my life has revolved around the Kings from calling in here to

You and Steve Buzzard as a kid yeah um to the job uh you know talking about them through the years fed my family like there is no doubt that the franchise is a massive part of my life and there are times when I go why why

Couldn’t I have been born in San Antonio during the Spurs room why couldn’t have been born in La during the Lakers were Chicago why what what are what are uh you know what is Peoria Dave or uh Bear County Dave or uh uh or Orange County

Dave you know down there like they they have they get to cover Championship parades and and and and and and get replica rings and championship gear and if I could do it all over again God would I just would I just not subject myself to this team and then on top of

That you know you know my daughter is whatever she’s she’s kind of you know she’s more like I just want you to be happy she’s not a sports fan but my son by birth is a DieHard long time King fan it’s generational and I think it’s fair

To say that I have a family of an immediate family of four but actually I really have a family of five the kings are a part of my family whether I like it or not sometimes they are a family member and that’s kind of where I think

I am now normally I do a big long Prelude when I’m going to do stuff like this like I understand it’s not real life but anyone who thinks I’m talking about real life just your chees is off your cracker here I think the the the

The the thing is why do why do you subject yourself because everyone has had a brother a sister a father a a a child an uncle let’s just use Uncle maybe they have a drug problem maybe they commit Petty crimes maybe they uh God knows what it fill in the blank with your

Experience but you love them right and you’re there for them and you get mad at them and you try tough love and you yell and scream and you you you hug them and hold them through the night and tell them it’s all going to be okay maybe you

Pay for them to go to rehab or you bail them out of jail um but time and time again their own personal their demons get the best of them and therefore get the best of you and you you you’ve seen you’ve seen the the the the brightness

In this you you you’ve been there for great times you’ve you’ve experienced some wonderful things and and and you’re constantly you’re the dog chasing uh the the the bone tied to the back of the bumper of the car you’re you’re you’re constantly running after that and occasionally you catch it and you enjoy

It but how many times has your uncle turned his life around went to rehab got the job looking good got got his own place moved out of your your your guest room and then inevitably you get a call in the middle of the night I need you to

Pick me up I I I got busted for XYZ PDQ and you get in the car because of course you’re going to go down and bail him out and the whole time you’re thinking you let yourself think for a second I wish I’d never known you

Because you have brought me so much more pain than Joy but it’s your family that you don’t choose your family right I didn’t choose the Sacramento Kings I was born in carmichel i i this is all I had this is this is this is part of my world

So I get so angry with them I get so frustrated with them and I got to be honest Jason I there are times where I’m like dude you’re 38 years old okay you spent all this part of your life on this stupid team that has done nothing but lose try to

Relocate break your heart bro there is nothing sadder than some 50-year-old outof work radio guy who has no no skills and can’t get a job anywhere else because this is all he’s done his whole life I don’t want to be the guy at 55 telemarketing no offense

You know sitting there staring out the window wondering why I didn’t spend that time trying to do something else other than pay attention to a bunch of 20 something millionaires bouncing a ball off my nuts but that’s where we’re at wow that was a really good analogy but they’re

Family I don’t have a choice man I think that’s why I put up with it I think think if you were well look why I get sad I can even live your other teams Florida state is one I would the kings in the Baseline of your lifetime as a

Fan of them have lost more than they’ve won that’s correct Florida State’s probably won more than they’ve lost usually um I don’t know where the Giants are but they’ve won the World Series 49ers have been a really good team five times in my life Champions but didn’t

The Chiefs loss hurt and how do you lose how can Jimmy G not I mean there’s I I think if you were San Antonio Dave or whatever you think oh man LeBron and Ray Allen that was a kill or loss you already have titles yeah but I think

You’d be so down so disappointed how is pop washed yeah I think that’s how you’re watch if there was an alternative reality where the Kings won the championship in the bubble let’s just say they ran all the way won the bubble won the championship and now this is happening I

Have a feeling you’d be reacting the same way I do too I don’t disagree so you’re not enjoying the wins no I wouldn’t say that I would say that you enjoy the wins at the time the big ones I I do enjoy them I think Jason’s point though is I don’t he said

This before I don’t enjoy the wins as much as I abhor the losses I would say you don’t enjoy the journey yes that’s a way to put it because the journey is I mean to me that’s sports like there’s no team the the best team is winning at

Probably a 60% rate so in there 40% of their losses are losses so it’s like what happened some are nondescript some are painful some are blowout some are oh you ripped my heart out tonight but conversely you you win a lot and yeah it’s an interesting but is it fair to

Say this team has caused more pain and sadness career than happiness yeah with more losses sure more losses more more losses more uh you know DeMarcus Cousins George Carl Paul Westfall and uh Demarcus uh you know jazz bands and Jim Thomases and malians yeah but if this journey this specific

Year um let’s just let’s just double they’re basically halfway so give them 46 wins yeah I’m gonna guess that’s around a six or seven seed six seed so we’ll give them six so they’re in the playoffs and we’ll also say they lose in the first round whatever we don’t know what the

Rest of that Journey says you good with that bad with that like in the big picture that’s two straight years of making the playoffs um You probably have two Allstars yeah two first- round exits too that’s a reality um not saying hey Dave enjoy that that’s

The end to me the end is the hardest part for me because it’s to Chris’s Point that’s this year’s Journey last night was not easy last night stunk the Milwaukee game stunk yeah but I don’t feel like I feel like the second they lose you kind of lump them all together

It’s like here we go again it’s like well yeah they’re gonna lose 35 times this year but isn’t that kind of going back to what I said on the surface driving down and paying 500 bucks for bail for your uncle is one thing but when it’s the fifth time he’s done it

And you you finally were thinking things were were turning around and but when were the times you say you love your uncle when the when when did you laugh when were when was fun when did you really enjoy your uncle intermittently throughout the years intermittently Bob’s your uncle don’t say

That intermittently throughout the years you never stop loving him though never stopped loving this team really it all I don’t like this team A lot of times I can actively dislike the team too but in this in this analogy I’m weaving here yeah you’re wearing their

Gear you want more gear yes I do because I I I love they are a fabric and by the way I I when I’m saying I and me and all that I maybe I’m wrong I gotta think there’s people listening right now that are that feel maybe not as psychotically

Similar but I’m proud of I I’m proud to be from Sacramento I’m proud uh uh uh I saw that that whoever runs the Golden State Warriors Reddit account yesterday was like he posted on Twitter he’s like I just you know I I don’t even care anymore I’ve stopped watching this team

So bad I’m like well that’s a bandwagon isn’t that the definition and nobody can say King’s fans are bandwagon fans we’ve gone through thick and thin and it’s almost been entirely thin we need more thick yeah all right here’s maybe the way I’ll ask it test I don’t know if

This is the fullprof test he so we’re doing make believe World uhuh um for the next five years yeah the Sacramento Kings are making the championship yes and for the next five years every single game seven ends the way last night did come on that’s hell but how about that Journey the

Journey’s great but the de but then all those wins get I mean it’s just gut-wrenching I me it’s awful the rip the end is awful okay uhuh but but okay we’re the one seed we’re the eight seed we the plane doesn’t even matter that oh my God they just beat the defending

Champs or they just upset this team they won game seven on home to get to the finals we’re be we’re on national TV every game none of that was enjoyable for you tomorrow you and I are GNA go down and uh we’re gonna get in a plane we’re to

50,000 feet and I’m gonna push you out without a parachute right okay you’re falling right but while you’re falling there’s like a little TV like in the cartoons and all it’s doing is showing like UCLA national championships right and then you see like relatives of

The past are like Jason we miss you and like the whole way down it’s like the greatest like think of the best things you could experience it’s the greatest thing in the world you’re like oh my God like I totally forget I’m falling right

Now this is Grandma I love you I oh my gosh this is great another title for UCLA and then you hit the ground did I sck Landing no wow that was a really good analog you’re a big bloody pancake was the Journey Down pleasurable yes did the destination outweigh the

Pleasure of the journey no more pain no more pain which is why when the Sacramento Kings win a championship I am done no no no I swear to I swear to God with the Sacramento Kings win a championship I’m you’re gonna go I want back to back I’m done I’m done I’m done

I’m I’m enjoying the next week I’m I’m I’m I’m it’s gonna be a farewell week for we’re going to summer league see how they do in Vegas Chris says we’re very late I guess that matters well what’s next Mike Brown’s audio okay what’s next all right better take a break when we

Come back excuses from the coach we’ll do that after this on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you the sack toown Sports act will let you stay connected to your passion never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with the sack toown Sports app as a mom

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Does h sack toown Sports Jeffy Lube Drive of the game 1800 92140 yeah I know I get it but there was a j lbe Drive of the game believe it or not because there was it was mostly half was awesome I’m guessing it was in the first

42 minutes it was confirmed think it was towards the end Stephen good morning I know I know you’re too early for JY Loop driver of the game but you’ve been holding buddy what’s up uh yeah I’m a little too early for that so I’m not even going to do it I

Wasn’t I don’t even know it so so are we gonna make a are we gonna make a move to like you know up this roster a little bit to kind of like bolster this roster a little bit is this the kind of wakeup call that we kind of need I mean as far

As fanatical dude I listen to this show from literally 6 to 6 every freaking day yeah you all the shows every day so that’s what kind of a fan I am that’s what kind of fan that we are and last night was awful and I’m pretty sure we’re going to talk about

This literally all day until nauseum and I think I I think we’re at the part I think I’m at the point where I dude we’re sick and tired of it dude these these these losses are just awful but the wins are like yay we got a w

Like that’s great but when these it’s we’re not these losses we’re not on the other side of them you know what I’m saying we’re not Lo we’re not coming back from 22 down with 846 left in the fourth quarter you know what I’m saying we don’t get those type of wins all of

Those wins always happen to us and it’s super depressing thank you guys for letting me have the floor I appreciate it man let’s uh let’s let’s heal together appreciate you Stephen they did come back from 204 and 23 this year but eight minutes that was

Luck yeah they were so lucky in that the other team gave it to him 18009 to0 11140 D you every single Sacramento Kings group on Facebook um 1 out 92140 JY Loop Drive of the game um I know we’re supposed to Mike Brown audio here we got time for

That um but there’s something else that’s been kind of bothering me too and I meant to bring it up yesterday there’s just no good time to bring it up so I just I’m it like doesn’t really bother me but you know like uh you know you

Have like a little tiny itch and it’s just it’s there you scratch it or you don’t but it’s always there I gotta I just I want I want to be clear it doesn’t really bother me but it bothers me enough to bring it up like why did you take my parking

Spot me yes I didn’t you did no I have parked in the same spot Chris I promise you I have parked in that spot for years so I can’t park in either one of those spots no no the one specifically to the left of the garage

Is where I always I didn’t park there I parked in the middle one you parked there this morning I did not what I parked in the middle one I did the same thing yesterday there’s two spots yes and you’re on the one on the right how

Is there no I’m not I’m on the one on the left oh I’m going during the break to check it out am I wait if there’s two spots what’s middle there’s three spots I thought there was two okay oh I feel like you park in my spot you said that

You said that last week so when you were here the last time so I said oh I’m not going to park in that spot I’ll just park in the middle all right well you know what I’ll go down and if you didn’t I will I will publicly apologize wait why’d you

Laugh because I wouldn’t put it behind you breaking into my car but even I want to be clear even if you were it’s not my parking spot I acknowledge that whoever gets here first it’s just like I don’t know what the equivalent is but it’s just weird if you did it would you’re

Saying you didn’t I thought it now that I’m thinking about it I don’t remember parking today I know for a fact I know for a fact though that I didn’t park there yesterday okay but you have changed it up you used to not Park up there yeah

Yeah I didn’t which is fine it was just weird like if I park in Cody’s spot it’s not it doesn’t say Cody on it but it’s just kind of her spot yeah or if like for example you you’ve given yourself the worst parking spot at the station

You park you park away no one’s going to take my spot but if you came to work tomorrow and I parked in that spot yeah wouldn’t that be weird little weird yeah just move over well you would be angry you probably would even say uh like why’d you park over there I probably

Would go that’s weird why’d you park over there we uh we promised Mike Brown I know we’re late here’s Mike Brown you got to give Frank vogle and the entire Phoenix Suns team a lot of credit all right we’ll take a break when we come back Katie Christenson will join you got

Fine for that that was his hole he was pointing to Frank Fogle on the laptop I’m gonna go down to Chet Park spots Katie we think when we come back right here in sown Sports on the Move got somewhere to be take Sacramento Kings basketball with you the sack toown

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Sacramento khtk M Sacramento kymx ht2 Sacramento from the our business technology Toshiba Studios your new home for 49ers football in the 916 fown Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the

Microphone and then Bo with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 9163 39140 Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on on like Jim Les earlier every time she comes on it’s after a terrible loss but she is H back after arriving early

This morning on the team plane and she is out and about doing adult thing the one the only the analyst for your Sacramento Kings Katie Lauren Christensen good morning good morning fellas I feel like I’m gonna I need to take a look at like the Kings when loss record on Tuesdays

And we’re going to consider changing the day that I come on with you guys yeah probably ain’t great Katie and uh we I I didn’t I like there’s been some losses recently on Tuesdays well I wasn’t there last week uh you know the funny thing is they didn’t play on a Tuesday until

November 28th and they won okay so you’re one and0 then the Clippers Clippers one and one at Portland oh one and two Charlotte one and three at Detroit which they were that was setting itself up for bad uh so two and three and then last night uh two and

Four with three of the worst losses three of the worst losses of the year coming on a Tuesday Katie let’s start it out simple uh because if there’s one thing I know you love it’s me trying to nail you down on an answer was last night the worst loss of the

Year it certainly feels like it yeah I don’t know if that’s because it’s the most recent um um but no gosh you know like I feel like the losses I don’t know I guess you look at Milwaukee and that one hurts really bad because it came down to free throws that

Was something you can totally control last night you had a 22-point lead with like eight minutes to go in the fourth quarter and then there was a a stretch of possessions because I keep a chart while the gamees going so that I can track things and whatever um there was a

Stretch where there was seven possessions and during those seven possessions it went turnover turnover turnover block block basket turnover seven straight possessions you got one shot off in seven possessions and you turned it over four times and got your shot blocked twice so I mean it was I felt like when

They when they went to that small lineup and put Kevin Durant on uh damont saon it completely stalled everything out um and this is not a team that searches for matchup or mismatches and tries to take advantage of matchups in that way like they just run their stuff they just they

Get ball movement they move you know get inside get outside move it around get you know switch B from side to side and it felt like it just completely stalled out and they were forcing things and they they created turnovers and it just I I probably think for how much they

Completely dominated to then going to where they just completely imploded yeah I would say it probably is the worst loss of the season in that way yeah and it was so weird to see it firsthand obviously you were there Katie but I I mean from stretches of maybe their most

Beautiful basketball of how they were spreading the floor and passing and cutting and Pace Pace Pace I felt like man they were just crisp to just granted yeah everything you said Phoenix went small and it tricked some things up but they just lost all of their Pace all of

Their flow and Mike Brown said postgame look we’re going to have to figure this out because other teams are now going to you know attempt to do this I couldn’t believe how much of the Rhythm they lost by that did that surprise you yeah it surprised me I think the way

That I looked at the game you guys is I felt like it was one of the best defensive performances that I had seen from this team um for the first three quarters right you go back to Detroit it was a terrible first quarter and then a

Great three quarters and then it was a great four quarters in in Charlotte and and Coach BR actually said after that he said I think that’s the best seventh consecutive quarters of defense that I’ve seen from this team since I’ve been here I felt like last night was their

Best defensive performance that I’ve seen under Coach Brown until the fourth quarter and so to me the the reason that the offense started to look so bad as because their defense looks so bad and what I’ve seen with this team recently is they’re allowing their it’s like they need their

Offense to be clicking to get their defense to be clicking does that ring true to you guys you see what I’m saying yeah instead of the other way around and that’s why I felt that the way they started the game they forced three turnovers so quickly within the first

Like three four minutes of the game and they got out and ran they moved the ball the pace was uh great and not just you know a lot of times people we talk Pace they think up and down Pace no I’m talking this team has the best Pace in

The half court of anyone in the NBA when they’re playing their style of basketball and they were just they were just firing on all cylinders and then they stalled out on the offensive side because of a change and an adjustment in the defense by Phoenix and I felt like that

Completely just put a damper on on offensive side of the ball KY Christensen joining us I I I think you know we’ve been trying to dissect this all morning and a lot of this is just really philosophical and psychological Katie but it it’s not this isn’t like a new thing I mean last

Night was a new thing but you know when we talk about like was this the worst loss of the year we ran through the list whether it was Charlotte at home whe whether it was New Orleans at home by when they were down by 50 Milwaukee a

Couple nights ago the uh Boston when they didn’t have Tatum or Horford uh the well every time they play New Orleans we went all the way back KD November 1 uh when when Klay Thompson hit the 17 footer at the last second and and Golden State won like obviously there’s a lot

Of different types of losses but it just seems again going back to Milwaukee something there’s this this cold or flu or something of the brain seems to happen late in games at times for this team and how do you put your finger or can you put your finger I don’t even

Think Dave that you can call it late in games I mean you can call it late in games because of the last two games but are the losses that the Kings have had this year are not like we’ve seen the last two games the losses that the Kings

Have had this year they either win or they’re like by you know a decent you know margin or they lose by a massive margin that’s what it feels like to me I don’t have the schedule in front of me with the results and all the stuff and

You know and there’s also that’s also sometimes deceptive to look at because you know you can put uh like one thing that stands out to me I think it was game two on the road in Houston those are two games that the king just got blown out Mike Brown Put in you know

Like the third string and they probably you know had a 15 to something run you know so in score is not what the game actually was um and I that to me that’s the the most startling component of this team in 20 you know 324 versus

2223 is like Jen Fox was the clutch player of the year last year we’ve barely seen any clutch situations and we’re at the Midway point of the season this team was in games last year and and they were fantastic at finishing them because of the play of thearon fox

This year there’s been hardly any clutch situations which is Five Points within the last five minutes of the game it’s not there yeah talk with Katie Christenson TV analyst here on the Fon Lake Honda hotline ktie from your playing days can you speak to the value

Because we we get a lot of this whether it’s Tech or people in the chat or see it on social media when when you lose games like this people a lot of times go right to the leaders of the team what what’s the value of that like I mean I

Think that’s a blanket statement to grab and say that the leaders got to prevent this from happening I know it’s not as easy as that but uh is that something you think this team is is missing a piece of right there it’s really hard to say Jason

Because I’m not I none of us are none of us are in that locker room and kind of know what the voices are and what they sound like um and so it’s really hard to say I mean it’s very possible that the leaders are speaking up that they’re

Vocal and that it’s just not it’s just not resonating or it’s just not coming through fruition um I mean it’s a very valid question but I also there’s like a component of this to a certain degree where I think it happens in professional sports that we want to talk about leaders yes

Leaders are really really important they are but this is professional sports we’re not talking about high school we’re not talking about college we’re talking about professional sports where everybody should be held to a different level of accountability whether or not you’re quote unquote the leader of the

Team or you’re not everyone is fully aware of their role and they’re fully held accountable for whether they’re executing their role or not and so you know I don’t know I don’t I don’t know if I say oh gosh you know this is on the leaders I I really don’t

Tend to do that I mean I look at this Collective unit this team and every single one of them is responsible for having a voice it’s not two or three guys every single one of them is responsible for having a voice because when you look at this team and one of

The things that was special about them last year you guys they were the Ministry and the relationships on this team were better than any team I’ve ever seen that I’ve covered and so to me it’s like whether or not it’s dook or thearon or Harrison speaking up that’s the Dynamics of this

Team is that everybody has a voice and everyone is going to be respected and listened to so I mean I I get the question and I understand I just I don’t know I don’t know if if if I think that that is as relevant in Pro Sports as it is at other

Levels but where’s that voice post game after bad losses are you talking about coming out in front of the media yeah I’m saying this has happened a few times you know Keon Ellis going up twice last night uh bunch of people didn’t talk and Katie you know I’m not indifferent to

Emotional tough loss every once in a while they’ve all done it LeBron Michael Jordan every player ever has not talked to the media on occasions but that also seems kind of a a thing here as well so if you you got a voice where’s that voice after the bad

Losses yeah again I I don’t I don’t know I mean I can think of uh three seasons ago where I felt like chist in Barnes was hung out to dry in front of the podium like Time After Time After Time like I know what you’re saying um to be

Honest Dave I don’t know sure if it’s like an avoidance or if it’s like okay we’re on a the last game of you know we’re on a road trip you get on a plane right after you know you fly to the next destination whether last night or was

Home or you know whether it’s another city and like I know how it works when you’re there it’s like okay you get a text it’s like the bus first bus is at 10 second bus is 10:15 um and I think a lot of the leaders if you want the quote unquote

Leaders which are the guys that play Big minute I think that they’re immediately going and getting on a training table like because they have very little time before when you have to shower get on the bus and the game ends and so I think I’m assuming I don’t know for a fact I

Have a feeling on the road that it’s more of a logistics thing and they’re getting on a training table and they’re getting get ice and stem you know what I’m saying I I honestly I don’t know I I I think it is a valid question you know

Katie I think one of the interesting things about this year to last year I’d say probably at least 80% of the team is the same coaching staff the same and there’s something to be said about continuity and the Kings kind of hung their hat on that last year at the trade deadline

When everybody else kind of moved the Kings stuck with it and it ended up paying off dividends and they ended up with the three seed I I find this year so strange in that technically they’ve got a better record than they did a year ago though we just discussed all these

Head Scrat ing puzzling losses with with roughly the same team that’s intact from a year ago have you seen enough do you think this what we’ve seen with this inconsistency it is going to ignite some sort of necessary move for Monty McNair West will Cox in that front

Office if I had to guess would put you know my eggs in that basket um one thing that I feel like I understand about this front authors and this coaching staff just based on all of the times that I’ve been in front of front of these people

As they’re being asked questions my gut tells me that they feel that it is important to stick with core and chemistry that has been developed and to further develop it and I I completely understand the question of like oh because of these losses because of you know the things that we’ve seen this

Year we must make change we must change make change make change make change got to improve got to improve you always want to improve but I think that West Wilcox and Monty McNair have showed us something in their time running this front office is that they’re willing to

Make moves but they’re also willing to not make moves that don’t work for the sake of making moves is that does that resonate with you yeah no for sure like if I think if there’s a move to be made that they feel makes this team better they make it they’re

Not going to make a move because of a knee-jerk reaction to some bad losses Katie Christensen with us you know we talked to Jim Les former Sacramento King and UC Davis said coach earlier and I asked him from a coaching perspective I want to ask you from a

Player perspective because last night as you know they they Frank vogle put Kevin Durant at Center uh they went small Ed him with Shooters and the Kings had absolutely no answer for that whatsoever in your experience as a player what there were situations where you’re out there and you’re looking within you’re

Looking at the coaching staff and you have this Epiphany at some point that nobody has any idea what to do in the in the moment no I’ve never felt that way didn’t it see didn’t it see I mean am I wrong that it seemed like last night the coaches and players

Got absolutely pantsed by that move and had no idea how to counter it hell I don’t think the coaches got pouned by it I I think that the players did because I’m sitting there right in front of you know the I’m five feet away from where

Mike Brown is walking by and yelling at his team because offensively they were on the other end in front of the the sun’s bench and he’s saying same thing that he always says move the ball run your like do not stop and stall because they Chang the matchup it’s the same

Freaking thing with I hear him countless times repeatedly saying when a team goes to a zone defense play your player-to-player offense against it it’s the say you just adjust screens you just you you dive to different areas like your principles don’t freaking change so no I completely disagree that the

Coaching staff got paned by this the players did not execute they it was like a dear in headlight they got stunned that should only happen once right it it the next time it happens the next time it happens they’ve been there they’ve done that okay go to a small

Lineup we’re still going to run our stuff we’re not going to try and ISO domas on the block against uh freaking Kevin Durant who like I think it’s shocking that we even you know call that going small he’s not freaking small he’s bigger than de deamon he’s bigger than

Yeah he’s bigger than domos so anyway I mean I no I emphatically disagree with that okay and so and like I’m not arguing with you here just to be clear I I just want to talk it out so no I’m not I’m not you know I would so we’re

Friends I know how you work really questioning whether or not this is an argument no you you know I’m just saying to your point then if it if it’s the players didn’t execute and it’s not on the coaches then I guess my last question on that would be isn’t it

Incumbent on the coaches then to rotate out and put players in that are executing or at least remove the players that aren’t at least one or two of them okay so Dave really great question except for you know the freaking answer if they take out those players that are the best

Finishing lineup that they have and lose the game Mike Brown’s an idiot why did he take him out those are the guys you trust those are the guys that are in those situations that’s the lineup you put out there that you trust to execute they didn’t execute listen I’m not okay

With how the how that loss came about but I’m also not going to sit here and be like this is on Mike Brown or that you know listen it’s on everybody but Mike Brown is fighting a losing battle because if he freaking takes them out and you know it Dave you

Know it you’ve been on Twitter or X or whatever the hell they call it now you’ve been on all the message boards you listen to your callers you you freaking know if he takes them out because they’re not quote unquote executing and they lose it’s because he

Took them out he doesn’t take them out and they lose why don’t you make a change right not equating the decision but I’m not but I’m not equating and again I’m not arguing with you I’m saying I personally don’t care what me or fans or whoever think on Twitter as

Far as what’s the right move I I get you’re 100% right if he takes out XYZ player and they lose anyways it’s because he took out XYZ player that that I get and you’re again 100% right about that I guess again my only the question

Was not how are the fans going to re coaching to avoid what people right right left out line that he did what he wanted he did what he feels is the right thing to do so he trusted the team to execute the team didn’t execute and and

I’ll go to Phil Jackson Phil Jackson was famous for this Phil Jackson wouldn’t call timeouts Phil Jackson would let these guys try to Fig so when he says in the post game uh this this is a Learning lesson and and you know we have no way of getting in his head but you

You’re I’m trying to extrapolate from what you’re saying maybe that’s kind of what he was partially referring to I think it’s a learning lesson on a lot of levels but I’m sure that that has a little bit to do with it yes by the way is there is that repetitive a

Learning lesson like is there a lesson that’s not learning I’m just asking I don’t know okay back to you um so Katie I guess uh the pushing this forward then to Indiana I mean you you couldn’t have two more difficult losses I I like the response yesterday the way the king

Played for about 40 42 minutes or so uh which was encouraging but then you know you get a second heaping of of painful losses um how do you think they you know handle that going into uh just two more games here at home with Indiana tomorrow oh man I mean

It’s it’s uh if I’m being honest it’s scary to me right um because you’ve had two difficult losses on the road to that we can honestly say you should have won you should have come out of that road trip four in one you should have and losing those two games was completely

Within your power right um and then you come home first game of a road trip you’ve been gone for nine days listen there is legit like a thing about the first game home from a road trip being difficult and I I think a lot of it to

Me is the travel the jet lag the we’ve been in every single time zone they’re going to get up this morning they’re probably already like heading to the gym to start the day and it’s like what how how many hours of sleep have you had

What time zone are you in like there is like a there’s a lethargy that comes with coming back from a road trip in that game one it’s a game against Indiana Tyrese halberton is not playing so how just crazy is it when the best player for a team isn’t playing what

What do those games generally feel like to you that we’re going to lose trap games yeah and it’s the first game back from a road trip where inevitably Katie I’m count I’m putting the over under on four and a half the times that you or your partner says oh off the front rim

Those legs look tired that’s inevitable for any time back from a road trip it’s the legs are tired we’re missing everything front rim yeah yeah it’s again it’s there’s there I’m sure there’s science behind it I understand but you know what here’s the reality um it’s an 82 Game season and

Every single team in the association has to deal with the same stuff which includes the first games back from long road trip that’s right team have two games at home before they go out for seven more games are you excited so it’s like oh I’m freaking thrilled yeah okay cannot wait

All right well I hope the was great chatting with you guys sorry I took up two of your segments you asked all the questions honestly we figured you’d be chatty this morning so we pencil that in uh for it was a good discussion you thought I would be chat I haven’t even

Had my coffee yet so well you yelled at me yesterday when you didn’t straight up she yelled she like text yelled at me do have you have my coffee yet Jesus were there caps it was uh yes yes there was it all caps were there other words that you can’t say yes

No no I think I said I think I said good Lord and Jesus it was an all caps Jesus uh Katie you’ll be happy to know that Tuesday February 13th is the next Tuesday game hey Katie it’s hey hey Katie it’s at it’s at Phoenix oh I know

I know it is I know we don’t have a game the day before yeah okay well looking forward to that uh she is the uh pride of Likely California Al tourist County and so much more County you get some things right and then you just completely what I get

Wrong it’s it’s modok county alteris is a town there but those people that are maybe Hunters know what you’re talking about I guess she is a hick from places we’ve never heard of it’s the it’s the first first congressional district district one in California I do know that Katie Christensen the analyst all

Right Kings thank you and have fun adulting oh thank you I appreciate it byee K joining us we’ll take a break uh when we come back Jason uh who needs this Super Bowl more I think that’s a good question yeah I think it’s a great question too that’s gonna be first down

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Upside down Auto is in your corner compassionate advice loyal support and the courage to fight for you Auto that’s Auto all guests come to you from the falson lake Honda hotline fulson Lake Honda your One-Stop Honda Shop Lead black and purple it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on your local sports leader sack toown Sports want to be fair man of my word couple breaks ago I brought up the fact that Chris keeps parking in my parking spot which is fine he has receipts so funny thing is it turns out that in between the time we got off the break and went down there Chris went

Down and moved it super quick I don’t know how he did it because I W I walked down with him but somehow the car had moved into the parking spot he said it was in not buying it no no yeah he was right I was wrong what’s

Great is that spot is still empty I know right no one’s parked and I was wrong on the I I don’t know I why I thought there was only like two spots it looks like there might be like four yeah I thought there was two yeah CU When there’s three

Is and then you could kind of park by that gate CH is saying middle I’m like there’s no middle I think there’s only two well those aren’t familiar their parking situation why would you be uh they’re familiar it’s funny because you we’re not exactly in the the priciest

Building around and uh there’s a there’s one garage that houses two vehicles and that’s our market manager and our programming manager well we have a giant garage that is true we could park there people have before that’s fine people with the cars that plug in park in there I got pluging

Car you should take advantage I guess I could yeah but then you gotta like weave through you know old old boxes and promotional gear and bodies you know yeah exactly rats all right for down territory time huh Let’s uh let’s talk football for once let’s do it the footballs uh for down

Territory uh brought to you by I don’t know you soon yeah you soon you’re uh your your face here your face here uhuh uh Chris oh he have the proper parking question one of the eight head coaches remaining in the NFL playoffs which has the most

Pressure to win a Super Bowl I think there’s two obvious choices I’ll take the one closest to us I think it’s Kyle Shanahan um he he you know he was the coordinator on the biggest uh Super Bowl choke ever with the Falcons uh he’s now been there before and lost to the Chiefs

If if if he makes it again KN on W you know you’re going to start hearing things there’s another obvious choice but I think in this case comparing the two I’ll say uh I’ll say it’s Kyle I think that’s the right answer I’ll give the other one I think who you’re looking

For is mcdermit from the Buffalo Bills right other one 100% I believe Dave of the eight teams left if Buffalo well I should put it this way I think Buffalo is the only chance of the eight to have a coaching change I think everyone else is safe

Yeah even if Kyle lost this round that would be damaging I don’t think he would go anywhere but uh McDermot would be on watch I think I I I I don’t disagree with you in fact I think he was headed towards being on the real hot seat

They’ve turned it around and the bills look you know four straight against the four straight losses in the Super Bowl back in the day you know you want to talk about you know the Kings at least that’s real pain baby but um I don’t think he weirdly enough I I

Think he’s done a masterful job at turning this team around this year they’ve obviously dealt with you know whether it’s dear Hamlin or they dealt with a lot of crap uh some of it Beyond football obviously with dear um and and he’s managed to get them they’re

Arguably the third scary I think they are the third scariest team in the playoffs behind the Ravens and Niners so yeah I agree with you I agree with you on all counts uh and we are agreed on Kyle Shanahan second down please of the eight storting quarterbacks left which has the most

Pressure to win the Super Bowl the SC fairly obvious to me but Jason let’s just do this together uh CJ strout’s a rookie nope Brock bir’s pretty much a rookie Jordan Love’s pretty much a rookie Baker Mayfield’s you know arguably the comeback player of the year

Um Patrick Mahomes has a bunch right uh it’s the other three it’s the other three so let’s go with and I completely agree with you let’s go with goth Lamar and Josh Allen then I think you go to me I go to the best and sorry gof it’s not

You I agree with you there so I’d take him off the list I think it’s the other two I agree with you there I think it comes down to Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson I’m gonna give the edge to Lamar Jackson because I think he’s gonna be

The MVP this year um and he has a reputation of kind of falling apart uh in the playoffs uh this is a this will be a two-time MVP in Lamar Jackson and they have the one seed they have the one seed now if you want to make the whole

Argument about like there was a lot of there was a lot of we need to have a conversation about Josh Allen and I very specifically remember at one point this year saying hey Jason do we need to have a conversation about Josh Allen and you

Say no not really and and you were right about that so I think it’s Lamar by a hair I’m with you I think that’s the right answer I mean look I think the other guys I mean momes is fine like but it’s it’s really down to the best QBs

That are left and and the most experienced that have been through it that have some acknowledgement of being a very good qub back that aren’t going anywhere from their teams but there’s still pressure for you and I think Baltimore has the most of that with Lamar so yeah i’ put him number one

Followed by Allen to probably GF three third down Mike Tom what you okay yeah I’m good Mike tomin told his players he plans to coach the team in 2024 of the Steelers a top 10 quarterback away from being a major threat well if you consider the fact that quarterback is

The most important position in sports when you consider the fact that the Steelers basically had you know Mike Tomac and Friends uh it seems every year yeah uh the fact that he’s able to go above 500 as long as he had and they’ve got a not great quarterback situation

There I I I’m not saying you throw Aaron Rodgers or uh you know Patrick Mahomes on there duh even a Josh Allen or Lamar Jackson du but I think if you got even a a golf level which is good a Gino Smith level maybe Baker playing the way heer yeah I

Yes I I do would I would I put them as a Super Bowl championship Contender it would have to depend on the quarterback but if he’s doing what he’s doing now basically with a deficiency at the most important position in the game yeah I’d have to say absolutely yeah I don’t know

I just really like like I love him I think he’d be he’s a good mix of seemingly like in tense uh but likable um I I just feel like again without any internal knowledge haven’t been coached by the guy just feels like he’d be a good guy to play for so I I

Hope he has more success he’s been successful he had been rothberger for years but yeah give him a give him a good QB and let let’s see what he could do I think he can coach us yeah like Mike Tomlin was a program director here

Yeah I’d listen me too 100% even if he didn’t know anything about radio I think I think he’d study do the work and in the end he’d make me a better host and you a better host yeah it was okay fourth down who is better equipped to rebound

Next season the Cowboys or the Eagles I think we should mention here that uh Jason Kelce went on his podcast with his brother and said like yeah I’m not I haven’t announced my retirement like I maybe I’m going to but I’m not going to make that decision right after the game

So give me some time on this one and he got he got a little emotional about it um I’m not convinced after watching that at all that he he wants to go out like that that being said there are there’s something we talked about there’s something in that locker room

That’s off and I don’t know if it’s Doug serani Nick serani I don’t know what it is Nick and his brother Doug yeah look when we talk about rebound I mean I think the Eagles ceiling was higher this year than the Cowboys there was more expected out of them so I’m

Going to say the Eagles I don’t they they’re just I I’m I’m not backing off the fact that they are incredibly talented there’s a lot of Talent on that team something was weird and I think if they figure out the weird and fix it they’re going to be right back next year

Yeah it what weird like for a team like Dallas who on the year what perfect at home in regulation in the regular season yeah Dak will probably finish second or third in MVP he was all pro um CD lamb had the best receiving year of anybody

Yeah I mean just you had a lot of things go your way and yet your first round exit man uh but I do feel like there’s a lot of talent there still for Dallas the both teams have to sort out are they going to change their coaches right if

They do that then that’s significant changes for those programs put bill bellich on the Cowboys put bill bellich on the Eagles clone him who has the better year in your opinion just I think there was more going for the Cowboys Jerry might get in the way which gives me reason to be

Hesitant on that but I think the Cowboys had a little more going for that old song uh but the jar gets in the way that’s exactly what it was we’ll take a break when we come back who’s hot who’s not stat of the week from Chris rad and

We’ll recap three in the key don’t go away it’s your home of the Sacramento Kings and ail foso because it’s your home with the 49ers coming up at 9:00 a.m. it’s sdown Sports the 49ers earned the nfc’s top seed on the first play of the game

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Good brought to you by American Energy heating and air Sacramento’s complete Heating and Cooling company and second opinion partner is man it seems like almost once a week I say her name okay Clark Caitlyn Clark is correct got it last night Iowa beat Wisconsin 96- 50 she finished the night with 32

Points seven rebounds and five assists it’s not very hot compared to her standards but in her last 15 games she has scored 20 points or more has had five assists or more and has won the game she’s the first division one player to have a streak like that in the past

25 years and no NBA or WNBA has ever had a streak like that can’t she dunk mhm can she can she dunk I’m gonna make a prediction ready hot take but I can’t dunk Caitlyn Clark and Angel ree are going to take the WNBA to a level it’s

Never been at before I I you can feel it you can I can I think it’s already there no I’m you think it’s going higher yes no for real no there’s no doubt the WNBA yeah is soaring right now but I’m saying I think these two coming out get you get like uh

I mean there’s got to be better magic magic and Larry’s the go-to because the NBA was the NBA you know what I’m saying it was it was there people watched it was it was a thing but then magic and Larry took it like they had the little

Rivalry in college and they poured it over into the pros and that that went and then you know Michael took it to a whole new level and I feel like I feel like this is the magic and Larry moment for the WNBA when there I hope it is

They’re going to come out and just it to a whole new level and then who’s going to be the Michael like my favorite W player of all time is sh Hol I love I love watching her play at Tennessee love watching her play uh as a pro there’s gonna be

Someone I don’t know who why would I she she’s probably in sixth grade right now right that’s gonna even even take it high I’m excited to see him turn pro and I’m also excited to see him finish a coule uh who’s would you like to thank another stab who’s not

Yeah stats coming gee I wonder who’s not my oven also who the Sacramento Kings according to Tim Reynolds you’ve been reading the stat the Kings 119 to 117 loss to the Suns was the first loss of a team with a 202 22-point lead in the fourth quarter

Since August 23rd 2020 so how many so what have there been like let’s see 22-point leads in the fourth there would have been like 40 games uh there’s actually been 1,244 games oh about 15 and a half Seasons worth of games that’s good math right there dude

That is actually a good contextual Point how many about how many seasons of games 15 and a half about 15 and a half full 82 game seasons have happened in that situation since someone blew the damn lead also this from our own Frankie cardelli the kings were 21

In two the season when heading into the fourth quarter after leading the first three quarters are now 21 and three uh Earl says it’s still not as bad as the comeback against the Wolves the D’Angelo Russell game I I disagree dude wasn’t that the that was the Nets or the Nets

He’s right well then what does he think what what’s the Wolves one he says it’s still not as bad as a comeback win against the Wolves well I don’t know what the hell he’s talking oh when the Kings did it yeah de missed the free throw on purpose got the

Rebound yeah well that was good I just must have M read it oh by the way YouTube Chatters um after the the show yesterday just let me follow up on this little little show politics I did find out the gripping reason as to why we have mods which was incredibly

Boring the reason was it did you laugh as hard as I did when you found out it was such a let down um and then the wrenches are gone today oh yeah and so are wrenching things like I 100% understand why it would look

Like I went and I I promise you all my kids I I don’t give them the don’t support guy don’t give him the look I had nothing to do with it I don’t and in fact on your behalf uh I’m gonna go ask why the wrenches are go now it’s GNA be

A two-day song I I like the you get a wrench you get a wrench I like I like as a former and still semi sometimes usually Incognito Message Board poster there’s still message board yeah yeah some kind kind of oh you’re Dar Michael mave I would have never figured you out

Don’t dox me bro uh no I like the idea of there being uh mods I I think if you’re here every day you should have extra I wish we could give you more extra fun Privileges and stuff like you get the behind the scenes and the after

Show and what you know whatever I I I like that so I I are we talking about a patreon for the show I was thinking only fans either way same thing same thing so we have to show our feet then gorgeous you know somebody out

There right now like oh my God are they gonna I want to see Jason’s feet yeah you’re welcome I’m pretty good you know what honestly feet maybe one of my better featur on a one to 10 they’re are what I’ll say a eight Pretty Good Feet I’ve been told I

Have Good Feet small that’s small well they’re size I’m a solid four and a half yeah you don’t don’t I’m good Fe anyways I had nothing to do with the wrench uh takeaway the great wrench away so uh I I I will on your behalf wrench Caper I’m attempting to Dazzle Dave the

Feet all right let’s get to three in the key right now uh from the 916 on the Tex August they don’t play in August they do when there’s a bubble and it’s co yeah ah apologize to Christopher LOD in your next text I demand it all right Jason counting summer

League seems a little lame but we got to do what we got to do how do we do yesterday in the old three of the game well let’s take a gander huh let’s Gander it uh oh here we go uh oh yesterday we asked for total points from the what did

We call it oh uh it was like du can’t no the first name was great it was BR brevan yeah and then what BR my my wife says I’d have Good Feet if I cut my toenails that’s good be Booker Kevin Durant total points dve said 73 I said

74 Chris said 82 he seld him to 56 yes I won that one Dave you won that one suckers Kevin herder points and three-pointers made Davey said nine and one I said 14 and three Chris said eight and two this one’s uh oh we got to

Debate and see who wins this because dve said 91 and Chris said 82 he was 102 so Chris got the exact threes but was too of in points you are one off in points and one off in threes I think it’s a it’s a time got one exactly right you

Know what and Chris was right about the parking spot I think the only thing that’s fair is to give the win to him I agree uh random stat DAV said Booker would get into it with a Kings with a stupid face I’d like to submit that that

Happened in the fourth quarter it wasn’t a it wasn’t there was no like he got into it like got into them and destroyed them no Dums down okay he said that they would have to be separated had a punchable face I wish they’d have been separated they were separated by 22

Points with 8 minutes left I had a random stat that I’m going as the game’s going on I’m like no way this will be right then I was hoping it would be right because I said we’re GNA have another overtime game W once they got down two with one second left oh please

Can we get to an overtime and Chris said I was hoping Chris would be right too Chris had dearn Fox would have the game-winning shot what’s bad is I was thinking as a joke like his I was waiting for that oh and the kings are up 25 and they put

This one away I’m like hahaa yeah I got it well we all poed the pants on that one yeah uh the texture apologize to you Chris and used your full legal names that’s nice oh my full legal name well first name okay M name guys have made names I guess

Technically right wait what’s the opposite of a maiden what’s a guy made is iternal is there an equivalent no like oh your last name well but I’m saying like oh look at the fair m is there like oh look at the handsome I’m just asking if there’s a

Maiden one of my buddies uh one of my new friends over in England uh hyphenated his name uh his name is David thr fall Sykes but his name used to be David Sykes and then he married a lady named thrall and now he’s David thrall Sykes okay so he took his wife’s name

And hyphenated his own last name I’d never heard of that before I it was pretty cool happens all the time does it really yeah does yeah oh well never mind then it happens all the time like here and that one such as friends as Katie Christensen Hunter noale no I’m saying a guy

Hyphenated his last name oh you’re saying that you just think women do it for the I’ve never heard of a guy doing it I’m saying I’m here for it do you have an example want Tano Anderson so he was really so he was Juan Anderson he married Judy Tuscano no his parents got

Married so confused want Tano Anderson parents I know what I’m saying is can you give me an example of a guy hyphenating his last name with his wife’s maiden name you say it happens all the time it does give me an example well I’m gonna give you personal people’s names on the

Air we just I just gave you one David throw all s he doesn’t live in this city or country he listens you can’t be doxed if you’re across the pond we’ll take a break when we come back ah me fosa sorry you join sorry a

He shows up half the time you can hold a minute we’ll be right back in the meantime talking about my friends at hin no hyphen there I’m just saying I’m here for it I think that’s kind of cool if you got examed maybe there’s a celebrity that’s done it celebrity hyphenations

Coming next on the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross uh it’s a new year and I know everyone’s been asking me so many people been asking me they’re asking Jason to ask me what’s happening at hoblet for Christ to start something new Sales Event well I can tell you uh it’s

A bit sad the end of an era Dodges stop making the classic gas powered charger and Challenger so uh this is your last chance to get your hands on some American Muscle with that iconic V8 power now’s the best time to buy because you can get up to 7K off Ms

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Hoblet unbeatable prices unbeatable selection nobody be hoblet period i me for go so he’s not a snack he’s immedately joins us next the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right down to the

Goal line he does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass led by us Che a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c MC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports hey there business Ballers and

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Surefire swish swish where your success story is our winning game it’s time to Buck Up Sacramento the professional bu Riders are back PBR Sacramento rangler Long Live Cowboys Classic will take over downtown’s Golden One Center this February 2nd through 4th three huge nights of edge of your seat

Bucking featuring some of the biggest bulls and toughest Cowboys on the planet tiet are on sale now at Ticket Master get your tickets for a weekend of non-stop bucking action this February 2nd through 4th awesome hey babe can you check the front door my package is here

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Can leverage their reach for your business text digital to 916 766 5105 now make the smart move text digital to 916 766 5105 I like daffodils tulips the big dinner plate dalas I loved being in the garden but I wasn’t going to be able to cuz I couldn’t not only walk but I

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I can help you he got the arch support and I was fitted and I kept walking back and forth across the store and I looked at my husband and burst into tears because it was the first time in a year that I have not had any pain in my foot

I have had no pain since the day I bought them now I can do whatever I want there isn’t any place on my property that doesn’t have flowers blooming 365 days a year I still can’t believe it my name is Terry and that’s my good feat

Story see what we can do for you the free personalized art support fitting at the good feed store for sore fee aching back knee or hip pain come to the good feed store in Sacramento Roseville or Vacaville all guests come to you from the falson lake Honda hotline falson

Lake Honda your One-Stop Honda shop K HT k m HD1 Sacramento kymx HD2 Sacramento from the power business technology Toshiba Studios this this this is sa toown Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and he is

Not playing song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports y y y they took her job yep welcome back are we getting uh are we getting video meal or are we getting phone meal okay we’re getting video meal all right welcome back final hour of the program I don’t think we’ve ever had fun

Of meal there yeah you know what I think you’re right actually that’s a good point we usually uh you can ask him right now you’re never getting phun of Mill no he joins us with the uh with the Whatchamacallit with the the thing in

The back the the menu I do yes you will good morning Emil for goo saon Sports 49ers Insider how you doing you know I was doing great up until the eight minute Mark last night and then everything went to hell and that’s just how I’m feeling right now so oh hold on

A second here let me ail froso sack toown Sports 49er Insider oh no I understand what you’re what you’re saying there I just what’ you have to bring it up for I I feel like the the Bart Simpson meme where he just floats back into the tree

That’s how I felt that game you’re a Sonics fan you don’t care go David he went legal yeah um how you feeling this week how how’s the team feeling this week let’s just start yeah with the basic Niner stuff uh give us uh what you know about

Any lingering or uh injuries how is our guy Eric Armstead yeah Niners are looking pretty up after the B after their first round bye that seemed to do the trick for a lot of players including Eric Armstead who is now back practicing practices for the first time in weeks last week during

The buy and that was back in limited capacity on Tuesday we’ll be limited again probably today and Friday just to keep a little bit off of him just so he doesn’t do too much and actually he was healthy enough to play week 18 if he had

To so that’s really good sign for Eric that he’s going to be able to go again hasn’t played since week 13 with the planner fasciitis and knee issues as well so that’s great additionally deshun Gibson Jer Brown back in practice Amry Thomas back in practice after the hand

Surgery um only Dr Green did not practice on Tuesday and that’s achilles tendonitis and it’s more of a maintenance thing he should be back at practice today so all signs pointing up for the 49ers going into the divisional round I just want to break in here I was

Just giving you uh crap over uh bringing basketball up in a ners conversation and I apologize to put a Paul on this but there’s a developing story going on with an assistant coach for the Golden State Warriors deich H he was hospitalized at a team dinner uh last night in Salt Lake City

With what is being called a sudden and serious health issue um and it appears uh all signs are pointing to it being incredibly serious as the NBA has stepped in they are postponing the game uh versus Utah tonight in Salt Lake City uh so that is all the information uh

That we have right now obviously uh all Thoughts with the coach and his family and again I’m I’m just going to hand it to you to ask the next question there’s no way to segue out of this but it’s important enough where I wanted to get

That out there uh Jason Ross yeah wow all right uh Emil you were talking about on the uh side of you know having the time off to get some guys healthier and returning what’s the uh impact of maybe not having Cleland Ferell this week yeah for the rotation it’s it’s you

Know hurting for sure but this ners team is so deep as it is when when you have guys like Randy Gregory Javon hardgrave kinlaw Eric armed Bosa Chase I mean the list just goes on and on they did resign a defensive lineman Austin Bryant who was earlier with them in the season they

Did resign him because of Cleveland’s injury um there there are a lot of pieces in play yes Cleveland’s been productive but his numbers aren’t eye popping so you’re not going to miss him in terms of sacks or whatnot but I I do think the snyers team can get by without

Cleveland frell especially this week against the Packers I just think it really comes down to your stars are your stars going to show up because that’s how you win playoff games right yeah so I saw this uh stat today that’s I’m sure crossed your desk but I thought

It was neat this is for the first time ever there will be seven first round quarterbacks starting in the divisional round and Brock pie uh this is the second time ever uh that there will be a Mr Irrelevant of course Kurt War wait hold on who Warner was no who was who’s

It says it’s the second time ever oh Brock per yeah look at look at you yeah look I had to work that out on the air here I just assumed it was Kurt Warner but of course he wasn’t even he was like Mr super R right um he Mr Grocery does does Brock

Pie feele is he one of those guys that like you know some people like they can’t feel pain or they’re consistently numb like I I don’t want to ask if he’s immune to pressure but does does he do he seems to do a pretty good job with

Ital he might feel it but he never shows it Brock p is as even killed as can be as a quarterback and that’s why the ERS love him because regardless of he’s thr a four touchdown day or a four interception day like he did on Christmas night he is the same guy that

He’s been the whole time he just levelheaded steadfast I’m gonna get better I’m G to improve owns up to it accountable responsible like you in a way and I wouldn’t say I’m responsible um I I I frankly Brock py has Leaps and Bounds more mat than I do probably Brock

Pie to be a captain on this 4ers team in year two as a quarterback is super special there’s a reason why they made him that there’s a reason why they want to move on from Tre Lance because of this guy and he had a pro bowl caliber

Season couldn’t make all pro because Dak Prescott and Lamar Jackson made it which we saw with the former what happened so just saying anyway Brock py has been fantastic all year for this ners team I do not expect that to change in another week of rest we forget about this he’s

Coming off UCL surgery less than a year ago a week of rest just like he had the bi-week during halfway through the season it’s only going to do his arm wonders and it may not have the same effect as it did earlier on in the season it’s still going to be important

For him to be able to get his throws out in time and just keep the normal fatigue off of him so all in all a win for this for nighers team talk with a meal for goo our sack toown Sports 49ers Insider and of course he’s brought to you by our

Friends out of Timber Creek you know they got great golf they’ve always had that but maybe you’ve got events planned whether it’s a wedding bridal shower baby showers corporate events golf events make sure you check out Timber Creek all right so a meal we talked last week about the the possibility of

Different teams they could play um now they get the Packers we know that for sure that’s the one team they hadn’t played this year but what do you and it’s what the 10th time they haven’t played this is the most popular playoff performance we’ve ever seen Packers and

Niners but what do you think uh of the lack of Intel at least going into the game if that favors the Niners or the Packers lack of Intel I’m not sure what you mean by that but well they haven’t played each other this year ners have played everyone else they’re very

Familiar with each other Mike Kyle Shanahan and and Mr laflor I these guys know each other very very well and they last played in that snowball game in Green Bay during the 2021 postseason when Robbie Gold hit the game winner so there’s a little bit of comeback revenge

On the ners minds going on the Packers Minds going into Levi Stadium I don’t think that’s going to be the case though I think the ners are very much the better team it shows why they’re a 10-point favor on the spread right now and I do think they’re going to take

Care of business now I will say the game I do think see it being close like a 1713 game going into the third quarter but I see the the ners pulling away dominating the time possession in the second half and then eventually just kind of wearing down the Packers like

They do with every other team it’s kind of below their standards they’re just they’re such a dominant team in the Run they’re such a dominant team in the past and they’re so good at mixing and matching and finding the right combination and this Packers defense with Joe with Joe Barry and and Mike

Petton that’s Kyle shanon’s favorite coordinators to play against he loves playing against these guys as usual success against them so I do not see that changing anytime soon I think the ners go on to win this game uh Emil anyone who’s been a fan of ners anyone

Who’s covered the ners knows that it’s an Any Given Sunday thing and be careful what you wish for that being said if I had given you a choice to be uh NFL Jesus last weekend and you could have picked the results would you have changed the Lions Rams Packers Cowboys Eagles

Buccaneers is there a better way to favor the Niners path to the Super Bowl than what happened last weekend no probably not and one weekend without playing by the way you lose the C Cowboys the Rams and the Eagles and the Eagles thank you you lose all three of those teams

That have been kind of your on your backs the last couple of years and you didn’t have to do anything so now what do you have to do you have to beat the young and dumb Packers who are very explosive but they are the youngest team

In the NFL and that says a lot you know there’s a maturity thing that comes to it the ners have been there and done that then if you win this game you go on to face at home either the we haven’t been there yet Detroit Lions or the

We’re just playing with house money Tampa bucket so this is this is a really good situation for the 49ers and you can see why they have the favorites to go to the Super Bowl why they the favorites to win it right now I wouldn’t you know get

Too far ahead of yourself you got to win one game at a time absolutely it’s Any Given Sunday but this Niners team if it’s not this season when’s it gonna happen honestly anything but a championships a failure correct for this correct absolutely anything but a not

Not not a not a NFC Championship a Super Bowl championship a Lombardi trophy is a failure all right last question you said any given Sunday I agree with that but a meal they play Saturday good point Dave did you just drink some see Dave why do you got do me like

That you started out with the whole Kings thing I I I did and you cut me off kind of even now well you that’s why you know I’m just saying okay look they’re fine look I get it any given Saturday we’re gonna do the Saturday and it is

The night game on prime time is going to be like that with this Niners team is focused locked in hell even Fred Warner has talked about this he goes maybe the Cowboys took took the Packers lightly we’re not going to do know what we’re coming up against we understand this

Team is good we understand what what’s it take for us they get it this Niners team gets it because they’ve been there and done that they have gone through so much turmoil and change with this franchise in ter in terms of rolling over and having quarterback controversy

And not make leing up to expectations this is the year they kind of have to get it done they all know it there is a sense of urgency and I think this is their best chance because not only do they have a nice you know slate going

Into maybe the Super Bowl but they’re the most healthy they have been going into the postseason in a long long time he’s not a snack he’s a meal he’s your 49ers Insider for sack Town Sports with the beautiful poof you had on staying warm AAL for goo menu behind him follow

Him and read him in our excellent coverage of all thing 49ers as they try to punch their ticket to the NFC Championship thank you buddy have a good rest of your week thank you buds I’ll see you later all right that’s a meal for go so we’ll take a break when we come

Back what to watch that’s coming up but first and celebrity birthdays by the way great day I mean we we got to spend some time today on celebrity birthdays oh I’m excited can we should we take one last crappy look at uh yeah let’s do it all

That so much fun we’ll look we’ll look at back at yesterday’s match with the Suns as they’d say in Europe yeah they would yeah they would we’ll do that next ners earned the nfc’s top seed first play of the game CMC dite join all of our shows the

Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys as they follow their quest for a six Super Bowl title pressured right away by Young and Sack by Eric Armstead sack toown Sports is your home for San Francisco 49ers football San Francisco discover Timber Creek ball

Room a hidden gym in west Roseville boasting an 18-hole golf course and the perfect event venue whether you’re planning a wedding a corporate event or any special occasion Timber Creek Ballroom offers natural beauty elegant spaces and affordability with room for 50 to 300 guests indoors or Outdoors

Timber Creek Ballroom has a perfect spot for your event visit Timbercreek for details excellent meets affordability at Timber Creek wallroom or your extraordinary events come to life at El Grove Honda not only do we have a great selection of pre-owned Certified cars at very fair prices but

Every one of our pre-owned automobiles are treated with kid gloves with 182 point inspection that covers everything from unibody to tires to brakes and engine filters then our Certified cars receive a mobile oil change and fresh fill up with full synthetic Mobile Oil we know you have lots of choices of

Where to purchase your next car come to El Grove Honda home with 182 point inspection and Mobile Oil change we’re in the elk Gro Auto Mall Highway 99 at Elk Gro Boulevard Capital Casino conveniently located on 411 North 16th Street in downtown Sacramento the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross call or text at 916 339 11140 on sack toown Sports we’re already in here so you know we were doing it that day we had mixed in a little a little bit earlier in the week hit up a couple teams but started really focusing on

Them halfway through the second quarter then they scored at the end of the second quarter so I kind of did both at halftime and then third quarter I was sett one that is Kyle Chen I’m prepping for I guess he knew it was gonna be the

Packers after a while there yeah yeah he did um that wasn’t Mike Brown it’s not Mike Brown are you avoiding Mike Brown I I am I am I am I do you feel better we’ve talked a little bit about it we talked to Katie for a while I do yeah my

Wife informed me during the break a couple uh couple segments ago that she’s working from home today and she I’ve been dreading going home to work on the oven that I spilled the whole pizza in she informed me that she’s already working on it oh wow I

Kind of one of those like it’s like when I wake up sometimes in the morning and inevitably like it’s the one more like I’ve got a head something’s going on and I look in and you’ve like done the rundown yeah it’s like one of those things where it’s unexpected Joy um by

The way did she win her coaching debut so the the the funny thing about that is this it never happened and and I’ll explain she sat with me during Mason’s game and she had her coaching debut the coach was sick this is gonna be her first coaching debut I even said to the

Ref in front of her during a break hey this is her coaching debut so if she does anything out of out of sorts technical foul and then the whole time I’m just in her ear and I’m like man what if you call like a timeout but you

Don’t have any and then everyone just turns and points at you and she’s like wow super nervous oh what do the matter with you oh it’s awesome no I was why you blow a 30-point lead dude exact what if yeah like what are you gonna do I

Mean God forbid what if you don’t know the rules you’re the Jinx guy you jinxed us uh you jinxed the Kings last night I jinxed the Kings last night I ran with my wife before about you guys all know what I meant by getting on her case about

D it’s so bad it’s I’m like wait I had to turn around I go Chris isn’t laughing no he’s laughing so hard it’s not coming out uh um you’re saying I jinxed my wife giving I jinxed Kings by giving her a hard time what happened what did you do

So anyways it turns out literally she goes back into now I know why she wasn’t coaching she goes prep the team and she comes out and the co and the coach is there with her and sitting on the bench turns out he Paul pierced

It or Elgen bored it oh he came in the wheelchair yeah he he showed up and and he coached and and she was off the hook and then she said afterwards at first when I saw him I was relieved yeah uh but then uh so what was the story what

Was wrong with the coach oh he was just sick oh but then he was okay I guess and don’t think I didn’t think dude are you coaching sick next to my wife and then am I going to get sick the kids but uh anyway you know so her debut was

Postponed so it was one of those and I I can relate to this she was instantly relieved that he should because she was super nervous yeah and I didn’t help and then she in the end was like after she’s like I kind of wish he wasn’t though

Like i’ i’ worked myself up to it like wanted to do it so any how she been doing it as assistant coach she loves it man and it’s so surprising like when I met my wife just such a little Wallflower um was not you know use the term domesticated I’m domesticated you

Know cooking and all blah blah blah sheing pizzas dropping pizzas she there’s a picture I have somewhere of her uh with a um with a pan and a and a spoon a wooden spoon in the kitchen and I remember taking the picture when we first started dating because it was such

A joke that she was cooking because she didn’t cook anything yeah and now I mean she she and I split the cooking she’s she generally gets home like 9 10 o’clock every night because she’s uh taking my son to you know going with him to basketball and then she coaches her

Game and then you know Avery’s got the thing and we she is I I the other day because she never wants to be called a soccer mom and she’s like I was like dude I don’t know what a soccer mom is you’re whatever is beyond that she is

Doved dived in in in uh with both hands uh she’s doing well it’s a really good outlet for her and it’s hilarious because she has she sounds like an eight-year-old so you know I just laugh out there when she like okay let’s do Baseline drills you guys got to want

It anyways uh set the screen set set the screen set the screen uh two games in a row where the Sacramento Kings had an overwhelming percent uh chance of winning up four with two free throws in 18 seconds remaining Malik monk going to the line 90% free throw shooter

And then last night up 22 in the fourth quarter with under nine to play a 99. ner chance of Victory should we feel lucky that the Kings found the 0.1 what are the odds what are the odds you know what say what you want here’s the bright

Side you found it say what you want the Kings consistently give us a surprise ending something special it’s not always the ending isn’t always gonna be happy yeah but in the end it’s gonna be different yeah are the Sacramento Kings the six sense of NBA teams where you

Just it’s a complete twist at the end they see dead people and usually you feel yeah you feel really terrible and scared about it but that was a pretty good movie that was a really good movie which was a crazier ending for you that one or Blair

Witch um what’s the twist of Blair Witch oh like at the end they show like the kid in the corner there a witch you’re stupid I was well I thought but I’ve told you before I thought it was real when I watched it yeah I did too so you

Sh up he thought it was real too I did too is like you guys thought it was real imagine being that six sense and when it ended up you guys are like when when the movies first came out and they saw trains and people started running out of

The out of the theater yeah yeah pretty much what about six like when it ended I was like no but he oh yeah no no remember the scene then oh yeah they talk there yeah I thought I thought there was plot flaws but I guess there weren’t

Uh by the way spoiler alert SPO spoiler spoiler alerts uh what to watch coming up next uh we’ve got games in the NBA tonight I guarantee you there will not be a bigger choke than we saw last night but still might be some entertainment we’ll look at the best of the batch and

More coming up right after this you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it yes there’s number 11 Keegan Murray steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a

Kings franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports app Sacramento weather is brought to you by Arnold Law Firm I’m tamber Berg in the kcr3 weather center it’s Tuesday we’re looking at

Some patchy fog to start the day and cool temperatures by the afternoon mostly cloudy skies expected daylight hours are dry with rain developing around sun set tonight get the latest forecast on the KC 3 news and the KC 3 app the recent storm has caused dangerous driving conditions for us the

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Night uh lots of games in the National Basketball a Association tonight now we let’s see only one one features two teams that have winning records that weird so let’s pick the best one okay other than that one because that would be bucks at Cavs that’s that’s the best one I want you to

Rate each game zero to 10 he 10 being really good okay Timberwolves at Pistons that’s a one magic at Hawks yeah four wemi in Boston four rockets at Nicks ah five know the Rockets are four and 14 away from home heat at Raptors three or four

Four so cold up there too probably yeah not a lot of heat Toronto oh here we go Hornets at pelicans two Mavs at Lakers oh six yeah that’s what I guessed six Nets at Trailblazers uh two I uh saw a a a man I don’t know if

Any of those games I’d want to go to maybe the Mavs Lakers saw a Twitter uh a Twitter post a rumor is that the Nets last year turned down four first round picks for your guy for Mel Bridges oh how’s Ben Simmons doing Dave wow you know what

You say it like that that’s a question it’s it’s it’s a it’s time to check it’s now time to check in on Ben Simmons’s see working every day let let’s see how Ben’s doing I’m glad you asked is in Paris it was so good working every day

So be back soon there was a point like when I got got hurt this season I was like holy [ __ ] how you doing David wow you’re going to roll this hour you are great Greatest Hits can I just say first off Ben Simmons isn’t doing too well if

He’s got a potty mouth secondly I don’t think that was in there the first time I watched it they’ve gone back and edited it anyways it was a whole uh he did this like minute and a half soliloquy about like how much the game is a part

Of his life and how much he misses it and how when he first found out he was injured again like he’s like I just don’t know at first I was like I don’t know if I can do this again like I just keep getting hit and hit and hit but I

Can’t live without basketball like it’s and and a lot of the the rub on him was well is he really like does he really want it and you you you hear in his voice like if you believe him that it is a huge part how hasn’t it turned I know

It’s like a running joke that like I st stand for Ben Sim want him on the Kings but like how do you root against this guy oh I’m not rooting against I know you’re not but I feel like last night in the Meltdown of the

Last eight minutes like if you got a woe bomb that they traded for Ben Simmons and that you’re like this is tolerable like you would have been the one like H okay this really stunk that they had a colossal epic collapse yes but we got Ben Simmons we got Ben

Simmons is okay I dropped my pizza burned the oven nearly burned the house down Kings lost by blew a 20-point lead and I’m good can you imagine if the Kings actually traded for Ben Simmons like it’s basically Boomer bust for your boy here yeah like if he comes in and

Sucks it’s 100% my fault but dude if he came in and did some great things I would I would be the most obnox I would be more obnoxious than I’ve ever been every single thing that every fan does at home or at the stadium makes a direct impact in the

Game scar he scared me for a um yeah see then he would lead him to the championship and then you’d be done that’s it you wouldn’t want to keep following your guy you gotta no one to hold him and no one to fold him you know when to walk away and know

When to when to run Jason you know you ever count your money not when you’re sitting at the table because there’s going to be when it will be that time it’ll be time enough to to count that when uh I’d say when the when the BB’s done when the trade deadline’s

Done okay I I I want whether it’s on the Kings or not and I’m sure it won’t be on the Kings I just want to be here and I hope we get to witness like Ben Simmons coming back and being healthy and I don’t look Ben Simmons is never gonna

Win an MVP he’s not that kind of player but average 12 n and n Play first team defense help lead a team to champ hit the game hit the Series championship winning shot from behind The Arc in game seven wouldn’t that be like who would made of three yes would that be the

Greatest thing ever that you’ve ever seen since the last awesome thing you saw Yes uh let’s see what else is going I want to remind you by the way cross talk with Ola Styles and Watkins coming up in Just moment they’re here they’re ready are they yeah sometimes I feel

Like they’re like I’m freaking jacked yeah that’s what we got audio from him right there did you see the guy go up and hug uh Lebron or TR yes nice try don’t do that yeah bad idea I’m all don’t do that to anybody you’re right no

You’re right about that and I’m also for like whatever happens to fans that do that as a uh like sometimes like a fan will just get stuck in the Outfield by some overzealous security G like yeah sorry sorry not sorry sorry you uh what’s that saying FAO I see that saying

FAO all the time on uh social media whatever that stands for don’t do it don’t don’t just don’t do it I can’t say what it means okay we’ll take a break when we come back can I find out yes you may Chris Watkins Allan Styles cross talk and being that on top

Of everything else that happened uh last night with pizza with the oh I almost said Pizza gate with the I want to get canceled with the pizza thing and the the basketball game and all that I forgot my backpack so I’m borrowing uh Chris are these your headphones uh no

They’re just in here I’m borrowing these headphones which I hate doing but thank God they were here but I took Chris’s headphone attachment home in my backpack which is my also belong to those headphones yeah which belong to these so we’re going to see what happens all

Right that’s a te yeah I think everyone just moved down Oney well I don’t want them to have to do that because of me that’s lame we’ll do all that next right here on sa sport last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM

Of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars at all NBA performers plus we got to light the be are steal by Fox a breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each

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Text digital to 916 766 5105 now make the smart move text digital to 916 766 5105 put the power of Amazon to work for you text digital it to 916 766 5105 birthdays are me to be spent with family and friends and nothing brings family and friends together better than

Freshly baked and hom delivered crumble cookies it’s time for the news of the day the latest headlines the biggest stories hard-hitting analysis yeah this is none of those things and now here’s Carmichael Dave and Jason Ross yeah yeah eat night eat a night baby hey

Is uh is this mik on do you hear me yeah this weird headphone setup we have now which I can hear everything but my own oh but my turn you up yeah but doesn’t that hurt your ears no not okay then that’s better I can hear now okay good

Hey how are you great great fantastic really after last night you guys are great you know at this point you just lower your expectations there old lesson I’ll skip that one yes expectations I uh as there was a timeout before the final play where the Kings you know shockingly

Missed telling them I I I went and bought the dough I spread out perfect pizza and I got to put it in the oven and it caught on the uh the pan caught on one of the knobs and uh it spilled into a 500 degree oven brand new oven

Like a month old you got to clean that now yeah I I well after the fire alarm stopped going off and the dog start I just I was tell I just there was a moment where the king’s lost and I was sitting on my couch smoke everywhere

Fire alarms going off just staring at the TV in my own world for about an hour just you were like the embodiment of the this is fine meme where it really was in real life this is f sitting there like can I ask you just from the commercials

That seems like a perfect opportunity for the Emergency Pizza oh from Domino yeah youur no you know no I do I do have the insurance no um but I’ll tell you uh I ended up I ended up making one more and then cutting it up and then I went

Up to bed because people weren’t home yet uh and uh that’s that’s how the uh that’s how the night ended guys was the pizza good it was all right see I got the got the Domino’s app yeah that would have been a good really good really good opportunity there we got to get

Celebrity birthdays because there’s a lot I just want to mention today is a Popeye the Sailor Man day love spinach yeah I’m a big fan of spinach too I am diver it’s diver spinach dip then just regular old spinach you spin I love spinach on a sandwich like as a lettuce

I think that’s a very underrated per uh way to do spinach you know the thing about the like popey okay my eight-month-old she gonna know who Popeye is no I don’t know I I think this is we’re the last generation yeah to kind of mess with late great Robin

Williams movie one day maybe she’ll get it yeah Jason celebrity birth okay brought to you by our friends at crumble cookies birthdays are meant to be spent with family and friends and nothing brings family and friends together better than cookies weason more um I’m gonna name four people we

Don’t have to get guess the birthdays unless you like they’ve passed on but Heavenly birthdays there’s a lot of people on January 17th Betty White yeah 101 102 correct yeah Muhammad Ali oh 100 yeah he’s like 80s 82 I’d say 92 I’d say was right on 82 I would not expect a

Correct guess on this but we’ll see Benjamin Franklin that’s like a math question I’m gonna benjin Franklin see get within 20 Franklin would have been 350 not quite 1706 all right so here we go happy birthday to Jim uh correct answer is Jim Carrey how old is Jim Carrey today actually no this

One 63 who out if know he Really yeah Jim carrye is GNA be 61 oh oh you’re close we’ve got a tie 62 happy birthday Michelle I want to be dapperz happy birthday Michelle Obama wife okay uh Michelle Obama is 56 I like that I’m gonna say 58 say 5 I was gonna say 58 so I’ll say 5 Chris good adjustment 60 wow happy birthday Jake no he’s still with us Jake oh Peavey plumber PL wow we got a lot of Jakes but not the correct one Jake Paul not Chris guy Jake

Paul my guy generation 27 D for your kids your son which one is the older one Jak Drake is 25 yeah 26 the difference 24 we have a correct answer and it’s Carmichael Dave 27 happy birthday Steve Enix oh Carell Steve Harvey ah how old is Steve

Harvey Steve Steve Harvey I think he’s older okay I’m gonna say Steve Harvey is 65 that is a great guess I always do it based on the kids which gives you a range so Harvey def I’m just thinking about Lori Harvey she’s R around so I would say just he said yeah he’s

68 uh 63 69 uh Alan styles for the win close one 67 happy birthday Dwayne Johnson Way Wayne Wayne way how does Dwayne Wade today The Flash oh uh let’s see uh he’s 41 I say 42 he played for a while kind of throws it

Off if LeBron is if LeBron is 39 D Wade’s gotta be like 43 40 we have a correct answer Michael Day 42 the M happy birthday to Lil Wayne adner Kim no okay think he makes an appearance ABS Little John he might be older

Than he’s DJ he is DJ John djn let me ask you I think I could do the math on this are there more Wills or more babies Li are there a lot of babies though these days there’s no bigs there’s du baby there’s l baby yeah baby face baby

Sh uh will John is 52 actually did a did a duet with roner but I can’t go older than that because that’s just sad to me so I’ll go 51 what I’ll say l John is 50 I’m gonna say he’s 49 all right Mel D will win 50

Having a day I am I’m on fire happy birthday Jamesy Michel James Michael James El suan John how James Earl Jones still with us Ang Jones is 91 91 that really 933 9167 we have a correct answer and it is Allan Styles back baby happy birthday kid rock corre how Kid Rock who

Cares H uh Kid Rock is 54 actually wow straight out the dad’s giant used dealership Frank a huge Kid Rock fan goty Kid Rock is a musical Savant I’ll I’ll say that he’s one of the most talented musician no he plays every instrument it’s really weird you

Sound like you’re describing Kanye W I don’t like him how old is he uh 50 what I was I said 52 TI between Chris and day 53 last one happy birthday Mor correct 77 are the father 75 80 7 is he still married to Connie I believe so car for the

Win oh my God also did you know Phil Donnie who’s still with us yes is that amazing wait is Bob passed away Rec oh did he on that not guys got king king’s round table at 11:30 with Brendan and Frankie not just talking sorry Bobby the ESPN Milwaukee basically are alluding to injuring

Roock you have that audio come in and you guys Round Table after naked joke last performance right the whole round did you see the dog at half time yesterday on the Flor very foreshadowing it’s a big deal big deal dear fo franch guy or not franch guy PDF Styles Watkins

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